Mary Baker Eddy
52 Historic (1909) Weekly Bible Lessons by Mary Baker Eddy
with Study Aids by Rolf Witzsche
1. Introduction to Bible Study ~ Please see below
2. Roots of the Science Underlying the Bible Lesson Format~ Please see below
3. 52 Historic (1909) Weekly Bible Lessons by Mary Baker Eddy with Study Aids by Rolf Witzsche ~ Please see below

Rolf Witzsche
Introduction to Bible Study
THIS SECTION includes Bible Lessons compiled by Mary Baker Eddy or a Lesson Committee in which she approved the Lessons. They consist of selected Bible verses from the King James Version and correlative passages from the Christian Science Textbook, Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. COMMONLY, the Bible is studied in an attempt to understand it literally. However, this is a grave mistaken way to study the Bible. Even memorizing the letter of the Bible without understanding the Spiritual message is absent the real value available. BY STUDYING these historic Bible Lessons, one has an excellent opportunity to approach the intended meaning put forth by the authors of the Bible. MARY BAKER EDDY has stated that her inspired spiritual interpretations are only because of God conveying messages to her. As she states clearly, God was her direct source, sometimes waiting a long time for an answer or even for a message regarding a single word to use in her writings. Taking no credit for any of her writings, she refers to herself as “a scribe under orders”.Show all View/Download Intro to Bible Study PDF ODT
Roots of the Science Underlying the Bible Lesson Format
TO FIND the roots of the science underlying the lesson format, one needs to go back in time some 2700 years to a development that started in the mountains of Greece centuries before the Christian era began. Isolated tribes were scattered through the region, shackled by a mythology that defined the human being as impotent. It cannot be determined whether or not this region became transformed because of a perceived need for its self-defense against the unfolding empires of the time. We only know that it was transformed as the people found a new identity for themselves through scientific development. THE FOUNDATION for this change was laid by Homer who had established a vastly enriched language, presented through poetry, that enabled the people to deal with complex ideas. The resulting development was almost explosive. In a few centuries the Greece of primitive mountain tribes became the scientific and cultural center of the world, with its famous University of Athens, and such leading edge philosophic pioneers as Socrates and Plato. This explosive scientific development, of course, was echoed throughout the entire Mediterranean region, especially in Egypt. The Christian era, in turn, began near the end of this development period, possibly at its high point. END of EXCERPTShow all View/Download complete article PDF ODT
52 Historic (1909) Weekly Bible Lessons by Mary Baker Eddy with Study Aids by Rolf Witzsche
1. PDF - Please CLICK TITLE to view or download selected Bible Lesson. Most include a specific HEALING.
2. ODT Text File - Please CLICK TOPIC to view or download selected Bible Lesson. Most include a specific HEALING.
# | Year | Date | #Pgs | Title | Healing | Healing | Reference | Topic | Topic |