
Priorities ~ So much to do ~ Where to begin —???

             Treatment ~ 58 min  MP3

                                  Priorities ~ Go to God First

Some Key Points & References
1. Go to God First
2. God, Gods, Good definitions: SH 115, 465, 587
3. Bible: Gen 1, 2
4. Christ Jesus Parables, healings
5. Translating visible matter & mortality to invisible Spirit & immortality
6. Highlight of a few qualities of each of the 7 terms for God: Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love
How to Understand Science & Health ~ Misc. Writings p.463
1. Christ Jesus
2. Mary Baker Eddy
3. Marya Brunson
4. Albert Einstein
5. Robert Putnam
6. Frederick L Rawson
7. John L Sinton
8. Wentworth Winslow
9. Rolf Witzsche
10. Helen Wright
How to Understand Science & Health 
Misc. Writings p.463

Letter by Reader
My Dear Friend H.: — Your good letter of the 26th ult. came duly to hand several days ago, and I am not greatly surprised at its contents. You say, in substance, that you procured the book, 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,' which I recommended, and that to your surprise and disgust you found it to be a work on faith-cure, and ask by what process of reasoning Show all
Bible~Science & Health ~ What is Man? B & SH 573
Identity ~ Divine, Good, Bad & Ugly

      Soul ~ Identity  ~  Network of 7 ~ 53 min  MP3

SCIENCE & HEALTH ~ Chpt 14  Recapitulation ~ Pg 475 
Mary Baker Eddy  PDF

Question. — WHAT IS MAN ? 
Answer. — MAN IS NOT MATTER; he is not made up of brain, blood, bones, and other material elements. 
FLESHLY FACTORS UNREAL The Scriptures inform us that man is made in the image and likeness of God. Matter is not that likeness. The likeness of Spirit cannot be so unlike Spirit. Man is spiritual and perfect; and because he is spiritual and perfect, he Show all
                           Identity ~ Good, Bad & Ugly

1. Network of all 7 terms for God 2. Holier than thou - Jesus was servant, not God 3. Good, bad, ugly - identity 4. Parables of Jesus - impersonal 5. Conversation - yea, yea, nay, nay - Jesus 6. Race to gain perfection or compete with person ? 7. Vision by Mary Baker Eddy - Focus 8. Science & Health pgs 115-116 9. Clara Barton - Standard of Christian Science 10. Albert Einstein - problem solving via higher level 11. Robert Putnam - Bible Lessons & Council of Nicaea 12. Frederick Rawson - Instant healing, 5 words 13. Rolf Witzsche - System of Christian Science,
Christ & Christmas interprepation.

Unity Defeats all Evil ~ 49 min  MP3

Unity ~ Infinite Network Heals Every Evil

              Choose Good ~ MP3

                          SUSAN MACK 

1. Composer, Songwriter, Vocalist.
2. Piano, Guitar, Contemporary style.
3. Mary Baker Eddy hymns, Bible verses, and other compositions. 

Unity of Good by Mary Baker Eddy

            Unity ~ Infinite Network Heals Every Evil ~ References

1. Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary 2. System of Christian Science - Science and Health 146 3. Dr. Albert Einstein - 8th wonder of world - law of compounding 4. Bible & Mary Baker Eddy - precept upon precept etc 5. Mary Baker Eddy - value of moments 6. Bible & Mary Baker Eddy - Pray without ceasing 7. Kurt Russell - Real vs fantasyland 8. Rolf Witzsche - more advanced work in system of divine metaphysics 9. Mary Baker Eddy - Christ & Christmas 10. Jesus - Christ - translating from visible to invisible 11. Unity the only quality that can defeat all evil or any specific evil
 Mary Baker Eddy ranked Unity of Good as one of the top 5 of her most valuable publications.
ALL THAT IS, God created. If sin has any pretense of existence, God is responsible therefor; but there is no reality in sin, for God can no more behold it, or acknowledge it, than the sun can coexist with darkness.

TO BUILD the individual spiritual sense, conscious of only health, holiness, and heaven, on the foundations of an eternal Mind which is conscious of sickness, sin, and death, is a moral impossibility; for "other foundation can no man lay than that is laid." (1 Corinthians iii. 11.) The nearer we approximate to such a Mind, even if it were (or could be) God, the more real those mind-pictures would become to us; until the hope of ever eluding their dread presence must yield to despair, and the haunting sense of evil forever accompany our being.

MORTALS MAY CLIMB the smooth glaciers, leap the dark fissures, scale the treacherous ice, and stand on the summit of Mont Blanc; but they can never turn back what Deity knoweth, nor escape from identification with what dwelleth in the eternal Mind.
Christ Jesus ~ 41 Parables ~ Spiritual Interpretation by Stamp & Mass
This quotation from Matthew is an emphatic statement about the method in which Jesus taught the multitudes. He emphasized the importance of impersonalizing all of life such that he commonly referred to a man, woman, or child without even using a name. Jesus would say in a few words what takes pages and pages to relate the possible spiritual meaning. More often than not, a literal interpretation is applied to much if not all of the Bible, including the Parables Show all
Mary Baker Eddy ~ 4 Topics
Mary Baker Eddy

39 Paragraphs Daily study
for entire
Mary Baker Eddy
39 Paragraphs

Aim of Science ~ Science and Health ~ Chpt 6 ~ Pg 116

A correct view of Christian Science and of its adaptation to healing includes vastly more than is at first seen. Show all
How to Understand Science & Health ~ Misc. Writings p.463

Letter by Reader
My Dear Friend H.: — Your good letter of the 26th ult. came duly to hand ... SEE ABOVE ~ Priorities ~ Go to God First.
Mary Baker Eddy Statement Authorized Literature

'Tip-in' sheet, July, 1891 Christian Science Journal Since my attention has been called to the article in the May Journal, I think it Show all

Robert C Putnam, PhD ~ Bible Scholar ~ COUNCIL of Nicaea 325 A.D. ~ 3 Topics

Robert Putnam

10 bible lessons
                                                  10 BIBLE LESSONS 

Robert Putnam became one of the best Bible Scholars.  He gave humanity the huge benefit of a portion of his life's work in 10 Bible Lessons. 

They are highly condensed with many additional supporting references directly from the Bible.

The only Bible scholar we have discovered that is both easy to read and provides the deep spiritual lessons from each Bible character.

These lessons are an invaluable guide for both new and advanced students of the Bible.

Very informative and enjoyable reading.

1.  The Bible
2.  God
3.  Noah
4.  Abraham and Isaac
5.  Jacob and Joseph
6.  Moses
7.  Elijah and Elisha
8.  Prophecy
9.  Christ Jesus
10. The Second Coming of Christ 
Mystery of godliness
                                 MYSTERY OF GODLINESS & INQUITY

1995 ~ 30 pgs ~ Dr. Robert Putnam 

In ancient times the name of Rome was Saturnia, or the land of Saturn. Saturn was the principal God of Assyria or Babylonia or Chaldea. 

In ancient times alphabetical letters were used to form words, and numbers were assigned to the letters. Gematria is the use of Hebrew portions of the Bible interpreted in this manner.

The Babylonians developed a number system that had 60 as its basis, and it was called the sexagesimal system and reminds us of our decimal system.

In olden times the year was thought to be 360 days long. As this did not correspond properly with the seasons, five days were added as feast days. 

The world was represented as a circle with 360 divisions or days. By taking the radius and applying it to the circumference, one obtained 6 equal arcs, each representing 60 days.  
Council of nicea.325
                                  Council of Nicaea ~ 325 A.D 
                     Cause of corruption & downfall of Christianity.

1. Defined Jesus to be God – Jesus defined himself as a servant of God;
2. Stripped Jesus of Bible prophesy dating from 2000 B.C;
3. Removed mandate of Jesus to mankind to “heal the sick”;
4. Robbed mankind of sovereingity by including false doctrine that opposed God;
5. Ignored disgusting ignoble conduct of 11 of the disciples toward Jesus and stellar spirituality of John;
6. Connected the church to a political structure – Roman Catholicism;
7. Stripped church of its spirituality & enabled mind-control & profit motive – opposite of Jesus’ motives;
8. Removed the books of Barnabus and Hermas to remove evidence about ABOVE FACTS.

Frederick L Rawson ~ Electrical Engineer ~ 1,315 Christian Science Treatments for Healing

Frederick Rawson
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Divinely Scientific Thinking

Treatment is the word used to indicate that form of prayer which is based upon right thinking, namely, thinking of absolute good. It is actively thinking of the world of reality, or the absolute, called by the theologians, God Show all
1,315 Problems + Treatments
Including Retroactive Treatment

Mr Rawson has addressed almost every illness and discord imaginable giving specific ideas for the avenue of spiritual thought that, if followed, will enable counteraction and result in neutralizing the problem. This is a scientific Show all
Life Understood From a Scientific
& Religious Point of View

“Science is bound by the everlasting law of honour to face fearlessly every problem which can fairly be presented to it,”-Lord Kelvin.
“For there is nothing covered, that shail not Show all