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DIVISION ~ Exposing anything un-God-like, realizing evil hides itself & usually is not obvious. Evil mocks Truth so look carefully.

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Two Constitutions and Wars

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All that Counts MP3
The Solo Committee Index

1. Heal ~ How to Progress most rapidly ~ Part 2
In the Understanding of Christian Science
Which results in Healing

Heal ~ How to Progress most rapidly ~ Part 2
  Prayer Treatment ~ 36m MP3

In part one, we covered, among other things recommended tools to be utilized or find alternatives that would basically perform similar functions. Something that is very important to stress and understand is the importance of titling and organization. The idea is that one should be able to find very quickly what they are interested in looking at that is already a created file, and to be able to know where it is because of a logical structure. 
Divine principle is system and structure and that is really the foundation of Christian Science. The structure and system and everything else is connected with one another because there is a grand network with no limits. It was also mentioned that we cannot begin to approach what God is unless we are prepared to make a change from our present position. One's present level of understanding is not important. Striving for infinite progression is a one way street ~ SLOPING UP.

CLICK MP3 for complete details
Prayer Treatment ~ 36m MP3

Abide In Me MP3
The Solo Committee Index

1. Heal ~ How to Progress most rapidly ~ Part 1

In the Understanding of Christian Science
Which results in Healing

Heal ~ How to Progress most rapidly ~ Part 1   Prayer Treatment ~ 99m MP3
HEAL represents:
H = Heaven 
E = Everywhere
A = Always
L = Listen
Heal, a verb & If we cannot think of a single thing that could be improved about ourselves, then we better get more active. Mary Baker Eddy received a letter from one of the churches that said: "Just want to let you know that everything is going really wonderful and we've made great progress. Right now, everything is smooth as glass." 
She wrote back and said: "That's very sad news that I've heard about your church. That means you're not working. So in other words, we never want anything to be smooth as glass because we need to go up to the next level." 
And that's really what the word heal means, we want to be on the path of infinite progression, striving for concrete being. Since God is infinite, that means there is no pause. We must always be active, no sleeping, and our rest is in action.
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Prayer Treatment ~ 99m MP3

Dear Lord and Father of Us
Hymn 49-50 MP3
Newsong Group      Index

2. How to Pray for Worldwide Peace & Prosperity
Prayer ~ What level of details do we Include?       

Prayer ~ What Level of Details to Include?
Prayer Treatment ~ 96m MP3

Specific purpose of the prayer ~ INTRO
If we're going to pray, we've got to be making sure that we align all thoughts, speech & action with truth & Truth. Anything that appears to be a problem must be recognized as a false appearance and not the truth of our being or God's Being. 
Shakespeare reminds us that we, in our viewpoint, determine what is good and bad. 
Mary Baker Eddy, throughout her writings indicate that Christian Science is all about our thoughts and our actions. She reminds us that we will be blessed by prayer realizing that prayer is what we are thinking & doing. How are we living our Life? 
Are we reflecting the one & only God?
Are we reflecting intelligence in everything we do?

Our purpose is to glorify God in everything we think, say, and do, and we will do that if we're seeking the truth & striving for a better understanding of Truth. Prayer is not something that is verbalized by asking God to do something. It is recognizing what God has already done & it is complete. [See Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3]
The system of Divine Metaphysics enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle upon which Jesus' healing was based and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of dis-ease which includes everything that appears to be imperfect ~ sin, disease, sickness, death etc.

CLICK MP3 for complete details
Prayer Treatment ~ 96m MP3

System of Divine Metaphysics ~ Complete View

3. God’s 1789 Constitutional Republic   vs   Devil’s 1871 Democracy

See Comparison Table Below + Article by David William         

Constitution 1789 vs Democracy 1871
Treatment ~ 75m MP3

Some Key Points:
1. Devil
a. Pre-natal Suggestion
b. Material Birth 
c. Matter world 
d. Terrorist destruction of buildings & businesses
e. Reduce Law enforcement
f. Remove individuality
g. Remove family
h. High Tax on income

2. Devil Controlled ABE LINCOLN  
a. God's 1789 - All rights to the People
b. King of England & Vatican Pope controlled US southern plantations. 
c. Used African slaves for cheap labor
d. Used Rothchild bankers to control money
e. Civil war to control slaves not free slaves.
f. Bankrupted the US Treasury
g. Devil's 1871 - All rights to the foreign Governments
h. Used Rothchild bailed out to fun the US treasury.
i. Rothchild setup federal reserve
j. Rothchild started the US income tax
k. Setup a US corporation to control the United States of America 
l. Setup Washington DC as a separate corporation outside the United States of America to completely control US:
1. Judicial - All attorneys & judges
2. Legislative - Congress & Senate
3. Administration - President, Vice president & Cabinet
4. Elections - Local, city, state, & federal
5. Patent office & Military
6. Unelected administrative officials 

m. ROYALTY of England & Bankers & Vatican Pope:
Has controlled the United States of America for the last 150 years.
God’s 1789 Constitution vs Devil’s 1871 Democracy     Pres Trump Mt Rushmore Speech July 04, 2020 Excerpt
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God is All in All
Hymn 267-268 MP3
Susan Mack Index

4. Constitution of the United States of America   Do we want to void it and go Communist ???         

Is the Constitution worth saving?

Is America worth saving? 

 Is Christian Science worth saving?

Or shall we let “OTHERS” determine our future while 

We own nothing, eat bugs, & be happy per the New World Order?

Constitution Signing Ceremony

Constitution of the United States of America
Congress is forbidden to interfere with freedom of:

Religion Speech  Press   Assembly  Petition To Bear Arms No Search No Seizure No Self-Incrimination  Due Process  Jury Trial  Right to Confront & to Counsel  No Excess Bail or Fines   No Cruel & Unusual Punishment

Constitution Document

The Founding Fathers of America, came to America to escape the oppression & suppression of the Kings and religious tyrants of Europe. 
AMERICA ~ LAND of the FREE America was founded as a sanctuary for a new homeland with legal protections built into its newly formed Constitution of the United States of America for the benefit of its inhabitants. As can be seen in the image above on the right, it is for: 'WE THE PEOPLE' 'CLICK SHOW ALL' and includes inherent protections Show all

5. Constitution of the United States of America  1789 Original vs 1871 Compromised     

6. Two United States Constitutions  1789 – 1871 ~ David William6     
Anyone who digs through American history can find the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, when the Crown/Vatican/Swiss Banking Cabal set up to rob everyone of their rights to land, thanks to the Crown Temple B.A.R. Broker/Attorneys who made sure to set it all up for their Jesuit Rothschild Lord and Master. All we have known is war, bankruptcy, and constant struggles with these stinking Banksters and their Lawyers. A brief account of the history of the end of what we thought was freedom. It’s still possible to have freedom, but it’s a constant conflict with the loathsome courts.

UNITED STATES Incorporated in England in 1871

UNITED STATES Incorporated Show all

7. If I were the Devil  Famous Radio Commentator Paul Harvey      
If I were the Devil ~ VIDEO                 Paul Harvey 1965 Prophesy

Wake Up, You Sleepy Head, Get Up

Expose Evil’s Hidden Ways

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1. 1965 Prophesy = All true in 2024
2. Pure moral values
3. No fear & expose all kinds of evil 
4. Insisted on all Truth = no lies. 
5. 60 years, 24 Million Listeners
6. Quality News + interesting Stories 
He was FAMOUS FOR Show all
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Expose evil’s hidden mental ways in all their forms, but realize no reality in them of accomplishing iniquity. 
S&H 447, 571

Mary B. Eddy

What is Truth MP3
Susan Mack Index

8. Understanding Truth = Slavery to Sin Destroyed

Truth = seeing perfect man = NOT judging

Know Truth to be Free ~ Treatment ~ 72 m MP3

                  John Chapter 8 Complete PDF

1. Divine Mind ~ No material or mortal mind
2. Spirit: Substance, Flawless, Transparent
3. Unchangeable standard of perfection
4. Love ~ No judging = no condemning = no forgiveness

EXPLORING John Chapter 8
1. Jesus deflates the rigorists
2. Jesus' bold claims - about himself & God
3. Jesus said: Go home and do not sin again.
4. Jesus speaks of personal freedom

1. Adulterous Women accusers could not condemn as all admitted to be sinners.
2. Jesus never condemns person, only evil.
3. Jesus taught by parables to deliver messages without the taint of personality.
Christ Jesus

9. Escape from the Bondage of Sin, Sickness & Death  Accept the Glorious Liberty from God & be Free

Mary B Eddy

Standard of liberty
Christian Science raises the standard of liberty and cries: "Follow me! Escape from the bondage of sickness, sin, and death!" Jesus marked out the way. Citizens of the world, accept the "glorious liberty of the children of God," and be free! This is your divine right. 
The illusion of material sense, not divine law, has bound you, entangled your free limbs, crippled your capacities, enfeebled your body, and defaced the tablet of your being.

                     Science & Health ~ Pg 224:21 


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