Christian Science Author William D Saunders Index

William D. Saunders

William D. Saunders

Christian Science Author ~ William D. Saunders ~ Biography and Publication Index


Biography of William D. Saunders ~ submitted by Mrs. Saunders

BA, MBA, CPA ~  Electrical engineering, business, finance, & accounting Graduated #1 in every class 
Professional career ~ International companies

Third generation Christian Scientist  
Became seriously interested in Christian Science in College  
Class Instruction & Christian Science Practitioner
The Pathway to Glory published in 2022 - Author ~ 5 years full-time development & writing following 25 years full time scientific study & practice of Christian Science. 


The Pathway to Glory

The Combined Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Including the Lost Books of the Bible 
Compiled by William D. Saunders 

This is the story of Jesus of Nazareth, mankind’s greatest benefactor, whose teaching and example is destined to free humanity from every form of evil when understood in its true light, and put into practice.
His story is told by combining the complete text of the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in chronological order. Combining the Gospels in order allows events to be seen in their proper context and not as isolated incidents. The result is a clearer picture of what took place and a deeper insight into the wisdom and practical value of what Jesus taught and lived.
There are two versions of the combined Gospels. Both are arranged in identical chapters and sub-chapters to highlight the subject matter Show all