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Criticism ~ Dr. Francis J. Fluno

Criticism is fault-finding. It shuts you out of heaven. It will darken all your skies. It will keep you from demonstrating for yourself and others. It will bar you from progress. It leads you into all trouble. It leads you into all discord, into all unkindness, impatience, hard heartedness, unfriendliness—and finally into all evil, hatefulness envy. Just as long as that spirit of criticism remains in your thought, and you leave it there, just so long will not progress, just so long will you not be able to demonstrate, just so long will you not be able to find your way in Truth, because you will be looking for faults constantly. You are fault finding on a mortal, material plane. You will criticize everybody and everything. You will criticize people in every way —the clothes they wear, the way they walk, the way they talk and the way they enunciate, the way they pronounce their words, the way they sing, and everything they do in every possible way; and that is all you will do. If the spirit of criticism is abroad in your heart, it is growing. I do not say that it is there; but if it is, and it is not removed after being detected, it will, of course, remain there and grow. Then by aid by you will want to know why you do not understand and cannot demonstrate the Truth as you would like to. It is because you are finding fault with people—finding fault with what they do and say. You ae not looking for Truth and so are not finding Truth in what is done—but you are studying faults. Faults are what you are looking for, aid they are all you are thinking of. Criticism is the worst thing that you can get into your thoughts. It is one of the keys to perdition because it leads there. It leads to all unkindness; it leads into ingratitude; it leads into everything but love for your neighbors and friends. Anyone can criticize. I never saw a person so great an idiot, if he could talk at all, but he could find fault with others. Anyone can do it, and just as soon you let it enter your thought and leave it there, it will grow until you soon will think you are an elected critic —that is your mission, that is what you are here for, that is the work you are to do. Criticism is an awful thing. It never did any good and never will do any good. It never can, because it is all on a mortal plane, every bit of it. You are not helping others, you are not helping yourself. It does net belong to Christian Science for there is nothing Christian about it. There is not anything scientific about it, not one thing. I have seen it all my life; I have seen it from earliest childhood, and I know everyone of you has, and it is a thing that ought to be well looked into, to see whether you have it or not, because you are a student of Christian Science; you are a student of the Science of being. If you are studying that, you will progress in everything you do. Nothing you touch, but you will do well with it, because Christian Science leads to wisdom, love, kindness, and satisfaction. It leads the way to kindness to everyone, to helpfulness of everyone, and it will lead you to see opportunities and will open up opportunities to you that you never saw before in everything, in every walk of life, to become better in everything you do. Everything you touch will grow out of plainness before you; everything is elucidated, everything is made plain, and everything is made easy. There are no hard roads and no hard work. In fact, you will find no such thing as hard times, and no hard work to get along, if you are studying the great facts themselves. The great trouble is to let go of mortal sense and study Truth, study the facts of being. Do you think you have to hold on with one hand to mortal law and its way of living? If you will let go, you will find your living sure, and you will a better living and an easier life than you ever had before. We lose our sense of worry; we lose the worry of business; we lose the worry of finding business; we lose the thought of our body. You will then lose the thought of losing your life, of losing your health, because you ae growing into strength, life, health, freedom, because you are growing into true manhood a d womanhood. You ae growing to be better scholars of yourself and students of Christian Science. You are not students of the way people walk along the street, finding fault with the way they walk, with the cut of their dress, with the cut of their coat, finding faults with their habits, with their shortcomings, with their little faults and little feelings. You are students of Christian Science!Show all

Latest Treatments ~ Mary Baker Eddy Institute
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SUMMARY 1. SYSTEM ~ Divine Metaphysics is now reduced to a system ~ Please see header for the complete statement by MBE 2. DEFINITION OF GOD ~ God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ SH:465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE 3. a. GOD ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE b. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE 4. CHRIST JESUS ~ who saw the perfect man. 5. MARY BAKER EDDY ~ find me, in my writings. 6. MARYA BRUNSON ~ Explains the system of divine metaphysics and how to apply it to particular situations. 7. FREDERICK L RAWSON ~ 1,315 Ailments with the counterfact of Truth to assist in healing. 8. HELEN WRIGHT Your Divinity Revealed ~ Study chpt 4 to 10 to learn more thoroughly about the 7 terms for God. 9. PLEASE REFER to the treatment 231029 ~ 63 min about the System of Divine Metaphysics and Mathematics. 10. GOD is All in all a. All = all source = God b. all = the manifestation of the Source 11. TREATMENT Please listen to this 19 min treatment for the rest of the details. CLICK LINK ABOVE
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SUMMARY 1. SYSTEM ~ Divine Metaphysics is now reduced to a system ~ Please see header for the complete statement by MBE 2. DEFINITION OF GOD ~ God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ SH:465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE 3. a. GOD ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE b. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE 4. a. HELEN WRIGHT Your Divinity Revealed ~ Study chpt 4 to 10 to learn more thoroughly about the 7 terms for God. b. 7 TERMS for GOD i. Mind ii. Spirit iii. Soul iv. Principle v. Life vi. Truth vii. Love c. Four Operators: i. Word ii. Christ iii. Christianity iv. Science 5. a. MATHEMATICS also have terms and operators. b. DIGITS/TERMS ~ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 c. OPERATORS ~ Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide. 6. MATHEMATICS ~ CANNOT MIX UP the operators, or the product will be incorrect. a. 3 + 4 = 7 not 12 b. 3 x 4 = 12 not 7 7. SYSTEM OF DIVINE METAPHYSICS ~ CANNOT MIX UP the operators or the product will be incorrect. a. The Word does not = the Christ b. The Christ does not = Christianity c. Christianity does not = science. 8. MUST EXPERIENCE a. The Word before you can effectively apply the Christ. b. Must experience the Christ before you can effectively apply Christianity. c. Must experience Christianity before you can experience science. d. Some of the above may happen without you realizing that you are doing it. 9. CHRIST JESUS ~ always saw the perfect man. So he was translating and therefore was the highest example of Christ. 10. MARY BAKER EDDY ~ translated the science of Christ Jesus and therefore gave us the system of divine metaphysics. 11. FREDERICK L RAWSON ~ one of the best practitioners of all time and healed instantaneously. 12. ROLF WHITZSCHE ~ researched the system given to us by Mary Baker Eddy and delivered the most advanced translation and interpretation of it to date. 13. GOD is All in all a. All = all source = God b. all = the manifestation of the Source = man = God's highest idea = God's manifestation 14. TREATMENT Please listen to this 63 min treatment for the rest of the details. CLICK LINK ABOVE
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SUMMARY 1. CONFLICT or friction of any kind is due to manipulation. 2. MATTER M = Manipulation A = Always T = Toward T = The E = Error R = Repetition ~ Fake news tries to embed in thought matter = reality. 3. SYSTEM ~ Divine Metaphysics is now reduced to a system ~ Please see header for the complete statement by MBE 4. SCIENTIFIC STATEMENT OF BEING There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. ~ SH 468:8 ~ 14 Recap ~ MBE 5. SCIENTIFIC TRANSLATION a. Scientific translation of immortal mind b. Scientific translation of mortal mind Please refer to Science and Health Pg 115 to 116 for complete text. 6. INDIVIDUAL CONSCIOUSNESS ~ Mary Baker Eddy indicates that we will be keeping plenty busy by taking care of our own consciousness without interfering or thinking about someone else and their progress or lack thereof in their spiritual development. Family or other dependent should be kept under our protective wings as long as needed. 7. MORTAL MIND a. The energy behind matter. b. The communicator on behalf of matter. c. Suggestions made to human thought, often using matter as its object for communication. d. Communicates in an attempt to make one believe that it is matter doing the talking. 8. PROGRESS a. Infinite progression is concrete being, which finite mortals see and comprehend only as abstract glory. ~ Misc 82:20 ~ MBE b. Our goal is to leave the finite mortal viewpoint in the dust and strive to comprehend God more clearly, filling consciousness with Truth and living more consistently Life in its true nature. 9. TREATMENT Please listen to this 34 min treatment for the rest of the details. CLICK LINK ABOVE
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SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION quote: a. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free - John 8:32 b. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare c. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. ~ Mary Baker Eddy d. Definition of God: God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ SH:465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE 2. SYSTEM: ~ Divine Metaphysics is now reduced to a system ~ Please see header for the complete statement by MBE 3. CHRIST JESUS always saw the perfect man. 4. LOVELY FRIENDS ~ 'An individual always sees their friend as lovely' ~ Mary Baker Eddy 5. CHRIST & CHRISTMAS ~ The final illustration is blank, leaving it open for further development of inspired thought because God is infinite. 6. TANGIBLE SYMBOLS ~ The best dream of all is not based on something tangible but on the qualities that are underlying the symbol of what appears to be tangible. 7. PRAYED 3 TIMES DAILY ~ Mary Baker Eddy and Daniel prayed three times a day and very likely Daniel's dreams could have been similar to Mary Baker Eddie's which she stated was to see only good in everything that she was thinking, saying and doing. 8. CRITICISM ~ a. Creates all trouble, evil b. Prevents progress c. Prevents experiencing heaven Fluno Index 9. ALIGN THOUGHT WITH GOD ~ Instantaneous healing ~ Healing of man that had a load of rocks dumped on him and shooting contest bulls eye without looking at the target with eyes closed. ~ Frederick L Rawson 10. THERE IS NOTHING BUT GOD ~ An understanding of this will heal instantaneously. 11. TREATMENT Please listen to treatment for the rest of the details.
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SUMMARY 1. VISION ~ Article by Mary Baker Eddy View 2. FOCUS ~ Can you focus no matter what comes your way? 3. FOCUS = CONCENTRATION without interruption on God, man and the relationship between God and man. 4. LOOKING through a very small hole increases the visual acuity geometrically. Examples microscope, binoculars, telescope or even curling the forefinger are all examples. LOOK CAREFULLY by following the path of Truth. 5. THERE IS NOTHING either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare 6. HEALING ~ Right thinking produces healing. ~ Frederick L Rawson 7. THE OBJECT that one should focus on is the same as Jesus, Mary Baker Eddy, Frederick L Rawson and other spiritually inspired individuals. 8. ABSOLUTE STANDPOINT ~ From an absolute standpoint, the object should be perfect God, perfect man, and perfect heaven. 9. SPIRIT is substance which is flawless, transparent and reflective. 10. SOUL ~ Focus on the spiritual senses, not material senses. 11. MORTAL MIND suggestions are very deceptive. Mortal mind attempts to mock truth. 12. TREATMENT Please listen to treatment for the rest of the details.
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Unity of Good by Mary Baker Eddy ~ Book 5 of 16 ~ Pg 31 PDF EXCERPTS This is a reading of the above referenced article. Please adapt as a treatment by supplementing the text. For reference listen to any of the Mary Baker Eddy Institute Treatments. 1. GOD IS A SPIRIT ~ (or, more accurately translated, 'God is Spirit'), declares the Scripture (John iv. 24), 'and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.' 2. SIGHT ~ Mortal mind declares that matter sees through the organizations of matter, or that mind sees by means of matter. Disorganize the so-called material structure, and then mortal mind says, 'I cannot see;' and declares that matter is the master of mind, and that non-intelligence governs. Mortal mind admits that it sees only material images, pictured on the eye's retina. 3. TOUCH ~ Take another train of reasoning. Mortal mind says that matter cannot feel matter; yet put your finger on a burning coal, and the nerves, material nerves, do feel matter. 4. TASTE ~ Mortal mind says, 'I taste; and this is sweet, this is sour.' Let mortal mind change, and say that sour is sweet, and so it would be. If every mortal mind believed sweet to be sour, it would be so; for the qualities of matter are but qualities of mortal mind. Change the mind, and the quality changes. Destroy the belief, and the quality disappears. 5. FORCE ~ What is gravitation? Mortal mind says gravitation is a material power, or force. I ask, Which was first, matter or power? That which was first was God, immortal Mind, the Parent of all. But God is Truth, and the forces of Truth are moral and spiritual, not physical. They are not the merciless forces of matter. What then are the so-called forces of matter? They are the phenomena of mortal mind, and matter and mortal mind are one; and this one is a misstatement of Mind, God. 6. THIS GENERATION seems too material for any strong demonstration over death, and hence cannot bring out the infinite reality of Life, — namely, that there is no death, but only Life. The present mortal sense of being is too finite for anchorage in infinite good, God, because mortals now believe in the possibility that Life can be evil. 7. THE ACHIEVEMENT of this ultimatum of Science, complete triumph over death, requires time and immense spiritual growth. 8.DIVINE SCIENCE FACTS ~ I have by no means spoken of myself, I cannot speak of myself as 'sufficient for these things.' I insist only upon the fact, as it exists in divine Science, that man dies not, and on the words of the Master in support of this verity, — words which can never 'pass away till all be fulfilled.' 9. REASONS ~ Because of these profound reasons I urge Christians to have more faith in living than in dying. I exhort them to accept Christ's promise, and unite the influence of their own thoughts with the power of his teachings, in the Science of being. This will interpret the divine power to human capacity, and enable us to apprehend, or lay hold upon, 'that for which,' as Paul says in the third chapter of Philippians, we are also 'apprehended of [or grasped by] Christ Jesus,' — the ever-present Life which knows no death, the omnipresent Spirit which knows no matter.
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SUMMARY 1. FUNCTIONS OF MAN ~ Several references from Mary Baker Eddy indicate that all functions are from Mind. Therefore, there is no action that can come from any other source to interfere with any good activity. 2. INTRODUCTION QUOTES: a. See Science and Health 151:17 b. See Pg 129 & 131 ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer by Frederick L Rawson. 3. TRAINING ~ In pilot training, they teach one that at the onset of any indication that there's trouble, that's when you take action, you don't wait even a second. Immediately your senses should be ready to go at any moment, because one moment can make the difference of life or death. Well, we have to think about the same way about our consciousness at the onset of any suggestion of something that is chaotic, discordant, anything unlike God that's when we take action to deny that it can have any power and then explain the reason why, which is that God is all Good, God is perfect, and there is no other power. 4. MODELS of THOUGHT ~ Mary Baker Eddy makes it plain that we need to always have in therefore thought of consciousness the perfect model. And that's what we want to be continuously looking at. No matter what we are doing, anything at all that we're doing, we want to know what we're doing, we want to have a model of perfection there, and we want to be constantly referring to it. Just like if we were a painter or a sculpturist or an architect or whatever, there's a model that we should have and we want to constantly refer to it. 5. VISION, INTERFERENCE, PERFECTION We want our focus to not be influenced by what comes our way, but we want our focus to be constant on the model of thought that we should be having. In the letter that Mary Baker Eddy wrote to one of her students, which is under the title of Vision, and that's in the Mary Baker Eddy Index on the website mbeinstitute.org. She states or she asks the question to her student, are you able to focus no matter what comes your way? That's what we need to remember. No matter what comes our way. We need to have that focus on the perfect model of thought. 6. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE ~ There is nothing free. There is a cost to every single thing. If we invest nothing, we will get either nothing or something less than nothing from any activity we are involved in. There's many ways to give to those who are helping us gain something from whatever we're doing. If one owns a company, they are paying the staff, the workers, everybody involved, from the janitor up to the top. If we are gaining something from someone, we need to be paying something that is compensate with what we are receiving. In fact, if we're really good, we will pay more. Because if a company owner sees that someone is giving more than what is expected, then they progress the fastest. And it's no different in any part of our life. If we give more than what is expected or more than what we are receiving, that is giving. Otherwise, we're only staying even, if we only give what we think we are receiving in value, we're just staying. Even if we want to get ahead, we have to give more. 7.GIVING SHOULD BE CREATIVE ~ There are many ways to give. Do not be limited by thinking that money is the only way to give. Even though that is the easiest and the most common. If you have a problem with supply, you should be working on that as a project for treating. But if you do, and at the moment you don't have what you feel is money to give, then be creative and think of other ways that you can give in a way that it can be useful to the one you are giving to. And this isn't just with the Mary Baker Eddy institute, this is everything and everyone in your whole life. People are always giving. I had the lady that lives next door just knock on the door an hour ago and she delivered some freshly baked pancakes. She knew that I lived alone and she knew that I liked them, and so that's what she gave me. I give her and her husband and her children things all the time, and that's the way that she said thank you. She didn't pay me money. Well, I do pay her money because sometimes I ask her to cook certain things for me in quantity and then I put it in the freezer. But that's because I'm actually hiring her to do it. If I ask people to go shopping for me, I pay them for their time and for their gas. So money is a common denominator that makes it easy to compensate someone, but it can be in many other ways. Be creative if you really want to give, you will figure out a way to give that will be most useful to the one that's going to receive it. On the street, you can just smile at people as you're walking down the street or shopping and you pass somebody in the aisle. Just smile. Big smile, genuine smile, that you're happy and you want to share that happiness with them. 8.SEEK YE FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. ~ Solomon 9.UTILIZE ~ There is nothing but God. Frederick L. Rawson used this phrase and delivered an instantaneous healing to someone that was involved in an accident. Probably saved his life.
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SUMMARY 1. Foundational Quotes a. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare b. INTRODUCTION quote: For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little. — Isaiah. ~ SH:465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE c. Definition of God: God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ SH:465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE d. GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE e. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE 2. 7 TERMS for GOD ~ The seven synonymous terms described in detail in the treatment i. Mind ii. Spirit iii. Soul iv. Principle v. Life vi. Truth vii. Love 3. FOUR OPERATORS: i. Word ii. Christ iii. Christianity iv. Science 4. REDUCED TO A SYSTEM ~ SH 146:31 ~ MBE ~ See the header for the complete quotation. 5. SAW THE PERFECT MAN regardless of what the common looking produced. ~ Christ Jesus 6. TREATMENT OR HEALING ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer 1,315 treatments ~ Frederick L Rawson 7.THERE IS NOTHING BUT GOD ~ Understanding this spiritually produced instantaneous healing of man who had rocks dumped on him. 8.WHAT WE ARE BORN WITH + atmosphere of early years has nothing to do with who we are but it is what we do individually that creates our experience. a. Color of Skin b. Geographic location c. Education d. Parents e. Profession 9. EVERYTHING ON THE WEBSITE is free Mary Baker Eddy Institute and mbeinstitute.org ~ but nothing is really free because we need to invest something in order to really get something out of it. a. Giving up the belief of life, Truth and intelligence in matter. b. Time devoted to serious study. c. Financial donations to the website or the websites that we gain from. d. Expressing gratitude to all those that contribute to what we gain from. e. Giving rare books thatthe institute does not already have. f. Donating your services. g. Sharing the website with those that you know that would be interested. h. Publishing information about it on your social media accounts 10. THE MORE YOU GIVE, the more you will receive. Because the golden rule really works. 11. SEEK YE FIRST the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. - Solomon
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SUMMARY 1. THERE is NOTHING either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare. 2.GOD: God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ SH: 465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE 3.a. GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE b. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE 4.BLESSED ART THOU~ “Blessed art Thou (MBE) because everything that really is, is in this Book. (SH)” “To think that a woman knew this over 80 years ago.” ~ Albert Einstein 5. MALPRACTICE ~ 3 articles ~ Malpractice means bad practice and the bad practice is the only bad practice we need to be concerned about is our own consciousness and what we are letting our thought do that affects our own experience. ~ Wentworth Winslow 6. ACTIVITY ~ We need to make sure that the activity we're involved in is for the benefit of all mankind, that we are dealing in a quality item and that we are giving reasonable customer service and it is fairly priced. If those three elements are met, then the principle of malpractice comes into play. And knowing that there is only one omnipotent mind nullifies any possibility of interference in the rightful activity. 7. RIGHTFUL ~ Doesn't matter what the rightful activity is. It can have any label from the most basic to the most advanced profession. Doesn't matter. It still applies. 8. 1,315 TREATMENTS ~ It's recommended that his references be used on any problem that would include interference. ~ Frederick L Rawson 9. 7 TERMS for GOD ~ YOUR DIVINITY REVEALED ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God. ~ Helen Wright 10. FOR PRECEPT MUST BE UPON PRECEPT, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little. — Isaiah. ~ SH:465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE 11. ONE STEP at a TIME ~ Need to take one step at a time or one interference at a time to solve it one step at a time. 12.ALL ACTION is DYNAMIC ~ If you are stagnant you are really going backwards as all else is moving forward. 13.IMPORTANT PROJECTS for the benefit of mankind, especially any that are exposing the evils of mortal mind and affirming the truth of the one infinite immortal mind. a. BENEFIT of MANKIND ~ will automatically have an attempt by outside beliefs to interfere and stop the project from even starting. b. ONCE the PROJECT is in operation, try to stop it from proceeding. c. ONCE it's FINISHED, try to reverse it and nullify it.
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SUMMARY 1.THERE is NOTHING either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare 2. VISION ~ Mary Baker Eddy ~ Letter to Student a. Are you able to focus no matter what comes your way? b. SCIENTIFIC STATEMENT of BEING ~ There is no life, truth, intelligence or substance in matter. All is infinite mind. c. VISION is improved in the ratio that we are devoting our time to looking for good and good only. d. ACCEPTING that is ungod like in thought reduces our ability to see reality. e. Not looking for good places a veil between God's seeing and our ability to see. 3. SAW THE PERFECT MAN ~ Able to focus no matter what came his way. ~ Christ Jesus 4. TREATMENT or HEALING BY TRUE PRAYER a. 1,315 ailments and their counter facts. b. View the ones related to seeing and eyes. c. They are directly related to the healing process. d. He stressed the importance of our thoughts being projected experience. ~ Frederick L Rawson 5. RAISED FROM DEAD ~ Wentworth Winslow raised a boy from the dead. 6. RAISED a SELF FROM DEAD ~ a. Drowned and while he was supposedly dead, could see others looking at his life less body. In the meantime, he was contemplating whether he should come back to life or not. b. He decided there were things that he needed to do and therefore he came back to life making the conscious decision to do so while others thought he was dead. ~ Bicknell Young
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SUMMARY 01. PRAYED MULTIPLE TIMES ~ Prayed multiple times daily for all humanity. ~ Mary Baker Eddy 02.INCLUDE ALL HUMANITY ~ One can include all humanity every time by stating the proper words. 03. THERE IS NOTHING either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare 04. WE CAN EITHER be active in our prayer and include everyone, or we can be passive and suffer the consequences. 05.DON'T PICK UP THE PHONE but listen only to station KOG announcing the qualities of God. ~ Wentworth Winslow 06.EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT, speech and action stated affects all the atmosphere because the atmosphere is composed of the thoughts of everyone involved. 07. REALIZE GOD IS THE FATHER of everyone and therefore everyone reflected the qualities of god. He only had to affirm it and make the individual consciously aware of it in order to heal. ~ Christ Jesus 08.TREATMENT OR HEALING a. Treatment or Healing by True Prayer includes 1,315 ailments and the counter fact to generate the healing. b. Making the statement with thorough understanding that there is nothing but God healed a man that had a load of rocks dumped on him accidentally. c. He excelled in everything he did. ~ Frederick L Rawson 09.WORK IN UNITY ~ All mankind should work in unity. Those excel in a particular topic could help teach by home schooling a group of children, and between all of them in the group they probably could cover every subject that would be needed by the homeschooled children. 10. PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN are at an extreme disadvantage, on the most part teachers care nothing about the children but are controlled by a union and those who have a money interest in doing whatever they want to do to the children. There is not a single prayer that should exclude all humanity because the atmosphere is filled with the thoughts of every individual involved in the universe of mankind. 11.SOLVE a PROBLEM ~ In order to solve a problem we must raise our thoughts to a level higher than where the problem was discovered. ~ Albert Einstein 12 BEST WAY~ Often the best way to solve a problem is to get away from it and think about something totally different, even being on a vacation or at the beach doing something totally unrelated, but it freeze our thought so that the right solution can come forward and present itself while we're thinking about something totally unrelated it. 13. TO SUCCEED in Christian Science. It's the same as succeeding in anything else. There has to be sincere effort devoted to it. 14.DEVOTE 5 HOURS a DAY ~ Life turned around by deciding to devote 5 hours a day to serious CS study. Within 1 week the change already was made turned around where things started getting better quickly. ~ Richard Strain 15.TREATMENT INCLUDED The treatment included an explanation of the key qualities of each of the seven synonymous terms of Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principal, Life, Truth, and Love. 16.LOVE REPRESENT a LUBRICANT which enables all of the other qualities to work together smoothly. 17. THINK OF EACH QUALITY of God as a gear and they all work together, but it will be making a lot of noise unless we use the lubricant of love. 18. ALL THOUGHT SPEECH & ACTION needs to be devoted to what is important to one in order to be successful, so to be successful with your life you need to devote a substantial amount of effort and devotion to Christian science, the only science that is the number one science for all humanity, regardless of your profession. 19. FREE ELECTRICITY a. Over a hundred years ago showed everyone how we could have free electricity for the earth is made up of an electromagnetic field b. He was not permitted to succeed because the electric industry which was based on corruption, did not want there to be free energy. ~ Tesla 20.HATED BY MOST PEOPLE a. She was hated by most people because her ideas were revolutionary and upset their human thought process and they couldn't handle it. b. Her own board of directors resented the fact that she was a woman and did everything to get rid of the thought of Mary Baker Eddy once she passed on, including removing her picture from her own textbook and preventing others from talking about her without fear of being excommunicated from the church. c. She left of her own voluntary accord to prevent being committed to an insane asylum, which was their next step in an effort to get rid of her. Even though she was a very sound mind, has had been already determined by in depth psycho and psychiatry analysis, who stated that she had the soundest mind and the most astute ability to see the big picture and reason things out of anyone they'd ever tested. ~ Mary Baker Eddy 21.VIOLATED BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~ Almost every provision in the manual that was written for controlling the mother church was violated by the board of directors. 22. DOWNFALL OF THE CHURCH ~ The downfall of the church followed the violations and the other actions stated above. Therein we find the present status of Christian Science being in shambles thanks to all of these violations and conduct of those that were running the bureaucracy. 23.DARK AGE PERIOD ~ Mary Baker Eddy stated that we would experience a dark age period that was beyond anything that had ever been experienced by humanity in the past, unless christian scientists got on the ball and did the work that they were supposed to be doing and sharing it and spreading it among all humanity. 24. TIME WILL TELL whether or not this is done or we suffer the dark age period that was prophesied. 25. TREATMENT INCLUDES the exact language that needs to be used in order to include all humanity in every prayer, which is really a dictate from Mary Baker Eddy in what exactly we should be doing when we pray 26. THERE IS NOTHING BUT GOD ~ An understanding of this will heal instantaneously. 27. TUCKER MOVIE ~ About a man and his dreams ~ He built the best car that had ever been built. As of the time in the movie 46 of 50 cars that were built was still an operation. He was not permitted to continue operation because of a fraudulent government and a fraudulent big three automakers who didn't want anything to compete with them, so he was prevented through illegal manipulation of government agencies to prevent him from staying in business. 28.SAME THEME HAPPENS to every great new idea. The financial interests of the existing corruption prevents proliferation of truly great ideas. When we learned any kind of corruption we must deny that it can have any power and affirm that God, Good is the only power and Truth always prevails.
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Please refer to citations in the text below to see the Complete Quotations SUMMARY 1. NOW IS THE ONLY TIME. There is no past and no future. 2. LOVE YOUR ENEMIES ~ Enemy is one who you think is your enemy. It is only in your thought that one or anyone is an enemy. The believer and the belief are all the same. ~ Chpt 10 ~ Misc Writings ~ Pg 8 3. LOVE YOUR ENEMIES Love your enemies or you will not lose them. Charity is courage of conviction. Love opens eyes of blind. ~ Chpt 10 ~ Misc Writings ~ Pg 210 4. BE PATIENT a. Be patient toward persecution = weakness of tyrants. b. Enemies unconsciously advertise for good. c. Let your light shine. ~ My Pg 191:4 5. ALWAYS FORGIVE ~ Forgive 70x7 and realize no one has a right to condemn. ~ Christ Jesus 6. PRAYED MULTIPLE TIMES DAILY ~ Mary Baker Eddy prayed multi times/day that she was not criticizing = look only for good always. EVERYONE needs to do the same thing. 7. CRITICIZING IS DANGEROUS ~ Be careful about criticizing – tomorrow you may realize you are wrong and agree with the opposition. ~ Dale Carnegie 8. CRITICISM prevents progress for oneself. ~ Francis Fluno 9. CRITICISM HAS NO FOUNDATION ~ It is non-existent basis. 10. PAY IT FORWARD – Movie a. Give to everyone without even having a specified reason. b. Give to be reflecting love impersonally. c. Joy greatest when giving for benefit of someone else. Always try to give anonymously. 11. GIVE TO ~ Do not condemn = no need to forgive. 12. DOGS BARK ~ Find the problem. Look for the real reason. The barking may be only a symbol pointing to an unrelated cause. Any individual can be acting like a dog with a desperate desire to get attention. 13. PROBLEMS ~ Must be addressed ASAP
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………………………………Mary Baker Eddy
1. Mary Baker Eddy
….Complete Index ~ 10 Categories View
… .Daily Study recommended by Mary Baker Eddy
1. Sept 2023 ~ Pray for all Humanity 3x a day View
2. Diapason of Heaven ~ Recite short phrases often View
3. 39 Topics ~ Covers every Major Category View
1. Authors ~ Comprehensive ALPHA index of 91 AUTHORS View
One click directly to each author index. Complete biography where available. Publications for each author index with one click to each publication.
Media includes Text, PDF, MP3.
1. King James ~ Cambridge Ed. 1900 View
2. New Testament ~ Phillips, J. B View
…………………………………….Bible Commentary
1. Dominion New Convenant ~ Hutson, May R View
2. Pathway to Glory ~ Saunders, William View
…. See Continuity by Combo 4 gospels in date order
………………………………………..Christ Jesus
1. Parables 41 ~ Stamp and Mass View
…Detailed spiritual analysis of each one.
1. Noah Webster ~ Cornerstone reference used by
….Mary Baker Eddy View
0. Complete Index View
1. Kenny Baker ~ Worldwide Reputation View
….Traditional Vocalist with The Mother Church organ
2. Susan Mack View
….Original Music with Bible verses ~ Guitar and Piano
3. Newsong Group View
….Bible verses and Hymns ~ Guitar and Piano..
4. The Solo Committee ~ Susan Mack Vocalist View
….Original Music with Bible verses ~ Guitar and Piano
1. Science and Health ~ Chpt 18 Fruitage View
476 Healings from reading Science and Health
1. Christ and Christmas ~ Complete System of Christian Science, translated through illustrations and brief text. One of MBE most Impt writings View
2. God and 7 Synonyms for God ~ Please See Header
3. Topics ~ 16 Featured ~ Matrix, which unfolds to a multiple of the 16 topics, each one based on the 16 key categories in the matrix ~ Many authors View
4. Topics ~ Other Featured
……a. Peace and War ~ MBE View
……b. Truth ~ Fact vs Fiction 1, Treat View
……c. Truth ~ Fact vs Fiction 2 View
……d. Good View
……e. The last breakfast, The morning meal View
……f. Mercy View
……g. Enlightenment of the truth of being View
…………………………..Treatments ~ Mary Baker Eddy
1. Diapason of Heaven ~ 7 Terms for God View View
Powerful phrases to be repeated often as instructed by Mary Baker Eddy
………………………….Treatments ~ Frederick L Rawson
1. Encyclopedia ~ 1,315 ills, including the procedure suggested by one of the most advanced Christian Science healers alongside Mary Baker Eddy. View
……………………..Treatments ~ Mary Baker Eddy Institute
1. Extemporaneous ~ All View
2. Pray for All Humanity View 3. Sept – Oct 2023 ~ Direct link to specified dated treatments View
4. August 2023 ~ Direct link to specified dated treatments View
5. May, June, July 2023 ~ Direct link to specified dated treatsView
6. Diapason of Heaven ~ Utilizing the phrases by MBE with expanded translation by MBEI View
7. God and 7 Synonyms for God ~ Please SEE Header
8. Guarding Thought by MBEI ~ MBE stresses the importance of guarding one’s thought continuously. Included are specifics quotes, that will keep your thought in line. Will you use the moments to do it? View