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1. New Authors (Keyston & Anderson) ~ See Below 2. Latest Treatments 3. All November Treatments View 4. Criticism ~ Francis J Fluno 5. Banner by Andrew Hartsook 6. Mary Baker Eddy Institute ~ Website Index

New Authors

Science and Religion, or is it Spirituality? It’s all relative! Few individuals know the relationship that one of the greatest scientists of our time had with Christian Science, and why it’s import is critical for the advancement of the age, spiritually. Were you aware Albert Einstein studied Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (the Discoverer, Founder and Leader of Christian Science; 1821-1910)... CLICK to view Complete Article View

This book was produced from the original compilation of five works by Christeen Anderson, The Beauty of Holiness, The Design of God, The Church Manual, The Great Deception, and Science Obscured, under the same title.
This is a history of Pleasant View which was Mary Baker Eddy’s home of 16 years with her invited residents which she trained for coveted CSD certification. Much of the accelerating growth of the movement took place during these 16 years.

Latest Treatments ~ Mary Baker Eddy Institute
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SUMMARY 1. INTRO & DEFINITIONS a. Intro quotes to Science and Health d. Definition of God on page 465, 587 c. Quote from Solomon View 2. ALBERT EINSTIEN a. Discovered a theory of relativity b. Time is related to the activity and the perspective of the viewer. c. Pleasantness or the unpleasantness determined the perspective. d. Time appears to accelerate in proportion to the pleasantness. e. Time appears to deaccelerate in proportion to the unpleasantness. 3. ASTRONOMY a. Provides a relative perspective b. Can be applied to anything in one's experience. c. Very useful when facing a problem. 4. WEBSITE BACKGROUND a. The background that is outside of the white content area is from the Hubble Telescope, which was launched in 1990. b. A new telescope ~ James Webb Telescope ~ Launched in 2021 c. Telescopes noted above implies the limited nature of matter and the unlimited characteristics of the exploration of outter space. d. Viewing the video at top right of this section assist in realizing how small any problem is relative to the events opportunity to explore outter space which is all created by the infinite mind of God. 5. FEW of the PLANETS a. Pluto, Mars, Venus, Earth, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, Sirius, Pollux, Arcturus, Antares b. Which one above is the smallest ? c. Which one above is the largest? 6. WHITE SHEET & BLACK DOT a. Large white sheet b. Small black dot c. Which one should be the focus? d. What is the meaning of each? 7. MARY BAKER EDDY ~ Article on Vision ~ Can you focus on Truth, no matter what comes your way? 8. CHRIST JESUS a. Interpreted and translated b. The visible transformed to perfection from the source(God) which was invisible. 9. WENTWORTH WINSLOW ~ Author of four books ~ 122 articles a. Let God Do It ~ 36 articles b. God Can Do It ~ 30 articles c. God Will Do It ~ 35 articles d. God Is Doing It ~ 21 articles e. Bicycle and the brick ~ Please refer book (a), row 27 ~ illustrates that the focus control one path of movement. 10. FREDERICK L RAWSON a. Book ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer b. 1,315 treatments which lists the ailment and the counter fact of Truth to heal the ailment. c. We should be able to demonstrate mentally the perfect action to take regarding any event. 11. SHOOTING CONTEST a. Mr. Rawson was looking away from the target with his eyes closed b. He got his thought in alignment with perfect God, perfect man and their direct relationship. c. He pulled the trigger with eyes closed and looking away from the target. d. He won the contest. 12. PROTECT TREATMENT a. Affirm no dilution, diversion, stoppage, reversal, and so forth. 13. CONCLUSION a. God is All in all b. There is nothing but God. 14. TREATMENT Please listen to this 33 min treatment for the rest of the details. CLICK LINK ABOVE
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SUMMARY 1. INTRO QUOTES & DEFINITIONS View 2. DARK AGES ~ IS IT COMING? a. Mary Baker Eddy said that if Christian scientists didn't do their proper work and stand up for what was right, that we would go into a period of dark ages that was longer and more onerous than any that humanity had ever experienced. b. STAND UP ~ Understand what God is, what Man is, and the relationship between God and Man and stick to it in consciousness. c. All thoughts, speech and actions must be directed as stated in (b) above. d. Error left alone compounds e. Are we going to be passive or active to expose and eradicate it? 3. CIVIL WAR & CONSTITUTION CHANGED a. Started and perpetuated by foreign powers. b. Goal to divide the people ~ White versus black, north versus South. c. Civil War put America into bankruptcy. d. America went to foreign banking sources for funding. e. America changed the CONSTITUTION, which was a requirement of getting the money. f. Change in CONSTITUTION was supposed to be TEMPORARY, but it has been in effect ever since. g. Normal FREEDOMS that were in the first CONSTITUTION were stripped away in the second CONSTITUTION. 4. FOREIGN GOVERNMENT CONTROLS a. US Government 1. Executive Branch 2. Traditional Branch 3. Congress b. US ENTITIES CONTROLS 1. Court System 2. Banking System 3. Wall Street 4. Patent Office 5. Elections 6. Churches are controlled by the IRS. 7. Three letter Agencies c. Talking against the government is deemed as a terrorist attack. 5. FREDERICK L RAWSON a. Book ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer b. 1,315 treatments which lists the ailment and the counter fact of truth to heal the ailment. c. He was persecuted by the medical profession for healing without using drugs or a medical license. 6. WENTWORTH WINSLOW a. Books ~ Let God Do It, God Can Do It, God Will Do It, God Is Doing It b. Persecuted and judge said he could no longer practice Christian Science. c. He said, no one can keep me from praying. He raised a boy from the dead. 7. CHRIST JESUS ~ Two greatest commandments a. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, with all thy mind. b. Love thy neighbor as thyself. c. If we do the above two things, we will automatically do everything else that is in this treatment. d. If we do the above, we would follow the GOLDEN RULE. 8. GENESIS 1 a. Each of the seven days of creation before God created each one indicated that man must LET. b. Man must let their consciousness be open to God, being their Creator and their controller. 9. GOD IS QUALITIES, NOT PERSON a. Christ Jesus meant that he and God were ONE IN CONSCIOUSNESS. b. Mary Baker Eddy said to follow me only as far as I follow the Christ. c. She did not mean a man, but the Christ ideal or the Christ model for thought, speech and action. 10. JOEL GOLDSMITH a. Had 15 minute appointments which resulted in healings for all. b. He did the above for 16 years c. Chased out of Boston because he was the only one having healings, no one else was able to heal. d. He started his own healing ministry and has active followers to this day. e. He is an author listed on the MBEI website. 11. PAY IT FORWARD ~ See Treatment on this topic. a. Based on helping three others in need. b. The way for them to pay it back is to pay it forward by helping three other people. c. Everyone that is helped to pay it forward and request those to also pay it forward. d. See PAY IT FORWARD Treatment View 12. CONCLUSION a. Follow the three steps that are provided in the intro quotes at the beginning of this summary. b. Practice paying it forward. c. Understanding in doing (a) and (b) will transform all humanity in a very short time. d. REMEMBER 1. God is All in all 2. There is nothing but God. 13. TREATMENT Please listen to this 55 min treatment for the rest of the details. CLICK LINK ABOVE
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SUMMARY 1. PAY IT FORWARD a. Movie in the year 2000. b. Do good things for anyone that you can observe that is in need. c. Tell the individual that they should look for three people that they can pay it forward to. d. The key is to always be alert to others that are in need and offer assistance to solve the problem. 2. INTRO QUOTES a. Definition of God on pg 465 b. Definition of God on pg 587 c. Definition of good on pg 587 View 3. SEEK YE FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. ~ King Solomon. 4. STATUS IN LIFE ~ Doesn't matter where you are in the realm of income or wealth. Everyone should be doing the same thing. 5. FEW EXAMPLES of paying it forward that were in the movie a. New luxury car given to honor a car destroyed by please accident. b. Talking someone out of jumping off of a bridge where they were intending to commit suicide. c. Giving homeless person a place to sleep. Homeless person fixed a vehicle that would not run. And they were good at mechanics and they paid it forward by fixing the truck so it would run. d. Helping someone who was being beat up by older kids. e. Loving someone that was yearning for love and was lonely. f. Giving a ride to someone that was in need. 6. FREDERICK L RAWSON a. Book ~ Treatment or Healing by True prayer b. Encyclopedia of 1,315 treatments with the counterfact to work with for healing it. c. System of Divine Metaphysics ~ Please SEE Header for the definition stated in SH 146. d. Suggested method of treatment. e. Expert on electricity. f. Proved that right thinking shorts out the negative currents and therefore changes what appears as matter to be only healthy because only positive currents are having an influence as all negative currents remained. g. Understand how to handle the electricity required ~ Mary Baker Eddy h. Understand how to handle the weather = how to handle electromagnetism ~ Mary Baker Eddy i. Instanataneous healing of the man that had a load of rocks dumped on him accidently. 7. JOEL GOLDSMITH a. Treatments appointments 15 minutes longs and each one healed. b. Forced to leave Boston beacuase of the jealousy of practitioner who were not experienced healed patience. c. Very successful, new organization founded which continues to this day 8. PSYCHOLOGIST & the MAGICIAN View a. Rodwick ~ Author & Eustace ~ Intro Index b. Journey through a dark tunnel. Realized all fear is created by illusion. c. Healed every element of fear. 9. SPLITTING the ATOM a. Seeking to find the original element that forms the atom. b. Discovered that the only thing left after splitting it multiple times was consciousness of the observers. 10. QUANTUM PHYSICS a. Discovered about 1900. b. Matter is only energy vibrating at a high rate of speed. c. Appearance is that it is opaque, but in essence it is only electromagnetism. 11. PLANET EARTH ~ Not matter, but electromagnetism. 12. WENTWORTH WINSLOW a. Let God Do It b. God Can Do It c. God Will Do It d. God Is Doing It 13. HEALING OF 'INCURABLE' DISEASE a. Child born with the belief that it could not learn or remember. b. Bone structure was unique and unattractive, which is a part of the belief. c. Mannerisms were distinctly identified with the belief. 14. HEALING PROOF of the above so called 'incurable' disease. a. Learn to read at the age of three. b. Learn to play the piano, including all hymns in the Christian Science hymnal, up to three sharps and three flats within three years. c. Classics library of 40 books. Read them all multiple times. Loved them. d. Bone structure of the head was totally transformed to normal. e. All mannerisms were totally normal. f. Tremendous memory that did not forget anything. g. Tremendous balance and acrobatics. h. Bicyclist. i. Swimming like a fish. j. Ice skater. k. Used public transportation solo. Never a problem remembering where to get on or off. Totally independent. l. Gave testimonies extemporaneously. m. Substituted the ailment for the word matter in the scientific statement of being and substituted I for man when reporting a healing in church testimony, meetings. n. Parents kept record immediately after birth of medical profession opinions which proved that the medical profession was an art and not a science, because everything kept changing constantly. 15. CONCLUSION a. God is ALL in all. b. There is nothing but God. 16. TREATMENT Please listen to this 53 min treatment for the rest of the details. CLICK LINK ABOVE
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SUMMARY 1. INTRO QUOTES to Science and Health with key to the Scriptures View 2. DEFINITIONS ~ God and Good View 3. CHEATED, LIED ~ PERSONALITY a. Suggestions come from the belief that personality is the real man. b. Truth is that the real man is spiritual and therefore cannot cheat or lie. 4. MARY BAKER EDDY a. Reminded herself constantly to focus on good, not evil. b. Prayed three times a day for the benefit of all humanity. 5. CHRIST JESUS ~ Always saw the perfect man. 6. WENTWORTH WINSLOW a. Let God Do It b. God Can Do It c. God Will Do It d. God Is Doing It e. One must begin by opening thought to let the truth work. f. Refer to the titles above for the other three steps. 7. GENESIS 1 ~ Every major sentence of the seven days of creation is preceded by the statement that we must LET otherwise we cannot recognize that God has already created everything that exists. 8. FREDERICK L. RAWSON a. Treatment or Healing by True Prayer b. 1,315 treatments which lists the ailment and the counter fact of truth to heal the ailment. 9. SEVEN TERMS for GOD a. Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. b. 4 Operators for the System of Divine Metaphysics. 10. AILMENTS and OPERATORS a. Math has 10 digits and 4 operators b. Music has 8 + 5 = 13 keys that are repeated in octives. Music also has operators. 11. SYSTEM of divine metaphysics ~ Please SEE Header for the definition stated in SH 146. 12. BLISS KNAPP a. Provided a fan by Mary Baker Eddy as a symbol to separate truth from error. b. Let only Truth in thought. 13. SUMMARY a. Do not look to personality to solve a problem, but divine individuality. b. Cheated or lied to = cry for help. c. Offer help in every way possible in order to assist in solving the problem. 14. CONCLUSION a. Nothing can interfere with the qualities of God being expressed, nor can it stop or reverse the effectiveness and truth of this treatment. b. There is nothing but God. 15. TREATMENT Please listen to this 31 min treatment for the rest of the details. CLICK LINK ABOVE
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SUMMARY 1. INTRO QUOTES & DEFINITIONS View 2. TRUTH ~ God is Truth View 3. THE GOLDEN RULE a. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. b. Refer to honesty as how you would like others to be with oneself. 4. THRESHOLD a. It's easy to make the threshold flexible, but in reality there should be no threshold. b. Christ Jesus did not have a threshold. He was pure through and through. 5. SPIRIT a. Spirit is the only real substance. b. Flawless. c. Transparent. d. Reflective. 6. REAL TRUTH & HONESTY a. Apply the Truth, honestly and use the Golden Rule for everything one thinks, says or does. b. The above will help filter properly so that we do not let any impurities get into the essence of real Truth. c. If we do not permit any impurities, then we are dealing with Truth. 7. CHRIST JESUS a. Mary Baker Eddy indicated he was the most scientific man that ever trod the globe. b. All action comes from thought. c. Thinking evil is the same as doing evil. 8. DIVINE METAPHYSICS reduced to a system. a. Please See header. b. A system does not have any variableness. It is fixed. c. In order to know what the result will be, one must follow a fixed system of principle. d. Mathematics uses principle with its ten digits and four operators. e. Music also operates based on a fixed system ~ Eight primary notes, five minor notes and operators. f. Every major topic operates based on a system with operators and elements. g. To be able to determine the accurate result, one must have an accurate system and spiritual structure. 9. REFERENCED AUTHORS a. Robert C. Putnam ~ The Ten Bible Lessons and the Council of Nicaea. Index b. Frederick L Rawson ~ 1,315 Ailments View ~ Index c. Wentworth Winslow c1. Four books, including an Anachronism PDF MP3 ~ Index c2. Truth & Honesty 1 of 2 ~ See Above c3. The Invisible Patient 2 of 2 ~ See Above d. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God. Book Index All pub Index 10. a. SEVEN TERMS for God ~ Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. b. Operators for God ~ The Word, Christ, Christianity and Science. 11. CONCLUSION a. God is All in all b. There is nothing but God. 12. TREATMENT Please listen to this 68 min treatment for the rest of the details. CLICK LINK ABOVE
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SUMMARY 1. OVERCOMING TIME & SPACE a. A girl from Japan won championship on speed calculating being able to tap accurately at 400 kmph overcoming time & space. b. Instantaneous healings prove time & space can be overcome. c. Infinite progression is concrete being. d. We remove limitations by relying on Truth. e. Every activity has a principle, and that's exactly what needs to be practiced, no matter if it is spiritual healing, a calculator racing, playing a piano quickly, or any activity. f. Internet provides an instant communication worldwide. 2. MANY AUTHORS have proven that the belief of time and space is false. a. Christ Jesus b. Mary Baker Eddy c. Joel Goldsmith d. Frederick L. Rawson e. Wentworth Winslow 3. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT a. Moment = smallest measurement of time. b. Many moments are wasted every day. c. Utilize the moments to declare or affirm a particular truth. d. The above are examples to productively use what otherwise is wasted. 4. INTRODUCTION ~ Foundation of Christian Science ~ 3 Step Process a. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free - John 8:32 b. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare c. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. ~ Mary Baker Eddy 5. CONCLUSION a. God is All in all b. There is nothing but God. 6. TREATMENT Please listen to this 40 min treatment for the rest of the details. CLICK LINK ABOVE
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SUMMARY 1. DEFINITIONS ~ Always a good beginning a. God ~ Incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ SH:465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE b. God ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE c. Good ~ God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE 2. INTRODUCTION ~ Foundation of Christian Science ~ 3 Step Process a. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free - John 8:32 b. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare c. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. ~ Mary Baker Eddy d. Seek Ye First the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. ~ Solomon 3. The ART of the DEAL by Donald J. Trump a. Focus must be on satisfying the needs of everybody involved in the project. b. Never think about the profit that will be made by doing the deal or by selling it after running it as a business, if it is a business. c. Approach everything from the standpoint of the Golden Rule. 4. SEVEN TERMS FOR GOD a. Consider some of the key qualities that relate to each of the terms. b. Do your level best to live each of those qualities in everything you think, say and do. 5. THREE STEPS to RECOVERY (See #2) a. What is the truth about God, including God's manifestation, man? b. Genesis indicates that God gave man dominion over all the earth. c. Man must let God in their consciousness in order to recognize that God did create everything. 6. CONCLUSION ~ Go to God First a. Do not take physical steps first. b. The primary thing in thought should always be seeking God. c. There is nothing but God. 7. TREATMENT Please listen to this 22 min treatment for the rest of the details. CLICK LINK ABOVE
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SUMMARY 1. DEFINITIONS ~ Always a good beginning a. God ~ Incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ SH:465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE b. God ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE c. Good ~ God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE 2. EACH ONE NEEDS to cultivate their understanding of the seven terms for God and the four operators. 3. HELEN WRIGHT ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ Study chpt 4 to 10 to learn more thoroughly about the 7 terms for God. 4. FREDERICK L RAWSON ~ 1,315 Ailments with the counterfact of Truth to assist in healing. 5. CONCLUSION a. God is All in all b. There is nothing but God. 6. TREATMENT Please listen to this 31 min treatment for the rest of the details. CLICK LINK ABOVE
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SUMMARY 1. DEFINITIONS ~ Always a good beginning a. God ~ Incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ SH:465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE b. God ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE c. Good ~ God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE 2. TREATMENT ~ System of Divine Metaphysics and Mathematics View 3. YOUR DIVINITY REVEALED ~ Chapters 4 to 10 ~ Helen Wright View 4. SCIENTIFIC STATEMENT OF BEING There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. ~ SH 468:8 ~ 14 Recap ~ MBE 5. PROTECT NEW STAFF Affirm that God is all capacity, capability, facility, functionality and nothing can dilute, deflect, interfere with in any way stop or reverse the good that will come from the work for this new staff member, because God is the source and there is no other power. 6. CONCLUSION a. God is All in all b. There is nothing but God. 7. TREATMENT Please listen to this 20 min treatment for the rest of the details. CLICK LINK ABOVE
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Criticism ~ Dr. Francis J. Fluno

Criticism is fault-finding. It shuts you out of heaven. It will darken all your skies. It will keep you from demonstrating for yourself and others. It will bar you from progress. It leads you into all trouble. It leads you into all discord, into all unkindness, impatience, hard heartedness, unfriendliness—and finally into all evil, hatefulness envy. Just as long as that spirit of criticism remains in your thought, and you leave it there, just so long will not progress, just so long will you not be able to demonstrate, just so long will you not be able to find your way in Truth, because you will be looking for faults constantly. You are fault finding on a mortal, material plane. You will criticize everybody and everything. You will criticize people in every way —the clothes they wear, the way they walk, the way they talk and the way they enunciate, the way they pronounce their words, the way they sing, and everything they do in every possible way; and that is all you will do. If the spirit of criticism is abroad in your heart, it is growing. I do not say that it is there; but if it is, and it is not removed after being detected, it will, of course, remain there and grow. Then by aid by you will want to know why you do not understand and cannot demonstrate the Truth as you would like to. It is because you are finding fault with people—finding fault with what they do and say. You ae not looking for Truth and so are not finding Truth in what is done—but you are studying faults. Faults are what you are looking for, aid they are all you are thinking of. Criticism is the worst thing that you can get into your thoughts. It is one of the keys to perdition because it leads there. It leads to all unkindness; it leads into ingratitude; it leads into everything but love for your neighbors and friends. Anyone can criticize. I never saw a person so great an idiot, if he could talk at all, but he could find fault with others. Anyone can do it, and just as soon you let it enter your thought and leave it there, it will grow until you soon will think you are an elected critic —that is your mission, that is what you are here for, that is the work you are to do. Criticism is an awful thing. It never did any good and never will do any good. It never can, because it is all on a mortal plane, every bit of it. You are not helping others, you are not helping yourself. It does net belong to Christian Science for there is nothing Christian about it. There is not anything scientific about it, not one thing. I have seen it all my life; I have seen it from earliest childhood, and I know everyone of you has, and it is a thing that ought to be well looked into, to see whether you have it or not, because you are a student of Christian Science; you are a student of the Science of being. If you are studying that, you will progress in everything you do. Nothing you touch, but you will do well with it, because Christian Science leads to wisdom, love, kindness, and satisfaction. It leads the way to kindness to everyone, to helpfulness of everyone, and it will lead you to see opportunities and will open up opportunities to you that you never saw before in everything, in every walk of life, to become better in everything you do. Everything you touch will grow out of plainness before you; everything is elucidated, everything is made plain, and everything is made easy. There are no hard roads and no hard work. In fact, you will find no such thing as hard times, and no hard work to get along, if you are studying the great facts themselves. The great trouble is to let go of mortal sense and study Truth, study the facts of being. Do you think you have to hold on with one hand to mortal law and its way of living? If you will let go, you will find your living sure, and you will a better living and an easier life than you ever had before. We lose our sense of worry; we lose the worry of business; we lose the worry of finding business; we lose the thought of our body. You will then lose the thought of losing your life, of losing your health, because you ae growing into strength, life, health, freedom, because you are growing into true manhood a d womanhood. You ae growing to be better scholars of yourself and students of Christian Science. You are not students of the way people walk along the street, finding fault with the way they walk, with the cut of their dress, with the cut of their coat, finding faults with their habits, with their shortcomings, with their little faults and little feelings. You are students of Christian Science!Show all
Quotes from Gilbert Carpenter Jr.
1. Arguments
2. Evening Prayer
3. Instructions
STATISTICS showing Decline from 1908 to 2022.
1. Branch Church Closings
2. College Organizations
3. Practitioners and Teachers
4. Sentinel
Other Titles Included
1. Book ~ Between Two Towers
2. Why official Christian Science movement has been in a steep decline?
Vol 36-03
1. The State of Churches in America 2023
2. Artificial Intelligence
1. Branch CHURCH CLOSINGS ~ A comparison of the January 2023 and the April 2023 issues of The Christian Science…..
Quotes from Gilbert Carpenter Jr.
1. Watch
2. Prayer
3. Arguments
Vol 36-04
Artificial Intelligence Unleashed ~ The Spring 2023 Banner carried an article titled, “Artificial Intelligence” which quoted……..
A comparison of the April 2023 and July 2023 issues of The Christum Science Journal reveals that the following churches ……
Quotes from Gilbert Carpenter Jr.
1. Watch
2. Prayer
3. Arguments
Other Titles Included
1. Extract from a Letter 3/19/00
2. Household Lesson
3. Instruction
………………………………Mary Baker Eddy
1. Mary Baker Eddy
….Complete Index ~ 10 Categories View
… .Daily Study recommended by Mary Baker Eddy
1. Sept 2023 ~ Pray for all Humanity 3x a day View
2. Diapason of Heaven ~ Recite short phrases often View
3. 39 Topics ~ Covers every Major Category View
1. Authors ~ Comprehensive ALPHA index of 93 AUTHORS View
One click directly to each author index. Complete biography where available. Publications for each author index with one click to each publication.
Media includes Text, PDF, MP3.
1. King James ~ Cambridge Ed. 1900 View
2. New Testament ~ Phillips, J. B View
…………………………………….Bible Commentary
1. Dominion New Convenant ~ Hutson, May R View
2. Pathway to Glory ~ Saunders, William View
…. See Continuity by Combo 4 gospels in date order
………………………………………..Christ Jesus
1. Parables 41 ~ Stamp and Mass View
…Detailed spiritual analysis of each one.
1. Noah Webster ~ Cornerstone reference used by
….Mary Baker Eddy View
0. Complete Index View
1. Kenny Baker ~ Worldwide Reputation View
….Traditional Vocalist with The Mother Church organ
2. Susan Mack View
….Original Music with Bible verses ~ Guitar and Piano
3. Newsong Group View
….Bible verses and Hymns ~ Guitar and Piano..
4. The Solo Committee ~ Susan Mack Vocalist View
….Original Music with Bible verses ~ Guitar and Piano
1. Science and Health ~ Chpt 18 Fruitage View
476 Healings from reading Science and Health
1. Christ and Christmas ~ Complete System of Christian Science, translated through illustrations and brief text. One of MBE most Impt writings View
2. God and 7 Synonyms for God ~ Please See Header
3. Topics ~ 16 Featured ~ Matrix, which unfolds to a multiple of the 16 topics, each one based on the 16 key categories in the matrix ~ Many authors View
4. Topics ~ Other Featured
……a. Peace and War ~ MBE View
……b. Truth ~ Fact vs Fiction 1, Treat View
……c. Truth ~ Fact vs Fiction 2 View
……d. Good View
……e. The last breakfast, The morning meal View
……f. Mercy View
……g. Enlightenment of the truth of being View
…………………………..Treatments ~ Mary Baker Eddy
1. Diapason of Heaven ~ 7 Terms for God View View
Powerful phrases to be repeated often as instructed by Mary Baker Eddy
………………………….Treatments ~ Frederick L Rawson
1. Encyclopedia ~ 1,315 ills, including the procedure suggested by one of the most advanced Christian Science healers alongside Mary Baker Eddy. View
……………………..Treatments ~ Mary Baker Eddy Institute
1. Extemporaneous ~ All View
2. Pray for All Humanity View
3. November 2023 ~ Direct link to specified dated treatments View
4. October 2023 ~ Direct link to specified dated treatments View
5. September 2023 ~ Direct link to specified dated treatments View
6. August 2023 ~ Direct link to specified dated treatments View
7. May, June, July 2023 ~ Direct link to specified dated treatsView
8. Diapason of Heaven ~ Utilizing the phrases by MBE with expanded translation by MBEI View9. God and 7 Synonyms for God ~ Please SEE Header
10. Guarding Thought by MBEI ~ MBE stresses the importance of guarding one’s thought continuously. Included are specific quotes, that will keep your thought in line. Will you use the moments to do it? View