Christian Science Treatments – Mp3 Presentations

      Christian Science Extemporaneous & Unedited Prayer Treatments with MP3 and Presentations         250120

Expanded View
Importance of Prayer

Daniel prayed three times a day in spite of knowing he would likely be thrown into the Lion's Den for doing so. Daniel 6:10 In response to an article in the Zion's Herald of March 18, 1885 stating that Mary Baker Eddy was "prayerless", she responded as follows:

Three times a day, I retire to seek the divine blessing on the sick and sorrowing, with my face toward the Jerusalem of Love and Truth, in silent prayer to the Father which "seeth in secret," and with childlike confidence that He will reward "openly." In the midst of depressing care and labor I turn constantly to divine Love for guidance, and find rest. It affords me great joy to be able to attest to the truth of Jesus' words. Love makes all burdens light, it giveth a peace that passeth understanding, and with "signs following." As to the peace, it is unutterable; as to "signs," behold the sick who are healed, the sorrowful who are made hopeful, and the sinful and ignorant who have become "wise unto salvation"! Misc Writings, Chpt 5, pg 133 - Mary Baker Eddy
Christian Science Prayer Treatments
Author: (1) Mary Baker Eddy Institute
# Author Title ~ CLICK selection Media Min Description ~ Please CLICK selection to listen or downoad Mp3
# Author Title ~ CLICK selection Media Min Description ~ Please CLICK selection to listen or downoad Mp3
1 (1) 1-7 Diapason of Heaven Treat Mp3 Full Page 31 03/10/2025 ~ References included in this Treatment
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. System of Divine Metaphysics
4. Scientific statement of being
5. 7 Terms for God ~ Definition's Abbreviations
6. Diapason of Heaven ~ MBE
Healings Completed in 15 min Appointments
Healings from authors below were complete by the end of 15 min appointments.
1. Joel S Goldsmith
2. Bliss Knapp
3. Frederick L Rawson
4. Wentworth Winslow
Click Full Page to view more details
2 (1) 5 Spiritual Senses of Soul ~ Real Identity ~ 1 of 2 Treat Mp3 Full Page 69 11/23/2024 ~ Introductory Quotes & Definitions Index
Definitions from Noah Webster
1. Sight DISCERNMENT, noun ~ The act of discerning; also, the power or faculty of the mind, by which it distinguishes one thing from another, as truth from falsehood, virtue from vice; acuteness of judgment; power of perceiving differences of things or ideas, and their relations and tendencies. The errors of youth often proceed from the want of discernment
2. Hearing UNDERSTAND'ING, noun ~ The faculty of the human mind by which it apprehends the real state of things presented to it, or by which it receives or comprehends the ideas which others express and intend to communicate. The understanding is called also the intellectual faculty. It is the faculty by means of which we obtain a great part of our knowledge. Luke 24:45. Ephesians 1:18.
3. Feeling CONSCIOUSNESS, noun ~ The knowledge of sensations and mental operations, or of what passes in ones own mind; the act of the mind which makes known an internal object. CONSCIOUSNESS of our sensation, and consciousness of our existence, seem to be simultaneous. CONSCIOUSNESS must be an essential attribute of spirit.
4. Smell INTUITION, noun [Latin intuitus, intueor; in and tueor.] ~ A looking on; a sight or view; but restricted to mental view or perception. Particularly and appropriately, the act by which the mind perceives the agreement or disagreement of two ideas, or the truth of things, immediately, or the moment they are presented, without the intervention of other ideas, or without reasoning and deduction. We know by intuition that a part is less than the whole.
5. Taste REL'ISH, noun ~ Taste; or rather, a pleasing taste; that sensation of the organs which is experienced when we take food or drink of an agreeable flavor. Different persons have different relishes. relish is often natural, and often the effect of habit.
3 (1) 5 Spiritual Senses of Soul ~ Real Identity ~ 2 of 2 Treat Mp3 Full Page 88 11/24/2024 ~ Quotes & Definitions
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. System of divine metaphysics
Some Key Points
1. God being the only power
2. Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he? [Habakkuk 1:13]
3. Give gratitude for all resources where you learned the spiritual things of value that you feel elevated your present spiritual understanding.
4. Truth ~ It is fixed ~ Must adjust to it ~ not try to change it.
Authors Mentioned
1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth & Truth
2. Mary B Eddy ~ System of Divine Metaphysics
3. Robert C Putnam ~ Bible Scholar ~ Council of Nicaea 325 A.D.
4. Frederick L Rawson ~ 1,315 Ailments
5. Wentworth Winslow ~ 126 articles in 4 books
6. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ In-depth study of 7 terms for God
4 (1) Accident is Impossible, Harmony is real Treat Mp3 60 01/30/2024 ~ Accidents ~ There are no accidents in divine Mind.
Fear is false evidence appearing real.
What is unique about an accident?
What is a common feature of all accidents with all other problems?
Listen to this treatment for complete details.
5 (1) Accountable Action vs Chaotic Inaction MP3 70 09/25/2022 - 70 min
6 (1) Accounting ~ Settle Accounts Daily MP3 19 10/05/2022 - 19 min
7 (1) Action MP3 29 06/21/2022 - 29 min
8 (1) Age vs Wisdom Treat Mp3 27 03/19/2024 - The introductory quotes to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy is worth all 700 pages of the textbook. In a few words, they summarize the entire story. Must study the book to understand these few words.
1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 2. There is nothing, either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. 3. O, thou has heard my prayer. And I am blessed. This is thy high behest, thou here and everywhere.
These quotes are from John, Shakespeare, and Mary Baker Eddy, respectively.
What we learn as we experience life and Life is what we should contemplate on a continuous basis not just once a year. We must learn from our mistakes and gain a little more spiritual experience each day....CLICK media to listen complete details.
9 (1) Age, Time, Matter, Vision - Rawson Treat Mp3 Full Page 54 12/13/2024 ~ What to teach School Students
1. How to think?
2. Not memorize the information
3. How to find the information?
4. Henry Ford ~ c. 1900 ~ The founder of mass auto production used a group of buttons on his desk to alert any manager he needed information from to come to his office to provide it. He did not attempt to memorize a large quantity of information but instead had a system where he could get the information when he needed it. He was the real inventor of the internet. He invented the best search engine. Ha Ha
Why Russia has many of the best?
1. Russia is the largest country in the world
2. The educators go to every city to find the smartest people.
3. They move them to Moscow for education.
4. The results = the best education in the world.
5. Best Scientists ~ Many are from Russia.
6. Best of the arts ~ Many are from Russia.
7. Best are nurtured to become even better.
Time, Space, Electricity & Greed
1. England taught prior generations that time was a material concept without any factual foundation.
2. This teaching was terminated because students were realizing that many industries would not be needed.
3. The un-needed industries stopped the teaching to preserve their own un-needed existence.
4. The same thing happened to Nikola Tesla. He proved that electricity is free & available in any quantity needed from below the earth's surface. He was unable to bring this free electricity to the public because the electrical industry would be exposed as being un-needed & prevented him from doing so with threats on his life.
5. President Trump has promised to bring Nikola Tesla's discovery to reality for the benefits of all Americans & all countries.
6. Mary Baker Eddy in 1866, taught that there is no life, truth, intelligence or substance in any matter which includes time, space & electricity.
7. Quantum Physics/Quantum Mechanics research supports exactly what Mary Baker Eddy discovered many decades prior to the discovery of its research.
8. Einstein ~ c. 1945 ~ Imagine a woman discovered this 80 years ago.
Evil ~ Some of the Features
1. Can always be defeated ~ It is limited
2. Must be accepted by the target.
3. Deception
4. Decoys
5. Disparage character
6. CIA teaches how to lie, cheat, steal
7. CIA Headquarters ~ located under Lake Geneva in Switzerland in an attempt to avoid arrest by GITMO for Treason
8. Spiritual solutions (SS) are infinite
9. SS ~ Inspired by omniscience.
10. Infinite progression is concrete being
3 Genders
Male = Courage, Strength, Life, Energy
Female = Mother (like a gardener), Care for, Gentle, Nurture, Kind, Tender, Loving
1. Qualities such as beauty ~ A beautiful rose.
2. Wonderful Aroma ~ Perfume.
3. The symbols of qualities are visible but qualities themselves are intangible or invisible. Qualities unless related to an object are a neutral gender.
10 (1) All Existence MP3 48 05/21/2022 - All humanity, all human relationships, human events, God, man, God-man relationship, all reality. 48 min
11 (1) America - Symbol for Kingdom of God MP3 20 04/16/2022 - America was given to humanity as a place for total freedom to be God’s children. This includes freedom from all oppression, suppression, of any and all kind whatsoever. There is no force or action that can interfere with God’s plan if humanity aligns self with God and holds on tightly. 20 min
12 (1) America ~ Includes Divine Metaphysics Matrix MP3 60 06/05/2022 - Any organization, association, corporation, government, country, group of countries, event, action is nothing but individuals. Any real action is God at work which is measured as power. 60 min
13 (1) America ~ Prayer, Prevention, Protection Treat Mp3 100 09/22/2024 ~ All prayer must be Impersonal
2. If you don't stand up, ALL will be lost.
3. If you are a sheep, ALL will be lost.
4. Protection of Freedoms
5. Prevention of Evil & protection of good
6. America is a state of consciousness
7. Prayer is dynamic, not passive or static
8. God helps those who help themselves
9. Living God's qualities = Power
10. Not living God's qualities = Weak & Fail
11. Peter, James & John fell slept
12. All Must be Alert as prayer dynamic
13. Christ Jesus ~ Separating HEALING from him & naming him God = Failure of Spiritual Progress = Christianity LOST
14. Mary Baker Eddy ~ Separating HEALING from her & from Christian Science = Failure of Spiritual PROGRESS = Christian Science LOST
15. Mortal mind & matter hates truth & Truth
16. Be grateful for Christ Jesus
17. Be grateful for Mary Baker Eddy
18. Seek ye first, the Kingdom of God
19. Tithing includes every part of your life
20. Tithe 0% of all resources = Failure 21. Tithe 5% of all resources = D student 22. Tithe 10% of all resources = C student 23. Tithe 20% of all resources = B student 24. Tithe 30% + of all resources = A student
25. Tithe 0% to daily study = 0.0 hrs = Failure 26. Tithe 5% to daily study = 1.2 hrs = D student 27. Tithe 10% to daily study = 2.4 hrs = C student 28. Tithe 20% to daily study = 4.8 hrs = B student 29. Tithe 30% to daily study = 7.2 hrs = A student
30. Tithe 0% of all talents = Failure 31. Tithe 5% of all talents = D student 32. Tithe 10% of all talents = C student 33. Tithe 20% of all talents = B student 34. Tithe 30% + of all talents = A student
35. Student = Humility = Spiritual Progress
36. Spiritual progress improves every life
37. Spiritual progress touches everyone
38. Failure reflects submitting to universal beliefs
39. Pray = 3x a day for all humanity
40. Reality check = Purify thoughts 12x a day
41. Do you care about the rest of today?
42. Do you care about tomorrow?
43. Do you care about civilization survival?
44. WEF & NWO = Killing 94% of population
45. Christianity is lost ~ See # 13
46. Christian Science is lost ~ See # 14
47. Christianity ~ Want to restore it?
48. Christian Science ~ Want to restore it?
14 (1) America ~ Preface re Freedom MP3 1 06/05/2022 - Recommends the audio on America if one desires freedom in America or any other country in which one is a citizen. 23 sec
15 (1) America ~ Restore ~ Honest & Freedom Country Process Treat Mp3 72 10/01/2024 ~ America ~ Restore ~ Honest & Freedom Country Process
1. Recognize & Analyze
2. Dig for Root
3. Expose
4. Shine Light
5. Evil self-destruction
6. Manual cleanup = Tribunals
7. Tribunals, Penalty
8. Implementation
9. Restoration incentives
10. Compound incentives
Swamp Draining ~ Done & In Process ~ Military Tribunals ~ Arrested &/or Penalty Completed
1. Presidents 2. Vice Presidents 3. Cabinets 4. Governors 5. Attorney Generals 6. Judges 7. Juries 8. Domestic Military & Agency heads 9. Foreign Military & Agency heads 10. Law Firm heads 11. Doctors 12. Nurses
America ~ Transformation from Evil elements listed below back to Original Honest & Freedom Country ~ In Process
1. Leadership symbol of what not to do
2. Not respected by other nations
3. Always in war to conquer other nations
4. No rule of law – never prosecuted evil it was in
5. Covered up all its evil & crimes
6. Crimes against humanity worldwide
7. Human trafficking rampant
8. Opioids crises
9. Crimes against children worldwide
10. Corrupt government local state federal
11. Extent of its evil unknown
12. Covered up all evil & its actions
13. Bribery at all levels
14. Nearly every judge & jury was corrupt
15. Law cases were sold to the highest bidder
16. Prisons were private & in business for profit
17. Prison owners in partnership with judges
18. Judges ruled 99% of all defendants were guilty
19. Prisons filled with innocent's defendants
20. Judges ~ made new law vs enforcing existing
21. Court appeals in effective = all corrupt
22. Bribery everywhere at all levels
23. Only 1 of 535 in congress & senate honest
24. Set fire to almost all food processing facilities
25. Put farmers out of business
26. Destroyed most small businesses
27. Burned major cities including historic buildings
28. Infrastructure going down for decades
29. Reduced law enforcement funding
30. Major effort to divide everyone & everything
31. Forced closing of churches, group gathering
32. Encourage divorce & discourage marriage
33. Unelected swam controlling government
34. Controlled election outcomes
35. Innocent good prosecuted ~ Never Evil
16 (1) America ~ The Point of the Sword Treat Mp3 90 06/30/2024 ~ EXCERPTS
SUN The symbol of Soul governing man, — of Truth, Life, and Love. [SH 595]
SWORD The idea of Truth; justice. Revenge; anger. [SH 595]
TARES Mortality; error; sin; sickness; disease; death. [SH 595]
Sword: Emblem of triumph and protection. [Noah Webster 1828]
Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the Lord, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency! and thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee; and thou shalt tread upon their high places. [Deuteronomy 32]
Christ Jesus came with a Sword of Division
"Never think I have come to bring peace upon the earth. No, I have not come to bring peace but a sword! For I have come to set a man against his own father, a daughter against her own mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man's enemies will be those who live in his own house. [Matthew 10 ~ JB Phillips]
The two-edged sword of Truth must turn in every direction to guard "the tree of life. [SH 458]
Was it Mind or matter that spake in creation, "and it was done"? The answer is self-evident, and the command remains, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." [Misc 23:10-13]
17 (1) America ~ Why Pray for America MP3 19 06/05/2022 - Details the reasons why it is critical to pray for America or any country of which one is a citizen if they desire freedom. 19 min
18 (1) America ~ Why Pray for America ~ Intro & Divine Metaphysics Matrix ~ Intro MP3 2 06/05/2022 - Why pray for America or any country in which you are a citizen if you want freedom + information about Mary Baker Eddy’s statement re the system of divine metaphysics. Introduction 2 min
19 (1) Attraction MP3 68 06/04/2023 - ATTRACTION, noun
by Noah Webster, 1828 Dictionary
4. SH 124:20-31 ~ PROPERTIES OF MIND
8. MIS. 173:20-5 ~ MATTER IS NOWHERE
9. UN. 35:13-9 ~ GOD WAS FIRST
20 (1) Attraction Yield Self-Ego to God & Let Divine Mind Attract Self to Truth Treat Mp3 64 04/23/2024 ~ INTRODUCTION TO PRAYER TREATMENT
Attraction - Contemplative factors.
MARY BAKER EDDY begins the textbook with three quotations which could be used very productively in determining exactly how to approach the topic of what contemplative factors we should be considering.
1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ~ John viii 32
CHRIST JESUS makes some very vivid statements about what we should be free from.
DON't PILE UP TREASURES on earth where moth and rust can spoil them, and thieves can break in and steal. But keep your treasure in heaven, where there is neither moth nor rust to spoil it, and nobody can break in and steal. For where your treasure is, you may be certain that your heart will be there too. No one can be loyal to two masters. He is bound to hate one and love the other. You cannot serve God and the power of money at the same time. ~ JB Phillips Bible Matthew Chpt 6 ... Please CLICK media for complete details
21 (1) Attraction ~ Force Adhesion Cohesion MP3 17 04/18/2021 - Attraction ~ Force Adhesion Cohesion
22 (1) Attraction ~ Mind Natural MP3 15 09/08/2020 - Attraction ~ Mind Natural
23 (1) Birth ~ Awakening to Truth MP3 29 05/15/2023 - FIRST STEP TOWARDS DESTROYING ERROR
Unhesitating decision
To decide quickly as to the proper treatment of error whether error is manifested in forms of sickness, sin, or death is the first step towards destroying error.
24 (1) Birth ~ From Awakening to Ascension MP3 25 12/12/2022 - Ascension involves letting go of the belief of life, truth, and intelligence in matter.
The false impression of birth being a material activity interferes with the true concept of birth as stated in the Bible, Genesis chapter 1 where it states man is made in the image and likeness of God.
Jesus experienced a probationary period after resurrection which was then followed by ascension.
25 (1) Blessings ~ Giving ~ Gratitude Treat_Mp3 21 08/02/2023 - Send Out Thy Light ~ The Solo Committee Musician MP3
Blessings need to be repaid.
There are many ways to give.
Many types of gratitude.
We receive benefits based on what we willingly give.
26 (1) Body ~ Abnormal Growth on Body Treat_Mp3 59 08/04/2023 - Lead Me To The Rock ~ The Solo Committee ~  Musician MP3
Belief of abnormal growth on the body.
How to heal it?
What is the real meaning of body?
27 (1) Border ~ Watch or do Treat Mp3 47 01/27/2024 ~ BORDER -- Soul ~ Spiritual Identity
Does it include spiritual seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling?
28 (1) Censorship and Secret Societies Treat Mp3 PDF 76 02/24/2024 ~ Censorship and Secret Societies by John F. Kennedy MP4
1. Grows in dark ~ Mushroom
2. Volcanic ~ Create false flag of chaos and blame it on the innocent.
3. Accuses the innocent for what it is doing itself.
4. Degrades Character to mock what it is doing itself.
5. Uses Immorality as an enticement.
6. After Immoral acts, bribes the victims
7. Uses coercion and threats.
8. Mind Control on individuals & groups and universally.
9. Executes those who expose the corrupt activities of the organization
29 (1) Chaos ~ Dominion Treat_Mp3 53 08/15/2023 --- How do we demonstrate dominion in the midst of chaos. Anything at all that is unlike God is a false flag.
A temptation to believe that:
1. God is not omnipresent 2. God is not omnipotent 3. God is not omniscient 4. God is not omni-active
A temptation to believe that God lacks:
1. Intelligence 2. Wisdom 3. Knowing 4. Capacity 5. Capability 6. Creative ability 7. Functionality
A temptation to believe that
1. God is made up of matter that is flawed. 2. That the personal senses are the real senses: seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling and smelling are all made up of a matter and operated by moral mind. 3. That life can be terminate to become death. 4. That life it is not eternal, not spiritual. 5. That the principle is out the window. 6. There is no structure, no system, no balance and no harmony. 7. Chaos will upset everything. 8. That Truth there is no standard, no foundation that we can depend on. 9. There is no love, everything is hate, fear and discord. 10. Evil will control you because it prevent you from being united. 11. You are not going to be united with God or with others like-minded thinking individuals. 12.You may pursue a better understanding of God but out there you are all alone. 13. Evil will turn your life upside down. 14. You are going to think that there is nothing to control all these false flags. 15. Evil will make you believe that they are all real and outside of anyone's control.
1. Deny that reality or anything unlike God is false. 2. Affirm the qualities of God are true. 3. Know there is nothing but God.
30 (1) Chaos ~ From Heaven to Hell and Back Treat Mp3 122 07/21/2024 ~ Material Sense of Heaven is Finite & Leads to Hell
Body ~ What is the real Body?
Body only has four letters and two syllables. The common way to view body is in a finite sense. But if one looks more closely, no matter what kind of body you're thinking about, whether it is a personal body that you see in the mirror, or whether it is a company or anything else, higher, lower, or in between, if one examines it closely, they will see that there are probably many elements that comprise the body. For example, what we see in the mirror we know has exterior and interior elements. If you're like me, you know almost nothing about the invisible. In other words, what is underneath the exterior shell that one can easily view and describe.
Is body being seen as spiritual & flawless?
Elements that are invisible could be static, or they could be dynamic. No matter what kind of a body, it includes an exterior & interior.
Body is consciousness including its contents
1. What substance are we assigning to the exterior? How about the interior?
2. Where do each one of them obtain their functionality, capacity, facility?
3. God is all intelligence, wisdom, knowing, action. Can God's image experience a malfunction?
31 (1) Child of God MP3 54 10/03/2022 - 54 min
32 (1) Christmas ~ The Perfect Christian Science Christmas ~ 2024 Treat Mp3 Full Page 93 12/18/2024 ~ Some Key Points referred in this treatment
1. Christmas was the birth of Jesus. This is the time in Christian history when he appeared in visible form.
2. Christian Scientists take it a step further. Jesus was given the title of "The Christ". Therefore, this consciousness which is the consciousness of God, is given the name "The Christ consciousness".
3. Therefore it is proper to describe the event of Christmas as the birth of the Christ consciousness within.
4. Certainly, Jesus demonstrated & proved & gave us many examples of the Christ consciousness within his every thought, speech & action.
5. If we will adopt the same Christ consciousness that Jesus adopted, we can be guaranteed that we will have the absolute perfect Christmas.
6. The Bible says we should pray without ceasing. If we live our life by keeping this Christ consciousness at the forefront of our thought, then every moment is Christmas for us individually ~ It's not just one day of the year.
7. Exploring what that might possibly mean, let's consider one of the greatest Christian Science practitioners of all time. Frederick L Rawson said that our focus should be to make other people happy. This is really saying that we should live the Golden Rule all the time & in every moment of our life.
8. The following & all other authors on our website would agree that letting the Christ consciousness be our guide every moment would be following the Christ consciousness.
1. Mary Baker Eddy
2. Christ Jesus
3. Wentworth Winslow
4. All of the authors really agree with this position.
33 (1) Communication ~ One Way Simplex Treat Mp3 61 09/26/2023 -- SUMMARY
1.Do we know our business?
2. Our business is to align ourselves with the principle of every activity in which we are involved.
3. Aligning ourselves with principle is how we communicate with God, how we talk to God.
4. Genesis 1 stresses the point that we must let our consciousness be open so that we can accept the qualities of God as outlined in Genesis chapter 1.
5. We need to learn the 4 operators of the system of divine Metaphysics ~ See the definition in the Header from Science and Health 463
6. To know Mary Baker Eddy better, we must study her writings.
7. To know God better, study the definitions of God and the definition of Good and the quotations that are introductions to the Science and Health chapters.
8. To align oneself with God, it must be in an impersonal way, which means that if we love an individual, it has to be loving all mankind.
9. We can't love one person and hate another. There is a very definite line between love and hate. Either it's all love or if there's anything at all that is not all love, then it's hate. There is no mixture in Spirit which is flawless, so this is the same with Truth in error.
10. There is no evil and good. There is no good and evil. There is no hate and love. There is no love and hate. All expressions of God's qualities must be impersonal, so everyone is treated the same way.
11. To settle our accounts on an ongoing continuous basis, so there is never any conflict with anyone that goes unresolved.
12. The Golden Rule is ~ Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
13. All communication is without interruption.
14. Nothing can dilute, divert, stop or reverse the communication from God and man.
15. Nothing can prevent the benefits of what anyone has for others.
16. All communication is mental.
17. 100% customer satisfaction is a mutual relationship where honesty must be utilized on both sides.
18. God is All in all and there is nothing but God.
19. Referenced Authors
1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth and Truth;
2. Mary Baker Eddy
a. System of divine metaphysics; ~ Please See Header b. Many items in the manual require her personal signature, which means that they were designed to self expire. c. To see the authentic publications by Mary Baker Eddy without bureaucratic unauthorized changes, please refer to the 1910 final editions, all of which are on our website. See all 16 books + the textbook.
3. Clara Barton ~ Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy has done the greatest good for her fellow creatures and Christian Science, the most potent factor in religious life.
4. Dale Carnegie ~ a. Problems: record and do not look at it for 6 months. Most resolve themselves. b. Great respect for Mary Baker Eddy
5. Albert Einstein ~ “Blessed art Thou (MBE) because everything that really is, is in this Book. (SH)” “To think that a woman knew this over 80 years ago.
6. Bliss Knapp ~ The fan is a symbol for separation, separating the good from the evil.
7. Frederick L Rawson ~ a. Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Treatments; b. Instant healing ~ There is nothing but God.
34 (1) Communication ~ To and From God Treat Mp3 33 08/11/2023 --- There are two parties involved in the communication. One is the qualities of God which are announcing themselves without the interruption and the other is the individual who should be comparing what they are trying to communicate and comparison with what the facts are about the loss of God.
There should be an alignment, if they are aligned then the communication is automatically complete.
35 (1) Confrontation and the Antidote Treat Mp3 54 11/29/2023 - SUMMARY
a. Definition of God from 465 b. Definition of God & Good from 587 c. The scientific statement of being View
2. WENTWORTH WINSLOW Four steps are indicated in proper sequence by the four books listed below. In order to strive to bring about perfection, reversing whatever ailment is the topic.
1. Let God Do It ~ 36 articles 2. God Can Do It ~ 30 articles 3. God Will Do It ~ 35 articles 4. God Is Doing It ~ 21 articles
3. ROBERT PUTNAM ~ Ten Bible lessons
4. HELEN WRIGHT ~ Your divinity revealed ~ Chapters four to ten = one chapter for each of the seven terms for God.
a. Think about only God b. Focus on one's own consciousness.
6. CONCLUSION ~ Striving to understand the two statements below opens the door that Mary Baker Eddy refers to ~ infinite progression is concrete being.
a. 'God is All-in-all' b. 'There is nothing but God'.
36 (1) Control by Spirit Treat Mp3 59 02/02/2024 ~ MATERIALISM ~ GREED
1. FOOD controls people
2. ENERGY controls continent
3. MONEY controls world
CONSTITUTION ~ 1789 vs 1871
1. 1789 ~ Citizens Control
2. 1871 ~ Government Control
3. SEE Comparison Table View
1. Study & live spiritual qualities in Mary Baker Eddy 16 references View
37 (1) Control ~ Is the Swamp being Drained? Treat Mp3 49 04/02/2024 ~ Control ~ Is there any progress on the human side? It is very important to keep personality out of the picture. However, one could refer to the attempt of evil to express itself. Mary Baker Eddy states that we should keep track of progress as we are praying for the solution to any problem. We must confirm that Mind is in control of every situation. Cultivating encouragement is progressive. Evil must be exposed in order to be eradicated. The belief of proliferation of evil is easy to see visually if we accept the news as real. We must deny any reality of corruption. We must confirm that the only reality is perfection. This attitude helps to eradicate evil in the form of illegal border crossing, destruction of food resources, & energy sources & other necessities for humanity. All can be solved if we are persistent with the correct prayer treatment of one's own consciousness. THIS RECORDING ENUMERATES A LARGE VARIETY & QUANTITY OF PROGRESS IN DRAINING THE SWAMP... CLICK media for complete details.
38 (1) Control ~ What, Who, When, Why, Where, How Treat Mp3 48 04/02/2024 ~ Mind is the term for God that represents control because mind is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and omni-action. There is nothing that can interfere with the control by the one and only, incorporeal, divine, supreme and infinite Mind. One only needs to yield to this one control in order to experience a stable and successful experience in their everyday life. This recording will explain why mind controls the what , who, when, why, where & how of everything. Mind is the intelligence that provides the proper system & structure for every activity... CLICK media for complete details
39 (1) Crisis ~ How to Heal any Crisis Treat Mp3 PDF 76 02/24/2024 - Crisis ~ How to Heal any Crisis
40 (1) Criticism ~ Dr. Francis J. Fluno Treat Mp3 Full Page 7 20/06/2023 - Criticism is fault-finding. It shuts you out of heaven. It will darken all your skies. It will keep you from demonstrating for yourself and others. It will bar you from progress. It leads you into all trouble. It leads you into all discord, into all unkindness, impatience, hard heartedness, unfriendliness—and finally into all evil, hatefulness envy. Just as long as that spirit of criticism remains in your thought, and you leave it there, just so long will not progress, just so long will you not be able to demonstrate, just so long will you not be able to find your way in Truth, because you will be looking for faults constantly......
See PDF for Complete Description PDF
41 (1) Criticism ~ Easy Solution for Removal Treat Mp3 Full Page 80 03/04/2025 ~ References included in this Treatment
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. System of Divine Metaphysics
4. Scientific statement of being
5. 7 Terms for God ~ Definition's Abbreviations
6. Diapason of Heaven ~ MBE

Healings Completed in 15 min Appointments
Healings from authors below were complete by the end of 15 min appointments.
1. Joel S Goldsmith
2. Bliss Knapp
3. Frederick L Rawson
4. Wentworth Winslow
Click Full Page to view more details
42 (1) Criticism ~ Flip it ~ Solution to Reveal Truth Treat Mp3 Full Page 62 12/26/2024 ~ Quotes & Definitions
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. System of divine metaphysics View
1. There is no reality to criticism because it is un-God-like.
2. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created ~ Mary Baker Eddy translates as ~ In the only, God created ~ Mary Baker Eddy is telling us that the only creation that exists is the one stated in this chapter.
3. Mary Baker Eddy provided 26 Bible lesson topics. One of them is ~ God, the only cause & creator ~ Therefore, the creation is perfect because God is the creator.
4. Dr. Fluno was one of Mary Baker Eddy's earliest lecturers. He traveled throughout the US lecturing on 1 topic ~ Criticism. He stated that criticism leads to all evil.
5. The most important evil that must be neutralized & totally cleaned out of consciousness is criticism.
6. Mary Baker Eddy said that she stopped a dozen times a day, every hour, in order to make sure she was not having any element of criticism in her consciousness.
7. A moment is the smallest measurement of time. How are we using each of our moments ~ Is it constructive or destructive?
8. Are we using them to guard our thought & to make sure we are only focusing on good & perfection?
9. Since the only real creation is perfect, this must be our focus every moment.
10. Good: God, Spirit, Omnipotence, Omni-science, Omni-presence, & Omni-action.
11. Spirit: flawless, transparent, reflective.
12. It is easy to see from the above definitions that Good, God, Spirit is all-inclusive.
13. Reality is always perfect.
43 (1) Criticism ~ Remove & Prevent Treat Mp3 Full Page 46 05/23/2023 - Recognize need for
Structure required
System required
Monitoring progress
All one grand network
All 7 primary qualities for God
All 4 operators of the 4 sides of the city
Everyone & everything is connected
Formula is simple & it is easy to see the spiritual strategy as it is intelligent, wise & knowing
Focus on goal no matter what suggestion attempts to distract
Execution is based on
Hunger for spiritual advancement
Recognize it is individual salvation to work out.
Matt 7:1-5
Science and Health 455
Misc Chpt 9, Pg 336: 8-19
Misc Chpt 2, Pg 26:28-19
Matt 7:13-16
44 (1) Day MP3 23 05/15/2022 - Preparing for the day, lifting one’s consciousness to be in alignment with God and holding that level of divinity throughout the entire time one is awake and going to sleep with that same level and seeking it again at the onset of awakening. 23 min
45 (1) Day – A Glorious Day Is Dawning PDF 51 11/26/2022 - Included: 51 min treatment, 11 min addendum, Hymn with same title, Def from SH Chapter 17 and references in the audio from 9 authors.
46 (1) Devil ~ How to Negotiate ~ 1 of 2 Treat Mp3 57 02/10/2023 - How to Negotiate with the Devil ~ 1 of 2
Suggestions include:
1. Definitions for negotiate, devil.
2. Network where all the factors are working in harmony as per divine Principle.
3. Scientific & methodical process in accordance with the quote below from Science & Health page 146.
"Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease."
47 (1) Devil ~ How to Negotiate ~ Includes Nuclear War ~ 2 of 2 Treat Mp3 50 02/12/2023 -- How to Negotiate with the Devil ~ Includes Nuclear War ~ 2 of 2
Suggestions include:
1. See How to Negotiate with the Devil 1 of 2.
2. Definitions for nuclear.
48 (1) Diapason of Heaven Treat Mp3 34 08/07/2023 - This is not from Mary Baker Eddy but it is utilizing the inspiration from the Diapason of Heaven by Mary Baker Eddy Class Notes 1881 to 1898. But it is from extemporaneous inspiration in an expanded form. One of the terms which is really a two word terms for Mind is creative ability. This appears to be the beginning when one desires to think about any topic. Science and Health indicates that all creative ability is from MIND and of course God is Mind. Infact, everything that is real is God. For there is nothing but God. God is all in all.
49 (1) Divine Metaphysics reduced to a System ~ Matrix MP3 39 06/08/2022 - How the synonymous terms for God symbolize the nature of God and how they work together in a balanced and harmonious way to guide one onto the path leading to healing. 39 min
50 (1) Divine Metaphysics ~ Science Expressed in Math & Music Treat Mp3 35 11/30/2023 - Divine Metaphysics ~ Science Expressed in Math & Music ~ SUMMARY
1. Definitions, Quotes & Summaries View
a. Christ Jesus
a1. The most scentific man a2. He always saw the perfect man
b. Mary Baker Eddy ~ Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system.. ~ See #1 or Header
c. Frederick L Rawson ~ c1. 1,315 treatments c2. Book ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
d. Wentworth Winslow ~ The titles to the 4 books below give us the sequence and the change of consciousness needed to bring about healing.
d1. Let God Do It ~ 36 articles d2. God Can Do It ~ 30 articles d3. God Will Do It ~ 35 articles d4. God Is Doing It ~ 21 articles
3a. Everything in all existence is connected. 3b. Anything we do whatsoever will have an influence on the infinite network. 3c. We should strive for all thought, speech and action to be Godlike. 3d. One raindrop or one grain of sand makes a difference.
4a. Word ~ Facts ~ Add ~ check to be sure nothing is missing. 4b. Christ ~ Translation ~ Subtract ~ Delete all negative items ~ short them out. 4c. Christianity ~ Demonstration ~ Multiply ~ Reality check required before multiplying into the atmosphere of thought. 4d. Science ~ Completion ~ Divide ~ Look at each of the seven and the four individually and then see their connection for the wholeness.
5a. Word ~ Facts ~ Complete elements for the composition ~ No missing notes ~ Include both minor and major notes. 5b. Christ ~ Translation ~ Eliminate discordant notes ~ Include tempo and volume ~ Select right key. 5c. Christianity ~ Demonstration ~ Check for harmony and balance. 5d. Science ~ Completion ~ Confirm completion of composition.
6. QUOTES by Mary Baker Eddy
6a. Take small steps consistently without back-sliding. 6b. EVERYTHING is connected to the system of divine metaphysics ~ Two examples = Math & Music.
7. CONCLUSION ~ Striving to understand the two statements below opens the door to which Mary Baker Eddy refer ~ 'Infinite progression is concrete being'.
7a. 'God is All-in-all' 7b. 'There is nothing but God'.
51 (1) DNA - What is it? Technology to change it? What to do about it? Treat_Mp3 42 10/20/2022 - 42 min - Please CLICK button to see a complete page on DNA - What is it? Technology to change it? What to do about it? View
52 (1) Duty - Purpose - Time PDF 49 11/27/2022 - Included: 49 min treatment and diagram map of many of the references used in the treatment from several authors.
53 (1) Easter ~ Each day is a day of ascension MP3 44 03/30/2023 - Easter ~ Each day is a day of ascension
Mind ~ Let intelligence lead the way
How to maximize the productivity every day
Uniqueness with a common thread
54 (1) Easter ~ God anointed messengers MP3 72 03/24/2023 - Easter ~ God anointed messengers
Life ~ God is the eternal life of every one of his ideas
Only the human concepts can be murdered
Each human concept is unique ~ Where are they now ?
55 (1) Easter ~ Let the perfect model come forth MP3 59 03/31/2023 - Easter ~ Let the perfect model come forth
Spirit ~ To “let” is required for entry into thought
Good Samaritan Parable PDF
56 (1) Easter ~ Place MP3 55 03/26/2023 - Easter ~ Place
God ~ We must change our place
Network of 7 Terms for God in Action
Find out the right place to be at any given moment
57 (1) Effective Use of Here & Now Treat_Mp3 76 12/29/2022 - Dissolve All Barriers That Try To Steal the Moments
If we replace a thought of limitation with one of true being, we realize that the only real time is now and the only real place is here.
Life, from a human sense is limited. But as we step-by-step raise thought above the human, we open the door to letting the human touch the divine.
Mary Baker Eddy stated that the magnitude of the humanity of Jesus enabled his divinity.
58 (1) Enlightenment of the truth of being MP3 28 06/16/2022 - Enlightenment of Truth will come from this: God's thoughts are perfect and eternal, are substance and Life. --- NOT from this: Material and temporal thoughts are human, involving error, and since God, Spirit, is the only cause, they lack a divine cause - 28 min - Please CLICK button to see a complete page on Enlightment of Truth View
59 (1) Evil Deny ~ Truth Affirm ~ Give, Give, Give Treat Mp3 Full Page 78 10/25/2024 ~ Formula for Spiritual Advancement
Spiritual Advancement ~ Leads to Healing
FAILURE ~ Eliminating Generous Giving from the Formula ~ Is a Guaranteed Method for failure
1. Be Alert ~ So any thought that is less than 100% pure God-like quality turns on the light of caution. 2. Examine it to find the root
3. Be sure not to be deceived as evil operates on deception.
4. Once you are sure that it is the real root cause, then determine the exact opposite, which would be the truth ~ 1,315 Treatments ~ See Rawson Index
5. Expose the evil & destroy it by affirming the truth that is the exact opposite.
6. Utilize love = cultivating the 7 terms for God in one's life.
7. The most effective prayer is living the qualities of God.
8. The qualities of God destroy anything unlike God.
9. Focus on TRUTH & not on PROBLEM
10. All healing is a natural evolution from focusing on purifying consciousness by replacing defects with flawless spiritual thinking.
11. The Bible says to tithe = Tenth Part
12. This addresses the average C student.
13. B student of spiritual advancement = giving 20%
14. A student of spiritual advancement = giving 30%
15. There cannot be spiritual advancement without giving.
16. There are many ways to give.
17. There are two primary elements involved in spiritual advancement.
i. Read & record in your own voice the original text, then record your own thoughts about the original text ~ SH beg to end continuously.
ii. Learning the value of the Spirit = living love in all thought, speech & action = giving, giving, giving
60 (1) Evil Exposed MP3 53 09/09/2022 - Evil can be analyzed, exposed & eradicated by comparing thought to God vs the problem which often is not what appears as visible or obvious - 53 min
61 (1) Evil Impersonalization Treat Mp3 Full Page 101 10/03/2024 ~ God ~ Life ~ Spiritual Progress
1. GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587]
2. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]
3. God is no respecter of persons. [Peter ~ Acts 10:34]
4. Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil. [Habakkuk 3:18]
5. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. [Shakespeare]
Infinite Progression is Concrete Being ~ How to get started?
A. Scientific Quotations
1. Life is living Love [MBEI]
2. Scientific statement of being ~ There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. [SH 468]
3. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. [John viii. 32]
4. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. [Mary Baker Eddy]
B. Materialistic Aggressive ones ~ 2 factors
1. Control of other people
2. Accumulation of material wealth
3. The above are in conflict with spiritual progress.
C. Just Tell Me What you Want
1. Money typically is not what one really wants, but the desire is for what they believe money will provide them, such as a house, car, security or being able to associate with a certain group of people.
2. Money is only a means to an end
3. There is no life, truth, intelligence, or substance in money or any other matter
4. There is no life, truth, intelligence, or substance in the belief of a human personality ~ All is in God
5. Concept of a person = our concept
6. A person by itself has no qualities.
7. Individual = Reflection of qualities
8. Every individual observation is unique.
9. Physical observation is unique.
10. Spiritual observation = Spiritual understanding
62 (1) Evil to Good ~ Awaken to See the Transition Treat Mp3 75 07/23/2024 ~ History of Christianity ~ 0000 - 0325
1. 0000 ~ Birth of Christ Jesus ~ CJ
2. 0030 ~ CJ begins to heal sin, sickness, death.
3. 0033 ~ CJ tells John ~ No material universe.
4. 0033 ~ CJ tells John ~ No material body.
5. 0033 ~ CJ says not to marry or have children.
6. 0033 ~ CJ says we must live a spiritual life.
7. 0033 ~ Civilization fears their own extension.
8. 0033 ~ CJ crucified ~ John only disciple there.
9. 0033 ~ CJ Prays 3 days in tomb
10. 0033 ~ CJ resurrection with body unchanged.
11. 0033 ~ CJ proves body doesn't cause death.
12. 0033 ~ Life is not lost because death of body.
13. 0033 ~ Resurrection proves God is Life.
14. 0033 ~ CJ probationary period after death.
15. 0033 ~ Probationary period is successful.
16. 0033 ~ CJ ready for ascension ~ No contact
17. 0033 ~ CJ ascends ~ witnessed only by few.
18. 0033-0325 ~ Christian Healing compounds.
19. 0325 ~ Government fears Christianity success.
20. 0325 ~ Churches & Govt fear take over.
21. 0325 ~ Govt & Churches have special meeting
22. 0325 ~ Council of Nicaea ~ CJ named as God.
23. 0325 ~ CJ the Son of God never was God.
24. 0325 ~ CJ true identity lost = Healings end
CLICK to see Complete History View
63 (1) Evil ~ Condemn or Forgive Treat Mp3 Full Page 82 12/16/2024 ~ Some Key Points Referred to this Treatment
1. Jesus, when asked about forgiveness, told the disciples to forgive 70 x 7 = 490 times.
2. This number is so large it means don't even think about condemning.
3. But what do we do about evil? Do we just let it continue on?
4. Mary Baker Eddy said she makes strong demands on love.
5. What does that mean?
6. What should we do when we are confronted with evil?
7. What do we do if evil has gotten into our consciousness?
8. Do we forgive ourselves for letting it in?
9. Do we forgive the evil?
10. Do we forget about what Jesus said about forgiving?
11. Do we put ourselves outside of the rules of God & let evil perpetuate itself?
Evil ~ Some of the Features
1. Can always be defeated ~ It is limited
2. Must be accepted by the target.
3. Deceives ~ called truth error ~ called error Truth
4. Creates decoys to distract from the Truth
5. Disparages character to distract from what evil is doing.
6. CIA teaches how to lie, cheat, steal
7. CIA Headquarters ~ located under Lake Geneva in Switzerland in an attempt to avoid arrest by GITMO for Treason
8. Spiritual solutions (SS) are infinite
9. SS ~ Inspired by omniscience.
10. Infinite progression is concrete being.
64 (1) Evil ~ How to Defeat it with Spiritual Purpose & Monitoring? Treat Mp3 57 06/23/2024 ~ What is your Life's Purpose?
One's life should be based on at least one important purpose. It should include blessing other people with good thought, speech & action. Money is the most deceitful, self destructive purpose anyone could conceive of. It's beyond conception. It's beyond understanding. What one may think of as being able to be a solution to everything is self destructive, and therefore is a solution to nothing. And in fact, it even aggravates applying to the people or activities that was originally intended. Qualities satisfy but money does not. Instead of bringing fulfillment, it blinds one. It conceals and deceives one of the purpose. Monitoring is probably the second most important term to think of in terms of fulfilling the purpose. Mathematics is truth but deceitful purposes use figures to deceive. Focus on the activity, not any personalities.... CLICK media to view more details..
65 (1) Eyes, Vision, Astigmatism ~ How to heal it? Treat Mp3 54 08/22/2023 -- SUMMARY
1. Every one must work out their own salvation, Frederick L Rawson, in his book entitled 'Treatment or Healing by True Prayer', provides this treatment on astigmatism. One medical belief is that astigmatism is due to slight irregularity in the configuration of the eyeball, resulting in indistinct sight. There is no astigmatism, man's eyes are spiritual and perfect; man's eyeball is never out of shape, man's eyeball is spiritual and perfect, for God is the Principle of all law and order, and all God's ideas are governed by law and order. Man's muscles are never out of order, everything in consciousness is perfect and works perfectly.
We do not want to just repeat something out of a textbook and think that that is going to do wonders for us. We have to internalize the spiritual nature of the message, and one way to do that is to expand it by relating it to each of the synonyms for God. This treatment includes doing so for the first synonym, which is mind, and the various key attributes of mind are included as a reminder.
a. Analyzed and defined the error b. Expose the error c. Eradicate the error by explaining it away with the truth d. Sealing it to protect it against reversal. 4. AUTHORS ~ REFERENCED
a. Christ Jesus ~ Seeing the perfect man b. Mary Baker Eddy ~ System of Christian science c. Frederick L Rawson d. Wentworth Winslow ~ Four books about God and article on anachronism e. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed.
66 (1) False Flags Treat Mp3 48 03/28/2024 - There are no accidents in divine mind, and there are no accidents in a principled human business. Bicknell Young, a popular Christian Science practitioner had many people that came to him, seeking advice on how to heal their business, or asking him to be the practitioner to heal the business. His reply, in most cases, was that they needed to learn their business first. They were coming to him expecting miracles. There is no such thing as a Miracle. Everything that happens, happens because of the circumstances surrounding it. One can create the circumstances because it's all through human thought, consciousness... CLICK media to view complete details
67 (1) Forgive, To Give, Pay It Forward Treat Mp3 10/03/2023 --Please refer to citations in the text below to see the Complete Quotations
1. NOW is the only time. There is no past and no future.
2. Chpt 10 ~ Misc Writings ~ Pg 8
Love your enemies – Enemy is one who you think is your enemy. It is only in your thought that one or anyone is an enemy. The believer and the belief are all the same.
3. Chpt 10 ~ Misc Writings ~ Pg 210
Love your enemies or you will not lose them. Charity is courage of conviction. Love opens eyes of blind. 4. My Pg 191:4
Be patient toward persecution = weakness of tyrants. Enemies unconsciously advertise for good. Let your light shine.
5. Referenced Authors:
a. Christ Jesus ~ Forgive 70x7 = ALWAYS forgive = realize no right to condemn.
b. Mary Baker Eddy ~ Prayed multi times/day that she was not criticizing = look only for good always. EVERYONE needs to do the same thing.
c. Dale Carnegie ~ Be careful about criticizing – tomorrow you may realize you are wrong and agree with the opposition.
d. Francis Fluno ~ Criticism = prevents progress for oneself.
6.Foundation for criticizing = non-existent.
7.Pay it forward – movie
Give to everyone without even having a specified reason. Give to be reflecting love impersonally. Joy greatest when giving for benefit of someone else. Always try to give anonymously.
8.Think about GIVING TO ~ not forgiving.
9.Dogs bark to get attention. Look for the real reason. The barking may be only a symbol pointing to an unrelated cause. Any individual can be acting like a dog with a desperate desire to get attention.
10.Need a problem solved – address it ASAP
11.Please refer to mp3 for more complete details.
68 (1) Forgiveness Treat_Mp3 31 05/24/2023 - SOME KEY POINTS:
FORGIVE: To pardon; to remit, as an offense or debt; to overlook an offense, and treat the offender as not guilty. The original and proper phrase is to forgive the offense, to send it away, to reject it, that is, not to impute it, [put it to] the offender. But by an easy transition, we also use the phrase, to forgive the person offending. FORGIVE us our debts.
If we forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you. Matthew 6:12 ~ Noah Webster 1828
FORGIVENESS: Getting self-imposed thot off of personality; Yielding to God; Transferring decision to God; Not being concerned with details on how it is done; Totally forgetting about the whole topic; Stating with confidence & conviction; OH, That is God's dept! My dept =Giving gratitude to universal atmosphere
Look in the mirror
HAND ON BIBLE: Tell the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Is there water under my feet -- Am I on top of it no matter how deep the water is beneath my feet? SKLETONS - open the closet door -- any in there?? Prefer others do not know about them ??? Embarrassing, self-debasing??
SYSTEM: Method to obtain a solution.
To obtain a solution for anything, one must consider every principle involved as it applies to the topic at hand MATH: Activate 10 digits by using 4 basic operators of add, subtract, multiply, & divide = solution MUSIC: Activate desired notes by using the operators = harmonious composition. DIVINE METAPHYSICS: Activate the 7 primary qualities of God by using the 4 operators of the Word, Christ, Christianity, and Science.
How many times did Christ Jesus tell Peter to forgive? Matt 18:21-35
Be wise & harmless ~ Misc pg 128:19
Love your enemies ~ Misc 8:pg 8
69 (1) Freedom & Liberty MP3 13 07/01/2023 - Freedom & Liberty
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance – THOMAS JEFFERSON, one of the founding fathers of America
American Freedom is a continuing process. Much progress has been made thanks to all those that are active in striving for American Freedom in a peaceful, legal manner. If we all do our part and Name it, Claim it, and Demonstrate it in our every Thought, Speech, & Action - WE WILL SEE IT ---!!
70 (1) Freedom and Free Treat Mp3 70 09/27/2023 -- What is freedom? & What is Free?
Mary Baker Eddy:
a. America was the only place where Christian Science could have been discovered, founded and had leadership.
b. America, freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
c. America founded by those escaping the oppression of the dictatorships of Europe ~ First priority was freedom in the New World.
d. America has been totally under the control of UK since 1871 when America borrowed money from a Rockefeller family for the Civil War which was instigated by UK for the very purpose of dividing America. A new Constitution was put in place which made America subservient to the UK government instead of American government being subservient to American Population.
e. All attorneys swear to the oath which is controlled by the UK ~ Using the title Esquire after their real name.
f. The Queen of England has been controlling the US for the last 80 years.
g. The 5 Eyes are all UK controlled.
h. The Patriot Act was for the very reason of strengthening the UK control over the US population.
i. Patriot Act was the result of 9-11 September 11, 2001 tragedy. This tragedy was all pre-engineered in order to establish the Patriot Act for further control of the population by the UK.
5. Referenced Authors:
a. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth and Truth.
b. Mary Baker Eddy ~ i. System of divine metaphysics ~ Please See Header. ii. It enables everyone to apply the system and get a consistent result. iii. Science and Health could not be published until Mary Baker Eddy delivered the manuscript for Animal Magnetism.
c. Robert Putnam ~ i. Council of Nicaea 325 A.D. ii. Council of Nicaea gave total control of religion to the state;
d. Frederick L Rawson ~ i. Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Treatments; ii. Instant healing ~ There is nothing but God.
e. Helen Wright ~ i. Your Divinity Revealed ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God. ii. 6 volume edition of a complete Analysis of the 1875 Science and Health iii. It is our duty to follow the 10 Commandments iv. Sermon on the Mount v. The Golden Rule vi. If we follow only the first commandment that suffices if we understand what God is, which is defined by Mary Baker Eddy on page 465 and 587. vii. The operators must be applied to the elements in order to give the correct result. viii. Math, music, and divine metaphysics all have elements, and operators.
71 (1) Gender ~ How many are there? Treat Mp3 72 04/01/2024 ~ GENDER: Genesis 1 addresses this. Before we speak of Genesis addressing gender, there's something very important that is in all of the days of creation that are related in Genesis chapter 1 up through verse 3 of chapter 2. It says to LET. This has been stated in many of the prayer treatments. One of the most popular images of Jesus is him knocking at a door. And it's also been reiterated that it is interpreted to mean that he is knocking on the door of consciousness of all humanity. Are we going to open it, in other words, recognize the Christ consciousness and LET IT in? Are we going to LET the truth as was lived by Christ Jesus, Mary Baker Eddy, and other advanced thinkers of the Bible, in interpreting the Bible? Are we going to LET these thoughts come into our consciousness? .. CLICK media to view complete details
72 (1) Genius ~ Path to Perfect Prayer Treat Mp3 Full Page 121 10/19/2024 ~ Genius ~ Any of the following:
1. One gifted from birth in a specific talent or facility = limited viewpoint
2. Anyone that pursues any topic which benefits all humanity with dedicated effort which includes tenacity & perseverance = spiritual viewpoint
3. Anyone who practices the scientific statement of being & perseveres no matter what comes one's way
4. Anyone who relies on God exclusively for their well-being & demonstrates well-being
5. Whomever follows the examples of Christ Jesus totally
6. Jesus relied on God for life = resurrection + ascension
7. Recognizes, exposes & destroys evil
Individuals who demonstrated being a genius
1. Christ Jesus
2. Mary Baker Eddy
3. Joel Goldsmith
4. Elon Musk
5. Frederick L Rawson
6. President Trump
7. Wentworth Winslow
8. Helen Wright
9. Bicknell Young
Weakness Exemplified ~ Opposite of genius
1. Is not alert to evil's methods
2. Sees evil & does nothing about it
3. Follows the herd without thinking = sheep
4. Does not realize the benefits of spiritual living
5. Starts a plan of spiritual progress but then gives up easily
6. Does not question any new information or discovery but accepts it without any research or serious contemplation
7. Accepts everything about life as being predetermined without challenging it
73 (1) Genius ~ Path to Perfect Prayer ~ Giving Treat Mp3 Full Page 80 10/21/2024 ~ Genius ~ Path to Perfect Prayer for Giving
Healing requires a combination of the letter & spirit ~ Giving is the spirit part
Spiritual Genius
1. One in pursuit of infinite progression aiming toward concrete being
2. One who realizes that love is natural & love includes a life dedicated to giving
3. One who proves their genius by demonstrating utilizing the system of divine metaphysics
Individuals who demonstrated being a genius
1. Christ Jesus ~ Loved everyone & conquered all challenges including overcame hate from others
2. Mary Baker Eddy ~ Loved everyone & conquered all challenges including overcame hate from others
3. Joel Goldsmith ~ Loved everyone & conquered all challenges ~ Healing in 15 min appointments ~ Healed large group of people all having the same problem ~ simultaneously
4. Elon Musk ~ Products benefit humanity & conquered all business challenges
5. Frederick L Rawson ~ Loved everyone & conquered all challenges ~ Healing in 15 min appointments ~ Discovered going back in time to heal & did it 500 times ~ Discovered How to heal 1,315 different ailments ~ A to Z Encyclopedia on healing
6. President Trump ~ Gave up his life of ease to donate his life to America ~ Has taken no salary as President of the US ~ Was Attacked by everyone ~ Overcame every challenge of different cultures, regulations & so forth ~ Built a world wide business
7. Wentworth Winslow ~ Loved everyone & conquered all challenges ~ Healing in 15 min appointments ~ Raised the dead ~ Wrote 126 Articles in 4 Books about God ~ Excellent Author
8. Helen Wright ~ Loved everyone & conquered all challenges ~ 7 Terms for God - Expert Analysis
9. Bicknell Young ~ Loved everyone & conquered all challenges ~ Self-resurrection from drowning
1. Think of your qualities that could be a value to someone else by sharing them, helping them or teaching them.
2. Always better to give anonymously as opposed to giving with an effort to get credit for it.
3. If you don't give with everything you've got, don't expect to receive any benefit from studying Christian Science. Generous giving must be natural.
4. Everyone as a genius, listed above, gave with their whole heart & as a result was successful.
74 (1) Giving ~ Key to Success Treat Mp3 105 10/02/2024 ~ Making other people happy is our reason for existence ~ Frederick L Rawson
Giving ~ # of resources from each reference
Giving as a theme is one of the most important terms use in all the resources
1. 70 ~ Bible
2. 44 ~ Science & Health
3. 79 ~ Mary Baker Eddy Other writings
4. 7 ~ Christian Science Hymnal
Exploring the Value of Giving to Enhance Infinite Progression Striving for Concrete Being
A. Substantial Words to use for more references
1. Give 2. Charity 3. Share 4. Love 5. Gratitude 6. Tithe 7. Various forms of the above words 8. 100's of additional references from above words
B. Introduction to Key points
1. Giving ~ Most important function for humanity 2. Giving ~ key to success in everything 3. Christ Jesus ~ devoted life to giving 4. Healing ~ Method of Jesus for giving 5. Love is the greatest motive for giving 6. Hate is the opposite of love. 7. The only obstruction to giving is hate. 8. Solution to obstruction = loving not hating 9. Reason for giving = God is love 10. Giving ~ Key points a) God is love ~ We should reflect this quality b) Give intelligently = Look for everyone's c) Solve needs 1 at a time 11. Christian Science practitioners = giving
C. Some of the geniuses solving needs
1. Christ Jesus ~ 41 impersonal Parables 2. Mary Baker Eddy ~ See Index in Menu 3. Frederick L Rawson ~ 1,315 solutions 4. Wentworth Winslow ~ 4 books ~ 122 articles
D. Giving ~ Other Genius Authors
1. Helen Wright ~ Book defines God ~ 7 terms 2. Dr. Robert C Putnam ~ 10 Bible Lessons 3. Doris Grekel ~ Newsletter 50 years 4. Andrew Hartsook ~ Newsletter 50 years 5. John Sinton ~ Science & Health Analysis 6. Gordon Brown ~ Science & Health Analysis 7. John Morgan ~ Bible + MBE Other Writings
E. References to remove obstructions to giving
1. Sermon on the Mount ~ Christ Jesus ~ Below 2. Luke 18:9-30 ~ Christ Jesus ~ See below 3. Love Your Enemies ~ Mary B Eddy ~ See below 2. MBEI Treatments ~ Evil Impersonalization
75 (1) God First ~ Know Your Business Treat Mp3 73 08/13/2023 ---- Uniqueness of this treatment is that it includes two events. The one recording this treatment experienced both events on Aug 12, 2023.
1. Groceries loaded into taxi and taxi disappears
2. Money given to worker for shopping and worker disappears with the money.
Authors mentioned in the treatment
1. Christ Jesus
2. Mary Baker Eddy
3. Frederick L Rawson
4. Wentworth Winslow
Procedure for Healing
1. Analyze the error
2. Expose the error
3. Eradicate the error
4. Explain it away with Truth
76 (1) God gave Man Dominion over All ~ Not Government Treat Mp3 82 03/16/2024 -- Find out How to get Freedom from Evil Attempts ~ Own Nothing & Eat bugs ~ DO NOT COMPLY
Mary Baker Eddy indicated that she could not have discovered Christian Science in any country except America. Few of the things that can be related to this includes freedom of:
1. Speech = read, write, act, or talk about Christian Science where appropriate
2. Religion = practice Christian Science individually, as a nurse, or group like family etc.
3. Bear Arms = protection = no mind control by govt = protect own thought
4. Assemble Group = church, friends, or party....CLICK media to listen complete details.
77 (1) God is Life ~ Network of 7 MP3 60 12/11/2022 -- God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy
How does Life & its related qualities connect and interact in one grand network with all 7 terms for God?
78 (1) God is Love ~ Network of 7 MP3 32 12/09/2022 - God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy
How does Love & its related qualities connect and interact in one grand network with all 7 terms for God?
79 (1) God is Mind ~ Network of 7 Treat Mp3 48 12/03/2022 --- All the synonyms work together in one grand network. Like the Redwood Sequoia trees of Northwest California, the roots bond together in unity to make them all as one unified cohesion of strength.
We are all one brotherhood as we share the only and only Father-Mother God.
80 (1) God is Principle ~ Network of 7 MP3 49 12/10/2022 -- God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy
How does Principle & its related qualities connect and interact in one grand network with all 7 terms for God?
81 (1) God is Soul ~ Network of 7 MP3 34 12/04/2022 - God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy
How does Soul & its related qualities connect and interact in one grand network with all 7 terms for God?
82 (1) God is Truth ~ Network of 7 MP3 50 12/11/2022 - God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy
How does Truth & its related qualities connect and interact in one grand network with all 7 terms for God?
83 (1) God ~ 2 of 7 ~ God is Spirit ~ Network of 7 MP3 52 12/02/2022 - God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy
How does Spirit & its related qualities connect and interact in one grand network with all 7 terms for God?
84 (1) God ~ Ask & Get Needed Answers Treat Mp3 19 10/30/2023 ~ SUMMARY
1. SYSTEM ~ Divine Metaphysics is now reduced to a system ~ Please see header for the complete statement by MBE
2. DEFINITION OF GOD ~ God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ SH:465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE
3. a. GOD ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE b. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE
4. CHRIST JESUS ~ who saw the perfect man.
5. MARY BAKER EDDY ~ find me, in my writings.
6. MARYA BRUNSON ~ Explains the system of divine metaphysics and how to apply it to particular situations.
7. FREDERICK L RAWSON ~ 1,315 Ailments with the counterfact of Truth to assist in healing.
8. HELEN WRIGHT Your Divinity Revealed ~ Study chpt 4 to 10 to learn more thoroughly about the 7 terms for God.
85 (1) God ~ Choosing the Right Individual for the Task Treat Mp3 20 11/02/2023 ~ SUMMARY
1. Intro & DEFINITIONS ~ Always a good beginningView
2. YOUR DIVINITY REVEALED ~ Chapters 4 to 10 ~ Helen Wright
There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. ~ SH 468:8 ~ 14 Recap ~ MBE
4. PROTECT NEW STAFF Affirm that God is all capacity, capability, facility, functionality and nothing can dilute, deflect, interfere with in any way stop or reverse the good that will come from the work for this new staff member, because God is the source and there is no other power.
a. God is All in all
b. There is nothing but God.
86 (1) God ~ Conductor of Orchestra Treat Mp3 105 09/30/2024 ~ INTRODUCTION ~ First 8 mins of MP3
1. God the only power
2. God is the conductor of all progress
3. Topic does not matter
4. Chaos appearance = visual illusion
5. Opportunity always available to defeat chaos
6. What will control one’s individual thought
7. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free ~ Christ Jesus [John 8:32]
8. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare
9. OH! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. ~ Mary Baker Eddy
10. Truth is life, truth ~ Intel is not in mortal mind
11. Truth is not in an image & likeness of God
12. God is the only source, the only conductor
13. God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. [SH 465]
14. SH 14 is summary of SH 1-13 ~ Q&A format
15. GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587]
16. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]
17. All parts of the definition of God = Good
18. War impossible as there is no power except from God, which is all Good
19. Chaos is NOT good, Principle is balance, always Good
20. Spirit is the only substance and is ALWAYS Good ~ there is no matter therein.
21. Matter is NOT substance, as Spirit is omni-substance, omni-Good ~ includes no matter
22. God is omni every quality of goodness = no competition or opposition from evil or matter
23. God is omni-action so there is no other action
24. God is conducting His orchestra, all harmonious, no mistakes ~ always in balance
25. God is the only thing that can go on in one’s thoughts ~ because Mind is the only intelligence
26. God is omni-the one & only knowing, intelligence, wisdom
27. Each one is capable to do whatever is needed
28. Capability as the reflection of God unlimited
29. The divine Principle is the only structure, system = ours by reflection
30. The only power obtainable is the good we do & embody
31. We are all capable of more than we do
32. How do we use our moments. Each moment is available only once. Don't throw it away.
33. Time comes & goes – we need to grab it, use it, before we let it go.
34. Our total experience is a part of our thoughts
35. Thoughts include conscious & unconscious, active & latent thoughts = Universal evil beliefs
36. We need to protect ourselves from erroneous universal evil beliefs or we will be blindly controlled by them. Latent thoughts = Universal evil beliefs
87 (1) God’s 1789 Constitutional Republic vs Devil’s 1871 Democracy Treat Mp3 75 07/05/2024 ~ Some Key Points:
1. Devil
a. Pre-natal Suggestion
b. Material Birth
c. Matter world
d. Terrorist destruction of buildings & businesses
e. Reduce Law enforcement
f. Remove individuality
g. Remove family
h. High Tax on income
2. Devil Controlled ABE LINCOLN
a. God's 1789 - All rights to the People
b. King of England & Vatican Pope controlled US southern plantations.
c. Used African slaves for cheap labor
d. Used Rothchild bankers to control money
e. Civil war to control slaves not free slaves.
f. Bankrupted the US Treasury
g. Devil's 1871 - All rights to the foreign Governments
h. Used Rothchild bailed out to fun the US treasury.
i. Rothchild setup federal reserve
j. Rothchild started the US income tax
k. Setup a US corporation to control the United States of America
l. Setup Washington DC as a separate corporation outside the United States of America to completely control US:
1. Judicial - All attorneys & judges 2. Legislative - Congress & Senate 3. Administration - President, Vice president & Cabinet 4. Elections - Local, city, state, & federal 5. Patent office & Military 6. Unelected administrative officials
m. ROYALTY of England & Bankers & Vatican Pope:
Has controlled the United States of America for the last 150 years.
88 (1) Good ~ Quality of every Individual Treat Mp3 Full Page 13 10/22/2024 ~ Definitions, Quotes & Ref for all Treatments View
1. God is Good
2. Man is the reflection of God
3. Man is therefore always good
4. Good is real = Evil is unreal
5. God is the Father of all
6. We are brothers & sisters
7. There is no conflict between siblings
8. The good we do & embody gives us the only power attainable
9. Man's action = reflection of God
89 (1) Government ~ Watch or do Treat Mp3 54 01/28/2024 ~ GOVERNMENT ~ Principle ~ System & Structure
Is it built on Principle or does it lack a spiritual system & structure?
90 (1) Guidance - 7 Synonyms for God MP3 82 05/31/2022 - Guidance is seen to be interwoven with the engine behind it, which is every single one of the qualities symbolized by the incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. The basic nature of each of these 7 synonymous terms is incorporated, extemporaneously in the treatment. 82 min
91 (1) Habit - Fake it till you make it PDF 69 11/27/2022 - Included: 69 min treatment and diagram map of many of the references used in the treatment from several authors.
92 (1) Heal ~ How to do it? Treat Mp3 145 08/02/2024 ~ Set your heart on the kingdom and his goodness, and all these things will come to you as a matter of course. ~ Christ Jesus ~ Matt 6:33 J.B. Phillips
Heal, How To Do It?
This is probably the most mysterious thing about living a life surrounded by all the temptations that are presented ~ to believe that brain is the thinker and that matter can talk or convey thoughts. Mary Baker Eddy was a scribe under orders by God when she wrote the Christian Science Textbook ~ Science & Health with key to the Scripture. "A Scribe" are her own words.
Align Consciousness with God's Qualities
If you have ever had a problem in which the solution to the problem has occurred to you when you were not thinking about the problem, you will understand exactly what is meant about being mysterious. She was willing to listen and observe what was taking place and how problems actually get solved.
All aligned their thoughts with truth.
Many of the greatest scientists of the physical sciences, such as physicists, chemists, mathematicians & of course musicians ~ music is directly related to math. It was recognized by all these professions. Serious philosophers such as Shakespeare, Socrates, & the Italian mathematician Fibonacci. All were seekers of truth.
93 (1) Heal ~ How to Progress most rapidly in the understanding of Christian Science which results in healing ~ Part 2 Treat Mp3 36 07/13/2024 ~ Heal ~ How to Progress most rapidly in the understanding of Christian Science which results in healing ~ Part 2
In part one, we covered, among other things recommended tools to be utilized or find alternatives that would basically perform similar functions. Something that is very important to stress and understand is the importance of titling and organization. The idea is that one should be able to find very quickly what they are interested in looking at that is already a created file, and to be able to know where it is because of a logical structure. Divine principle is system and structure and that is really the foundation of Christian Science. The structure and system and everything else is connected with one another because there is a grand network with no limits. It was also mentioned that we cannot begin to approach what God is unless we are prepared to make a change from our present position. One's present level of understanding is not important. Striving for infinite progression is a one way street ~ SLOPING UP.
94 (1) Heal ~ How to progress rapidly in the understanding of Christian Science which results in healing ~ Part 1 Treat Mp3 99 07/12/2024 ~ How to progress rapidly in the understanding of Christian Science which results in healing ~ Part 1
HEAL represents:
H = Heaven
E = Everywhere
A = Always
L = Listen
Heal , a verb & If we cannot think of a single thing that could be improved about ourselves, then we better get more active. Mary Baker Eddy received a letter from one of the churches that said: "Just want to let you know that everything is going really wonderful and we've made great progress. Right now, everything is smooth as glass." She wrote back and said: "That's very sad news that I've heard about your church. That means you're not working. So in other words, we never want anything to be smooth as glass because we need to go up to the next level." And that's really what the word heal means, we want to be on the path of infinite progression, striving for concrete being. Since God is infinite, that means there is no pause. We must always be active, no sleeping, and our rest is in action.
95 (1) Healing Secret Treat Mp3 18 11/10/2024 ~ Healing Secret ~ Article by Mary Baker Eddy
I have learned a great secret. I have learned how to demonstrate, I have learned how to make Science a thing of life, not of words. I am going to tell you what the secret is, and it is wonderful. It is this: Not to see or hear or repeat any kind of imperfection. It is seeing and hearing and repeating good only, at all times and under all circumstances, and in spite of everything that appears to the contrary. I make this resolve every morning, when I first open my eyes, and I renew it every hour of the day... CLICK to view complete details PDF
Criticism ~ Article by Francis J. Fluno
Criticism is fault-finding. It shuts you out of heaven. It will darken all your skies. It will keep you from demonstrating for yourself and others. It will bar you from progress. It leads you into all trouble. It leads you into all discord, into all unkindness, impatience, hard heartedness, unfriendliness—and finally into all evil, hatefulness and envy... CLICK to view complete details PDF Lord’s Prayer ~ Christ Jesus
Our Father which art in heaven,
Our Father-Mother God, all-harmonious,
Hallowed be Thy name.
Adorable One.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy kingdom is come; Thou art ever-present.
Thy will be done in earth, as it's in heaven.
Enable us to know,— as in heaven, so on earth, _ God is omnipotent, supreme.
Give us this day our daily bread;
Give us grace for to-day; feed the famished affections;
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And Love is reflected in love;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;
And God leadeth us not into temptation, but delivereth us from sin, disease, and death. View
96 (1) Honesty Sword ~ Enthrone Truth Destroy Error Treat Mp3 Full Page 133 01/08/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. Other recommended links View
1. A sword is a symbol of which can be used to define very important requirements when striving to improve one's spiritual understanding, which leads to a more pure reflection of God.
2. Function of a sword ~ symbol as a master filter that could function to depersonalize oneself & everyone else in all existence.
3. SWORD ~ It opens up the door to learn the facts which are required for exposing every form of evil which leads to the opportunity to act in an intelligent manner to cleanse one's consciousness of all error, which means standardizing one's consciousness with the pure Truth & nothing less.
4. Truth is an important term for God. Mary Baker Eddy quotes Christ Jesus about Truth as the first introductory quote to the textbook Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary B. Eddy.
5. The purity of Mary Baker Eddy enabled her to be a transparency for God to voice his words which includes spiritually understanding the Bible & the entire Science of the healing works of Christ Jesus. This includes a systematized structure which enables everyone to practice the same power behind the works of Jesus. Individually, one can see the nothingness of everything unlike God & therefore experience the kingdom of heaven here & now.
6. To the degree that one exercises this dominion, which really means to reflect what is inherently ours as explained in Genesis in the first chapter of the Bible, gives us the details of the true revelation of all existence, which is the only creation that is real.
7. Mary Baker Eddy defines God as being Spirit which is the only & all substance ~ flawless.
8. There is not a single thing hidden about the Truth of Spirit being substance & therefore it is transparent & no deceit. It is therefore reflective.
9. Spirit is infinite in nature & therefore can be reflected by anyone who advances their spiritual understanding.
97 (1) Hope ~ Spiritual Understanding ~ Not Gamble Treat Mp3 Full Page 52 10/29/2024 ~ INTRODUCTION TO KEY POINTS
1. H = Hell
2. O = Opposite
3. P = Progress
4. E = Expectation
5. There can be no progress if our thought includes anything unlike God.
6. Hell is the opposite of heaven = unlike God = no progress
7. The real meaning of hope is confidence based on expectation = spiritual understanding
Become Independent
1. Man is a reflection of God
2. See Genesis 1
3. One can't rely on someone else if he wants the benefit of the omni-intelligence of God.
4. The omni-intelligence of God has no limits.
1. God is all-knowing = knows the best solution for the problem at hand.
2. The solution has been predetermined before one even realizes they had a problem.
3. All solutions are automatically revealed when one aligns thought with omni-intelligence.
4. God hides nothing
5. All laws of God are in plain view
6. Only the all-knowing God has determined the correct solution to every problem.
7. Solutions to every problem are already determined in advance of the problem being discovered.
8. The laws of God are revealed as one studies the textbook.
1. The last 101 pages of Science & Health are testimonies from 85 people on 486 problems that were solved.
2. Most testimonies are from people who knew nothing about Christian Science & their solution was from strictly studying the textbook.
Gratitude & Summary
1. Always give gratitude for (a) anyone, (b) any book or (c) any publication that has been helpful to gain a better spiritual understanding.
2. Always give gratitude for Truth that has been revealed to you during your study session.
3. Affirm Truth as a summary at the end of every study session.
After Spiritual Understanding
1. H = Heaven
2. O = Optimum
3. P = Progress
4. E = Expectation
98 (1) Humanity ~ All Inclusive Treat Mp3 120 07/31/2024 ~ QUANTUM: Correction to Treatment
Quantum ~ This word was first used in the 17th century not in the 19th century which was an error as stated in the treatment.
The word was first used approximately 1600 to mean any quantity. In 1900, the word was used specifically to relate to the discovery of quantum mechanics or quantum physics.
Mary Baker Eddy Prayed 3x a day for all Humanity
Mary Baker Eddy was accused of being prayerless by the media. She did not argue with the media. Her response was that she prayed 3 times a day for all humanity.
Jesus did not argue when the devil tempted him 3 times. He simply quoted from the Bible to negate the statements made by the Devil just before the official beginning of his ministry.
Others also prayed systematically. Daniel prayed 3 times a day. He was put in the lion's den as a penalty for praying to God instead of the King. He understood there to be one & only one God and his prayers were directed to that one God.
Importance of Praying for all Humanity
1. It recognizes God being the only Father-Mother of all individuals.
2. It confirms that we are all brethren.
3. It recognizes God as omnipresent.
99 (1) Humanity ~ Awaken & Take Action Treat Mp3 Full Page 53 11/17/2024 ~ Evil ~ Adam Dream Belief ~ Cause of All Discord
American Corruption ~ Wide, Deep, High ~ Citizens Asleep Enslaved
Citizens Wake up ~ New Sheriff in Town ~ Open Battle Begins
Music ~ Will we Learn from History ?
1. We didn’t Start the Fire ~ Billy Joel
3. Battle Hymn of the Republic of America ~ Freedom ~ Julia Ward Howe
4. Cry For Freedom ~ White Lion
100 (1) Humanity ~ Is there a Need to Pray for All Humanity? Treat Mp3 55 11/14/2023 ~ SUMMARY
2. DARK AGES ~ IS IT COMING? a. Mary Baker Eddy said that if Christian scientists didn't do their proper work and stand up for what was right, that we would go into a period of dark ages that was longer and more onerous than any that humanity had ever experienced. b. STAND UP ~ Understand what God is, what Man is, and the relationship between God and Man and stick to it in consciousness. c. All thoughts, speech and actions must be directed as stated in (b) above. d. Error left alone compounds e. Are we going to be passive or active to expose and eradicate it?
3. CIVIL WAR & CONSTITUTION CHANGED a. Started and perpetuated by foreign powers. b. Goal to divide the people ~ White versus black, north versus South. c. Civil War put America into bankruptcy. d. America went to foreign banking sources for funding. e. America changed the CONSTITUTION, which was a requirement of getting the money. f. Change in CONSTITUTION was supposed to be TEMPORARY, but it has been in effect ever since. g. Normal FREEDOMS that were in the first CONSTITUTION were stripped away in the second CONSTITUTION.
4. FOREIGN GOVERNMENT CONTROLS a. US Government 1. Executive Branch 2. Traditional Branch 3. Congress
b. US ENTITIES CONTROLS 1. Court System 2. Banking System 3. Wall Street 4. Patent Office 5. Elections 6. Churches are controlled by the IRS. 7. Three letter Agencies c. Talking against the government is deemed as a terrorist attack.
5. FREDERICK L RAWSON a. Book ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer b. 1,315 treatments which lists the ailment and the counter fact of truth to heal the ailment. c. He was persecuted by the medical profession for healing without using drugs or a medical license.
6. WENTWORTH WINSLOW a. Books ~ Let God Do It, God Can Do It, God Will Do It, God Is Doing It b. Persecuted and judge said he could no longer practice Christian Science. c. He said, no one can keep me from praying. He raised a boy from the dead.
7. CHRIST JESUS ~ Two greatest commandments a. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, with all thy mind. b. Love thy neighbor as thyself. c. If we do the above two things, we will automatically do everything else that is in this treatment. d. If we do the above, we would follow the GOLDEN RULE.
8. GENESIS 1 a. Each of the seven days of creation before God created each one indicated that man must LET. b. Man must let their consciousness be open to God, being their Creator and their controller.
9. GOD IS QUALITIES, NOT PERSON a. Christ Jesus meant that he and God were ONE IN CONSCIOUSNESS. b. Mary Baker Eddy said to follow me only as far as I follow the Christ. c. She did not mean a man, but the Christ ideal or the Christ model for thought, speech and action.
10. JOEL GOLDSMITH a. Had 15 minute appointments which resulted in healings for all. b. He did the above for 16 years c. Chased out of Boston because he was the only one having healings, no one else was able to heal. d. He started his own healing ministry and has active followers to this day. e. He is an author listed on the MBEI website.
101 (1) Humanity ~ Life ~ Source ~ Omni or Individual Treat Mp3 Full Page 50 11/19/2024 ~ Introductory Quotes
1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John viii. 32
2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare
3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy
Intro to Key Points
1. Christian Science is a process of research & development of individual consciousness to improve the content, to continuously replace un-God-like content with God-like content.
2. All of creation was a development of spiritual unfoldment within individual consciousness.
3. The only creation that exists is the creation of God, which perfectly expresses God's qualities.
4. God gave man dominion over all the earth.
5. Are we living understandingly that we cannot be subordinate to any false belief?
6. Are we living our life? or are we letting our life live us?
7. If we're listening to the music of God, then we want that music to play us.
8. If it is the discord of mortal sense, we must stop the music in its tracks.
9. Gratitude ~ For all resources where you learned the spiritual things of value that you feel elevated your present spiritual understanding.
10. Truth ~ It is fixed ~ Must adjust to it ~ not try to change it.
11. Lords Prayer ~ Recited with the spiritual interpretation by Mary Baker Eddy.
Scientific statement of being
There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. [SH 468]
Life is divine Principle, Mind, Soul, Spirit. Life is without beginning and without end. Eternity, not time, expresses the thought of Life, and time is no part of eternity. One ceases in proportion as the other is recognized. Time is finite; eternity is forever infinite. Life is neither in nor of matter. What is termed matter is unknown to Spirit, which includes in itself all substance and is Life eternal. Matter is a human concept. Life is divine Mind. Life is not limited. Death and finiteness are unknown to Life. If Life ever had a beginning, it would also have an ending. [SH 468]
102 (1) Humanity ~ Mind Controls ~ Living it to Prevent War Treat Mp3 Full Page 87 11/18/2024 ~ See Definitions, Quotes & Ref for All Treats View
Albert Einstein ~ Quotes
1. “Blessed art Thou because everything that really is, is in this Book.”
2. Science without religion is lame.
3. Religion without science is blind.
4. Christian Science is the only religion that meets the above requirements being both a Science & Religion = Scientific religion
Authors Mentioned
1. Robert C Putnam ~ Bible Scholar ~ Council of Nicaea 325 A.D. ~ 10 Bible lessons, covering entire Old & New Testament
2. Frederick L Rawson ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Ailments ~ Treating back in time = Retroactive healing
3. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ In-depth study of 7 terms for God
4. Wentworth Winslow ~ 126 articles divided into 4 books, all specifically discussing God. He raised a boy for the dead.
5. Bicknell Young ~ He resurrected himself from the dead after drowning.
System of Divine Metaphysics
1. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease. [SH 146:31-5]
2. When the 32 planks of the platform is understood and the letter and the spirit bear witness, the infallibility of divine metaphysics will be demonstrated. [SH 330:9]
Status of United States Leadership
1. Pres Trump is Commander in Chief (CIC). He has been CIC since Jan 2017.
2. 2020 election was a fraud ~ It was a sting operation by Trump to catch the guilty parties ~ It accomplishes his goal, he has all the information on election fraud & will be releasing it to the public soon.
3. NUCLEAR CODES never given to cabal
4. Biden ~ There are at least 6 different actors playing his part & the primary one that is shown on cable TV is Arthur Roberts.
5. Only way to bomb Russia with nuclear weapons is for EU to do it as the codes of the US Nuclear weapons are in safe hands with White Hats.
Summary & Closing Statements
1. Vladimir Ashkenazy, piano perfection ~ When asked how he could play so perfectly, he said he practiced, practiced, practiced until the music played him. This is what we need to do with our study of Christian Science ~ study, study, & study until we automatically live the life of the spiritual qualities of God.
2. Gratitude ~ For all resources where you learned the spiritual things of value that you feel elevated your present spiritual understanding. Include the names of any authors that helped you. A few are listed under authors mentioned above.
3. Truth ~ It is fixed ~ Must adjust to it ~ not try to change it.
4. Lords Prayer ~ Recited with the spiritual interpretation by Mary Baker Eddy.
103 (1) Humanity ~ Pray for All Treat Mp3 75 10/08/2023 - SUMMARY
01. PRAYED MULTIPLE TIMES ~ Prayed multiple times daily for all humanity. ~ Mary Baker Eddy
02.INCLUDE ALL HUMANITY ~ One can include all humanity every time by stating the proper words.
03. THERE IS NOTHING either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare
04. WE CAN EITHER be active in our prayer and include everyone, or we can be passive and suffer the consequences.
05.DON'T PICK UP THE PHONE but listen only to station KOG announcing the qualities of God. ~ Wentworth Winslow
06.EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT, speech and action stated affects all the atmosphere because the atmosphere is composed of the thoughts of everyone involved.
07. REALIZE GOD IS THE FATHER of everyone and therefore everyone reflected the qualities of god. He only had to affirm it and make the individual consciously aware of it in order to heal. ~ Christ Jesus
a. Treatment or Healing by True Prayer includes 1,315 ailments and the counter fact to generate the healing. b. Making the statement with thorough understanding that there is nothing but God healed a man that had a load of rocks dumped on him accidentally. c. He excelled in everything he did. ~ Frederick L Rawson
09.WORK IN UNITY ~ All mankind should work in unity. Those excel in a particular topic could help teach by home schooling a group of children, and between all of them in the group they probably could cover every subject that would be needed by the homeschooled children.
10. PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN are at an extreme disadvantage, on the most part teachers care nothing about the children but are controlled by a union and those who have a money interest in doing whatever they want to do to the children. There is not a single prayer that should exclude all humanity because the atmosphere is filled with the thoughts of every individual involved in the universe of mankind.
11.SOLVE a PROBLEM ~ In order to solve a problem we must raise our thoughts to a level higher than where the problem was discovered. ~ Albert Einstein
12 BEST WAY~ Often the best way to solve a problem is to get away from it and think about something totally different, even being on a vacation or at the beach doing something totally unrelated, but it freeze our thought so that the right solution can come forward and present itself while we're thinking about something totally unrelated it.
13. TO SUCCEED in Christian Science. It's the same as succeeding in anything else. There has to be sincere effort devoted to it.
14.DEVOTE 5 HOURS a DAY ~ Life turned around by deciding to devote 5 hours a day to serious CS study. Within 1 week the change already was made turned around where things started getting better quickly. ~ Richard Strain
15.TREATMENT INCLUDED The treatment included an explanation of the key qualities of each of the seven synonymous terms of Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principal, Life, Truth, and Love.
104 (1) Identity - Divine, Good, Bad & Ugly MP3 53 03/14/2023 - Soul ~ Identity - Good, Bad & Ugly
1. Network of all 7 terms for God
2. Holier than thou - Jesus was servant, not God
3. Good, bad, ugly - identity
4. Parables of Jesus - impersonal
5. Conversation - yea, yea, nay, nay - Jesus
6. Race to gain perfection or compete with person ?
7. Vision by Mary Baker Eddy - Focus
8. Science & Health pgs 115-116
9. Clara Barton - Standard of Christian Science
10. Albert Einstein - problem solving via higher level
11. Robert Putnam - Bible Lessons & Council of Nicaea
12. Frederick Rawson - Instant healing, 5 words
13. Rolf Witzsche - System of Christian Science, Christ & Christmas interpretation
105 (1) Immigrant ~ Watch or do Treat Mp3 37 01/28/2024 ~ IMMIGRANT -- Searching for Love
Is this search for spiritual fulfillment or material sensation?
106 (1) Individual - Love MP3 33 05/29/2022 - Affirming God is Love which includes incorporeal, divine, supreme, and infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, and Truth to be developed in one’s consciousness which then assures that Love is delivering completeness, wholeness, total fulfillment.
107 (1) Individual - Oneness with God MP3 63 04/23/2022 - Affirming there is no separation between God and man which includes oneself. 63 min
108 (1) Individual Completeness ~ 1 of 3 Treat_Mp3 30 05/21/2023 - What is God – Science & Health 465
Creation – Gen 1:1-2:3
Scientific Statement of Being – Science & Health 468
Bible Lesson topics & importance of their sequence
Wentworth Winslow – example of phone & radio
Frederick L Rawson – 1,315 short descript of problems and exact counter-facts to internalize and adapt for specific need + individual spiritual function of primary body parts.
Interaction between the primary and other related terms for God as they apply to establishing individual completeness.
109 (1) Individual Completeness ~ 2 of 3 Treat_Mp3 24 05/21/2023 - What is God – Science & Health 465
Creation – Gen 1:1-2:3
Scientific Statement of Being – Science & Health 468
Bible Lesson topics & importance of their sequence
Wentworth Winslow – example of phone & radio
Frederick L Rawson – 1,315 short descript of problems and exact counter-facts to internalize and adapt for specific need + individual spiritual function of primary body parts.
Interaction between the primary and other related terms for God as they apply to establishing individual completeness.
110 (1) Individual Completeness ~ 3 of 3 Treat_Mp3 29 05/21/2023 - What is God – Science & Health 465
Creation – Gen 1:1-2:3
Scientific Statement of Being – Science & Health 468
Bible Lesson topics & importance of their sequence
Wentworth Winslow – example of phone & radio
Frederick L Rawson – 1,315 short descript of problems and exact counter-facts to internalize and adapt for specific need + individual spiritual function of primary body parts.
Interaction between the primary and other related terms for God as they apply to establishing individual completeness.
111 (1) Individual Spiritual Idea of God Treat Mp3 76 06/18/2024 ~ Question. — What is the scientific statement of being?
Answer. — There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. [SH 468]
God made Men
Genesis 1 ~ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.[Gen 1:26-28]
Everything God made is Perfect
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. [Gen 1:31]
Fleshly factors unreal
Question. — What is man?
Answer. — Man is not matter; he is not made up of brain, blood, bones, and other material elements. The Scriptures inform us that man is made in the image and likeness of God. Matter is not that likeness. The likeness of Spirit cannot be so unlike Spirit. Man is spiritual and perfect; and because he is spiritual and perfect, he must be so understood in Christian Science. Man is idea, the image, of Love; lie is not physique. He is the compound idea of God, including all right ideas; the generic term for all that reflects God's image and likeness; the conscious identity of being as found in Science, in which man is the reflection of God, or Mind, and therefore is eternal; that which has no separate mind from God; that which has not a single quality underived from Deity; that which possesses no life, intelligence, nor creative power of his own, but reflects spiritually all that belongs to his Maker. [SH 475:5-22]
112 (1) Individual Spiritual Idea of God Treat Mp3 68 06/14/2024 ~ 7 Terms for God relating to each other
This treatment covers all of the 7 terms for God and how they work together as one grand network. It is recommended to locate any particular problem that you are facing from the alpha index of 1,315 treatments above, top right. The basics of the 68 min treatment, also at the top right, can be applied to the treatment of any problem, for children or adults.
Receptive Thought Required ~ Not Cast Pearls Before Swine
Jesus' parable of 'the sower' shows the care our Master took not to impart to dull ears and gross hearts the spiritual teachings which dulness and grossness could not accept. Reading the thoughts of the people, he said: 'Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine.'
Unspiritual contrasts
It is the spiritualization of thought and Christianization of daily life, in contrast with the results of the ghastly farce of material existence; it is chastity and purity, in contrast with the downward tendencies and earthward gravitation of sensualism and impurity, which really attest the divine origin and operation of Christian Science. The triumphs of Christian Science are recorded in the destruction of error and evil, from which are propagated the dismal beliefs of sin, sickness, and death. [S&H 272:13-27] The One Real Power
Moral and spiritual might belong to Spirit, who holds the 'wind in His fists;' and this teaching accords with Science and harmony. In Science, you can have no power opposed to God, and the physical senses must give up their false testimony. Your influence for good depends upon the weight you throw into the right scale. The good you do and embody gives you the only power obtainable. Evil is not power. It is a mockery of strength, which erelong betrays its weakness and falls, never to rise. We walk in the footsteps of Truth and Love by following the example of our Master in the understanding of divine metaphysics. Christianity is the basis of true healing. Whatever holds human thought in line with unselfed love, receives directly the divine power. [S&H 192:17-31]
113 (1) Individuality ~ Infinite ~ Includes all humanity Treat Mp3 60 09/13/2023 - SUMMARY
1.Individuality and infinite in the same paragraph ~ 18 times.
2.God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy
3.Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease. ~ Science and Health 146:31
4.System Defined 7 Synonyms terms for God
1. Mind ~ Source of everything needed because it is mental.
2. Spirit ~ The only substance which is flawless.
3. Soul ~ Spiritual viewpoint of all existence.
4. Principle ~ System and structure which is always in balance.
5. Life ~ Living the qualities of God and multiplying by reflection.
6. Truth ~ Staying on track without deviation.
7. Love ~ Nurturing all the qualities to bring understanding to recognize wholeness.
5.Sciene and Health ~ Chpt 10 Science of Being Pg 281:14-17
The one Ego, the one Mind or Spi rit called God, is infinite individuality, which supplies all form and comeliness and which reflects reality and divinity in individual spiritual man and things.
6.Sciene and Health ~ Chpt 10 Science of Being Pg 281:27 to 282:2
The true new idea
Divine Science does not put new wine into old bottles, Soul into matter, nor the infinite into the finite. Our false views of matter perish as we grasp the facts of Spirit. The old belief must be cast out or the new idea will be spilled, and the inspiration, which is to change our standpoint, will be lost. Now, as of old, Truth casts out evils and heals the sick.
7.Reference Authors
1. Mary Baker Eddy 2. Christ Jesus and John 3. Robert Putnam
114 (1) Intelligence ~ Creative Source for All Individualities Treat Mp3 29 10/20/2024 ~ Individuals are tiny compared to the opportunity provided by a spiritual idea
Complete presentation on topic View
115 (1) Intelligence ~ God the Source Treat_Mp3 43 09/21/2023 -- SUMMARY
1. Science & Health ~ Chpt 1 Prayer ~ Pg 2 & 3
God's Standard
God is Love. Can we ask Him to be more? God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of anything He does not already comprehend? Do we expect to change perfection? Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which is pouring forth more than we accept? The unspoken desire does bring us nearer the source of all existence and blessedness.
The spiritual mathematics
Asking God to be God is a vain repetition. God is 'the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever;' and He who is immutably right will do right without being reminded of His province. The wisdom of man is not sufficient to warrant him in advising God. Who would stand before a blackboard, and pray the principle of mathematics to solve the problem? The rule is already established, and it is our task to work out the solution. Shall we ask the divine Principle of all goodness to do His own work? His work is done, and we have only to avail ourselves of God's rule in order to receive His blessing, which enables us to work out our own salvation. The Divine Being must be reflected by man, — else man is not the image and likeness of the patient, tender, and true, the One 'altogether lovely;' but to understand God is the work of eternity, and demands absolute consecration of thought, energy, and desire.
2. Science and Health ~ Chpt 17 Glossary ~ Pg 587
GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence.
GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action.
3. The spiritual nature of the senses. Senses of soul are the spiritual senses, not the so called material senses.
4.Fake it until you make it.
5.Referenced Authors:
1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth and Truth;
2. Mary Baker Eddy ~ System of divine metaphysics;
3. Robert Putnam ~ Ten Bible Lessons, Council of Nicaea and Mystery of Godliness & Iniquity;
4. Frederick L Rawson ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Treatments;
5. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God.
God is all in all and there is nothing but God.
116 (1) Interference MP3 40 06/22/2022 - 40 min
117 (1) Interference of God’s Activities is Absolutely Impossible MP3 11 07/17/2023 - INTERFERENCE ~ The most vicious evil suggestion
In Mary Baker Eddy's letter to a student on VISION, she asks "can you focus no matter what comes your way?".
The evil suggestion of interference comes in many faces, and one that tries to cause interference is CHAOS - to create & magnify the the most visible symptom that "comes our way".
Chaos tried to divide and conquer ~ divide us from our native connection with our source, God in all the glory of perfection, peace, harmony.
This treatment gets right to the heart of what we must know to dig to find it, expose it, eradicate it, and proceed with the infinite progression that is concrete being.
118 (1) Interference of Progress Treat Mp3 32 03/13/2024 ~ Interference is a false belief. Mind is the only power. There cannot be action without the foundation for it. Creative ability, capacity, capability, ingenuity are thoughts that contribute to performance which yields power, also functionality and facility. There cannot be any interference. Nothing has the capability to dilute the focus because God is the source of the focus. God is Truth. A lie cannot have any substance. Truth is the only substance. And that's the substance of spirit, which is flawless. Matter is the opposite of spirit, and spirit is the Truth of all substance. Spirit is the substance of Mind, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth and Love.... CLICK media for complete details.
119 (1) Interference ~ Omnipotent Mind Nullifies Treat Mp3 44 10/09/2023 ~ SUMMARY
1. THERE is NOTHING either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare.
2.GOD: God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ SH: 465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE
3.a. GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE b. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE
4.BLESSED ART THOU~ “Blessed art Thou (MBE) because everything that really is, is in this Book. (SH)” “To think that a woman knew this over 80 years ago.” ~ Albert Einstein
5. MALPRACTICE ~ 3 articles ~ Malpractice means bad practice and the bad practice is the only bad practice we need to be concerned about is our own consciousness and what we are letting our thought do that affects our own experience. ~ Wentworth Winslow
6. ACTIVITY ~ We need to make sure that the activity we're involved in is for the benefit of all mankind, that we are dealing in a quality item and that we are giving reasonable customer service and it is fairly priced. If those three elements are met, then the principle of malpractice comes into play. And knowing that there is only one omnipotent mind nullifies any possibility of interference in the rightful activity.
7. RIGHTFUL ~ Doesn't matter what the rightful activity is. It can have any label from the most basic to the most advanced profession. Doesn't matter. It still applies.
8. 1,315 TREATMENTS ~ It's recommended that his references be used on any problem that would include interference. ~ Frederick L Rawson
9. 7 TERMS for GOD ~ YOUR DIVINITY REVEALED ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God. ~ Helen Wright
10. FOR PRECEPT MUST BE UPON PRECEPT, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little. — Isaiah. ~ SH:465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE
11. ONE STEP at a TIME ~ Need to take one step at a time or one interference at a time to solve it one step at a time.
120 (1) Interference ~ Remove it & Progress Treat Mp3 39 04/11/2023 - God removes Interference ~ Opens path to Progress
Learn how Jesus overcame the 3 temptations of the devil which cleared the path for the launch of his healing ministry.
121 (1) Irritation Treat_Mp3 33 05/28/2023 - Criticism is the worst thing that you can get into your thoughts. It is one of the keys to perdition because it leads there. It leads to all unkindness; it leads into ingratitude; it leads into everything but love for your neighbors and friends.
KAMKAZI - Intentional total destruction of self and related equipment for sole purpose of bringing harm to others and destroy another country in hopes of saving ones' own country.
FORGIVE To pardon; to remit, as an offense or debt; to overlook an offense, and treat the offender as not guilty. The original and proper phrase is to forgive the offense, to send it away, to reject it, that is, not to impute it, [put it to] the offender.
PREDITION Entire loss or ruin; utter destruction
GOD This is reality and can be trusted with absolute certainty !!! What is God? God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. SH 465:9 Chpt 14 Recapitulation
GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. SH 587:5 Chpt 17 Glossary
GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. SH 587:19 Chpt 17 Glossary
Scientific statement of being: There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. SH 468:8 Chpt 14 Recapitulation
What is substance - Spiritual synonyms Substance is that which is eternal and incapable of discord and decay. Truth, Life, and Love are substance, as the Scriptures use this word in Hebrews: 'The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.' Spirit, the synonym of Mind, Soul, or God, is the only real substance. The spiritual universe, including individual man, is a compound idea, reflecting the divine substance of Spirit. SH 468:19 Chpt 14 Recapitulation
122 (1) Joy and Reflection MP3 12 07/23/2022 - Joy and Reflection
Reflection is a quality of Spirit because Spirit is substance, all substance. If we look with a flawless attitude, we see flawless substance and are reflecting the beauty like the smile of the great Spirit referred to by the Indians of America several hundred years ago.

Looking through the lens of Spirit, we will let the light of purity shine and we will then reflect the flawless nature ~ we are automatically joyful for we can see only the flawless beauty, void of personality, and full of Love.
123 (1) Joy is Natural MP3 14 06/17/2021 - Joy is Natural
Love means that one must utilize spiritual sense in order to correctly see, hear, feel, taste, and smell.

Then it is natural to love everyone, every thing, every event, every relationship because we are looking for the good, the true, the perfect. When we look, we enable ourselves to see as God sees, as Jesus saw when using the eyes of God.
124 (1) Law, Governor, Controller Treat Mp3 23 12/27/2022 --- End All Conflict ~ Mind Reveals Truth
The fact that there is only one Mind, opens the door to grasp the reality that there can also be only one Law, Governor, and therefore all is controlled by the one Controller, God.
This God is neither a part-time God nor a space-limited God. God either is All-in-all or there is no God. There is too much evidence to refute the omnipresence of God.
God requires a manifestation just as an artist must express the thoughts being held that beg expression. Otherwise, the artist is not an artist but only a name without significance. Man is required of God in order for God to be man's God. And, Man is the image and God is the source ---!!!
125 (1) Leadership and War MP3 73 07/18/2023 - Leadership and War
1. 1776 FREEDOM from ENGLAND
3. 1789 America CONSTITUTION is LAW
4. 1871 America ENSLAVED to ENGLAND
126 (1) Learning Disability ~ How to heal it from beginning to end Treat Mp3 41 08/17/2023 --- SUMMARY
1. Conviction that 1000% determined problem can be solved. All TSA must witness this conviction.
2. Isolate atmosphere so no one that knows anything about the individual or the so-called belief of the label has any access to the individual or knows their whereabouts or even any name they may be using. M Armstrong was outside of civilization for 20 yrs and did not age during that period.
3. Do not speak about what you are doing to anyone -- PERIOD --- disappear for all intensive purposes from civilization that knows anything about the perceived false flag.
4. Tools to embark on an advanced learning program. Included all items that would be pursued by a normal life by someone that was considered at least average in learning capability.
5. Anyone that was a tutor or teacher of any type must be monitored to assure that there was absolutely no clue there was a so-called learning disability. No thought speech or action could be identified as yielding to the so-called belief. Piano teacher was an excellent eg of unlimited thinking.
6. Teach how to read
7. Taught all normal activities: swim, ice skate, biking, acrobatics, piano, cooking.
8. Bone structure changed
9. Dedicated to Christian Science daily study
127 (1) Level & Relativity ~ Understood ~ Resolves Perceived Conflicts Treat Mp3 Full Page 85 10/07/2024 ~ A. Definitions
1. Evil = Anything less than 100% God-like
2. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]
3. Conflict = Lack of understanding
B. Definition Levels
1. Understanding ~ Different dimensions
2. Understanding ~ Resolution ~ Elevated dimension with deeper & wider view.
3. Progress ~ Exchanging lower level or dimension within a level or to higher one
4. Lower = More material & less spiritual
5. Higher = More spiritual & less material
C. Progress
1. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little. [Isaiah 28 v10]
2. Infinite Progression is Concrete Being
D. Conflict Examples
1. Genesis 1 Man, Good ~ Genesis 2 Man, Evil
2. Job, Good ~ Job, Evil
3. King David, Good ~ King David, Evil
4. St Saul, Evil ~ St Paul, Good
5. Mortal man ~ Immortal man
6. Mortal mind vs immortal mind
7. Jesus, son of God = Good
8. Jesus is God = Evil
9. Christian Science practice vs Malpractice
128 (1) Life is Action & Antidote for Death Treat Mp3 Full Page 59 250124 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. Other recommended links View
1. It is God's desire that we pray. The Bible says we should pray without ceasing. To do this, we need to live our prayer.
2. Genesis 1 ~ In the beginning ~ translate to in the only creation there is. We only need to align our lives with God's laws. This means to live the qualities of the 7 synonymous terms for God.
3. God has already done everything. He doesn't have ears to hear us. Each one of us needs to align our lives with the 7 terms for God.
4. If we are in alignment with the laws of the universe which he established, then we benefit from those laws.
5. Genesis 1 ~ God made man & that he gave man dominion over everything. To understand this truly, we have to live it & prove that it is true.
6. We need to follow the path of progress. This path requires one step at a time as stated in Isaiah. "For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little." [Isaiah 28 verse 10]
7. There are in infinite number of degrees. Every time we take it up a notch, we have a stronger, broader, wider, deeper foundation on which to stand. [See 32 Planks - SH 330]
8. We have a larger reserve of truth that we can draw upon to support the denial of anything opposite to it.
9. Truth is what enables us to affirm what needs to be affirmed to refute whatever the error is that tries to attack our integrity in our consciousness. One gains a better understanding of Truth when they understand the lie & then they just flip it, then they will realize what the Truth is.
10. The more you understand Truth, you will understand its opposite. In other words, if the lie is one thing, then the truth is the opposite. And the same with the truth, the opposite is the lie.
Click full page to view more details.
129 (1) Life ~ Human Life vs Divine Life Treat Mp3 Full Page 102 08/25/2024 ~ Human Life = Human Destiny
A. DNA ~ Predetermined Human Life ends in death ~ Genesis Chpt 2 ~ Adam & Eve = Fake ancestors
1. Material birth ~ Father & Mother 2. Material Life 3. Constant ups & downs 4. Unexpected Storms 5. Pleasant Sunshine ~ On- Off- On 6. Growth ~ Material basis 7. Peeking out ~ Material basis 8. Declining ~ Life-incentive destroyed 9. Death ~ Destroys Human Life ~ dust to dust = FAKE
Research Frederick L Rawson ~ Electrical Expert ~ Researcher
1. Does Christian Science really heal? 2. After thorough research = YES 3. Became one of the top Christian Science healers. 4. Before healing ~ Body includes positive or negative charges. 5. After Healing = Only positive charges. 6. Discovered retroactive healing. 7. Retroactive Healing took place before request to heal received. 8. Treatment or Healing by True prayer includes 1,315 Ailments. 9. Book includes how to heal each one of the 1,315 Ailments 10. Life Understood ~ Scientific & Religious view 11. Historic Scientist agree with Christian Science Healing see #10 12. Albert Einstein studied Christian Science ~ see header above. 13. Patient's appointments typically ended in healing within 15 min.
God created Man = Divine Life
B. Qualities of God when followed provide infinite opportunity ~ Gen:1 ~ Our only Ancestor 1. Prayer ~ Living the qualities of God 2. Prayer ~ All thought, speech & action. 3. Must learn & live the prayer of what God is. 4. One must Let the qualities of God control oneself 5. Not What we do but How we do it. 6.Translate everything to a spiritual basis. 7. Christ Jesus ~ Ascended ~ Divine Life. 8. The Disciple John ~ Ascended ~ Divine Life.
130 (1) Life ~ Awaken to Harmony of Principle to Dispel Belief of War Treat Mp3 Full Page 132 03/09/2025 ~ References included in this Treatment
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. System of Divine Metaphysics
4. Scientific statement of being
5. 7 Terms for God ~ Definition's Abbreviations
6. Diapason of Heaven ~ MBE

Living Demonstration of Divine Principle
Life is a living demonstration of the divine Principle.
If Principle operates by itself and brings dynamics into being, we can see that the dynamic of Principle is Life. The inner operation of Principle is naturally Principle, but every operation is bringing out something new, and this newness is Life. Thus when Principle operates we have Life and we can't have Life without relying on the divine Principle, which is Mind, Spirit, Soul in one operation.
In order to have eternal life we must determine what kind of life we mean. Mortal life is not eternal, nor are material, physical, or organic life, eternal. They are a mistaken sense of life, and mistakes cannot be eternalized.
Click Full Page to view complete details
131 (1) Life ~ Letting the Term for God be a Guide to Heal MP3 38 08/09/2023 - Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M Wright identifies the terms for God. The MP3 treatment and the PDF file below is based on this research.
Life as God PDF
132 (1) Lord's Prayer ~ Principle ~ Unity Treat Mp3 Full Page 122 12/07/2024 ~ Lords Prayer ~ Key Topics
1. GOD
1.1 What He is = What He does?
When spiritually Understood
1. Is the way we live our life
2. Meets every human need
3. Heals everything instantly
4. Unifies all mankind & all nations
1.2 What He is not = What He does not do?
He is not
1. Christ Jesus or any other person
2. Visible, corporeal, weak, fearful, coward
He does not do
1. Respond to human requests for material things
2. Deliver evil acts to or for anyone
3. Create evil events anytime or anywhere
2. MAN
2.1 What man is = What man does?
2.2 What man is not = What man does not do?
3.1 Always thinks about God & is God's child
3.2 Always a winner
3.3 Never quits giving
3.4 Constantly looks for new ways to give
3.5 Always happy
3.6 Receives constant priceless rewards
3.7 Welcome everywhere by everyone
3.8 Benefits everyone around them
4.1 Neglects God & is an orphan
4.2 Inconsistent results
4.3 Seeks a shortcut for success
4.4 Seeks things that are free
4.5 Does not wear a smile
4.6 Does not understand why life is difficult
4.7 A welcome is uncommon
4.8 Focus is own-self
CLICK Full page to view complete details with illustrations
133 (1) Lord's Prayer ~ Truth Neutralizes Evils of War Treat Mp3 Full Page 54 12/05/2024 ~ INTRODUCTORY QUOTES
1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John viii. 32
2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare
3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy
God & Good
1. God is incorporeal, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. [SH 465]
2. God ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587]
3. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]
Intro to Key Points
1. No negotiation is successful unless all parties are satisfied.
2. As in this case, one of the parties is totally corrupt and evil, then the party that has to be satisfied is justice, which is principle.
3. This can only be known by the truth, which is consciousness, which is motive. So the evil has to be exposed.
4. The war between Russia (good) & NATO including USA (evil) is a war between Russia maintaining its sovereignty & evil trying to steal Russia.
Accomplishments of Russia destroying Evil
1. Destroyed much child trafficking, child labor, child satanism, pedophilia.
2. The US children that were rescued were sent to President Trump & he returned them to their families.
3. Executed many of the ring leaders of the child abuse categories.
4. Bio-weapon labs destroyed
5. Cloning facilities destroyed
6. Nazism partially destroyed.
7. Secretary of defense who was hiding in Ukraine in an attempt to not be arrested for TREASON which was an outstanding indictment was killed by a missile. The secretary of defense is an actor or clone.
8. Weapons from the US & other NATO countries destroyed
9. F16 airplanes from US destroyed
10. Much other equipment from NATO destroyed
11. Much Infrastructure destroyed
12. The conflict in Ukraine only continues as NATO refuses to come to the peace table.
13. NATO continues to advertise they want to defeat & steal Russia.
14. Wherever NATO is mentioned it always includes US which is a part of NATO & funds about 80% of NATO.
1. Give gratitude for all resources where you learned any spiritual things of value that you feel elevated your present spiritual understanding.
2. Truth ~ It is fixed ~ Must adjust to it ~ not try to change it.
134 (1) Lord’s Prayer by Christ Jesus ~ Meets every Human Need Treat Mp3 33 11/09/2024 ~ Definitions, Quotes & Ref for All Treats PDF
Inexhaustible Divine Love
Is it not a species of infidelity to believe that so great a work as the Messiah's was done for himself or for God, who needed no help from Jesus' example to preserve the eternal harmony? But mortals did need this help, and Jesus pointed the way for them. Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need. It is not well to imagine that Jesus demonstrated the divine power to heal only for a select number or for a limited period of time, since to all mankind and in every hour, divine Love supplies all good.
Reason and Science
The miracle of grace is no miracle to Love. Jesus demonstrated the inability of corporeality, as well as the infinite ability of Spirit, thus helping erring human sense to flee from its own convictions and seek safety in divine Science. Reason, rightly directed, serves to correct the errors of corporeal sense; but sin, sickness, and death will seem real (even as the experiences of the sleeping dream seem real) until the Science of man's eternal harmony breaks their illusion with the unbroken reality of scientific being.
135 (1) Lord’s Prayer by Christ Jesus ~ Mind Treat Mp3 Full Page 42 11/12/2024 ~ Lord’s Prayer by Christ Jesus ~ Mind
View page for complete details View
136 (1) Lord’s Prayer by Christ Jesus ~ Promotes Sovereignty Treat Mp3 40 11/09/2024 ~ Definitions, Quotes & Ref for All Treats PDF
Introduction to key points
1. Lord's Prayer recognizes God as the supreme commander of all existence.
2. Love God completely without any reservation.
3. Golden Rule ~ Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.
4. We cannot love God unless we are loving our neighbor as ourselves.
5. There is only one will & it is the will of God.
Monroe Doctrine
1. Our military should be used only to defend the borders of our continent. We do not even deserve a country if we are trying to steal it from someone else, apart of their territory.
2. We must keep ourselves out of other people business.
3. If we are aware of someone being abused somewhere else then we should apply the Lord's prayer to that situation but not send an army or any military.
4. Remember not to include persons or names in your prayers.
5. We must not support any elected individual that is violating the things stated in the above points about minding our business & using our military only to defend ourselves if we are invaded without cause by an outside foreign power.
6. We should treat everyone as having a right to be sovereign.
137 (1) Lord’s Prayer ~ Life 1 of 2 Treat Mp3 Full Page 98 11/17/2024 ~ Lord’s Prayer ~ Life 1 of 2 ~ The only Prayer given to the world by Christ Jesus
1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John viii. 32
2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare
3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy
God & Good
1. God is incorporeal, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. [SH 465]
2. God ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587]
3. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]
Evil; a lie; error; neither corporeality nor mind; the opposite of Truth; a belief in sin, sickness, and death; animal magnetism or hypnotism; the lust of the flesh, which saith: "I am life and intelligence in matter. There is more than one mind, for I am mind, — a wicked mind, self-made or created by a tribal god and put into the opposite of mind, termed matter, thence to reproduce a mortal universe, including man, not after the image and likeness of Spirit, but after its own image." [SH 584]
Life is divine Principle, Mind, Soul, Spirit. Life is without beginning and without end. Eternity, not time, expresses the thought of Life, and time is no part of eternity. One ceases in proportion as the other is recognized. Time is finite; eternity is forever infinite. Life is neither in nor of matter. What is termed matter is unknown to Spirit, which includes in itself all substance and is Life eternal. Matter is a human concept. Life is divine Mind. Life is not limited. Death and finiteness are unknown to Life. If Life ever had a beginning, it would also have an ending. [SH 468]
The compound idea of infinite Spirit; the spiritual image and likeness of God; the full representation of Mind. [SH 591]
The only I, or Us; the only Spirit, Soul, divine Principle, substance, Life, Truth, Love; the one God; not that which is in man, but the divine Principle, or God, of whom man is the full and perfect expression; Deity, which outlines but is not outlined. [SH 591]
138 (1) Lord’s Prayer ~ Life 2 of 2 Treat Mp3 Full Page 21 11/17/2024 ~ Lord’s Prayer ~ Life 2 of 2 ~ The only Prayer given to the world by Christ Jesus
Four of the most important Bible messages are shown below ~ Each of the 7 synonymous terms for God have a relationship with these 4 important messages ~ Below clearly shows the relationship for the Term Life
Genesis I:20-23 ~ “ And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.” (Genesis I: 20)
Love is Life ~ Fatherhood, multiplication, aspiration, method, individuality.
“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” (Exodus 20:7) The one divine individuality demands eternal love, life, laying down the mortal for the immortal.
“Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” (Matt 5:7) True fatherhood ~ divine mercy is the way to eternal individuality and spiritual multiplication. ~ Golden Rule ~ Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
“Give us this day our daily bread; Give us grace for today; feed the famished affections;” (S and H 17:4-5) Eternity fathers and immortalizes being. ~ Spiritual Interpretations by Mary Baker Eddy
139 (1) Lord’s Prayer ~ Mind Enlightenment Love Completeness Treat Mp3 Full Page 138 11/11/2024 ~ No matter what the problem, Lords Prayer is the tool to transform consciousness to result in healing
Lord’s Prayer by Christ Jesus ~ Introduction Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy
"When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and, when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.
Spiritual sanctuary
So spake Jesus. The closet typifies the sanctuary of Spirit, the door of which shuts out sinful sense but lets in Truth, Life, and Love. Closed to error, it is open to Truth, and vice versa. The Father in secret is unseen to the physical senses, but He knows all things and rewards according to motives, not according to speech. To enter into the heart of prayer, the door of the erring senses must be closed. Lips must be mute and materialism silent, that man may have audience with Spirit, the divine Principle, Love, which destroys all error.
Effectual invocation
In order to pray aright, we must enter into the closet and shut the door. We must close the lips and silence the material senses. In the quiet sanctuary of earnest longings, we must deny sin and plead God's allness. We must resolve to take up the cross, and go forth with honest hearts to work and watch for wisdom, Truth, and Love. We must "pray without ceasing." Such prayer is answered, in so far as we put our desires into practice. The Master's injunction is, that we pray in secret and let our lives attest our sincerity.
Trustworthy beneficence
Christians rejoice in secret beauty and bounty, hidden from the world, but known to God. Self-forgetfulness, purity, & affection are constant prayers. Practice not profession, understanding not belief, gain the ear and right hand of omnipotence and they assuredly call down infinite blessings. Trustworthiness is the foundation of enlightened faith. Without a fitness for holiness, we can't receive holiness.
Loftiest adoration
A great sacrifice of material things must precede this advanced spiritual understanding. The highest prayer is not one of faith merely; it is demonstration. Such prayer heals sickness, and destroy sin & death. It distinguishes between Truth that is sinless & the falsity of sinful sense.
The prayer of Jesus Christ
Our Master taught his disciples one brief prayer, which we name after him the Lord's Prayer. Our Master said, "After this manner therefore pray ye," and then he gave that prayer which covers all human needs. There is indeed some doubt among Bible scholars, whether the last line is not an addition to the prayer by a later copyist; but this does not affect the meaning of the prayer itself. In the phrase, "Deliver us from evil," the original properly reads, "Deliver us from the evil one." This reading strengthens our scientific apprehension of the petition, for Christian Science teaches us that "the evil one," or one evil, is but another name for the first lie and all liars. Only as we rise above all material sensuousness and sin, can we reach the heaven-born aspiration and spiritual consciousness, which is indicated in the Lord's Prayer and which instantaneously heals the sick.
140 (1) Lord’s Prayer ~ Prayer of Christ Jesus Treat Mp3 Full Page 120 11/01/2024 ~ Definitions, Quotes & Ref for All Treats View
1. "When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and, when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly."
2. The closet typifies the sanctuary of Spirit, the door of which shuts out sinful sense but lets in Truth, Life, and Love.
3. We must close the lips and silence the material senses.
4. Self-forgetfulness, purity, and affection are constant prayers.
5. A great sacrifice of material things must precede this advanced spiritual understanding.
6. Our Master taught his disciples one brief prayer, which we name after him the Lord's Prayer.
Lord's Prayer with Spiritual interpretation by Mary Baker Eddy
Our Father which art in heaven,
Our Father-Mother God, all-harmonious,
Hallowed be Thy name.
Adorable One.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy kingdom is come; Thou art ever-present.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Enable us to know,— as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme.
Give us this day our daily bread;
Give us grace for to-day; feed the famished affections;
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And Love is reflected in love;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;
And God leadeth us not into temptation, but delivereth us from sin, disease, and death.
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.
For God is infinite, all-power, all Life, Truth, Love, over all, and All.
Complete text with Intro SH Pgs 14-17 View
141 (1) Lord’s Prayer ~ Principle, Structure & System Treat Mp3 Full Page 61 11/16/2024 ~ Definitions, Quotes & Ref for All Treats View
1. Introductory quotes for Science & Health ~ See above view button
2. System of Divine Metaphysics ~ SH 146:31
3. Study = Research & development. Looking for key points expressed in short phrases including titles & subtitles.
4. Research = unbiased truth-seeking.
5. Development = developing within consciousness through process of reasoning.
6. Must keep the discoverer directly connected to the discovery in order to be able to benefit from the discovery ~ not in personality ~ but connected in qualities.
7. Give credit which includes naming them by their individual name, such as Mary Baker Eddy or Christ Jesus.
8. This does not deify them, but only recognizes them for their cutting a new path in the jungle which exposes materialism & theories of so-called mortal mind.
2 Greatest Commandments
1. Love God with all thy heart, soul & mind.
2. Love thy neighbor as thyself.
3. The two above are indelibly connected.
Quiet Time
1. Pray 3x a day for all humanity.
2. Stop every hour to make sure your thoughts are only on goodness related to any individual.
3. Same with any event ~ must be constructive
4. If there is any evil involved, we must flip it to convert our thinking to what God is & that the true man which is only the real man is perfect & good.
5. We must translate just like Jesus did when he saw someone sinning, sick or dead.
6. A mortal is not an idea of God. Jesus turned his thought to the real man which is spiritual. He focused on man as the perfect idea of God.
142 (1) Lord’s Prayer ~ Spirit ~ Substance of all Existence Treat Mp3 Full Page 89 12/01/2024 ~ INTRODUCTORY QUOTES
1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John viii. 32
2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare
3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy
God & Good
1. God is incorporeal, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. [SH 465]
2. God ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587]
3. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]
Intro to Key Points
1. Terms for God as Spirit ~ See sec #4 on the full page
2. Give gratitude for all resources where you learned the spiritual things of value that you feel elevated your present spiritual understanding.
3. Truth ~ It is fixed ~ Must adjust to it ~ not try to change it.
4. Lords Prayer + Spiritual sense by Mary Baker Eddy.
Scientific statement of being
There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. [SH 468]
143 (1) Lord’s Prayer ~ The Qualities of Soul is source of all Man’s Identity Treat Mp3 Full Page 100 11/14/2024 ~ The only proper way for identifying anyone or anything is via the qualities of God they express
Definitions, Quotes & Ref for All Treats View
Intro to key points
1. We must prepare our thoughts & recognize the discoverers of whatever we are studying.
2. Jesus discovered Christianity
3. Jesus is the Son of God
4. His title & authenticity must be recognized in order to gain benefits from studying any of the writings that recorded his words.
5. Mary Baker Eddy was the discoverer, founder & leader of Christian Science. ~ Recognize this.
6. You must be grateful for the writings in order to gain more from studying her works.
Authors mentioned
1. Christ Jesus
2. Mary Baker Eddy ~ S&H + Other writings
3. Abraham, Moses, & Other Bible writings
4. Robert C Putnam ~ Bible Scholar
5. St. Paul
6. Frederick L Rawson ~ 1,315 Ailments, treating backwards, many books.
7. Wentworth Winslow ~ 4 Books about God
8. Each one of the verses in the Lord's Prayer ~ connecting them to the various terms that describe Soul as listed in Science & Health.
9. Give gratitude to everyone from which you gained inspiration.
10. Affirm the truth in the treatment cannot be changed.
11. Seal treatment by giving gratitude for God.
12. Do not think of people as personalities, but only think of the qualities they express
13. Support the government of America & the function of each office, not personalities.
14. Evil ~ Affirm it has NO power.
15. Evil ~ Expose it, let it destroy itself, finish cleanup by destroying any evil that remains.
144 (1) Lord’s Prayer ~ Truth ~ Sets Man Free Treat Mp3 Full Page 48 11/20/2024 ~ INTRODUCTORY QUOTES
1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John viii. 32
2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare
3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy
God & Good
1. God is incorporeal, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. [SH 465]
2. God ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587]
3. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]
Key Points
1. Give gratitude for all resources where you learned the spiritual things of value that you feel elevated your present spiritual understanding.
2. Truth ~ It is fixed ~ Must adjust to it ~ not try to change it.
Authors Mentioned
1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth & Truth
2. Mary B Eddy ~ System of Divine Metaphysics
3. Frederick L Rawson ~ 1,315 Ailments
4. Wentworth Winslow ~ 126 articles in 4 books
5. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ In-depth study of 7 terms for God
Also See Definitions from SH Chpt 17 Glossary
145 (1) Lord’s Prayer ~ Widow Women 2 Mites Treat Mp3 25 11/08/2024 ~ Definitions, Quotes & Ref for All Treats View
Lord's Prayer
1. The only prayer that Christ Jesus gave to the world.
2. It covers every human need.
3. If spiritually understood, will heal any problem instantaneously.
Two commandments from Christ Jesus
1. Love your neighbor as yourself
2. Love God with all thy Heart, Soul & Mind. [Matthew 22:36-40]
3. Following these commandments opens the door to a greater understanding of the Lord's Prayer.
Two examples of turning away from Matter towards Spirit
1. A man of great accomplishments for the good of all humanity was asked how he accomplished so much.
2. One day he looked down at the ground & realized he needed to put God as #1 or he would not be able to succeed at helping humanity.
3. He then realized that he had to be totally humble & give 100% of all thought, speech & action to God & Humanity like Christ Jesus did.
4. 2 Mites = 1 Penny = Gift to Church.
5. The widow woman gave all she had, which prompted Jesus to discuss this with his disciples. Her giving to the church was her symbol to giving it to the God
Atmosphere & Attitude
1. When seeking a better understanding of God ~ an atmosphere of love required.
2. Realize that chasing the belief of life, truth & intelligence in matter prevents spiritual progress.
What to do?
1. Study the book "Your Divinity Revealed" by Helen Wright to learn the 7 terms for God.
2. Study Science & Health from Beg to end.
3. Translate what you read in your own words.
4. Make any additional notes needed.
5. Record all of the above in your own voice.
6. Repeat the above continuously year after year as along as you are interested in Spiritual improvement & transforming life to follow Jesus
Complete text with Intro SH Pgs 14-17 View
146 (1) Lost and Found ~ 3 Steps to Recovery Treat Mp3 22 11/05/2023 ~ SUMMARY
1. DEFINITIONS ~ Always a good beginning
a. God ~ Incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ SH:465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE
b. God ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE
c. Good ~ God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE
2. INTRODUCTION ~ Foundation of Christian Science ~ 3 Step Process
a. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free - John 8:32 b. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare c. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. ~ Mary Baker Eddy d. Seek Ye First the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. ~ Solomon
3. The ART of the DEAL by Donald J. Trump
a. Focus must be on satisfying the needs of everybody involved in the project. b. Never think about the profit that will be made by doing the deal or by selling it after running it as a business, if it is a business. c. Approach everything from the standpoint of the Golden Rule.
a. Consider some of the key qualities that relate to each of the terms. b. Do your level best to live each of those qualities in everything you think, say and do.
a. What is the truth about God, including God's manifestation, man? b. Genesis indicates that God gave man dominion over all the earth. c. Man must let God in their consciousness in order to recognize that God did create everything.
6. CONCLUSION ~ Go to God First
a. Do not take physical steps first. b. The primary thing in thought should always be seeking God. c. There is nothing but God.
147 (1) Love - Harmonizer MP3 44 09/08/2022 - Love harmonizing all actions in all time frames
148 (1) Love is Complete Treat_Mp3 17 05/20/2023 - Love ~ nurturing all the qualities of God with intention of experiencing completeness
If one strives to demonstrate everything mentally wherein no physical activity is required, one is striving to overcome the limiting belief of time & space. Everything should be able to be demonstrated mentally. Frederick L Rawson
Mr. Rawson demonstrated retroactive healing which was one example. The healing started to be effective or was completely demonstrated – instantaneous healing – prior to the time any effort was begun to solve the problem.
The greater the focus on completion, the less the effect of the universal belief of process & limitation.
149 (1) Love the Light of Victory Evolved Treat Mp3 Full Page 93 12/19/2024 ~ Definition of Spiritual Senses
1. Sight - spiritual discernment.
2. Hearing - spiritual understanding.
3. Feeling - divine consciousness.
4. Smell - intuition of character.
5. Taste - relish of Truth.
Some Key Points
1. In thinking about the word love, it's fun to think of a word that could be utilized to represent each of the initials.
L = Light O = of V = Victory E = Evolved 2. Love represents the fulfillment of all the other qualities of God.
3. What is being referred to is specifically the 7 synonymous terms.
4. One of the most important words about love to describe & define it, is nurturing.
5. We must nurture the quality of intelligence, wisdom, knowing, capacity, capability, functionality, facility, action, performance, which all add up to a measurement of power.
6. We know that mind is omnipresent, so it means these qualities are always present ~ omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, & omni-action.
7. One must devote consecrated effort to nurturing each of those qualities of God.
8. If we go to the 2nd day of creation, which discusses the term Spirit, we know that Spirit is flawless, & therefore it is transparent & reflective.
9. There's nothing that can obstruct the reflection.
10. So, when we think of being able to properly identify things, we need to think of the real meaning of identification in spiritual terms.
150 (1) Love Wholeness ~ God’s Work is Done Treat Mp3 Full Page 36 10/30/2024 ~ Election is a 50-State Sting Operation ~ Trump is already the 46th President & will be the 47th on Jan 2025
Trump has been Commander in Chief since Jan 2017 & will remain so until Jan 2028
Definitions, Quotes & Ref for All Treats View
1. 3 Quotes at beginning of Science & Health
2. Definition of God ~ Pg 465
3. Definition of God & Good ~ Pg 587
For # 1,2, & 3 - CLICK view at top
4. We must accept the definition of God as being accurate which includes accepting God's work is done.
5. God's work is perfect, but the benefit comes when we accept that fact.
6. Love = mothering our consciousness to accept wholeness.
7. Benefit is realized when we do the above
8. No matter what the topic is, when it is conceived as being complete, then we recognize that God's work is done.
9. We receive the benefit from God's completed work when we root out any mistake in perception & realize that everything about God is perfect, including his manifestation of all existence.
10. Our benefits are continuous if our consciousness is alert to the truth about God & us being God's image & likeness ~ See Genesis 1
11. If we are unaware of this truth, then our benefits are limited.
13. Gratitude should be to all sources from which spiritual development was received.
14. It should be recognized that truth is always true & cannot be diluted, diverted, stopped or reversed.
15.Close every prayer treatment stating the truth about God, man & all existence.
16. The more we do the above, the closer we get to God.
17. The closer we are to God, the faster will be our individual working out of our salvation.
1. President Trump wears ball cap with the number symbol 45-47.
2. 47 = 45, 46, 47
3. This is a symbol that the election is already complete & President Trump has already been elected.
4. It is also a symbol that Trump is right now the 46th president.
5. This is telling us that who acts & is in the media as being the president is false information.
6. It is an actor playing the part that has no authority to do anything for or against America.
7. The reason President Trump has been able to have criminals arrested & carry out tribunals & executions is because he is the Commander-in-Chief.
8. The actor playing the part of Biden has no authority & therefore can not have people arrest by the US Military.
9. They have arrested people using the old judicial system & then after the trial Trump has the judge & the juries arrested for violating the law.
151 (1) Love Your Enemies Treat Mp3 Treat Mp3 Full Page PDF 13 05/12/2020 - Who is thine enemy that thou shouldst love him? Is it a creature or a thing outside thine own creation?
Can you see an enemy, except you first formulate this enemy and then look upon the object of your own conception? What is it that harms you? Can height, or depth, or any other creature separate you from the Love that is omnipresent good, — that blesses infinitely one and all?
Simply count your enemy to be that which defiles, defaces, and dethrones the Christ-image that you should reflect. Whatever purifies, sanctifies, and consecrates human life, is not an enemy, however much we suffer in the process. Shakespeare writes...
152 (1) Love your enemies vs Secret to healing Treat Mp3 Treat Mp3 Full Page 78 11/27/2024 ~ Recognize everyone for their spiritual qualities ~ If you don’t see any ~ Refer to Genesis 1 (below)
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. [Gen 1:26-27]
Introductory Quotes to Science & Health
1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John viii. 32
2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare
3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy
Divine Metaphysics
1. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease. [SH 146:31]
2. When the 32 planks of the platform is understood and the letter and the spirit bear witness, the infallibility of divine metaphysics will be demonstrated. [SH 330:9]
7 Terms for God
1. Mind ~ Source of All Mental Activity
2. Spirit ~ The only substance which is flawless.
3. Soul ~ Spiritual seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting & smelling.
4. Principle ~ System & structure in balance.
5. Life ~ Living the qualities of God & multiplying by reflection.
6. Truth ~ Consciousness & Motive which are the engine for results ~ Eliminates errors
7. Love ~ Nurturing all the qualities & recognizing & understanding their wholeness.
4 Operators
1. Word ~ Facts about 7 terms for God
2. Christ ~ Translate from matter to spirit
3. Christianity ~ Demonstrate ~ Path to healing
4. Science ~ Automatically live perfect life ~ Jesus saw only the perfect man.
Intro to Key Points
1. Christian science = searching for the truth about God & man & the relationship between God & man.
2. Who is thine enemy that thou shouldst love him? Is it a creature or a thing outside thine own creation?
3. Always give gratitude for the truth that you've learned from the studying.
4. Truth ~ It is fixed ~ Must adjust to it ~ not try to change it.
153 (1) Love ~ Abundance or Lack MP3 66 01/03/2023 -- Love Provides Abundance When Applied Scientifically
1. Matt 6 (JPH+KJV) ---- 2. SH 146 - System ---- 3. SH 493-494 - Divine Love meets every human need ---- 4. SH 16-17 ----- 5. SH 115-116
Christ Jesus
Mary Baker Eddy
Marya Brunson - System
Henry Drummond - The Greatest Thing in the World
Robert Putnam - Revelation dictated by Jesus to John
Frederick Rawson - 1315 applied treatments, Retroactive treatment & healing
Wentworth Winslow - Qualities are permanent
Helen Wright - Your Divinity Revealed - 4 operators+ 7 terms for God
Rolf Witzsche - Books 3a, 3b - System
JB Phillips
154 (1) Love ~ Always on Duty Treat Mp3 15 10/23/2024 ~ Definitions, Quotes & Ref for All Treats View
God is our Father & Mother
1. God is our strength & courage
2. God provides capacity
3. God provides functionality
4. God nurtures & guides
5. God activates right activity
6. God protects all the time
7. God provides so never any lack
155 (1) Love ~ Giving Treat Mp3 Full Page 45 11/03/2024 ~ Definitions, Quotes & Ref for All Treats View
1. Loving = living = giving ~ Mary Baker Eddy
2. Giving anonymously is best when possible.
3. Always be looking for those in need.
4. Giving with ego = Futile mistakes = failure.
5. It is worse than failure because it is adding fuel to the fire of personal ego.
6. Personal ego is damaging & will prevent spiritual advancement.
7. In most cases, giving can be anonymous if one is creative or employs the services of someone that is an expert in the area of privacy.
8. Absence of giving is estimated to be the single greatest cause of failure in healing.
Wake up call to the importance of Giving
1. If one does not have a giving heart, then they need to research why love is important.
2. Mary Baker Eddy begins the chapter on Christian Science practice with the story of Mary Magdalene.
3. The love of Jesus is what recognized her transformation. This prompted Jesus to forgive her.
4. Love your enemies is one of the first articles in Miscellaneous Writings.
5. Mary Baker Eddy stresses the importance of miscellaneous writings being a tool enabling one to better understand Christian Science as stated in the textbook.
6. Being the 2nd article in this most important book should highlight the importance to everyone of the necessity of having a giving heart & giving generously to everyone in every way that will benefit them.
156 (1) Love ~ How Not What Treat Mp3 Full Page 65 12/29/2024 ~ 1. L, O, V, E = Light of victory over all evil.
2. Mary Baker Eddy indicates that oil is one of the features of Love, & she defines that as spiritual inspiration.
3. It could also be thought of as being a lubricant that makes everything work smoothly.
4. Mary Baker Eddy defines God as ~ incorporeal, no body, divine, absolutely perfect, supreme, nothing higher, infinite, totally unlimited, & the 7 terms of God.
5. What we think creates ~ our capacity, our capability, our functionality, our facility, our creative ability, all action, all performance, all power & depending on our scope, are we going to let it be omnipresent wherever we are? Are we going to carry it in our consciousness?
6. Love is such a comprehensive term that it has been defined as being all fulfillment, total wholeness & completeness.
7. When we think of just these few words of incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love, it's very easy to automatically expand what each of those words mean to us individually.
8. It would be helpful if one rewrite the definition of God in their own words, always staying closely and right on target to the way it is described by Mary Baker Eddy.
9. What kind of an atmosphere exudes from our very existence?
10. Are we letting our light shine which is reflecting the enlightenment from the divine mind, which is God.
157 (1) Love ~ How to Heal MP3 53 12/31/2022 -- The method put forth in the mp3 is only one potential method. Everyone is strongly advised to develop their own method of treating consciousness, letting their own spiritual inspiration guide them.
For ideas from the real expert, refer to Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ Frederick L Rawson
SUGGESTED READING ~ some referred to in TREATMENT above:
1 Thes ~ 5:16-18
SH ~ Intro quotes
SH ~ Preface
SH ~ 15:14-24
SH ~ 145:31-5
SH ~ 465:8-10
SH ~ 541:31-5
No & Yes ~ 38:28-22
Unity of Good ~ Caution in the Truth
154:16-32 Miscellaneous Writings
The Way ~ 356:30-3 ibid
340:3-8 Miscellany
Bible ~ KJV and JB Phillips
Science and Health
Mary Baker Eddy Other Writings
158 (1) Love ~ Letting the Term for God be a Guide to Heal MP3 33 08/09/2023 - Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M Wright identifies the terms for God. The MP3 treatment and the PDF file below is based on this research.
Love as God PDF
159 (1) Love ~ Retribution MP3 72 06/12/2023 - Love ~ Retribution ~ Getting Even
Using Combo of Matter & Spirit for Solution
160 (1) Love ~ Seeing the Truth about Everything Treat Mp3 Full Page 81 02/11/2025 ~ 1. We need to always be seeking the truth about whatever topic that we are studying. If we're not seeking truth, we're barking up the wrong tree.
2. Einstein gives us a big clue in one of his more famous quotations: CURIOSITY HAS ITS OWN REASON FOR EXISTING. NEVER STOP QUESTIONING.
3. Einstein stated high reverence for Mary Baker Eddy because of what she revealed to the world in 1866. He realized the truth about that topic ~ "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter".
4. He had been studying his whole life about matter, time, light & relativity. He says, imagine you're having a conversation that is very pleasant, then time will go by very quickly. But if you're working on something that ends up being laborious, time moves very slowly. What it really means is that time is based on the EVALUATION of the OBSERVER. It may be going by QUICKLY for one person & very SLOWLY for another.
5. Our thinking is what's going to determine the speed of time, whether it is passing by quickly for us or slowly. If one would be watching an entertainment movie, & it was really the kind of movie the individual liked to watch, the time would probably go by quickly. Whereas if it was very slow moving that didn't seem to have much of a plot, you may even turn it off because it has no interest to you. YOU STOPPED THE TIME FOR THIS EVENT.
6. Mary Baker Eddy was living her prayer. Everything we think, say & do is living our prayer. We can have a very boring prayer or we can have a very vivid one. We can have one filled with life, vigor, activity & progress. Or we can have one filled with inactivity, & not of very much interest at all.
7. Genesis 1:1 ~ In the beginning ~ Mary Baker Eddy interprets this to mean ~ the only creation that exists is the creation of God = UNFOLDMENT of REVELATION.
8. Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 ~ The original word used for God is Elohim which means the real, true God.
9. Genesis 2:4 ~ Beginning with this verse, the term used for God is Jehovah. This is the opposite of Elohim. Elohim is the perfect God. Jehovah is the material sense which is the false record of creation.
10. Genesis 2:4 ~ BEGINNING WITH THIS VERSE, everything is foggy &. Nothing is clear. Therefore, the whole story of Adam & Eve is in a mist, a mistake, a fog, & nothing can be seen with clarity. Everything is a false record of creation.
Click Full Page to view complete details.
161 (1) Man MP3 61 06/04/2022 - How the understanding that everyone starts from the same basis but it must be recognized, accepted, and lived in order for there to be an individual benefit. 61 min
162 (1) Man #1 ~ Definition of Man Treat Mp3 Treat Music PDF 60 12/01/2023 - Treatment Focus on Definition of Man ~ Glossary – SH Pg: 591
Dear Father and Mother God
I Trust in You
163 (1) Man #10 ~ Epilepsy by Rawson Treat Mp3 Treat Music 4 01/03/2024 ~ There is no epilepsy, there is only God and His perfect manifestation. God is the infinitely calm Mind, the infinitely calm creator, ruler and governor of all, ”in Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17 : 28). There is no life apart from God, man’s Life is God, man is the living of God. “The kingdom of God is . . . peace” (Rom. 14 : 17). Nothing takes place but the action of God. There are no medical laws regulating health or disease, there is only the law of God and man forever obeys that law ; it is the law of his being, the law of eternal health and holiness. There are no fits, for the control of God over all things is unceasing and uninterrupted, and His control means absolute order and absolute peace. There are no meaningless movements, every movement is a movement of divine Mind, having its divine purpose and divine effect. Man is never unconscious, man is God’s consciousness; that consciousness is never lost, for the only consciousness is God’s consciousness, eternally, peacefully at work. There is no evil cause of anything, the only cause is God. Man can never injure himself, he reflects divine substance; he can never fall, he is poised in Mind, always in a perfect position. There is no evil power at work, the only power is God. There is no tendency to fits, for man’s nature is absolutely pure, the nature of God. Man is not a material being, he is spiritual, he belongs to God, he is wholly of God. “When he giveth quietness, who then can make trouble ? " (Job. 34 : 29). "Peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come** (Rev. 1 : 4). (Work against heredity, injury and poison). Pg 95 Rawson
164 (1) Man #11 ~ Epilepsy Treatment by MBEI Treat Mp3 Treat Music 18 01/03/2024 ~ Includes applying the System of Divine Metaphysics.
Please refer to original text from FREDERICK L RAWSON ~ Man #10. This 18 min treatment is an elaboration of the 4 min treatment by Mr. Rawson. Please listen to this treatment for the complete details.
165 (1) Man #12 ~ Strategy and Tactics Treat Mp3 Treat Music 43 01/05/2024 - 1. Definitions, Quotes & Summaries View
2. No matter what the ailment or ailments appear to be the method of treatment. In other words, applying the system is identical for every kind of ailment as compared to any other ailment. The only difference is in the tactics. The strategy is that we must recognize and claim and live the qualities of God, and especially in our thoughts. And of course, our speech and action must follow our thoughts, if our thoughts are correct, which really means letting the thoughts of God be our consciousness. By tactics, it is meant that the details or the focus is adjusted to the particular ailment...
166 (1) Man #13 ~ Chest Including Heart Pain Treat Mp3 Treat Music 52 01/07/2024 ~ 1. Definitions, Quotes & Summaries View
2. Chest and heart ~ There is no pain in the chest or heart. God is the only action. God is Spirit. Spirit is flawless, Spirit is transparent, and Spirit is therefore reflection. Man reflects the flawless nature of Spirit with every thought, speech, and action that are of the quality of this perfect Spirit. Mind includes action. The only action there can be is perfect action. God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. God is the only cause and creator. Looking at the definition of Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love separately, Mind represents Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Omni-action on page 587.
167 (1) Man #14 ~ Age and related Topics Treat Mp3 Treat Music PDF 11 03/01/2021 -- Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ Frederick L Rawson
Text Used in the Treatment ~ Frederick L Rawson
1. Age
There is no old age, for man always has existed and always will exist, a perfect being in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God, having Life eternal. Man is God’s consciousness, as infinite as God; he reflects Life and has all power and strength; he reflects Mind and is ever active and ever energetic. None of his organs can be worn out, as all are spiritual and perfect, reflecting Life and substance, ministering to man and benefiting man, giving him infinite joy and happiness as he moves in thought joyously in the realm of Mind. (See Stiffness). P. 182-183
There are no weakened muscles, man’s muscles arc God’s thought forces, having absolute power and strength. Man’s muscles cannot be stretched, for all God’s ideas...
168 (1) Man #15 ~ Capacities and Powers of Man Treat Music PDF 01/12/2024 ~ 1. Definitions, Quotes & Summaries View
2.Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ Frederick L Rawson Pgs 275-281
Let it be quite understood that to heal well it is not necessary to have this knowledge; but, the greater the knowledge of the world of reality and the more accurate the knowledge of its details, the easier it is to heal. In any case, this tends to greater activity of thought and a better elimination of thoughts of materiality.' “As material knowledge diminishes and spiritual understanding increases, real objects will be apprehended mentally instead of materially ” (Science and Healthy p. 96, Mary Baker Eddy).
Please CLICK to View complete description
169 (1) Man #16 ~ Bladder and Gall Bladder Treat Mp3 Treat Music 49 01/13/2024 ~ 1. Definitions, Quotes & Summaries View
2. This Treatment address the spiritual nature of what is symbolized in words as bladder and gallbladder, which are internal organs of a so called human body. But the focus, as with all treatments, are going to be on the spiritual counter-fact to what is termed something that is material in nature. To begin, I will reiterate the three quotes from the text of science and health with key to the scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
1. Quotation from John ~ Words of Jesus: "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
2. Quotation from Shakespeare: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
3. Quotation from Mary Baker Eddy: "Oh, thou hast heard my prayer and I am blessed. This is thy high behest thou here and everywhere."
Now the reason to begin with these short quotes is that the first one establishes the frame of thought..
Please listen to this 49 min treatment for the complete details
170 (1) Man #17 ~ Chest Including Heart Pain ~ Part 2 Treat Mp3 Treat Music PDF 40 01/16/2024 ~ 1. Chest ~ 4 min View
2. Sealing Treatment ~ 2 min View
3. Definitions, Quotes... View
4. 9 Beliefs Including Treatments By Frederick L Rawson
1. Blood, Circulation of the Blood ~ There is no want of circulation of the blood, man's blood is the joy which circulates with unfailing regularity and ease right throughout the consciousness, for God is the Principle of all law and order. Love is the power that causes that joy to circulate, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. All ideas reflect Mind and Mind is the source of infinite activity. p. 46
Please CLICK PDF to view/download complete description
171 (1) Man #2 ~ Focus on Spiritual Interpretation Treat Mp3 Treat Music PDF PDF 57 12/02/2023 - 1. Definitions, Quotes & Summaries View
2. WHAT IS MAN by Mary Baker Eddy
2a. Complete review with spiritual and scientific interpretations ~ S&H Pg 475 ~ See Complete Article in PDF
1. The most scentific man 2. He always saw the perfect man B. MARY BAKER EDDY ~ Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system.. ~ See #1 or Header
1. 1. 1,315 treatments 2. Book ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
D. WENTWORTH WINSLOW ~ The titles to the 4 books below give us the sequence and the change of consciousness needed to bring about healing.
1. Let God Do It ~ 36 articles 2. God Can Do It ~ 30 articles 3. God Will Do It ~ 35 articles 4. God Is Doing It ~ 21 articles
4. CONCLUSION ~ Striving to understand the two statements below opens the door that Mary Baker Eddy refers to ~ 'Infinite progression is concrete being'.
4a. 'God is All-in-all' 4b. 'There is nothing but God'
172 (1) Man #3 ~ Focus on Interpretation of Genesis Treat Mp3 Treat Music PDF 51 12/05/2023 - 1. Definitions, Quotes & Summaries View
2. The focus will be on Chpt 15 ~ Genesis of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures ~ Pg 515 to 517 which relates to Genesis Chpt 1 verses 26 and 27. ~ View
3. It is highly recommended that before one commences a treatment that one listens to or studies the references in the Mp3 which is entitled Definitions, Quotations and Summaries.
173 (1) Man #4 ~ Focus on Scientific Statement of Being Treat Mp3 Treat Music PDF 76 12/07/2023 - 1. Definitions, Quotes & Summaries View
Question. — What is the scientific statement of being?
Answer. — There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. Science and Health ~ Pg 468:8
174 (1) Man #5 ~ Focus on God is Love Treat Mp3 Treat Music PDF 44 12/10/2023 - 1. Definitions, Quotes & Summaries View
2. Mary Baker Eddy used the King James Version of the Bible as her reference for biblical verses in the Christian Science textbook Science and Health with key to the scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. However, her study only began with the King James Version as she studied all versions available and of course had her own language skills in translating the biblical verses from their original language. We must keep in mind that she said that true Christian Scientists should be Bible scholars. She either did her own translation or was able to find translations of other languages besides the original language in which the Bible was written....
175 (1) Man #6 ~ Focus on Physiology Treat Mp3 Treat Music PDF 71 12/13/2023 - 1. Definitions, Quotes & Summaries View
2. Intro Quotes for SH ~ Chpt 7 Physiology
a. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? ~ Christ Jesus
b. He sent His word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. — Psalms.
3. Introductory quotes to Science and Health
a. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ~ John viii. 32
b. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so ~ Shakespeare
4. Mary Baker Eddy ~ The discoverer, founder, leader of Christian Science and the system of divine metaphysics....
176 (1) Man #7 ~ Focus on Daily Prayer and Protection Treat Mp3 Treat Music PDF 82 12/15/2023 - 1. Definitions, Quotes & Summaries View
2.Atmosphere of thot
3.Pray w/o ceasing
4.Guard thot consistently
5.Church an hour does not do it
6.39 topics household
7.Diapasion of heaven
8.Models in thot - hold them in front all the time
9.Wentworth Winslow ~ radio + phone
10.Comedy ~ exercise time to work off what you eat
11.Barraged how long to protect thot if we take in mm suggestions ~ all day long
12.Carpenter ~ 500 watching points ~ 1929-1942
13.Sound & video
a. projection of individual thot b. experiment in woods b1. tree fell no sound b2. light passing thru holes no light in the block cube 14.CSP healing
a. likley temp healing b. must transform TSA for permanent healing ~ 25 min 15.Lighthouse
a. 1 task ~ shine, warn , protect b. 28:30 16.Protect constantly
a. Protect self & others dependent on you ~ 30 min
177 (1) Man #8 ~ Focus on Atonement and Eucharist Treat Mp3 Treat Music PDF 65 12/16/2023 - 1. Definitions, Quotes & Summaries View
2.The three introductory quotes to science and health are as follows:
a. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John viii. 32
b. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare
c. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy
d. The first two verses set the stage. We have to be anchored in Truth. We have to realize that what we think about something is what we experience....
178 (1) Man #9 ~ Epileptic Boy Healed by Jesus Treat Music PDF 01/03/2024 ~ Fasting required ~ Hold tight to Spirit & consider matter as of no value !
When Jesus was crucified, disciples immediately went back to fishing – Traitors – Spirit lacking
MATTHEW 17:14-16 - When they returned to the crowds again a man came and knelt in front of Jesus. "Lord, do have pity on my son," he said, "for he is a lunatic and is in a terrible state. He is always falling into the fire or into the water. I did bring him to your disciples but they couldn't cure him."
17:17 - "You really are an unbelieving and difficult people," Jesus returned. "How long must I be with you, and how long must I put up with you? Bring him here to me!"
17:18 - Then Jesus reprimanded the evil spirit and it went out of the boy, who was cured from that moment.
17:19 - Afterwards the disciples approached Jesus privately and asked, "Why weren't we able to get rid of it?"
17:20-21 - "Because you have so little faith," replied Jesus. "I assure you that if you have as much faith as a grain of mustard-seed you can say to this hill, 'Up you get and move over there!' and it will move - you will find nothing is impossible." "However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting".
Click PDF to view Chapter 17 ~ Mathew by JB Phillips
179 (1) Man - God - Man - Manifestation Treat Mp3 PDF 64 11/04/2022 - Included: 64 min treatment and diagram map of many of the references used in the treatment from several authors.
180 (1) Man is & Now ~ Christian Science Treatment Treat Mp3 Full Page 30 11/20/2024 ~ Quotes & Definitions
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. System of divine metaphysics
Some Key Points
1. God being the only power
2. Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he? [Habakkuk 1:13]
3. Give gratitude for all resources where you learned the spiritual things of value that you feel elevated your present spiritual understanding.
4. Truth ~ It is fixed ~ Must adjust to it ~ not try to change it.
Authors Mentioned
1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth & Truth
2. Mary B Eddy ~ System of Divine Metaphysics
3. Robert C Putnam ~ Bible Scholar ~ Council of Nicaea 325 A.D.
4. Frederick L Rawson ~ 1,315 Ailments
5. Wentworth Winslow ~ 126 articles in 4 books
6. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ In-depth study of 7 terms for God
181 (1) Man vs Humanity is Giving vs Taking Treat Mp3 Full Page 106 12/22/2024 ~ Some Key Points referred on this treatment
1. The system of divine metaphysics is all about Christian Science.
2. The problem in realizing this is that not only have we accepted on the most part that we are born a sinner & therefore have a constant task ahead of us of working out the problem of being.
3. Media constantly feeds us lie upon lie about everything.
4. Mary Baker Eddy tells us very plainly to follow your leader only so far as she follows Christ.
5. If you contemplate the quote from Shakespeare, you will realize that what we experience is what we feed into our thought.
6. If we don't feed it into our thought, then our thought is going to respond to universal belief.
7. So it's very important for us to deny any error that is in universal belief so that we can shift gears from going backwards by believing a universal belief of materialism & shift into neutral & then forward by understanding & following the truth.
8. The only way we can really understand anything is to live it & prove it to ourselves.
9. Life eternal ~ A life of giving which multiplies spiritual goodness & adds it to universal thought & delivers life eternal.
10. Life lost ~ A life of taking which subtracts from spiritual goodness & divides unity & produces chaos. This is a focus on materiality & is all evil. The evil delivers hell & death to universal thought.
11. If we pay even the slightest attention to what is going on in our govt & the govts around the world, it is easy to see that evil always attempts to divide goodness & then destroy it.
182 (1) Man ~ Is the Substance Spirit or Matter ? Treat Mp3 52 11/13/2024 ~ Introduction to Key points
1. Seeking the truth about Man.
2. Consider only the truth in the thinking so that the results will be the goodness of man.
3. We must live the qualities of the truth about man.
4. We must pray without ceasing. So living the qualities is the way to accomplish unceasing prayer.
5. The filtering system so that the focus is on truth must be guarding our door of thought.
6. Evil in any form is a suggestion and not a fact.
7. Evil includes sin, sickness, disease, death.
8. Evil includes everything unlike God.
9. Any kind of discord is evil.
10. Any weather that is not harmonious is evil.
11. The effect of any weather that is discordant is therefore evil.
12. Spirit is the only substance
13. Spirit is flawless
14. Spirit is the smile of the great spirit.
15. Nothing that resembles anything unlike a smile is God like and therefore is evil.
16. There is no life, truth, intelligence or substance in matter. Therefore it is evil.
17. All life, truth and intelligence is in mind & therefore the absence of any of those is evil.
18. There's only one mind and it is divine.
19. Divine mind is of the substance of spirit.
20. So called mortal mind is unreal because it is of the substance of matter.
21. Brain is of the substance of matter, therefore has no intelligence.
183 (1) Matter a Shadow Treat Mp3 16 02/03/2024 -- (This is not Extemporaneous but reading the text of the author)
Matter a Shadow ~ The Christian Science Journal August, 1888 Vol. 6 No. 5 Page 224
THE answer to the oft-repeated question, Is there no matter? involves another question, What is matter? The word matter is defined, by standard authority, as the material, or substance, out of which any object or thing is made, — substance which changes in form according to the evolution of physical law, as seen in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, in their various stages of birth, growth, and decay. Matter is also spoken of as something which relates to the metaphysical, as well as physical, world. --- Click media for complete details.
184 (1) Matter and Mortal Mind Defined Treat Mp3 34 10/28/2023 - Summary
1. CONFLICT or friction of any kind is due to manipulation.
2. MATTER -- M = Manipulation, A = Always , T = Toward , T = The, E = Error, R = Repetition ~ Fake news tries to embed in thought matter = reality.
3. SYSTEM ~ Divine Metaphysics is now reduced to a system ~ Please see header for the complete statement by MBE
There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. ~ SH 468:8 ~ 14 Recap ~ MBE 5. SCIENTIFIC TRANSLATION
a. Scientific translation of immortal mind b. Scientific translation of mortal mind Please refer to Science and Health Pg 115 to 116 for complete text.
6. INDIVIDUAL CONSCIOUSNESS ~ Mary Baker Eddy indicates that we will be keeping plenty busy by taking care of our own consciousness without interfering or thinking about someone else and their progress or lack thereof in their spiritual development. Family or other dependent should be kept under our protective wings as long as needed.
7. MORTAL MIND a. The energy behind matter. b. The communicator on behalf of matter. c. Suggestions made to human thought, often using matter as its object for communication. d. Communicates in an attempt to make one believe that it is matter doing the talking.
8. PROGRESS a. Infinite progression is concrete being, which finite mortals see and comprehend only as abstract glory. ~ Misc 82:20 ~ MBE b. Our goal is to leave the finite mortal viewpoint in the dust and strive to comprehend God more clearly, filling consciousness with Truth and living more consistently Life in its true nature.
185 (1) Matter ~ Deny it to move forward in Spirit Treat Mp3 Full Page 72 12/15/2024 ~ Some Key Points referred to this treatment
1. There is no matter, only Spirit and the infinite manifestation of Spirit, pure, perfect, divine and holy. “Immortal man was and is God’s image or idea, even the infinite expression of infinite Mind, and immortal man is coexistent and coeternal with that Mind” [SH 336]
2. Scientific statement of being ~ There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. [SH 468]
3. There is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness; there are no material ideas, all ideas are spiritual, always in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. [Pg 161 ~ Examples of Applies Treatment]
4. If President Trump would have focused on the amount of money or profit that he would make from a deal, he is sure it would fail.
5. Elon Musk, who's considered the wealthiest man in the world, posted something on X, which is the social media program that he owns, and he said, out of one to a hundred, where does money rank in your idea of importance? Mine is at a 1 or a 2. In other words, he's saying out of 100 he doesn't really think money is important.
6. If you look at his products, you can see that they are the top products, most advanced & he offers them at a very competitive price.
7. Andrew Carnegie, sold US Steel back around 1900 & he spent the rest of his life giving the money away. But he wanted his name on everything that he gave. So he built libraries, buildings, universities & so forth, all with his name.
8. It's a greater pleasure to give when no one knows you or your name & that they have no way to recognize you other than if they want to just say thank you.
9. When you give, do you give anonymously?
10. Are you a giver or a taker?
11. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. [Christ Jesus]
12. Don't look necessarily for human needs to be met, but you will have a higher level of spiritual understanding.
186 (1) Matter ~ There is No Matter Treat Mp3 37 10/15/2023 - EXCERPTS
This is a reading of the above referenced article. Please adapt as a treatment by supplementing the text. For reference listen to any of the Mary Baker Eddy Institute Treatments.
1. GOD IS A SPIRIT ~ (or, more accurately translated, 'God is Spirit'), declares the Scripture (John iv. 24), 'and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.'
2. SIGHT ~ Mortal mind declares that matter sees through the organizations of matter, or that mind sees by means of matter. Disorganize the so-called material structure, and then mortal mind says, 'I cannot see;' and declares that matter is the master of mind, and that non-intelligence governs. Mortal mind admits that it sees only material images, pictured on the eye's retina.
3. TOUCH ~ Take another train of reasoning. Mortal mind says that matter cannot feel matter; yet put your finger on a burning coal, and the nerves, material nerves, do feel matter.
4. TASTE ~ Mortal mind says, 'I taste; and this is sweet, this is sour.' Let mortal mind change, and say that sour is sweet, and so it would be. If every mortal mind believed sweet to be sour, it would be so; for the qualities of matter are but qualities of mortal mind. Change the mind, and the quality changes. Destroy the belief, and the quality disappears.
5. FORCE ~ What is gravitation? Mortal mind says gravitation is a material power, or force. I ask, Which was first, matter or power? That which was first was God, immortal Mind, the Parent of all. But God is Truth, and the forces of Truth are moral and spiritual, not physical. They are not the merciless forces of matter. What then are the so-called forces of matter? They are the phenomena of mortal mind, and matter and mortal mind are one; and this one is a misstatement of Mind, God.
CLIKC PDF to view Unity of Good by Mary Baker Eddy ~ Book 5 of 16 ~ Pg 31 PDF
187 (1) Mesmerism vs Truth Treat Mp3 56 03/20/2024 -- Animal Magnetism ~ Hypnotism ~ Hypnosis ~ Mesmerism
German physician with an interest in astronomy. He theorized the existence of a process of natural energy transference occurring between all animate and inanimate objects; this he called "animal magnetism", later referred to as mesmerism. Mesmer's theory attracted a wide following between about 1780 and 1850, and continued to have some influence until the end of the 19th century. In 1843, the Scottish doctor James Braid proposed the term "hypnotism" for a technique derived from animal magnetism; today the word "mesmerism" generally functions as a synonym of "hypnosis". Mesmer also supported the arts, specifically music; he was on friendly terms with Haydn and Mozart. -- Click media to listen treatment.
188 (1) Mind - all source and all manifestation MP3 75 10/15/2022 - 75 min - Please CLICK button to see a complete page on Mind - all source and all manifestation View
189 (1) Mind Alertness to Confirm Good & Reject Evil Treat Mp3 Full Page 44 10/22/2024 ~ INTRODUCTION TO KEY POINTS
1. Evil can only exists if we give it a place in our thoughts, speech & action.
2. Evil operates on deception
3. Evil mocks truth & therefore we must be careful not to be tricked.
4. It operates in almost identical fashion every single time
5. It accuses the innocent of what it is doing to create a decoy.
6. It fabricates lies about the innocents in order to divide a conquer.
7. It operates primarily from universal belief = composed of repetitious lies
8. Repetitious lies become real to the brain which does not know how to think
9. Spiritual intelligence is the only thing that can detect the lies of evil
10. Spiritual intelligence is a filter so that the lies of evil cannot enter consciousness
11. Evil must be recognized that the onset of the suggestions.
12. Evil is exemplified by a telephone that is constantly ringing
13. Do not pick up the telephone otherwise you will be tempted to listen out of curiosity & then we already let it into consciousness
14. It is much easier to prevent evil to entering consciousness then to cleanse it from consciousness after it enters.
15. Never wants to accept that it is a mistake & therefore it will reject being cleansed.
16. The operation of evil happens involuntarily unless we spiritually protect our thought from infiltration.
17. Need is to cultivate our garden with spiritual thoughts. Keep the soil aeriated so that new thoughts can permeate into roots just like a plant, flower or a seed of a tree. We must nurture it as soon as the seed is planted.
18. We must constantly aeriated the soil so that a weed cannot get rooted into the soil.
19. Excellent gardener tends to his soil that cares for the plant, giving it proper nutrient, water & so forth.
20. Nutrient that we give to our consciousness is the fresh spiritual thoughts from constant studying of the textbook.
21. Filter thoughts to separate the ones from mortal mind & divine Mind.
22. Our duty is to think about mind & mind alertness.
23. Every thought that come to us must be examined with a fine tooth comb to determine its source & make sure that there is no mixture of evil with the truth.
24. Diversions are the biggest time wasters.
25. We already stresses the importance of valuing each moment
26. Mary Baker Eddy stresses the importance of valuing each moment.
27. Every wasted moment is lost forever
28. Time wasted can never be recovered.
29. Primary objective is to be on the path of infinite progression striving for concrete being.
30. The biggest danger of universal belief is that it is inserted in consciousness through subliminal tactics.
190 (1) Mind Controls & Guides Treat Mp3 Full Page 80 11/07/2024 ~ Definitions, Quotes & Ref for All Treats View
1. Intro Quotes to Science & Health ~ See above
2. Christ Jesus dictated Revelation to John on Island of Patmos.
Obeyed Tenets = Letting Mind control & Guide
Religious Tenets of Christian Science
1. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life.
2. We acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God. We acknowledge His Son, one Christ; the Holy Ghost or divine Comforter; and man in God's image and likeness.
3. We acknowledge God's forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal. But the belief in sin is punished so long as the belief lasts.
4. We acknowledge Jesus' atonement as the evidence of divine, efficacious Love, unfolding man's unity with God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death.
5. We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal Life, even the allness of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter.
6. And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to ben us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure. See Tenets of Christian Science ~ SH 497
7 Synonyms for God
God is ~ Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love
Intro to Key Points Continued
1. Love was exemplified by Christ Jesus from beginning to end, even when he was arrested. He showed love by healing the ear of the soldier that Peter had cut off. Jesus said, put up thy sword, Peter. In other words, we must discipline ourselves not to express hatred, but only love.
2. Jesus expressed love throughout his life by healing every situation that needed to be healed.
3. Golden Rule ~ Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.
4. If we follow these key points, we will be letting mind control & guide us.
5. The above golden rule, when followed, is letting God control & guide all thought, speech & action.
191 (1) Mind Infinite Network MP3 52 03/06/2023 - Mind Infinite Network
Included in this treatment are The system of Christian Science including
(1) the 7 synonymous terms for God,
(2) the 4 sides of the City of God, and
(3) the levels related to the system.
Since God is All-in-all, God is the only source & manifestation. Therefore every single quality and attribute of God is infinite and is connected through an infinite network with all other qualities and attributes.
References in this treatment includes publications quoting (1) Jesus, (2) Mary Baker Eddy, (3) Marya Brunson, (4) Robert Putnam, (5) Frederick Rawson, (6) Rolf Witzsche, and (7) Helen Wright.
192 (1) Mind vs Brain ~ How to Change it? Treat Mp3 77 04/04/2024 ~ MIND VS BRAIN ~ Common Belief: Brain does thinking ~ BIG mistake ~ DIVINE MIND knows all ~ LET Mind do it.
Fallacious Hypotheses ~ A scientific mental method is more sanitary than the use of drugs, and such a mental method produces permanent health. Science must go over the whole ground, and dig up every seed of error's sowing. Spiritualism relies upon human beliefs and hypotheses. Christian Science removes these beliefs and hypotheses through the higher understanding of God, for Christian Science, resting on divine Principle, not on material personalities, in its revelation of immortality. Jesus cast out evil spirits, or false beliefs. The Apostle Paul bade men have the Mind that was in the Christ. Jesus did his own work by the one Spirit.... Complete Text View
REF: S&H ~ 04 Christian Science vs Spiritualism ~ Pg 79:7 to 80:18
193 (1) Mind ~ Belief is not Fact Treat Mp3 Full Page 59 01/17/2025 ~ Mind ~ Belief is not Fact Mind ~ Fact Mortal Mind ~ Suggestions to form False – Belief
1. If we prove a belief to be fact, then it is no longer a false belief & is termed Truth, a fact, something that is fixed, not variable.
2. If we understand what God is & what man is & the relationship between God & man, then we very definitely have something that is fixed & is able to be relied on to set us free from anything that is un-like-God.
3. Mary Baker Eddy uses the term evil as a very broad term to mean anything that is un-like-God, no matter what the form it takes.
4. On the one side we have something that is a representation of the incorporeal, divine, supreme & infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love, & this all refers to reality.
5. Everything that is not reality is a misunderstanding & is not really a fact at all, can never be proven to be a fact, and must be accepted as only a belief that is a false view. So that is termed as false belief, opposed to a true fact.
6. If one wants to obtain a healing, then the goal is to separate fact from fiction, truth from fantasy, perfection from anything that is less than perfect.
7. Perfection is flawless. There is no mixture with perfection. It is a fixed fact.
8. Anything at all that is in visible form must be translated to its true spiritual nature as long as it is real. For example, a beautiful rose must be recognized & acknowledged as the beauty of God being expressed, the fragrance, the aroma or smell, is the spiritual sense being expressed.
9. The way the petals unfold from a tight bud into a full bloom is the action of divine Mind revealing itself. All of these qualities are the substance of Spirit, which is flawless.
10. If something appears to be visible that is evil, such as a storm, then it must be recognized as not being a part of the reality of the universe of God, but an attempt to distract consciousness & implant into consciousness that reality includes evil. We must claim Truth to be the only reality & the only action that can exist is good action, the action of God, the action of perfect, all intelligent Mind.
11. EVIL ~ Our duty is to refuse to believe that evil is real ~ & specifically state that it is unreal & not from God ~ it is a fiction & has absolutely no power ~ because the only power is the power of divine Mind which is defined as good.
12. God is of purer eyes than to behold evil. If God is all seeing, God cannot behold evil. That means evil is not real. [Habakkuk]
194 (1) Mind ~ Control Treat Mp3 71 08/16/2023 --- It does not matter what the topic is because Mind is in total control of all existence. There is no other source of control.
Mind is defined by Mary Baker Eddy, She says that:
1. Mind is incorporeal divine, supreme and infinite. She also says that God is the great I am, all knowing, all seeing, all acting, all wise, all loving and eternal. 2. Spirit is flawless. 3. Soul is spiritual sense. 4. Principle is system and structure. 5. Life is strength and courage. 6. Truth is consciousness and motive. 7. Love is wholeness, completeness.
It is nurturing all of the other qualities of God, bringing it to fulfillment, no matter what the topic.
If we apply these basic elements of what control is and its source, which is Mind, then we will bring about success.
What is success?
1. It is clearing our thought of anything that is unlike God. 2. It is focusing on reality, no matter what comes our way. 3. Focusing on Truth 4. Focusing on who really is in control
List of the authors that were mentioned:
1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Maria Brunson 4. Joel Goldsmith 5. Frederick L Rawson 6. Wentworth Winslow
195 (1) Mind ~ Cross & Water Treat Mp3 Full Page 47 01/26/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. Other recommended links View
1. Whenever we study, seeking truth is our purpose. Once we find a morsel of truth, then our next goal is to demonstrate it, prove it by living it.
2. How are we thinking about anything that we're confronted with? The way we think about it is going to determine our view, & that's going to determine whether it's a positive or a negative for our experience.
3. Something that appears to be negative can be flipped to be positive if we accept it as a challenge to understand Christian Science better & grow from the experience. We need to always be alert to be sure of what we are viewing is good or evil. If it is evil we need to flip it to see what is good. For Example: If a sports team is playing in a competition & they're getting beaten badly, you will find the coach will be discussing not whether they are ahead or behind but whether they are playing in accordance to the principles of the game.
4. What are the principles of any project we are involved in? It is between us & the principle of what we are doing & no one else is involved.
5. When we study, we seek the truth. We seek the principle, & we apply the truth to the principle to formulate the model in our thought of how we should be living our life. If we do that, we will be able to demonstrate that it is true. And then we will be able to grow by it. We will increase our confidence because we've gained something new to add to our reservoir of consciousness that we know to be true.
6. Mary Baker Eddy gives us a number of references on the word cross & they all have a central theme. That is what we need to take up the cross as Jesus did, & not try to ignore it, but to face it head on.
7. CROSS ~ It's a symbol of materialism, any kind of un-God-like activity.
8. She says, take it up & bear it. We have to face it & solve the problem. If we ignore it, it will grow & become more difficult to see its nothingness.
9. It's much easier to face the evil & solve when it's small. So at the very onset of any problem, that is when we attack it.
10. Jesus was not meek when he was dealing with evil. He was very aggressive. There was no doubt in his thought about what he needed to do or say. He did it with great force.
11. Mary Baker Eddy tells us that we are to guard our door of thought as if it was a door in our house to protect us from thieves & murderers. That's exactly what evil is. It tries to steal the goodness from our consciousness, & it tries to kill any good thought we have.
196 (1) Mind ~ Day 1 ~ Spiritual Understanding of God Treat Mp3 Full Page 114 01/07/2025 ~ Quotes & Definitions
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. System of divine metaphysics View
1. Mary Baker Eddy has defined God as incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. [SH 465]
2. Genesis 1 up through verse 3 of chapter 2 is divided into 7 days.
3. The 7 terms for God, The 7 days in Genesis, The Commandments, The Beatitudes & The Lord's Prayer, all 5 align with each other ~ verse for verse.
4. The 7 is symbolizing completeness in the Bible & also Mary Baker Eddy's writings.
5. John Morgan's book ~ Mary Baker Eddy's Other Writings ~ all there is to our lives, our bodies, our relationships, is some activity of God.
6. The Divine all enters into the minutiae of all because we can never be outside of his wholeness.
7. One long time successful Christian Science practitioner defined body ~ everything that is within one's consciousness.
8. When the term body is referred to by the Mary Baker Eddy Institute as consciousness ~ includes everything no matter what it is ~ visible or invisible, which is a primary source of one's individual experience.
9. Our thinking becomes our experience.
10. Our thoughts can be conscious or unconscious, active or latent, voluntary or involuntary. All is within consciousness whether we are conscious of it or not.
11. Jesus had a difficult time in healing in the area of Galilee where he was raised from a boy until about the age of 30 after being successful coming from the desert for 40 days & 40 nights & overcoming the 3 temptations of a supposed devil. It is important for anyone who is desiring & striving for a better spiritual understanding of God to have their thought in the right atmosphere.
12. It is very helpful if the physical atmosphere is one of solitude & quietness.
197 (1) Mind ~ Guarding Thought by Understanding How Evil Operates Treat Mp3 Full Page 89 01/18/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. Other recommended links View
1. We should always be striving for seeing the truth & rejecting any false path.
2. MOMENT ~ smallest amount of time. Time can never be recovered so being constructive with every moment is the difference between success & failure.
3. We have to always be viewing everything through the 5 spiritual senses, such as:
1. Sight ~ spiritual discernment. 2. Hearing ~ spiritual understanding. 3. Feeling ~ divine consciousness. 4. Smell ~ intuition of character. 5. Taste ~ relish of Truth. [Richard Oakes ~ Blue Book ~ Pg 222]
4. Mortal Mind or matter cannot make laws or influence anyone. There is only one Mind, & that Mind is the source of all laws & is the intelligence of Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love.
5. Do not give life to evil by attaching it to a person or thing. It cannot live without a body. Always separate the evil from personality. The healing must be within one's own consciousness as evil is only a false belief & does not belong to any person.
6. Man is immortal. There is but one infinite manifestation. No error can attach itself to man ~ Why deceive ourselves by thinking it can do so?
7. Every manifestation of life is ever-present & omnipresent good, & this carries within itself all healing & sustaining. Know that the kingdom of heaven is within you, & this is your armor.
8. With any problem, one must always dig to get to the root cause. Evil is always deceptive. Be sure you are not being tricked by working on a decoy instead of working on the real root cause.
9. Man is not a creator. He does not even assist in creation. The only power to create is with God. God finished his creation as stated in Genesis 1:1 through 2:3. One only needs to awaken to the fact that creation is already perfect & complete. Creation is not really a creation but an individual awakening of what is already true ~ a revelation.
10. Before any action is taken, we need to be sure that we are viewing the topic through the spiritual senses. This will eliminate many of the mistakes that otherwise would be made.
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198 (1) Mind ~ Letting the Term for God be a Guide to Heal MP3 26 07/28/2023 - Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M Wright identifies the terms for God. The MP3 treatment and the PDF file below is based on this research.
Mind as God PDF
199 (1) Mind ~ Live a Life of Giving to PREVENT Progress Block Treat Mp3 Full Page 57 02/08/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
1. Mary Baker Eddy emphasizes the need to transform mortal thought. In other words, we need to examine consciousness from a material standpoint which has been based upon compounding lie upon lie for our entire lives.
2. It is a gradual process to transform it from matter to Spirit, from evil to good, from mortal Mind to immortal Mind, from material sense of life to a spiritual sense of life to a material sense of Soul whereby we are depending upon seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting & smelling from a material sense standpoint to its reality, which is spiritual sense.
3. When we think about utilizing our spiritual senses for identification, the items listed in #1 & 2 above are the kinds of terms we need to be thinking of if we want to be in the sanctuary of Spirit, where we're looking through lens of Spirit.
4. INFINITE PROGRESSION IS CONRETE BEING ~ We should continue to have infinite progression as long as we are on the path of Truth. If we follow the path of Truth then we are NOT blocking our progress.
5. Are we looking for the real Truth? If YES, then we will be able to stay on that path of Infinite progression, because it means that we are only going to let into our consciousness things that are true about God, man, the relationship between God & man.
6. We can eliminate any kind of a blockage from a belief of its existence, if we stay on the path of Truth.
7. Genesis 1:1 ~ IN THE BEGINNING ~ Mary Baker Eddy defines BEGINNING as being the ONLY record of spiritual creation.
8. Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 ~ God says, Let us make man in our image & after our likeness. And then it says, God made man in our image & after our likeness.
9. In other words, we cannot benefit from the ~ TRUE RECORD OF CREATION ~ unless we open our thought to it. We have to let the Truth ~ THAT GOD MADE MAN ~ into our consciousness in order to get the benefit from this fact. God did it but we cannot benefit from it unless we permit this fact into our individual consciousness. This is an individual choice. Each one must be ~ WORKING OUT THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL SALVATION.
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200 (1) Mind ~ Majority Governs Treat Mp3 Full Page 73 02/26/2025 ~ Majority Governs ~ Who is the Majority?
1. The majority always governs & controls.
2. Who is the majority?
3. What controls the majority?
4. Is there more than 1 majority?
5. What is it that controls all humanity?
6. Is there any other entity to consider?
7. Who controls other entities?
8. What is the purpose of the control?
9. What direction is it going?
Guiding Factors
1. The first introductory quote in Science & Health, is from Jesus.
2. Since it is the first text, it serves as an extremely important message that Mary Baker Eddy is giving to the alert student.
3. To get the most out of any serious publication, one must constantly question the text.
4. The researcher of the Bible & the Mary Baker Eddy's writings are likely hoping & expecting to improve their life by latching onto new spiritual ideas.
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201 (1) Mind ~ Man ~ Relationship Treat Mp3 99 04/07/2024 ~ What do Mind & Man represent? And is there a relationship between the two? If so, what is it? Genesis 1, verse 1 ~ In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer, founder & leader of Christian Science, states that it really means that in the only creation God created the heaven and the earth. And later it states that everything in the heaven & the earth also was created by God, and that includes man. Below are 3 Introductory Quotes from Science & Health with key to the scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. 1. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." ~ John viii 32 2. "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." ~ Shakespeare 3. “Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy... CLICK media for complete details.
202 (1) Mind ~ Mental Connection Treat Mp3 31 11/04/2023 ~ SUMMARY
1. DEFINITIONS ~ Always a good beginning
a. God ~ Incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ SH:465 ~ Chpt 14 Recap ~ MBE b. God ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE c. Good ~ God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action ~ SH:587 ~ Chpt 17 Gloss ~ MBE
2. EACH ONE NEEDS to cultivate their understanding of the seven terms for God and the four operators.
3. HELEN WRIGHT ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ Study chpt 4 to 10 to learn more thoroughly about the 7 terms for God.
4. FREDERICK L RAWSON ~ 1,315 Ailments with the counterfact of Truth to assist in healing.
a. God is All in all b. There is nothing but God.
203 (1) Mind ~ Our Father-Mother God ~ Controls Everyone & Everything Treat Mp3 Full Page 79 01/05/2025 ~ Quotes & Definitions
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. System of divine metaphysics View
1. The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. [Isaiah 11:06 ]
2. Focus ~ exploring how to clarify thought regarding draining the swamp. Swamp is where everything un-like-God dwells.
3. Everything outside the swamp is pure & perfect because the only substance is Spirit.
4. Spirit is defined as flawless & transparent. Therefore, it is completely reflective.
5. There is no alloy for it is not mixed with anything less than itself. It's unique characteristics is a unique manifestation of God & is individualized for each one that reflects it.
6. Every symbol that appears as a human being is really a unique child of God with unique characteristics, with a niche that is just for them.
7. No one can interfere with the niche of someone else. No one can take it away from them. No one can displace another out of their niche. No one can displace us out of our niche.
8. We all have a niche which is a specific purpose for us to exist. It's like what is our isness is our uniqueness. And our uniqueness can only reflect the only source there is, consisting of the only substance.
9. The only source is divine Mind, infinite, incorporeal, supreme Mind. That's the only Spirit, or substance, that exists.
10. Mind is incorporeal, no body, it is all mental & divine. It's absolutely perfect, supreme, there's nothing higher. It is the apex of infinity & the perfection of infinity & all mental, which means not corporeal, but incorporeal, that is without any limit of any physical body.
11. The terms incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite apply equally to Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love.
12. Every quality of God can be reflected by anyone that is thinking in spiritual terms. It's like any number in mathematics. That same number, no matter what it is, can be shared by everyone because it is not a physical thing. It is a mental concept.
13. Every mental concept is an idea. Therefore, there is no limit to its ability to be utilized or reflected by anyone & everyone.
204 (1) Mind ~ Place, Space, Time Treat Mp3 68 08/28/2023 -- Place, Space, Time ~ One Mind Controls All
1. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease. ~ Science and Health 146:31
2.System Defined
(a) Synonyms
1. Mind ~ Source of everything needed because it is mental. 2. Spirit ~ The only substance which is flawless. 3. Soul ~ Spiritual viewpoint of all existence. 4. Principle ~ System and structure which is always in balance. 5. Life ~ Living the qualities of God and multiplying by reflection. 6. Truth ~ Staying on track without deviation. 7. Love ~ Nurturing all the qualities to bring understanding to recognize wholeness.
(b) Operators
1. Word ~ the facts about God 2. Christ ~ translating what comes our way to its spiritual nature. 3. Christianity ~ using the understanding to demonstrate two items above were accurately understood 4. Science ~ approve understanding of reality as a result of the three items above is complete.
3. Study (Your Divinity Revealed) by Helen Wright to understand the above eleven components.
4.Beautiful cooperation between two countries that are draining the swamp.
1. Exposing the Evil
(a) Nazism (b) Child abuse (c) Child trafficking (d) Child kidnapping (e) Child slavery Market (f) Pedophilia (g) Biological laboratories for genocide (h) Violating country's borders. (i) Violating international agreements. (j) Violating security of other countries. (k) Murdering civilians of neighboring countries
2. Eradicating the evils noted above
3. Returning the children to their parents.
5. Nothing can be out of place or lacking space or be out of sequence because Mind is always in control.
6. Giving and gratitude are the cure for lack.
7. Lack
Below is a list of some of the solutions that are effective to heal the believe of lack:
1. Forget about ‘ME’ attitude. TRASH it --- !!! a. Focus on everyone & everything EXCLUDING yourself. b. Homeless ~ (1)children, (2)adults, (3)animals. c. If you are homeless, forget it and focus on others. 2. Give generously & ANONYMOUSLY. 3. Express gratitude in ACTIONS about everything good. LOOK for good. Mary Baker Eddy did this 3 times a day. 4. SMILE ALL THE TIME from within so it is NOT fake. Smile with JOY in your heart. 5. If you cannot figure out why you should be joyful --- forget Christian Science --- you are lost and do not want to be found. 6. You should be able to make a gratitude list of 100 spiritual qualities anytime 24/7/365 --- !!!
8. Wisdom of a Pastor:
a. The parents were members of his church and had 6 children. b. They lived in a 1 room apartment. c. Sunday ~ they complained to the Pastor that they needed more rooms. d. Monday ~ a knock on the door. The Pastor brought 6 goats, and left them in their room. e. The Pastor said have FUN, I'll come back in a month and see how you are doing. f. One month later, the Pastor checked on them. g. They were all happy, having fun playing with the goats. h. The Pastor returned the goats to their owner. i. The parents said WOW, we have so much room. j. Gratitude for what one has always bring joy to the heart.
9. Authors mentioned
1. Christ Jesus ~ Perfect Man
2. Mary Baker Eddy ~ (a) System of Divine metaphysics (b) A little here, a little there
3. Frederick L Rawson ~ Make other people happy
4. President Trump ~ The art of the deal
5. Helen Wright ~ (a) Your Divinity Revealed (b) Eleven components defined
6. Wentworth Winslow ~ 4 books about God
7. Bicknell Young ~ First one to realize that the Mind of God is the one & only Mind that exists
205 (1) Mind ~ Power ~ Principle ~ Government Treat Mp3 Full Page 26 01/18/2025 ~ 1. CORRUPT FORCE BELIEF: The so-called corrupt forces within the government have been controlling the whole world since the beginning of the history of humanity.
2. FALSE RECORD OF CREATION: This false belief has stemmed from the biblical account of the false record of creation, which begins in Genesis 2:4. Throughout the Bible, the various chapters & verses have been peppered with, if not inundated with, this second record of creation or the results therefrom.
3. ADAM & EVE: Supposedly Adam & Eve were in the Garden of Eden & there was an apple tree, that contained apples of both good & evil. And the wrong choice was made. Therefore, the entire history of humanity is filled with the false belief that man is a sinner.
4. GENERIC MAN: Defined as being the qualities of a male, female, & child.
5. MALE: Courage, strength, perseverance, fatherhood, protector & responsibility. The president of the United States indicates that his primary function is to protect the United States.
6. FEMALE: Tenderness, kindness, nurturing, loving, forgiving, & compassion.
7. CHILD: Innocence, trust, forgiveness, & curiosity.
8. GENERIC MAN: A very complete character, one that includes all of the qualities.
9. SITUATION DICTATES NEED: What one individual prefers when dealing with another is for those qualities to be represented at any given moment based on what the need is. So if a woman is with a man & there is a danger involved, they're looking for the man to be courageous, brave & bold.
10. MOTHER & BABY: If there is a mother that has a new baby, the father is looking for the mother to be caring, nurturing, kind. Both of them look to a baby as being curious, in other words, one that wants to learn new things as well as being innocent & trustful.
Click the full page to view more details.
206 (1) Mind ~ Principle ~ True Foundation Treat Mp3 Full Page 82 01/17/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. Other recommended links View
1. If one desires any topic in which they desire to have a permanent foundation, then Principle is the operative word, which is the 4th term for God in the order of spiritual development.
2. How do we obtain a true spiritual foundation? Mary Baker Eddy, in her usage of the term ~ creative ability ~ which gives us the function needed to start building the foundation ~ she assigns it to the synonymous term for God, which is Mind.
3. The term ~ creates ~ is assigned to both the term Mind & Spirit, because Spirit is substance. So, you must have a foundation based on the substance of Spirit if you expect it to be of permanent value.
4. Mind being the ~ creative ability ~ is where we must look in order to build a true foundation.
5. Principle is the core ~ the center of all structure & system. Therefore, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Life, Truth & Love ~ all 6 ~ branch out from Principle, & everything connects to it. Principle is always in balance & therefore always harmonious. But that is only the case if each of the other 6 synonymous terms for God are involved in the structure, the foundation, or the principle. Otherwise it is not in balance & it will not be harmonious.
6. Mary Baker Eddy assigns the words ~ idea & ideal ~ to both Mind & Principle.
7. We could think of Mind as generating ~ the idea ~ Principle as holding ~ the idea ~ as a part of the foundation to Truth. So the ~ ideal idea ~ is a result of the interaction between Mind, Principle & Truth.
8. In many of the prayer treatments that the Mary Baker Eddy Institute (MBEI) provides, there is discussion about the interaction of the 7 synonyms & how they are all connected as one grand complete operation & functionality of God, along with the 4 operators & 4 levels.
9. Mary Baker Eddy used another term for Mind which is ~ all faculty ~ & that really includes ~ capacity, capability, functionality, action, & facility. Those together bring about performance & that is measured as power.
10. Mind is incorporeal, divine, supreme, & infinite. Those 4 terms also apply to the other 6 synonymous terms to define God. These terms are adjectives to explain the characteristics of the other 6 terms for God which are Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love.
207 (1) Mind ~ Stuck in the Mud Treat Mp3 90 07/17/2024 ~ Can Mind ever be stuck in the mud?
Genesis 1 states that God made man in His image and after His likeness. That means God would have to be stuck in the mud in order for his reflection ~ you or me ~ to be stuck in the mud. Thoughts affecting the circumstance always need to be lifted to a higher level in order to change the appearance to reflecting perfection. Mary Baker Eddy states that infinite progression is concrete being. You & I need thought on this path. If the discordant individual was willing to be healed, Christ Jesus elevated all thoughts that were affecting the situation from imperfection to perfection. Individually Christ Jesus never accepted a thought of sin, sickness or death as real. He reflected the all knowing of God to know the real individual was immortal & perfect instead of what appeared to be mortal & imperfect. It is sad that Christian Science is the only religion that teaches to heal the way Christ Jesus healed.
208 (1) Mind ~ Success Depends on Desire Treat Mp3 Full Page 75 01/31/2025 ~ SOME KEY POINTS
1. GENIUS ~ What does it mean? Less the than 1% of the people that begin a project actually stick with the requirements to be successful to bring it to a conclusion. If you are in that less than 1%, then you qualify as a genius.
2. Being a genius doesn't have anything to do with your IQ, DNA, family, heritage, upbringing, the atmosphere of your home life or anything else.
3. What matters is: a. Where are you right now? b. What is your desire? c. How serious is it? d. Is it serious enough for you to bring the project to a successful conclusion? There are plenty of tools to assist in doing that.
4. The question is, will you do it? Will you formulate a good worthwhile project & stick to the formula without deviation unless there's some good reason to be adjusting the plan.
5. You will have been less than 1 out of a 100 to finish what you start on a worthwhile project. And when it's done, you will have been successful.
6. The Mary Baker Eddy Institute gives you all the tools that you need from start to finish.
7. If you are a sincere student of Christian Science & the System of Divine metaphysics, you have the opportunity to transform every phase of your life to a dimension superior to what it was previously.
8. Everything is elevated to a more spiritual basis, which means a more permanent foundation. There is no difference between one goal & another as long as it is a wholesome goal. If it benefits all humanity, that makes it all the more valuable.
9. The formula is the same regardless of the project.
10. I have seen people work on a project for 2 or 3 years consistently, & then all of a sudden they give up. Most people will give up long before 2 or 3 years of consistent effort, but that just gives you a clue as to how rare it is for someone to complete a project if it is a major project, because there appears to be so much resistance for people to become successful that they easily are distracted, diverted & discouraged.
11. In studying the System of Divine Metaphysics, we can make progress on a continuous basis & when we do that, we should be encouraged by the progress that we see taking place every time we study.
209 (1) Mind ~ True Sense of Infinitude Treat Mp3 PDF 32 01/29/2024 - What is Mind? Mind is God. The exterminator of error is the great truth that God, good, is the only Mind, and that the supposititious opposite of infinite Mind — called devil or evil — is not Mind, is not Truth, but error, without intelligence or reality...
210 (1) Mind ~ Turns on the Light Treat Mp3 Full Page 98 01/14/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. Other recommended links View
1. Important points of Christian Science [SH 497]. The first one ~ As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life.
2. Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 ~ 7 days of creation ~ This is the unfoldment of the spiritual record of creation.
3. Day 1 ~ In the beginning, God said, let there be light. And there was light.
4. God saw the light that it was good. And God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light day, & the darkness he called night, & the evening & the morning are the first day.
5. We cannot tell the difference between one thing & another unless the light is on.
6. Divine Mind turns on the light so we can see the spiritual sense of the Bible. And there is a very methodical, systematic, scientific way to do that.
7. Mary Baker Eddy states:
7a. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by & adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. 7b. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle upon which Jesus's healing was based & the sacred rules for its application to the cure of disease. [SH 146]
Click to view further details on full page.
211 (1) Mind ~ Vision & Perception Treat Mp3 40 08/10/2023 --- Most important topic is vision-perception. "Can you focus no matter what comes your way?" ~ Mary Baker Eddy
"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." ~ Shakespeare
Our thoughts controls our experience. Cultivate perfect thoughts to have a perfect experience. ~ Frederick L Rawson
Do not pick up the phone which is only offering mortal mind suggestions. Instead listen to radio station KOG to hear only messages from God about the Kingdom of Heaven. ~ Wentworth Winslow
212 (1) Nazism ~ How to heal it ~ 1 of 2 MP3 71 03/09/2023 - Nazism ~ How to heal it ~ 1 of 2
What is it ?
IT WAS AN ANTI-INTELLECTUAL and a theoretical movement, emphasizing the will of the charismatic dictator as the sole source of inspiration of a people and a nation, as well as a vision of annihilation of all enemies of the Aryan Volk as the one and ONLY GOAL FOR NAZI POLICY ~ excerpt.
Who is Involved ?
THE ROOTS OF NAZISM ~ Nazism had peculiarly German roots. It can be partly traced to the Prussian tradition as developed under Frederick William I (1688–1740), Frederick the Great (1712–68), and Otto von Bismarck (1815–98), which regarded the militant spirit and the discipline of the Prussian army as the model for all individual and civic life.
213 (1) Nazism ~ How to heal it ~ 2 of 2 MP3 69 03/11/2023 - Nazism ~ How to heal it ~ 2 of 2
What is it ?
IT WAS AN ANTI-INTELLECTUAL and a theoretical movement, emphasizing the will of the charismatic dictator as the sole source of inspiration of a people and a nation, as well as a vision of annihilation of all enemies of the Aryan Volk as the one and ONLY GOAL FOR NAZI POLICY ~ excerpt.
Who is Involved ?
THE ROOTS OF NAZISM ~ Nazism had peculiarly German roots. It can be partly traced to the Prussian tradition as developed under Frederick William I (1688–1740), Frederick the Great (1712–68), and Otto von Bismarck (1815–98), which regarded the militant spirit and the discipline of the Prussian army as the model for all individual and civic life.
214 (1) Need and Supply ~ Define each other Simultaneously Treat Mp3 107 08/18/2024 ~ The attitude that is needed to progress in Christian Science is:
"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto him" = unto us.
If we think about a mistake ~ flip it to get the truth. We think about truth and flip it, that gives us error, a mistake, something that is flawed. If we think about a need ~ we must use the same concept that it exists. If we think we need money, we have a thought that money exists. It doesn't matter what the need appears to be. We should have an idea about what it is in order to even realize that we need it. What we really need is quality not a concept. As discussed previously, we cannot be seeking something composed of matter. And since we are not omni-present, omni-intelligent like God is, we don't even know all the possibilities. If we were thinking on a human scale, it's futile to think about a need. We may have a need supplied by something that we didn't even know existed ~ it can come to an open thought that is close to a finite thought that is focusing on a matter base realm.
215 (1) Negotiate ~ How to Negotiate and Always Win Treat Mp3 42 11/26/2023 - SUMMARY
a. Christ Jesus ~ 1.'You will do greater things than I' = His followers 2. 'My father is greater than I' = He tells everyone he is not God.
b. Mary Baker Eddy
1. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system.. ~ See statement in Header 2. Vision ~ 'Can you focus no matter what comes your way'.
c. Albert Einstein
1. To solve a problem, it must be viewed from a higher dimension than where the problem appeared. 2. Desired to ride a beam of light through space so that time could be eliminated.
d. Robert C. Putnam ~ Ten Bible lessons
e. Frederick L. Rawson
1. Electrical expert identified positive and negative charges within the physical body. 2. Shorting out the negative charges is concurrent with healing. 3. The whole of the so called material life should be viewed as a movie and not reality. 4. Which part of the movie do you want to be viewing?
f. Wentworth Winslow
a. 'Elevate thought to strive for infinite progression which leads to concrete being'. ~ Mary Baker Eddy b. Four steps are indicated in proper sequence by the four books listed below. In order to strive to bring about perfection, reversing whatever ailment is the topic.
1. Let God Do It ~ 36 articles 2. God Can Do It ~ 30 articles 3. God Will Do It ~ 35 articles 4. God Is Doing It ~ 21 articles
g. Helen Wright ~ Your divinity revealed ~ Chapters four to ten = one chapter for each of the seven terms for God.
h. Genesis ~ Chpt 1
1. In the beginning God created = in the only God created. 2. Every major step of progress is preceded by the word LET = we must open thought to let the pureness of God's thoughts enter.
3. GOD
a. Infinite Person - Divine, not human b. Do NOT think of anyone as a human personality. c. Think of every individual as an idea of God.
4. CONCLUSION ~ Striving to understand the two statements below opens the door that Mary Baker Eddy refers to, which is infinite progression is concrete being. a. 'God is All-in-all' b. 'There is nothing but God'.
216 (1) No Election Chaos ~ Mind Controls Treat Mp3 Full Page 40 10/23/2024 ~ 1. Voting is not for a person but for the function of the office.
2. Principle is the function of every office.
3. Mind controls every function
4. There is no chaos with Divine principle
5. Every election is conducted in harmony & the result is always for the good of mankind
217 (1) Organ ~ Where is the focus? Treat Mp3 49 08/21/2023 --- SUMMARY
As a noun, organ is like a musical instrument, and it's known for its large variety of sounds. It, and of course, an expert organist, is going to make sure those sounds are concordant. As a verb, it is a compound series of functions which are all concordant. And we could think of any organ of one's so called material body as having certain functions, and there's usually an input, a process, and an output. If we think of each of those as being of a spiritual nature, then we can heal anything that appears to be defective in the so called organ. Mr. Rawson, in his book 'Treatment or Healing' by True Prayer, gives us 1,315 examples of different ailments, as well as in the appendix defining the functions of the major parts of what are commonly called a material body. The real body is a product of our thoughts.
Authors mentioned in this treatment includes:
1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Albert Einstein 4. Frederick L. Rawson, 5. Wentworth, Winslow
It's an individual decision how one handles the process of healing, but all the tools are available from the Mary Baker Eddy website. Mary Baker Eddy herself stated that her most successful instantaneous healings were when she devoted time each day, several times throughout the day, to think just about the perfection of everything in existence. In other words, she got her thought off of busy daily activities and focused just on the spiritual nature of perfection and how it permeates all existence. The only reality of any substance is spirit, and it is flawless. Keeping that in mind enables one to better address any kind of a problem that one faces by translating and interpreting what appears as a situation based on matter and converting it to the reality of spirit. As Mr. Rawson says, there is nothing but God.
218 (1) Pay it Forward ~ “Incurable” Disease Healed Treat Mp3 53 11/13/2023- SUMMARY
a. Movie in the year 2000. b. Do good things for anyone that you can observe that is in need. c. Tell the individual that they should look for three people that they can pay it forward to. d. The key is to always be alert to others that are in need and offer assistance to solve the problem.
a. Definition of God on pg 465 b. Definition of God on pg 587 c. Definition of good on pg 587
3. SEEK YE FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. ~ King Solomon.
4. STATUS IN LIFE ~ Doesn't matter where you are in the realm of income or wealth. Everyone should be doing the same thing.
5. FEW EXAMPLES of paying it forward that were in the movie a. New luxury car given to honor a car destroyed by please accident. b. Talking someone out of jumping off of a bridge where they were intending to commit suicide. c. Giving homeless person a place to sleep. Homeless person fixed a vehicle that would not run. And they were good at mechanics and they paid it forward by fixing the truck so it would run. d. Helping someone who was being beat up by older kids. e. Loving someone that was yearning for love and was lonely. f. Giving a ride to someone that was in need.
6. FREDERICK L RAWSON a. Book ~ Treatment or Healing by True prayer b. Encyclopedia of 1,315 treatments with the counterfact to work with for healing it. c. System of Divine Metaphysics ~ Please SEE Header for the definition stated in SH 146. d. Suggested method of treatment. e. Expert on electricity. f. Proved that right thinking shorts out the negative currents and therefore changes what appears as matter to be only healthy because only positive currents are having an influence as all negative currents remained. g. Understand how to handle the electricity required ~ Mary Baker Eddy h. Understand how to handle the weather = how to handle electromagnetism ~ Mary Baker Eddy i. Instanataneous healing of the man that had a load of rocks dumped on him accidently.
7. JOEL GOLDSMITH a. Treatments appointments 15 minutes longs and each one healed. b. Forced to leave Boston beacuase of the jealousy of practitioner who were not experienced healed patience. c. Very successful, new organization founded which continues to this day
8. PSYCHOLOGIST & the MAGICIAN View a. Rodwick ~ Author & Eustace ~ Intro Index b. Journey through a dark tunnel. Realized all fear is created by illusion. c. Healed every element of fear.
9. SPLITTING the ATOM a. Seeking to find the original element that forms the atom. b. Discovered that the only thing left after splitting it multiple times was consciousness of the observers.
10. QUANTUM PHYSICS a. Discovered about 1900. b. Matter is only energy vibrating at a high rate of speed. c. Appearance is that it is opaque, but in essence it is only electromagnetism.
11. PLANET EARTH ~ Not matter, but electromagnetism.
12. WENTWORTH WINSLOW a. Let God Do It b. God Can Do It c. God Will Do It d. God Is Doing It
13. HEALING OF 'INCURABLE' DISEASE a. Child born with the belief that it could not learn or remember. b. Bone structure was unique and unattractive, which is a part of the belief. c. Mannerisms were distinctly identified with the belief.
219 (1) Peace & Prosperity ~ How to Pray for Worldwide Treat Mp3 96 07/10/2024 ~ Specific purpose of the prayer ~ INTRO
If we're going to pray, we've got to be making sure that we align all thoughts, speech & action with truth & Truth. Anything that appears to be a problem must be recognized as a false appearance and not the truth of our being or God's Being. Shakespeare reminds us that we, in our viewpoint, determine what is good and bad. Mary Baker Eddy, throughout her writings indicate that Christian Science is all about our thoughts and our actions. She reminds us that we will be blessed by prayer realizing that prayer is what we are thinking & doing. How are we living our Life?
Are we reflecting the one & only God?
Are we reflecting intelligence in everything we do?
Our purpose is to glorify God in everything we think, say, and do, and we will do that if we're seeking the truth & striving for a better understanding of Truth. Prayer is not something that is verbalized by asking God to do something. It is recognizing what God has already done & it is complete. [See Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3]
The system of Divine Metaphysics enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle upon which Jesus' healing was based and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of dis-ease which includes everything that appears to be imperfect ~ sin, disease, sickness, death etc.
220 (1) Perfect Prayer Treat Mp3 Full Page 100 10/18/2024 ~ 1. Perfect prayer = Automatic results
2. AI = Artificial Intelligence
3. RI = Real Intelligence
4. GOD ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587]
5. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]
6. God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. [SH 465]
7. Omni = One ~ Only ~ All = No Others
8. Omniscience = omni intelligence, omni knowing, & omni wisdom. Omni = No Others
9. Scientific statement of being ~ There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. [SH 468]
10. Invest time in understanding RI & not AI
11. God said Let us = Open thought to study & understand:
a. The facts about God
b. The facts about Man
c. Recognize God is the only Source
d. Man is the reflection not the source
221 (1) Perfection ~ Omnipresence of Perfection Treat Mp3 38 09/10/2023 - Perfection ~ Omnipresence of Perfection ~ Pray for all humanity 3x a day
1.MISC 133:22 ~ Mary Baker Eddy prays for all humanity.
Three times a day, I retire to seek the divine blessing on the sick and sorrowing, with my face toward the Jerusalem of Love and Truth, in silent prayer to the Father which 'seeth in secret,' and with childlike confidence that He will reward 'openly.' In the midst of depressing care and labor I turn constantly to divine Love for guidance, and find rest. It affords me great joy to be able to attest to the truth of Jesus' words. Love makes all burdens light, it giveth a peace that passeth understanding, and with 'signs following.' As to the peace, it is unutterable; as to 'signs,' behold the sick who are healed, the sorrowful who are made hopeful, and the sinful and ignorant who have become 'wise unto salvation'!
2.Job 11:7 God is perfection
Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; what canst thou know? The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea.
3.Three intro quotes to Science and Health
1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John viii. 32
2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare
3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy
4.Authors mentioned
1. Christ Jesus
2. Mary Baker Eddy
3. Frederick L Rawson
4. Helen Wright
222 (1) Perfection ~ the Omnipresence of Perfection Treat_Mp3 48 05/05/2023 - Perfection ~ the Omnipresence of Perfection
Perfection is inherent is all existence
We experience it to the degree that we accept it and replace anything in thought that is imperfect with the perfect concept.
223 (1) Perfection, Interference, Vision Treat Mp3 PDF 36 10/14/2023 ~ SUMMARY
1. FUNCTIONS OF MAN ~ Several references from Mary Baker Eddy indicate that all functions are from Mind. Therefore, there is no action that can come from any other source to interfere with any good activity.
a. See Science and Health 151:17 b. See Pg 129 & 131 ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer by Frederick L Rawson.
3. TRAINING ~ In pilot training, they teach one that at the onset of any indication that there's trouble, that's when you take action, you don't wait even a second. Immediately your senses should be ready to go at any moment, because one moment can make the difference of life or death. Well, we have to think about the same way about our consciousness at the onset of any suggestion of something that is chaotic, discordant, anything unlike God that's when we take action to deny that it can have any power and then explain the reason why, which is that God is all Good, God is perfect, and there is no other power.
4. MODELS of THOUGHT ~ Mary Baker Eddy makes it plain that we need to always have in therefore thought of consciousness the perfect model. And that's what we want to be continuously looking at. No matter what we are doing, anything at all that we're doing, we want to know what we're doing, we want to have a model of perfection there, and we want to be constantly referring to it. Just like if we were a painter or a sculpturist or an architect or whatever, there's a model that we should have and we want to constantly refer to it.
5. VISION, INTERFERENCE, PERFECTION We want our focus to not be influenced by what comes our way, but we want our focus to be constant on the model of thought that we should be having. In the letter that Mary Baker Eddy wrote to one of her students, which is under the title of Vision, and that's in the Mary Baker Eddy Index on the website She states or she asks the question to her student, are you able to focus no matter what comes your way? That's what we need to remember. No matter what comes our way. We need to have that focus on the perfect model of thought.
224 (1) Perseverance, Truth, Unity MP3 PDF 34 09/17/2023 -- SUMMARY
1. MISC Chpt 16 Pg 259 ~ Truth Healing
The spiritual elevator of the human race, physically, morally, and Christianly, is the truism that Truth demonstrates good, and is natural; while error, or evil, is really non-existent, and must have produced its own illusion, — for it belongs not to nature nor to God. Truth is the power of God which heals the sick and the sinner, and is applicable to all the needs of man. It is the universal, intelligent Christ-idea illustrated by the life of Jesus, through whose 'stripes we are healed.' By conflicts, defeats, and triumphs, Christian Science has been reduced to the understanding of mortals, and found able to heal them.......
2. MISC Chpt 10 Pg 346:22 ~ Truth versus Error
'A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.' It is a rule in Christian Science never to repeat error unless it becomes requisite to bring out Truth. Then lift the curtain, let in the light, and countermand this first command of Solomon, 'Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.'....
3. POEMS 70 ~ Truth
Beyond the clouds, away
In the dim distance, lay
A bright and golden shower
At sunset's radiant hour,
Like to the soul's glad immortality,
Making this life divine,
Making its waters wine,
Giving the glory that eye cannot see...........
225 (1) Place is All Mental Treat Mp3 41 03/10/2024 - The word PLACE can be applied so often in so many different situations. Almost any topic could be incorporated utilizing this term. Just as morning, I read an article that said, there is no such thing as darkness. Darkness cannot even be measured. It is only the absence of light. We cannot change darkness. We can only change our concept in our own thought of what we are seeing.
It could be a dark, dreary, rainy, cold day, but we could have our thought on anything we want. That is the opposite of what we see if we just look outside the window and accept what is there. Shakespeare, the great poet, said, there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so... Listen to the treatment for complete details.
226 (1) Place ~ What does it Mean to you? Treat Mp3 66 08/27/2024 ~ Spiritual Place
Please add words that mean something special to you about a spiritual view of place.
P = Peace
L = Light
A = Active
C = Complete
E = Excellence
Samples of Misplacement ~ Use own words
1. War
2. Trouble with a family member.
3. Disruption in business.
4. Children ~ Trouble in school.
5. Big price increases in the grocery store.
6. Car trouble.
7. Election interference.
Evil ~ The way it Operates ~ Examples below
1. Title is the opposite of the real purpose
2. UN Peacekeepers = Election Interference
3. Govt Health Plans = Govt Genocide
4. Accusations about others = Its own actions
God ~ There is one and only one ~ Mind
1. Creative ability 2. Capacity 3. Capability 4. Functionality 5. Action 6. Performance 7. Power 8. Presence 9. Intelligence 10. Wisdom 11. Knowing 12. Facility
How to Think?
1. There should always be a system that is referred to when one conducts the process of thinking.
2. System & structure should be utilized for the purpose of clear thinking & clear conclusions.
3. Rely on the intelligence of God to increase divine input & reduce human input.
4. Schools should teach children how to think instead of giving them information.
5. Learn how to get the information is the KEY.
6. Information is always available but the process of thinking is an endangered species to children when they leave school.
227 (1) Platform ~ Science of Being ~ SH 330-340 Treat Mp3 45 06/25/2024 ~ Platform ~ Science of Being
This is a long chapter full of beautiful details of how the divine comes with Christ power to illuminate, and to transform, and to redeem all the details of our human sense of being. It finishes with thirty-two numbered sections, called 'the platform.' Mrs Eddy introduces this by saying, 'When the following platform is understood and the letter and the spirit bear witness, the infallibility of divine metaphysics will be demonstrated' (330:8). The word platform is derived from two words, plat and form, and plat is an interweaving. So the platform offers us interwoven spiritual precepts about the nature of God, the nature of Christ, the nature of the human, and the resolving of the problem of evil. This therefore must be something on which we can safely stand.
228 (1) Platform ~ Analysis of Titles & Sequence ~ SH 330-340 Treat Mp3 66 06/24/2024 ~ Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease. [SH 146:31-5]
Platform Understanding & Application determines Success
When the following platform is understood and the letter and the spirit bear witness, the infallibility of divine metaphysics will be demonstrated. [SH 330:8]
One infinite God, good, unifies men and nations; constitutes the brotherhood of man; ends wars; fulfils the Scripture, 'Love thy neighbor as thyself;' annihilates pagan and Christian idolatry, — whatever is wrong in social, civil, criminal, political, and religious codes; equalizes the sexes; annuls the curse on man, and leaves nothing that can sin, suffer, be punished or destroyed. [SH 340:23]
229 (1) Pray for All Humanity ~ The Mind of God Controls All Treat Mp3 76 07/24/2024 ~ Mary Baker Eddy prayed 3x daily for everyone
1. God is omnipotent, omniscience, omnipresent, omni-action. God controls everything and every one of His ideas which includes every one in all existence.
2. God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.
3. God is all intelligence, wisdom, knowing.
4. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. ~ Shakespeare
5. Einstein's friend Dr. Underwood was healed of radiation. Einstein then recognized Mary Baker Eddy as a genius. He studied her work sincerely & shared his deepest thought about Christian Science & Mary Baker Eddy.
6. Nikola Tesla said that people experience disease because they are not at peace within their own being.
7. Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. ~ Einstein
8. Mary Baker Eddy discovered Christian Science which includes both science & religion.
9. Mary Baker Eddy reduced divine metaphysics to a system which enables everyone to heal like Jesus healed. It includes pure & flawless thought, speech & action.
10. Healing is not a miracle. Healing is based on how we think, talk & act. Everything in our entire existence must be flawless & pure like Christ Jesus. This pure life enables healing as Jesus healed. We should not think of personalities.
11. What we think is what we see. What we think & see is our experience.
12. Criticizing others is the most evil thing that we can do, and it brings nothing but misery to oneself.
13. We need to check our thoughts, speech & action a dozen times a day like Mary Baker Eddy did. Constant monitoring of ourselves is the only way to conduct our lives. We must always think of God as being all source & manifestation. There is nothing but God since He created all that has ever been created & we are His image & likeness.
230 (1) Pray ~ Awake & Alert not Woke Treat Mp3 Treat Music 43 01/26/2024 - Pray ~ Daniel was Awake & Alert. Daniel was saved by his recognition that God is the only power, the only action, that he was spiritual, not material, and that no lion or anything else could interfere with him reflecting the life of God. Both Mary Baker Eddy and Daniel were awake and alert.
231 (1) Principle Love Unity is the Key MP3 23 09/23/2022 - 23 min
232 (1) Principle ~ Challenge ~ Start to conquer at onset Treat Mp3 Full Page 60 01/12/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. Other recommended links View
1. Principle is #4 in the series of the 7 terms for God based on the spiritual development as provided in the first book of the Bible, Genesis 1.
2. Principle represents structure & system.
3. If a challenge is unexpected with unfavorable possibilities, there may be a temptation to delay facing it or even to totally ignore it ~ hoping it will go away. However, anything unfavorable grows when ignored. When it grows, it will be more difficult to solve, will entail more time & effort, & may become a significant distraction from other activities.
4. The above is a typical influence that a so-called mortal mind may have on a human brain.
5. The best is to think of it as an opportunity & the opportunity will be the greatest if the challenge is faced & the solution worked on at once when its appearance is recognized.
6. The larger the problem appears to be, the greater the unfavorable nature of it could be.
7. The opportunity is always the greatest when we address it as soon as possible.
8. Dr. Albert Einstein is one of the authors included on the Mary Baker Eddy Institute website.
There is a story about him on the Internet, which is not included on the website, which says that if he was given a hypothetical problem wherein he had 1 hour to solve it, how would he allocate the time if the correct solution would have a major impact on humanity.
This apparently was presented to him because of his work in 1905 wherein he presented a formula of E = mc² which had to do with mass, the speed of light & relativity.
His answer was that he would allocate 90% of the time to figuring out the right question & the remaining 10% to answer the question.
Einstein stated that curiosity has its own reason for existing & he said never stop questioning
9. Anything that can be applied to the system of Divine Metaphysics applies to our life on a daily basis because Christian Science is a science of living and utilizing it in everything we do all day long.
10. Christian Science & the system of Divine Metaphysics are directly related as Christian Science is the term & the system of Divine Metaphysic is how Christian Science operates.
233 (1) Principle ~ Letting the Term for God be a Guide to Heal MP3 34 08/08/2023 - Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M Wright identifies the terms for God. The MP3 treatment and the PDF file below is based on this research.
Principle as God PDF
234 (1) Principle ~ The Foundation of All Existence Treat Mp3 82 04/16/2024 ~INTRODUCTION TO PRAYER TREATMENT
When one feels that they have not been treated properly, maybe they have stated something like this. It's the principle of the thing. In contemplating the events and the statements that were made, one might quite readily feel that there was a mistake made by themselves. Perhaps there was a little bit too much self-will involved, or maybe totally. It was self-will. In other words, it was a human opinion, a human position that one was fixed upon. They were married to that view, and they weren't about to yield. They were not going to let anything change their own opinion.
The purpose of this recording is to examine the term Principle representing God, so that perhaps one can gain a more clear vision on what one should be adhering to without variance.
Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer, founder and leader of Christian Science, provided the world a textbook for Christian Science entitled Science and Health, with key to the scriptures.
There are three introductory quotes at the beginning of text which states:
1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ~ John viii 32
2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. ~ Shakespeare
3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. ~ Mary Baker Eddy....CLICK media for complete details.
235 (1) Principle ~ Treatment Structure & System Treat Mp3 Full Page 73 02/24/2025 ~ Introductory Quotes to Science & Health
1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — Jesus
2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare
3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy
Mary Baker Eddy Provided the System
1. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease.[SH 146:31-5]
2. When the 32 planks of the platform is understood and the letter and the spirit bear witness, the infallibility of divine metaphysics will be demonstrated. [SH 330:9]
3. In #1 Mary Baker Eddy clearly stated that all 32 planks are indelibly connected & therefore all 32 must not only be understood as one unit, but if anything is missing out of the 32 planks that we do not utilize in the whole thought process of a treatment, we're going to be missing part of the platform.
4. If we are missing part of the platform, it is not possible to be successful in healing.
Letter + Spirit Required
1. In her classes in the Metaphysical College which she taught from 1881 to 1898, she asked her class what element in a treatment was most often neglected. Their response was the Love, which she refers to as the Spirit. But she corrected them & said no. It is the letter that is missing in most treatments.
Spiritual Basis Required
1. John Morgan emphasizes the importance of having our thought on a spiritual basis in order to study Christian Science. 2. The Scientific Statement of Being states clearly that matter is unreal, which fully supports the statement by John Morgan above.
Scientific Statement of Being
There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. [SH 468]
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236 (1) Priorities ~ Go to God First MP3 58 03/15/2023 - Priorities ~ Go to God First
Some Key Points & References
1. Go to God First
2. God, Gods, Good definitions: SH 115, 465, 587
3. Bible: Gen 1, 2
4. Christ Jesus Parables, healings
5. Translating visible matter & mortality to invisible Spirit & immortality
6. Highlight of a few qualities of each of the 7 terms for God: Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love
How to Understand Science & Health ~ Misc. Writings p.463
1. Christ Jesus
2. Mary Baker Eddy
3. Marya Brunson
4. Albert Einstein
5. Robert Putnam
6. Frederick L Rawson
7. John L Sinton
8. Wentworth Winslow
9. Rolf Witzsche
10. Helen Wright
237 (1) Productive Day Build on Moments MP3 21 07/19/2022 - 21 min
238 (1) Programming Thought MP3 51 09/07/2022 - Programming thought with Spirit, removing beliefs of mortal mind & matter - 51 min
239 (1) Progress Continuous Treat Mp3 63 08/18/2023 --- SUMMARY
1. The past means nothing. This moment means everything.
2. Where is our conviction? Do we want to experience progress? Then all we have to do is to update our thoughts to a higher and higher level of progress. We need to go up in the airplane, up in the rocket ship. We need to get above the current level where we are presently and look at everything from a higher view.
3. Ones who have been very successful in business, utilized big ideas. Big ideas are the seed of big progress. You cannot think with a limited thought and receive big benefits.
4. Einstein stated that you cannot solve a problem if you are trying to deal with it on the level where the problem occurred. You have to go to a higher dimension.
5. Mary Baker Eddy says, what are we going to do with our moments? The difference between what is done with the moments is often the difference between success and failure.
6. A moment is defined as the smallest measurement of time.
7. Can we look in the mirror and honestly say, I have utilized the moments productively all day long.
8. This moment will be utilized right now.
9. The next moment will be utilized productively.
10. Thinking will be directed to applying the facts of God to what is being done right now ~ no matter what it is:
i. Vocation ii. Avocation iii. Hobby iv. Profession
11. Apply the facts of God to all:
i. Thought ii. Speech iii. Action
References from the following:
1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Maria Brunson 4. Albert Einstein 5. John (St. John the divine ~ Disciple) 6. Mary Magdalene 7. John Morgan 8. Robert Putnam (PhD) 9. Fredrick L Rawson 10. Simon (The Pharisee) 11. Stamp and Moss 12. Wentworth Winslow
Events include:
1. The parables of Jesus 2. The Crucifixion
240 (1) Promotion of Wholesome Activity MP3 33 07/14/2022 - 33 min
241 (1) Read ~ How to read? Advanced Methods Treat Mp3 82 04/26/2024 ~ INTRODUCTION
The ideas presented herein are the result of the experience of the author of the 82 min Prayer Treatment. If the ideas are implemented, constructive impact is expected on the listener's progress in more comprehensively understanding Christian Science including the System of Divine Metaphysics ~ S&H 146:31. Also, to shorten the path to an accelerated learning curve on the path of infinite progression. One can never reach concrete being because it is always expanding. But at least we can be making continuous progress. Serious students should utilize software:
1. Intellect ~ database 2. Xmind ~ map diagramming 3. Spreadsheet ~ or comparable software ~ .... CLICK Media for more details.
242 (1) Real vs Unreal Treat Mp3 70 03/17/2024 - Arthur Roberts Blows his Cover to Boris Johnson in England ~ US Military reports blunder in Sept 2021 PDF
What, Where, When, How and Who are some of the objects to consider after one determines the parameters that would be used in determining the difference between truth and error. What is real and what is unreal, what is true and what is false.
Einstein, one of the most well known physicists of all time, said that we must always have a curiosity in order to find truth. He also said we should never cease our curiosity of the Holy. The Bible states, precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little. Science and Health with key to the Scriptures, the textbook of Christian Science by Mary Baker Eddy begin with three important quotes... CLICK media to listen complete details.
243 (1) Reality Perfect Model Pursuit MP3 55 09/21/2022 - 55 min
244 (1) Sore Throat Treat Mp3 74 03/18/2024 - Cause could be result of being Unhappy about something in your Life
What does sore mean?
It means the focus is in the wrong place. The Bible says that God made man in his image and likeness, but it also says that we must LET. In other words, God can be perfect, which, of course, God is. But we have to recognize it. We have to LET it be in our consciousness and realize it is the Truth of our being.
Frederick L Rawson is one of the most successful Christian Scientists of all time. He conducted treatments both in his office and remotely. He discovered how to do retroactive treatments. Once his assistance was requested, he confirmed that all is possible to God and there is no reality to time limitation.
"There is no sore throat, all is spiritual; man’s throat is the channel of consciousness through which God’s ideas come and go, There is no swelling, for man is the reflection of Spirit, all is free, unhampered and infinite" ~ Frederick L Rawson, True Prayer, Pg 245 ...CLICK media to listen complete details.
245 (1) Soul ~ Affirm until Confirmed Treat Mp3 77 04/09/2024 ~ SOUL: Affirm until confirmed by a completed healing. REMEMBER ~ THERE IS ONLY GOD!
1. God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love." Science & Health 465
2. There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite mind & its infinite manifestation, for God is All in all. Spirit is immortal truth. Matter is mortal error. Spirit is real and eternal. Matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God & Man is his image likeness therefore Man is not material, he is Spiritual. Science & Health 468 ......CLICK media for complete details.
246 (1) Soul ~ God The Source of All Seeing Treat Mp3 Full Page 88 02/09/2025 ~ 1. Mary Baker Eddy defined Soul as being spiritual sense because the only substance as defined by Spirit is spiritual. Therefore, our only way of identifying accurately is to be utilizing our spiritual senses.
2. FOCUS ~ God, the only source of seeing ~ spiritual discernment. Whatever one views that is visible ~ letting what they have seen in front of them ~ to be considered as what they are presented with, can be translated from a material view to a spiritual view.
3. One should be free from a false sense of Truth ~ a material sense of Truth ~ which means that it is a lie because material sense cannot provide Truth, for it is the opposite of God.
4. Mary Baker Eddy states in the scientific statement of being ~ There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter ~ this can also be defined as mortal mind ~ anything that is unlike God ~ is matter or anything else that has no life, truth, intelligence or substance in it.
5. The formula is very easy to understand but not quite as easy to administer. But the understanding is that if we're not looking through the lens of Spirit, we're not seeing the truth about whatever it is that we are viewing. We cannot tell the difference between true vs false, unless we are looking through the lens of Spirit.
6. Truth is invisible ~ it is underlying & appears as a symbol. We cannot be looking at what appears to be visible as being Truth ~ At best, it is a symbol of Truth.
7. For Example, if we see the beauty of a rose, or smell the fragrance of a rose, or the beauty of a tree, or anything that is beautiful ~ is a symbol for what is the underlying Truth ~ what we are seeing that is visible.
8. If we're seeing something that is evil ~ that is not true. It is not representing Truth. Anything that is defective about vision is not Truth. God is the great I am ~ the only real seeing is the seeing of God.
9. God is our real vision. If we're not letting God do the seeing by seeing only perfection, then we are not letting the eyes of God be our vision, which means we're not seeing the truth about whatever is the topic.
10. If we are willing to submit to evil and therefore be tricked, then we are not willing to focus on Truth.
247 (1) Soul ~ Identity of All Existence Treat Mp3 Full Page 37 02/03/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
1. SOUL ~ enables spiritual identification. To identify anyone, any event, any function, or anything in all existence.
2. SPIRIT ~ Substance ~ opposite of matter. Nothing can dilute the substance. Nothing can divert it, deflect it, or interfere with it, stop it or reverse it from being the one & only substance
3. SPIRIT ~ flawless, transparent & reflective.
4. OMNI ~ One ~ Only ~ All ~ no competition ~ no opposition.
5. TRUTH ~ In all activities the goal is to search for Truth.
6. EINSTEIN ~ curiosity has its own reason for existing.
7. RESEARCH ~ must exclude every element of bias. We must not look to support any bias. Supporting a bias is the opposite of seeking Truth.
8. BLINDNESS ~ EGO ~ Following human will is eliminating the omni-intelligence, omni-knowing, omni-wisdom of God.
9. RESEARCH ~ Begin from the basics of knowing nothing. This is the only way to pursue a path seeking Truth.
248 (1) Soul ~ Letting the Term for God be a Guide to Heal MP3 26 08/08/2023 - Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M Wright identifies the terms for God. The MP3 treatment and the PDF file below is based on this research.
Soul as God PDF
249 (1) Soul ~ Vision Only 1 Source Treat Mp3 Full Page 23 01/19/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. Other recommended links View
1. GENESIS 1 ~ God said LET man be made in his image & after his likeness. When we open consciousness to permit Truth to be recognized & be a part of the permanent reserve in our consciousness ~ then God reveals our true likeness to each one individually.
2. We need to affirm the Truth about seeing & reject the lie. The lie is that which has limited capacity. For example, the belief of age includes the belief that vision weakens & deteriorates. The source of this lie is so-called mortal mind & a belief of matter.
3. Mary Baker Eddy is a speaker of Truth. She provides the spiritual interpretation & spiritual inspiration from the Bible. She tells us that mortal mind is an oxymoron because Mind is immortal, not mortal. There is no possibility of a so-called mortal mind being real.
4. Matter is defined as mythology, mortality, another name for mortal mind. So it's a circle. If we're believing in matter, we're believing in mortal mind. There is no such thing as mortal mind because Mind is immortal.
5. Mortal mind is just a lie that has been compounded lie upon lie.
6. The fake news tries to tell us that we are operated from a piece of matter called a brain & the brain communicates its information through a set of nerves.
7. The Bible clearly states that God is all. So, there can be no such thing as matter or a material universe.
8. John, the only loyal disciple of Jesus, asked John: Is there a material body?
Jesus said, no.
Then John asked, is there a material universe?
The answer was, most people believe there is, but there is not.
Click full page to view more details.
250 (1) Spirit Indestructible MP3 50 10/02/2022 - 50 min
251 (1) Spirit vs Matter ~ Real Birth vs Fake Treat Mp3 Full Page 88 01/10/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. Other recommended links View
1. Spirit vs matter
2. Divine Mind vs so called mortal Mind
3. BIRTH = Anything new to consciousness in the form of creation, revelation, or understanding
4. What is new to one, may not be new to another.
5. The following is a brief exposition of the important points or religious tenets of Christian Science. [See Science & Health Pg 497]
a. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life. b. As adherents of Truth = A Christian Scientist must adhere to Truth. c. The first introductory quote to the textbook is about Truth. d. Inspired Word of the Bible may be only a spiritualized sense of the literal sense of the Bible or may be something quite different. e. The Word provides eternal light.
6. Mary Baker Eddy looked to the Bible as her only source other than what was dictated to her directly by God.
7. The important thing is to focus on Spirit, not matter.
8. Everyone knows that matter comes & goes. Spirit is the only thing that is forever. It is infinitely eternal.
9. GENERIC MAN ~ Includes all of the qualities normally thought to be, for example, a combination of:
a. Male ~ strength & courage b. Female ~ tenderness, kindness & the nurturing qualities of a mother c. Children ~ innocence & trusting
10. GENERIC MAN: Both men & women prefer the complete generic man as described above.
252 (1) Spirit ~ Image ~ Perfection of Everyone and Everything Treat Mp3 Full Page 30 01/13/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. Other recommended links View
1. Focus ~ #1 of the 6 religious tenets of Christian Science ~ As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life.
2. Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 ~ The verses in this range include the spiritual record of creation/revelation ~ the spiritual unfoldment of the entire universe ~ including all of its spiritual contents, which includes GENERIC MAN which begins in verse 26.
3. The first 25 verses of Genesis 1 provides the spiritual unfoldment of everything except generic man.
Generic Man Defined
1. Beginning with verse 26, is the spiritual record of generic man. God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness, & let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over the cattle, & over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
2. It Includes all of the qualities normally thought to be, for example, a combination of:
a. Male ~ strength & courage b. Female ~ tenderness, kindness & the nurturing qualities of a mother c. Children ~ innocence & trusting
3. Both men & women prefer the complete generic man as described above. Circumstances dictate which qualities are the correct ones to be reflected at specific times.
Let Generic Man into Consciousness
1. The all important word, LET, could easily be translated to mean ~ in order to experience being the real generic man, we must open our consciousness & permit it to permeate our every concept of man. IF WE DO THAT ~ then we can look forward to the description following in the next verse.
2. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male & female created he them, & God blessed them. GENERIC MAN is, what is being referred to.
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253 (1) Spirit ~ Letting the Term for God be a Guide to Heal MP3 39 08/06/2023 - Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M Wright identifies the terms for God. The MP3 treatment and the PDF file below is based on this research.
Spirit as God PDF
254 (1) Spirit ~ Man ~ Perfect Image of God MP3 46 06/29/2023- KEYPOINTS
1. Step 1 ~ Name God 2. Step 2 ~ Claim being the Image of God 3. Step 3 ~ Demonstrate being the Image of God 4. Let God do the seeing 5. If god is doing the seeing, there is only good to see 6. All existence is good, pure, flawless 7. Accept being image of God 8. Focus on individuality equals remove any sense of personality 9. Individuality equals quality not personal sense
GEN 1 is the record of the only creation - revelation
GEN 1 ~ Chapter 1 ~ God Made Man as His Image
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
GEN 2 ~ Chapter 2 ~ God Finished His Creation
Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
255 (1) Spirit ~ Not Obese Matter but the Only Substance Treat Mp3 74 02/01/2024 ~ Spirit is not Obese (any Excess) Matter
1. Introduction MP3
2. All treatment standards PDF
3. Spirit is the opposite of matter and only one of them can be real. There are not two opposites of any topic in which both of them can be real. Therefore, one must do the research at the onset of when the topic occurs to one. How do we overcome the total belief of life, truth and intelligence in matter? For more details CLICK the media.
256 (1) Spirit ~ See Treat Mp3 Full Page 43 01/20/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. Other recommended links View
1. Mary Baker Eddy uses these terms to describe each of the 7 terms for God.
2. As is seen, Spirit is flawless. It's purity enables Truth to appear.
3. The ability to be able to see is a result of letting one's consciousness be open to the perfection of vision. Let the perfection enlighten our vision.
4. Mary Baker Eddy addresses diversions ~ Can one focus no matter what comes one's way?
5. Genesis 1 indicates a sequence in the spiritual development of the revelation of reality.
6. The first step is that we need to let our consciousness be open to our revelation of light & be ready to accept the Truth.
7. Our prayer is always heard if we are in alignment with the terms & qualities that define God. If we're acting intelligently in everything we think, say & do, then we're following Mind.
8. If we're pure, then our ability increases in proportion to our purity. Truth will appear if we are pure in our thought & if we have opened our consciousness to Truth.
9. It's like the saying, when the student is ready, the teacher appears or when this teacher is ready, the student appears ~ There's a balance ~ A student requires a teacher & a teacher requires a student. So if you appear to only have one, then you have some balancing to do.
10. Focus should be on what is God, what is man, & realize that the relationship is that man is the image & likeness of God. God cannot be a God without God's image & likeness.
11. All the way up the scale, there is a counter to every Truth & there's a counter to every evil.
12. Mary Baker Eddy stopped whatever she was doing hourly for self-examination to make sure that she was only seeing perfection.
13. CRITICISM ~ The guaranteed way to self-destruct ~ focus on the faults of others ~ be self-deceived that one does not have any faults.
14. Dr. Fluno, a lecturer for Mary Baker Eddy, was instructed to cover the topic of CRITICISM because she felt it was so important.
15. In other words, if you want to have a life of progress, then one cannot criticize anyone for anything.
257 (1) Spirit ~ The New Birth MP3 39 01/01/2023 - Let the New Birth come forth. The limits of time & space are removed as we understand there is no life, truth, intelligence, or substance in matter. They are mental illusions.
Spirit ~ Pgs 594:19 to 21 by Mary Baker Eddy
SPIRIT. Divine substance; Mind; divine Principle; all that is good; God; that only which is perfect, ever-lasting, omnipresent, omnipotent, infinite.
258 (1) Storm – let it roar without us PDF 33 09/17/2022 - Two tactics – (1) how to handle a storm that appears to be external, (2) need to create a storm - to stir up the waters - within consciousness to purify it - 33 min - Please CLICK button to see a complete page on Storm – let it roar without us View
259 (1) Success & The Next Step ~ An Anatomy Treat Mp3 62 04/09/2023 - Is there a "next step" once the intended goal has been reached?
Human success is very much like spiritual success and in many ways identical. Maybe a few caveats, but basically parallel. The same with the next step after success. They are almost exactly parallel. Noah Webster defines fulfillment as accomplishment, completion as a fulfillment of prophecy, execution performance as the fulfillment of a promise. One of the most successful businessmen, author of a book entitled the Art of the Deal, stated that every important project meets with extreme difficulties. Mary Baker Eddy certainly did experience the same thing in the development of Christian Science.
260 (1) Success ~ Formula for Success Treat Mp3 51 08/15/2023 --- It is common to talk down and considered ridiculous that there is a formula for success. I would like for you to find anyone who has been successful in which there could not be a formula imposed or laid over what the individual actually did to become successful. I think its impossible. Mary Baker Eddy was very systematic and very structured in everything she did.

Once she was finished with getting to the end of the final edition of Science and Health in about 1906 or 1907 she made a statement that she now reduced the system of divine metaphysics to a system, she rearranged the chapters and they fit into a system. There is a formula. Chapter 1 of Genesis follows a very specific formula. The key is to learn the formula. Mary Baker Eddy Institute ( provides the formula. You only need to apply it uniquely and individually for your own salvation.
Some of the characters mentioned in this recording
1. Christ Jesus
2. Mary Baker Eddy
3. Robert C Putnam
4. Frederick L Rawson
5. Wentworth Winslow
261 (1) Success ~ How to Achieve it Treat Mp3 3 07/16/2024 ~ Always get up & move forward if you fall down
Keep on the path of infinite progression
Mary Baker Eddy states that we are barraged from all sides with every form of evil that is possible ~ beyond imagination. When a problem is solved, another problem arises. We must be focused on Truth with the strength of omnipotent Mind. Mind is incorporeal, divine, supreme & infinite. If we give in or give up, we will not be able to achieve success over evil. We will submit to it, and then we're finished. We have failed perseverance test. The behest of God is that we pray all the time, every moment by living the qualities of God.
What is prayer?
Prayer is how we think and how we conduct ourselves. We have to be doing it with the theme of Spirit and not matter ~ immortal Mind, not mortal mind.
262 (1) Success ~ Secret to Success Treat Mp3 Full Page 97 10/27/2024 ~ INTRODUCTION TO KEY POINTS
1. Is there really a secret to success?
2. How do we know that it works?
3. Has anyone ever tried it?
4. Who did they get the secret from?
5. How often did they use the secret?
6. Is it important to write the secret in one's private notes?
7. Should one tell the secret to anyone else?
8. Does keeping the secret private help?
9. What kind of success can the secret help in accomplishing?
10. How long does it last when one uses the secret?
11. Does the secret work different for different people?
12. Is there more than one secret that needs to be discovered?
13. Is this secret easy to understand?
14. Does a secret need to be used at a certain time of the day or night?
15. Does the secret always work?
16. What kind of results can be expected if one uses the secret?
17. Does anyone else know about the secret?
18. How long ago was the secret discovered?
19. Does the weather have an influence on if the secret operates?
20. Can the secret be applied to animals?
21. How long will the secret last if I give it to other people?
22. How long will the secret last if I don't give it to anyone?
23. Are there any extensions available for how long it will last if they are available?
24. How much does it cost?
25. Can I pay in US dollars?
26. Does it require payment in some other form?
263 (1) Success ~ What is it & How to get there? Treat Mp3 76 One could gather all the books written on success and find a common thread throughout all of them. The common thread is that it connects every worthwhile book on how to be successful. What is success? How to measure it? The common thread is Principle. It includes Love & obviously the other terms for God such as Mind, Spirit, Soul, Life, Truth, & Love. Love is fulfillment, wholeness, completeness. Mary Baker Eddy, one of the greatest healers of all time, alongside Christ Jesus, is the discoverer, founder and leader of divine science, referred to as Christian Science... CLCK media to view more details.
264 (1) System of Divine Metaphysics and Mathematics Treat Mp3 63 20/29/2023 - SUMMARY
1. SYSTEM ~ Divine Metaphysics is now reduced to a system ~ Please see header for the complete statement by MBE
2. Introduction & quotes ~ View
3. SYSTEM OF DIVINE METAPHYSICS ~ CANNOT MIX UP the operators or the product will be incorrect.
a. The Word does not = the Christ b. The Christ does not = Christianity c. Christianity does not = science.
4. MUST EXPERIENCE ~ a. The Word before you can effectively apply the Christ. b. Must experience the Christ before you can effectively apply Christianity. c. Must experience Christianity before you can experience science. d. Some of the above may happen without you realizing that you are doing it.
5. CHRIST JESUS ~ always saw the perfect man. So he was translating and therefore was the highest example of Christ.
6. MARY BAKER EDDY ~ translated the science of Christ Jesus and therefore gave us the system of divine metaphysics.
7. FREDERICK L RAWSON ~ one of the best practitioners of all time and healed instantaneously.
8. ROLF WHITZSCHE ~ researched the system given to us by Mary Baker Eddy and delivered the most advanced translation and interpretation of it to date.
9. GOD is All in all a. All = all source = God b. all = the manifestation of the Source = man = God's highest idea = God's manifestation
265 (1) Temptation Suggestion MP3 42 09/10/2022 - Temptation, suggestion must be rebuffed at the onset. Cultivate perfect model in thought - 42 min
266 (1) Time and Space ~ No Limit in Mind Treat Mp3 Full Page PDF 40 11/06/2023 ~ SUMMARY
a. A girl from Japan won championship on speed calculating being able to tap accurately at 400 kmph overcoming time & space. b. Instantaneous healings prove time & space can be overcome. c. Infinite progression is concrete being. d. We remove limitations by relying on Truth. e. Every activity has a principle ~ practice exactness, no matter if it is spiritual healing ~ calculator race, piano playing race, or any activity. f. Internet ~ Instant communication worldwide.
2. Many have reduced or eliminated limitation of time & space
a. Christ Jesus b. Mary Baker Eddy c. Joel Goldsmith d. Frederick L. Rawson e. Wentworth Winslow
a. Moment = smallest measurement of time. b. Many moments are wasted every day. c. Utilize moments ~ declare or affirm a particular truth. d. The above are examples to productively use what otherwise is wasted.
4. Foundation of Christian Science ~ 3 Step Process ~ Always look for Truth
a. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free - John 8:32 b. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare c. OH! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. ~ Mary Baker Eddy
267 (1) Time Management ~ Guard & Discipline Treat Mp3 Full Page 73 01/09/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. Other recommended links View
1. Mind ~ Time management ~ Guard & discipline all thought, speech & action.
2. An excellent place to begin when one is going to recite, read or study any part of Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy ~ The textbook of Christian Science ~ Introductory quotes on the page following the title pages. Please click the index above to view the introductory quotes in item #1.
3. The overpowering purpose when we open the textbook should be seeking Truth & understanding the Truth & realize that when we get an adequate understanding of it, we will be free of any Life, Truth & intelligence in matter.
4. Also, one will realize that all is infinite Mind & its infinite manifestation & we are a part of this one & only infinite Mind, as is everyone. Everyone is individually a unique manifestation of God.
5. The entire vocabulary of the American English language can be divided into 7 major categories which are the 7 synonymous terms for God & the 4 operators.
6. Whatever is the primary term that we are focusing on at the moment will be the catalyst of what our experience will be.
7. The second introductory quote to the textbook is by Shakespeare which states: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Therefore our experience is a direct result of our thinking.
8. Christ Jesus says that our thinking is the same as what we do. We think it first & then we do it. Therefore, it's not just what we do, but it's also what we think.
9. Jesus made a very specific statement that what we are thinking is what we are doing, whether we are physically doing it or not.
10. Think heavenly about God & that will be our experience. The real goal is to fill our thought with Perfect God, perfect man existing in PERFECT HEAVEN, God.
11. The Bible says we should pray without ceasing. The only way to do that, it seems, is to live our prayer every moment.
12. The more moments we're living our prayer, assuming our prayer is wholesome, that is how we are going to establish it as our experience.
13. The third introductory quote to the textbook is as follow : “OH! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere.” It seems that it is telling us that when we align our thought, speech & action with the laws of God then we will benefit accordingly.
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268 (1) Time Tracking Treat Mp3 69 0/01/2022 - 69 min
269 (1) Time ~ God vs Individual Treat Mp3 21 08/11/2023 --- The only reason that the individual's time is different than the God's time is that the individual is not ready. In other words there are some pieces missing somewhere to make the project complete and therefore it is not come to conclusion.
We need to compare what God is saying and his principle which is controlling the situation where we are end of development of the particular topic in hand.
270 (1) Treat Every Discord ~ The smaller, the more Important Treat Mp3 60 08/24/2023 -- SUMMARY
This treatment addresses the common failure to treat something that is small. If we cut our finger, we just clean it off and put a Band Aid on it and forget it. That is the wrong thing to do.
1. The correct thing to do is to address the mishaps being something that is in conflict with God. God is Mind, Mind is intelligence. So there could not be an unintelligent activity that takes place because God is also the only action.
2. Mary Baker Eddy has stated that she has reduced Christian Science to a system, one that is comprehensible by this age. See Science and Health p146:31
3. We need to study to understand the system to which Mary Baker Eddy refers.
4. Every big business is under some kind of a structure where they are all working toward a common goal, all of the participants in the company.
5. There is a structure that is involved in every worldwide activity.
6. There is a hierarchy, one or more at the top that make decisions. The board of directors, a chairman of the board usually in the top order.
7. The officers that work for the board, each officer has other ones working under them and so forth.
8. The system of Christian Science is the same. At the head of the table is God.
9. There are seven departments working under God. They are Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth and Love. And there are operators. The operators are the word Christ, Christianity and Science.
10. We need to understand this structure. The seven terms for God and the four operators, just like mathematics, has the ten digits zero to nine and has the operators of add, subtract, multiply and divide.
11. Everything Mary Baker Eddy did was highly structured with a system, a plan and a design.
12. Anyone that says system is not followed by metaphysical studies are totally bananas.
13. If you study the mathematics, or music without utilizing the system, structure, plan and design will fail.
14. This is true in every major aspects in life.
15. A guaranteed way to fail is that no structure, no plan, no system and no design .
16. If we do not tend to little things that are discord then we will not be prepared to handle difficult things.
17. If we let mortal mind alone or anything that is discordant, then it will grow.
18. The idea is we need to analyze, expose and to annihilate and demonstrate, explain it away with the truth.
19. We cannot let anything go unattended.
20. The smaller is the more important because it grows when it's ignored and then it becomes a bigger problem.
21. The most important thing to remember is that there is nothing but God.
22. Authors that were mentioned:
1. Christ Jesus
2. Mary Baker Eddy
3. Robert C Putnam
4. Frederick L Rawson
5. Richard Strain
6. Wentworth Winslow
7. Helen Wright
271 (1) Trust - What to trust ? MP3 60 10/08/2022 - What to trust ? - Cash, Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, Commodities, Gold, Bitcoin, Animals, Humans, Home, Vehicles, Guns, Other Weapons – or What ? - 60 min - Please CLICK button to see a complete page on What to trust ? View
272 (1) Trust ~ Applies to all Humanity Treat Mp3 Full Page 45 11/09/2024 ~ Definitions, Quotes & Ref for All Treats View
Affirm in your own consciousness ~ All humanity will Trust God as their Controller & Guide
1. Intro Quotes to Science & Health
2. Definition of God [SH 465]
3. Definition of God and Good [SH 587]
The compound idea of infinite Spirit; the spiritual image and likeness of God; the full representation of Mind. [SH 591]
Evil; a lie; error; neither corporeality nor mind; the opposite of Truth; a belief in sin, sickness, and death; animal magnetism or hypnotism; the lust of the flesh, which saith: "I am life and intelligence in matter. There is more than one mind, for I am mind, — a wicked mind, self-made or created by a tribal god and put into the opposite of mind, termed matter, thence to reproduce a mortal universe, including man, not after the image and likeness of Spirit, but after its own image." [SH 584]
Mythology; mortality; another name for mortal mind; illusion; intelligence, substance, and life in non-intelligence and mortality; life resulting in death, and death in life; sensation in the sensationless; mind originating in matter; the opposite of Truth; the opposite of Spirit; the opposite of God; that of which immortal Mind takes no cognizance; that which mortal mind sees, feels, hears, tastes, and smells only in belief. [SH 591]
The only I, or Us; the only Spirit, Soul, divine Principle, substance, Life, Truth, Love; the one God; not that which is in man, but the divine Principle, or God, of whom man is the full and perfect expression; Deity, which outlines but is not outlined [SH 591]
True sense of infinite
Question. — What is Mind?
Answer. — Mind is God. The exterminator of error is the great truth that God, good, is the only Mind, and that the supposititious opposite of infinite Mind — called devil or evil — is not Mind, is not Truth, but error, without intelligence or reality. There can be but one Mind, because there is but one God; and if mortals claimed no other Mind and accepted no other, sin would be unknown. We can have but one Mind, if that one is infinite. We bury the sense of infinitude, when we admit that, although God is infinite, evil has a place in this infinity, for evil can have no place, where all space is filled with God. [SH 469]
273 (1) Trust ~ What do we Need to Feel Comfortable Treat Mp3 Full Page 66 10/26/2024 ~ INTRODUCTION TO KEY POINTS
1. What material visuals are needed?
2. Is it possible to have none & still trust?
3. If we have no material visuals, what do we need?
4. What did Christ Jesus have?
5. What did Mary Baker Eddy have?
6. What did Moses have to do to trust?
7. What did Paul experience in order to be transformed?
8. What do you need to trust?
9. What do you need to be transformed?
10. Did Jesus work out your salvation?
11. Was there a priest or a pastor that transformed you?
12. Can we gain peace from trusting someone else?
13. Who can that be? If not a who, what can that be?
14. What quality of God is the most powerful?
15. Which one is the weakest?
16. Which one is the most consistent?
17. Which one is the most trustworthy?
18. Which one is the easiest to accept?
19. Which one is the most difficult to accept?
20. How do we measure the value of God's qualities?
21. Which one is most effective?
22. Which is the easiest to remember?
23. What is the easiest material emotion to remember?
24. What is the most difficult material emotion to remember?
25. How long does a material affirmation last?
26. How long does a spiritual affirmation last?
27. What is the easiest way to remember a material emotion?
28. What is the easiest way to remember a spiritual fact?
29. What is the best way to pray?
30. How many prayers did Jesus give us?
31. How many commandments did Jesus give us?
32. What does Mary Baker Eddy say about thinking?
FOCUS on living the qualities of God:
Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love
274 (1) Truth & Honesty are paramount as a Standard for Spiritual Advancement Treat Mp3 71 11/02/2024 ~ Spiritual perspective goes hand in hand with Truth & Honesty
1. In a court of law, the witness is sworn with the left hand on the Bible & the right hand up in the air & repeating the words, I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth, so help me God
2. Due to our absolutely corrupt judicial system, we cannot be following that definition because courts are running a 99% conviction rate, which means that they are imprisoning innocent people purposely.
3. The judges sell their cases to the highest bidder.
4. The prisons are all a private system & there are large profits made on every single inmate.
5. The first step is to set up the parameters on who should know what.
6. Most projects are better to be kept private & not disclose anything to anyone.
7. Mary Baker Eddy could not tell the truth in court & so she had to make a joke out of their contention that she claimed to be prophesied in the Bible to be a messenger from God.
8. The amount of truth that we disclose is the key point in how we must view truth.
9. Goal is not to deceive people but to be courteous but non disclosure of important projects.
10. Important projects must not be discussed with or any documents conveyed to anyone that does not have
1. The need to know 2. The authority to know
11. The big picture is required in order to gain the right perspective on how to approach the problem.
12. Mary Baker Eddy was involved in a lawsuit entitled "Next Friend suit" = current enemy suit = evil at work under deceptive title.
13. Goal was to have Mary Baker Eddy committed to be insane so they could rob her of all authority & conduct the administration of the church she built in an evil way.
14. One of the most important things one can learn in the study of Christian Science & in one's spiritual advancement is to become very well versed on how evil operates.
15. Many wonderful plans are failures because of lack of understanding on how evil operates.
Ignorant about How Evil Operates ~ Big Trouble due to this ignorance
1. Abraham Lincoln assassinated
2. John F. Kennedy assassinated
3. Robert F. Kennedy assassinated
4. Ronald Reagan shot but survived ~ canceled his original plan & operated on a very diluted alternate.
President Trump ~ Expert
1. Art of war
2. Art of negotiation
3. Art of the deal
4. Multi level chess.
5. Understands the operation of evil & has demonstrated his mastery over all challenges of the past.
6. Recognition that God controls all activities.
How Mary Baker Eddy Operated?
Mary Baker Eddy administered the Christian Science movement by divine direction based on prayer & direct communication with God. ~ Science & Health Chpt 5 ~ Animal Magnetism Unmasked ~ Mary Baker Eddy is the Top Expert on How evil operates
275 (1) Truth & Honesty ~ The Golden Rule Treat Mp3 MP3 68 11/07/2023 ~ SUMMARY
a. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. b. Refer to honesty as how you would like others to be with oneself.
a. It's easy to make the threshold flexible, but in reality there should be no threshold. b. Christ Jesus did not have a threshold. He was pure through and through.
a. Spirit is the only real substance. b. Flawless. c. Transparent. d. Reflective.
a. Apply the Truth, honestly and use the Golden Rule for everything one thinks, says or does. b. The above will help filter properly so that we do not let any impurities get into the essence of real Truth. c. If we do not permit any impurities, then we are dealing with Truth.
a. Mary Baker Eddy indicated he was the most scientific man that ever trod the globe. b. All action comes from thought. c. Thinking evil is the same as doing evil.
a. Robert C. Putnam ~ The Ten Bible Lessons and the Council of Nicaea. b. Frederick L Rawson ~ 1,315 Ailments c. Wentworth Winslow c1. Four books, including an Anachronism PDF MP3 c2. Truth & Honesty 1 of 2 ~ See Above c3. The Invisible Patient 2 of 2 ~ See Above d. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God.
276 (1) Truth is Revealed Treat Mp3 53 08/19/2023 -- SUMMARY
FIELD OF DREAMS is a movie that inspires thinking outside the box and to pursue inspiration and do not let anything interfere with your pursuit of carrying forward the ideas that come from the inspiration. Truth is revealed is the title of this recording. And it refers to the Mary Baker Eddy Institute website, which is ( in which there is a 100% effort to bring forth the truth about the science of Christian Science to promote the system that Mary Baker Eddy delivered to us as stated on page 146, when she says that science has now been reduced to a system. Successful people have indicated that the more important the project is that they're working on, the more temptations there are to yield to resistance and to let things interfere with the forward movement of the project.
Mary Baker Eddy had tremendous resistance on everything she was doing. Her own church, her own board of directors. Everyone basically was interfering or trying to interfere, just like Jesus. Jesus faced only a handful of people that even came to his crucifixion, even though he had taught tens of thousands of people. Out of his twelve disciples, only John, in the end, was faithful.
He's the only one that showed up at the crucifixion, and he suffered being put in a pot of boiling oil. But he survived because of his loyalty to truth, he was exiled to the island of Patmos. He ended up receiving from Jesus, who dictated the Book of Revelation to him and delivered to Christianity the Book of Revelation, which gave us many wonderful prophecies and statements of truth.
His body was never found, so it is presumed that he, as did Jesus, ascended completely overcame the belief of life, truth and intelligence in matter, including what was deemed a material body. Everyone has an obligation to support the activities of any activity that is devoted to serving the betterment of mankind. That certainly is the motive of the Mary Baker Eddy website ( If one wants to get the most out of what they study and gain from a resource, then they will give something back. Because there is never anything that is truly free. There is never something for giving nothing.
There is no obligation. But when someone makes an investment, it's more unlikely they will receive more back than if they try to get something for nothing. Everyone needs to work out their own salvation, and it is entirely up to the individual to decide if they've received something of value that they want to give back. The most important thing to remember is that God is all there is.
Authors Included:
1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Albert Einstein 4. Mary Baker Eddy Institute 5. Fredrick L Rawson 6. Wentworth Winslow
References ~ Publications:
1. 41 Parables of Jesus 2. 1,315 treatments by Fredrick L Rawson 3. More than 100 treatments by Mary Baker Eddy Institute 4. Four Books on God - by Wentworth Winslow
References ~ Events
1. Crucifixion 2. Jesus preaching & teaching tens of thousands
277 (1) Truth or Personality ~ Cheated & Lied to Treat Mp3 31 11/11/2023 ~ 1. INTRO QUOTES to Science and Health with key to the Scriptures
2. DEFINITIONS ~ God and Good View
3. CHEATED, LIED ~ PERSONALITY a. Suggestions come from the belief that personality is the real man. b. Truth is that the real man is spiritual and therefore cannot cheat or lie.
4. MARY BAKER EDDY a. Reminded herself constantly to focus on good, not evil. b. Prayed three times a day for the benefit of all humanity.
5. CHRIST JESUS ~ Always saw the perfect man.
6. WENTWORTH WINSLOW a. Let God Do It b. God Can Do It c. God Will Do It d. God Is Doing It e. One must begin by opening thought to let the truth work. f. Refer to the titles above for the other three steps.
7. GENESIS 1 ~ Every major sentence of the seven days of creation is preceded by the statement that we must LET otherwise we cannot recognize that God has already created everything that exists.
8. FREDERICK L. RAWSON a. Treatment or Healing by True Prayer b. 1,315 treatments which lists the ailment and the counter fact of truth to heal the ailment.
9. SEVEN TERMS for GOD a. Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. b. 4 Operators for the System of Divine Metaphysics.
10. AILMENTS and OPERATORS a. Math has 10 digits and 4 operators b. Music has 8 + 5 = 13 keys that are repeated in octives. Music also has operators.
11. SYSTEM of divine metaphysics ~ Please SEE Header for the definition stated in SH 146.
12. BLISS KNAPP a. Provided a fan by Mary Baker Eddy as a symbol to separate truth from error. b. Let only Truth in thought.
13. SUMMARY a. Do not look to personality to solve a problem, but divine individuality. b. Cheated or lied to = cry for help. c. Offer help in every way possible in order to assist in solving the problem.
14. CONCLUSION a. Nothing can interfere with the qualities of God being expressed, nor can it stop or reverse the effectiveness and truth of this treatment. b. There is nothing but God.
278 (1) Truth ~ Can It Be Indicted, Arrested, Imprisoned ---??? MP3 37 03/21/2023 - Truth ~ Can It Be Indicted, Arrested, Imprisoned ---???

Indict ~ speak, accuse (NW 1828)
Arrest ~ stop, rest, take, seize, hinder, restrain (NW 1828)
Imprison ~ safe custody, confine (NW 1828)
God ~ Incorpeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ Science & Health p. 465)

Dark Ages
Sodom & Gomorrah
Communism, Nazism, Socialism
Constitution of United States of America ~ Freedom
Dimming of the sun ~ Ice age in process

Daniel ~ Lion's den
Jesus ~ crucification, tomb, corporeality
Mary Baker Eddy ~ prophesy, transporting, corporeality
Dr Robert C Putnam ~ Bible Scholar
Wentworth Winslow ~ Author
Messengers of God active right now
279 (1) Truth ~ Circle ~ No Beginning No End Treat Mp3 Full Page 94 6- Truth ~ Circle ~ No Beginning No End
Progress stalled? ~ Elevate to higher dimension ~ Then Expand the view
References included in this Treatment
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. System of Divine Metaphysics
4. Scientific statement of being
5. 7 Terms for God ~ Definition's Abbreviations
6. Diapason of Heaven ~ MBE
7. View all details of above list Index
Click Full Page to view more details
280 (1) Truth ~ Fact or Fiction 1 MP3 88 06/05/2023 - Truth ~ Fact or Fiction 1
281 (1) Truth ~ Justice ~ Let God Do It MP3 31 07/07/2023 - References Included in Treatment
1. God's Standard ~ S&H ~ 1 - Pg 2
God is Love. Can we ask Him to be more? God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of anything He does not already comprehend?
Do we expect to change perfection? Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which is pouring forth more than we accept? The unspoken desire does bring us nearer the source of all existence and blessedness.
2. God is individual ~ S&H 10 Pg 331
God is individual, incorporeal. He is divine Principle, Love, the universal cause, the only creator, and there is no other self-existence. He is all-inclusive, and is reflected by all that is real and eternal and by nothing else. He fills all space, and it is impossible to conceive of such omnipresence and individuality except as infinite Spirit or Mind. Hence all is Spirit and spiritual.
3. What is God ~ S&H 14 ~ Pg 465
God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.
4. Wentworth Byron Winslow ~ Books
1. Let God Do It
2. God Can Do It
3. God Will Do It
4. God Is Doing It
282 (1) Truth ~ Letting the Term for God be a Guide to Heal MP3 37 08/09/2023 - Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M Wright identifies the terms for God. The MP3 treatment and the PDF file below is based on this research.
Truth as God PDF
283 (1) Truth ~ Perfection Changeless Treat Mp3 Full Page 61 02/02/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
1. Mary Baker Eddy apparently is giving us the message at the beginning of the textbook that Truth is the most important synonymous term for God on which to focus.
2. The only way we can understand anything is to prove it to ourselves. We can overcome anything that is unlike Truth if we understand, which means that we have to prove it to ourselves & we have to live it, then we can demonstrate it & gain freedom from things that are unlike Truth.
3. Our freedom is based on the way we think. What are we going to permit to guide us so that we can cultivate the understanding that is needed to be free from anything that is not true.
4. Are we looking for the Truth when we are utilizing Mind? Mind represents creative ability, capacity, capability, functionality, facility, action, performance, power. If we utilize those things, realizing that the only real substance is Spirit, then we will have power.
5. Mary Baker Eddy says, the good we do & embody gives us the only power obtainable. So Spirit is our only substance, & it is flawless & transparent. Otherwise, it's not Spirit, it's matter, which is the absolute opposite of Spirit.
6. Certainly, matter doesn't give us anything that reflects because matter absorbs. So we get our reflective ability from Spirit.
7. Frederick L Rawson said that Christian Science is the science of right thinking. If we're going to follow that what we put into consciousness is going to give us our results then we obviously want to put into consciousness perfection, changeless.
8. Otherwise we're going to have matter instead of Truth, evil instead of good, & it's going to compound. So we must handle these terms correctly.
9. God is incorporeal, doesn't have ears or mouth. That is a word that describes the incorporeal, divine, supreme & infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.
10. God is omnipresent, which means that all of God's laws are omnipresent. It's very easy to focus on perfection if we only look to the definitions of God & Good ~ See Above
11. All creation is creation of God. We have to start with the perfection, which do not imply any fallible individuality whatsoever. 12. Perfect God, perfect man. There's no limit to spirit being the substance. Wherever we are, it is there. It's omnipresent, the spiritual image & likeness of God.
284 (1) Truth ~ See Reality Treat Mp3 Full Page 54 02/01/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. Other recommended links View
1. Truth represents the consciousness of Truth. If we are looking through the lens of Spirit, then we are looking at everything from a spiritual knowing. Therefore we are looking at consciousness as being the consciousness of God.
2. If we're doing those 2 things, then our seeing has to be seeing Truth. We cannot be seeing anything that is un-like Truth.
3. God is Spirit & Spirit is flawless. Spirit is the only substance, & because it is flawless, that means Truth is transparent.
4. This reflects Spirit as substance, & Truth, which is consciousness. We cannot see Truth if we're looking at something opaque. The vision of God is perfect.
5. Genesis gives us the beginning of the spiritual development of consciousness.
6. God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness, & let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over the cattle, & over all the earth, & over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
7. God created man in his own image, n the image of God created He him. Male and female created he them, & God blessed them.
8. We cannot benefit from our spiritual development that is inherent within consciousness unless we open it up to accept what God has already created.
9. Genesis 1:1 ~ In the beginning ~ Mary Baker Eddy translates that to mean in the only creation there is, which means everything was done at the same time simultaneously. So there was no beginning, there is no end to the creation by God.
10. God is infinite. So there cannot be a beginning & there cannot be an end to infinity.
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285 (1) Truth ~ Self Mental Enslavement or Freedom Treat Mp3 Full Page 88 12/12/2024 ~ Quotes & Definitions
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. System of divine metaphysics
Some Key Points
1. God being the only power
2. Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he? [Habakkuk 1:13]
3. Give gratitude for all resources where you learned the spiritual things of value that you feel elevated your present spiritual understanding.
4. Truth ~ It is fixed ~ Must adjust to it ~ not try to change it.
Authors Mentioned
1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth & Truth
2. Mary B Eddy ~ System of Divine Metaphysics
3. Robert C Putnam ~ Bible Scholar ~ Council of Nicaea 325 A.D.
4. Frederick L Rawson ~ 1,315 Ailments
5. Wentworth Winslow ~ 126 articles in 4 books
6. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ In-depth study of 7 terms for God
286 (1) Understanding Truth = Slavery to Sin Destroyed Treat Mp3 PDF 72 06/26/2024 ~ Truth = seeing perfect man = NOT judging
1. Divine Mind ~ No material or mortal mind
2. Spirit: Substance, Flawless, Transparent
3. Unchangeable standard of perfection
4. Love ~ No judging = no condemning = no forgiveness
EXPLORING John Chapter 8
1. Jesus deflates the rigorists
2. Jesus' bold claims - about himself & God
3. Jesus said: Go home and do not sin again.
4. Jesus speaks of personal freedom
1. Adulterous Women accusers could not condemn because all admitted to be sinners.
2. Jesus never condemns person but only evil.
3. Jesus taught by parables to deliver messages without the taint of personality.
287 (1) Unity Defeats All Evil MP3 49 03/12/2023 - Love ~ Unity ~ Infinite Network Heals Every Evil ~ References
1. Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary
2. System of Christian Science - Science and Health 146
3. Dr. Albert Einstein - 8th wonder of world - law of compounding
4. Bible & Mary Baker Eddy - precept upon precept etc
5. Mary Baker Eddy - value of moments
6. Bible & Mary Baker Eddy - Pray without ceasing
7. Kurt Russell - Real vs fantasyland
8. Rolf Witzsche - more advanced work in system of divine metaphysics
9. Mary Baker Eddy - Christ & Christmas
10. Jesus - Christ - translating from visible to invisible
11. Unity the only quality that can defeat all evil or any specific evil
288 (1) Vision MP3 18 05/26/2022 - Addresses the fact that vision is not from material organs but from God. Real vision is insight and everything is really here and now. If there is an apparent absence of perfect vision, one needs to replace the hand-me-down lie that matter is the source of vision with the truth that God is the action that delivers perfect vision. 18 min
289 (1) Vision MP3 42 06/13/2022 - Collection of quotations from published and unpublished writings of Mary Baker Eddy, the Bible including KJV and JB Phillips, Shakespeare, Gilbert Carpenter, John Doorly, Frederick Rawson, Earnest Rodwick, Herbert Eustace, Clifford Stamp, Rosalie Maas, Wentworth Winslow, and comments from MBESI staff. This is extemporaneous combined with reading of specific quotations that came to thought. There appears to be a seamless common thread connecting all parts of this recording. 42 min
290 (1) Vision Seeing ~ All Humanity Treat Mp3 31 10/09/2023 - SUMMARY
1.THERE is NOTHING either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare
2. VISION ~ Mary Baker Eddy ~ Letter to Student a. Are you able to focus no matter what comes your way? b. SCIENTIFIC STATEMENT of BEING ~ There is no life, truth, intelligence or substance in matter. All is infinite mind. c. VISION is improved in the ratio that we are devoting our time to looking for good and good only. d. ACCEPTING that is ungod like in thought reduces our ability to see reality. e. Not looking for good places a veil between God's seeing and our ability to see.
3. SAW THE PERFECT MAN ~ Able to focus no matter what came his way. ~ Christ Jesus
a. 1,315 ailments and their counter facts. b. View the ones related to seeing and eyes. c. They are directly related to the healing process. d. He stressed the importance of our thoughts being projected experience. ~ Frederick L Rawson
5. RAISED FROM DEAD ~ Wentworth Winslow raised a boy from the dead.
6. RAISED a SELF FROM DEAD ~ a. Drowned and while he was supposedly dead, could see others looking at his life less body. In the meantime, he was contemplating whether he should come back to life or not. b. He decided there were things that he needed to do and therefore he came back to life making the conscious decision to do so while others thought he was dead. ~ Bicknell Young
291 (1) Vision ~ Cause of Imperfection is Null and Void MP3 16 07/29/2023 - Vision ~ Cause of Imperfection is Null and Void
292 (1) Vision ~ God is the Cause of Perfect Vision MP3 11 07/29/2023 - Vision ~ God is the Cause of Perfect Vision
293 (1) Vision ~ Interaction with All 7 Terms for God Treat Mp3 83 04/15/2024 ~ INTRODUCTION TO PRAYER TREATMENT
Jesus Focused on Healing:
Christ Jesus is Lord and Master but not God. God is omnipresent and nothing that is tangible can be omnipresent. The focus of Jesus & his followers was healing.
Christianity Converted to Money-Making:
In 325 A.D. the focus on healing changed due to the Nicaea council meeting between governments & churches. It was decided that Jesus would be God (against Jesus's own statements) and that healing would be left to the medical industry ~ a money-making business.
Church to Forgive Sin ~ For Money:
Everyone ignored the fact that Jesus overturned the tables of the money-changers. A Church has no authority to be a money-making business or the ability to forgive a sin of anyone. An individual salvation is not a bureaucratic affair.
Transformation ~ Only Path to Forgiveness:
Permanent individual transformation is within one's own consciousness. This is the only path to the forgiveness of one's own sin. No one can do it for another. The sin and the sinner are the same. No one has the authority or the power to make a permanent transformation of another's consciousness.
Christian Science ~ Both Christian & Science:
Mary Baker Eddy discovered Christian Science in 1866. The name Christian Science is used because it is both Christian and Science.
Healing Found in 1866 ~ Lost Again in 1910:
From 1866 until 1910, healing was the focus of Christian Science. Beginning 1910 upon Mary Baker Eddy's passing there was a quick conversion to money-making corruption. The CHURCH BUREACRACY led the way to destroy the identity of Mary Baker Eddy & her Discovery, Founding, & Leadership. It then violated the By-Laws of the Manual of the Mother Church to focus on control of the membership & individual profit for the executives of the Church.
Christian Vision Became Blind:
1) Expose the blindness. 2) Awaken consciousness to Truth. 3) Reinstate healing in Christianity.
CLICK media for complete details.
294 (1) Vision ~ Living the Life of Dreams Treat Mp3 49 10/27/2023 ~ SUMMARY
1. INTRODUCTION quote: View
2. CHRIST JESUS always saw the perfect man.
3. LOVELY FRIENDS ~ 'An individual always sees their friend as lovely' ~ Mary Baker Eddy
4. CHRIST & CHRISTMAS ~ The final illustration is blank, leaving it open for further development of inspired thought because God is infinite.
5. TANGIBLE SYMBOLS ~ The best dream of all is not based on something tangible but on the qualities that are underlying the symbol of what appears to be tangible.
6. PRAYED 3 TIMES DAILY ~ Mary Baker Eddy and Daniel prayed three times a day and very likely Daniel's dreams could have been similar to Mary Baker Eddie's which she stated was to see only good in everything that she was thinking, saying and doing.
7. CRITICISM ~ a. Creates all trouble, evil b. Prevents progress c. Prevents experiencing heaven Fluno Index
8. ALIGN THOUGHT WITH GOD ~ Instantaneous healing ~ Healing of man that had a load of rocks dumped on him and shooting contest bulls eye without looking at the target with eyes closed. ~ Frederick L Rawson
295 (1) Vision ~ Master Key Treat Mp3 71 09/24/2023 -- SUMMARY
1. Introduction quotes to Science and Health
1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John viii. 32
2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare
3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy
2. Science and Health ~ Chpt 17 Glossary ~ Pg 587
GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence.
GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action.
3. God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy
4. Referenced Authors:
1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth and Truth;
2. Albert Einstein ~ “Blessed art Thou (MBE) because everything that really is, is in this Book. (SH)” “To think that a woman knew this over 80 years ago.
3. Bliss Knapp ~ He is an author, and it was regarding the fan. The fan is a symbol for separation, separating the good from the evil.
4. . Mary Baker Eddy a. System of divine metaphysics; ~ Please See Header b. Many items in the manual require her personal signature, which means that they were designed to self expire. c. The branches were detached from the mother church, with the Mother church having no authority over them. d. To see the authentic publications by Mary Baker Eddy without bureaucratic unauthorized changes. Please refer to 1910 final editions, all of which are on our website. All 16 books + the textbook. e. Please see article on Vision in Mary Baker Eddy Index
5. Frederick L Rawson ~ a. Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Treatments; b. Instant healing ~ There is nothing but God.
6. Francis J Fluno ~ See article on Criticism
7. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God.
8. Wentworth Winslow a. The telephone = mesmeric communication; b. Radio KOG = facts about God.
296 (1) Vision ~ Object, Instrument, Viewpoint Treat Mp3 50 08/20/2023 -- SUMMARY
In considering the topic of vision, what is the object? What instrument should we be using? What is the viewpoint that we are seeking? Mary difference between an imperfect or even being blind versus perfect vision. Blind to the truth is being blind. A full view of evil, is being blind. Insisting on only seeing reality is perfect vision.
Authors mentioned in this treatment includes:
1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Albert Einstein 4. Frederick L Rawson 5. Wentworth Winslow
297 (1) Vision ~ One way to fix it ~ 1 of 2 Treat Mp3 Full Page 100 12/24/2024 ~ Some Key Points referred in this treatment
1. Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free. ~ We will be free from enslavement to the belief of life, truth & intelligence in matter.
2. Imagine what would happen if we only let Truth in our consciousness & did not let anything that was opposite to Truth. Imagine how wonderful & harmonious everything would be if everyone would do the same thing.
3. Anything that's even slightly less than 100% Truth is the opposite of Truth because the only substance is Spirit & Spirit is flawless.
4. Mary Baker Eddy calls Shakespeare immortal, & she quotes him a variety of times throughout her writings. The quotes are very important. “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” - Shakespeare
5. What did Jesus say when the Pharisees asked: Dear Master, what is the greatest commandment of all?
6. Jesus set them straight right at the beginning & said why call me Good? There is only one Good & that is God.
7. Then Jesus answered them & said: The first & greatest commandment is ~ thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, & with all thy mind. And the second is like unto it ~ thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
8. It is helpful to recite the above 2 commandments prior to studying anything from the Bible or any of Mary Baker Eddy's writings.
9. King Solomon was the son of King David, the one that slew Goliath, & saved his nation from war. He asked God for one thing ~ Wisdom to judge his people fairly & honestly. The King was responsible for resolving disputes regarding all of the citizens of his kingdom.
10. Because King Solomon did not ask for anything for himself but only for wisdom so he could judge his citizens, God gave him wealth ~ measured in today's terms ~ he would be the wealthiest man in the world.
298 (1) Vision ~ One way to fix it ~ Part 2 ~ Focus on Perfection Treat Mp3 Full Page 77 12/27/2024 ~ Quotes & Definitions
1. Intro quotes from Science & Health
2. Definitions of God & Good
3. 7 terms for God
4. 4 Operators
5. View All above Index
6. System of divine metaphysics View
1. Focus on good only. Criticism blocks vision & is evil.
2. Dr. Francis J. Fluno is considered the expert on understanding what criticism is & how to heal it.
3. Mary Baker Eddy sent him throughout the US to lecture in the late 1800s on this topic.
4. Mary Baker Eddy did a self examination every hour to be sure she was only looking for good in everyone & everything.
5. Understanding how evil operates enables us to recognize it so that we can expose it & eradicate it.
6. Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free ~ Truth is God ~ We must cultivate our understanding of God ~ As we understand God more, we understand Truth more & become more free from enslavement to the belief of life, truth & intelligence in matter.
7. Everyone is capable to resist the temptation to criticize. Do not give evil the use of our thought, speech or actions. We must recognize evil as having no power for it does not include a single element of Truth.
8. God is Spirit. Spirit is the only substance. If we focus on this we will not permit matter or a material concept of someone else to occupy our thought.
9. Genesis 1 states that God made man in his image & after his likeness, that's everyone in all existence.
10. We all have access to the very same qualities which are infinite, no limit at all. So whatever capacity, strength, or courage we need, everything is available to us by reflecting it from God, which means getting ourselves out of the way.
299 (1) Vision ~ Pray for all Humanity Treat Mp3 48 09/15/2023 - SUMMARY
1.Humanity ~ Mary Baker Eddy provides 113 total references for the word humanity.
2.Mary Baker Eddy prayed three times a day for humanity.
3.Anything at all that is God-like could be included as a topic for praying for all humanity.
4.Prayer = clearing our own consciousness.
5.State clearly the denial = anything unlike God is a lie, not true, has no reality.
6.Affirm the truth = explain the reason why the item that is unlike God is a lie by stating the reason.
7.Treatment or Healing by True Prayer by Frederick Rawson ~ best reference for quickly identifying the truth that reverses the lie.
8.Identify categories to whom this applies:
a. Individuals b. Groups c. All humanity 9.Use the definition of God as your source of authority.
Science and Health 14 Recapitulation ~ Page 465 ~ Definition of GOD
Question. — What is God? Answer. — God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.
10. Question. — Is there more than one God or Principle? Answer. — There is not. Principle and its idea is one, and this one is God, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Being, and His reflection is man and the universe. Omni is adopted from the Latin adjective signifying all. Hence God combines all-power or potency, all-science or true knowledge, all-presence. The varied manifestations of Christian Science indicate Mind, never matter, and have one Principle.
11. Science and Health 17 Glossary ~ Pg 587 Definition of GOD
GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence.
12.Definition of GOOD ~ Same Page
GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action.
13.Science and Health 14 Recapitulation ~ Page 468:8
Question. — What is the scientific statement of being? Answer. — There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. 14.Referenced Authors:
1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth and Truth; 2. Mary Baker Eddy ~ System of divine metaphysics; 3. Robert Putnam ~ Ten Bible Lessons, Council of Nicaea and Mystery of Godliness; 4. Frederick L Rawson ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Treatments; 5. Rodwick with intro by Eustace ~ Psychologist & the Magician; 6. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God.
300 (1) Vision ~ Stop Evil Control Treat_Mp3 47 05/18/2023 - Is one able to “Focus” no matter what comes one’s way – Vision by Mary Baker Eddy We are constantly surrounded by mortal mind suggestions just waiting for a weak filtering system to permit entrance into consciousness (individual, collective, or universal thought atmosphere).
301 (1) Vision ~ The Magic Mirror Treat Mp3 20 10/24/2023 ~ 1. VISION ~ Article by Mary Baker Eddy
2. FOCUS ~ Can you focus no matter what comes your way?
3. FOCUS = CONCENTRATION without interruption on God, man and the relationship between God and man.
4. LOOKING through a very small hole increases the visual acuity geometrically. Examples microscope, binoculars, telescope or even curling the forefinger are all examples. LOOK CAREFULLY by following the path of Truth.
5. THERE IS NOTHING either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare
6. HEALING ~ Right thinking produces healing. ~ Frederick L Rawson
7. THE OBJECT that one should focus on is the same as Jesus, Mary Baker Eddy, Frederick L Rawson and other spiritually inspired individuals.
8. ABSOLUTE STANDPOINT ~ From an absolute standpoint, the object should be perfect God, perfect man, and perfect heaven.
9. SPIRIT is substance which is flawless, transparent and reflective.
10. SOUL ~ Focus on the spiritual senses, not material senses.
11. MORTAL MIND suggestions are very deceptive. Mortal mind attempts to mock truth.
302 (1) Vision ~ What do I see ? Treat Mp3 80 10/04/2024 ~ A. Definitions
1. What is there?
2. What do I see?
3. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587]
4. Above states clearly that God is all-seeing.
5. We do not need to do any human seeing.
6. Reflect the spiritual seeing of God.
7. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]
8. Power = The good we do & embody
9. Omniscience = Intelligence, Wisdom & Knowing
10. Omnipresence = God's qualities everywhere
11. Omni-action = The Action of seeing = God's function ~ Looking for qualities = God's seeing
B. Mind Includes:
1. Capacity 2. Capability 3. Functionality 4. Facility
C. No limit to reflecting God's Vision
1.The Only Good is the good which is perfect.
2. Seeing the perfect good = Reflections of God
3. Evil is not a reflection of God
4. Analyze Evil ~ Dig to the root, expose & destroy
5. We must cultivate & mother all good qualities.
6. Recognize all good qualities from everyone
D. Qualities to cultivate
1. Mind ~ Source of all mental activity
2. Spirit ~ The only substance which is flawless.
3. Soul ~ Spiritual viewpoint of all existence.
4. Principle ~ System & structure in balance.
5. Life ~ Living the qualities of God & multiplying by reflection.
6. Truth ~ Staying on track without deviation.
7. Love ~ Nurturing all the qualities & recognizing & understanding their wholeness.
E. Separate Quality from Personality
1. Individuals = Reflections of God's qualities
2. Personality is a fake of individuality.
3. Quality = Primary Focus
4. Personality should not be given serious thought
5. Looking = Seeking Qualities
6. Blindness = Focus on Personality
7. Golden Rule = Seeking Qualities
8. Vision = Focus on Qualities
9. Material temptation = Influence = FAKE source
F. Important about God
1. Incorporeal ~ No body
2. Divine = Perfect
3. Supreme = Higher than anything else
4. Infinite = No limit
5. The above proves focus = Qualities not personality
303 (1) Vision, Reality, Focus, Productivity Treat Mp3 65 10/11/2023 ~ SUMMARY
1. Foundational Quotes View
2. SAW THE PERFECT MAN regardless of what the common looking produced. ~ Christ Jesus
3. TREATMENT OR HEALING ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer 1,315 treatments ~ Frederick L Rawson
4.THERE IS NOTHING BUT GOD ~ Understanding this spiritually produced instantaneous healing of man who had rocks dumped on him.
5.WHAT WE ARE BORN WITH + atmosphere of early years has nothing to do with who we are but it is what we do individually that creates our experience. a. Color of Skin b. Geographic location c. Education d. Parents e. Profession
6. EVERYTHING ON THE WEBSITE is free Mary Baker Eddy Institute and ~ but nothing is really free because we need to invest something in order to really get something out of it. a. Giving up the belief of life, Truth and intelligence in matter. b. Time devoted to serious study. c. Financial donations to the website or the websites that we gain from. d. Expressing gratitude to all those that contribute to what we gain from. e. Giving rare books that the institute does not already have. f. Donating your services. g. Sharing the website with those that you know that would be interested. h. Publishing information about it on your social media accounts
7. THE MORE YOU GIVE, the more you will receive. Because the golden rule really works.
304 (1) War ~ Watch or do Treat Mp3 75 01/28/2024 ~ WAR -- Finding the Source
Are we accepting spiritual ideas and rejecting un-God-like qualities?


# Author Title ~ CLICK selection Media Minutes Description ~ Please CLICK selection to listen or downoad Mp3