0.0 – Christian Science Author – Eustace, Herbert W – Biography and Publication Index


Herbert W Eustace

Mr. Eustace, an authorized teacher and practitioner of Christian Science for many decades, was a student of Edward A. Kimball, C.S.B., the first Lecturer of Christian Science.  Mrs. Eddy specifically selected Mr. Kimball for this important fledgling task.  Both Mr. Kimball and Mrs. Eddy became aware of Mr. Eustace's natural proclivity for spiritual metaphysics and its successful application during his two class instructions, Primary Class and Normal Class, with Kimball, both of which were under Mrs. Eddy's direction.  He was the only student Kimball and Eddy ever found who wanted to take advanced class instruction, not so he could teach Christian Science, but specifically to better understand the machinations of animal magnetism, or malicious mental malpractice – an area of study of which Mrs. Eddy once remarked, “Where all students have failed is in not knowing how to handle animal magnetism.” (OV 383)  The One Volume is the complete record of Mr. Eustace’s class teaching in Christian Science plus his other articles on spiritual concepts successfully practiced during his years in the public practice of Christian Science.

The Psychologist and The Magician ~ Intro by Herbert W Eustace
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# Title Desc Description
# Title Desc Description
1 The Psychologist and The Magician ~ Intro by Herbert W. Eustace, CSB Show all 1920 ~ 11 Pages ~ In the early part of the Twentieth Century (or, to be more definite, in 1910) when the educational world was challenged to unravel the mysteries of what is known as Magic or Black Art, the faculty of Heidelberg University became greatly interested in the subject, and much

Whoso Readeth Let Him Understand by Herbert W Eustace
1. CLICK BUTTON for COMPLETE CHAPTER ~ Pgs 381-574 ~ 1939 ~ PDF. View/Dnld
2. CLICK BUTTON for COMPLETE CHAPTER ~ Pgs 381-574 ~ 1939 ~ 5-mp3.        1 of 5 MP3    2 of 5 MP3    3 of 5 MP3    4 of 5 MP3    5 of 5 MP3
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# BPg #Pgs Title Content Text Content
# BPg #Pgs Title Content Text Content
1 381 4 Title and Preface Show all
Pgs 381-384 ~ Title Pages & Preface
PREFACE - On three dates in November and December, 1938, meetings of Christian Scientists who have been through class with me were held in 
2 385 4 Table of Contents
Pgs 385-388 ~ Table of Contents
3 389 5 Introduction Show all
Pgs 389-394 ~  INTRODUCTION - The key to this book is simple but profound. Because God is the one Mind He must and does embrace within Himself the reality 
4 395 36 The Unseen Foe Show all
Pgs 395-430 ~  “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” In this statement Jesus did not mean that 
5 431 8 How Malicious Mental Malpractice Seems to Come into Being Show all
Pgs 431-438 ~ In order to understand in a practical way the subject of malicious mental malpractice – the negation or suppositional opposite of Christian Science practice - it is 
6 439 10 Definition of Beast False Prophet Dragon Show all
Pgs 439-448 ~ One good way to understand the manner in which malicious mind operates, appearing always as effect, is to study what John had to say on this subject 
7 449 12 Analysis of the Appearing of Malicious Mental Malpractice Show all
Pgs 449-460 ~ The claim of malicious mental malpractice should be examined just as a claim of sickness is, to find out what is involved.  As a belief of 
8 461 8 Why is it Necessary to Handle Malicious Mental Malpractice? Show all
Pgs 461-468 ~ In the study of mathematics, you begin with the first simple rules of arithmetic.  Addition is the starting point.  You first learn that three plus 
9 469 5 The Way Evil Argues Show all
Pgs 469-473 ~ Evil’s argument follows practically the same lines as any other argument, the only difference being that evil, through its channels of malicious minds, argues silently.  Unless 
10 474 4 The Difference Between Working with and Working Against Malicious Mind Show all
Pgs 474-477 ~ A number of years ago, a robust black- smith went before a medical clinic, in a city in Europe, to demonstrate that he could, at will, move 
11 478 3 The Only Incentive of a Mistaken Sense Show all
Pgs 478-480 ~ In an article entitled “The Way of Wisdom,” published in Miscellany, Mrs. Eddy makes a statement that should, in the words of an old saying, rouse the 
12 481 4 The Wrath of Man Show all
Pgs 481-484 ~ The Psalmist said, “Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee; the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain.” What is it that most scientifically or understandingly expresses 
13 485 6 How to Handle a Case Properly Show all
Pgs 485-490 ~ No case can be properly handled in Christian Science until it is thoroughly under- stood that every claim, regardless of its appearance, is always the result of 
14 491 3 The Personality of the Malicious Malpractitioner Show all
Pgs 491-493 ~ Because one recognizes that malicious mind cannot act or be represented without its malicious mental malpractitioner, does that imply that the identity of the malpractitioner should be 
15 494 7 The Importance of Stating Your Metaphysical Argument Correctly Show all
Pgs 494-500 ~ The subtlety of evil is nowhere more evident than in its attempt to cause the Christian Scientist to word his argument carelessly when correcting error. Since words 
16 501 2 "Effect" and "Affect" the Difference Show all
Pgs 501-502 ~ The noun "effect" means, result or consequence, and the verb, to bring to pass.  "Affect" is entirely different.  It usually indicates a sense of assumption, 
17 503 4 A Fad of Belief is the Fool of Mesmerism Show all
Pgs 503-506 ~ Mrs. Eddy made the statement in Question Answered, in Miscellany, "A fad of belief is the fool of mesmerism." What a world of truth is therein!  
18 507 7 Dictatorship Show all
Pgs 507-513 ~ Have you ever analyzed the real meaning of dictatorship?  Only by so doing can the false sense of the word be recognized, that is to say, 
19 514 11 Why the Persecution of the Jew? Show all
Pgs 514-524 ~ In considering this subject it must be distinctly understood that the term Jew is really a misnomer.  It is not the Jew as a person that 
20 525 2 Unselfed Show all
Pgs 525-526 ~ The commonly accepted definition of unselfed, by which is meant to be unselfish, is entirely separate from and unlike the meta- physical meaning of the word. Unselfishness, 
21 527 7 For Satan Finds Some Mischief Still for Idle Hands To Do Show all
Pgs 527-533 ~ No statement could be truer than that the devil, malicious mental malpractice, always finds work for idle hands - idle minds - to do. The Christian Scientist 
22 534 5 The Law of Reversal Show all
Pgs 534-538 ~ There is only one law of reversal, God’s law, the law that by virtue of its own infinite goodness, is the spontaneous destruction or reversal of everything 
23 539 8 How Does Malicious Mind Operate? Show all
Pgs 539-546 ~ To have a complete sense of freedom, it is essential for the Christian Scientist to under- stand that malicious mind has no possible way of bringing evil 
24 547 6 A Particularly Subtle Operation of Malicious Mental Malpractice Show all
Pgs 547-552 ~ It is difficult to conceive a more subtle and disastrous way for malicious mental malpractice to operate in order to confuse and obscure, if not entirely obliterate 
25 553 8 Alertness to Duty Show all
Pgs 553-560 ~ In order to progress, the Christian Scientist, must pray daily for deliverance from the hypnosis which makes him believe that it is chance instead of “direction by 
26 561 5 What Constitutes Being Awake to the Suggestions of Malicious Mental Malpractice? Show all
Pgs 561-565 ~ Science and Health declares, “More than profession is requisite for Christian demonstration.  Few understand or adhere to Jesus’ divine precepts for living and healing. 
Why? Because 
27 566 9 The Holy City Purity, Perfection, Peace Show all
Pgs 566-574 ~ Science and Health declares “In proportion to his purity is man perfect; and perfection is the order of celestial being which demonstrates Life in Christ, Life’s spiritual