0.0 – Two Great Daniels by Artist Briton Riviere – Christian Science Interpretation by David N Baxter – 1915

Briton Riviere

Briton Riviere

Two Great Daniels by Artist Briton Riviere ~ Christian Science Interpretation
by David N Baxter ~ 1915

1. Biography
2. Daniel in the Lions' Den" by Briton Riviere - 1872 ~ Please See below
3. Daniel's Answer to the Kng" by Briton Riviere - 1890 ~ Please See below


“A Little Voyage Amid the Symbols” by David N. Baxter, relating the lions to specific Bible verses, reveals the hidden symbols in the two famous paintings of “Daniel” (1872) and “Daniel’s Answer to the King” (1890) by master artist Brtion Riviére.
The artist did not realize what was accomplished until 47 years later when Bible scholar and advanced Christian Scientist, David Show all

“Daniel in the Lions’ Den” by Briton Riviére – 1872

DAVID BAXTER, AUTHOR ~ INTRODUCTION: One could easily imagine that to the great artist who grouped so wonderfully, and painted so beautifully, the symbols in the two famous paintings, “Daniel in the Lions' Den,” and “Daniel's Answer to the King,” it might appear unseemly that a pen so short and obscure should presume to touch things so big, so unique, and evidently intended for the refined. Show all

“Daniel’s Answer to the King” by Briton Riviére – 1890

BRITON RIVIERE, ARTIST ~ REPLY TO DAVID BAXTER: Accept my best thanks for your original and elegant little book, and also for your kind appreciation of “two Daniels.” Let me say to set you right on the question of the name of the first picture: I have always believed that a true picture should be clear to the observer at the first glance, and no subject could answer this demand more readily than this picture. Show all

Two Great Daniels by Artist Briton Riviere ~ Christian Science Interpretation by David N Baxter ~ 1915

Daniel in the Lions’ Den

LET us begin with Daniel facing the lions, and as we proceed possibly we may learn to look upon them as fearlessly as did he.  
The fact that there are just seven lions, or symbols, in this group, as there are also seven in its companion, “Daniel's Answer to the King,” seems of sufficient significance to indicate something of what the group really means.  In fact, this number appears to be the key to the vast arena into which the group introduces us, and it will be well to keep this—seven--always near our thought if we are to succeed in discovering the meaning of these unique symbols. Show all

Daniel’s Answer to the King

THE morning after Daniel had overcome the lions in the den, and Darius, the king, called to him while he was yet in the den, asking him if God could save him from the lions, Daniel answered: “O King, live forever. My God hath sent His angels and shut the lions' months that they have not hurt me: for as much as before Him innocency was found in me; and before thee, O King, I have done no hurt.” (Daniel 6:21-22.) Show all
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