Rolf Witzsche
Christian Science Author ~ Rolf Witzsche ~ Biography and Publication Index
0. Biography of Rolf Witzsche ~ Please see below
1. Christian Science & Christ & Christmas ~ Please SCROLL or CLICK to GO NOW
2-7. Discovering Infinity ~ 3-Volume set including articles from Volume 3a ~ Please SCROLL or CLICK to GO NOW
8. Weekly Bible Lessons by Mary Baker Eddy ~ 52 Historic (1909) ~ Please SCROLL or CLICK to GO NOW INDEX
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE became a part of my life in the postwar 1940s, in Leipzig Germany, when the banning of Christian Science had been lifted all across Germany. It began with the healing of my mother, of a leg wound that neither the medical system, such as it was at the time, nor alternate healing methods could heal, but Christian Science did heal. In the background to the healing process, us kids were enrolled in Sunday School. An amazing world unfolded there. SOME YEARS AFTER Christian Science was banned again in the eastern part of Germany, under communist rule, I ventured to escape to the West. It didn’t take long thereafter to become a part of the church again, continuing Sunday School, and thereafter as a member. EVENTUALLY I ventured further abroad to the West Coast of Canada. One of the motives was to be able to read the Christian Science textbook in its original language. This happened naturally with many blessings unfolding along the way. It appears that I was always looking further than what meats the eye. Branch Church and Mother Church membership followed in quick succession, with class instruction happening along the way. Over time I became a contributing author for the Christian Science periodicals. One of my last published articles in the Christian Science Sentinel, was “Love of Law.” Looking back, it appears that all of this happened a long time ago, because thereafter, once again a new window began to open. A friend from the church, a professional educator, had invited me to his home. He ‘tested’ my knowledge of Christian Science, but in a peculiar manner. I still remember, he pointed to the textbook. “How many chapters does it contain?” he asked. Complete Biography PDF View/Dnld
Christian Science & Christ & Christmas by Rolf Witzsche
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2. DESCRIPTION ~ Click to view or download entire publication.
3. TITLE ~ Click to view index.
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Discovering Infinity by Rolf Witzsche
1. SHOW ALL ~ Please click to view an expanded version of TOPICS or DESCRIPTION.
2. TITLE or DESCRIPTION ~ Click to view or download entire publication.
# | Title | Topic | Topic | Desc | Description |
Weekly Bible Lessons by Mary Baker Eddy ~ 52 Historic (1909)
Study Aids by Rolf Witzsche