Frederick Rawson
Christian Science Author ~ Frederick L. Rawson ~ Life Understood Index
“Science is bound by the everlasting law of honour to face fearlessly every problem which can fairly be presented to it,”-Lord Kelvin. “For there is nothing covered, that shail not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.”-LuKE I2: 2. The value of Life Understood The value of Life Understood is to enable the reader to demonstrate daily what true prayer is. It shows demonstrably what God is. It lays bare and scatters to the winds the mistaken theories of natural science. It sets out exactly the difference between the right and wrong methods of working mentally, as now proved by thousands of workers. It gives the scientific proofs of this difference, and shows clearly how every one can work in the right way. This is of vital importance, as in a few years’ time every intelligent person will be a mental worker. Advanced thinkers of all classes ao are now investigating the effect of thought and getting wonderful results, and the reports of their investigations soon will be made public, confirming beyond a shadow of doubt the most important of the statements put forward herein. Two methods of working mentally, There is a hard and fast line drawn between the two methods of working mentally, and Jesus pointed out the difference more than once, If, when you are praying you are thinking of ........ reality, that is, of God or heaven, of the Christ or the spiritual man, you are helping your patient, yourself, and the world. If, on the contrary, you are thinking of the material man or the material world -whatever you may be thinking about them you are harming your patient, harming yourself, and doing no good to the world. Will power is wrong approach Even by strong, determined thinking, or will-power, you can neither destroy the evil thoughts that attack you or others, nor purify the so-called human mind ; you merely alter the electrical tension of what is scientifically spoken of as the lines of force of which the ether is composed. Troubles 35 invariably follow. God, namely, Truth and Love, the Principle of all good, alone heals, and this by destroying the so-called cause of the evil, under its name of the devil in theology, the ether in the scientific world, and mortal mind amongst the metaphysical sects. Although few recognise it, these are the same as the unconscious or subconscious mind, subliminal self, etc., of the modern psychologist.Show all
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