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Mary Baker Eddy

Rudimental Divine Science
Eddy, Mary Baker
Demonstration in Healing
available later

Christian Science ~ 16 books by Mary Baker Eddy

4 ~ Rudimental Divine Science ~ Chpt 11 ~ Demonstration in Healing

  	    How should I undertake to demonstrate Christian Science
  	in healing the sick? 

 9	    As I have given you only an epitome of the Principle,
  	so I can give you here nothing but an outline of the prac-
  	tice. Be honest, be true to thyself, and true to others;
12	then it follows thou wilt be strong in God, the eternal
  	good. Heal through Truth and Love; there is no other
15	    In all moral revolutions, from a lower to a higher con-
  	dition of thought and action, Truth is in the minority and
  	error has the majority. It is not otherwise in the field
18	of Mind-healing. The man who calls himself a Christian
  	Scientist, yet is false to God and man, is also uttering
  	falsehood about good. This falsity shuts against him the
21	Truth and the Principle of Science, but opens a way
  	whereby, through will-power, sense may say the unchris-
  	tian practitioner can heal; but Science shows that he makes
24	morally worse the invalid whom he is supposed to cure. 
  	    By this I SHOW ALL