Age, Time, Matter, Vision ~ Rawson Prayer Treatment 241213 ~ 54 min MP3
Hymn 298 ~ Communion ~ Lyrics
Saw ye my Saviour? Heard ye the glad sound? Felt ye the power of the Word? 'Twas the Truth that made us free, And was found by you and me In the life and the love of our Lord. Mourner, it calls you, — "Come to my bosom,
Jesus evidently on occasions taught the healing and saving power of Spirit, God, by means of the symbol of water, for as we read John's Gospel, we find John striving to make the point apparently taught him. In the very first chapter we find John the Baptist baptizing with water, pointing out the baptism
of the Holy Ghost, whereby one's consciousness becomes the temple of God, or the temple of the Holy Ghost. We also have our first introduction to the fishermen disciples, who are to become fishers of men. In chapter two we have the turning of water into wine, typical of changing the insipidity of water into the virility, strength, life, and inspiration of wine,
the turning from the crass materiality of the human mind to the inspiration of Spirit, divine Mind. In chapter three we come upon Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus. "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." GOD CAN DO IT Index Article Similitude ~ Pgs 21 to 27 View
Age, Time, Matter, Vision ~ A-Z ~ Frederick L Rawson
1. Matter 2. Astigmatism 3. Cataract 4. Headache 5. Pain 6. Nerves 7. Blood circulation of the blood 8. Poison in the blood Click to view complete details View
Vision ~ Mary Baker Eddy
Extracts from a letter which Mrs. Eddy wrote to one of her students in Denver, Colorado, who then sent it to her student, Mrs. Martha Dawson in Boise, Idaho. My dear, You took off your glasses and held on to
your faith in them instead of holding on to your glasses and losing your faith in them. The veil that seems to be in front of your eyes is back of them. The veil is the physical senses. They cause you to worry, etc. The condition of your body only expresses a mental condition.
Eyes- Can you adjust (focus) yourself to everything that comes your way? It is the Mind or Spirit, that sees, and your eyes are only the instrument with which you see. Vision ~ View Complete Article PDF
What to teach School Students 1. How to think? 2. Not memorize the information 3. How to find the information? 4. Henry Ford ~ c. 1900 ~ The founder of mass auto production used a group of buttons on his desk to alert any manager he needed information from to come to his office to provide it. He did not attempt to memorize a large quantity of information but instead had a system where he could get the information when he needed it. He was the real inventor of the internet. He invented the best search engine. Ha Ha Why Russia has many of the best? 1. Russia is the largest country in the world 2. The educators go to every city to find the smartest people. 3. They move them to Moscow for education. 4. The results = the best education in the world. 5. Best Scientists ~ Many are from Russia. 6. Best of the arts ~ Many are from Russia. 7. Best are nurtured to become even better.
Time, Space, Electricity & Greed 1. England taught prior generations that time was a material concept without any factual foundation. 2. This teaching was terminated because students were realizing that many industries would not be needed. 3. The un-needed industries stopped the teaching to preserve their own un-needed existence. 4. The same thing happened to Nikola Tesla. He proved that electricity is free & available in any quantity needed from below the earth's surface. He was unable to bring this free electricity to the public because the electrical industry would be exposed as being un-needed & prevented him from doing so with threats on his life. 5. President Trump has promised to bring Nikola Tesla's discovery to reality for the benefits of all Americans & all countries. 6. Mary Baker Eddy in 1866, taught that there is no life, truth, intelligence or substance in any matter which includes time, space & electricity. 7. Quantum Physics/Quantum Mechanics research supports exactly what Mary Baker Eddy discovered many decades prior to the discovery of its research.
8. Einstein ~ c. 1945 ~ Imagine a woman discovered this 80 years ago. Evil ~ Some of the Features 1. Can always be defeated ~ It is limited 2. Must be accepted by the target. 3. Deception 4. Decoys 5. Disparage character 6. CIA teaches how to lie, cheat, steal 7. CIA Headquarters ~ located under Lake Geneva in Switzerland in an attempt to avoid arrest by GITMO for Treason 8. Spiritual solutions (SS) are infinite 9. SS ~ Inspired by omniscience. 10. Infinite progression is concrete being 3 Genders Male = Courage, Strength, Life, Energy Female = Mother (like a gardener), Care for, Gentle, Nurture, Kind, Tender, Loving Neuter 1. Qualities such as beauty ~ A beautiful rose. 2. Wonderful Aroma ~ Perfume. 3. The symbols of qualities are visible but qualities themselves are intangible or invisible. Qualities unless related to an object are a neutral gender.