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Christmas Morn, Jesus the Anointed

“The wisemen were led to behold and to follow this daystar of divine science, 

Star of Bethlehem ~ Daystar of Divine Science


lighting the way to eternal harmony.”

Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy

topic christmas

Jesus the Anointed ~ Jesus of Nazareth was the most scientific man that ever trod the globe

The one anointed
Jesus’ spiritual origin and his demonstration of divine Principle richly endowed him and entitled him to sonship in Science. He was the son of a virgin. The term Christ Jesus, or Jesus the Christ (to give the full and proper translation of the Greek), may be rendered “Jesus the anointed,” Jesus the God-crowned or the divinely royal man, as it is said of him in the first chapter of Hebrews: 

Therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee With the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

With this agrees another passage in the same chapter, which refers to the Son as “the brightness of His [God’s] glory, and the express [expressed] image of His person [infinite Mind].” It is noteworthy that the phrase “express image” in the Common Version is, in the Greek wilihvTestament, character. Using this word in its higher meaning, we may assume that the author of this remarkable epistle regarded Christ as the Son of God, the royal reflection of the infinite; and the cause given for the exaltation of Jesus, Mary’s son, was that he “loved righteousness and hated iniquity.” The passage is made even clearer in the translation of the late George R. Noyes, D.D.: “Who, being a brightness from His glory, and an image of His being.”

Jesus the Scientist
Jesus of Nazareth was the most scientific man that ever trod the globe. He plunged beneath the material surface of things, and found the spiritual cause. To accommodate himself to immature ideas of spiritual power, — for spirituality was possessed only in a limited degree even by his disciples, — Jesus called the body, which by spiritual power  he raised from the grave, “flesh and bones.” To show that the substance of himself was Spirit and the body no more perfect because of death and no less materialuntil the ascension (his further spiritual exaltation), Jesus waited until the mortal or fleshly sense had relinquished the belief of substance-matter, and spiritual sense had quenched all earthly yearnings. Thus he found the eternal Ego, and proved that he and the Father were inseparable as God and His reflection or spiritual man.  Our Master gained the solution of being, demonstrating the existence of but one Mind without a second or equal.

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Christmas Morn with Solo

Blest Christmas morn, though murky clouds
Pursue thy way,
Thy light was born where storm enshrouds
Nor dawn nor day!
Dear Christ, forever here and near,
No cradle song,
No natal hour and mother’s tear,
To thee belong.
Thou God-idea, Life-encrowned,
The Bethlehem babe —
Beloved, replete, by flesh embound —
Was but thy shade!
Thou gentle beam of living Love,
And deathless Life!
Truth infinite, — so far above
All mortal strife,
Or cruel creed, or earth-born taint:
Fill us today
With all thou art — be thou our saint,
Our stay, alway.

Poems by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 75; Hymn 23

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