Pray for all Humanity

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Humanity ~ Life ~ Source
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 Pray for All Humanity ~ Index                                                             241122

Index            Index with Illustrations

       1. How Big is the Problem ?

How Big is the problem? 
Complete Presentation  View

Newsong Group Hymn 218-220 MP3  Index

O Life that maketh all things new The blooming earth, the thoughts of men; Our pilgrim feet, wet with Thy dew, In gladness hither turn again. From hand to hand the greeting flows, From eye to eye the signals run, From heart to heart the bright hope glows, The seekers of the Light are one: One in the freedom of the truth, One in the joy of paths untrod, One in the heart’s perennial youth, One in the larger thought of God;– The freer step, the fuller breath, The wide horizon’s grander view; The sense of Life that knows no death,– The Life that maketh all things new.

How BIG is the Problem? ~ Video Only
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        2. Humanity ~ All Inclusive

Humanity ~ All Inclusive
Prayer Treatment  240731 ~ 120 m MP3

QUANTUM: Correction to Treatment
Quantum ~ This word was first used in the 17th century not in the 19th century which was an error as stated in the treatment.
The word was first used approximately 1600 to mean any quantity. In 1900, the word was used specifically to relate to the discovery of quantum mechanics or quantum physics.

Mary Baker Eddy Prayed 3x a day for all Humanity
Mary Baker Eddy was accused of being prayerless by the media. She did not argue with the media. Her response was that she prayed 3 times a day for all humanity. 

Jesus did not argue when the devil tempted him 3 times. He simply quoted from the Bible to negate the statements made by the Devil just before the official beginning of his ministry.   

Others also prayed systematically. Daniel prayed 3 times a day. He was put in the lion's den as a penalty for praying to God instead of the King. He understood there to be one & only one God and his prayers were directed to that one God.

Importance of Praying for all Humanity
1. It recognizes God being the only Father-Mother of all individuals.
2. It confirms that we are all brethren.
3. It recognizes God as omnipresent.

3. Pray for All Humanity ~ The Mind of God Controls All    

Pray for All Humanity that Mind Controls everyone & awakens them to God’s Goodness                  Prayer Treatment   240724 ~ 76 m MP3

O Send Out Thy Light

Solo Committee
MP3  Index

I heard a great voice out of heaven
It said the temple of God is with man
He will dwell with us, and we with Him
In a great state of union
Oh send out God’s light & Truth
Let God lead us
Let God lead us

Let The Light of God awaken us to Truth

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Let Truth Shine through the Clouds
Mary Baker Eddy prayed 3x daily for everyone
1. God is omnipotent, omniscience, omnipresent, omni-action. God controls everything and every one of His ideas which includes every one in all existence.
2. God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. 
3. God is all intelligence, wisdom, knowing.
4. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. ~ Shakespeare
5. Einstein's friend Dr. Underwood was healed of radiation. Einstein then recognized Mary Baker Eddy as a genius. He studied her work sincerely & shared his deepest thought about Christian Science & Mary Baker Eddy.
6. Nikola Tesla said that people experience disease because they are not at peace within their own being.
7. Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. ~ Einstein
8. Mary Baker Eddy discovered Christian Science which includes both science & religion.
9. Mary Baker Eddy reduced divine metaphysics to a system which enables everyone to heal like Jesus healed. It includes pure & flawless thought, speech & action.
10. Healing is not a miracle. Healing is based on how we think, talk & act. Everything in our entire existence must be flawless & pure like Christ Jesus. This pure life enables healing as Jesus healed. We should not think of personalities. 
11. What we think is what we see. What we think & see is our experience.
12. Criticizing others is the most evil thing that we can do, and it brings nothing but misery to oneself.
13. We need to check our thoughts, speech & action a dozen times a day like Mary Baker Eddy did. Constant monitoring of ourselves is the only way to conduct our lives. We must always think of God as being all source & manifestation. There is nothing but God since He created all that has ever been created & we are His image & likeness.
Pray for All Humanity that Mind Controls everyone & awakens them to God’s Goodness                 Prayer Treatment   240724 ~ 76 m MP3
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Satisfied ~ Hymn 160-162
1. Kenny Baker Mp3 Index
2. Newsong Group Mp3 Index

     4 + 5 ~ Pray for All Humanity     

  Both Mary Baker Eddy & Daniel (Bible) Prayed 3x a day 

4. True Sense of Infinitude

What is Mind? Mind is God. The exterminator of error is the great truth that God, good, is the only Mind, and that the supposititious opposite of infinite Mind — called devil or evil — is not Mind, is not Truth, but error, without intelligence or reality. 
See Complete Article PDF More details in treatment.

Prayer Treatment 240129 ~ 32 m  MP3                God is Mind Index

5. Accident is Impossible, Harmony is real

There are no accidents in divine Mind.
Fear is false evidence appearing real.
What is unique about an accident?
What is a common feature of all accidents with all other problems?
Listen to treatment for complete details.

Prayer Treatment 240130 ~ 60 m MP3

     6. Awake & Alert NOT Woke     
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Oh What a

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 Treatment ~ Focus on Mary Baker Eddy

Prays 3x a day for all humanity

   Prayer Treatment 240126 ~ 43 min   MP3

Mary B. Eddy

1. All Treatment Standards View 2. Mary Baker Eddy prayed 3x a day for all humanity. 3. Daniel, in the Bible, prayed 3x a day, even at the risk of being thrown into the den of lions, which of course, Bible history shows that he was. But he was saved by his recognition that God is the only power, the only action, that he was spiritual, not material, and that no lion or anything else could interfere with him reflecting the life of God. Both Mary Baker Eddy and Daniel were awake and alert. 4. GOAL: Increase our understanding of a. God and Man b. Our Direct connection to God as his reflection. c. Be Awake and Alert to protect our thought from any distraction or dilution of this direct connection. Please listen to this 43 min treatment for the complete details. MP3

You are always you
The Solo Committee MP3

7. Vision ~ Pray for all Humanity

Prayer Treatment   230915 ~ 48 m   MP3

1.Humanity ~ Mary Baker Eddy provides 113 total references for the word humanity.
2.Mary Baker Eddy prayed three times a day for humanity.
3.Anything at all that is God-like could be included as a topic for praying for all humanity.
4.Prayer = clearing our own consciousness.
5.State clearly the denial = anything unlike God is a lie, not Show all

Dear Lord and Father of Us All
Newsong Vocalist MP3

8. Individuality ~ Infinite ~ Pray for all humanity

Prayer Treatment 230913 ~ 60 m MP3

1.Individuality and infinite in the same paragraph ~ 18 times.
2.God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy 
3.Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was Show all

Our God is All in All
Susan Mack Vocalist MP3

9. Perfection ~ Omnipresence of Perfection

Prayer Treatment   230910 ~ 38 m   MP3

1.MISC 133:22 ~ Mary Baker Eddy prays for all humanity.
Three times a day, I retire to seek the divine blessing on the sick and sorrowing, with my face toward the Jerusalem of Love and Truth, in silent prayer to the Father which 'seeth in secret,' and with childlike confidence that He will reward 'openly.' In the midst of depressing care and labor I turn constantly to divine Love for guidance, and find rest. It affords me great joy to be able to attest to the truth of Jesus' words. Love makes all burdens light, it giveth a peace that passeth understanding, and with 'signs following.' As to the peace, it is unutterable; as Show all