John L. Morgan
Christian Science Author ~ John L Morgan ~ Biography and Publication Index
0. Biography ~ Please see below
1. Spiritual Interpretation of the Bible (The Gospel of John, Luke, Mark & Matthew) --- Please SCROLL or CLICK to GO NOW 2. Scientific Interpretation of Mary Baker Eddy’s Writings --- Please SCROLL or CLICK to GO NOW
3. Science of Christianity ~ 2011 ~ Pg 173 --- Please SCROLL or CLICK to GO NOW
4. Other Publications --- Please SCROLL or CLICK below to GO NOW
a. Christian Science Notes on True Vision ~ 1963 ~ Pg 15 & 21 --- b. Dissolving Barriers ~ Healing Work of Christian Science ~ 1987 ~ Pg 44
JOHN LLOYD MORGAN attended a Christian Science Sunday school for many years. In 1939, not long after he left school, the Second World War was declared and he joined the British army, serving in the Far and Middle East. He was discharged in 1944 from WW2 having sustained injuries resulting in a paralyzed right arm. Late the next year he attended a series of talks on the Book of Revelation given by a former teacher and Practitioner of Christian Science. During these talks his arm began to ‘kick into life.’ Several months later it was completely restored. This experience persuaded him to devote the next few years to serious study of the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Eventually he found himself in the healing practice of Christian Science and he also loved to encourage others to study these books. In 1950 he was invited to give a series of six public lectures in Nottingham, England, and later he published them as the six chapters of this book. For the rest of his life he continued this work, not only in Europe but also in North America and South Africa. He was always willing to talk with those who wanted to know about Christian Science. All his books were the result of working with groups, giving lectures, or holding Summer Schools.
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# | Title | Date | Pgs | Desc | Description |
# | Title | Date | Pgs | Desc | Description |
1 | Bible ~ In the Beginning ~ Genesis 1 ~ Days of Creation Interpretation by John L Morgan | 1949 | 20 | Show all | Have you ever read the book Treasure Island? I expect most of you have. It’s about a boy who finds the chart of an island where there’s buried treasure, and he has many exciting adventures before he and his friends finally come home with it. 1949. -- Please click title to view complete publication |
2 | Bible ~ The Gospel of John ~ Interpretation by John L Morgan | 1952 | 190 | Show all | I feel that John’s Gospel has a wonderful welcome for all of us and for all mankind, that “we all may be one,”- and that’s our theme song. It’s oneness. I have been so touched and so happy with many of the things you people have said, who have had an opportunity of writing to say how much you are looking forward to this gathering. Because what you’ve said has been so exactly what I’d hoped you would say. 1952. -- Please click title to view complete publication |
3 | Bible ~ The Gospel of Luke ~ Interpretation by John L Morgan | 1953 | 252 | Show all | I wonder if you have all found this rather a complex Gospel? It is not easy to find the thread of Luke’s story, – at least that was my experience. I think that this difficulty is because we have been accustomed to looking for a single thread running through the subject we are taking. 1953. -- Please click title to view complete publication |
4 | Bible ~ The Gospel of Mark ~ Interpretation by John L Morgan | 1955 | 264 | Show all | In our first circular letter concerning this Summer School we said that the subject would be the Gospel of Mark, presenting the Christ as that spiritual impulsion which resolves the apparent dualism in humanity and brings out the fact that man’s only nature is divinity. 1955. -- Please click title to view complete publication |
5 | Bible ~ The Gospel of Matthew ~ The Sermon on the Mount ~ Interpretation by John L Morgan | 1949 | 163 | Show all | As the Christian World celebrates the 400th year of the King James Bible we wish to follow Mrs. Eddy’s injunction, “As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life.”Thus it is we present the “Sermon on the Mount” as expressed in “A Talk on The Sermon on the Mount” by John Morgan. 1949. -- Please click title to view complete publication |
# | Title | Date | #Pgs | Desc | Description |
# | Title | Date | #Pgs | Desc | Description |
1 | Mary Baker Eddy’s Other Writings ~ 16 books ~ Interpretation by John L Morgan | 1984 | 268 | Show all | Those who look for me in person, or elsewhere than in my writings, lose me instead of find me,” Mrs Eddy wrote (My 120). This book then is not a biography of a human person called Mary Baker Eddy but is a study of her writings, and in them we shall find who Mary Baker Eddy really is. 1984. -- Please click title to view complete publication |
2 | Scientific Translation by John L Morgan ~ Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy ~ pgs 115-116 | 1981 | 159 | Show all | The great Protestant Reformation was marked by the appearance of the Bible translated into the language of the common people, the earliest version being John Wyclif’s translation of 1382. Whereas the old Latin text could be understood only by a few, once it appeared in English and in German it became available to all who could read or hear. 1981. -- Please click title to view complete publication |
3 | The Science of Man by John L Morgan ~ Interpretation of Science & Health Chpt 6 by Mary Baker Eddy | 1950 | 97 | Show all | You will have seen that the title of these lectures, “The Science of Man: The Issue Between Spirit, and Matter in Science, Theology, and Medicine” is a pretty comprehensive one, and so if I am discursive I ask for your patience. 1950. -- Please click title to view complete publication |
# | Title | Date | #Pgs | Desc | Description |
# | Title | Date | #Pgs | Desc | Description |
1 | The Science of Christianity by John L Morgan | 2011 | 173 | Show all | Publisher’s Foreword ~ “There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world; and that is an idea whose time has come.” THIS saying, transcribed from a passage written by Victor Hugo, summarized the Preface of this book and also describes the impulsion behind this new edition. A review of the book, published in a magazine in 1962, came to light recently and its immediate appeal led to a successful search for the book. The copy was read with increasing interest and because its timeless relevance was apparent, it began to be shared, resulting in requests for a reprint. A shortened version of that comprehensive review now serves to introduce this second printing. -- Please click title to view complete publication |
# | Title | Date | #Pgs | Desc | Description |
# | Title | Date | #Pgs | Desc | Description |
1 | Christian Science Notes on True Vision by John L Morgan | 21 | Show all | MIND is the all-seeing Mind, which reveals the infinite and brings the light of intelligence. This is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Mind shows me that vision is spiritual light, not material organs. With this light, I know that vision is the illumination of idea, revealing the meaning and significance of all things. 1963 by John L. Morgan. -- Please click title to view complete publication | |
2 | Christian Science Notes on True Vision by John L Morgan ~ References from Mary Baker Eddy | 15 | Show all | The references quoted in this publication include the references used by the author for the publication above writing. They include references from the Bible, Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures, and from Retrospection & Introspection, both by Mary Baker Eddy. 1963 by John L. Morgan. -- Please click title to view complete publication | |
3 | Dissolving Barriers ~ The Healing Work of Christian Science by John L Morgan | 1987 | 44 | Show all | This booklet is an edited report of a series of talks given by John Morgan in South Africa in 1987. The talks were requested by Christian Scientists, who were concerned, to become more effective in their work for themselves and for the world. They also wanted to interest their friends in this world-healing work of CS. The form these talks took, and that this booklet follows, was......... -- Please click title to view complete publication |
# | Title | Date | #Pgs | Desc | Description |
4 | Science & Health Chapter Themes by Morgan | 10 | All that any one of us knows and understands about Christian Science comes direct from God. As students of the Word of God, the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy are our guides. -- Please CLICK Title to View complete index |