God is Soul ~ Treatments 250310
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1 | Prayer Treatment | 3-Soul | God, Only Source of All Seeing | MBEI | Soul ~ God The Source of All Seeing | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/09/2025 ~ 1. Mary Baker Eddy defined Soul as being spiritual sense because the only substance as defined by Spirit is spiritual. Therefore, our only way of identifying accurately is to be utilizing our spiritual senses. 2. FOCUS ~ God, the only source of seeing ~ spiritual discernment. Whatever one views that is visible ~ letting what they have seen in front of them ~ to be considered as what they are presented with, can be translated from a material view to a spiritual view. 3. One should be free from a false sense of Truth ~ a material sense of Truth ~ which means that it is a lie because material sense cannot provide Truth, for it is the opposite of God. 4. Mary Baker Eddy states in the scientific statement of being ~ There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter ~ this can also be defined as mortal mind ~ anything that is unlike God ~ is matter or anything else that has no life, truth, intelligence or substance in it. 5. The formula is very easy to understand but not quite as easy to administer. But the understanding is that if we're not looking through the lens of Spirit, we're not seeing the truth about whatever it is that we are viewing. We cannot tell the difference between true vs false, unless we are looking through the lens of Spirit. 6. Truth is invisible ~ it is underlying & appears as a symbol. We cannot be looking at what appears to be visible as being Truth ~ At best, it is a symbol of Truth. 7. For Example, if we see the beauty of a rose, or smell the fragrance of a rose, or the beauty of a tree, or anything that is beautiful ~ is a symbol for what is the underlying Truth ~ what we are seeing that is visible. 8. If we're seeing something that is evil ~ that is not true. It is not representing Truth. Anything that is defective about vision is not Truth. God is the great I am ~ the only real seeing is the seeing of God. 9. God is our real vision. If we're not letting God do the seeing by seeing only perfection, then we are not letting the eyes of God be our vision, which means we're not seeing the truth about whatever is the topic. 10. If we are willing to submit to evil and therefore be tricked, then we are not willing to focus on Truth. |
2 | Prayer Treatment | 3-Soul | Soul ~ Identity of All Existence | MBEI | Soul ~ Identity of All Existence | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/03/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index SOME KEY POINTS 1. SOUL ~ enables spiritual identification. To identify anyone, any event, any function, or anything in all existence. 2. SPIRIT ~ Substance ~ opposite of matter. Nothing can dilute the substance. Nothing can divert it, deflect it, or interfere with it, stop it or reverse it from being the one & only substance 3. SPIRIT ~ flawless, transparent & reflective. 4. OMNI ~ One ~ Only ~ All ~ no competition ~ no opposition. 5. TRUTH ~ In all activities the goal is to search for Truth. 6. EINSTEIN ~ curiosity has its own reason for existing. 7. RESEARCH ~ must exclude every element of bias. We must not look to support any bias. Supporting a bias is the opposite of seeking Truth. 8. BLINDNESS ~ EGO ~ Following human will is eliminating the omni-intelligence, omni-knowing, omni-wisdom of God. 9. RESEARCH ~ Begin from the basics of knowing nothing. This is the only way to pursue a path seeking Truth. 10. SYSTEM OF DIVINE METAPHYSICS |
3 | Prayer Treatment | 3-Soul | Soul, Vision, Matter, Spiritual Inspiration | MBEI | Soul ~ Vision Only 1 Source | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/19/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. GENESIS 1 ~ God said LET man be made in his image & after his likeness. When we open consciousness to permit Truth to be recognized & be a part of the permanent reserve in our consciousness ~ then God reveals our true likeness to each one individually. 2. We need to affirm the Truth about seeing & reject the lie. The lie is that which has limited capacity. For example, the belief of age includes the belief that vision weakens & deteriorates. The source of this lie is so-called mortal mind & a belief of matter. 3. Mary Baker Eddy is a speaker of Truth. She provides the spiritual interpretation & spiritual inspiration from the Bible. She tells us that mortal mind is an oxymoron because Mind is immortal, not mortal. There is no possibility of a so-called mortal mind being real. 4. Matter is defined as mythology, mortality, another name for mortal mind. So it's a circle. If we're believing in matter, we're believing in mortal mind. There is no such thing as mortal mind because Mind is immortal. 5. Mortal mind is just a lie that has been compounded lie upon lie. 6. The fake news tries to tell us that we are operated from a piece of matter called a brain & the brain communicates its information through a set of nerves. 7. The Bible clearly states that God is all. So, there can be no such thing as matter or a material universe. 8. John, the only loyal disciple of Jesus, asked John: Is there a material body? Jesus said, no. Then John asked, is there a material universe? The answer was, most people believe there is, but there is not. Click full page to view more details. |
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1 | 7 Symns for God | Treatment | Term for God | MBEI | God is Soul ~ Network of 7 | MP3 | Show all | 12/04/2022 - God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy How does Soul & its related qualities connect and interact in one grand network with all 7 terms for God? |
2 | 7 Symns for God | Treatment | Science and Health | MBEI | Identity - Divine, Good, Bad & Ugly | MP3 | Show all | 03/14/2023 - Soul ~ Identity - Good, Bad & Ugly 1. Network of all 7 terms for God 2. Holier than thou - Jesus was servant, not God 3. Good, bad, ugly - identity 4. Parables of Jesus - impersonal 5. Conversation - yea, yea, nay, nay - Jesus 6. Race to gain perfection or compete with person ? 7. Vision by Mary Baker Eddy - Focus 8. Science & Health pgs 115-116 9. Clara Barton - Standard of Christian Science 10. Albert Einstein - problem solving via higher level 11. Robert Putnam - Bible Lessons & Council of Nicaea 12. Frederick Rawson - Instant healing, 5 words 13. Rolf Witzsche - System of Christian Science, Christ & Christmas interpretation |
3 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Terms for God - Your Divinity Revealed | MBEI | Letting the Soul to be a Guide to Heal | MP3 PDF | 08/08/2023 -- Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M Wright identifies the terms for God. The MP3 treatment and the PDF file is based on this research. | |
4 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBE | Diapason of Heaven | Eddy, Mary Baker | MBE College Class Notes 1881 to 1898 ~ Soul | MP3 PDF | Show all | 08/03/2023 -- We must hold Soul in consciousness only as a sacred name for God. We have to rise above the belief that Soul is an invisible personality residing in a fleshly form, with a personal identity. Soul must be recognized as a name for God and a name by which God is to be worshiped. We have to take the interpretation of soul as a personality out of subjective thought and replace it with the true sense. We should declare often, there is only one Soul, and that is my infinite, incorporeal, supreme God. Soul is my God and my God is Soul.... |
5 | 7 Symns for God | Treatment | Soul | MBEI | Nazism ~ How to heal it ~ 1 of 2 | MP3 | Show all | 03/09/2023 - Nazism ~ How to heal it ~ 1 of 2 What is it ? IT WAS AN ANTI-INTELLECTUAL and a theoretical movement, emphasizing the will of the charismatic dictator as the sole source of inspiration of a people and a nation, as well as a vision of annihilation of all enemies of the Aryan Volk as the one and ONLY GOAL FOR NAZI POLICY ~ excerpt. Who is Involved ? THE ROOTS OF NAZISM ~ Nazism had peculiarly German roots. It can be partly traced to the Prussian tradition as developed under Frederick William I (1688–1740), Frederick the Great (1712–68), and Otto von Bismarck (1815–98), which regarded the militant spirit and the discipline of the Prussian army as the model for all individual and civic life. |
6 | 7 Symns for God | Treatment | Soul | MBEI | Nazism ~ How to heal it ~ 2 of 2 | MP3 | Show all | 03/11/2023 - Nazism ~ How to heal it ~ 2 of 2 What is it ? IT WAS AN ANTI-INTELLECTUAL and a theoretical movement, emphasizing the will of the charismatic dictator as the sole source of inspiration of a people and a nation, as well as a vision of annihilation of all enemies of the Aryan Volk as the one and ONLY GOAL FOR NAZI POLICY ~ excerpt. Who is Involved ? THE ROOTS OF NAZISM ~ Nazism had peculiarly German roots. It can be partly traced to the Prussian tradition as developed under Frederick William I (1688–1740), Frederick the Great (1712–68), and Otto von Bismarck (1815–98), which regarded the militant spirit and the discipline of the Prussian army as the model for all individual and civic life. |
7 | Prayer Treatment | 3-Soul | God, Only Source of All Seeing | MBEI | Soul ~ God The Source of All Seeing | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/09/2025 ~ 1. Mary Baker Eddy defined Soul as being spiritual sense because the only substance as defined by Spirit is spiritual. Therefore, our only way of identifying accurately is to be utilizing our spiritual senses. 2. FOCUS ~ God, the only source of seeing ~ spiritual discernment. Whatever one views that is visible ~ letting what they have seen in front of them ~ to be considered as what they are presented with, can be translated from a material view to a spiritual view. 3. One should be free from a false sense of Truth ~ a material sense of Truth ~ which means that it is a lie because material sense cannot provide Truth, for it is the opposite of God. 4. Mary Baker Eddy states in the scientific statement of being ~ There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter ~ this can also be defined as mortal mind ~ anything that is unlike God ~ is matter or anything else that has no life, truth, intelligence or substance in it. 5. The formula is very easy to understand but not quite as easy to administer. But the understanding is that if we're not looking through the lens of Spirit, we're not seeing the truth about whatever it is that we are viewing. We cannot tell the difference between true vs false, unless we are looking through the lens of Spirit. 6. Truth is invisible ~ it is underlying & appears as a symbol. We cannot be looking at what appears to be visible as being Truth ~ At best, it is a symbol of Truth. 7. For Example, if we see the beauty of a rose, or smell the fragrance of a rose, or the beauty of a tree, or anything that is beautiful ~ is a symbol for what is the underlying Truth ~ what we are seeing that is visible. 8. If we're seeing something that is evil ~ that is not true. It is not representing Truth. Anything that is defective about vision is not Truth. God is the great I am ~ the only real seeing is the seeing of God. 9. God is our real vision. If we're not letting God do the seeing by seeing only perfection, then we are not letting the eyes of God be our vision, which means we're not seeing the truth about whatever is the topic. 10. If we are willing to submit to evil and therefore be tricked, then we are not willing to focus on Truth. |
8 | Prayer Treatment | 3-Soul | Soul ~ Identity of All Existence | MBEI | Soul ~ Identity of All Existence | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 02/03/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index SOME KEY POINTS 1. SOUL ~ enables spiritual identification. To identify anyone, any event, any function, or anything in all existence. 2. SPIRIT ~ Substance ~ opposite of matter. Nothing can dilute the substance. Nothing can divert it, deflect it, or interfere with it, stop it or reverse it from being the one & only substance 3. SPIRIT ~ flawless, transparent & reflective. 4. OMNI ~ One ~ Only ~ All ~ no competition ~ no opposition. 5. TRUTH ~ In all activities the goal is to search for Truth. 6. EINSTEIN ~ curiosity has its own reason for existing. 7. RESEARCH ~ must exclude every element of bias. We must not look to support any bias. Supporting a bias is the opposite of seeking Truth. 8. BLINDNESS ~ EGO ~ Following human will is eliminating the omni-intelligence, omni-knowing, omni-wisdom of God. 9. RESEARCH ~ Begin from the basics of knowing nothing. This is the only way to pursue a path seeking Truth. 10. SYSTEM OF DIVINE METAPHYSICS |
9 | Prayer Treatment | 3-Soul | Soul, Vision, Matter, Spiritual Inspiration | MBEI | Soul ~ Vision Only 1 Source | Treat Mp3 Full Page | Show all | 01/19/2025 ~ Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. Other recommended links View SOME KEY POINTS 1. GENESIS 1 ~ God said LET man be made in his image & after his likeness. When we open consciousness to permit Truth to be recognized & be a part of the permanent reserve in our consciousness ~ then God reveals our true likeness to each one individually. 2. We need to affirm the Truth about seeing & reject the lie. The lie is that which has limited capacity. For example, the belief of age includes the belief that vision weakens & deteriorates. The source of this lie is so-called mortal mind & a belief of matter. 3. Mary Baker Eddy is a speaker of Truth. She provides the spiritual interpretation & spiritual inspiration from the Bible. She tells us that mortal mind is an oxymoron because Mind is immortal, not mortal. There is no possibility of a so-called mortal mind being real. 4. Matter is defined as mythology, mortality, another name for mortal mind. So it's a circle. If we're believing in matter, we're believing in mortal mind. There is no such thing as mortal mind because Mind is immortal. 5. Mortal mind is just a lie that has been compounded lie upon lie. 6. The fake news tries to tell us that we are operated from a piece of matter called a brain & the brain communicates its information through a set of nerves. 7. The Bible clearly states that God is all. So, there can be no such thing as matter or a material universe. 8. John, the only loyal disciple of Jesus, asked John: Is there a material body? Jesus said, no. Then John asked, is there a material universe? The answer was, most people believe there is, but there is not. Click full page to view more details. |
10 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBE | Soul | Eddy, Mary Baker | Vision ~ Mary Baker Eddy | MP3 PDF | Show all | Vision ~ Article ~ Mary Baker Eddy Extracts from a letter which Mrs. Eddy wrote to one of her students in Denver, Colorado, who then sent it to her student, Mrs. Martha Dawson in Boise, Idaho.... CLICK PDF to view Complete article |
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