…. Christmas 2024 ….
12 Key Points CLICK to View/Dnld PDF
1. Happy, joyous, wonderful wishes to everyone from Melania & President Trump 2. Thanks that God sent his son Christ Jesus. 3. Christ Jesus sent by God to be the Saviour to benefit all mankind. 4. Joy, hope, sense of peace & goodwill from Christ Jesus (Christ consciousness) 5. Great time to gather with family & loved ones. 6. Never stop saying Merry Christmas in this beautiful time of the year. 7. Give thanks for the many blessings God has bestowed upon us. 8. Pray for the safety of the men & women in uniform at home & abroad. 9. Ask God to a. guide us, b. give us strength, c. watch over us in this pivotal year ahead 10. With God’s help, by this time next year, we will be well on our way to making America a. safer, b. stronger, c. greater, and d. more prosperous than ever before 11. Melania & President Trump wishes everyone a Merry Christmas & God’s blessings to all 12. May 2024 be the best year of our lives
Christmas is about Christ Jesus. He was the BEST MAN that ever walked on planet earth
All Bible Lessons ~ Dr. Robert C Putnam ~ Student of Bliss Knapp View
(a) New Treatment Series on Man Index (b) Index with Illustrations
Christian Science and Christ & Christmas ~ Rolf Witzsche
This book is dedicated in honor of Mary Baker Eddy, one of the greatest scientific geniuses of her time. Her stature as a world-historic person reflects a number of pioneering achievements that she is widely honored for, which have uplifted the face of civilization in numerous respects. She is noted for her dedication to advancing the status of women; for ennobling Christianity with a scientific dimension; for reinstating its nearly lost element of Christ- healing; for her discovering and founding of Christian Science, and the writing of its textbook; for establishing a world-wide church and ordaining for it two impersonal pastors, the Bible and her textbook; and not least for her founding of the international newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor........... However, these types of biographies rarely focus on her accomplishments as a pioneer in the scientific dimension where she was so far advanced of her time that she noted that “Future ages must declare what the pioneer has accomplished.” These words remained on the first page of the preface of her textbook on Christian Science, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, which she had constantly revised and upgraded in the course of more than 400 editions of the book, keeping the book in line with her own scientific development over the space of 35 years since its first publication. In celebrating the150th Anniversary of her discovery of Christian Science, it is appropriate that the historic dimension of Mary Baker Eddy be enriched with a specific focus on the scientific aspects of her work. This is the purpose of this book. She has accomplished enormously on this front, far more than what society gives her credit for, most of which remains generally unknown. If a historian had asked her in her time what she had most wished for in her life, she might have answered that she had labored for 44 years to give to humanity the clearest sense possible of the “acme” of Christian Science., which means that all other accomplishments where subsequent to it and reflect it. But what was her sense of the “acme” of Christian Science as she used the phrase at the end of the last chapter of her textbook? This answer was not provided. She gave hints of how it may be discovered, since Christian Science was a discovery from the beginning. She left the answer for future ages to declare, when society was sufficiently advanced to take note of the scientific dimensions that she had incorporated into her work, by which they would become discovered and be advanced. Show all

Rolf Witzsche
Christ and Christmas ~ Rolf Witzsche
Complete Poem with Illustrations

Rolf Witzsche
Discovering Infinity ~ Chpt 3a ~ 2010
Pg 360-396 The chapter references are provided to combine in a comprehensive fashion all the aspects that are related to a specific element of the foursquare pedagogical structure. The references are divided into 16 groups, arranged in the order of the textbook chapters and prefixed with a 4-digid identifier of the specific column, and level within the column, where the element is located. Each group is divided into 6 parts: PART 1 provides the textbook chapter title and a graphic illustration of the element's location. PART 2 provides all the basic definitions for the row in which the element is located PART 3 provides all the basic definitions for the column in which the element is located PART 4 provides the applicable painting and title from Mary Baker Eddy's illustrated poem Christ and Christmas PART 5 provides the associated verse of the poem from Christ and Christmas PART 6 provides the applicable stanza from Mary Baker Eddy's rendering of the Lord's Prayer (p.16 of the textbook) -- Please CLICK PDF to view or download complete article PDF
Let Yourself Awaken More of the Christ Within Consciousness
Focusing on the spiritual qualities as we view, listen, & indulge in beautiful activities yields more lasting rememberance —!!!
Silent Night
Leaving all with God, Loving all, Flying with Divine Mind delivers Divine happiness.
You Raise Me Up
Hark The Angels Sing
Having fun with family, giving and receiving joyfully to everyone, brightens up the atmosphere.
The Toys’ Waltz

Home for Christmas ~ 65 Min

O Come All Ye Faithful
Beauty is a gift from God. It is available in all colors & forms. Reflecting it beautifies everything.
Living joy and giving generously breaks through the clouds of darkness for all to see more clearly.