Last Updated ~ 240719

1. How can I Progress Most Rapidly in the Understanding of Christian Science? 2. Scientific Translations 3. How to Read a Book ? Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading by Mortimer J Adler & Charles Van Doren ~ 1967 4. How to read? ~ Advanced Methods 5. Progress Continuous 6. Success ~ What is it & How to get there? 7. Success ~ Formula for Success 8. Success & The Next Step ~ An Anatomy
1. Progress Fast
1. How can I Progress Most Rapidly in the Understanding of Christian Science?
Rudiments and Growth Question. — How can I progress most rapidly in the understanding of Christian Science? Answer. — Study thoroughly the letter and imbibe the spirit. Adhere to the divine Principle of Christian Science and follow the behests of God, abiding steadfastly in wisdom, Truth, and Love. In the Science of Mind, you will soon ascertain that error cannot destroy error. You will also learn that in Science there is no transfer of evil suggestions from one mortal to another, for there is but one Mind, and this ever-present omnipotent Mind is reflected by man and governs the entire universe. You will learn that in Christian Science the first duty is to obey God, to have one Mind, and to love another as yourself... CLICK to view Complete Details PDF
2. Progress Fast

Emerge gently from matter into Spirit. Think not to thwart the spiritual ultimate of all things, but come naturally into Spirit through better health & morals & as the result of spiritual growth. Not death, but the understanding of Life, makes man immortal. The belief that life can be in matter or soul in body,& that man springs from dust or from an egg, is the result of the mortal error which Christ, or Truth, destroys by fulfilling the spiritual law of being, in which man is perfect, even as the "Father which is in heaven is perfect." If thought yields its dominion to other powers, it cannot outline on the body its own beautiful images, but it effaces them and delineates foreign agents, called disease and sin.
Science & Health – CHPT 14 ~ Pg 485: 14 – 27 View
INTRODUCTION The ideas presented herein are the result of the experience of the author of the 82 min Prayer Treatment. If the ideas are implemented, constructive impact is expected on the listener's progress in more comprehensively understanding Christian Science including the System of Divine Metaphysics ~ S&H 146:31. Also, to shorten the path to an accelerated learning curve on the path of infinite progression. One can never reach concrete being because it is always expanding. But at least we can be making continuous progress. Serious students should utilize software: 1. Intellect ~ database 2. Xmind ~ map diagramming 3. Spreadsheet ~ or comparable software ~
Complete Prayer Treatment
240426 ~ 82 min MP3
5. Progress Fast Before reading any part of Science & Health 1910 1. Theme intro by Morgan related Wholeness not Atomistic 2. Intro quote prior to Preface or Content Pgs
6. Progress Fast Before reading any Chapter of Science & Health 1910 1. Read theme by Morgan 2. Intro quote by Mary Baker Eddy for Chapter. 3. Topic title for each paragraph included in your reading.
5. Progress Continuous
Last Updated ~ 240422
SUMMARY 1. The past means nothing. This moment means everything. 2. Where is our conviction? Do we want to experience progress? Then all we have to do is to update our thoughts to a higher and higher level of progress. We need to go up in the airplane, up in the rocket ship. We need to get above the current level where we are presently and look at everything from a higher view. 3. Ones who have been very successful in business, utilized big ideas. Big ideas are the seed of big progress. You cannot think with a limited thought and receive big benefits. 4. Einstein stated that you cannot solve a problem if you are trying to deal with it on the level where the problem occurred. You have to go to a higher dimension. 5. Mary Baker Eddy says, what are we going to do with our moments? The difference between what is done with the moments is often the difference between success and failure. 6. A moment is defined as the smallest measurement of time. 7. Can we look in the mirror and honestly say, I have utilized the moments productively all day long. 8. This moment will be utilized right now. 9. The next moment will be utilized productively. 10. Thinking will be directed to applying the facts of God to what is being done right now ~ no matter what it is: i. Vocation ii. Avocation iii. Hobby iv. Profession 11. Apply the facts of God to all: i. Thought ii. Speech iii. Action References from the following: 1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Maria Brunson 4. Albert Einstein 5. John (St. John the divine ~ Disciple) 6. Mary Magdalene 7. John Morgan 8. Robert Putnam (PhD) 9. Fredrick L Rawson 10. Simon (The Pharisee) 11. Stamp and Moss 12. Wentworth Winslow Events include: 1. The parables of Jesus 2. The Crucifixion
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INTRODUCTION One could gather all the books written on success and find a common thread throughout all of them. The common thread is that it connects every worthwhile book on how to be successful. What is success? How to measure it? The common thread is Principle. It includes Love & obviously the other terms for God such as Mind, Spirit, Soul, Life, Truth, & Love. Love is fulfillment, wholeness, completeness. Mary Baker Eddy, one of the greatest healers of all time, alongside Christ Jesus, is the discoverer, founder and leader of divine science, referred to as Christian Science... Complete Prayer Treatment 240330 ~ 76m MP3
It is common to talk down and considered ridiculous that there is a formula for success. I would like for you to find anyone who has been successful in which there could not be a formula imposed or laid over what the individual actually did to become successful. I think its impossible. Mary Baker Eddy was very systematic and very structured in everything she did.
Once she was finished with getting to the end of the final edition of Science and Health in about 1906 or 1907 she made a statement that she now reduced the system of divine metaphysics to a system, she rearranged the chapters and they fit into a system. There is a formula. Chapter 1 of Genesis follows a very specific formula. The key is to learn the formula. Mary Baker Eddy Institute (mbeinstitute.org) provides the formula. You only need to apply it uniquely and individually for your own salvation.
Some of the characters mentioned in this recording
1. Christ Jesus
2. Mary Baker Eddy
3. Robert C Putnam
4. Frederick L Rawson
5. Wentworth Winslow
Is there a “next step” once the intended goal has been reached? Human success is very much like spiritual success and in many ways identical. Maybe a few caveats, but basically parallel. The same with the next step after success. They are almost exactly parallel. Noah Webster defines fulfillment as accomplishment, completion as a fulfillment of prophecy, execution performance as the fulfillment of a promise. One of the most successful businessmen, author of a book entitled the Art of the Deal, stated that every important project meets with extreme difficulties. Mary Baker Eddy certainly did experience the same thing in the development of Christian Science.