Christian Science Biographies about Mary Baker Eddy ~ Index

Clara Barton

Dr. Einstein

Paul R Smillie

Sibyl Wilbur

Helen M Wright

Mary Baker Eddy
There are no Images for
1. Clara Shannon
2. Doris Grekel
3. Fernand E. d’Humy
4. Henrietta E Chanfrau
5. Richard Conwell Shoup
Christian Science Biographies about Mary Baker Eddy ~ Index
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# | Bk# | Author | Title | Show all | Description |
# | Bk# | Author | Title | Show all | Book |
1 | 1 | Barton, Clara | New York American Magazine Interview 1908 by Viola Rodgers | SHOW ALL | While not an acknowledged Christian Scientist, Miss Clara Barton today talked with me regarding this wonderful cult in a manner which left no doubt that the great woman patriot is greatly interested in the subject, and in Mrs. Eddy, its Founder. She said that she looked upon Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy as the one person, regardless of sex, living today, who has done the greatest good for her fellow-creatures, and that Christian Science itself is the most remarkable as well as the most potent factor in religious life. |
2 | 1 | Chanfrau, Henrietta E | Reminiscences of Mary Baker Eddy | SHOW ALL | 16 Pages ~ It is nearly ten years now since our beloved Leader, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Rev. Mary Baker Eddy has passed from our sight. Since there are many Christian Scientists everywhere who did not have the privilege of knowing our Leader personally, it has been represented to me that it would be of use to them if the recollections of one who was her student were put down in writing. |
3 | 1 | D’Humy, Fernand E | Mary Baker Eddy in a new light | SHOW ALL | 190 Pages - THE ANCESTRY OF MARY BAKER gave her some qualities which enabled her to transcend the accepted rules that governed the religious denominations with which her parents and friends were associated during her formative years. |
4 | 2 | D’Humy, Fernand E | Mary Baker Eddy fulfills prophecy | SHOW ALL | 196 Pages - America gave Mary Baker Eddy to the world. In turn she gave it Christian Science, and the latter is freeing man in a material sense from mental bondage. Since this noted person came on Earth, great strides have occurred for the good of mankind. Countless human beings have been freed from sin, sickness, discouragement and poverty, and their lives converted into useful happy lives. |
5 | 3 | D’Humy, Fernand E | Mary Baker Eddy a new Look at her Place in Bible Prophesy | SHOW ALL | 8 Pages - Moderator: On December 1, 1910, Mrs. Eddy went for her last drive. When she returned she asked for her writing pad. On it she wrote what would be her last written message to the world, namely, “God is my life.” Sally, I understand Dorothy Napkie loaned you a book by Fernand E. d'Humy, Mary Baker Eddy Fulfills Prophecy, in which he records how through divine inspiration he was led to see a deep meaning in those last four words. |
6 | 1 | Einstein, Dr. Albert | Verified interviews and statements over several years | SHOW ALL | Do you people realize what a wonderful thing you have?” (1954). Statement made while exiting a church service. “To think that a woman knew this over 80 years ago.” “Blessed art Thou because everything that really is, is in this Book.” Einstein had witnessed several healings, “short of miraculous”. He stated that Dr. William Frederick Underwood had healing of effects from radiation exposure while he was working on the Atomic Energy Commission. No one else survived. |
7 | 1 | Grekel, Doris | Discovery of the Science of Man, The (1821-1888) - 1 of 3 | SHOW ALL | "People seem to understand C.S. in the exact ratio that they know me and vice versa" - Preface – “ON the twenty-sixth of November in 1897, Mrs. Eddy wrote in a letter to Julia Field-King, ‘People seem to understand C.S. in the exact ratio that they know me and vice versa. It sometimes astonishes me to see the invariableness of this rule.’ |
8 | 2 | Grekel, Doris | Founding of Christian Science, The (1888-1900) - 2 of 3 | SHOW ALL | “JESUS called himself the door, and Mrs. Eddy called herself a window. A door is a ‘passage; means of access.’ A window is ‘an opening in the wall of a building for admission of light.’ Verily, verily I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep …. I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and go in and out and find pasture.” John |
9 | 3 | Grekel, Doris | Forever Leader, The (1901-1910) - 3 of 3 | SHOW ALL | Church created, founded and erected on the rock against which the winds and waves prevail not, is the church triumphant, the indwelling temple of God. – “In an early essay Mrs. Eddy said: ‘The church created, founded and erected on the rock against which the winds and waves prevail not, is the church triumphant, the indwelling temple of God.’ Mary Baker Eddy demonstrated this ‘indwelling temple of God’ in her own life, explained it in Science and Health, and, to help her followers make this demonstration, she set forth rules in her Manual of The Mother’s Church, ‘Mary Baker Eddy’s Church’ (Man. 102). |
10 | 1 | Keyston, David | Albert Einstein & Christian Science ~ David Keyston | SHOW ALL | Science and Religion, or is it Spirituality? It’s all relative! Few individuals know the relationship that one of the greatest scientists of our time had with Christian Science, and why it’s import is critical for the advancement of the age... |
11 | 1 | Shannon, Clara | Golden Memories | SHOW ALL | 32 Pages ~ We read in the Bible of a man whose name was Melchisedec, who was "like unto the Son of God." In the seventh chapter of Hebrews, beginning at the first verse, we find that he was "King of righteousness, King of Salem," which means King of peace; that he was the "priest of the most high God." Where did this man come from? We read, "Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually." "The Christ is without beginning of years or end of days." This man took tithes from Abraham and bestowed on him a blessing, thus showing his priority and superiority. |
12 | 1 | Shoup, Richard Conwell | Reminiscences of Richard Conwell Shoup | SHOW ALL | 14 Pages ~ I can tell you of some thrilling healings. I was born in New York but we moved to Atlanta in 1920 where my mother was born and lived until she married. However, when I was three years old my mother had to go to Atlanta from New York on some family business, and she of course took me with her. I was left at my grandfather's house with their maid of thirty years service. My grandfather, who was a doctor, came home and found me deathly sick and said I had all the symptoms of mercury poison. |
13 | 2 | Smillie, Paul R | Prophetic and Historical Perspective of Mary Baker Eddy, The | SHOW ALL | Recognition of Mary Baker Eddy's proper place and position in relation to the Christian Science Movement has been almost lost - This book is written for and dedicated to those who love the Cause of Christian Science and who have a deep and abiding gratitude for their Leader. However, the recognition of her proper place and position in relation to the Christian Science Movement has been almost lost. Is it not interesting therefore that the Christian Science Movement, paralleling this loss, is fast approaching the point of extinction? |
14 | 1 | Wilbur, Sibyl | The Life of Mary Baker Eddy | SHOW ALL | NO mystery to-day surrounds the life story of MARY BAKER E DDY. Her birth, her ancestiy for two hundred years, her education, her social development, and her individual service to the world have been scrutinized with the strong search-lights of both love and criticism. Every event of her long career has been established by unimpeachable records and testimony. It is no longer possible to invent fiction concerning the environment in which she was born and reared or the acts which make up her life. |
15 | 5 | Wright, Helen M | Mary Baker Eddy ~ Leader Forever | SHOW ALL | 8 MP3's, PDF - (112 pages). This booklet, recently in its fifth printing, with over 40,000 so far shared among the field, is of signal interest to all thinking Christian Scientists. It reveals clear insights into the God-inspired instructions Mary Baker Eddy left us in her Church Manual. It focuses on the issues of vital importance to all Christian Scientists today concerned about the future prosperity of the cause of Christian Science. |
16 | 6 | Wright, Helen M | Mary Baker Eddy ~ New Look Place in Bible Prophecy, A | SHOW ALL | 1 PDF - (396 pages). In this book Mrs. Wright answers questions Christian Scientists have been asking for 50 years as it takes a fresh look at God's great Scientist who revolutionized the spiritual thinking of the world. Practitioners have called it "an absolute treasure" as it explores the underlying significance of Mrs. Eddy's revelation and the bearing of her work on our lives here and now. |
17 | 7 | Wright, Helen M | Mary Baker Eddy a new Look at her Place in Bible Prophesy ~ Panel Discussion on MBE Fulfills Prophesy by Fernand E d'Humy ~ Moderator Helen Wright | SHOW ALL | 1 PDF - (8 Pages). Moderator: On December 1, 1910, Mrs. Eddy went for her last drive. When she returned she asked for her writing pad. On it she wrote what would be her last written message to the world, namely, “God is my life.” Sally, I understand Dorothy Napkie loaned you a book by Fernand E. d'Humy, Mary Baker Eddy Fulfills Prophecy, in which he records how through divine inspiration he was led to see a deep meaning in those last four words. Would you give us a brief review of what d'Humy tells, which is so remarkable since he knew nothing of the “system” of Christian Science. He was a physical scientist of international reputation. He was Research director for the Western Union Telegraph Company. |
18 | 8 | Wright, Helen M | Mary Baker Eddy ~ Star of Boston: Life of Mary Baker Eddy - First Edition, 1998 | SHOW ALL | 1 PDF - First Ed - 1998 - (75 pages). This remarkable book plumbs the breadth and significance of Mary Baker Eddy's incomparable life-work in a way no other biography has done. Understand the historical impact of a life in fulfillment of the Biblical prophecy of Isaiah, chapter 54. See how Mrs. Eddy's life is related throughout the inspired pictorial poem, Christ & Christmas. How does "Atonement and Eucharist" in Science and Health relate to Mrs. Eddy's life, as it most certainly does to our beloved Master's? This book will awaken in the spiritually-minded reader a deep appreciation of this unique woman, destined from the foundations of the world to bless humanity with the "Comforter" of which Jesus promised. |
19 | 9 | Wright, Helen M | Mary Baker Eddy ~ Star of Boston: Life of Mary Baker Eddy - Internet Edition, 2000 | SHOW ALL | 1 PDF - Internet Ed - 2000 - (155 pages). This remarkable book plumbs the breadth and significance of Mary Baker Eddy's incomparable life-work in a way no other biography has done. Understand the historical impact of a life in fulfillment of the Biblical prophecy of Isaiah, chapter 54. See how Mrs. Eddy's life is related throughout the inspired pictorial poem, Christ & Christmas. How does "Atonement and Eucharist" in Science and Health relate to Mrs. Eddy's life, as it most certainly does to our beloved Master's? |