Christ Jesus
Christ Jesus Bible Lesson by Robert C Putnam ~ Topic Index
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Robert C Putnam
9 of 10 ~ Christ Jesus Bible Lesson
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1 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Bible references ~ Preparation and Marker | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 106 | Bible references to key topics in page number order of this publication. -- Please view complete publication for more details. | ||
2 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Jesus ~ Prophesied for 2000 years before his appearance as the messiah | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 106 | Show all | Jesus ~ The Messiah ~ For two thousand years the prophets told of the coming Messiah. Finally he appeared and began his brief ministry. In three short years he started a revolution which was to gather momentum and sweep the West. It destroyed Greek philosophy. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
3 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Healing ~ Uniqueness of ministry of Jesus | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 107 | Show all | Healing ~ Uniqueness of ministry of Jesus was the prime distinction of Jesus’ ministry that raised and separated it from all others. This was the keynote. Jesus devoted three solid years to healing. He healed the sick and he healed the sinner. He raised the dead and showed the way to a full salvation -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
4 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Love ~ New name for God | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 107 | Show all | Love ~ Jesus revealed a new name for God. That name was Love. What hint of God as Love do we have from those who preceded Jesus? There is very little. Some of the earlier prophets healed, but none were able to teach others to heal. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
5 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Healing not a special gift | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 107 | Show all | Love is impartial ~ Until man learned of God’s impartial love to all, it was thought that healing was a special gift. Now all could become kings and priests unto God. One cannot claim to understand and practice Jesus’ Christianity unless he can heal as he did.... -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
6 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Healing ~ Jesus understood how he did it | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 107 | Show all | Jesus understood how ~ Since Jesus could heal at will, he must have understood how he performed the healing work. If a careful study is made of Jesus’ healings with a view to discovering how he performed his healing work, one will find that there is one healing which contains the key -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
7 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Sin and Sickness are Similar | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 108 | Show all | Sin and Sickness ~ Jesus says that as it is with sin, so it is with sickness. This means that sickness is a false mental concept. Then it must be seen and acknowledged to be false, corrected with the true idea... -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
8 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Healing different Today | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 108 | Show all | Healing different Today ~ Is healing generally performed this way today? If not, why not? When materialism crept into the church, spirituality was lost and with it went the healing power. The church was left only with healing sin and since the proof as -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
9 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Jesus vs Christ | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 109 | Show all | Jesus vs Christ ~ The word “Christ” means “anointed.” It was essentially a title. The word Jesus or Joshua means “saviour.” Jesus was both a priest and a king or ruler in God’s king dom. Christ was the title of the office held by Jesus. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
10 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Sermon on the Mount | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 109 | Show all | Sermon on the Mount ~ Jesus delivered a famous discourse called “The Sermon on the Mount. The first portion of this sermon contains the Beatitudes (Matt. 5:3-12). Verses 3-9 constitute the first seven Beatitudes. These all deal with transformation of the individual himself. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
11 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Receptive ~ Recognizing the lack of Spirit | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 110 | Show all | Receptive ~ To recognize that one is lacking in spirit should bring about receptivity. A poor person is usually in an attitude of thought where he is ready to receive something. Light or an idea comes to the receptive thought. Light appeared on the first day of creation. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
12 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Beatitudes Eighth ~ Summary | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 111 | Show all | Beatitudes Eighth ~ Verses 10-12 constitute the eighth Beatitude depicting not man’s own purification, but the power of his purification to stand against the world’s evil and quell it. The first seven refer to individual sin and how to heal it. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
13 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Jesus ~ Two hundred events | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 112 | Show all | Jesus ~ More than two hundred events in Jesus’ ministry have been recorded. His unparalleled accomplishments involved both his teachings and his works. Their unorthodox nature was startling because either they had never been said or done before... -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
14 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Jesus ~ Sermon on the Mount | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 113 | Show all | Jesus ~ 1. Beatitudes (Matt. 5:1-12). 2. Salt of the earth and light of the world (vss. 13-16). Those who had received the word of the prophets and obeyed were blessed. The Jews were blessed, but if they (the salt) had lost their savour they were good for nothing. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication |
15 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Evil ~ Resist ~ Agree with thine adversary | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 114 | Show all | Evil ~ Resist ~ Agree with thine adversary (vss. 25,26)—awake to resist evil—otherwise he will carry you off to evil which merits judgment and punishment. The word “agree” means to be of a “good mind”; -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
16 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Adultery ~ Thinking evil is evil | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 114 | Show all | Adultery is committed by many in their hearts and this is punished even though there is no outward act (vss. 27,28). It is therefore first committed mentally. It is there fore mental sin which must be healed. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
17 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Evil ~ Casted out | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 114 | Show all | Evil ~ Cut off thy right hand—cast out every evil thought; otherwise the whole body is led into sin (vss. 29,30). As woman had no rights in those days and Jesus was exemplifying the Fatherhood of God, he said (vss. 31,32) a woman could not be put away except for adultery. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
18 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Jesus ~ Perfect reflection | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 116 | Show all | Jesus ~ Christ Jesus taught and embodied in his life as perfect an example of man as God’s reflection as one could hope to find on earth. He manifested qualities beyond human comprehension. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
19 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Jesus ~ Teachings were simple | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 116 | Show all | Jesus teachings were astonishing in their simplicity. He said, “Love one another” (John 13:34). What could be simpler? Then he showed under the most trying circumstances how to live that love. Do we always live that love or do we just love those who love us? -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
20 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Hate ~ Illuminate | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 116 | Show all | Hate ~ To be utterly innocent of hate, malice, resentment, annoyance, is to gain the divine consciousness. Love is indeed the greatest thing in the world. Being the greatest, it would appear to be the rarest. Without Love, God, nothing is of any consequence. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
21 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Jesus ~ Unselfish Love | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 116 | Show all | Jesus showed his love by his unselfishness. It was limit less. Everything he did was for others. Nothing was for himself. He came into the world only to show others the way out of the world. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
22 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Love ~ Encompasses thought, speak, action | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 117 | Show all | Love encompasses all. Humanly speaking one may be intelligent, but still unloving. However, Love is intelligent. One may be active, energetic, industrious, but still unloving. Yet Love is Spirit and includes all these. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
23 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Man ~ Dominion from expressing qualities of God | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 117 | Show all | Man ~ Jesus’ example showed that the qualities of God give man dominion not only in heaven, but on earth. He showed that omnipotence is not merely a pleasant expression, but a demonstrable fact. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
24 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Healing ~ Prophets for the past forgotten | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 117 | Show all | Jesus’ works stunned the thinkers and the leaders of his era. The great wonders wrought by earlier prophets were for the most part long in the past. They were almost as remote to that age as the age of Jesus is to us. His works brought them sharply up to date. Suddenly they became true again. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
25 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Love Impersonal | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 117 | Show all | Love Impersonal ~ Jesus tried to instill the proper sense of goodness, of divine Love, in the hearts of his listeners. This is practical. Love is something that we all can express. It is available as a universal talent for all to use. It is right at hand. It is something to do right now. When we do express it, the Christ is again come to earth. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
26 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | God ~ The only real Ego | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 117 | Show all | God ~ By realizing that the I or Ego, the divine nature in each one, is God. To see clearly that God is the Mind of man, the Life of man, the Soul of man, is to see God everywhere. Jesus said, “I and my Father are one” (John 10:30). -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
27 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Man ~ Living love is reflecting God | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 117 | Show all | Man ~ Before one can say, “God is my life,” he must so live that he makes it true. Likewise to be able to say, “God is my love,” requires living a life of love, thus proving man to be God’s reflection. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
28 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Love Impersonal is foundation for world peace | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 117 | Show all | Love Impersonal is foundation for world peace ~ Do we think that this is fine philosophy for relations between individuals and at home, but unrelated to the larger world affairs so overriding in men’s lives? Then we cannot believe that Jesus has really provided the practical way to the solution of the world’s problems. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
29 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Man ~ World salvation begins with the individual | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 118 | Show all | Man ~ World salvation begins with the individual and progresses to the universal. Before wars between nations stop, wars between and within individuals must stop. Meekness, innocence, guilelessness, affection, love, purity, come to the individual and then to the world. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
30 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Vision ~ Use God's Eyes | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 118 | Show all | Vision ~ Viewpoint is a key. From what viewpoint do we behold ourselves and others? Is it God’s viewpoint or man’s? What we see and experience depends on the viewpoint. Al though Pilate had gnawing doubts, from his viewpoint Jesus was a failure. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
31 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Jesus ~ This example is the only way | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 118 | Show all | Jesus ~ This way is the living and expression of the divine qualities. There is only one Way. It is not dependent upon human systems, methods and means. It may use them, but does not require them. Jesus showed the Way, but did not provide all the laws and rules. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
32 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Jesus ~ The way is Spiritual | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 118 | Show all | Jesus ~ There is no mortal measure of this Way. Fame or title or position or wealth cannot measure it. The only measure is to “Come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
33 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Jesus ~ Revealed the true Idea of God | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 118 | Show all | Jesus came to reveal to us the true idea of God, the Christ. He required that we prove our understanding and acceptance of this idea by our expression of the Christly qualities. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
34 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Commandment ~ Must Accept God as infinite | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 119 | Show all | Commandment ~ To accept the idea presented in the First Commandment that there is only one God is to accept the idea that God is infinite, is All. If God were not All, then where God left off, another god would begin. If there is only one God, and there is only One, -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
35 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | God is infinite ~ Mortality begins with limitation | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 119 | Show all | God is infinite ~ Mortal existence begins with limitation. It assumes another God, namely, matter, thus taking infinity away from Spirit. This begins at birth. One is born either male or female. He partakes of the qualities of either a Father- God or a Mother-God. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
36 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Jesus ~ Healing the central theme | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 119 | Show all | Healing ~ Jesus made healing the central theme of his work. He healed sin and he healed sickness. He did not limit his sense of salvation, however, to these alone. He knew that for salvation to be universal, it must include the end of all materiality, all matter; that it must include the solution of all problems. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
37 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Heaven ~ Removal of all limitations | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 119 | Show all | Heaven ~ Let us suppose that at some moment all sin and sickness were to cease, would heaven have been achieved? Not at all. There would still remain the limitations which constitute mortal existence to be removed. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
38 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Heaven ~ Time and Space must be removed | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 120 | Show all | Heaven ~ These are the limitations on extension. They are the limitations of time and space. Jesus overcame them both when he transported the vessel and all aboard across the sea. He showed that his knowledge of God included an understanding of omnipresence, hence that space is a thought of limitation. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
39 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Man ~ Must gain understanding on Omnipresence | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 120 | Show all | Man ~ If man is unlimited by space, then there is nothing which can be hid from him as he reflects God’s omni presence. If man is unlimited by time, then he can know the past and the future because eternity is the reality. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
40 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Man ~ Human steps must be mastered to reach for the divine | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 120 | Show all | Man ~ Overcoming the limitations of time and space by human means are steps in the right direction until the period when man can follow in Jesus’ footsteps is reached. He dissolved away limitation by his conscious communion with God. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
41 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Jesus ~ Divine order in human experience | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 120 | Show all | Jesus’ life was an expression of the divine order operating in human experience. He brought the divine power to bear on human events and healed, uplifted and rejuvenated, thus changing disorder into order. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
42 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Matter ~ Chaos until final destructions | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 120 | Show all | Material things left to themselves inevitably go down hill. Matter and mortality, anything that has no life, constantly goes in the direction of increasing disorder and dis organization to final chaos or infinite disorder. This is the destruction of individuality. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
43 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Matter is death ~ Life is aliveness | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 120 | Show all | Matter is death ~ Anything alive, expressing life, grows and increases in individuality, constantly increases in order, humanly seen as increasing in its degree of organization. This distinguishes Life from death. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
44 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Matter is self destructive ~ Life is self generating | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 121 | Show all | Matter ~ This makes a clear distinction between the living and the dead. Iron left to itself rusts, loses its purity, its individuality. That which lives increases in purity, order and distinction. Since it is evident that nothing can exceed its origin.. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication | |
45 | Bible Lessons - Putnam | Bible Lesson ~ 9 of 10 | Jesus shows the key to eternal Life | Putnam, Dr. Robert C | 121 | Show all | Jesus’ shows the key to eternal Life ~ How shall we follow in Jesus’ footsteps? By obeying his words and imitating his deeds. By expressing the Christly qualities. This is the key to the kingdom. By such qualities expressed, will we become conscious of harmony. -- Please CLICK media to view or download complete publication |