Herbert W Eustace
Christian Science Author ~ Eustace, Herbert W ~ Biography & Index
1. Biography of Herbert W Eustace ~ Please see below
2. The Psychologist and The Magician ~ Intro by Herbert W Eustace ~ 1920 ~ 11 pgs --- Please SCROLL or CLICK to GO NOW
OR -- Go directly to author. Rodwick Index
3. Whoso Readeth Let Him Understand by Herbert W Eustace ~ 1939 ~ Pgs 381 - 574 --- Please SCROLL or CLICK to GO NOW
Mr. Eustace, an authorized teacher and practitioner of Christian Science for many decades, was a student of Edward A. Kimball, C.S.B., the first Lecturer of Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy specifically selected Mr. Kimball for this important fledgling task. Both Mr. Kimball and Mrs. Eddy became aware of Mr. Eustace's natural proclivity for spiritual metaphysics and its successful application during his two class instructions, Primary Class and Normal Class, with Kimball, both of which were under Mrs. Eddy's direction. He was the only student Kimball and Eddy ever found who wanted to take advanced class instruction, not so he could teach Christian Science, but specifically to better understand the machinations of animal magnetism, or malicious mental malpractice – an area of study of which Mrs. Eddy once remarked, “Where all students have failed is in not knowing how to handle animal magnetism.” (OV 383) The One Volume is the complete record of Mr. Eustace’s class teaching in Christian Science plus his other articles on spiritual concepts successfully practiced during his years in the public practice of Christian Science.
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1. CLICK BUTTON for COMPLETE CHAPTER ~ Pgs 381-574 ~ 1939 ~ PDF. View/Dnld
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2. CLICK BUTTON for COMPLETE CHAPTER ~ Pgs 381-574 ~ 1939 ~ 5-mp3. 1 of 5 MP3 2 of 5 MP3 3 of 5 MP3 4 of 5 MP3 5 of 5 MP3
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