Why Christian Science is Needed Now?

1. Why Christian Science is Needed Now?
Christianity & Science Combined

Doctors & Drugs Failure:
1. More Diseases
2. More Fatal Diseases
3. Alcohol is addictive.
4. Drugs are addictive.
5. tobacco is addictive.
6. Drug companies pay doctors to use their drugs.
7. Life span is very low
8. See Antediluvians below

Church Institution Failure:
1. Churches focus on confession of sin.
2. Customary to pay for confession.
3. Only one church teaches healing.
4. That one church diluted teaching. 
5. Churches are a bureaucracy of control.
6. Govt. agencies control churches.
7. No separation of church & State.
8. Courts ignore constitution ~ see #7.

Jesus said & did this:
1. Total focus on Healing.
2. Do greater works than he did.
3. Did not have a single church.
4. Did not use bureaucracy.
5. Gave us 2 commandments ~ Ignored by almost everyone.
6. Gave us one prayer.
7. Taught by impersonal parables.
8. Taught by quoting scripture.
9. Attacked Evil but not person.
10. Never argued but stated Truth.

Einstein said & did this:
1. “Blessed art Thou”
Thou refers to Mary Baker Eddy
2. “Everything that is, is in this Book”.
Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy.
3. “Science without religion is lame”.
4. “Religion without science is blind”.
5. His friend Dr. Underwood healed of radiation by Christian Science.
6. Dr. Underwood was the only survivor from the atomic energy team.
7. Apply Christian Science scientifically.

Theology & Physics teach both Spirit & matter are real and good.
The fact is that Spirit is good and real, and matter is Spirit's opposite. The question, What is Truth, is answered by demonstration, by healing both disease and sin; and this demonstration shows that Christian healing confers the most health and makes the best men. On this basis Christian Science will have a fair fight. Sickness has been combated for centuries by doctors using material remedies; but the question arises, Is there less sickness because of these practitioners? A vigorous "No" is the response deducible from two connate facts, — the reputed longevity of the Antediluvians, and the rapid multiplication and increased violence of diseases since the flood. 

             Science & Health 1910 ~ Preface viii 9-23

2. Christian Science teaches Age is False Belief = Use Divine Metaphysics to Overcome the False Educated Belief
Samples of How many Years the Antediluvians Lived
Methuselah~969 Yrs
Jared ~ 962 Years
Noah ~ 950 Years

Kenan ~ 910 Years

Enos ~ 905 Years
Mahalalel ~ 895 Yrs
Lamech ~ 777 Yrs

Father: Enoch
Grandson: Noah
Son: Lamech
Bible Verses: Genesis 5:21-27

Methuselah, who passed away at the age of 969, is the oldest person mentioned in the Bible. He is identified as Lamech’s father, Noah’s grandpa, and Enoch’s son in the Book of Genesis. Given that he is a part of the lineage that connects Adam to Noah, his story in the Bible is noteworthy.

Most Bible translations state that Methuselah was close to 200 years old when Lamech, his son, was born and when he passed sometime shortly after the Flood from Noah’s tale. Because of his advanced age, Methuselah has gained popularity and his name is frequently used to indicate the older age of individuals or things.

Father: Mahalalel
Son: Enoch
Bible Verses:
Genesis 5:18-21

Jubilees states that Jared married a woman whose name is variously spelled as Bereka, Baraka, and Barakah, and the Bible speaks of Jared having become father to other sons and daughters (Genesis 5:19).

As a sixth-generation descendant of Adam and Eve, Jared is the second-oldest man in the Bible. Jered is Mahalaleel’s first child, he was born when his father was 65 years old. In 3544 BCE, he was born.

He had a son named Enoch when he was 162 years old. He welcomed additional sons and daughters during his further eight hundred years of life. He passed away in 2582 BC at the age of 962.

Father: Lamech
Grandfather: Methuselah
Sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth

Since the Genesis flood tale in the Bible tells the story of Noah, he is one of the most well-known Biblical characters. The fundamentals of the story of Noah’s Ark, which claims that God flooded the Earth to wipe away mankind’s transgressions and recreated the earth with the animals and Noah and his family onboard the Ark, are undoubtedly known to the majority of people.

One of the many flood myths that have appeared throughout human culture and history is the tale of Noah’s Ark. One of the individuals in the Bible who lived to be over 900 years old is Noah, who is another direct descendant of Adam and Eve.

He is the grandson of Methuselah and the son of Lamech. When he was 500 years old, Noah gave birth to Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

Father: Enos
Grandfather: Seth
Son: Mahalalel
Bible Verses:
Genesis 5:9-10:12-14;
Luke 3:36-37;
1 Chronicles 1:2

The Sefer ha-Yashar describes Cainan, the possessor of great astrological wisdom, which had been inscribed on tables of stone, as the son of Seth; i.e., the antediluvian Kenan grandson of Seth according to the Bible

Kenan, who is the grandson of Seth and the son of Enos, is another member of Adam’s lineage. The Book of Jubilees, also known as the Lesser Genesis, claims that Noam, Enosh’s wife, and sister, was the mother of Kenan.

Mualeleth, who was also his sister, was his wife. Kenan, who was on this list, was nearly 900 years old when he passed away and lived before the Great Flood.

Grandparents: Adam & Eve
Father: Seth
Son: Kenan
Bible Verses: Genesis 4:26; Genesis 5:6-11; and Luke 3:38

Adam’s grandson Enos, also known as Enosh, is Seth’s first child and is not to be confused with Enoch. Genesis records that Seth was 105 years old when Enos was born. Enos was 90 years old, according to the Bible, when his first son Kenan was born.

He outlived Adam, Seth, and Enoch and was one of Noah’s contemporaries for 84 years. He lived to reach 905 years old.

Father: Kenan
Wife: Dinah
Son: Jared
Bible Verses:
Genesis 5:12-17;
1 Chronicle 1:1;
Jubilees 4:14-15;
Luke 3:37

Seth’s great-grandson was Mahalalel. In the Bible, his name appears eight times. He goes by the name of Maleleel in some translations of the Holy Book. At the time of his birth, Kenan, his father, was 70 years old. Jared’s father, Mahalalel, passed away at the age of 895.

Son: Noah
Father: Methuselah
Bible Verses:
Genesis Chapter 5;
Luke 3:36

Lamech is well-known for being the father of Noah, who passed away at the age of 777, just before the Great Flood. In Genesis 5:29, he names his first son Noah and says, “This one will comfort us concerning our labor and the toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD has cursed.” He is the only patriarch before the Flood who is quoted, aside from Adam.

According to the timeline in the Bible, Adam was still alive for the first 56 years of Lamech’s life, who was 182 when Noah was born.