Fraud Schemes
Get rich quick schemes ~ LivPure Drug ~ All Frauds

Trump Digital Coins ~ Trump Gold Coins ~ Jesus Coins ~ MAGA Gold Plates ~ Other Frauds
Get Rich Quick Frauds & Using Fake Videos 240820-0523 FRAUD: 1. Invest a small amount & get rich quick. 2. Video is showing Trump & his family & Tucker Carlson that look & sound real but all are fake. 3. Fake Products a. Trump digital coins b. Trump Gold coins c. Maga Gold Plates 4. Jesus Coin ~ saved Trump's life during the Assassination Attempt. 5. To try to bilk money from Trump supporters they have been deceiving them since 2021. ADVICE: 1. Ignore All Get rich quick schemes. 2. Greed is one of the biggest Evils ~ Do not Comply

Quantum Financial System ~ QFS ~ Identity Theft 240821-0350 FRAUD: Enticement to login to a website re a Quantum Financial System where there are MILLIONS of US Dollars just waiting for you to claim it. All you need to do is insert all the requested personal info. ADVICE: 1. DO NOT DO THIS ~ IT IS A FRAUD. 2. This is an effort to STEAL YOUR IDENTITY and all your balances in every account you have at every financial institution. 3. Quantum Financial System ~ When it is ready for use, Trump will announce it on all the media. 4. Do NOT expect a get rich quick scheme. 5. Always do proper due diligence before giving personal data over the phone or on the internet. Never give any passwords to anyone. If the person is authorized they will NEVER ask for a password by phone, email or any instant messaging service.

How Human Brain Operates ~ 240821-0231 FRAUD: The so-called human brain accepts and practices anything that is un-God-like. The more immoral or unethical it is, the easier it accepts it with its own corrupt rationale. Greed is at the top of the list. ADVICE: Any enticement to get something for nothing is exactly what you get – NOTHING But the cost is measured in at least these ways: 1. The stoppage of spiritual advancement as long as you participate = biggest loss; 2. The loss of so-called material assets that are used in participating; 3. The loss of time in participating including time devoted to thought, speech, action; Time can NEVER be replaced. 4. What is the purpose on behalf of the promoter? 5. If it is such a HOT deal, why does the promoter need you? The promoter should just take the deal himself and he would never need to work again but have a total life of leisure living anyplace he desires and doing whatever he desires. (he is meant to be generic)

Importance Changes Daily ~ 240821-0157 Very important activities are taking place on a daily basis. You are URGED to check the header – top section of every page of the website – DAILY. Also the Home page DAILY. If you do not do this, you are proceeding with your life at high risk. Mary Baker Eddy warned the WORLD over 100 years ago about the time that is upon us. We disclose very important information that you should use to do self, collective, and universal treatments. We also offer sample treatments on the website continuously. The header will have this a special page of warnings which will be updated each time we have made our visitors aware of a new FRAUD or necessary spiritual and practical steps you should follow as they are released on this warning page. TELEGRAM: You should have notifications turned ON so you will receive an audio on your cell phone or computer in case we send a message. However we will NOT be notifying you of the updates being posted. It is up to you to automatically check the header and home page DAILY.
To All Contacts ~ Check Header LINK to Fraud Page + Homepage Every Single Day