Walk in Spirit by Margra Muir

1.   Walk in the Spirit by Margra Muir & Joel Goldsmith                                     241029

     Come, Gracious Spirit ~ Lyrics      

Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Love, With light and comfort from above; Be Thou our guardian, Thou our guide, O’er every thought and step preside. The light of Truth to us display,

That we may know and choose Thy way; Plant holy joy in every heart, That we from Thee may ne’er depart.

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 Walk in Spirit by Margra Muir    Click 


King James Version
There is therefore now NO condemnation to them which are IN CHRIST, who WALK not after the flesh, but WALK in the WAY of SPIRIT.

 The way out—new life in Christ ~ JB Phillips
No condemnation now hangs over the head of those who are “in” Jesus Christ. For the new spiritual principle of life “in” Christ lifts me out of the old vicious circle of sin and death. [Romans 8 1-2]

If we are still impressed by the good/evil appearances of humanhood or if we are still relying on the flesh & blood facade where there is only ONE LIFE, we are far from free. We are still prisoners of our own ignorant condemnations as we've been programmed to function in the Adam dream of universal belief and we are locked in by our own desires, opinions, judgments. But "I" say unto thee, drink from my lips in the realm of the REAL to know WHO I AM. As you forgive these outer appearances you will SEE an already forgiven world. Take no thought for what you heard said of old time –– NOW "I" say unto thee: Come, fulfill ye MY JOY! BE FREE! Fulfil ye MY JOY, that ye be likeminded, having the same LOVE, being of ONE ACCORD, of ONE MIND.

Until we learn how to look inward AS ONE, we only see with veiled perception through the deceptive gates of material sense. The human eyes see only the objects of sense that have no principles to support them; they crumble like ashes when exposed to the FIRE of SPIRIT. As the blessed "I" opens in us NEW EYES that are gates & windows of awareness, DIVINE PRINCIPLE is revealed as the precious gemstones of SPIRIT that will mark borders on our path to adventure as we catch the vision: “I” give BEAUTY for ashes, the OIL of JOY for mourning. A sacred thread of ENHANCED AWARENESS is already woven into the fabric of this world that is only visible & viable to those with EYES to SEE. When we seek a higher wisdom within, it beckons to us to always probe deeper;

we scrutinize behind the veils of sensory awareness to learn to recognize this sacred thread of FREEDOM that is functioning among us as the WORD being made flesh –– this weaves all our borders with the sacred colors of SPIRIT –– the pathways of "I" glisten with perfected principles and pleasant stones. “I” have no greater JOY than to hear that My children WALK IN TRUTH. There never has been a God to hold one in bondage to sin. We are only held in bondage to sin by each other. Only the mind of man is lowly enough to hold each other in bondage to the sins of the past, the present, or the future. The mind of God is unconditioned and it is free; it is the mind of individual you and me holding us in its embrace –– without censure –– without judgment –– without condemnation.

And "I" say unto you, neither do "I" condemn you. Always "I" is saying, Neither do "I" condemn you …Neither do "I" condemn you … "I" will never leave you nor forsake you, regardless of your sins of omission or commission; regardless of your ignorances of the past or the present. When you break through the mesmeric ignorance and realize that "I" have been speaking to you from within you, and you have been busy looking up into a cloud. "I" have been speaking to you from within you, but you have been so busy with those movies and those televisions, you had no time to HEAR ME. "I" in the midst of thee have been speaking to you & YOU haven’t been listening! BE STILL and KNOW that "I" AM GOD. BE STILL and KNOW that the only "I" you will ever KNOW, IS GOD.

And the only "I" you will ever know is – the "I" that you declare when you say "I". "I" will never leave thee nor forsake thee … "I" am the LIFE of thy being … "I" am the WAY … TURN to ME and LIVE. Turn within to that center of your being, and there seek safety and security and abundance and peace on earth. Do not expect it from man whose breath is in his nostrils, for he cannot rise higher than the law of self-preservation. But turning to the "I" within you, you will draw unto your circle all of those who are awakened to this "I" of their being; and these will be your mother and father and sister and brother. These only will be those of your household. "I" come only to those of mine own household … Who is my mother and my father, who are my brethren? You, My disciples. And so you will look around often and say,

“Those who are with me on the spiritual path are verily closer, nearer and dearer to me than the blood relatives who have not yet awakened to the spiritual path or to their spiritual identity, or my spiritual identity.” And you will find your life spent more among your spiritual brethren than among your blood brethren. It has always been so; it always will be so. For there is an invisible bond between all those who have awakened, even in a measure, to the fact that : We have ONE FATHER and that Father is in the midst of us. The Kingdom of God is neither low here nor low there, IT IS within you. And we become that invisible, spiritual brotherhood once we know and understand that: This "I" in the midst of me is the "I" in the midst of you, and this makes us ONE.

Excerpts: Tape #290-B ~ The Blessed "I ~~~~~~~~~~~ Joel Goldsmith