Vision ~ One way to fix it ~ Part 2 ~ Focus on Perfection 241231
Hymn 64 ~ From Sense to Soul ~ Lyrics
From sense to Soul my pathway lies before me,
From mist and shadow into Truth’s clear day;
The dawn of all things real is breaking o’er me,
My heart is singing: I have found the way.
I reach Mind’s open door, and at its portal
I know that where I stand is holy ground;
I feel the calm and joy of things immortal,
The loveliness of Love is all around.
The way leads upward and its goal draws nearer
Quotes & Definitions 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. System of divine metaphysics ~ Page View Some Key Points 1. Focus on good only. Criticism blocks vision & is evil. 2. Dr. Francis J. Fluno is considered the expert on understanding what criticism is & how to heal it. 3. Mary Baker Eddy sent him throughout the US to lecture in the late 1800s on this topic.
4. Mary Baker Eddy did a self examination every hour to be sure she was only looking for good in everyone & everything. 5. Understanding how evil operates enables us to recognize it so that we can expose it & eradicate it. 6. Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free ~ Truth is God ~ We must cultivate our understanding of God ~ As we understand God more, we understand Truth more & become more free from enslavement to the belief of life, truth & intelligence in matter. 7. Everyone is capable to resist the temptation to criticize. Do not give evil the use of our thought, speech or actions. We must recognize evil as having no power for it does not include a single element of Truth.
8. God is Spirit. Spirit is the only substance. If we focus on this we will not permit matter or a material concept of someone else to occupy our thought. 9. Genesis 1 states that God made man in his image & after his likeness, that's everyone in all existence. 10. We all have access to the very same qualities which are infinite, no limit at all. So whatever capacity, strength, or courage we need, everything is available to us by reflecting it from God, which means getting ourselves out of the way.