Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ Applied Treatment Index
Frederick Rawson ~ Christian Science Author
Including Treating Back in Time
Treatment is the word used to indicate that form of prayer which is based upon right thinking, namely, thinking of absolute good. It is actively thinking of the world of reality, or the absolute, called by the theologians, God and heaven; by scientific men, cause and its manifestation; and by meta physicians, Mind and its ideas. It is true communion with God, holy communion, the realisation of which the Church endeavours to bring about by the use of the bread and wine as symbols. The word treatment therefore signifies the line of demarcation between prayer thus understood and prayer based upon supplication addressed to a distant omnipotent being who, many think, may or may not answer or even hear the cry of the suppliant.
See Special Presentation on Treating Back in Time View
ATtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
1 | 1 | 35 | 1 | Abscess | Show all | There is no abscess, for man is spiritual, manifesting purity and holiness; there is no inflammation, all is purity. There are no material germs, the lesser ideas of God minister to and benefit man and are always in the right place. There is no matter, only Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit; man's skin is spiritual, reflecting substance, pure and complete. (Then work against germs, poison and for circulation of the blood). |
2 | 2 | 35 | 1 | Abscess - Ulcers | See ULCERS |
3 | 3 | 35 | 1 | Absence | Show all | Man is never absent, he is always in the right place at the right time, ministering to his fellow man and benefitting his fellow man, There is no separation, for there is only one Mind, God, one cunsciousness, man; all men are part of that one consciousness, therefore man is instantly in touch with anyone he needs, ever expressing infinite presence. |
4 | 4 | 35 | 1 | Accidents | Show all | It never happened (or if fear of accident, " No accident can happen"), all God's ideas are spiritual and perfect, surrounded by divine Love. Man cannot be harmed, as he is governed by God and God alone. Man cannot be touched by matter, for all is spiritual; there is no matter, only Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. The lesser ideas of God can never harm the higher ideas Of God, they minister to man and benefit him. There is no death, all is Life eternal. There are no accidents, man is poised in Mind, and is always in the right place at the right time, for he is God's consciousness, spiritual and perfect. There is only God and God's perfect manifestation. |
5 | 5 | 35 | 1 | Accounts, Incorrect | See CHARGES |
6 | 6 | 35 | 1 | Accounts, Prompt Settlement of | Show all | Man never fails to pass on God's ideas when necessary, for the move- ment of the ideas is due to God; Life brings the ideas and Love causes man to pass them on ; 'God is the Principle of all law and order. There is no wane, God is the source of all supply, and man has instantly every- thing that he needs. There are infinite ideas available to man, and these ideas continually unfold to him with absolute, unfailing regularity. "TIN law of Ihe urd i.r fMrfttl" (Ps. 19: 7). Soml'lim('s fear i~ the occasion for delay in payment, the debtor thinking that the money had better remain in the bank to pay accoullts which may possibly become more pressing. For this you can realise that: there is no fear, man has absolute trust in God, trust in good; he can never be in want, and knows that he: can never be in want, for there are infinite ideas available to man instantly, Man is always passing on ideas to his fellow man, and he knuws that there arc infinite further ideas to draw upon. There is no want of justice, God is the Principle of all justice and man is absolutely just. Sometimes injustice comes from sheer carelessness and thoughtlessness. For this it can be realised that man is never careless, man is always accurate and doing what is right, manifesting the exactitude which is Principle; he is constantly. loving and benefiting his fellow man, for man is governed by God and by God alone and is ahsolutely fair and just. |
7 | 7 | 35 | 1 | Accounts, Prompt Settlement of - Accuracy | See ACCURACY |
8 | 8 | 35 | 1 | Accounts, Prompt Settlement of - Debts, Collection of | See DEBTS, COLLECTION OF |
9 | 9 | 36 | 1 | Accuracy | Show all | 'There is no inaccuracy, everything is done at the right time and in the right way, for God is the Principle of al) law and all order and man is governed by law and order ; everything is done absolutely accurately. Man reflects Truth, the unerring Mind ; he passes on the ideas of Truth with absolute accuracy and ease. Man is never slovenly., man’s work is perfect, for God is the Principle of all law and all order, and God's ideas are always in the right place, manifesting the exactitude that is Principle ; God, divine Love, gives to every spiritual idea His own perfection. “The law of the Lord is perfect" (Ps. 19:7). “God’s ideas reflect the immortal * smerrmg, and infinite” (S. & H. p. 505*). |
10 | 10 | 36 | 1 | Accuracy - Carelessness | See CARELESSNESS |
11 | 11 | 36 | 1 | Acidity | Show all | There is no acidity, man's food is the ideas of God, which man digests, assimilates, and understands perfectly. These ideas never create acidity, they feed man, nourish him and give him his increase. Man's mucous membrane never can be inflamed, it is the tender, loving action of God which preserves and maintains man's individuality, spiritual, perfect and complete, reflecting substance. (Then work against indigestion). |
12 | 12 | 36 | 1 | Activity - Laziness | See LAZINESS |
13 | 13 | 36 | 1 | Activity - Lethargy | See LETHARGY |
14 | 14 | 37 | 1 | Adenoids | Show all | There arc no adenoid growths, for all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. There are no swollen tissues, for all is spiritual and divine, pure and holy. There are no swollen glands, man'~ glands are spiritual, channels in con~ciousness through which God's ide-JS p'.lSS. (Work against matter and against fal~e growth). |
15 | 15 | 37 | 1 | Adhesions | Show all | There are no adhesions, for God's ideas arc spiritual, always in the right place, ministering to man and bcnetiting man. No adhesions call form, for God is the only creator and controls all action. All action is the action of Love; aU God's ideas minister to man and benefit man. Nothing is bound dflwn, for man is wholly spiritual, all his actions are free and unimpeded. (The adhesions may be caused by peritonitis due to germs, or may be the result of an operation, and these require to be worked ag.linst. WNk als.' against intlammation and matter). |
16 | 16 | 37 | 1 | Adultery | See UNFAITHFULNESS |
17 | 17 | 37 | 1 | Adversaries | Show all | There arc no adversaries, God is Love and all men are absolutely loving, divinely attracted one to the other. There is nothing to be defended from, there is only God and His manifest>ltioll; God rules and God governs everything. There is no strife, all is go\"erned by the peace that is the result of infinite Love. There is no feat, man has absolute trust in God, trust in good; man knows there is nothing but good and knows that man is only desirous of ministering to him and helping him. "1M Divine Being JlIIIII be rtjlfCltd ~j' lIIall,--else maf! is nol Iht image and lihlllSl of tbe paUtlll, Itlldtr, and ITllt, Ibf Ollr 'allogetbey IOI'eb' ' " (S. &: H. p. 3). (Then work for love). |
18 | 18 | 37 | 1 | Affection, Unrequited | See UNREQUlTED AFFECTION |
19 | 19 | 37 | 1 | Age | See OLD AGE |
20 | 20 | 37 | 1 | Aggressive Mental Suggestion | Show all | This is a class of thought which suggests evil, such as: .. You arc not looking very we\l to.day," or .. I don't think you will be able to finish that work in timl!." One can work against this by realising that there is nc) aggressive mental suggestion, only God's perfect ideas can come: to man, for God is the only thinker. |
21 | 21 | 37 | 1 | Aggressive Mental Suggestion - Mental Suggestion | See MENTAL SUGGESTION |
22 | 22 | 38 | 1 | Albuminuria | Show all | There is no excess of albumen, all God's ideas are in the right place at the right time. There is no excess of urine, every idea of God ministers to man and does its complete work. No organ can ever be out of order, man's organs are spiritual and perfect, working perfectly, being governed by God, the Principle of all law and order. The kidneys cannot function badly, they arc the knowledge of God as Spirit, the Principle which maintains all purity and holiness. |
23 | 23 | 38 | 1 | Albuminuria - Organs | See ORGANS |
24 | 24 | 38 | 1 | Ambition | Show all | There is no ambition, for man is always in a perfect position with perfect work. Man is never desirous of improving himself orhis position, because he is divine, God's consciousness, a perfect being, in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God. He rejoices in his work, which is always helpful and benefiting his fellow man. (Treat for selflessness, against pride, and possibly against selfishness). |
25 | 25 | 38 | 1 | Anaemia | Show all | There is no poverty of the blood, the blood is the joy circulating throughout consciousness, perfect, rich, divine and holy joy. It cannot be impoverished, for it is eternally divine, "yollr joy no man tahth from you" (John 16 : 22), for, "yollr life il bid witb Christ in God" (Col. :I : 3). "God my exceeding joy" (Ps. 43 : 4). Man's blood is not material, it is spiritual and remains unchangeably pure and perfect. One form of anaemia is characterised by deficiency of red blood corpuscles, the main object of which is to carry oxygen to the tissues. Here you can realise that there is no deficiency in red corpuscles of the blood, man's blood is the joy which reflects substance and is full, complete and perfect, reflecting entity, always the same. There is no want of oxygen, God's ideas are perfect, full and complete, and always in the right place whenever needed. (Work for activity of the spleen). There is no lassitude, man is the consciousness of infinite strength, joyous strength, for "tbe joy of th, Lord is j'ollr slrenglh" (Neh. 8 : 10). There is no shortness of breath, for breathing is the action of Life and Love, calm, peaceful and harmonious; man is God's consciousness, and the receiving and radiating forth again of God's ideas is a sweet and joyous activity. God's ideas pass to and fro in Mind with infinite ease, giving man i~te joy. .. The kingdom of God il , .• joy" (Rom. 14: 17) ... Be glad in Ihe Lord, and rejoiG.',ye righleolll: and shoul for joy (Ps. 32. : I I); .. Iht Ions of God sboliled for joy" (Job 38 : 7) ; "&joilt in Ihe Lord alway" (Phil. 4 : 4); "I will greal!'y rejoin in the Lord, my 10111 sbaJl bt joyflll in my God" (Is. 6 I : 10). |
26 | 26 | 39 | 1 | Anger | Show all | There ill no anger, there ill nnly absoluic Love, peace and harmony, for God is Love and Love is omnipotence, the only power and the only ruler; man is the reflection of Love and reflects Love and is absolutely loving, for he is the love of God, the love of Love, governed by God and by God alone, for God is the only power. Infinite Love surrounds man and man is infinitely loving towards aU, receiving and re-presenting only God's ideas. Perfect Love reigns universally; there is absolute peace and harmony everywhere, as man is always helping his fellow man, manifesting divine Love, governed by "the peace 0/ God, ll·hM, pauetb aI/under/tanding" (Phil. 4 : 7). "To infinite, ever-prnmt l..mJe, all is Love" (S. & H. p. 567). |
27 | 27 | 39 | 1 | Anger - Love | See LOVE |
28 | 28 | 39 | 1 | Angina Pectoris | Show all | There is no angina pectoris, for man is spiritual and perfect. There is no pain in the heart, man's heart is the knowledge of God as Love. There is no pain in the arm, man's arm is his power of re-presenting God's ideas to his fellow man. There is no fear of impending death, man has absolute trust in God, trust in good; he is the consciousness of God, and possesses perfect peace, the very "peate 0/ God." there is no death, Life is unending, eternal, for Life is God. There is no disorder of the nerves of the heart, the nerves are channels in consciousness through which man receives the ide:ls of God, ideas of infinite rest, infinite peace, infinite gladness. (Treat steadily against fear). |
29 | 29 | 39 | 1 | Angina Pectoris - Heart | See HEART |
30 | 30 | 39 | 1 | Animal Magnetism | Show all | This is used by some metaphysical workers as a synonym for mortal mind, but this is a mistake. There are few enough words to express metaphysical terms as it is. Animal magnetism is more properly used to mean the worst kind of evil thoughts, such as make a child tear the wings off a fly, and men behave in the cruel way they do sometimes when at war. It also brings about the savage attacks that mental workers sometimes make upon their fellow workers, which attacks can only be expressed as forms of mania. One can work against this by realising that there is no animal magnetism, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. |
31 | 31 | 39 | 1 | Animals | Show all | Every idea of God reflects the whole of God, every aspect and quality to an infinite extent. Animals are very susceptible to thought, more so than human beings. It is as important to work for the moral qualities of animals as for human beings. I have found it successful to think of them as lesser ideas of God. In most ('a~es work against the trouble itself which is troubling the animal and ill this way you can treat as for a human being or for any idea of God. Work against mortal mind, thoughts of materia medica, fear, aggressive mental suggestion, mental malpractice, hypnotism, etc., just as if you were treating for a human being. The secret of 'success in dealing with animals is love and by treatment it is not at all difficult to entirely change the character of an animal; working, for instance, by the realisation of God as Love and rca\ising the absolute love there is in heaven, the world of reality. "LoJJf gi/leth 10 the ltasl spirilual idea "'ight, i"IHlortalily, and goodneu, n1mch Ihine throllgh 01/ 01 Ihe b/oJlOm sMlltI throllgh the bud" (S. & H. p. ~ 18). |
32 | 32 | 40 | 1 | Animals - Cruelty to Animals | See CRUELTY TO ANIMALS |
33 | 33 | 40 | 1 | Animals - Directed by Treatment | Show all | God’s ideas can never go in the wrong direction, they are led and governed by God and are always in the right place. There is only one Mind, God, guiding and governing all. Life is the law of Soul, and guides all God’s ideas into their right place, and these ideas unfold in perfect sequence, idea after idea. None of God’s ideas can ever go in opposition to the other ideas of God, as Love is the power which causes all ideas to circulate. All God’s ideas are poised in Mind, always in the right place, governed by the one Mind, God, and always ministering to man. |
34 | 34 | 40 | 1 | Animals - Fear or Being Attacked by Animals | Show all | No animal can harm man, all the lesser ideas of God minister to and benefit man. Man cannot be attacked, he is surrounded by divine Love ; there is. no fear, God is Love and Truth, and all God’s ideas partake of the nature of God, and manifest Love and know Truth. All God’s ideas arc always doing the right thing at the right time, ministering to man and benefiting him. “For God is infinite, all-power, all Life, Truth, Love, over all, and All** (S. & H., p. 17). |
35 | 35 | 40 | 1 | Animals - Fighting | Show all | There is no fighting, for all God’s ideas arc spiritual, governed by “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding** (Phil. 4 : 7). There is no hatred, only divine Love ; no revenge, all is charity ; all God’s ideas love one another. There is no material action, all action is spiritual. (Then work for love). |
36 | 36 | 40 | 1 | Animals - Theft by Animals | Show all | There is no mortal mind to cause animals to take anything that man needs, for there is only one Mind, God, and all His ideas are harmoniously governed by that one Mind. Animals are God’s ideas which never take or destroy any idea of God, but are continually helping man; none of God’s ideas can possibly harm man, they always minister to and benefit man ; they are never in the wrong place, they are always in Mind, in God. “God, Spirit, alone created all, and failed it good” (S. & H. p. 339). (Then .work for love). |
37 | 37 | 41 | 1 | Antagonism | Show all | Man is never antagonistic towards his fellow man, he loves to be with him and to help him. Man always loves to receive the ideas of God from his fellow man and these give him infinite joy and happiness; in exchange he re-presents God's ideas to his fellow man. All is peace and rest and harmony; man is governed by God, divine Love. (Then work for love). |
38 | 38 | 41 | 1 | Antagonism against Truth - Malice against truth | See MALICE AGAINST TRUTH |
39 | 39 | 41 | 1 | Antagonism against Truth - Matrimony | See MATRIMONY |
40 | 40 | 41 | 1 | Anxiety | Show all | There is no anxiety, man dwells peacefully, governed by "II., peafe 0/ God, whifh pallelh allll1ldmlantling" (Phil. 4 : 7). In divine Mind there is no fear, man has trust in God, in good. Man has absolute trust in the certainty of God's unchanging perfect action. |
41 | 41 | 41 | 1 | Anxiety - Cares | See CARES |
42 | 42 | 41 | 1 | Anxiety - Difficulties | See DIFFICULTIES |
43 | 43 | 41 | 1 | Anxiety - Fear | See FEAR |
44 | 44 | 41 | 1 | Anxiety - Worry | See WORRY |
45 | 45 | 41 | 1 | Appendicitis | Show all | There is no appendicitis, for man is spiritual and perfect. Man's appendix is an id~ of God, perfect, pure, divine and holy. (Then work against inflammation, high temperature, fear, and any other symptoms, such as pain. Also work against poison and matter, and for circulation of the blood.) |
46 | 46 | 41 | 1 | Appetite, Want of | Show all | There is no want of appetite, for man~s food is the ideas of God, which continually unfold to him; he loves to receive these ideas, which he digests, assimiktes and understands perfectly and groups together into perfect combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. The ideas feed man and nourish man and give him his increase. |
47 | 47 | 41 | 1 | Appetite, Want of - Food | See FOOD |
48 | 48 | 42 | 1 | Appointments, Keeping | Show all | There is no failure to keep appointments. God's ideas unfold to man in perfect sequence and arc passed on in perfect sequence. There is no confusion, all God's ideas are governed by God, the Principle of all law and all order. Man can never fail to see his fellow man when necessary; there is only one Mind, God, and one consciousness, man; all men are part of that one consciousness and are instantly in touch with anyone they need. There is no space in Mind. man passes instantly from idea to idea and is always in the right place at the right time. There are no limitations of time, the only time is the continual unfolding of God's ideas and these ideas always unfold with unfailing regularity, as they are governed by God, the Principle of all law and all order. Man does everything at exactly the right time and when needed. |
49 | 49 | 42 | 1 | Appreciation | Show all | There is no want of appreciation, for man has perfect understanding and thoroughly appreciates the work of every man and every combination of ideas which comes to him. |
50 | 50 | 42 | 1 | Appreciation - Gratitude | See GRATITUDE |
51 | 51 | 42 | 1 | Apprehension | See FEAR |
52 | 52 | 42 | 1 | Arches | See FALLEN ARCHES |
53 | 53 | 42 | 1 | Arguing | Show all | Man cannot argue, as God is Truth and man knows Truth. There is only one divine source of all thoughts and all men are in agreement. peaceful and harmonious, understanding God's ideas, demonstrating unity and concord. |
54 | 54 | 42 | 1 | Arterio-Sclerosis | See HARDENING OF THE ARTERIES |
55 | 55 | 42 | 1 | Assassination, Mental | Show all | There is no mental assassination, God is man's Life and that Life can never be taken from him, for man is the life of Life. Man can never desire to slay his fellow man, for God is Love, and all men are loving. Man's Life is God and man can never desire to take that Life away; man loves that Life, for that Life is God. Man can never be out of his Mind, for man is in Mind and ~eflects divine wisdom, iiltelligence and understanding, and is always governed by God, the Principle of good. (Then work against apparent reasons for the desire). |
56 | 56 | 42 | 1 | Assassination, Mental - Mental Malpractice | See MENTAL MALPRACTICE |
57 | 57 | 43 | 1 | Assimilation of Food, Want of | Show all | There is no want of assimilation of food, man's food is the ideas of God which unfold to man; these ideas are digested, assimilated and understood perfectly. (Then work against indigestion and, if necessary, against flatulence and acidity). |
58 | 58 | 43 | 1 | Assistance | Show all | There is no want of assistance, because God supplies all man's needs and therc are infinitc beings in Mind available to man instantly. Man has everything he nceds, for man is God's consciousness; a perfect succession of ideas continually unfold to him, ministering to him and benefiting him, for all is governed by God, the Principle of all law and all order. |
59 | 59 | 43 | 1 | Assistance - Labour, lack of | See LABOUR, LACK OF |
60 | 60 | 43 | 1 | Assistance - Servants | See SERVANTS |
61 | 61 | 43 | 1 | Asthma | Show all | There is no asthma, for man is spiritual and perfect. There is no diffi- culty in breathing, breathing is the action of Life and Love, calm, peaceful and harmonious; God's ideas come and go with absolute, unfailing regularity; for God is the Principle of all law and order and man is governed by law and order; the receiving and radiating forth again of God's ideas is a sweet and joyous activity. There are no material nerves to keep man from breathing properly, f~r man's nerves are spiritual, channels in consciousness, through which God's ideas pass with unfailing ease and regularity, giving man joy and happiness. There.is no distress, all is peace, man is the infinite·peace.of God. "The urd of peare himself" gives "pea« a/way! by all means" (il Thess. 3 : 16). |
62 | 62 | 43 | 1 | Asthma - Shortness of breath | See SHORTNESS OF BREATH |
63 | 63 | 43 | 1 | Astigmatism | See EYES |
64 | 64 | 43 | 1 | Astrology | Show all | There are no astrological laws for the only laws are the laws of God, the laws of good. There are no planetary influences, all the planets are spiritual, ministering to man and benefiting man. There are no material vibrations indicated by the position of planets, for all is spiritual and perfect; the only law is the law of good, through which God's perfect ideas continually unfold to man, benefiting man and ministering to man. |
65 | 65 | 43 | 1 | Attendances | Show all | There are no empty spaces, divine Mind anti its manifestation exist everywhere. Wherever Mind is; consciousness is; wherever God is, man is. There are no idle ideas (the chairs), all God's ideas are continually ministering to and benefiting man. Man is always in the right place in Mind, in God; he loves Truth, rejoices in Truth, and knows where to get Truth, for God is Truth and man is God's consciousness, knowing everything he needs instantly. |
66 | 66 | 44 | 1 | Attention | See CONCENTRATION |
67 | 67 | 44 | 1 | Attention, Lack of | Show all | There is no lack of attention, the children of Mind arc joyously alert, always ready to receive and enjoy the treasures which Mind unfolds to them. Man is spiritual, being God's consciousness; he immediately and thoroughly grasps every idea of God which comes to him, and utilises the ideas ~o the utmost, for man is spidtual and perfect, governed by God and by God alone. |
68 | 68 | 44 | 1 | Attention, Lack of - Carelessness | See CARELESSNESS |
69 | 69 | 44 | 1 | Authorship | Show all | Man, God's consciousness, reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge, and does perfect work grouping together God's ideas into perfect combinations -and re-presenting them to his fellow man. When man writes, God writes, God writes by means of man. (Then work as in Composition under the heading of MUSIC.) |
70 | 70 | 44 | 1 | Auto-intoxication | Show all | There is no auto-intoxication, for man is spiritual and perfect. (Then work against germs, indigestion, poisoning of the blood, and IIny symptoms suc~ as high temperature or pain, and work for circulation of the blood. It is believed often to come from constipation or decayed teeth which tnay be required to be worked against). |
71 | 71 | 44 | 1 | Automobile | Show all | There are no accidents, for God's ideas are always poised in Mind, always in the right place nothing ever can be out of order, for God's ideas reflect God, the Principle of all law and order. There are no breakages, for God's ideas reflect substance, and are permanent and perfect. God's ideas are never worn out, they reflect entity and are always the same, ministering to man and benefiting man. Not one of God's ideas is ever lacking, there is always everything that is needed; all the ideas work perfectly and harmoniously together, ministering to and benefiting man continually. There is no difficulty in starting any of God's ideas, for they are always active, always doing their work properly, benefiting man, Not one of God's ideas is too slow, each always reflects Mind and is ('ver active, ever energetic, working continually with unfailing regularity and ease. Man moves instantly from idea to idea and is always in the right place, in Mind, in God. |
72 | 72 | 44 | 1 | Automobile - Accidents | See ACCIDENTS |
73 | 73 | 45 | 1 | Awkwardness | Show all | There is no awkwardness, for man is spiritual and perfect, always doing and saying the right thing at the right time, for man is divine, governed by God, the Principle of all law and order, always passing on God's ideas perfectly. When man speaks and acts, God speaks and acts, for God works by means of man, who is God's consciousness, doing everything perfectly and divinely, in the right way and at the right time. (If necessary work against self-consciousness). |
BTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
74 | 1 | 48 | 1 | Bacilli and Bacteria | See GERMS |
75 | 2 | 48 | 1 | Bad Breath | See BREATH |
76 | 3 | 48 | 1 | Bad Work - Imperfect | See IMPERFECT |
77 | 4 | 48 | 1 | Bad Work - Work | See WORK |
78 | 5 | 48 | 1 | Beauty | Show all | There is no want of beauty, for man is spiritual, perfect, divine, pure and holy, reSecting every aspect, quality and attribute of God to an infinite extent, giving his fellow man joy by his very presence. "God . . . if the health of my (Olmtenallct." (Ps. 42 : II). |
79 | 6 | 48 | 1 | Bed Wetting | See WETTING BED |
80 | 7 | 48 | 1 | Biliousness | Show all | There is no biliousness, for man is spiritual and perfect. There is no inaction of the liver, the liver is the reflection or knowledge of God as Truth, which enables man to understand God's ideas. All God's ideas unfold in perfect order; idea working with idea in perfect harmony. (Treat against symptoms). |
81 | 8 | 48 | 1 | Biliousness - Appetite | See APPETITE |
82 | 9 | 48 | 1 | Bills | See CHARGES |
83 | 10 | 48 | 1 | Birth | See CHILDBIRTH |
84 | 11 | 48 | 1 | Birthmark | Show all | There arc no birthmarks, man is spiritual and divine; there are no marks on the skin, man's skin is the loving action of God which maintains and preserves man's individuality, spiritual and perfect, pure and divine. There arc no dilated blood vessels, all God's channels arc spiritual and perfect. (Then work against matter, and for circulation of the blood). |
85 | 12 | 48 | 1 | Bites | Show all | There arc no bites, for all is spiritual. One idea of God can never harm another idea of God (if an insect bite), the lesser ideas of God never harm the higher ideas of God, they minister to man and benefit man. (Work against poison and for circulation of the blood). (If bitten by 1111 animal) man can never be bitten by any idea of God, for man is spiritual. Man's Sesh can never be torn, it reflects entity and is always the same. Man's muscles are never torn, they are God's thought forces, complete and perfect. Man's skin can never be torn, man's skin is the loving action of God which preserves man's individuality, reflecting substance, full, complete and perfect. (Work against poison in the blood, and for the circulation of the blood, and against symptoms such as pain and Joss of blood). |
86 | 13 | 48 | 1 | Bites - Rabies | See RABIES |
87 | 14 | 49 | 1 | Biting Finger Nails | See NAIL BITING |
88 | 15 | 49 | 1 | Bitterness | Show all | Man is never bitter, man is spiritual and perfect and governed! by God. infinite Love. Man cannot be embittered, for man is the reflection of Love. reflecting only kindness, gentleness and joy. receiving and re- presenting only thoughts of Love. All ideas are circulated and directed by the impulse of Love; man lives and moves and has his being in God, and God is Love. There is no bitterness, man is the reflection of and reflects divine Love. All are governed by the one Mind. God. and man continually reflects God. the Principle of all joy and harmony. and is absolutely joyous whenever he thinks of his fellow man. Nothing could ever have happened to make man bitter, all men are joyous in the recognition of their perfect surroundings, loving to assist their fellow man. |
89 | 16 | 49 | 1 | Blasphemy | Show all | There is no blasphemy, for God is the only speaker and speaks by means of man. Only .God"s thoughts come to man, thoughts of Love and Truth. Man is the knowledge of God and therefore can only think of and express Truth. The ideas which man re-presents can never shock his fellow man, as there are no thoughts but God's thoughts, God being the only' thinker; God's ideas are pure, perfect, divine and holy. |
90 | 17 | 49 | 1 | Bleeding | Show all | Man's blood is never out of order, man's blood is the joy which circulates right throughout the consciousness, pure. perfect, divine and holy. The joy is never deficient, the ideas. composing it are all perfectly proportioned, and pCtfect in quality, for the joy reflectS God, the Principle of all joy. |
91 | 18 | 49 | 1 | Bleeding - Blood, loss of | See BLOOD, LOSS OF |
92 | 19 | 50 | 1 | Blood Pressure, High | Show all | There is no high blood pressure, all 'is normal, as man's blood is the joy which circulates right throughout the consciousness, never pressing unduly on the arteries and veins, which are ideas of God, working perfectly, ministering to man and benefiting man. (Work against nerves and over-exertion). |
93 | 20 | 50 | 1 | Blood Pressure, High - Hardening of the Arteries | See HARDENING OF THE ARTERIES |
94 | 21 | 50 | 1 | Blood Pressure, Low | Show all | There is no low blood pressure, man's blood is the joy which circulates right throughout the consciousness, full and complete, working perfectly, absolutely normal, giving man joy and happiness; Love is the power which causes that joy to circulate, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. (Work against any symptoms such as faintness, dizziness and weakness). |
95 | 22 | 49 | 1 | Blood, Circulation of the | Show all | There is no want of circulation of the: bloud, man's blood is the juy which circulates with unfailing regularity and ease right throughout the consciousness, for God is the Principle of all law and order. Love is the power that causes that joy to circulate, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. All ideas reflect Mind and Mind is the source of infinite activity. |
96 | 23 | 50 | 1 | Blood, Clot of | See CLOT |
97 | 24 | 50 | 1 | Blood, Loss of | Show all | There is no loss of blood, man's blood is the joy that circulates though- out the consciousness, and that joy is always in the right place, ministering to man. Man can never lose anything .. God's ideas are always in the right place, benefiting man. Man's blood vessels can never be cut, or burst, they reflect entity and are eternally perfect. (Also work against weakness and for circulation of the blood). |
98 | 25 | 50 | 1 | Boils | Show all | There are no boils, for man is spiritual and perfect. There is no poison in the system, all is purity. Man's blood is never impure, man's blood is the joy which circulates right throughout the consciousness; that joy is spiritual, perfect, divine, pure, and holy. (Work. against inflammation, and poison in the blood, and for circulation of the blood; also against germs, irritation and symptoms such as pain and high temperature). |
99 | 26 | 50 | 1 | Bones | See CARIOUS BONE |
100 | 27 | 50 | 1 | Bones, Broken | See BROKEN BONE |
101 | 28 | 51 | 1 | Boredom | Show all | Man is never bored, for man is the consciousness of God, whose ideas unfold in perfect sequence and are re-presented by man in perfect sequence. Man delights in receiving and re-presenting these ideas, each of which brings man delight and joy. Man, God's consciousness, "wails upon" God, and "they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles" (Isa. 40 : 31). |
102 | 29 | 51 | 1 | Bowels, Looseness of | See DIARRHOEA |
103 | 30 | 51 | 1 | Bowels, Stoppage of - Constipation | See CONSTIPATION |
104 | 31 | 51 | 1 | Bowels, Stoppage of - Stoppage of the bowels | See STOPPAGE OF THE BOWELS |
105 | 32 | 51 | 1 | Brain, Concussion of | See CONCUSSION |
106 | 33 | 51 | 1 | Breakage | Show all | God's ideas are never broken, they are spiritual and perfect; they reflect substance and are full and complete, reflecting entity, always the same. No man can ever damage an idea of God, man is God's conscious- ness, by means of which God thinks and acts; the higher ideas protect the lower ideas, and the lower ideas minister perfectly to the higher ideas. There is no breakage in the continuity of God's ideas, they unfold with unfailing regularity to man, perfect and complete. God's ideas come to man with perfect sequence and are re-presented with perfect sequence. |
107 | 34 | 51 | 1 | Breath, Bad | Show all | There is no bad breath, man's breath is the coming and going of God's ideas, and these ideas are spiritual and perfect, giving man joy and happiness. All these ideas reflect every aspect and quality of God; they manifest Spirit, the Principle of purity and holiness. There are no unpleasant chemical reactions, for all is spiritual, governed by God. (Then work against what is believed to be the cause of the bad breath, such as germ action in sinuses connected with the nose, called catarrh, indigestion, acidity, or poison in the system). |
108 | 35 | 51 | 1 | Breath, Shortness of - Asthma | See ASTHMA |
109 | 36 | 51 | 1 | Breath, Shortness of - Bronchitis | See BRONCHITIS |
110 | 37 | 51 | 1 | Breath, Shortness of - Shortness | See SHORTNESS |
111 | 38 | 51 | 1 | Brightness | Show all | Man is ever active and ever energetic, for he reflects Mind and is the brightness of Mind; he is always passing on God's ideas to his fellow man, giving him joy and happiness. "Aillhe lonl oj God IDolitedfor joy" Gob 38 : 7). Man is absolutely JOYous, and in manifesting the light which is God, he i~ continually bright and happy; "in thy prmnGt it JII/ntll oj joy" (ps. 16 : I I). "God my exmdingjoy" (Ps. 43 : 4). |
112 | 39 | 51 | 1 | Brightness - Dullness | See DULLNESS |
113 | 40 | 51 | 1 | Brightness - Gloominess | See GLOOMINESS |
114 | 41 | 52 | 1 | Bright's Disease | Show all | There is no " Bright's Disease," for man is divine; man's kidneys are never diseased, man's kidneys are spiritual, the knowledge of God as Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. There is no impurity, all is purity. (Then work against poison in the blood, albumen, and ur~mic poisoning). |
115 | 42 | 52 | 1 | Bright's Disease - Albuminuria | See ALBUMINURIA |
116 | 43 | 52 | 1 | Bright's Disease - Excess | See EXCESS |
117 | 44 | 52 | 1 | Bright's Disease - Organs | See ORGANS |
118 | 45 | 52 | 1 | Broad Outlook | Show all | The ideas which come to man are never limited, they are infinite ideas of infinite variety. Man is never narrow minded, he loves to receive and utilise the ideas of God, grouping them perfectly into new combinations, which he re-presents and which radiate out in infinite Mind, and are of infinite value to man. There is 110 limit to man's knowledge, he has the Christ capacity to know any idea of God. Infinite Love is God and God is infinite intelligence; man reflecting Love is perfect in know- ledge, for "toe Lord giveth wiraom,' 0111 of hil mOlllh romelh Mow/tall and lm3trtlanding" (Prov. z : 6). |
119 | 46 | 52 | 1 | Broken Bone | Show all | There is no broken bone, man's bones are spiritual, reflecting substance, which gives permanence to every idea; all ideas of God are permanent and perfect. It never happened, for all is spiritual. Man never fell (01 whatever the trouble is due to), he always was'pois~d in Mind, spiritual and perfect. (Then work for circulation of the blood and against any symptoms necessary, such as tom muscles, arteries and veins, pain, and high temperature). |
120 | 47 | 52 | 1 | Broken Skin | Show all | Man's skin is never broken, man's skin is the loving action of God, which preserves and maintains man's individuality; it never was injured, it reflects substance and is full and complete (preventing the infinite ideas which constitute his body from being mixed with those which constitute the body of other spiritual beings). |
121 | 48 | 52 | 1 | Broken Skin - Skin | See SKIN |
122 | 49 | 53 | 1 | Bronchitis | Show all | There is no bronchitis, for man is spiritual and perfect; man's bronchial tubes are never affected, they arc channels in consciousness, spiritual and perfect. There is no tightness, nor feeling of pressure, because everything is in its place, working perfectly. There is no inflammation of the mucous membrane, man's mucous membrane is the tender, loving action of God which preserves and maintains man's individuality, spiritual, perfect, pure and holy. (Then work against inflammation and poison and for circulation of the blood. Also against symptoms, such as cough and expectoration). |
123 | 50 | 53 | 1 | Bronchitis - Asthma | See ASTHMA |
124 | 51 | 53 | 1 | Bullying | Show all | Man can never bully, for he is always helping and benefiting his fellow man. The strength of man is the strength of God, and His strength is manifested in innnite gentleness. "Thy genlanw hath math m4 greal" (ps. IS : 35). Truth is supreme and maintain~ universal harmony, the manifest- ation of God, thc Principle of all harmony. (Work for love). |
125 | 52 | 53 | 1 | Bunions | Show all | There are no bunions, all is spiritual, divine and perfect. Man's feet are the power of concentration, God's own power of thinking of Himself and of His ideas. There is no want of circulation in the blood, man's blood is the joy that circulates right throughout the cohsciousness. There is no impurity in the blood, man's blood is the joy, absolutely pure, perfect and divine, circulating with perfect freedom throughout consciousness; Love is the power of causing the joy to circulate, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. There is no hardened skin, the skin is God's loving action of preserving and maintaining man's individuality. This preservation of man's individuality can never be impaired, but remains perfect in its eternal integrity. There is no growth, all is purity ; no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. There is no difficulty in walking, man moves with absolute freedom from idea to idea. Man's activity is the activity of God, unlaboured, harmonious and unfettered. There are no material nerves, for man's nerves are spiritual, channels in consciousness through which God's ideas pass, never giving pain, but giving man joy and happiness. There is no stagnation of God's ideas, God's ideas circulate perfectly and harmoniously because they are governed by God, the Principle of all law and order. All of God's ideas are equally serviceable in conscious- ness, delighting man. (See CORNS). (Treat against matter and against pain jf necessary). |
126 | 53 | 54 | 1 | Burst Pipes | Show all | There are no burst pipes, every idea is in Mind, perfect, full and complete, having entity, reflecting substance, ministering to man. No idea of man can fail to do its duty, for all are governed by God, the Principle of good. God's ideas can never be out of their place, they are always in the right place, ministering to man. |
127 | 54 | 54 | 1 | Business | Show all | Man's business is spiritual and perfect, the receiving and continuously re-presenting of God's ideas to his fellow man, giving him joy and happiness thereby. :Man groups together these ideas into perfect com- binations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite joy and happiness. Nothing can stop this action, it is the action of God, the unfolding, receiving and re-presenting of God's perfect ideas. God is the Principle of all law and order, and these ideas come and go with unfailing regularity and ease. There are no mistakes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge, he does everything perfectly, passing on God's ideas at the right time and in the right way. Man does perfect work, manifesting wisdom and power, for man is the wisdom of God and the power of God, spiritual, perfect and divine. There arc no difficulties, for God is the only power and the only ruler. Man is always helping and benefiting his fellow man, for God is Love, and all ml.n are loving. (Then work against delay, imperfect work, greed, injustice, untruthfulness, idleness, carelessness and over-competition, and for love and truth). |
128 | 55 | 54 | 1 | Buying and Selling | Show all | There is a perfect law of supply and demand; when man needs an idea, he knows where to get it, when he desires to pass on an idea, he knows where to pass it; for God is the Principle of aU knowledge, and man knows everything he needs instantly. Love is the power which causes the ideas to circulate in Mind and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. Man docs perfect work, reflecting divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge; he knows instantly everything necessary for him. God is Truth, and man knows Truth, and understands Truth, for man is God's consciousness. Not one of God's ideas is ever hidden, they minister to man and benefit man; all the ideas which man can.need constantly unfold to him with perfect sequence and in perfect combina- tions, and man is always receiving and rejoicing in these ideas, re-present- ing them to his fellow man, receiving ideas in exchange. There is no fear, man has absolute trust in God, trust in good, and trust in man; there are infinite ideas available to man instantly, God is Love, and man reflects that Love, and is always loving his fellow man. God is the Principle of justice, and therefore man is absolutely just, always giving in return to his fellow man what is right and just. |
CTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
129 | 1 | 58 | 1 | Callosities - Bunions | See BUNIONS |
130 | 2 | 58 | 1 | Callosities - Corns | See CORNS |
131 | 3 | 58 | 1 | Cancer | See GROWTHS |
132 | 4 | 58 | 1 | Capital, Loss of | Show all | Man never lost any of his capital, as man's capital consists of the infinite idcas of God which are always available, and man has the Christ capacity, the capacity instantly to know any idea of God. All needful ideas unfold to man continually; man receives these ideas and re-presents them with unfailing regularity and ease, continually recei'Ving ideas in exchange. There is no want of reserves, there are infinite ideas in Mind available to man instantly, and man has instantly everything he needs. "II il the all-hearing and all-knowing Mind, 10 whom eath need of mon il alwayt knollln and I!J whom it will be supplied" (S. & H. p. 7). |
133 | 5 | 58 | 1 | Carbuncles | See BOILS |
134 | 6 | 58 | 1 | Carelessness | Show all | There is no carelessness, for man is always doing the right thing at the right time. Man docs perfect work, for when man works, God works, God works by means of man. Man is God's consciousness, by means of which God thinks and acts and knows. God's ideas unfold to man in per-' feet sequence, and are re-presented by him in perfect sequence. God is the Principle of all law and all order, therefore man is governed by la\~ and by order. All man's work is a labour of Love, he does everything 10 the glory of God, with infinite care, as man is governed by God, the Principle of good. God rules and governs, and there is no power other than that of God. |
135 | 7 | 58 | 1 | Carelessness - Accuracy | See ACCURACY |
136 | 8 | 58 | 1 | Carelessness - Attention, lack of | See ATTENTION, LACK OF |
137 | 9 | 58 | 1 | Carelessness - Thoughtfulness | See THOUGHTFULNESS |
138 | 10 | 58 | 1 | Cares | Show all | There are no cares in the world, man's world is spiritual, God's perfect world, where only God's ideas exist, perfect and glorious ideas, never giving man trouble, giving man infinite joy and infinite happiness. God's ideas unfold to man with perfect sequence, ideas of art, literature, music, scenery, all in their infinite perfection, giving man joy and happiness; .. the legitimate and only possible attion of Truth is the prodl«lion of harmony" (S. & H. p. I8~). |
139 | 11 | 58 | 1 | Cares - Anxiety | See ANXIETY |
140 | 12 | 58 | 1 | Cares - Difficulties | See DIFFICULTIES |
141 | 13 | 58 | 1 | Cares - Joy | See JOY |
142 | 14 | 58 | 1 | Cares - Worry | See WORRY |
143 | 15 | 59 | 1 | Carious Bone | Show all | There are no carious bones, man's bones reflect substance and arc full, complete and perfect. There is no decay in man's bones, man's bones reflect Life and are full and complete; they reflect entity and are always the same, ministering to man and benefiting man. (Work against germs, poison and for circulation of the blood). |
144 | 16 | 59 | 1 | Cataract | See EYES |
145 | 17 | 59 | 1 | Catarrh. Colds | Show all | There is no catarrh, all is spiritual and perfect. There are no catarrhal germs, God's ideas continually minister to, and enrich man; there is no impurity, all is purity. There is no over-action, God alone acts, and He controls all. There is no blockage, all God's channels are perfect channels through which the divine ideas freely flow. If catarrh of the nose, realise. that man's nose is a spiritual capacity, the capacity to follow a train of ideas, eternally perfect, and joy giving. (Work against symptoms, such as high temperature, inflammation and running at the nose). There arc no colds, for all is spiritual, perfect and divine. There is no infection, inan is spiritual, always in the right place at the right time. Nothing passes to man except God's ideas which help and benefit man, as they arc spiritual, perfect, divine, pure and holy. There are no medical laws of health and disease, only God's laws; God is the only power and only ruler. There is no material cause, the only cause is God, infinite good, and there is nothing but good, absolute good. There arc no chills, man lives and rejoices in the warmth of divine Love; man never feels chilled, he glows with Love, for he lives and moves and has his being in God. |
146 | 18 | 59 | 1 | Cats | See ANIMALS |
147 | 19 | 59 | 1 | Cause | The scientific man's synonym for God. |
148 | 20 | 59 | 1 | Certainty | See UNCERTAINTY |
149 | 21 | 59 | 1 | Change of Life (Menopause) | Show all | There is no change of life, for God is Life, "from everlasling 10 tverla "Iing" (PS.90 : 2), "the Jame yuterday, and 10 day, and for tiler" (Heb 13 : 8). Man is the reflection of God as Life, unchangeable and immortal. There is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. There are no material organs, each organ is a reflection of God, working perfectly, working divinely. There are n6 material laws of nature, for man's nature is wholly spiritual; no law that man must pass through a crisis, the one law is the law of God, man is governed by God and by God alone, whose Jaw means absolute peace, absolute harmony. There is no arrest of function, each idea of God is furnished with its individual function, which it exercises unceasingly and eternally, reflecting God continually. There is no disturbance, man lives and moves and has his being in God, the Principle of peace and calm; man is the consciousness of God, he is the very peace and the very calm of the eternal God. There is no power in one organ to upset the functions of other organs, God is the only power, and His control is the control of Love, producing perfect peace, perfect harmony and perfect vitality. Every idea of God works in com- plete harmony with every other idea, its activity is shown in perfect service, for it is the activity of Love. There is no change of life, Life is "lIMbmtg6abk and eltr1ll1l" (S. & H. p. 120). There is no profound change in man's being, "All beillg is 61"1IIl/, spiritllal, perfect, harmollious ill eveI')' actioll" (S. & H. p. 407). Man is the eternal, spiritual perfection of harmonious being. There is no disturbance of nutrition; ever-operative, divine Principle maintains the continuity of being and the eternal, scienti- fic order. Man is Principle's activity of continuity and eternal order. There is no alteration of gland secretion, the standard of God's activity is unatterably constant, made manifest by means of man. There is no harmful process, the only process is the perfect unfoldment of the perennial truth of Being. Man recognises the perennial truth of Being in the unfoldment of the perfect process. There is no over-action or under-action, the only action is the action of God, which is eternally taking place, blessing man. (Work against any symptoms and against fear). |
150 | 22 | 60 | 1 | Chapped Hands | Show all | There arc no chapped hands, man's hands are spiritual, the power to grasp the ideas of God, God's power. Man's skin can never be broken, lnan's skin is the loving action of God which preserves man's individu- Illity, reflecting substance, full and complete. There is no hardened skin, man's skin is spiritual and perfect, pure and holy. (Work against matter and poison in the blood and for circulation of the blood. Work in a similar way against any other trouble to the hands). |
151 | 23 | 60 | 1 | Character, Discernment of | Show all | There is. no difficulty in discerning character, God is the Principle of all knowledge, and man knows everything that he needs instantly, as he is God's consciousness and knows and fully understands everything o('('essary. God is the Principle of all wiRciom and knowledge and manifests that wisdom and knowledge, giving man understanding of everything he needs. (Work in a similar way for other kinds of discernment). |
152 | 24 | 61 | 1 | Charges, Correct | Show all | Man can never be incorrectly charged, for God is the PrincipiI! of all justice and man reflects that justice and is absolutely just and fair to his fellow man. There are no mistakes, man reflects wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. Man is never deceived, for God is Truth, and man knows Truth. (Work fot love, justice and, if necessary, against dishonesty). |
153 | 25 | 61 | 1 | Chicken Pox | Work as against measles. |
154 | 26 | 61 | 1 | Chilblains | Show all | There are nu chilblains, all is spiritual and perfect and harmonious. rhere is no want of circulation, the blood is the joy that circulates right throughout the consciousness, pure, perfect, divine, and holy; Love is the power that causes the joy to circulate, and Love is omnipotent and :ver active, for Love is God. There is no hardness of the skin, the skin is God's loving maintenance of man's individuality, giving him pc:rfecc ioy and happiness. There is no irritation, all is peace and harmony, for III are governed by "Ihe peace of God, whkh polJtlh 0/1 understanding" :Phil. 4 : 7), governed by the law of Love. (Work against matter and ?aison in the blood). |
155 | 27 | 61 | 1 | Childbirth | Show all | There is no stoppage, God's ideas pass with absolute unfailing ease LOd regularity. There is no delay, everything passes instantly in Mind LOd at the right time; each idea of God unfolds with unfailing regularity md ease and sweetness. Nothing can obstruct the action of God, for :';od is the Prinicple of all law and all order, "0/1 IhingJ work logt/her for 'fIod" (Rom. 8 : 28). There are no weakened muscles, the muscles are :iod's thought forces, having absolute power and absolute strength, ,lways acting at the right time, reflecting omnipotence. There is no loss )f blood, the blood is the joy that circulates right throughout the :onsciousness i man never loses that joy, that joy 'is always in the ight place, ministering to man and benefiting man. There is no fever, all is purity; 110 high tl'mperature, all is normal; man'!; blood is nl'vcr tnn hOI, man's hlo(m ill the joy that drculatell right throughout the ct)llsciousncss, purc, pcrfect, divine and holy. (Work against fear, weak- ness, sickness, pain, poisoning and matter). |
156 | 28 | 62 | 1 | Children - Confidence of Pupils, To Gain | Show all | God is Love and man reflects that Love and is ahs()lutdy loving towards aU, for man is the love of God, the love of Love. Intinite Love surrounds man, and man is loving towards all. There is no fear, man has absolute trust in God, trust in good. Man can never harm his fellow man, for God is Truth, and man knows Truth. Man has perfect confidence in his fellow man, because he has confidence in good; he knows that there is nothing but good. |
157 | 29 | 62 | 1 | Children - Congenial Fellow-Workers | See FELLOW WORKERS |
158 | 30 | 62 | 1 | Children - Congenial Surroundings | See CONGENIAL SURROUNDINGS |
159 | 31 | 62 | 1 | Children - Continuity of Work | See WORK, CONTINUITY OF |
160 | 32 | 62 | 1 | Children - Control of Pupils | Show all | Man never controls his fellow man, God controls all. There are no separate persons, God is the only Person, and "in him we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17 : 28); there is no need of control, for all are guided and controlled by the one impulse, the impulse of Love. Man is not responsible for the conduct of his fellow man, God alone has .res ponsibility, and He is responsible to His own gracious nature, the nature of infinite Love. |
161 | 33 | 62 | 1 | Children - Frankness | See FRANKNESS |
162 | 34 | 62 | 1 | Children - Games and Work, Proper Proportion of | Show all | There is never any wrong proportion, for the balance of perfect activity is preserved by Principle, and al) things work together for good in the harmony of Mind. God is the Principle of all law and order; man can never have too much or too little of anything ; God settles the order and number of the ideas which come to man, for Life is the law of Soul, and all ideas unfold in perfect sequence. |
163 | 35 | 62 | 1 | Children - Habit of Treatment, To Make a | Show all | Man is never thinking wrongly, for man is God’s consciousness, by means of which God thinks. No material thoughts can come to man, only God’s ideas come ; these ideas unfold in perfect sequence, and man is continually thinking of God’s ideas and loves to receive them, for they give him Infinite joy and happiness. |
164 | 36 | 63 | 1 | Children - Holidays | See HOLIDAYS |
165 | 37 | 63 | 1 | Children - Knowledge, Ability to Gain | Show all | There is no difficulty in gaining knowledge, for man knows instantly everything he needs. God’s ideas unfold to man, and he grasps and thoroughly understands these ideas and utilises them. He has the capacity to know instantly any idea of God which he needs ; this capacity is the Christ capacity, spiritual and perfect, for man is God’s consciousness, as infinite as God. (See Learn by Heart, Ability to). |
166 | 38 | 63 | 1 | Children - Knowledge, Ability to Gain - Learn ability to | See LEARN, ABILITY TO |
167 | 39 | 63 | 1 | Children - Parents’ Antagonism | Show all | In cases where parents are admittedly antagonistic to Right Thinking jne may realise that there is no malice against Truth, man and his fellow man equally know Truth, love Truth, rejoice in Truth and desire Truth, for God is Truth, and there is nothing but God, nothing but Truth. |
168 | 40 | 63 | 1 | Children - Parents’ Antagonism - Malice Against Truth | See MALICE AGAINST TRUTH |
169 | 41 | 63 | 1 | Children - Parents’ Co-operation | Show all | Not one of God’s beings ever fails to co-operate, he is always interested n his fellow man, for man is God’s consciousness and enjoys all God’s deas, he is the consciousness of Love and is loving towards all. There s no opposition, there is only one Mind, and nothing takes place but :he action of God. There is no conflict of opinion for all thoughts come iem the one source, God; no inharmonious desires, for all desire to arry out .the one will, the will of God. |
170 | 42 | 63 | 1 | Children - Sleepiness | Show all | Man never sleeps, for he reflects divine Mind, and is ever active and :ver energetic. Man is always in the right place at the right time, for he is in Mind, in God, being God’s consciousness. There is no mesmerism, >r self-mesmerism, for the only power is that of God. God is Mind, the Principle of all activity and energy, and man reflects Mind and is ever ictive and ever energetic. Sometimes the sleepiness is the result of being obliged to work late it night, then you may realise that no want of sleep can touch man, for nan never sleeps, he is divine, ever active and ever energetic, governed by God. |
171 | 43 | 63 | 1 | Children - Sleepiness - Sleep, Too Much | See SLEEP, TOO MUCH |
172 | 44 | 64 | 1 | Chill | Show all | There are no chills, for man is spiritual and perfect, surrounded by the warmth of divine Love. Man's temperature can never lower, for all is normal. No cold air can ever harm man, for man is divine. Only God's ideas come to man, and these ideas always benefit man. (Work against poison in the blood and for circulation of the blood). (See COLD). |
173 | 45 | 64 | 1 | Chill - Cold | See COLD |
174 | 46 | 64 | 1 | Chimney Cleaning | Show all | There are no dirty chimneys, all chimneys are ideas in Mind, spiritual and perfect, ministering to man, and benefiting man. There is no material soot, all God's ideas are spiritual; none of God's ideas can ever be in the wrong place, for they are ideas in Mind, governed by God, and God is the Principle of all law and all order. |
175 | 47 | 64 | 1 | Chronic Beliefs | Show all | There are no long standing beliefs, for man is spiritual and governed by God and by God alone. There is no mortal mind to make man think that he has long been ill, there is only one Mind, God, and man is the consciousness of that Mind, knowing only good. Man cannot be hypnotised into believing that it is difficult for him to be healed, for man is perfect and the only thoughts which can come to him are God's thoughts, thoughts of Life and health and joy. Man never malpractises upon himself, he is always thinking rightly, for he knows Truth. Man is perfect and man knows that he is perfect; man is spiritual and he knows that he is spiritual; man is divine and he knows that he is divine, for man is God's consciousness, knowing Truth and Truth alone. |
176 | 48 | 64 | 1 | Circulation of the Blood | See BLOOD, CIRCULATION OF |
177 | 49 | 64 | 1 | Cisterns Leaking | Show all | No cistern can ever leak, all God's ideas are spiritual and perfect, reRecting substance, ministering to man and benefiting man; no water can ever leave its place, because water is an idea of God, always in its right' place. No idea of God ean ever harm another idea, all ideas are governed by God, the Principle of good. |
178 | 50 | 64 | 1 | Clergymen, Help for | Show all | God's ideas are continually coming to man; man re-presents these ideas, giving his fellow man joy and happiness; he groupll tht: ideas that come to him into glorious combinations, which radiate out in infinitt: Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. Only God's ideas, ideas of Truth, can come to man, and man therefore can re-present only ideas of Truth. There are no mistakes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge; man is absolutely accurate. The ideas of God unfold to man in perfect sequence and man re-presents these ideas with perfect sequence, idea after idea. These ideas are God's ideas, pure, spiritual, divine and holy. "/ mate the fruit of the lips" (Is. 57 : 19). • There is no malice against Truth, man loves Truth, knows Truth and rejoices in Truth, for God is Truth, and there is nothing but God, nothing but Truth. . There is no erroneous theology, man is the knowledge of God, the knowledge of Tr!1th, and knows Truth and understands Truth. |
179 | 51 | 65 | 1 | Clergymen, Help for - To Find a Text | Show all | There is no want of knowledge, God is the Principle of all knowledge, and therefore man, being God’s consciousness, knows instantly, and therefore has instantly everything that he needs. There is no criticism, man is perfect and man knows that man is perfect; man is divine and man knows that man is divine. Man never malpractises on his fellow man, but is always loving, for man knows Truth ; man is spiritual and man knows he is spiritual; man does perfect work and man knows he docs perfect work. (It is mental malpractice to think that people you are trying to help are not ready for the truth or are antagonistic. This is one of the worst forms of sin, as it is holding back your fellow man, keeping him in bondage.) God’s man is perfect and knows and loves Truth, because he is the knowledge of God, God’s consciousness, and therefore must know Truth and love Truth and the manifestation of Truth. (Reverse all wrong thoughts thoroughly and lose yourself in conscious communion with God, realising the absolute perfection of the real world that is in Mind, and the perfection of the movement of the ideas in Mind, alias man. You will be surprised at the readiness and joy with which others will then listen to Truth.). |
180 | 52 | 65 | 1 | Clergymen, Help for - To Find a Text - Criticism | See CRITICISM |
181 | 53 | 65 | 1 | Climatic Conditions | Show all | There are no bad climatic conditions, all is spiritual and perfect, working in the atmosphere of Spirit. Man is never too hot, he is always normal; man is never too cold, he is surrounded by the warmth of divine Love, for man is consciousness, God's consciousness, divine and perfl,:ct. Man can Ill,:vcr ~utfer from dimntic conditions, as there is only the :ltlllusphere of Truth and l.ove. Mal! lives in the only atmosphere lhat exists, the atmosphere uf perfect peace. God and God's world are perfect, the same yesterday, to-day and for ever. Man is poised in Mind, in a perfect world, which has entity and never changes. Glorious ideas continually unfold to man, giving man absolute joy and happiness. |
182 | 54 | 66 | 1 | Clot of Blood | Show all | There is no clot of blood, man's blood is the joy which continually circulates throughout consciousness. No channels are ever blocked by the blood, the channels of consciousness are free and open, through which the joy passes with unfailing regularity and case. (Work against matter and for circulation of the blood. In embolism, where particles are conveyed by the blood stream to the heart, brain or elsewhere, so stopping the flow of the blood, the method of working is the same, but one wants especially to work against matter so as to dematerialise 'the particles. At the same time one wants especially to realise that the channels in consciousness arc never blocked, and that all God's ideas pass with absolute freedom and case.) |
183 | 55 | 66 | 1 | Club-Foot | Show all | There is.no club-foot, man's foot is spiritual and perfect, God's power of conc('ntration, giving man joy and happiness, working perfectly and divinely. "The joy 0/ the Lord II your strength" (Neh. 8 : 10). All God's ideas arc perfect and man knows God's ideas are perfect. There is no deformity, all formation is perfect and beautiful. There is no useless foot, man's foot is perfect, working perfectly. There is no misery, man is absolutely joyous, "The lonl 0/ God shouted/or joy" (Job 38 : 7). (Work against matter and symptoms, and work for joy. so that the patient docs not mind the trouble wnilst the demonstration is being made). |
184 | 56 | 66 | 1 | Clumsiness | See GRACEFUL MOVEMENT |
185 | 57 | 72 | 1 | Co-operation | See PARENTS' CO-OPERATION under CHILDREN |
186 | 58 | 66 | 1 | Coaching for Examinations | Show all | Here one should work for wisdom, intelligence and knowledge; against fear, tiredness, brain-fag and overwork; for love of the work, that the work should be done quickly. accurately and perfectly; that man should know instantly everything that he neel'ls; that nothing that he does not understand can possibly come to him. One should also take up specially the points in which the pupil is weak, and work against them. Very often one has to help the pupil physically; for instance, against such things as headaches. In order to choost' a suitable coach Ont: can realise that IlIall cannot choose anyone unsuitable as man IS spiritual and perfect. All men reflect every attribute and quality of God to an infinite extent, always benefiting and helping their fellow man perfectly. There arc no mistakes, m!\n re,re"cts divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge; there is no lack of discernment, for God thinks by means of man, discriminating perfectly. To help the coach one can realise that there is no impatience, all is peace and rest and harmony. God's ideas unfold with perfect sequence as God is the Principle of all law and all order. There is nothing to be impatient with, for man is perfect and works perfectly. All God's ideas flow uniformly throughout consciousness, being received and expressed with perfect ease, giving man joy and happiness, for Mind is God, govern- ing all. |
187 | 59 | 66 | 1 | Coaching for Examinations - Examinations | See EXAMINATIONS |
188 | 60 | 67 | 1 | Coal, Want of | See SHORTAGE OF FUEL |
189 | 61 | 67 | 1 | Cocaine Habit | See DRUG HABIT |
190 | 62 | 67 | 1 | Cockroaches - Insects | See INSECTS |
191 | 63 | 67 | 1 | Cockroaches - Vermin | See VERMIN: RATS, INSECTS, ETC |
192 | 64 | 67 | 1 | Cold | Show all | Man is never cold, mall is surrounded by the warmth of Jiville Love; man's blood is never stagnant, man's blood is the joy that circulates right throughout cOllsciousm:ss; Love is the power that causes the joy to circulate and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. Man is never too cold to work, man is always at work, passing on God's ideas to his fellow man, ministering to him and benefiting him, the joy therefrom circulates throughout consciousness continually with infinite activity. Man's limbs arc never numb, they reflect Mind and arc ever active, ever energetic. |
193 | 65 | 67 | 1 | Cold - Catarrh | See CATARRH |
194 | 66 | 67 | 1 | Collections | See ACCOUNTS |
195 | 67 | 68 | 1 | Companies | Show all | (Deal with a company as if you were dealing with a man, as ill treat- ment the action of God, from a theological point of view, takes place on the particular people and things needing help, when the mist thins and heaven is seen more as it is). |
196 | 68 | 68 | 1 | Companionship | Show all | There is no want of companionship, thcrc nrc infinite iueas in ~Iind, available to man instantly, infinite perfect beings with whom man is always interchanging God's ideas, giving and receiving beautiful com- binations of ideas which give infinite joy and happiness. There is no separation, there is only one Mind, God, one consciousness, man, and man is instantly in touch with anyone he needs. |
197 | 69 | 68 | 1 | Company Formation | Show all | Thtre is no difficulty in forming nny Company, hecause evtrything is finished, perfcct and completc, sustained by Gud for the purpose of henefiting man. Thcrc arc no delays, everything is done instantly, for God governs all lind wurks by means of man. There arc' no mistakes, for man rc!Jects wisdum, unucrstanding anu kno\\'ledgc. There arc nu misundcrstandings, for (juu is Truth anu man knows Truth .IOU knows instantly everything he needs. Man can never think anything imperfect, for all God's ideas arc perfect, and man knows they are perfect, for man is God's consciousness, by means ofJ which God kl1ows. (Then work for love so that everyone will help. Treat also for supply, both for yourself and for those who are thinking of investing. The chief things to work for however arc love and truth, the latter so that everyone should know the facts). |
198 | 70 | 68 | 1 | Compassion | Show all | There is no want of compassion, for man rejoices in helping his fellow man, passing on God's ideas to him. (Then work for love). |
199 | 71 | 68 | 1 | Competition | See OVER-COMPETITION |
200 | 72 | 68 | 1 | Complaints | See GRIEVANCES |
201 | 73 | 68 | 1 | Composing | Show all | Man groups together God's ideas into perfect combinations, which give infinite joy to infinite beings. The expression of the creator is full and complete, eternally continuous and harmonious, ever manifesting the divine purpose of infinite Mind in .. immortal forms of beauty and goodness," in the intelligent grouping together of glorious ideas into one perfect whole. Life continuously feeds man with a constant succession of ideas, constant streams of fresh, imperishable ideas of every kind. Refiecting omnipresence, man is instantly in touch with any idea he needs to form a perfect sequence of ideas. These ideas fiow into con- sciousness, in perfect sequence and perfect order and are arranged with l')(quisite taste, giving a glorious sense of the joyous zest and exhilaration of Life. |
202 | 74 | 69 | 1 | Composing - Doing Work | See DOING WORK |
203 | 75 | 69 | 1 | Composing - Music Composition | See MUSIC COMPOSITION |
204 | 76 | 69 | 1 | Composing - Work | See WORK |
205 | 77 | 69 | 1 | Concentration | Show all | People often ask for help for want of concentration, but concentration is not really what they need. Concentration is the term used, when, for instance, one of the Indian miracle workers concentrates on the thing he wants, say a mango tree, and thinks with all his power that there is Ii mango tree there; then it appears. Sometimes it is due to hypnotic . effect, sometimes it is actually materialised. What people mean by want of concentration, is that they allow their thoughts to wander when they are trying to think only of the world of reality. What they need, then, is not concentration, but that a perfect sequence of ideas should come to them. The treatment therefore is as follows:- There is no lack of concentration, divine Principle is the Mind of man, and the unbroken continuity of His unfolding ideas gives man spiritual power and peace. lIIan never concentrates on anyone idea, God's ideas unfold to man in perfect sequence and arc re-presented in perfect sequence, for God is the Principle of all law and all order. |
206 | 78 | 69 | 1 | Concord | Show all | There is no want of concord, God is Love and Love is the only power, the only presence. There is no discord, all is perfect harmony; man is spiritual and perfect, made in the image and likeness of God. There is no strife, man reAects inf1nite peace, joy, love and harmony. There is no mortal mind, God is the only Mind and the only Ego, the only Self. (Then work for love). |
207 | 79 | 69 | 1 | Concussion of the Brain | Show all | There is no concussion of the brain, for man is spiritual and perfect; it neyer happened, man is divine, always in the presence of divine Love. Man's brain is never injured, man's brain is the capacity of thinking, the Christ capacity, spiritual and perfect. There is no sudden interruption of the functions of the brain, for man is governed by God, and God is the Principle of all law and order. There is no unconsciousness, for man is God's consciousness, ever active, ever energetic. (Work against symptoms such as inflammation, paralysis). |
208 | 80 | 70 | 1 | Confidence, Want of | Show all | There is no want of confidence, man is confident of ab~olutc good: there is nothing but good and man knows there is nothing but good. Man is divine and m,an knows that man is divine; man is spiritual and man knows that man is spiritual; man does perfect work, and man knows that man does perfect work, for God is Truth and man knows Truth. |
209 | 81 | 70 | 1 | Confidence, Want of - Self Confidence | See SELF-CONFIDENCE, LACK OF |
210 | 82 | 70 | 1 | Confinement | See CHILDBIRTH |
211 | 83 | 70 | 1 | Confusion | Show all | There is no confusion, God's ideas unfold to man with perfect sequence, All God's ideas arc always in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man; all is peace, and rest, and harmony. Man does perfect work; for when man works, God works, God works by means of man, and God is the Principle of all law and order. (Sec HURRY). |
212 | 84 | 70 | 1 | Confusion - Hurry | See HURRY |
213 | 85 | 70 | 1 | Congenial Fellow-Workers | See FELLOW-WORKERS |
214 | 86 | 70 | 1 | Congenial Surroundings | Show all | Man is always in the right place, in Mind, in God, and surrounding him are nothing but God's perfect ideas, always giving him joy and happiness. Man loves to dwell upon the thoughts which continually come to him, he rejoices in God's ideas, which feed and nourish him. He loves to be where he is, for he is always in a perfect position, in Mind. |
215 | 87 | 70 | 1 | Congestion | Show all | There is no congestion, all channels arc channels in consciousness through which God's ideas pass with absolute unfailing regularity and case; Love is the power which causes the ideas to circulate, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. There is no stagnation, all God's ideas flow with perfect regularity. Each idea is in its right place, in Mind, ministering to :lnu benefiting man, (Work :lgHin~t inflammation, find for circulation of the blood). |
216 | 88 | 71 | 1 | Consideration | Show all | There is no want of (consideration for others, man i~ always thinking of others, helping them, passing on God's ideas and grouping the ideas into glorious combinations with the object of benefiting his fellow man. He always knows what is necessary for his fellow man and helps him to the utmost, thinking of others and not of himself, being absolutely unselfish and selfless. |
217 | 89 | 71 | 1 | Constipation | Show all | There is no constipation, man's food is the ideas of God whieh continually unfold to man, idea after idea, with perfect case and perfect regularity. These ideas arc digested, assimilated, understood and grouped together into perfect combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. Love is the power that causes the ideas to circulate in Mind; Love is the power that causes man to pass on God's ideas, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. Man's colon is the reflection or knowledge of God as Soul, working perfectly and freely, with spontaneous regularity and harmony, giving man al\ wisdom and knowledge. Man's bowels are channels in consciousnes~ through which God's ideas, when grouped together, pass, working perfectly with absolute ease and regularity. Man's muscles are God's thought forces, having absolute power and strength, working perfectly, working divinely. God is the Principle of al1law and of all order, there- fore the ideas of God come and go in Mind with unfailing ease and unfailing regularity; man is governed by law and order. |
218 | 90 | 71 | 1 | Constipation - Stoppage of the Bowels | See STOPPAGE OF THE BOWELS |
219 | 91 | 71 | 1 | Consumption | See TUBERCULOSIS |
220 | 92 | 71 | 1 | Contagion | Show all | There is no contagion, for man is spiritual and perfect; none of God's ideas can do any harm, God's ideas arc spiritual, ministering to mall and benefiting man. There is no material contact, for all is spiritual; no matter can touch man, man is divine; there is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. None of the lesser ideas of God harm the higher ideas, they minister to man and benefit man, and arc always in the right place. The only power and the only influence is God. (Work against matter and any symptoms). |
221 | 93 | 71 | 1 | Control, Lack of | Show all | There is no lack of control, for God controls and governs everything. God is cause, and the only cause, and controls man perfectly. Man is never hystorical, for man is spiritual; God's ideas unfold to him with perlect sequenc(', giving him pcac," and harmony, Man is governed hy (he pc~c~' of (ton which passcth all understanding. There are no material nerves, man's nerves arc spiritual, channels in consciousness, through which God's ideas circulate, never giving man trouble, but giving man infinite joy and happiness. |
222 | 94 | 72 | 1 | Convulsions | Show all | There arc no convulsions, for man is spiritual and perfect; there arc no spasms, all is peace, rest and harmony, There is no meaningless contraction or relaxation of the muscles, man's muscles are God's thought forces working perfectly and divinely, with unfailing regularity, being governed and controlled by God. There is no abnormal excitement of the parts, all is peace and rest and harmony; man is governed by "tbe peace of God wbich pamtb all undmtanding" (Phil. 4 : 7). (See EPILEPS\'). |
223 | 95 | 72 | 1 | Convulsions - Epilepsy | See EPILEPSY |
224 | 96 | 72 | 1 | Copying Unfairly | See CRIBBING |
225 | 97 | 72 | 1 | Cords Shrinking Under Fingers and Toes | Show all | No cords can shrink, for man is spiritual throughout; all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit, working perfectly, ministering to man and benefiting man. Man's toes (or fingers) never can be out of place, man's toes are the power of concentrating on details and God's ideas arc always in place, working perfectly. Man's ligaments are never affected, man's ligaments arc God's thought forces, working perfectly. No idea of God can contract and every idea reflects the unchanging God, Who is the same yesterday, to-day and forever. Man's fingers arc never impaired in movement, they are the power to grasp details, working perfectly, working continually. There are no contracted tendons, for all is spiritual and perfect. There is no contraction of any membrane, causing inability to straighten the fingers, as all is spiritual. (Work against matter). |
226 | 98 | 72 | 1 | Corns and Callosities | Show all | There are no corns, for man is spiritual; man's feet are never too hard, they arc spiritual, the power of concentration on God's ideas; this power is divine and perfect, and always brings man delight and joy. The skin is neVl!r hard, for the skin is the loving action of God which preserves and maintains man's individuality; this preservation of man's individual understanding can never bl." impaired, but remainl! in its eternal integrit y. Thl.'re is nn hardness, God's ideali reflect purity and holiness. There is no swelling, for all is spiritual and perfect. There is no difficulty in walking, man moves from idea to idea with absolute case, for all activity is the activity of God, unlaboured, sweet and harmonious. (Then work against pain and overgrowth). (Sec BUNIONS). |
227 | 99 | 72 | 1 | Corns and Callosities - Bunions | See BUNIONS |
228 | 100 | 73 | 1 | Correspondence, To Assist | Show all | Whilst you are writing your letters you ought to treat, realising, for instance, that man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence, and knowledge. Man is governed by God; when man works, God works, God works by means of man, who is always saying and doing the right thing at the right time, for man is spiritual. There are no delays, everything is done instantly, God rules and governs all. Then, that your correspondents should understand your letters, you can realise that man cannot misunder- stand his fellow man, he has perfect understanding and knows Truth and understands Truth. |
229 | 101 | 73 | 1 | Costiveness | See CONSTIPATION |
230 | 102 | 73 | 1 | Cough | Show all | There is no coughing, all is peace and rest and harmony; man never coughs, man is divine and perfect. There is no pressure on the nerves, man's nerves are spiritual; there is no inflammation to cause any pressure, all is purity and holiness; no mucus, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit, pure and holy. (A continuous cough, as in the case of consumption, arises often from the muscles not being strong enough to throw up the mucus, and therefore one would realise that there are no weakened muscles, man's muscles are God's thought forces, having all power and strength. Work against mucus). If it is a nervous' cough, work against nerves. One can realise that no displaced spinal vertebrae or other matter can press upon the nerves, as all God's ideas arc in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. (In all cases work against matter). |
231 | 103 | 73 | 1 | Courage | Show all | There is no want of courage, for there is nothing to be afraid of; man is and always has been spiritual and perfect. There is no fear, man is absolutely fearless and has absolute trust in God, in good. Man never fails to do what is right, man is governed by God. When man works. God works i God works by means of man, for man is God's illfinitl' consciousness, perfect lind divine, hy mean~ of which God thinks and works and docs all. |
232 | 104 | 74 | 1 | Courtesy | Show all | There is no want of-courtesy, for man is always loving and courteous. Man is gentle and full of tact, always doing and saying the right thing at the right time, with the object of helping his fellow man. "T~y gmllmm halh mad6 m, great" (ps. 18 : 35). |
233 | 105 | 74 | 1 | Cramp | Show all | There is no cramp, for man is spiritual i there is no meaningless contraction of the muscles, man's muscles are God's thought forces working perfectly, working divinely, always in place, giving man joy and happiness. No material nerves ever can give pain, man's nerves are spiritual, channels in consciousness, giving man joy and happiness. None of God's ideas are ever out of place, they are always in place, assisting man and benefiting man. (Work against pain and matter). |
234 | 106 | 74 | 1 | Cramp - Writers' Cramp | See WRITERS' CRAMP |
235 | 107 | 74 | 1 | Creating | See COMPOSING |
236 | 108 | 74 | 1 | Creative Work | See AUTHORSHIP |
237 | 109 | 74 | 1 | Cribbing and Copying from Others | Show all | Man can never do what is unfair, for man is governed by God; God is Truth and man is absolutely truthful. Man never takes any advantage of his fellow man, God is the Principle of all justice and man is absolutely just. He never takes away, but always gives. He loves Truth supremely, he rejoices in the glory and the grace of Truth. "The law of his God if ill his heart " non, of hissleps shall slide" (Ps. 37 : 3 I). |
238 | 110 | 74 | 1 | Crickets - Insects | See INSECTS |
239 | 111 | 74 | 1 | Crickets - Vermin | See VERMIN |
240 | 112 | 74 | 1 | Criticism | Show all | There is no criticism, man is perfect, and man knows that man is perfect; man is divine, and man knows that man is divine; man is spiritual, and man knows that man is spiritual i man does perfect work, and ~an knows that man does perfect work. Man never malpractises upon his fellow man, for God is Truth, and man knows Truth, and re- presents God's ideas, benefiting and helping his fellow man. God is Love, and man reflects that Love, and is absolutely loving towards all. There is nothing to criticise, for all the ideas of God are perfect. Man delights in all God's ideas, and is conscious of God everywhere, for God is "over all, and fhrough a//" (Eph. 4 : 6, R.V.). (Then work for love.) |
241 | 113 | 74 | 1 | Criticism - Clergymen | See CLERGYMEN |
242 | 114 | 74 | 1 | Criticism - Help for | See HELP FOR |
243 | 115 | 75 | 1 | Crops | Show all | No crops can be harmed by (here put in apparent cause of trouble), all God's ideas are spiritual and perfect: the lesser ideas of God never harm the higher ideas, they minister to man and benefit man. (Then work against the details, such as frost, heat, wind, excess or insufficient rain, insects, etc.) |
244 | 116 | 75 | 1 | Cruelty | Show all | There is no cruelty, for the law of kindness is the law of divine Love. Man is always helping his fellow man, for he continually reflects God and God is Love, ever present, ever active. "Love worhlh no ill 10 his mighboNT: Ihmfore love is Ihe fulfilling of the /aw" (Rom. 13 : 10). (Then work for love). (See INHUMANITY). |
245 | 117 | 75 | 1 | Cruelty - Inhumanity | See INHUMANITY |
246 | 118 | 75 | 1 | Cruelty to Animals | Show all | There is no cruelty to animals, all animals are God's ideas; the lesser ideas minister to man and benefit man, and man enfolds the lesser ideas and gives them joy and happiness. There is no cruelty, God is Love, and all men reflect that Love and are absolutely loving toward all; the law of kindness is the law of divine Life, preserving all. (Then work for love). |
247 | 119 | 75 | 1 | Curvature of Spine | See SPINAL CURVATURE |
248 | 120 | 75 | 1 | Cyclones | Show all | There are no cyclones, all is peace and rest and harmony. The lesser ideas never harm the higher ideas, they minister to man and benefit man. No wind can harm man, the wind is an idea of God, spiritual and perfect, of value to man. There are no aerial disturbances, for all God's ideas are always in the right place, spiritual, manifesting perfect peace. There are no disturbing elements in infinite Mind, all is peace and rest and harmony; all ideas are governed by "the peace of God, whkh pamth all unthrslllnding" (phil. 4 : 7). |
249 | 121 | 75 | 1 | Cyst | Show all | There arc: no cysts, for all is spiritual and pc:rfeet. There is no excess of fluid, all is normal and harmonious. Nothing is ever OUt of place, God's ideas lire always.in the right place, ministering to man and benefit- ing man. (Work for circulation of the blood and against pressure and matter). (Sec G1.ANUU1.AR SWF.1.1.INCS). |
250 | 122 | 75 | 1 | Cyst - Glandular Swellings | See GLANDULAR SWELLINGS |
DTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
251 | 1 | 79 | 1 | Danger | Show all | There is no danger, man is spiritual and perfect, surrounded by divine Love. An idea of God can never harm man, God is Love, and all ideas of God reflect divine Love continually, assisting and benefiting man. (Work against matter). |
252 | 2 | 79 | 1 | Deafness | Show all | There is no deafness, man has perfect understanding; man's ean arc the capacity to understand God's ideas, a divine capacity to understand any idea of God which comes to him; a faculty of Mind, spiritual and perfect, working divinely. The ears are ideas in divine Mind, infinite, perfect and eternal, and can never deteriorate in any way, for they arc an infinite capacity of infinite Mind. There is no age, all is eternal iife. There is no difficulty in hearing, man hears and understands with perfect ease and infinite joy. Man is God's consciousness, always listening to God, and not one of God's ideas is ever lost, for man understands perfectly every idea that comes to him, and receives it with joy; he has perfect capacity, the Christ capacity, to understand any idea of God. The ideas unfold with perfect sequence, are thoroughly understood, and re-presented with perfect sequence, giving man infinite joy. There is no deafness, man is spiritual, his capacity to hear is a spiritual capacity, for ever perfect, and a source of infinite joy. When man speaks, God speaks, for man is God's infinite consciousness. "Tht htaring tor, and Iht ming tyt, Iht Lord halh mode tv411 both of Ihem" (Prov. 20: 12). |
253 | 3 | 79 | 1 | Death | Show all | There is no death, man has Life eternal; man can never die, for God is man's Life, and "in thy pres4llCt is fllln811 of joy" (Ps. 16 : 11); man can never lose that Life, he reflects that Life, being the consciousness of God, ever active, always "hid with Christ in God" (Col. ~ : ~). Man is always reflecting Life in its fulness and perfection in every detail. There is no material man to die, man is spiritual and eternal. Life can never cease for Life is God. There is no separation, only one Mind, God, one consciousness, man, and all men are part of that one consciousness, therefore man is instantly in touch with anyone he needs. |
254 | 4 | 79 | 1 | Death - Grief at Death of Friend | See GRIEF AT DEATH OF FRIEND |
255 | 5 | 79 | 1 | Death - Life | See LIFE |
256 | 6 | 79 | 1 | Death - Separation | See SEPARATION |
257 | 7 | 79 | 1 | Debts, Collection of | Show all | Man can never fail to receive what is due to him, God's ideas continually unfold to man and man re-presents them to his fellow man. Man is always loving and just, passing on God's ideas immediately they are received; these ideas unfold with unfailing regularity, giving man joy and happiness. There is no necessity to enforce payment; man willingly gives ideas in return for all ideas received. (Work for supply for the debtor). |
258 | 8 | 79 | 1 | Debts, Collection of - Accounts | See ACCOUNTS |
259 | 9 | 80 | 1 | Decay of Bones | See CARIOUS BONES |
260 | 10 | 80 | 1 | Deceit | Show all | Man is never deceived, man is spiritual and knows Truth. He has perfect discernment and knows everything he needs instantly, for God is Truth, and man is the knowledge of Truth. Man can never deceive anyone, man is spiritual and perfect. The only ideas arc God's ideas, the ideas of Truth, and man can only re-present ideas of Truth. He knows only reality, absolute good, and has perfect spiritual discernment, knowing Truth. There is no motive for deceit, for man is fearless. There is no deceit, man is absolutely frank; man always passes on the ideas of God exactly as he receives them. There is no motive for deceit, for man is fearless. Man never deceives, God is Truth, and man, made in the image and likeness of God, is absolutely truthful. No deceitful thoughts can come to man, for all God's ideas are ideas of Truth and reflect Truth. Man is always saying and doing what is right; he rejoices in the grace and glory of Truth. Man never lies to save himself, for he has perfect moral courage and loves ~o speak the truth. He has no fear, as he has trust in God, and, knowing there is nothing but God, is absolutely fearless. |
261 | 11 | 80 | 1 | Deceit - Fraud | See FRAUD |
262 | 12 | 80 | 1 | Deceit - Lying | See LYING |
263 | 13 | 80 | 1 | Deceitful Thoughts | Show all | This is not only the class of thought that makes a man deceive another by lying or by false suggestion, but it includes the belief in doing evil that good may come of it. It used to be called the Jesuitical thought, but this was so liable to be misunderstood, and thought to have some- thing to do with the Jesuits, that it is far better to use the words" deceit- ful thoughts" as including both these classes of wrong thoughts. |
264 | 14 | 80 | 1 | Deceitful Thoughts - Deceit | See DECEIT |
265 | 15 | 80 | 1 | Delay | Show all | There is no delay, everything passes instantly in Mind; man is never ill want of anyone or anything, for all that man needs is the ideas of (jod, and there arc: infinite ideas in Millu, instantly available to .111 ; these ideas unfold with unfailing regularity, id\."a after idea, and man re-presents these ideas instantly. There is no mortal mind to prevent the unfolding and re-presenting of these ideas, as there is only one Mind, God, and man has instantly any idea he needs. God's ideas never fail to be in the right place, for God is the Principle of law and all order, and a\l God's ideas arc governed by law and by order. Everything is done perfectly, and at the right time. Love is the power that causes the ideas to circulate in Mind with unfailing punctuality, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. |
266 | 16 | 80 | 1 | Delay - Procrastination | See PROCRASTINATION |
267 | 17 | 81 | 1 | Depression | Show all | There is no depression; man reflects Gpd, Life, and is tilled with a glorious sense of vitality, absolutely joyous, "In Ihy pruente ;s fulness of joy" (Ps .. 16 : II). Love is the power which spreads joy throughout infinite Mind, and man is forever conscious of infinite joy, always passing on God's ideas, giving his fellow man joy and happiness, and receiving ideas in exchange which give him joy and happiness. Man can never fail to carry God's message, hc knows Truth; man never fails to reflect Truth in such a way as to cause delight and joy, and in expressing Truth gives infinite joy to infinite beings and receives infinite joy therefrom. "Tht sons of God shoUltd for joy" (Job ~8 : 7). |
268 | 18 | 81 | 1 | Desertion | Show all | There is no desertion, man is always in the right place, helping and benefiting his fellow man; man can never leave anyone, for there is only one Mind, God, one consciousness, man, and man is instantly in touch with his fe\low man; man is never in the wrong place, man is always in Mind, in God, being God's consciousness. Man can never do what is wrong, he is led and governed by God. Man can never cause misery, for God is Love, and a\l men reflect that Love. and arc absolutely loving. Man can never want to be with anyone else than the right one, for man is governed by God, the Principle of all law and order. (Work for love. Probably it is necessary to work against hypno- tism and sensuality). |
269 | 19 | 81 | 1 | Desertion - Separation | See SEPARATION |
270 | 20 | 81 | 1 | Desires, False and Unsatisfied | Show all | There are no false desires, man desires only the ideas of GOd. There are no unsatisfied desires, for God's ideas unfold with perfect sequence and regularity whenever needed, giving man joy and happiness. Directly man needs an idea, he is cOllscious of the idea, for man is (lod's conscious- ness and Gud is Principle, the Principle uf law and order; man has instantly everything that he needs. |
271 | 21 | 82 | 1 | Desires, Unnatural | Show all | There are no unnatural desires, for man is spiritual and perfect. Only God's ideas can come to man, pure, perfect, divine and holy ideas. Man only desires the ideas of God and these continually unfold' to him, satisfying him completely. |
272 | 22 | 82 | 1 | Desires, Unnatural - Desires | See DESIRES |
273 | 23 | 82 | 1 | Desires, Unnatural - False | See FALSE |
274 | 24 | 82 | 1 | Deterioration | Show all | None of God's ideas can deteriomte, they are spiritual and perfect, reflecting Life eternal. No poison can affect any idea of God, for aU if; purity. There are no chemicals to harm God's ideas, they reflect substance and are permanent. (Then work against matter and death). |
275 | 25 | 82 | 1 | Deterioration - Tear | See TEAR |
276 | 26 | 82 | 1 | Deterioration - Wear | See WEAR |
277 | 27 | 82 | 1 | Diabetes | Show all | There is no diabetes, for man is spiritual and perfect. There is no excessive thirst, man is always perfectly satisfied. There is no excessive production of sugar which has to be eliminated, for all function is spiritual and is under the sole control of God, the Principle of law and order. God's control means perfect and exquisite adjustment, and each idea performs its own special function in perfect harmony with all other ideas. There is no waste, everything is in its place, every idea of God being utilised to the uttermost. There is no disorder, all is perfect harmony, for every idea is eternally governed by God, Love, and by God only. There is no excess of sugar, for all is spiritual, and every idea of God is in its right place. No idea of God is ever wasted; all God's ideas are fully utilised to the uttermost. Only God's ideas unfold to man and only ideas of God are passed on; these arc passed on in perfect order, for God is the Principle of all law and order. If necessary, realise that man's pancreas is a divine idea, never out of order, man’s pancreas is spiritual, the reflection of God as Spirit, the Principle of all goodness and holiness, working perfectly with absolute regularity and ease. Then to minimise the apparent effect of the reduced diet, usually ordered, realise that there is no want of assimilation of the food, man's food is the ideas of God, which man digests, assimilates and understands perfectly, these ideas feed man and nourish man and give him increase. There is no emaciation, the ideas of God feed man and nourish man, and man reflects substance and entity and is full and complete. (Work against indigestion and nerves, and if necessary heredity. sedentary habits, over-eating, mental anxiety and symptoms such as loss of flesh and strength, constipation, thirst, headache, general pains, etc.) |
278 | 28 | 82 | 1 | Diabetes - Pancreas | See PANCREAS |
279 | 29 | 83 | 1 | Diarrhoea | Show all | There is no diarrhoea, all activity is governed by God, the Principle of all law and order; God's ideas never pass prematurely, but unfold with perfect sequence and are re-presented with unfailing regularity at the right time and in the right way. (Work against pain and faintness. Otherwise: work as shown under the: heading CONSTIPATION). |
280 | 30 | 83 | 1 | Diarrhoea - Constipation | See CONSTIPATION |
281 | 31 | 83 | 1 | Difficulties | Show all | There are no difficulties to be overcome, everything works perfectly, as God rules and governs everything. God's ideas unfold with perfect sequence and are re-presented with perfect sequence. All things work together for good in the spontaneous harmony of God's perfect world. There is only one Mind and all ideas circulate perfectly in that Mind. Man is always helping his fellow man, for God is Love and all men are loving. There is no separate mind or person, there is only one Mind, God, working perfectly by means of all the spiritual beings. (Never allow the thought of difficulty to enter your mind for a moment. A thought cannot act unless it gets into your consciousness). |
282 | 32 | 83 | 1 | Difficulties - Anxiety | See ANXIETY |
283 | 33 | 83 | 1 | Difficulties - Cares | See CARES |
284 | 34 | 83 | 1 | Difficulties - Worry | See WORRY |
285 | 35 | 83 | 1 | Diminished Resistance | See SYPHILIS |
286 | 36 | 83 | 1 | Diphtheria | Show all | There is no diphtheria, man's throat is spiritual, the channel in consciousness through which God's ideas come and go; it remains true to its nature as a perfect and free channel. There is no false mem- brane, man's throat is spiritual and reflects God, the Principle of purity and holiness. Nothing can obstruct man's breathing, man receives God's ideas with ease and radiates them forth again to the glory of God and the joy of infinite beings. There is no difficulty in speaking, when man speaks, God speaks: God speaks by means of man, and the idea.'1 unfold and are re-presented continually, with unfailing ease and harmony. (Then work against weak heart, poison in the system and blood, germs, fear and false medical beliefs). |
287 | 37 | 83 | 1 | Dirt | See DUST |
288 | 38 | 83 | 1 | Disappointment | Show all | There is no disappointment, man is absolutely joyous; man never fails to do or receive anything he needs, for God's ideas continually unfold with unfailing regularity and ease, as and when needed. There is no mortal mind to cause any trouble, there is only one Mind, God, infinite good, and man is governed by that Mind, absolutely jnyrms, thinking only 'Jf God and Cod's ideas. |
289 | 39 | 83 | 1 | Disappointment - Joy | See JOY |
290 | 40 | 84 | 1 | Disapproval, Fear of | Show all | There is no fear of disapproval, for man docs perfect work, amI man knows that man docs perfect work. There is no fear, man hus trust in God, trust in good, and is absolutely fearless. When man ""urks, (ioLi works; God works by means of man, and man knows, therefore, that man's work is perfect. |
291 | 41 | 84 | 1 | Discernment | See CHARACTER |
292 | 42 | 84 | 1 | Discharge | Show all | There is no discharge, for all is spiritual and perfect, reRecting Spirit, the Principle of 1111 purity lind holiness. Nothing paSSl'S from lUan except the ideas .of God, which Ill' re-presents to his fellow man: these ideas are spiritual, pure, perfect and holy. Thl'n' is no impurity, all is purity. God's ideas art' for ever pure, perfect, didllt' and holy. (Work against poison and for circulation of tht' blood). |
293 | 43 | 84 | 1 | Discharge - Suppuration | See SUPPURATION |
294 | 44 | 84 | 1 | Discoloration | Show all | There is no discoloration, all is spiritual and perfect, refil!cting Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. There arc no stains, God's ideas are perfect. Every idea of God is in its right place, ministering to and benefiting man. All God's ideas work harmoniously together, giving man joy and happiness, for God is the Principle of all law and order. |
295 | 45 | 84 | 1 | Discoloration of the Skin | Show all | There is no discoloration of the skin, man's skin is spiritual, the tender, loving action of God, which preserves and maintains mall'~ individuality. Man's skin reflects Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness; it is divine and perfect. There is no poison in the blood, all is purity. There is no want of circulation of the blood, man's blood i~ the joy that circulates right throughout the consciousness, and Love is the power that causes that joy to circulate; Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. |
296 | 46 | 84 | 1 | Discouragement | Show all | There is no discouragement, man is absolutely joyous. Man recognises that he is "'he power of God, ond the wisdom of God" (I Cor. I : 24) and does perfect work continually, helping and benefiting his fellow man, receiving ideas in exchange, God's ideas, which give man inlinite joy and happiness, "In 14;' pment'e if/u/nm o/joy" (Ps. 16: II). MaR never fails in anything he desires to do, for God works by mons of man; God is the only power and the only ruler, for God is cause and the only cause. |
297 | 47 | 84 | 1 | Discouragement - Joy | See JOY |
298 | 48 | 85 | 1 | Disease | Show all | Man can never have any disease, man is spiritual and perfect; there are no false medical beliefs, only God's thoughts can come to man; no material germs can harm man, all God's ideas arc spiritual; the lesser ideas can never harm the higher ideas, they minister to man and benefit man; all God's ideas ate in the right place at the right time. There is no matter, there is only Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. (Work against any symptoms). |
299 | 49 | 85 | 1 | Dishonesty | Show all | There is no dishonesty, man is absolutely honest, for he is spiritual and divine. Man never docs what he ought not to do, for man is governed by God; God works by means of man. God is Truth and therefore man is absolutely truthful, always helping and benefiting his fellow man. Man cannot be misled, God is the Principle of all knowledge, and man is God's consciousness, therefore man knows instantly everything necessary. |
300 | 50 | 85 | 1 | Dishonesty - Deceit | See DECEIT |
301 | 51 | 85 | 1 | Dishonesty - Lying | See LYING |
302 | 52 | 85 | 1 | Dishonesty - Theft | See THEFT |
303 | 53 | 85 | 1 | Dislike of Food | See FOOD |
304 | 54 | 85 | 1 | Dislocation | See DISPLACEMENT |
305 | 55 | 85 | 1 | Disobedience | Show all | Man is never disobedient, for he is governed by God and by God alone. He always acts in accordance with the will of God, and is always doing what his fellow man wants, for there is only one will, God's will, the will of good, and man is governed by that will, always doing and saying the right thing at the right time. |
306 | 56 | 85 | 1 | Disobedience - Insubordination | See INSUBORDINATION |
307 | 57 | 85 | 1 | Displacement | Show all | Man·s (here state the organ such as ankle, elbow, etc.) is never dis- located, man's-- is spiritual and perfect, ministering to man and benefiting man, for man's - - is (here state the spiritual reality of the part dislocated) always in place, always perfect, working in perfect harmony with all the ideas of God. No organ is ever displaced, for every organ is an idea in divine Mind, and is held in place in divine Mind. Man is consciousness, and every idea connected with that consciousness is in its right place. There are no material laws of cause and effect, the only cause is God. Every single idea is controlled by God, and by God alone. Nothing can ever get out of place, for God controls all; every idea remains eternally in place for ever, fulfilling its purpose. God's will constitUtes the only law, and the will of God is the wiJI of Love, the law of complete harmony and perfection. (Add treatment against all symptoms, such as pain, swelling, etc.) |
308 | 58 | 86 | 1 | Distrust | Show all | No distrust can ever assail IXlllD, for he is ever conscious of the one and only Ego, his divine and loving governor, knowing Truth, for Truth is God and man knows Truth. (Work against fear). |
309 | 59 | 86 | 1 | Disturbance | Show all | There is no disturbance, all is peace and rest and harmony. All God's ideas are governed by ",1M P6tm of God, whkh paJS6lh ali 1I1IIiIrslanding" (phil. 4 : 7). God's ideas are always in the right place, ministering to man and henefiting man. |
310 | 60 | 86 | 1 | Dizziness | Show all | There is no dizziness, for man is spiritual and perfect. There is no want of consciousness, for man is God's consciousness, ever conscious, ever active. Man's blood is the joy that circulates right throughout consciousness with absolute conformity and ease. Man's head is the capacity to know God, working perfectly, working divinely. .Man never loses his sense of poise, he is poised in Mind, perfect. (Work for circulation of the blood and against poison in the blood). |
311 | 61 | 86 | 1 | Dogs | See ANIMALS |
312 | 62 | 86 | 1 | Double Chin | Show all | There is no double chin, man's chin is spiritual, God's support of man's capacity to rejoice, praise and respond. 'fhere is never an excess of flesh, for all is spiritual and perfect. (Work against stoutness and matter). |
313 | 63 | 86 | 1 | Doubt | Show all | There is no doubt, for man knows 'fruth, God is Truth, and man is the knowledge of God, the knowledge of Truth, and knows instantly everything that he needs. Everything works perfectly and man knows that all works perfectly. (Also work against fear and ignorance). |
314 | 64 | 87 | 1 | Drainage Out of Order | Show all | No drains can ever be out of order, because they are channels in consciousness through which God's ideas pass with absolute freedom and absolute ease. There is no stoppage, Love is the power that causes the ideas to circulate and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God; there is no stagnation, God's ideas pass with absolute freedom and are always in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man; there is no leakage, for the channels are channels in consciousness reflecting substance, full and complete; God's ideas can only pass in the right way and at the right time; God's ideas can never harm man by being in the wrong place, they are always in the right place, ministering to man, for all God's ideas are governed by God, the Principle of good. |
315 | 65 | 87 | 1 | Dreams, Bad | Show all | There are no bad dreams, man is spiritual and perfect; he reflectll the perfect Mind and is the consciousness of God, snne, ordered, consistent and perfect in his activity, every thought controlled by Love Il!}d wisdom. Man's thoughts are never disordered, for when man thinks, God thinks, God thinks by means of man. No disturbing thoughts ever enter Mind, for Mind is God. Only God's thoughts come to man, pure, perfect and holy ideas, never causing trouble, .giving man peace and happiness, for man is governed by "Ihe pea&e of God which pamlh al/ understandlllg .. (Phil. 4: 7), manifesting infinite peace and infinite harmony. 'Work against waqt of sleep). |
316 | 66 | 87 | 1 | Drink | See DRUNKENNESS |
317 | 67 | 87 | 1 | Dropsy | Show all | There is no dropsy, for man is spiritual and perfect; there is no poison in the system, all is putity; there are no swollen limbs, man's limbs are his God-given powers, spiritual and perfect. There is no matter to block the veins, arteries and lymphatics, they are channels in conscious- ness, free and open, through which the joy passes with absolute ease. There are no impurities in the system, for all is spiritual, reflecting Spirit, the Principle of purity and holiness. (Work especially against pressure, poison and matter and for circulation of blood). |
318 | 68 | 88 | 1 | Drought | Show all | God's ideas are nt>ver stagnant. they art> finished. perft>ct and complete. ministering to man and benefiting man. Growth is a characteristic of Mind, and God's idcas are always unfolding to man; no material water is necessary, as God's ideas are governed by God, always ministering to and benefiting man. There is no material water, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit, and all ideas are spiritual, acted upon by Life, Truth and Love, always full, complete and perfect, rejoicing man. |
319 | 69 | 88 | 1 | Drowning | Show all | It never happened, God, Love, rules and governs all. Man can never be submerged in water, for man is spiritual; there is no material water, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. There is no matter to have power to hurt man, for man is a spiritual being in a spiritual world, governed by God. Man cannot possibly inhale water into his lungs, for man's lungs are the knowledge of God as Life, the spiritual, perfect, divine power of receiving God's ideas, which are received and radiated forth again to the glory of God, and the joy of infinite beings. Nothing can kill man, all is Life eternal. "For in him we Ijlle, and mOlle, and have 0(11" being" (Acts I7 : 28). (Work against death and for life). |
320 | 70 | 88 | 1 | Drudgery | Show all | Man never thinks his work is drudgery, all work is God's work, glorious work, man loves and rejoices in his work. God's ideas continually unfold to man, giving him joy and happiness, he instantly fe-presents these ideas to his fellow man, giving him joy and happiness and receives perfect ideas in exchange. Every idea of God that comes to man reflects infinite joy and gives him infinite joy and happiness, "In thy pretenteilfulne.uofjoy" (Ps. 16: ll). Man is not a material being, subject to belief in material laws, for man is spiritual, untrammelled and free with the freedom of Spirit. Man, being God's consciousness by means of which God works, does glorious work, always benefiting his fellow man, grouping together God's ideas in perfect combinations, passing them on, and receiving instantly ideas in exchange, which give him joy and happiness. Man's work is to glorify God and enjoy Him for ever. (Then work for joy). |
321 | 71 | 88 | 1 | Drug Habit | Show all | In working against drugs and drunkenness I have always been in the habit of realising that man cannot wish for such a beastly, filthy thing as drugs (or drink, as the case may be). The reason for this is that it is the way in which I worked for the first case of habitual drunkenness I ever had. Mental work is the result of experimental tuition and therefore ( have always kept this method of working as I have always found it effective. For the first 18 years I had only one case of drunkenness where the person was not instantaneously and permanently healed and then I had to give him two more treatments. One does not therefore like changing one's method of working. At the same time, to me, intellectually, it does not seem to be right. It is making too much of the drugs and drunkenness and the method which I set out hereunder is, I think, more scientific:- Man cannot possibly be a slave to any material thing such as drugs; thc!re are no material drugs, all God's ideas are spiritual, ministering to and benefiting man; man is divine and perfect, governed by God alone. Man has no desires, he has instantly everything he needs. A constant succession of perfect ideas unfolds to man, God's pure, perfect, divine and holy ideas, giving man joy and happiness. (Work also against poison and against matter). |
322 | 72 | 88 | 1 | Drug Habit - Drunkenness | See DRUNKENNESS |
323 | 73 | 89 | 1 | Drunkenness | Show all | Man cannot possibly wish for any material thing such as drink, he has everything he needs; he has no desires, only God's ideas can come to him, pure, perfect, holy ideas. Man is not in bondage to any physical desire, man is spiritual and divine. Man cannot be in bondage to any habit, for man is free as Spirit is free; man can only do what is right, for all his desires are the activity of God's will, the only will there is, the will of absolute good. There are no false appetites, for all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. Man is not material, man is spiritual, wholly spiritual, belonging wholly to God. There is no craving, man's desires arc instantly fulfilled, he has instantly everything he needs, the only thing he needs is God's ideas which are always unfolding; all is holy satisfaction and peace. Man's food and drink are God's perfect ideas which continually unfold to man, giving him absolute peace and contentment. Desire and fulfilment are one, and man is abundantly satisfied with the fulness of Life; he is governed by the law of Spirit, which gives all purity and holiness. There is no power in matter to satisfy man, for man is spiritual; there is no matter, all is Spirit and the mani- festation of Spirit. There is no lack of control, man is controllt:d and governed by God, and by God alone. Man is spiritual and divine, and seeks and finds his inspiration in God. There is no aggressive mental suggestion, because the only thoughts are God's thoughts, pure, perfect and holy, satisfying man continually and giving peace and perfect bliss. There is no temptation to drink, the only idca~ that come ttl man arc God's ideas which give him jr)Y and haprine~s. P('lIC(, lind harmony. |
324 | 74 | 89 | 1 | Drunkenness - Drug Habit | See DRUG HABIT |
325 | 75 | 90 | 1 | Ductless Glands | Show all | There are no material glands, man's glands are spiritual, channels in consciousness through which God's ideas pass with absolute and unfailing regularity and case. The action of these glands can never b~ impeded, as Love is the power that causes the ideas to circulate: and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. |
326 | 76 | 90 | 1 | Ductless Glands - Thyroid Gland | See THYROID GLAND |
327 | 77 | 90 | 1 | Dullness | Show all | Man is never dull, he reflects Mind, and is ever active and ever energetic. He is always passing on God's ideas to his fellow man and receiving ideas in exchange, giving him joy and happiness. Thest: ideas unfold to man with ceaseless activity, and the interchange of God's ideas continually gives man joy and happiness. Man loves his work, and rejoices in his work, grouping together God's idt:as into perfect combinations, for man is God's consciousness, ever active and ever t:nergetic, "beillg Ihe bright- lIess f?f his glor:.v, and Ihe express image of his person" (Heb. I : 3). Man is never dull, for man is absolutely joyous. There is an intinitt: variety of idei |
328 | 78 | 90 | 1 | Dust and Dirt | Show all | There is no dirt (or dust, as the case may be), for 1111 is spiritual and perfect; God's ideas aft: never in the wrong place, they art: in Mind, in God, ministering to man and benefiting man. (Then treat, if necessary, for good work, and against carelessness and idleness). |
329 | 79 | 90 | 1 | Dyspepsia | See INDIGESTION |
ETtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
330 | 1 | 93 | 1 | Ears - Deafness | See DEAFNESS |
331 | 2 | 93 | 1 | Ears - Noises in the Head | See NOISES IN THE HEAD |
332 | 3 | 93 | 1 | Earthquakes | Show all | There arc no earthquakes. for God's ideas are spiritual and perfect, ministering to man and benefiting man. All of God's ideas arc in the: right place, for all is spiritual and divine:. The manifestation of God is always perfect, ministering to man and benehting man. There are no convulsions of nature, all is peace and rest and harmony, for all is governed by God, the Principle of good. (Then work against the results of earthquakes). |
333 | 4 | 93 | 1 | Eating Too Much | Show all | Man never eats lOO much, the ideas of GuJ cuntinually unfold to man with perfect sequence and unfailing regularity, never too many nor too few. There arc: no material desires. man has everything he needs instandy, never too much, never too little, for man is governed by God. and God is the Principle of all law and order. |
334 | 5 | 93 | 1 | Eating Too Much - Greed | See GREED |
335 | 6 | 93 | 1 | Eczema | Show all | There is no eczema, for all is spiritual and perfect. There is no poison in the blood, man's blood is the joy that circulates right throughout the consciousness, pure, perfect, divine and holy. There is no imperfect skin, man's skin is the loving action of God which preserves and maintains man's individuality, spiritual and perfect, divine, pure and holy, reflecting Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. There is nothing unsightly, for all is beauty, the beauty of God. (Work against matter :lnd poisons, and for circulation of the blood. Also against any symptoms such as irritation). |
336 | 7 | 93 | 1 | Eczema - Poison | See POISON |
337 | 8 | 93 | 1 | Eczema - Skin | See SKIN |
338 | 9 | 93 | 1 | Effort | Show all | There is no want of effort, for man is the activity of God, "'he power of God, and the wisdom of God" (I Cor. J : 24) and loves to do everything that he docs. His work is the receiving and passing on of God's ideas and the grouping of them together into perfect combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. He rejoices in this work, for it is the work of God, of absolute good. |
339 | 10 | 94 | 1 | Elections - For Guidance | Show all | There are no mistakes, man reflects divine intelligence, wisdom and knowledge. Man is always doing the right thing at the right time. There is no mortal mind to make man do what is wrong, for there is only one Mind, God ; man is directed by that one Mind, the Principle of wisdom and knowledge, intelligence itself. “Got/ has endowed man with inalienable rights'1 “Man is properly self-governed only when be is guided rightly and governed by his Maker, divine 'Truth and Love" (S. & H. p. to6). |
340 | 11 | 94 | 1 | Elections - For the best to be elected | Show all | There is no material man, man is divine, made in the image and like- ness of God, reflecting Mind, intel1ig~nce, wisdom and knowledge; all God's ideas are spiritual and perfect, doing perfect work. No man can ever be in the wrong place, for man is always in the right place, ill Mind, in God, as man is Gud's consciousness, duing perfect work. When man works, God works, God works by means of man. There is no partisanship, there is only one Mind, une intelligence and one aim. |
341 | 12 | 94 | 1 | Electric Light Not Working | Show all | No idea of God fails tu du its work properly, all God's ideas ure ministering to man and benefiting man; they arc governed by God, the Principle of all law anu all order. God is the light of everything and man has full illumination, the illumination of perfect day. |
342 | 13 | 94 | 1 | Energy - Exhaustion | See EXHAUSTION |
343 | 14 | 94 | 1 | Energy - Strength | See STRENGTH |
344 | 15 | 94 | 1 | Enteric Fever | See TYPHOID |
345 | 16 | 94 | 1 | Enthusiasm for the Truth, Lack of | Show all | There is no lack of enthusiasm for the truth, for God is Truth, and man knows Truth, loves Truth and rejoices in Truth. Man cannot be indifferent to the truth, for he lives alld mO/les alld has his btillg ;11 Truth (Act~ 17 : 2.8); there is no error, there is only Truth, and Truth gives man infinite joy. Man's work is "10 glorify God alld "yoy hi'" lor tnr," and man always rejoices to declare the glory of God, representing God's ideas, which give his fellow man infinite joy and happiness. |
346 | 17 | 94 | 1 | Entity | Show all | All God's ideas reflect entity; which means they are always the same, never changing from their perfection. |
347 | 18 | 95 | 1 | Envy | Show all | There is no envy, all is sympathy, for man is governed by God and by God alone. Man never wishes to have anything his fellow man possesses, for man has instantly everything he needs. All men are equally perfect, having everything necessary. |
348 | 19 | 95 | 1 | Envy - Spite | See SPITE |
349 | 20 | 95 | 1 | Epilepsy | Show all | There is no epilepsy, there is only God and His perfect manifestation. God is the infinitely calm fllind, the: infinitely calm creator, ruler and governor of ~Il, and "ill him U't live fllld HIOIl( fllld have our bein}?" (Acts 17 : 28). There is no life ~part from God, man's Life is God, man is the living of God. .. He kingdom of God il . . . peace" (Rom. 14 : 17). Nothing takes place but the action of God. There are no medical laws regulating health or disease, there is only the law of God and man forever obeys that law; it is the law of his being, the law of eternal health and holiness. There arc no fits, for the control of God over all things is unceasing and uninterrupted, and His control means absolute order and ~bsolute peace. Thqe ~re no me~ningless movements, every movement is a movement of divine Mind, having its divine purpose and divine effect. Man is never unconscious, man is God's consciousness; that consciousness is never lost. for the only consciousness is God's con- sciousness, eternally, pe~cefully at work. There is no evil cause of any- thing, the only c~use is God. Man c~n never injure himself, he reAects divine subst~nce; he can never fall, he is poised in Mind, always in a perfect position. There is no evil power at work, the only power is God. There is no tendency to fits, for man's nature is absolutely pure, the nature of God. Man is not a material being, he is spiritual, he belongs to God, he is wholly of God. "IWhen he giveth quietllul, who then call make trollble? " (Job. H : 29) ... Peace,/rom him which ii, alld lI'hieh U'al, and /IIhich il to fome" (Rev. I : 4). (Work against heredity, injury and poison). |
350 | 21 | 95 | 1 | Erroneous Theology | Show all | There is no erroneous theology, man is the knowledge of God, knows Truth, and understands Truth and rejoices in Truth, for God is Truth. There is no mortal mind to make man misunderstand Truth, for God is the only thinker; only God's thoughts can come to man; 'all the ideas which come to man arc ideas of Truth and man knows that they are ideas of Truth. (See TEACHING TRUTH). |
351 | 22 | 95 | 1 | Erroneous Theology - Teaching Truth | See TEACHING TRUTH |
352 | 23 | 95 | 1 | Erysipelas | Show all | There is no c!ry~ipdas. for all j, spiritual and pafcel. There i, Ilu inflammation of the skin, man's skin is the loving action of God, which preserves and maintains man's individuality, spiritual, perfect, divine, pure and holy. There are no germs in the lymphatic channels, as God's ideas arc always in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. (Work against symptoms such ~s inR~mmation, fever, p~in, poison in the blood, high temperature, nnuse~ aod contagion). |
353 | 24 | 96 | 1 | Evil Beliefs | Show all | There arc no evils beliefs, the only thuughts arc (iod's thoughts. Only God's ideas, pure, perfect, divine and holy ideas, can come tu man, for God is Truth ~nd man knows Truth. |
354 | 25 | 96 | 1 | Examinations | Show all | For examinations, take up and work against all the difficulties \\' hich arc likely to cause trouble. For instance, there is no fear, man has absolute trust in God, trust in good; there is nothing but good and man knuws there is nothing but good. There ~re no delays, God's ideas unfold to man with unfailing regularity ~nd instantly arc grouped· together into perfect combinations. "Mind .•. pOSSUJeJ of ilself all beal/V' and poelry, fllld Ibe p01per of expreuillg thent" (S. & H. p. 89). All is finished, perfect, and complete. There arc no mist~kes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge and is always absolutely accurate. There is no untidiness, all God's ideas arc always in the right place at the right time. There is no ignorance, God is the Principle of all knowledge, and man being God's consciousness, knows everything he needs instantly. Nothing can come to man that he docs not know, he knows instantly and perfectly everything that he needs. "For God givelh 10 a ",an Ihal i.r good ill his sighl lJ'isdofll, alld kl1ow/edge, and joy" (Ecc!. z : z6). During the examination pay your tithes to God, i.e., at the commence- ment of each subject, treat for, say, ten per cent of the total time. If the period is long, say two hours, then treat three or four times whilst you ~re doing the work, say twelve minutes in ~1I. |
355 | 26 | 96 | 1 | Examinations - Coaching for Examinations | See COACHlNG FOR EXAMINATIONS |
356 | 27 | 96 | 1 | Excess | Show all | There is no excess, God's ideas unfold to man with perfect sequence and in perfect order and arc reflected in perfect sequence, for God is the Principle of all law and o~der. M~n is the infinite wisdom of God and all His work ill perfect; it is the manifl'station of intinite guod, unfolding with perfect regularity and harmony. ",-Is jiJI' (,'11//, hi" 11"(1 is ptrftcl" (1)s. 18 : 30). |
357 | 28 | 97 | 1 | Excess of Matter | Show all | Therc is no exccss of sugar (or other matter), for all is spiritual; God's ideas arc always in the right place, ministering to and bcneflting man; no idea of God is evcr wasted, all God's ideas arc fully utilised to the utmost, for God is the Principle of all law and order. (Work against matter). |
358 | 29 | 97 | 1 | Excess of Matter - Diabetes | See DIABETES |
359 | 30 | 97 | 1 | Exhaustion | Show all | Man is never exhausted, man reflects Life and has infinite power and inflnite strength; man reflects Mind and is ever active and ever energetic. "Thille, 0 Lord, iltbe greatlless, alld the pOlller, alld the glory, alld the I'ielol')', alld the mqjesly" (I ehron. 29 : II). Man rejoices in his work, which never tires him, but gives him joy and happiness. "Ascribe J'e Jlrength 111110 God. The God of brael ;s he thai givelh .slrenglh alld power IIl1to hif people" (Ps. 68 : 34, 35). Man is "slrmglhmed 1l';lh all "'ight, accordillg 10 hif gloriolll pOlI'er" (C(,1. I : II). |
360 | 31 | 97 | 1 | Exhaustion - Strength | See STRENGTH |
361 | 32 | 97 | 1 | Expectoration | Show all | There is no expectoration, for all is spiritual and perfect. Nothing ever passes from man, for God's ideas arc always in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. There is no excess of ideas, for God is the Principle of all law and all order, the ideas unfold with p~'rfcct sequence and arc re-presented with perfect sequence, always in the right way and at the right time. |
362 | 33 | 97 | 1 | Expression, Want of | Show all | Man nevcr fails to express himself, God's ideas continually unfold to man and man rc-presents these ideas in all their glorious perfection to his fellow man, giving him joy and happiness. The interchange of spiritual ideas is free, continuous and harmonious. Man gives his treasures of Truth freely and spontaneously, guided by unerring wisdom and impdled by infinite Love. |
363 | 34 | 97 | 1 | Extravagance | Show all | There is no extravagance, man only passes on just the ideas required; these ideas unfold to man with perfect sequence and man re-presents them with perfect sequence. Every idea is passed on exactly to the right place where it docs the gn:ntcst good, for when man works, God works; (iou works uy means of mall. M:ln n~'\'er wastes anything, for e\'cry idea is pas>!.:d Oil at till' ri!l:ht lilllt' alld to till' right place, and ministers fully tu mall, giving him juy :llId happitll'ss. |
364 | 35 | 97 | 1 | Extravagance - Wastefulness | See WASTEFULNESS |
365 | 36 | 98 | 1 | Eyes - Astigmatism | Show all | One medical belief is that astigmatism is due to slight irregularity in the configuration of the eyeball, resulting in indistinct sight. Therc is no astigmatism, man's eyes are spiritual and perfect; man's eyeball is never out of shape, man'~ eyeball is spiritual and perfect, for God is the Principle of all Jaw and order, and all God's ideas are governed by law e" ' order. Man's muscles are never out of order, everything in consd -ness is perfect and works perfectly. |
366 | 37 | 98 | 1 | Eyes - Cataract | Show all | Inside the eyeball is a clear, crystal-like body called the lens, which acts as a kind of magnifying glass. In case of cataract this lens becomes opaque and the sight correspondingly dim. There is no cataract, for the lens of man’s eye is spiritual, perfect, divine, pure and holy ; none of God’s ideas can become opaque, for they reflect the absolute purity of infinite Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. Nothing exists which can ever prevent man from discerning God’s ideas, for man has infinite capacity to discern the ideas of God. (Work against matter, which is the principal point to be taken up). |
367 | 38 | 98 | 1 | Eyes - Cross Eyes | See SQUINT |
368 | 39 | 98 | 1 | Eyes - Dim Sight | See PARTICLES IN THE EYES |
369 | 40 | 98 | 1 | Eyes - Inflammation of the Inside of the Eyelids (Granular lids) | Show all | No mucous membrane can be harmed, for man’s mucous membrane is God’s tender, loving maintenance of man’s individuality, reflecting substance, full, complete and perfect, always ministering to man and benefiting him. There is no irritation, all is peace, and test, and harmony ; no material nerves can affect man, man’s nerves arc spiritual, channels in consciousness, ministering to and benefiting man, (Work against poison in the blood and any symptoms such as pain), |
370 | 41 | 98 | 1 | Eyes - Inflammation of the Inside of the Eyelids (Granular lids) - Inflammation | See INFLAMMATION |
371 | 42 | 98 | 1 | Eyes - Inflammation of the Outside of the Eyelid | Show all | The most common troubles are the stye and inflammation of the edges of the lids—blepharitis. There are no material germs, for all God’s ideas are spiritual; none of the lesser ideas can harm the higher ideas, they are always ministering to man and benefiting him, and arc always in the right place. There is no stagnation of the blood, man’s blood is the joy which circulates right throughout the consciousness; Love is the power which causes that joy to circulate, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. There is no inflammation, all is purity; there is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. There is no swelling, all is spiritual, perfect and divine. “The statutes of the Lord are rights retoicing the heart: the command ment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes" (Ps. 19 : 8). (Work against poison in the blood and any symptoms, such as pain). |
372 | 43 | 98 | 1 | Eyes - Inflammation of the Outside of the Eyelid - Inflammation | See INFLAMMATION |
373 | 44 | 99 | 1 | Eyes - Long Sight | Show all | Medical men call this “ hypermetropia,” and those who suffer from it are troubled with indistinct sight when they arc looking at near objects. It is due to a slight abnormality in the eye. There is no indistinct sight, man’s sight is perfect; when man sees, God sees ; God secs by means of man. Man’s-eyeball is never abnormal, man’s eyeball is spiritual and perfect, working perfectly and divinely. |
374 | 45 | 99 | 1 | Eyes - Particles in the Eye | Show all | There is no matter, only Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit ; not one of God’s ideas is in the wrong place, they are always in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. Man is consciousness, God’s consciousness, everything in that consciousness is in its right place, working perfectly and divinely. God’s ideas pass freely with absolute ease. (Then work against any symptoms, such as inflammation, discomfort or pain. Where necessary, work against dimness of sight). Man’s sight is never dim, for man is spiritual and perfect; man’s eyes never fail to work perfectly, for man’s eyes are the capacity to discern the ideas of God, the Christ capacity, spiritual, perfect and divine. There is no dimness of sight, man’s sight is perfect and divine, he discerns perfectly every idea of God which comes to him and has perfect capacity to discern any idea of God. |
375 | 46 | 99 | 1 | Eyes - Short Sight | Show all | Doctors call this “ myopia,” and those who suffer from it see distant objects indistinctly. In this and the following complaints, unless glasses are used, there may be a feeling of straining the sight, and even pain in the eyes. There is no short sight, man’s sight is spiritual and perfect; man has perfect capacity to discern the ideas of God, the Christ capacity ; when man sees, God sees ; God sees by means of man. In some cases of short sight—for instance, in cases of old age—the trouble is due to the weakening of the muscles, resulting in the eyeball flattening, affecting the curve of the lens. It is to counteract this wrong condition that another Jens is put in front in the form of glasses, In other cases there is a hardening of the eyeball. There are no flattened eyeballs, man’s eyeballs are spiritual and perfect, working perfectly and divinely. There are no weakened muscles, man’s muscles arc God’s thought forces having all power and strength. There is no hardening of the eyeballs, man’s eyeballs are spiritual, perfect, pure and holy. |
376 | 47 | 100 | 1 | Eyes - Ulcers on the Eyeball | Show all | Small spots often appear on the front of the eye, the result of accident or disease. The cleat, smooth surface is then spoilt and there is irritation, pain and dimness of sighb There are no ulcers on the eyeball, man’s eyeball is spiritual and perfect; there is no ulceration, all is perfect; no discharge, all is purity ; man is made in the image and likeness of Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. (Work against symptoms, such as irritation, pain, and dimness of sight, and for circulation of the blood). |
FTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
377 | 1 | 103 | 1 | Failure | Show all | There is no failure, for God rules and governs everything; God is the only actor and the only creator, and everything is done perfectly, for Gou is cause and the only caUSe. Cause is good, and the manifestation of cause partake:; of the nature of cause and ill equally good. |
378 | 2 | 103 | 1 | Fainting | Show all | Man never fAints, he is ever active anu ever energetic; there is no loss of consciousness, for man is God's consciousness, instantly conscious of everything he needs. (Work Against Apparent CAuses, such as weakness). |
379 | 3 | 103 | 1 | Faith, Want of | Show all | There is no want of faith, as man is the knowledge of God and knows and understands Truth and loves Truth; man believes only in good, for there is nothing but God and God's perfect manifestation, absolute good. Man is always thinking and doing what is right, for man is governed by God And hy God alone. (Work for knowledge). |
380 | 4 | 103 | 1 | Fallen Arches | Show all | There arc no fallen arches, man's feet arc spiritual and perfect, God's power of concentration. There arc no weakened muscles, man's muscles arc God's thought forces, having absolute power and absolute strength. There is no difficulty in movement, man moves from idea to idea with absolute case, for man is spiritual, perfect and divine. |
381 | 5 | 103 | 1 | False Medical Beliefs | See THOUGHTS OF MATERIA MEDICA |
382 | 6 | 103 | 1 | False Theology | See ERRONEOUS THEOLOGY |
383 | 7 | 103 | 1 | Fat, Too | See STOUTNESS |
384 | 8 | 103 | 1 | Fatigue | See TIREDNESS |
385 | 9 | 103 | 1 | Favouritism | Show all | There is no individual favouritism, for all men arc favourites; man loves all with an equal and perfect love, for man is the love of God, absolutely loving towards all, always helping everyone equally. |
386 | 10 | 103 | 1 | Favouritism - Justice | See JUSTICE |
387 | 11 | 104 | 1 | Fear | Show all | There is 110 fenr, mall hils ahsolute trust ill (;od, trust ill good; then· is nothing but good and man knows there ill nothing but good; he is therefore absolutely fearless. No matter can touch man, for he is spiritual, surrounded by divine Love. No thought of harm can come to man, only God's thoughts come to him and these thoughts continually unfold, giving him peace, harmony and joy. Man is consciousness, God's consciousness, surrounded by divine Love, and is always thinking rightly. Man is divine, spiritual, joyous and absolutely fearless, being preserved hy the perfect peace of spiritual understanding, "tbe peace of God, Il,hieb pamlh al/flnderslandillg" (Phil. 4 : 7). |
388 | 12 | 104 | 1 | Fear - Stage Fright | See STAGE FRIGHT |
389 | 13 | 104 | 1 | Feeling, Loss of | Show all | There is no loss of feeling, man's senses arc spiritual. Man's fingers arc tho;: power of grasping understandingly the lesser ideas of God; they arc God's power, spiritual, perfect and divine. There is no failure in the action of man's nerves, man's nerves are spiritual, perfect and divine, working perfectly, working divinely, channels in consciousness, through which God's ideas pass. |
390 | 14 | 104 | 1 | Feet | Show all | Man's feet arc never out of order, they arc spiritual and perfect, the power of continuing to grasp God's ideas. Then take up any details, such as the skin, which can never be injured, for it is the loving action of God which preserves man's individuality, reflecting substance, and spiritually perfect and complete. "fIe makelh my feet like bitldr' feel: alld sellelh me IIpOIl my bigh places" (2. Sam. 2.2 : H). God's ideas can never "burn," they arc ideas in Mind, perfect and eternal, reflecting Life. There is no mortal mind to harm God's ideas, for there is only one Mind, God, and all ideas reflect Life and have Life eternal. |
391 | 15 | 104 | 1 | Feet, Frozen | Show all | Man's feet can never be frozen, man's feet are spiritual, God's power of concentration; there is no cold, man is surrounded by the warmth of divine Loye. Man's skin can never be injured, it is the loving action of God which surrounds man and preserves his individuality, reflecting substance, spiritual, perfect and complete. (Work against want of circulation). |
392 | 16 | 104 | 1 | Fellow Workers, Congenial | Show all | There is no material man, man is divine, the son of God; all round are perfect beings, spiritual and divine. Man loves to work with his fellow man; he loves to re-present God's ide:ls and to receive God's ideas in exchange. The interchange of these ideas is continual, and give,; man the greatest joy and hapfliness, because mlln i8 t.he infinite joy of God. There arc no separate workers, all arc governed by the one Mind, God. |
393 | 17 | 105 | 1 | Fever | Show all | There is no fever, all is spiritual; no high temperature, all is normal. Man's blood is never too hot, mlln's blood is the joy that circulates through consciousness, spiritual and perfect, pure and holy. (Work against poison in blood). |
394 | 18 | 105 | 1 | Fever - High Temperature | See HIGH TEMPERATURE |
395 | 19 | 105 | 1 | Fire | Show all | It can never happen, all God's ideas lire spiritual; none of God's ideas can burn, God's ideas are spiritual and perfect; they cannot be destroyed, they reflect Life; they can never disappear, for they have entity and reflect substance and are full and complete. There is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. |
396 | 20 | 105 | 1 | Fires Not Burning | Show all | God's ideas never fail to do their work perfectly, they arc always ministering to man and benefiting mlln. No idea of God can ever cease to act, for it is made in the image and likeness of God, and God is Mind, ever active and ever energetic. There is no mortal mind to stop an idea of God doing its right work, as there is only one Mind, God. |
397 | 21 | 105 | 1 | Fires, Smoky | Show all | There are no smoky fires, for all is spiritual. God's ideas always work perfectly, ministering to man and benefiting man. None of God's ideas can create material smoke, for man receives the full benetit of them, and they arc always in the right place at the right time. |
398 | 22 | 105 | 1 | Fissures | Show all | There are no fissures in the wrong place, for all God's ideas arc perfect, ministering to man and benefiting man. !\lan's flesh is never eaten away; man's flesh is spiritual, reflecting substance, full and complete; reflecting entity, always the same, benefiting man. (Work against matter and poison in the blood, and for circulation of the blood). |
399 | 23 | 105 | 1 | Fissures - Abscess | See ABSCESS |
400 | 24 | 105 | 1 | Fissures - Ulcer | See ULCER |
401 | 25 | 105 | 1 | Fits - Conclusions | See CONCLULSIONS |
402 | 26 | 105 | 1 | Fits - Epilepsy | See EPILEPSY |
403 | 27 | 106 | 1 | Flat Foot | See FALLEN ARCHES |
404 | 28 | 106 | 1 | Flatulence | Show all | There is no flatulence, for all is spiritual and perfect. There are no material gases, all is divine. -(Then work against obstruction. nerves, germs, matter and any apparent cause, such as indigestion). |
405 | 29 | 106 | 1 | Flatulence - Assimilation | See ASSIMILATION |
406 | 30 | 106 | 1 | Flatulence - Indigestion | See INDIGESTION |
407 | 31 | 106 | 1 | Flightiness | Show all | Man is never foolish, for he reflects divine wisdom. intelligence and knowledge, doing perfect work, ministering to his fellow man and benefiting him. Man cannot be led into terr.ptation, man is spiritual. perfect and divine; only God's thoughts can come to man, pure, perfect, divine and holy thoughts. "The law 0/ IrIIlh WlU in hil moulh, IZnd iniquity was nol/oll11d in his liPI: he walhd with me in peace and equity" (Mal. 2 : 6). |
408 | 32 | 106 | 1 | Flightiness - Wisdom, Lack of | See WISDOM, LACK OF |
409 | 33 | 106 | 1 | Food | Show all | Man's food is the ideas of God which continually unfold to him with perfect sequence, ministering to him and benefiting him, giving him his increase and giving him joy and happiness. He loves to receive these ideas, whieh he receives, assimilates, digests, understands and re-presents continually with absolute, unfailing regularity and harmony. |
410 | 34 | 106 | 1 | Food - Indigestion | See INDIGESTION |
411 | 35 | 106 | 1 | Food, Bad | Show all | There is no bad food, man's food is spiritual and perfect; man's food is the ideas of God which continually unfold to man, spiritual and perfect, ministering to man and benefiting man. These ideas never harm man but feeq him, nourishing him and giving him his increase. |
412 | 36 | 106 | 1 | Food, Discontent with | Show all | Man is never discontented with his food, his food is the ideas of God which continually unfold to man, idea after idea; these ideas are perfect and man knows they are perfect; man loves his food, he loves to receive the idr;as of God which he digests, assimilates and understands; this receiving and understanding of God's ideas gives man joy and happiness. |
413 | 37 | 106 | 1 | Food, Discontent with - Appetite | See APPETITE |
414 | 38 | 106 | 1 | Food, Discontent with - Want of | See WANT OF |
415 | 39 | 106 | 1 | Food, Dislike of | Show all | There is no dislike of food, man's food consists of the ideas of God which continually unfold to him; he digests, assimilates and under- stands these ideas and groups them into perfect combinations; man loves to receive these ideas and rejoices in them and groups them together into glorious combinations, which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. Man continually receives and re· presents these ideas, receiving ideas in exchange, which give him joy and happiness. |
416 | 40 | 106 | 1 | Food, Dislike of - Appetite | See APPETlTE |
417 | 41 | 106 | 1 | Food, Dislike of - Want of | See WANT OF |
418 | 42 | 107 | 1 | Food, Want of | Show all | There is no want of food, man's food is the ideas of God, which continually unfold to man with unfailing regularity. Man has instantly any idea of God he needs, for there are in6nite ideas available to man, instantly, and God is the source of all supply, feeding and nourishing man continually. |
419 | 43 | 107 | 1 | Foolishness - Wisdom, Lack of | See WISDOM, LACK OF |
420 | 44 | 107 | 1 | Forgetfulness - Lack of | See LACK OF |
421 | 45 | 107 | 1 | Forgetfulness - Memory | See MEMORY |
422 | 46 | 107 | 1 | Frankness | Show all | There is no lack of frankness, for man reflects God as Truth, and is truthful towards all; sympathy is omnipresent and complete. There is no fear, man has absolute trust in God, trust in good, for there is nothing but good, and man knows there is nothing but good, therefore man i& absolutely fearless. There is no deceit, man reflects Truth, anJ is absolutely honest and frank, and being the image and likeness of God, is absolutely truthful. There is no mortal mind to erect a barrier between man and his fellow man, there is only one Mind, God, and in Mind all ideas are received and are re-presented in perfect sequence. There is no reserve, all is frankness, love and joy. |
423 | 47 | 107 | 1 | Frankness - Children | See CHILDREN |
424 | 48 | 107 | 1 | Frankness - Deceit | See DECEIT |
425 | 49 | 107 | 1 | Fraud | Show all | There is no fraud, man is spiritual and perfect; man never deceives his fellow man, for God is Truth and man knows 'rruth, and is absolutely truthful. Man never takes anything from his fellow man, man is always re-presenting God's ideas to his fellow man, giving him joy and happiness. (See DECBIT). |
426 | 50 | 107 | 1 | Fraud - Deceit | See DECEIT |
427 | 51 | 107 | 1 | Freedom | Show all | Man is always free, always in Truth, wherein is perfect freedom and "tbe gloriollS liblTly of tbe (bildren of God" (Rom. 8 : 21). Man moves from idea to idea with perfect ease and is always in the right place, being God's consciousness. "Mall iltriblltaf',) to God, Spirit. and 10 nothing tire" (S. & H. p. 481), |
428 | 52 | 108 | 1 | Frost | Show all | There is no frost, (or aU ie spiritual and perfect. All God's ideas atc surrounded by the warmth of divine ulve, reflecting God. No idea o( God tan harm man j all God's ideas minister to mlln and benefit man, including the lesser ideas. |
429 | 53 | 108 | 1 | Fuel, Shortage of | See SHORTAGE |
430 | 54 | 108 | 1 | Future | See PLANS |
GTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
431 | 1 | 111 | 1 | Gallstones | Show all | There are no gallstones, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit ; there is no deposit in the bile (gallstones are concretions deposited in the bile), all is purity; there is no matter, for Spirit is omnipresent, and every idea is spiritual; man is spiritual throughout, reflecting perfect purity and perfect holiness. The bile is the action of God as Spirit maintaining the purity and sweetness of all ideas as they arc assimilated and passed on; a perfect and spiritual reflection. There is no poison, all is spiritual and pure. There is no obstruction, God's ideas pass with infinite ease and freedom. (Treat against fear, inflammation, pain, sick- ness and belief in previous attacks and tendency to gallstones). |
432 | 2 | 111 | 1 | Gangrene | Show all | There is no gangrene, all is purity; man reflects eternal Life. None of God's id",\s can ever die, for all ideas exist in Mind, in God, and have Life eternal. Man's body is not material, it is wholly spiritual, perfect and eternal. (Work against poison and germs, and for circulation of the blood). (See SEPTIC POISONING). |
433 | 3 | 111 | 1 | Gangrene - Septic Poisoning | See SEPTIC POISONING |
434 | 4 | 111 | 1 | Garden - Animals | See ANIMALS |
435 | 5 | 111 | 1 | Garden - Insects | See INSECTS |
436 | 6 | 111 | 1 | Garden - Plants | See PLANTS |
437 | 7 | 111 | 1 | Garden - Vermin | See VERMIN |
438 | 8 | 111 | 1 | Gas Explosions | Show all | No gas can explode, for all God's ideas arc spiritual and perfect, ministering to man and benefiting man; there is no high temperature, all is normal; only Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit exists. No ideli of God can harm, for man is surrounded by divine Love. |
439 | 9 | 111 | 1 | Gas Leaking | Show all | No gas can leak, because all God's ideas arc in their right place, minister- ing to man and benefiting man; God's ideas pass thmugh their proper channels, which are channels in consciousness, never defective, but reflecting substance, complete and perfect, being governed by God, the Principle of all law and order. |
440 | 10 | 111 | 1 | Gas, Formation of | See FLATULENCE |
441 | 11 | 111 | 1 | Gastritis - Indigestion | See INDlGESTION |
442 | 12 | 111 | 1 | Gastritis - Stomach | See STOMACH |
443 | 13 | 112 | 1 | Gentleness | Show all | There is no want of gentleness, for man is spiritual and perfect. Man is never rough, all is peace'and 'rest and harmony, governed by "the pea(e of God, lJ,hkh pasleth all lirukrllanding" (Phil. 4 : 7). Man never causes fear, he gives his fellow man peace and joy. |
444 | 14 | 112 | 1 | Gentleness - Impoliteness | See IMPOLITENESS |
445 | 15 | 112 | 1 | Gentleness - Rudeness | See RUDENESS |
446 | 16 | 112 | 1 | German Measles | Although a different disease, work as against measles. |
447 | 17 | 112 | 1 | Germs | Show all | Germs are classified in several ways. One way is according to their shape as seen under the microscope; for instance, bacilli, coici, spirilla, etc. It is sufficient however just to use the word germs. There arc no material germs, all God's ideas are spiritua.l and perfect; the lesser ideas of God can never harm the high!:r ideas, they minister to man and benefit him; God's ideas always fulfil their function, carrying out the law of Love. They are always in the right place, assisting in His perfect work, governed by God. (Then work against matter). |
448 | 18 | 112 | 1 | Glandular Swellings | Show all | There aro no swollen glands, man's glands are spiritual, channels in consciousness through which God's ideas pass with unfailing regularity and easc. There is no stoppage, for God is the Principle of all. law and order and Love is the power that causes the ideas to circulate in Mind, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. All God's ideas pass with absolute unfailing regularity and ease. There is no matter, for all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. All God's ideas arc in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. There is no congestion, everything passes with absolute freedom and absolute ease, for God is the Principle of all law and order and man is governed by law and order. |
449 | 19 | 112 | 1 | Gloominess | Show all | There is no gloominess, man is always bright and active, for man is always joyous and happy and benefiting his fellow man, rejoicing in the infinite ideas, which partake of the nature of God, and give man all happiness and joy. III n thy prmnce il fulnm ofj oy.. at thy right hand there are pleol1lres for evermore" (ps. 16 : I I). |
450 | 20 | 112 | 1 | Gloominess - Brightness | See BRIGHTNESS |
451 | 21 | 112 | 1 | Gloominess - Dullness | See DULLNESS |
452 | 22 | 112 | 1 | Gloominess - Joy | See JOY |
453 | 23 | 112 | 1 | Gluttony | See EATING |
454 | 24 | 113 | 1 | Goitre | Show all | There is no goitre, for all is spiritual. No swollen glands, man's glands are channels in consciousness through which God's ideas pass, free and open; nothing can block the passage of God's ideas, for Love is the power which causes these ideas to circulate and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. There is no poison, all is purity; no swelling, all is spiritual. There is no matter, only Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. |
455 | 25 | 113 | 1 | Goitre - Glandular Swelling | See GLANDULAR SWELLING |
456 | 26 | 113 | 1 | Goitre - Growth | See GROWTH |
457 | 27 | 113 | 1 | Gossip | Show all | There is no gossip, for man is spiritual and perfect; only God's ideas can come to man, only God's ideas can be represented, for nothing exists except God and His ideas, spiritual, perfect, divine and holy ideas. Man never wastes time talking uselessly, for every idea of God reflects God and benefits man. The ideas unfold with perfect sequence, are are re-presented with perfect sequence, the right ideas always coming at the right time, helping man and giving man infinite joy and happiness. |
458 | 28 | 113 | 1 | Gossip - Slander | See SLANDER |
459 | 29 | 113 | 1 | Graceful Movement | Show all | All movement is graceful, for all movement is the movement of ideas in Mind, governed and controlled by God in exquisite rhythm and perfect harmony. Man reflects God as Spirit, and the action of the Holy Spirit is the action of grace, man's action is ever graceful. No amount of energy can disturb the perfect beauty of man's activity, for when man moves, God moves, all movement is none other than the perfect, gracious movement of God, the movement of ideas in Mind. |
460 | 30 | 113 | 1 | Graceful Movement - Clumsiness | See CLUMSINESS |
461 | 31 | 113 | 1 | Gratitute | Show all | There is no want of gratitude, for man appreciates every combination of ideas he receives from his fellow man, and loves to show his gratitude by returning an equally perfect combination of ideas. Man loves his fellow man and loves to show Love, and all men rejoice in Love. |
462 | 32 | 113 | 1 | Gratitute - Appreciation | See APPRECIATION |
463 | 33 | 113 | 1 | Greed | Show all | There is no greed, man has instantly everything hc needs, just as he needs it and when he IlI:"d~ it. (iud':; ideas !-Infold with unfailing regularity. Man never tries to gell()9 much for himself, man is govemed by God, the Principle of all justice, and man is absolutely just. Man is always helping his fellow man, passing on God's ideas, always benefiting his fellow man. Man never wants anything, and he knows he never wants, for God's ideas unfold continually to man, idea after idea, in perfect sequence; these ideas are infinite, and man knows he always has everything he needs. Man passes on these ideas continually, giving his fellow man joy and happiness and receiving perfect ideas in exchange. "God • •• gil/6th II.t richly all thingJ 10 tnjoy" (1 Tim. 6 : 17). |
464 | 34 | 113 | 1 | Greed - Eating too much | See EATING TOO MUCH |
465 | 35 | 114 | 1 | Grief at Death of Friend - Death | Show all | It never happened, for man is spiritual and has Life eternal. There: is no death, all is Life eternal, for God is man's Life, and man can never lose that Life; he reflects that Life, being the: consciousness of Mind, of God, and is always "with Chrill in God" (Col. 3 : 3), active and energetic. |
466 | 36 | 114 | 1 | Grief at Death of Friend - Misery | See MISERY |
467 | 37 | 114 | 1 | Grief at Death of Friend - Separation | Show all | There is no separation, for there is only one Mind, God; one conscious- ness, man, and all are part of that one consciousness; therefore man is instantly in touch with, anyone that he needs. |
468 | 38 | 114 | 1 | Grievances | Show all | Man never has a grievance, everything works perfectly and divinely to the benefit of man, being governed by God, the Principle of good. God is Truth and man knows Truth. God is Love and all men are loving, always helping and benefiting their fellow men, passing on God's ideas, giving joy and happiness; man is the image of Love and is always helping his fellow man. Infinite Love surrounds man and all men are absolutely loving to one another. There can be no complaints, all is 'perfection and only God's ideas come to man. All men arc in the one Mind, being God's consciousness, working .together for the benefit of all. (Work also against criticism). |
469 | 39 | 114 | 1 | Grippe | See INFLUENZA |
470 | 40 | 114 | 1 | Growth, Want of | See STAGNATION |
471 | 41 | 114 | 1 | Growths | Show all | There is no cancer (tumour, swollen gland. or whatever it may be), all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit; there is no growth, all is purity ; there is no matter, for Spirit is omnipresent and every idea is spiritual; man is spiritual throughout, reflecting purity and infinite holiness. There is no destructive growth, all life is the activity of God, who is Love ; Life cannot destroy, for Life is God, the Principle of eternal existence, eternal unfoldment. There is no meaningless growth, every idea of God has its purpose, ministering to man and benefiting man. Man is spiritual, a perfect reflection of the perfect God, having nothing underived from Deity, but perfect in every detail, spiritual, divine and holy, the glorious image of the glorious God. No “ selfish ” growth, every idea works in harmony with every other idea, carrying out the loving purposes of God. No independent growth, all life is dependent on God, every single idea is controlled by God, loving omnipotence. “ Growth is governed by intelligence ; by the active, all-wise, law-creating, law-disciplining, law-abiding Principle, God” (Mary Baker Eddy). |
472 | 42 | 115 | 1 | Guidance | See ELECTIONS |
HTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
473 | 1 | 118 | 1 | Habit of Treatment | See CHILDREN |
474 | 2 | 118 | 1 | Haemorrhage - Blood | See BLOOD |
475 | 3 | 118 | 1 | Haemorrhage - Loss of | See LOSS OF |
476 | 4 | 118 | 1 | Haemorrhoids | Show all | Piles - There are no haemorrhoids, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit The intestines are the reflection of God as Soul, ideas in divine Mind, channels in consciousness, and can never be blocked, working perfectly, working divinely, for they are not material, but spiritual. There is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit; man is conscious of Spirit, and is wholly spiritual. There are no swellings, for man manifests Spirit, and Spirit is inflnite, infinitely free. There are no enlarged veins, the veins are channels in consciousness, channels through which the joy circulates; they arc never out of place, but are always in place, in Mind ; they never bring trouble, they bring delight and joy. There is no stagnation of the blood, all God’s ideas flow in perfect order, for God is the Principle of all law and of all order. Man’s blood is the joy which circulates with infinite freedom throughout the consciousness; Love is the power which causes that joy to circulate, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. (Treat against bleeding, pain, inflammation, being out of place, etc., if required). |
477 | 5 | 118 | 1 | Hair | Show all | Man’s hair is not material, it is spiritual and divine ; it is man’s capacity to discern the ideas of God from whatever source or direction they come. This capacity can never deteriorate, it is eternally perfect and normal, governed by the law of Spirit, always giving man infinite joy and happiness. There is no death, all God’s ideas reflect Life eternal. Man can never lose his hair ; “tbe very bain of year bead are all numbered” (Matt. 10 : 50). There is no age, man has Life eternal and is spiritual, immortal, divine, the unchanging reflection of the eternal Mind. |
478 | 6 | 119 | 1 | Hair, Excessive | Show all | There is no excessive hair, man*s hair is spiritual; the capacity to discern he ideas of God from whatever source or direction they come. This capacity is never in the wrong place, it is always in the right place, ninistering to man and benefiting man. There is no disfigurement of he skin, man’s skin is the loving action of God, which preserves and naintains man’s individuality, reflecting the Principle of all beauty, purity, and holiness. There is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. |
479 | 7 | 118 | 1 | Hair, Grey or Discoloured | Show all | Man’s hair is never grey (or discoloured), man’s hair is an idea of God, spiritual and perfect. (Then work as above shown for hair). Man’s hair reflects Life, the Principle of-power and strength ; it reflects entity and is always the same, benefiting man, reflecting the Principle of all beauty, giving man joy and happiness. Man can never be affected by any condition of the hair, for man is spiritual; he never thinks of himself, he thinks only of God and God’s ideas. |
480 | 8 | 119 | 1 | Hallucinations - Insanity | See INSANITY |
481 | 9 | 119 | 1 | Hallucinations - Nervous Breakdown | See NERVOUS BREAKDOWN |
482 | 10 | 119 | 1 | Hands | See CHAPPED HANDS |
483 | 11 | 119 | 1 | Happiness | See JOY |
484 | 12 | 119 | 1 | Hard Up | See SUPPLY |
485 | 13 | 119 | 1 | Hard Water - Hard | See HARD |
486 | 14 | 119 | 1 | Hard Water - Water | See WATER |
487 | 15 | 119 | 1 | Hard Work | See OVERWORK |
488 | 16 | 119 | 1 | Hardening of Arteries | Show all | There is no hardening of the arteries, man’s arteries are spiritual, channels in consciousness through which the joy passes perfectly. The arterial wall is never hardened, it is the tender, loving action of God which preserves and maintains the individuality of God’s ideas, and all is spiritual, reflecting Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. There is no loss of elasticity, every idea of God works perfectly, reflecting Mind, ever active. There are no deposits of lime salts, or otherwise, for God’s ideas are spiritual, always in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man ; there is no matter, all is Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. No high blood pressure can harm man, for all God’s ideas work perfectly and divinely, ministering to man and benefit ing man. (Then work against old age, and often against worry, physical strain, and against high blood pressure). |
489 | 17 | 119 | 1 | Harmony - Concord | See CONCORD |
490 | 18 | 119 | 1 | Harmony - Inharmony | See INHARMONY |
491 | 19 | 119 | 1 | Harmony - Peace | See PEACE |
492 | 20 | 119 | 1 | Hate | Show all | There is no hatred, God is Love, and man reflects that Love and is absolutely loving towards all, for man is the love of God, by means of which God loves. (Then work for love). |
493 | 21 | 120 | 1 | Hay Fever | Show all | There is no hay fever, for man is spiritual and perfect; man's nose is his capacity to pursue a train of thought. There are no irritating sub stances, for each idea of God, from the infinite to the infinitesimal, benefits and ministers to man. There is no “ running at the nose,” for God controls and directs all activity in accordance with His omnipresent law, the law of absolute good ; all ideas are unfolded and re-presented in perfect order. There is no taw of a periodic return of hay fever, the only law is the law of God, the law of good. There is no such thing as material cause and effect, the only cause and effect arc God and the manifestation of God. There is no experience of recurring attacks in the past, for there is only the eternal present, the eternal presence of God. |
494 | 22 | 120 | 1 | Hay Fever - Catarrh | Sec CATARRH |
495 | 23 | 120 | 1 | Headaches | Show all | There are no headaches, all is bliss and joy, peace and rest and harmony. Man’s head never gives pain, man’s head is spiritual, the Christ capacity to know God, giving joy and happiness. (Work against pain; work also usually for circulation of the blood and against nerves and poison in the blood and in the lymph). |
496 | 24 | 120 | 1 | Health | See DISEASE |
497 | 25 | 120 | 1 | Hearing | See DEAFNESS |
498 | 26 | 120 | 1 | Heart | Show all | There is no weakness of the heart, man’s heart is the knowledge of God as Love, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. There is no want of circulation of the blood, man’s blood is the joy circulating right throughout the consciousness with perfect ease and unceasing regularity ; Love is the power which causes that joy to circulate and Love is omnipo tent, for Love is God. God is the Principle of all law and all order, and man’s heart, working in unity with God, reflects absolute law and order. Every function is governed by divine Mind. (Work for circulation of the blood). (See ORGANS). |
499 | 27 | 120 | 1 | Heart - Organs | See ORGANS |
500 | 28 | 120 | 1 | Heat | Show all | There is no excessive heat, all is normal; man’s blood is never too hot, man’s blood is the joy which circulates right throughout conscious ness, and that joy is spiritual and perfect. |
501 | 29 | 121 | 1 | Heaven | Show all | Heaven is a perfect state of consciousness, consisting of God and he manifestation of God, the world of reality, all that is, in which man dways has existed, is now, and always will exist, divine and perfect, jeing God’s cdhsciousness, by means of which God thinks and speaks md hears and loves, and creates and does all. When starting a treatment md thinking of the world of reality, one good method is to think of a /ast infinite Mind. In that Mind is the consciousness or man specifically, dl the spiritual beings in heaven, called by St. Paul and St. John, the Christ, Then think of the infinite Love, Life, ‘wisdom, joy, knowledge md beauty in that perfect world, and if you are not very materially minded, zou can think of infinite ideas circulating in that infinite Mind ; but if naterially minded, it is better to leave this out, as one is inclined to :hink of bits of things moving about, whereas one has to think of the infolding of the ideas in consciousness, without any limitation what soever. Working in this way one gets right away from thinking of imitations such as legs, arms, shapes and so on, which one must not do, is it prevents the imaginary Inist of matter from thinning and heaven seing seen more as it is. |
502 | 30 | 121 | 1 | Help - Assistance | See ASSISTANCE |
503 | 31 | 121 | 1 | Help - Servants | See SERVANTS |
504 | 32 | 121 | 1 | Help, Inability to | Show all | There is no inability to help, man is always helping his. fellow man, >assing on ideas of Truth, and grouping them together into perfect :ombinations which elevate, uplift and sustain man in the knowledge >f Truth. God helps by means of man, for man is God’s consciousness, jy means of which God works, and man is perfect, doing perfect work, nanifesting God. |
505 | 33 | 121 | 1 | Help, Willingness to | Show all | Man is always helping his fellow man and loves to help him, for God s Love and man reflects that Love and is absolutely loving towards all. dan is always receiving God’s ideas and loves to pass them on, giving lis fellow man joy and happiness. There is only one Mind, God, in which here is perfect, harmonious co-operation. Love inspires man to help md Love blesses all activities. Love is expressed in boundless energy md is ever present, meeting every need. |
506 | 34 | 121 | 1 | Help, Willingness to - Selfishness | See SELFISHNESS |
507 | 35 | 121 | 1 | Heredity | Show all | There is no heredity, God is the only power and the only ruler ; man lever had a material father and mother, man’s Father-Mother is God, and man is made in the image and likeness of God, a perfect being in ; perfect world, governed by a perfect God. For “God created man in hi own image, in the image of God created he him ; male and female created bi them” (Gen. i : 27). |
508 | 36 | 122 | 1 | Hernia | See RUPTURE |
509 | 37 | 122 | 1 | Hernia, Strangulated | See STOPPAGE OF THE BOWELS |
510 | 38 | 122 | 1 | Hesitation | See INDECISION |
511 | 39 | 122 | 1 | Hiccough | Show all | There is no hiccough, all action is the action of God, perfectly con trolled, and man is controlled throughout by God alone. There is nc spasm, for the action of Mind is ordered and regular, no violent move ment, all is gentleness and peace, no involuntary movement, for the onb will is the intelligent, purposeful will of God. Man is the expression o God, the Principle of control, which is absolutely perfect in ever] detail, the Principle of peace and harmony. (Work against wrong actior of nerves). |
512 | 40 | 122 | 1 | High Blood Pressure | See BLOOD PRESSURE, HIGH |
513 | 41 | 122 | 1 | High Temperature | Show all | There is no high temperature, all is normal and harmonious. Man’; blood is never too hot, man’s blood is the joy which circulates righ throughout the consciousness, pure, perfect, divine and holy. (Wod for circulation of the blood and against poison and matter). |
514 | 42 | 122 | 1 | High Temperature - Fever | See FEVER |
515 | 43 | 122 | 1 | Hip - Out of Joint | See OUT OF JOINT |
516 | 44 | 122 | 1 | Hip - Tuberculosis | See TUBERCULOSIS |
517 | 45 | 122 | 1 | Holidays | Show all | Sometimes it is difficult to know where to spend a holiday. Here i may be realised that there is no difficulty in knowing where to go, fo man is always in the right place, in Mind, in God, a perfect being in perfect world, governed by a perfect God. Man is always in a perfec position, receiving and re-presenting God’s ideas to his fellow mar, which give infinite joy and happiness, and he receives ileas 1 exchange which give joy and happiness. There is no want of knowledge for God is the Principle of all knowledge, and man knows instantly a he needs to know. |
518 | 46 | 122 | 1 | Holidays - Children | See CHILDREN |
519 | 47 | 123 | 1 | Home | Show all | Man is never in want of a home, man is in a perfect home, he is in Mind, in God, a perfect being, in a perfect worlds governed by a perfect God. Man can never be out of his home, there is only one Mind, God, infinite good, and man,- the Infinite consciousness of infinite Mind, is in that Mind. No mortal mind can keep man out of his place, there is only one Mind, God, and man is always in his place, in a perfect position surrounded by divine Love. have a building of God, an bouse not made with bands, eternal in the heavens” (2 Con 5 : 1). ManJs home is perfect, for he dwells in “the bosom of the Father” Hohn 1 : 18), planted in “the bouse of the Lord” (Ps. 92 : 13). Surrounding him are only God’s perfect ideas, giving him infinite joy and happiness* He loves to dwell on these thoughts, God’s ideas, which come to him and feed and nourish him. Man never needs protection, for all is governed by God, the Principle of good ; there is nothing to be protected from, for God is Love, and Love and Love’s manifestation is all that exists. |
520 | 48 | 123 | 1 | Home - Rooms | See ROOMS |
521 | 49 | 123 | 1 | Home - Want of | See WANT OF |
522 | 50 | 123 | 1 | Homesickness | Show all | There is no homesickness, for man is always at home, in Mind; his home is God, and he is always in that home, for man is God’s conscious* ness, by means of which God thinks and acts. Man never wants to go elsewhere, he loves to be where he is and rejoices in his work ; he loves to receive and re-present the ideas of God, which give him and all those around him joy and happiness. |
523 | 51 | 123 | 1 | Honesty | Show all | Man cannot steal, for man is spiritual; he has no, wants, he has everything he needs instantly; he never takes from his fellow man what his fellow man needs, for he is always passing on God’s ideas, giving joy and happiness. Man never lies, because God is Truth and man is absolutely truthful and absolutely honest. |
524 | 52 | 123 | 1 | Horror | Show all | There are no thoughts of horror, for man is spiritual; only God’s thoughts can come to man, for man is God’s consciousness, and God’s ideas are always unfolding in Mind. Nd objectionable thought can come to man, only absolutely joyous thoughts can come, for God is the only thinker and God’s thoughts are the only thoughts. |
525 | 53 | 123 | 1 | Horses | See ANIMALS |
526 | 54 | 124 | 1 | Hot Water, Want of | Show all | There is no want of hot water, for man has instantly everything he needs; there are infinite ideas available to man instantly; these ideas minister to man and benefit man, and are absolutely perfect and always available. None of God’s ideas arc ever too cold, they reflect the warmth of divine Love ; no idea of God can ever lose any heat, because all God’s ideas reflect entity, and are always the same, full, complete and perfect. |
527 | 55 | 124 | 1 | House | See HOME |
528 | 56 | 124 | 1 | Housemaid’s Knee | Show all | There is no “ housemaid’s knee,” man’s knees are spiritual, the power of going instantly from idea to idea, absolutely perfect. Man is poised in Mind, always in the right place, governed by God. There is no mechanical injury, all is spiritual, reflecting entity, always the same, perfect and divine. There is no inflammation of the tissue, all is spiritual, pure and holy. (Work against inflammation and germs. Sometimes the trouble is really due to tuberculosis of the knee). |
529 | 57 | 124 | 1 | Humpback | Show all | There is no humpback, man’s back is the strength of moral courage, perfect and divine, reflecting God, the Principle of all law and order. Man’s spine is never bent, man’s spine is the uprightness of character and moral rectitude of man, perfect and divine. |
530 | 58 | 124 | 1 | Humpback - Spinal Curvature | See SPINAL CURVATURE |
531 | 59 | 124 | 1 | Hurricanes | See CYCLONES |
532 | 60 | 124 | 1 | Hurry and Confusion | Show all | There is no sense of hurry, God’s ideas unfold with perfect sequence, and are re-presented with perfect sequence. There are no delays, for God’s ideas unfold to man with unfailing regularity and are instantly passed on. There is no confusion, everything is done at the right time and in the right way ; all is peace and rest and harmony. There are no misunderstandings, man knows everything he needs instantly. Man can never create any difficulties for his fellow man, all things work together for good; man is always helping his fellow man and benefiting him, grouping together God’s ideas into glorious combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. Every thing works perfectly and divinely, for God is the Principle of all law and order. “He that believetb shall not make baste” (Is. 28 : 16). |
533 | 61 | 124 | 1 | Hurry and Confusion - Overwork | See OVERWORK |
534 | 62 | 124 | 1 | Hurry and Confusion - Rush | See RUSH |
535 | 63 | 124 | 1 | Hurry and Confusion - Unrest | See UNREST |
536 | 64 | 125 | 1 | Hydrocele | Show all | There is no hydrocele, for man is spiritual and perfect; there is tin vatery tumour, for all is divine. There arc no Closed-up glands, man’s glands are spiritual and perfect, through which God’s ideas pass with infailing ease and regularity. There is no structural imperfection, every- hing is perfect and working perfectly. (Work against matter and poison, md for circulation of the blood). |
537 | 65 | 125 | 1 | Hydrophobia | See RABIES |
538 | 66 | 125 | 1 | Hypnotic Effect of Leaders | Show all | Man never combines in thought against his fellow man, there is only >ne Mind and one thinker, God ; all men are governed by that one Mind. There are no mistakes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. There is no hypnotic effect, God rules and governs all, and )od is the only power and the only ruler. Man never acts against the nterests of his fellow man, God is Love and man reflects that Love and s always helping his fellow m^n, always re-presenting ideas of Truth o him. Man can never harm his fellow man, he is always benefiting him, loing what is right, for he is led and governed by God. |
539 | 67 | 125 | 1 | Hypnotism | Show all | There is no hypnotism, God is the only power and the only ruler, ^o human being can affect another human being, as man is spiritual nd governed by God and by God alone. Only God’s thoughts, perfect deas, can come to man. Man can never be biased or overruled by the rifluence of others, as the only ruler, the only cause, is God, and man s governed by that one cause, God, who is the only I AM, the one, ?finite Ego. Hypnotism is an apparent belief in the power of one human being o affect another human being by thinking of him, or mentally suggesting o him, silently or audibly. It is not true, however. The mistake has been nade by the mental workers who find that, as a rule, if a man thinks trongly, the thing will happen or the person will do what the first >erson thinks he will do. As a matter of fact, one human being has no •ower to harm or affect another human being. First, because if so there should be a power other than that of God, a power of evil. Secondly, here is no material man, there is only God’s man and an imaginary mist >f matter which appears to hide God’s man from us. The apparent fleet is due solely to the fact that, in the cinema pictures which constitute he material world, one continually secs a picture of somebody thinking strongly about another person and that other person apparently acting in accordance with the strong thought. |
540 | 68 | 125 | 1 | Hypnotism - Personality | See PERSONALITY |
541 | 69 | 126 | 1 | Hypochondria | Show all | There is no hypochondria, for man is spiritual and perfect, and man knows that man is spiritual and perfect. Man is never troubled with imaginary diseases, for man reflects Mind, infinite, pure Mind, and is always thinking the truth. There is no error, all is Truth. There is no fear, man has absolute trust in God. Man is perfectly balanced and poised in Mind, the Principle of perfect health, joyfully recognising the eternal law of well-being, health and holiness, “Beye holy, for I am holy ” (i Pet. i : 16), |
542 | 70 | 126 | 1 | Hysteria | See CONTROL, LACK OF |
ITtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
543 | 1 | 129 | 1 | Idleness | Show all | Man is never idle, but reflects Mind, and is ever active and ever energetic, always actively passing on God’s ideas to his fellow man and receiving ideas in exchange which give him joy and happiness ; a constant succession of ideas unfolds to man, and man re-presents these ideas to his fellow man. Love is the power which causes man to pass on these ideas. There is a perfect law of exchange, man is always receiving and re-presenting God’s ideas, benefiting his fellow men. There are no idle ideas, all God’s ideas arc ministering to man and benefiting man, circula ting in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. |
544 | 2 | 129 | 1 | Idleness - Laziness | See LAZINESS |
545 | 3 | 129 | 1 | Idleness - Procrastination | See PROCRASTINATION |
546 | 4 | 129 | 1 | Idleness - Sluggishness | See SLUGGISHNESS |
547 | 5 | 129 | 1 | Ignorance | Show all | There is no ignorance, God is Truth and man knows Truth, for man is the knowledge of God ; man knows instantly everything he needs, for man is God’s consciousness by means of which God knows. There are no mistakes, man reflects wisdom, intelligence and knowledge, and knows instantly everything he needs, for God’s ideas unfold to him with perfect sequence and are re-presented with perfect sequence, giving his fellow man joy and happiness. |
548 | 6 | 129 | 1 | Ignorance - Knowledge | See KNOWLEDGE |
549 | 7 | 129 | 1 | Illness, Long Standing | See CHRONIC BELIEFS |
550 | 8 | 129 | 1 | Impatience | Show all | There is no impatience, man is always patient, all is peace and love and rest and harmony, for man is governed by God ; God is Love and man reflects that Love and is absolutely loving towards all. There is nothing to make man impatient, he is governed by “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding” (Phil. 4 : 7). Only God’s ideas can come to man and all ideas unfold at the right time, and are passed on at once. Everything is done at the right time, for when man works, God works ; God works by means of man. Man is poised in Mind, governed by and manifesting divine Lov^. (Work also for love and against delay). |
551 | 9 | 129 | 1 | Impatience - Irritation | See IRRITATION |
552 | 10 | 129 | 1 | Impatience - Patience | See PATIENCE |
553 | 11 | 129 | 1 | Imperfection | Show all | There is no sense of imperfection, for all God’s ideas arc perfect, and man knows that they are perfect. Man is spiritual and man knows that man is spiritual; man is divine and man knows that man is divine; man is perfect and man knows that man is perfect; man does perfect work and man knows that man does perfect work, for God is Truth and man knows Truth. When man works, God works, for God works by means of man. |
554 | 12 | 130 | 1 | Impertinence | Show all | Man is never impertinent, for only God's ideas come to man, spiritual, perfect, divine and holy ideas, which man re-presents to his fellow man, giving him joy and happiness. Love is the power which causes man to re-present these ideas, and man reflects that Love, and is absolutely loving towards all. (Then work for love). |
555 | 13 | 130 | 1 | Impoliteness | Show all | There is no want of politeness, man is spiritual, always sympathetic, always doing what is right. Everything is governed by peace and harmony. (Then work for love). |
556 | 14 | 130 | 1 | Impoliteness - Rudeness | See RUDENESS |
557 | 15 | 130 | 1 | Impure Thoughts | Show all | There arc no impure thoughts, for man is spiritual, perfect, holy and divine. Only God’s thoughts can come to man, spiritual, pure and holy thoughts. Man has no desires, man has everything he needs, God’s ideas continually unfold to man with perfect sequence, giving man joy and happiness. (Work against sensuality). |
558 | 16 | 130 | 1 | Impure Thoughts - Sex | See SEX |
559 | 17 | 130 | 1 | Inactivity | See LAZINESS |
560 | 18 | 130 | 1 | Inattention | See ATTENTION, LACK OF |
561 | 19 | 130 | 1 | Income Tax Reports | Show all | There is no difficulty in preparing reports, for God is the Principle of all knowledge, and man knows instantly everything he needs. There are no mistakes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge; he docs perfect work, grouping together God’s ideas into perfect com binations, which he presents to his fellow man. There is no injustice, God is the Principle of all justice, and man is absolutely just, always doing what is right. Man never tries to get the better of his fellow man, for all are governed by God, the Principle of good ; God is Love and all men are loving. There arc no delays, everything is done instantly and perfectly, for God rules and governs everything. |
562 | 20 | 131 | 1 | Indecision | Show all | There is no doubt, God rules and God governs; there is no power but that of God. Man is never uncertain what to do, for God’s ideas unfold to man continually in perfect sequence and are passed on instantly with perfect sequence, giving joy and happiness. Life is the law of Soul, and settles the order in which ideas come to man ; Love is the power which causes man to pass on these ideas, and Love is God. God is intelligence, and the Principle of al! wisdom, working by means of man, for man is God’s consciousness by means of which God thinks and works and knows; man’s work is therefore perfect, always benefiting man. “A man's goings are established of the Lord, and he deligbteth in his way*’ (Ps. 37 : 23, R.V.). “For God bath not given ns the spirit of fear; but of power, and oj love, and of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1 : 7). |
563 | 21 | 131 | 1 | Indigestion | Show all | There is no indigestion, God’s ideas unfold to man with unfailing ease and regularity ; they arc digested, assimilated, understood, and grouped together into perfect combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. Man analyses and dissects the ideas with accuracy, keenness and precision, perceiving, discerning and understanding them in all the perfection of their infinite detail, re-presenting them with unfailing regularity. Man’s food can never cause pain, man’s food is spiritual, it is the ideas of God, which constantly unfold to man and give him joy and happiness, benefiting him, ministering to him, and giving him his increase. |
564 | 22 | 131 | 1 | Indigestion - Acidity | See ACIDITY |
565 | 23 | 131 | 1 | Indigestion - Assimilation | See ASSIMILATION |
566 | 24 | 131 | 1 | Individuality | Show all | Man’s individuality can never be lost, for man’s Ego is Life, the law of Soul, by which the order of ideas coming to man is settled. Man groups together these ideas into perfect combinations always developing in infinite beauty ; he thereby delights his fellow man and these ideas constitute his individuality. “The identity, or idea, of all reality continues forever” (S. & H. p. 71). His is the eternal sonship with the Most High “over all, and through all, and in all'’ (Eph. 4 : 6, R.V.). |
567 | 25 | 131 | 1 | Indolence | See LAZINESS |
568 | 26 | 131 | 1 | Ineffectiveness | Show all | Man’s work is never ineffective, for man is God’s consciousness by means of which God works. When man works, God works; for God works by means of man. There is no unnecessary diffusion of work, Life is the law of Soul and God’s ideas are constantly unfolding to man with perfect sequence ; he understands every idea of God which comes to him and deals with it perfectly, re-presenting it to his fellow man and grouping the ideas into perfect combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. “Every function of the real man is governed by the divine Mind” (S. & H. p. ijt). |
569 | 27 | 131 | 1 | Ineffectiveness - Imperfection | See IMPERFECTION |
570 | 28 | 132 | 1 | Inertia | Show all | There is no inertia, for man is ever active, ever energetic as he reflects God, Life, infinite, spontaneous, self-originating Life. “For as the Father hath life in himself so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself” (John 5 : 26), and man’s life is in God, the only Self. Man is never inert, he expresses divine energy and initiative, for he reflects God, Life, the Principle of all vitality and activity. Man is the living of God, Life. |
571 | 29 | 132 | 1 | Infection | Show all | There is no infection, man is spiritual ; he is always in the right place at the right time. There arc no thoughts of “ materia medic*," only God’s thoughts, thoughts of Truth. Nothing can come to man except God’s perfect ideas, pure and holy, which are re-presented by man ; and man is spiritual, perfect, divine and holy, always benefiting his fellow man. God is the only power and the only ruler. No ideas of God ever do harm, all ideas minister to man and benefit man. |
572 | 30 | 132 | 1 | Infection - Contagion | See CONTAGION |
573 | 31 | 132 | 1 | Infidelity | See UNFAITHFULNESS |
574 | 32 | 132 | 1 | Inflammation | Show all | There is no inflammation, all is spiritual; there is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit; there is no impurity, all is purity, for Spirit is the Principle of all purity and holiness. There is no stagnation, all God’s ideas flow with perfect regularity, each idea is in its right place in Mind, ministering to man. There is no inflammation, all is peace, absolute peace; the peace of God is everywhere ; “ the Lord of peace himself" gives “peace always by all means ” (2 Thess. 3:16). (Work against germs and pain and for circulation of the blood). |
575 | 33 | 132 | 1 | Influenza | Show all | There is no influenza, for man is spiritual and perfect. (Then work against germs, poison in the blood, and matter, and against all symptoms such as inflammation, pain, fever, and high temperature. Work against infection and any symptoms such as flatulence.) |
576 | 34 | 133 | 1 | Inharmony | Show all | There is no inharmony, all is peace and rest and harmony; there are no disturbing elements, for all are governed by God, the Principle of all law and order; there is no want of Love, for God is Love and all men are absolutely loving ; there are no clashing thoughts, for all are govened by the one Mind, God, and God is Love arid mart reflects that Love and is loving towards all, being eVer harmoniously governed, sustained, directed and controlled by Love. (Work for love). |
577 | 35 | 133 | 1 | Inhumanity | Show all | There is no inhumanity, for man is spiritual. There is no animal magnetism, all is Spirit, the Principle of all goodness and holiness. There is no cruelty, for God is Love and all men are loving. (Work for love). |
578 | 36 | 133 | 1 | Inhumanity - Cruelty | See CRUELTY |
579 | 37 | 133 | 1 | Initiative | Show all | There is no lack of initiative, Mind is always guiding man into new and perfect channels of activity. Idea after idea unfolds with unfailing regularity, always coming at the right time, leading man to realms of infinite joy. Man is the activity of divine Mind and reflects God, divine intelligence and the Principle of divine wisdom. Man has no difficulty in initiating work, for God works by means of man, and man is alert and eager for the ideas of God, and delights in the activity of re-presenting them. Man does not depend on his fellow man, he depends on God only, and draws all his inspiration from Him. Man never fails, but is always doing the right work at the right time in the right way. |
580 | 38 | 133 | 1 | Initiative - Exhaustion | See EXHAUSTION |
581 | 39 | 133 | 1 | Initiative - Strength | See STRENGTH |
582 | 40 | 133 | 1 | Injuries | See WOUNDS |
583 | 41 | 133 | 1 | Injustice | Show all | Man never behaves unjustly to his fellow man, for man is spiritual and divine, governed by God. Man is never unfair, God is the Principle of justice, and therefore man reflects justice and is absolutely just and fair. God’s laws can never be broken, they are the laws of infinite good. Man never harms his fellow man, but is always benefiting him, always re-presenting perfectly God’s ideas, for God is Love, and man reflects that Love and is absolutely loving to all. “The law of truth war in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: be walked with me in peace and equity” (Mal. 2 : 6). |
584 | 42 | 133 | 1 | Injustice - Unfairness | See UNFAIRNESS |
585 | 43 | 134 | 1 | Insanity | Show all | Man can never be out of his Mind, man is always in Mind, in God, always thinking rightly, reflecting divine wisdom and divine intelligence. There is no matter to derange Mind, for Mind is God ; there is no material brain, man is spiritual, his brain is his capacity of thinking, the Christ capacity, spiritual and perfect. Man has no mind of his own, his Mind is God, perfect'Mind, unchanging and eternal. There are no illusions, God is Truth and man knows Truth. God’s ideas unfold to man with perfect sequence and are represented continually with perfect sequence, for man is governed by God, the Principle of all law and order. |
586 | 44 | 134 | 1 | Insanity - Nervous Breakdown | See NERVOUS BREAKDOWN |
587 | 45 | 134 | 1 | Insects | Show all | There are no material insects, all God’s ideas are spiritual; the lesser ideas of God never harm the higher ideas of God, they minister to and benefit man. God’s ideas are always in the right place, in Mind, in harmonious relationship with all other ideas, as they are governed by God, the Principle of good. "God gives the lesser idea of Himself for a link to the greater, and in return, the higher always protects the lower" (S. & H. p. 518). |
588 | 46 | 134 | 1 | Insects - Animals | See ANIMALS |
589 | 47 | 134 | 1 | Insects - Vermin | See VERMIN |
590 | 48 | 134 | 1 | Insomnia | Show all | Man never suffers from want of sleep, for man is spiritual; man never sleeps, for man is God’s consciousness: "Behold, be that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep" (Ps. 121:4). God, Mind, is ever active, and man, the consciousness of Mind, reflects God and is ever active. There is no weariness, for man is the consciousness of God, he is the infinite, unlaboured energy of God. Man is never restless, for man is the consciousness of infinite rest, infinite peace. There is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit; man is not material, he is spiritual. Man never fears the want of sleep, for he is ever active, and all activity is joyous. There is no fear, man has absolute trust in Gpd, trust in good. (Not sleeping does no harm. It is the belief in what follows if a man does not sleep which does the harm. If therefore the fear of these results is got rid of, the patient, as a rule, sleeps). |
591 | 49 | 134 | 1 | Insubordination | Show all | There is no insubordination, for man is spiritual and perfect, governed by God, the Principle of all good. Man never refuses to do what his fellow man wants, for God is Love and all men are loving. There is no misunderstanding, for God is Truth and man knows Truth. Man always docs what is right, for he is governed by God, the Principle of all law and all order. |
592 | 50 | 135 | 1 | Intelligence | Show all | The aspect of God which gives to man the rapidity and accuracy of mental grasp. Man is radiant with the light of divine intelligence. “Intelligence is omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence. It is the primal and eternal quality of infinite Mind, of the triune Principle—Life, Truth, and Love— named God.” (S. & H. p. 469). |
593 | 51 | 135 | 1 | Intestines | See BOWELS |
594 | 52 | 135 | 1 | Intolerance | Show all | There is no intolerance, man knows Truth ; Truth requires no human vindication, for Truth is all that exists. There is no antagonism to Truth, man loves Truth, desires Truth and rejoices in Truth. No narrowness can characterise man’s representation of Truth, man for ever perfectly re-presents all the ideas of God which come to him, and delights in re-presenting the ideas in all their fulness and infinite variety. -Mah has spiritual discernment, spiritual understanding, and knows' Truth, always thinking rightly ; there is nothing but Truth, nothing but God. Man never projects thoughts of illiberality towards his fellow man, for he knows that ail are in the one Mind, perfect and divine, reflecting divine Love. The ways of Truth are manifold and of infinite variety, all contained within the universal Mind. The one Principle inspires all progress, governs all action, and reveals itself to all men equally. The one Mind causes all men to discern His ideas spiritually and to recognise the unity of good. (Work for love). |
595 | 53 | 135 | 1 | Intolerance - Race Prejudice | See RACE PREJUDICE |
596 | 54 | 135 | 1 | Intoxication | See DRUNKENNESS |
597 | 55 | 135 | 1 | Inventions | Show all | In treating in order to develop an invention one can realise that all inventions arc combinations of God’s ideas and of God’s ideas alone, grouped together by God, working by means of man. There are no mistakes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. There are no delays, everything is done instantly, for God rules and governs all. There is no difficulty in getting material when needed, as all that is needed is the ideas of God, and man has only to think of an idea and he has the benefit of that idea which is at once available to him. In grouping together God’s perfect ideas into new combinations man does perfect work, for when man works God works; God works by means of man, for man is God’s consciousness, as infinite as God, by means of which God thinks, and works, and does everything. God’s ideas unfold with perfect sequence, idea after idea, and man groups together these ideas into perfect combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. Man loves his work and rejoices in his work, for his work is perfect and he knows that it is perfect. Man never works for his own benefit, he works for the glory of God, and as the expression of Love.’ Then, so that others can understand the invention, one realises that God is Truth and that man knows Truth ; there is no misunderstanding, for man is the knowledge of God and knows instantly everything that he needs. Then, as a rule, one wants to work for supply, even if at the time there is enough to carry on the experiments. As a rule, two or three times the length of time and the amount of money is required than was expected. |
598 | 56 | 136 | 1 | Investments | Show all | There are no bad investments, man’s capital is the ideas of God which are in Mind, perfect, doing their work properly. These ideas reflect entity, they can never be lost, they are always available, ministering to man and benefiting man. There are no mistakes, man reflects intelligence, wisdom and knowledge. God is Truth and man is the knowledge of Truth and knows everything he needs instantly. God’s ideas are being continually grouped into new combinations for the benefit of man ; these combinations arc never lost, they are always available, ministering to man, reflecting every aspect and quality of God to an infinite extent and so continually blessing and ministering to man. |
599 | 57 | 136 | 1 | Irregularity of Bowels | See BOWELS |
600 | 58 | 136 | 1 | Irritability | See IRRITATION, MENTAL |
601 | 59 | 137 | 1 | Irritation, Physical | See ITCHING |
602 | 60 | 136 | 1 | Irritations Mental | Show all | There is no irritation in Mind, all is peace and rest and harmony ; God is the only cause, the only ruler ; Love guides, governs and controls every idea of the universe, giving joy and happiness. Every idea in Mind is always in the right place at the right time, manifesting concord and harmony. (Then work for love). |
603 | 61 | 136 | 1 | Irritations Mental - Anger | See ANGER |
604 | 62 | 136 | 1 | Irritations Mental - Impatience | See IMPATIENCE |
605 | 63 | 137 | 1 | Itching | Show all | There is no itching, ail is peace and rest and harmony, man is governed by the peace of God which passeth all understanding. The skin can never cause trouble, it is the tender, loving action of God which preserves and maintains man’s individuality, (Then work against poison, matter, and nerve irritation, and for circulation of the blood). |
606 | 64 | 137 | 1 | Itching - Animals | See ANIMALS |
607 | 65 | 137 | 1 | Itching - Insects | See INSECTS |
608 | 66 | 137 | 1 | Itching - Vermin | See VERMIN |
JTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
609 | 1 | 140 | 1 | Jealousy | Show all | There is no jealousy, for God is Love and man reflects that Love, and is absolutely loving toward all. Man is never causing difficulties, man is always helping and benefiting his fellow man. “For God givetb to a Man that is good hi bis sight, wisdom, and knowledge, and joy” (Eccl. 2 : 26). (Then work for love). |
610 | 2 | 140 | 1 | Joints Out of Place | Show all | Man’s joints arc never out of place, they are spiritual and perfect, Man is God’s consciousness, everything in that consciousness is perfect and working perfectly. There arc no weakened muscles, man’s muscles arc God’s thought forces, having absolute power and absolute strength, always working perfectly, divinely, |
611 | 3 | 140 | 1 | Joints Out of Place - Displacement | See DISPLACEMENT |
612 | 4 | 140 | 1 | Journey | See TRAVELLING |
613 | 5 | 140 | 1 | Joy, Want of | Show all | There is no want of joy, man is ever joyous, active and energetic, for he is the activity of God, Mind, and that activity is ever joyous ; man is always passing on God’s ideas to his fellow man, giving him joy and happiness, and receiving ideas in exchange, giving him joy and happiness. Man is absolutely joyous, and in manifesting the light which is God, he is continually bright and happy. “I am continually with thee** (Ps. 73 : 23). “In tby presence is fulness of joy ; at tby right band there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: u). “Everlasting joy shall be unto them” (Is. 61 : 7). “Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy ” (Ps. 32 : 11). “All the sons of God shouted for joy” (Job 38 : 7). “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Neh. 8 : 10). “God my exceeding joy” (Ps. 43 ; 4). “In whom ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Peter 1 : 8). |
614 | 6 | 140 | 1 | Joy, Want of - Misery | See MISERY |
615 | 7 | 140 | 1 | Judging | See CRITICISM |
616 | 8 | 140 | 1 | Justice - Injustice | See INJUSTICE |
617 | 9 | 140 | 1 | Justice - Unfairness | See UNFAIRNESS |
KTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
618 | 1 | 141 | 1 | Kidneys | Show all | Man’s kidneys are never out of order, man’s kidneys are the knowledge of God as Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. Everything works with unfailing regularity and ease, for man is spiritual, governed by God, the Principle of all law and all order. Man is made in the image and likeness of God, pure and eternal. (Then work against symptoms). |
619 | 2 | 143 | 1 | Kidneys - Albuminuria | See ALBUMINURIA |
620 | 3 | 143 | 1 | Kidneys - Bright’s Disease | See BRIGHT'S DISEASE |
621 | 4 | 143 | 1 | Kidneys - Excess | See EXCESS |
622 | 5 | 143 | 1 | Kidneys - Organs | See ORGANS |
623 | 6 | 143 | 1 | Kleptomania | See THEFT |
624 | 7 | 143 | 1 | Knowledge | Show all | There is no want of knowledge, man knows instantly everything he needs ; God is the Principle of all knowledge, and man is God’s con sciousness, and knows Truth and understands Truth, for God is Truth, and man is the knowledge of God, the knowledge of Truth ; reflecting omniscience, he is instantly in touch with any idea he needs exactly at the right time. |
625 | 8 | 143 | 1 | Knowledge - Ignorance | See IGNORANCE |
LTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
626 | 1 | 146 | 1 | Labour, Lack of | Show all | There is no want of labour, there are infinite beings in Mind whose help is available to man instantly. Man is always in the right place, in Mind, in God, helping his fellow man, re-presenting God’s ideas to him, giving him infinite joy and happiness. God rules and governs everything and gives man everything that he needs instantly, and there are infinite ideas available instantly. All that man needs is the ideas of God, and these are always being re-presented to him by his fellow man with unfailing ease and regularity; man knows instantly where to get what he needs. |
627 | 2 | 146 | 1 | Labour, Lack of - Assistance | See ASSISTANCE |
628 | 3 | 146 | 1 | Lack of Control | See NERVES |
629 | 4 | 146 | 1 | Lameness | Show all | There is no lameness, for man is spiritual; he moves from idea to idea with absolute ease and absolute power, for man is “/& power of God, and the wisdom of God” (i Cor. i : 24) ; movement never gives trouble, but gives joy and peace. (Then work against apparent cause of the lameness, and against the symptoms such as pain and stiffness). |
630 | 5 | 146 | 1 | Lamps | See SMOKY LAMPS |
631 | 6 | 146 | 1 | Landlord - Renting | See RENTING |
632 | 7 | 146 | 1 | Landlord - Uncertainty of Tenure | See UNCERTAINTY OF TENURE |
633 | 8 | 146 | 1 | Laryngitis | Show all | There is no laryngitis, man’s larynx is spiritual and perfect, ministering to man and benefiting man. There is no inflammation of the larynx, for all is spiritual, perfect, divine, pure and holy. There is no swelling, for everything is in its place, working perfectly for the benefit of man. (Then work against loss of voice, pain, germs, inflammation, poison and want of circulation of the blood). |
634 | 9 | 146 | 1 | Laryngitis - Voice, Loss of | See VOICE, LOSS OF |
635 | 10 | 146 | 1 | Larynx | Show all | Man’s larynx is never out of order, man’s larynx is spiritual and perfect, God’s power of declaring the truth by means of which God’s ideas are expressed with freedom and case. (Then work against matter and any symptoms such as inflammation, ulceration, pain, swelling). |
636 | 11 | 146 | 1 | Larynx - Throat | See THROAT |
637 | 12 | 146 | 1 | Lateness | See UNPUNCTUALITY |
638 | 13 | 147 | 1 | Laundry | Show all | There is no dirt, for all is spiritual and perfect; all God’s ideas are perfect to behold, for they reflect Spirit, the Principle of all goodness, holiness and purity. All God’s ideas are absolutely perfect,' divine, pure and holy, giving man infinite joy and happiness. Man is never careless, he is always doing perfect work; there arc no mistakes, man works perfectly, for when man works, God works, God works by means of man. God’s ideas are never torn or spoilt, they reflect substance and are full and complete. God’s ideas are never scorched, they are spiritual; no iron can ever be too hot, because ail God’s ideas are perfect, doing their work perfectly, ministering to man and benefiting man. (Work against carelessness and hurry). |
639 | 14 | 147 | 1 | Law Suits | Show all | There are no law suite, for all is governed by God, the Principle of good. God is Love and all men are absolutely loving. It never happened/ for all is spiritual and perfect and governed by God. There are no mistakes, “tbe law of tbe Lord is perfect” (Ps. 19: 7). Man can never dispute about anything, for God is Truth and man knows Truth. There are no disputes, there is only one Mind ; there are no differing opinions,t there is only one way of looking at things, God’s way, God is the one seer and He sees by means of man; all men see things as God sees them, all men know Truth and love Truth. No untrue witness can be given, for, when man speaks, God speaks, God speaks by means of man. Man and his fellow man equally know Truth and love Truth and always express Truth. Man cannot express aught but Truth, “let them hear, and say, it is truth. Ye are my witnesses, saitb tbe Lord” (Is. 43 : 9, 10). There is no injustice, for God, the Principle of all things, is the Principle of all justice, and everything is adjusted by Him, the one ruler, with perfect adjustment. Love adjusts exquisitely, and all arc satisfied and joyous. Man loves “his neighbour ns himself" (Mark 12 : 33), there are no separate selves, and man is conscious only of God, the one Self. Man is profoundly wise, wise with the wisdom, the infinite wisdom, of God, the only Mind, for man reflects God, the Principle of all wisdom and skill. Man takes action from one motive only, the motive of Love. There is only one motive, God, Love. Nothing takes place but the action of Love. Then work separately for counsel, for the judge, for the jury and for the witnesses. The treatment is almost the same for each. For instance, in working for the counsel, one realises that there are no mistakes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. Man does perfect work, for when man works, God works. Man is always passing on God’s ideas and grouping them together into perfect combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind giving infinite joy and happiness. When man works, God works; God works by means of man. God is Truth, and man knows Truth. In working for the judge one realises chiefly that there is no injustice, God is the Principle of justice ; God is Truth and man knows Truth. In working for witnesses one realises chiefly that man cannot lie, for God is Truth and man knows Truth and reflects Truth. Man can only pass on God’s ideas to his fellow man, the ideas of Truth. One should also work for one’s lawyer so that all the work should he properly prepared. For this, after working against mistakes, etc., as above, one realises that man groups together God’s ideas into perfect combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind. Man always has any idea that is needed ; these ideas are always in their right place and man passes them on immediately when needed. These ideas are ideas of Truth. One does not work that cither one side or the other should win, but one realises what the facts of heaven arc. If one realised these properly, the whole of the action would be stopped instantly, and yet both sides would be perfectly satisfied with the result of what had taken place, in other words we would sec heaven more as it really is. |
640 | 15 | 147 | 1 | Laws | Show all | There are no unjust laws, the only laws are the laws of God, the laws of good, perfect and unalterable. There is no injustice, God is the Principle of all justice. There is no favoured class, the laws of God are impartial and are for the benefit of all. God’s laws can never be broken, they are the laws of infinite good. There is no down-trodden class, all are one in God. Man is always helping and benefiting his fellow man, passing on God’s ideas, which are infinite in number and always available. “Tbe law of the Lord it perfect” (Ps. 19 : 7) ; “love is the fulfilling of tbe law” (Rom. 13 : 10). (Then work for love ; also against delay, if necessary). |
641 | 16 | 147 | 1 | Laws - Delay | See DELAY |
642 | 17 | 147 | 1 | Laws - Love | See LOVE |
643 | 18 | 148 | 1 | Laziness | Show all | Man is never lazy, he reflects Mind, and is ever active and ever energetic, always helping his fellow man. He is always in the right place and doing the right thing, at the right time, for he is in Mind, God, being God’s consciousness. He loves his work, and rejoices in doing it perfectly; he loves to group God’s ideas into perfect combinations, to re-present these ideas to his fellow man, and to receive ideas in exchange, which give him infinite joy and happiness. There is no want of system, God is the Principle of all law and order. Man is always doing the right thing at thQ right time, for he is led and governed by God. “Divine Mind it tbe only (ante or Principle of existence” (S. & H. p. 262), and is ever active, governing man. |
644 | 19 | 148 | 1 | Laziness - Idleness | See IDLENESS |
645 | 20 | 148 | 1 | Laziness - Lethargy | See LETHARGY |
646 | 21 | 148 | 1 | Laziness - Sluggishness | See SLUGGISHNESS |
647 | 22 | 149 | 1 | Leaking - Cisterns | See CISTERNS |
648 | 23 | 149 | 1 | Leaking - Water | See WATER |
649 | 24 | 149 | 1 | Learn, Ability to | Show all | There is no difficulty in learning, man instantly knows everything he needs ; there is no want of knowledge, for man is God’s consciousness by means of which God knows. Man has no fear, man has absolute trust in God, trust in good, for there is nothing but good and man knows that there is nothing but good ; man is absolutely fearless, and knows that God knows by means of man. There is no difficulty in think ing rightly, man is always thinking rightly, for man is God’s conscious ness by means of which God thinks and knows. Man is the infinite consciousness of God by means of which God causes the ideas to circulate, The circulation of ideas is God’s thinking, and the right ideas continually unfold to man in perfect sequence and with unfailing regularity, forming forever man’s perfect body and being always instantly available. |
650 | 25 | 149 | 1 | Learn, Ability to - Memory | See Memory |
651 | 26 | 149 | 1 | Learning | Show all | Man is always learning; inspired by Love, he is forever mounting upward and onward, ever intelligently discovering new and vast systems of ideas which he gathers into his glorious body of thought, constantly adding to his everlasting treasure of wealth and love, ever increasing his infinite knowledge of God’s perfect world of ideas. |
652 | 27 | 149 | 1 | Leaving it to God | Show all | Mortal mind cannot make a man do anything that is wrong, for there is only one Mind, God, and man is governed by that one Mind, a perfect being, in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God, with perfect work, rc-presenting God’s ideas. Man cannot do what is wrong, for when man works, God works, God works by means of man. God is the only power and the only ruler; only God’s ideas can come to man and “tbegovernment shall be upon his shoulder” (Is. 9 : 6). (Give up doing things materially as fast as possible, until everything is done by treatment). |
653 | 28 | 149 | 1 | Lectures | See ATTENDANCES |
654 | 29 | 150 | 1 | Lecturing | See SPEAKING |
655 | 30 | 150 | 1 | Lethargy | Show all | There is no lethargy, Mind is ever decisive, ever energetic and man reflects that decision and energy. Life continually sustains and feeds man with perfect ideas which he deals with in keen, intelligent activity. |
656 | 31 | 150 | 1 | Lethargy - Idleness | See IDLENESS |
657 | 32 | 150 | 1 | Lethargy - Laziness | See LAZINESS |
658 | 33 | 150 | 1 | Lethargy - Procrastination | See PROCRASTINATION |
659 | 34 | 150 | 1 | Lethargy - Sluggishness | See SLUGGISHNESS |
660 | 35 | 150 | 1 | Life | Show all | The Principle of all power and strength which brings ideas to man. There is no loss of life, * Wr // life eternal, that they mig^t know thee tbe only true God** (John 17 : 3), and man is the knowledge of Life, man is the life and knowledge of God. **I am the way, tbe truth, and tbe life** (John 14 : 6). There is only one Life, God, and man reflects that Life and is ever active and energetic, reflecting infinite Life, infinite Truth, infinite Love, infinite wisdom. There is no death, all is Life eternal, man cannot die,, he is the life of Life, and man knows he cannot die, for man knows Truth and God is Truth; there is nothing but Truth; nothing but God and His manifestation, and man is the knowledge of Life, the knowledge of God, and has Life eternal. |
661 | 36 | 150 | 1 | Life - Death | See DEATH |
662 | 37 | 150 | 1 | Limitation | See SUPPLY |
663 | 38 | 150 | 1 | Liver | Show all | Man’s liver is never out of order, man’s liver is the knowledge of God as Truth, working perfectly and divinely, with absolute, unfailing regu larity and ease, for God is the Principle of all law and order, and man is governed by the Principle of law and order. |
664 | 39 | 150 | 1 | Liver - Organs | See ORGANS |
665 | 40 | 150 | 1 | Lockouts | Show all | There are no lockouts, for man is always at work passing on God’s ideas to his fellow man, and grouping them together into perfect com binations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving his fellow man joy and happiness. There is no mortal mind to stop this action, for it is the action of God. Man never combines to do harm, but is combined in the one Christ to do good to man. Man can never tyrannise over his fellow man, for God is Love and all men ate loving. (Then work for love, truth and justice). |
666 | 41 | 150 | 1 | Lockouts - Strikes | See STRIKES |
667 | 42 | 150 | 1 | Locomotor Ataxia | Show all | There is no locomotor ataxia, for God controls all in perfect order and harmony; God is the Principle of all law and all order, therefore man is governed by law and order. There is no lack of co-ordination, man is controlled throughout by God alone, there is one Mind directing all things, so that “all things work togetherfor good** (Rom. 8 : 28), for God is the Principle of harmony. There are no jerky movements, the action of Mind is ordered and regular; no involuntary movement, for the only will is the intelligent, purposeful will of God. There is no loss of sensa tion, the consciousness of God is a perfect consciousness, alert and receptive of every idea of Mind. There is no difficulty in walking, for man “walks in the Spirit** (Gal. 5 : 25), man is not material, he is spiritual, and all his movements are spiritual and perfect. There is no helplessness, man demonstrates the Principle of activity, he is “strengthened with all might, according to bis glorious power** (Col. 1 : 11). There is no incurable disease, all is ever perfect, there is nothing to cure, for there is only God and His infinite manifestation, (Treat against any other symptoms, such as pain, impaired vision, etc.). |
668 | 43 | 151 | 1 | Loneliness | Show all | There is no loneliness, for there are infinite beings in Mind, available instantly. There is only one Mind, God, one consciousness, man, and all men are part of that one consciousness, therefore man is instantly in touch with anyone he needs. There is no want, God is the source of all supply and gives man everything he needs instantly. Man never fails to have perfect companionship, for all men are spiritual, there are infinite beings in Mind, always desirous of helping their fellow men. (Work for love and against separation). |
669 | 44 | 151 | 1 | Long Standing Beliefs | See CHRONIC BELIEFS |
670 | 45 | 151 | 1 | Loss | Show all | None of God’s ideas can ever be lost, they are always in the right place, in Mind, in God, benefiting man and ministering to man. Man is instantly in touch with any idea of God that he needs. God is the Principle of knowledge, and man, being made in the image and likeness of God, knows instantly everything that he needs and has instantly everything he needs. |
671 | 46 | 151 | 1 | Loss in Exchange | Show all | Man never loses anything in the exchange of God’s ideas, God is the Principle of all knowledge. Man knows instantly everything he needs, and is always doing the right thing at the right time. Man is surrounded by divine Love and all men are infinitely loving, always helping their fellow men. Man never makes mistakes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge, knowing everything he needs and always knowing exactly what to d^ and when to do it. |
672 | 47 | 152 | 1 | Loss of a Friend | See GRIEF AT DEATH OF FRIEND |
673 | 48 | 152 | 1 | Loss of Appetite - Appetite | See APPETITE |
674 | 49 | 152 | 1 | Loss of Appetite - Food | See FOOD |
675 | 50 | 152 | 1 | Loss of Blood | See BLOOD |
676 | 51 | 152 | 1 | Loss of Feeling | See FEELING |
677 | 52 | 152 | 1 | Loss of Smell | Show all | There is no loss of smell, for man is divine; his senses are not material, they are spiritual; man’s senses can never be lost, man’s senses are God’s senses. Man’s nose is the capacity of following a train of ideas, the Christ capacity, spiritual, perfect and complete. Man is conscious of everything he needs, for man is God’s consciousness, divine and perfect. |
678 | 53 | 152 | 1 | Loss of Touch | See FEELING |
679 | 54 | 152 | 1 | Love | Show all | The aspect of God which causes man to pass on the ideas to his fellow man in order that he may give him the joy and happiness that he has received therefrom. “To infinite, ever-prerent Love, all it Love” (S. & H. P- 5^7)' x It is most important that students should strive to realise God’s omnipresence as the controlling Principle of all being. The most effectual way in which we can do this is by the realisation of.God as Love. Love is omnipotent and the ability and willingness of divine Love to bestow all possible good are equal. It follows that before any appeal can be made the answer is given. We, the mortal counterfeits, do not know this, and therefore do not accept the good which is over available. In order to learn to accept it, let your thought dwell on God, striving to understand Love in all phases of expression. Think of Love as the mighty impulse through which all activity is brought about, with the result that it reflects Love’s absolute loveliness. Think of Love as the source of co-ordination of all powers and activities, through which they are absolutely harmonised. This does away with any belief of conflict. Dwell on Love as the Principle of all joy and bliss, of all freedom, praise and worship. See Love as the illuminating flame, in the light of which all things are seen as they truly are, spiritual and perfect, reflecting every aspect and quality of God to an infinite extent. If you work in this way, many other thoughts concerning Love will come to you. You will see that all men are in Love and you will encounter love wherever you go, and troubles and inharmony will disappear. The main point is that this attitude of thought will lead you more than any other to understand the true nature of God and man and give you a happiness which is beyond conception. God is Love and Love is continually manifested. Man is the reflection, or thinking of Love and continually reflects or manifests infinite Love. Man is the consciousness of Love, is always conscious of Love, and is absolutely loving towards all, for man is the love of God. Infinite Love surrounds man, and man always reflects that perfect Love; all men are divinely attracted, one to another. “God is love ; and be that dwelletb in love dwelletb in God, and God in him" (i John 4 : 16). “The senses of Spirit abide in Love, and they demonstrate Truth and Life" (S. & H. P- *74)- |
680 | 55 | 153 | 1 | Low Blood Pressure | See BLOOD PRESSURE, LOW |
681 | 56 | 153 | 1 | Lues | See SYPHILIS |
682 | 57 | 153 | 1 | Lumbago | Show all | There is no lumbago, man is spiritual and perfect; the back is the strength of moral courage, never giving pain, but giving joy and happiness. Man reflects Mind and is ever active and energetic ; there is no stiffness, man is spiritual, unhampered and absolutely unfettered and joyous, reflecting God as Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. There are no stiffened muscles, the muscles are God’s thought forces, ex pressing the perfect power that is Mind, governed by the Principle of law and of order. There is no inflammation of the nerves, man’s nerves are spiritual, channels in consciousness through which God’s ideas pass, giving man joy and happiness. Man’s loins can never be affected, man’s loins are spiritual, supporting man’s glorious body of thought. (Work against rheumatism, poison in the blood and pain, dwelling in thought on the ease and freedom of the thinking of divine Mind, and so gaining some of the joyousness of this movement). |
683 | 58 | 153 | 1 | Lying | Show all | There is no lying, God is Truth and man is always truthful. There is no mortal mind to make man lie, for there is only one Mind, God, Truth, and man is governed by that Mind, governed by Truth. Man is made in the image and likeness of God and God is Truth, therefore man reflects Truth and is absolutely truthful. There is no deceit, man is always frank, passing on the ideas of God which he re-presents exactly as, he receives them. |
684 | 59 | 153 | 1 | Lying - Deceit | See DECEIT |
685 | 60 | 154 | 1 | Lying-in | See CHILDBIRTH |
686 | 61 | 154 | 1 | Lymph | Show all | Man’s lymph is never out of order, man’s lymph is the knowledge of God as Principle, spiritual and perfect and divine, always working perfectly, circulating with unfailing regularity, ministering to man and benefiting man. Man’s lymph glands are always perfect and working perfectly, assisting man. (Work against poison in the blood, inflamma tion and matter and for circulation of the blood, also for symptoms such as swelling and suppuration). |
687 | 62 | 154 | 1 | Lymphatic Glands and Channels | Show all | There are no blocked lymphatics (lymph-channels), the channels arc channels in consciousness through which God’s ideas pass with absolute ease and freedom. Man’s lymph is the knowledge of God as Principle, ministering to man and benefiting man. There is no stoppage, for God is Mind whilst Love is the power that causes the ideas to circulate in Mind, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. All God’s ideas pass with unfailing regularity and ease. There is no matter, for all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. All God’s ideas are in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. There is no congestion, every thing passes with absolute freedom and absolute ease, for God is the Principle of all law and order, and man is governed by law and order. |
MTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
688 | 1 | 157 | 1 | Mad Dog, Bitten by | See RABIES |
689 | 2 | 157 | 1 | Madness | See INSANITY |
690 | 3 | 157 | 1 | Magnetism | See HYPNOTISM |
691 | 4 | 157 | 1 | Malaria | Show all | There is no malaria, for man is divine and governed by God alone. There is no high temperature, ail is normal; no after effects, for all is spiritual. Mosquitoes can never carry poison, they are God’s lesser ideas ministering to and benefiting man. There are no parasites in the blood, man’s blood is the joy.that circulates right through the con sciousness, pure, perfect and divine; no lesser ideas of God can ever harm the higher ideas of God, for all minister to and benefit man. There are no intermittent or remittent fevers, for all is peace and rest and har mony. There are no malarial chills, for man is surrounded by the warmth of divine Love ; no want of circulation, for man’s blood is the joy that circulates right throughout the consciousness; Love is the power that causes that joy to circulate, Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. (Work against weakness, anamia and recurrence). |
692 | 5 | 157 | 1 | Malice Against Truth | Show all | This class of thought embraces a much wider range of evil thinking :han is usually recognised. The ordinary form is when a man says, for nstance, of literature on a spiritual basis, “lam not going to have this ?ubbish in my house,” but it also includes the class of thought which disparages spiritual workers and makes people criticise those who are working in the truth, or criticise arrangements made to help people, >r criticise the literature on Truth. There is no malice against Truth, man loves Truth, knows Truth, md rejoices in Truth, for God is Truth and man is the knowledge of 3od, the knowledge of Truth, reflecting Spirit, the Principle of all goodness and holiness. Malice against Truth is often expressed by malice against an individual, jften through the latent idea that he knows or expresses more of Truth han the one showing malice. To work against this one realises that 10 mortal ever passes on ideas of Truth or expresses Truth, Truth is ilways expressing Itself, ever active, ever present. Man and his fellow nan equally know Truth, love Truth, and manifest Truth. There is no malice against the terminology or nomenclature of Truth, for God is the only speaker and the only healer. All words are ideas of God, Truth, and man has perfect understanding of every idea of Truth. |
693 | 6 | 158 | 1 | Mania | See INSANITY |
694 | 7 | 158 | 1 | Manliness | Show all | There is no lack of manliness, for man reflects God, the Principle of all energy and vigour. There is no effeminacy, man always expresses virility and enterprise, reflecting God, the Principle of manliness and strength. Man is made in the image and likeness of God ; “for that he is strong in power ; not one failetb” (Isa. 40 : 26), man is “strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power” (Cpl. 1 : 11). |
695 | 8 | 158 | 1 | Manuscript Reading | Show all | There arc no mistakes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge, for God is Truth, and man, being the consciousness or knowledge of God, knows Truth. There is no mortal mind to make man think wrongly of God’s ideas, there is only one Mind, God, govern* ing all ideas, and all God’s ideas arc perfect, and man knows they are perfect. “The perfect Mind sends forth perfection, for God is Mind” (S. & H. p. 239). |
696 | 9 | 158 | 1 | Marriage | See MATRIMONY |
697 | 10 | 158 | 1 | Masturbation | Show all | There is no masturbation, for man is spiritual and perfect. Man’s hands never harm him, the hand is the power of grasping God’s ideas, and only God’s ideas can come to man ; these ideas minister to and benefit man. There arc no impure thoughts, for only ideas of Spirit can come to man and Spirit is the Principle of all purity and holiness. Man cannot be hypnotised to do what is wrong, man is spiritual, perfect, divine and holy. (Work against sensuality). To stop this, young children are often operated on, and abnormal parts removed. Where the parts are abnormal one can realise that there arc no abnormal parts, God’s ideas are perfect. They can never cause irritation, they arc spiritual and divine. Nothing is ever out of its place, all God’s ideas arc in their place, ministering to man and benefiting man. There is no excess of matter, for all is spiritual. (Work against matter). |
698 | 11 | 159 | 1 | Materia Medica, Thoughts of | Show all | No thoughts of materia medica can touch man, there are only God’s thoughts; no false medical beliefs, man knows only ideas of Truth. Man is the image and likeness of God, spiritual and perfect, knowing “no /apse from nor return to harmony" (S. & H. p. 471). He exists always at the standpoint of absolute perfection, thinking only God’s thoughts. God is Truth and man knows Truth, for man is the knowledge of Truth, being the knowledge of God. |
699 | 12 | 159 | 1 | Material Basis | Show all | There is no material basis, the only basis is spiritual, for the only foundation is God ; the only thoughts are God’s thoughts, divine and holy thoughts, which are always coming to man. Nothing exists except Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit, all is spiritual and perfect. There is no material world, only God’s world, the world of reality, perfect and divine. There is no want of knowledge of Truth, man knows Truth and loves Truth and rejoices in Truth. There is no mortal mind to keep man off his true basis, for there is only one Mind, God, good ; man is always on a spiritual basis ; he has spiritual perception, spiritual discernment, spiritual understanding, and knows Truth. |
700 | 13 | 159 | 1 | Material Body | Show all | There is no material body, man’s body is the body of thought, the infinite combinations of ideas which have come to man, and of which man is conscious whenever needed. Man’s body can never be affected by matter, man’s body is spiritual, the glorious body which gives man joy and happiness ; fashioned like unto bis glorious body" (Phil. 3 : 21). |
701 | 14 | 159 | 1 | Material Conversation | Show all | There is no material conversation, man can only think and rc-prescnt God’s ideas. Man speaks divinely, for God expresses His infinite spiritual nature by means of man. God is Truth, and the only ideas which can be expressed arc the holy and uplifting ideas of absolute Truth. God’s ideas radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite joy and happiness. |
702 | 15 | 160 | 1 | Material Man | Show all | There is no material man, man is divine, a perfect being, in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God, “God’s spiritual idea, individual, perfect, eternal" (S. & H. p. 115). The only man there is now, ever was or ever will be is spiritual and perfect, reflecting Life, Truth, Love, Mind, Soul, Spirit, intelligence, substance and Principle. Man is consciousness, God’s consciousness, knowing nothing unlike God, being co-existent and co eternal with God, ever re-presenting perfect, spiritual ideas in the divine order of being, God’s thinking, knowing, acting, conscious, existent idea of Himself; in quality reflecting all that God is. “Tbe sinless joy,—tbe perfect harmony and immortality of Life, possessing unlimited divine beauty and goodness without a single bodily pleasure or pain,—constitutes the only veritable, indestructible man, whose being is spiritual” (S. & H. p. 76). There is no matter, only Spirit and the infinite manifestation of Spirit, pure, perfect, divine and holy. “Immortal man was and is God’s image or idea, even the infinite expression of infinite Mind, and immortal man is coexistent and coeternal with that Mind” (S. &. H. p. 336). Man cannot be conscious of anything material, man thinks only of God’s spiritual ideas which are continually unfolding to him, for man is God’s consciousness by means of which God thinks and knows, and man knows Truth and rejoices in Truth. There is nothing but God, nothing but Truth. “His truth enduretb to all generations” (Ps. 100 : 5). |
703 | 16 | 160 | 1 | Material Senses | Show all | There are no material senses, man’s senses arc spiritual; God is the only thinker and the only actor. He works by means of man, who is God’s consciousness, spiritual, perfect and divine. |
704 | 17 | 160 | 1 | Material Senses - Senses | See SENSES |
705 | 18 | 160 | 1 | Material Thoughts | Show all | There arc no material thoughts, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. The only thoughts are God’s thoughts, by which man is constantly surrounded ; these are spiritual and perfect ideas, and only such ideas can come to man. |
706 | 19 | 159 | 1 | Materially, Doing Things | See LEAVING IT TO GOD |
707 | 20 | 160 | 1 | Matrimony | Show all | There is no separate sex, for all are spiritual. There is no desire to marry, for man is complete, male and female, made in the image and likeness of God. There is no unconscious hypnotism, God is the only power and the only ruler. There is no sensuality, all is purity and chastity ; man is never desirous of any qualities to complete himself, he is male and female complete and perfect. There are no material senses, man’s senses are spiritual; man has no unsatisfied desires, man has instantly everything he needs; no impure thoughts can come to man, only God’s pure, perfect, divine and holy ideas. There is no incompleteness in man, he is the perfect and full reflection of the Father, male and female qualities fully developed. There are no false appetites, man is spiritual and reflects Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. When one of the married couple wants to leave the other, you can realise that there is no separation, all men are held together by the gravitation of divine Love. There is only one Mind, God, one consciousness, man ; all men arc a part of that one consciousness, perfectly combining and assisting each other, and working in perfect harmony. In that one Mind there is perfect unity, as man is conscious only of one Life, one substance, one purpose. All arc part of the one consciousness of God and all men act with the one motive of helping each other, always giving each other joy and happiness, never separated, but instantly in touch with each other, reflecting Love, perfectly bound together by divine Love and interchanging Love’s perfect ideas. There is no misunderstanding, for God is Truth, and man knows Truth. There is no nagging, for God is Love, and all men arc loving. God is the Principle of wisdom ; man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. One man can never upset another man, and only God’s thoughts arc re-presented. If there is antagonism against Truth on the part of one or the other, then you can realise that there is no malice against Truth, man loves Truth, knows Truth and rejoices in Truth, for God is Truth, and there is nothing but Truth, nothing but God. Man and his fellow man equally know Truth. Man cannot possibly prevent his fellow men from receiving a greater knowledge of the ideas of God, for man is governed by God and by God alone, absolutely free, rejoicing in the “glorious liberty of the children of God” (Rom. 8 : 21). (Then work for love). |
708 | 21 | 160 | 1 | Matrimony - Malice Against Truth | See MALICE AGAINST TRUTH |
709 | 22 | 161 | 1 | Matter | Show all | There is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness ; thefe arc no material ideas, all ideas arc spiritual, always in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. |
710 | 23 | 161 | 1 | Measles | Show all | There arc no measles, all is spiritual and perfect. There is no poison in the system, all is purity. There is no rash, man’s skin is the loving action of God which preserves and maintains man’s individuality. Man can never take a chill, man is surrounded by the warmth of divine Love. There is no inflammation, all is purity ; the mucous membrane can never be inflamed, it is the tender loving action of God which preserves and maintains man’s individuality. Man cannot desire to scratch himself, for all is peace, rest and harmony. (Work against irritation, infection, poison in the blood, circulation of the blood, and symptoms such as headache, running at the eyes and nose, sore throat, cough and high temperature). |
711 | 24 | 162 | 1 | Mechanism Out of Order | See OUT OF ORDER |
712 | 25 | 162 | 1 | Medical Beliefs, False | See MATERIA MEDICA |
713 | 26 | 162 | 1 | Melancholia | Show all | There is no melancholia, for every idea that comes to man is an idea ? of God, reflecting the Principle of joy and making man absolutely joyous. There is no morbid depression, for man loves to receive the ideas of God. “Tbe sons of God shouled for joy” (Job 38 : 7). Man rejoices to receive the ideas of God, and rejoices to re-present them. “In tby presence is fulness ofj oy” (Ps. 16 : ii). No wrong thoughts can come to man, only God’s ideas can come ; these ideas give man joy and happiness. (Work against apparent causes and symptoms such as heredity, sex, mental depression, nerves and illusions and work for joy). |
714 | 27 | 162 | 1 | Memory, Lack of | Show all | There is no lack of memory, man knows instantly anything he needs ; memory cannot be lost, it is a faculty of Mind, permanent and indes tructible. Man has no difficulty'in recollecting, for man is divine, God’s consciousness, by means of which God thinks and knows. All of God’s ideas arc ever present, for all ideas exist in Mind, and unfold to man with unfailing regularity as and when needed, and arc re-presented with similar regularity. God’s ideas coming to man form “bis glorious body” (Phil. 3:21) and arc ever instantly available. Man is instantly in touch with any idea he needs, for all ideas arc instantly available. Man cannot think that he has difficulty in recollecting anything, for man’s Mind is God, and man knows Truth, man never malpractises on himself, for man is divine and governed by God. |
715 | 28 | 162 | 1 | Memory, Lack of - Learn, Ability to | See LEARN, ABILITY TO |
716 | 29 | 162 | 1 | Menopause | See CHANGE OF LIFE |
717 | 30 | 162 | 1 | Menstruation, Excessive | Show all | There is no excessive menstruation, for man is spiritual and divine, governed by God, the Principle of good. Man’s organs arc spiritual, governed by God, the Principle of all law and all order. There is no waste of blood, man’s blood is the joy which is always in the right place, ministering to tnan and benefiting man, Man can never cease from his duty, for man is always in the right place doing perfect work, and cannot be affected by anything material, for he is spiritual, governed by God alone, and all God’s ideas are in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. (Work against symptoms such as anaemia, pain, headache, debility and fear). |
718 | 31 | 162 | 1 | Menstruation, Excessive - Irregular | See IRREGULAR |
719 | 32 | 162 | 1 | Menstruation, Excessive - Menstruation | See MENSTRUATION |
720 | 33 | 163 | 1 | Menstruation, Insufficient | Show all | There is no insufficient menstruation, man’s organs arc spiritual, ever-active, reflecting Mind, which teems with infinite ideas. There is no want of ideas, there arc infinite ideas available to man always, in the right place, benefiting man and ministering to man. Insufficient menstruation is, according to medical belief, sometimes due to the kind of anaemia characterised by deficiency in red blood corpuscles, the main function of which is to carry oxygen to the tissues. In this case you can realise that there is no want of oxygen, God’s ideas are perfect and complete, always in the right place, whenever needed. There is no lack of activity in the expression of divine ideas, they reflect Mind, the Principle of all activity. |
721 | 34 | 163 | 1 | Menstruation, Irregular | Show all | There is no irregular menstruation, for man is spiritual and divine, governed by God, the Principle of all law and all order. There is no con gestion, everything passes with freedom and case ; the channels are channels in consciousness through which God’s ideas pass with unfailing ease and regularity, giving man joy and happiness. Love is the power which causes the ideas to circulate, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. There is no want of control of the ductless glands, man’s glands are spiritual, channels in consciousness, benefiting man, ministering to man. (Work for circulation and quality of the blood, and against nerves, pain, inconvenience and poison). |
722 | 35 | 163 | 1 | Menstruation, Irregular - Organs | See ORGANS |
723 | 36 | 163 | 1 | Mental Assassination | Show all | This is the class of thought that accepts death as inevitable, such as, “All men must die ”; 44 The child will not live through the night.” One works against this by realising that there is no mental assassination, man has Life eternal; man cannot die for man’s Life is God. |
724 | 37 | 163 | 1 | Mental Assassination - Assassination | See ASSASSINATION |
725 | 38 | 163 | 1 | Mental Malpractice | Show all | This is the class of thought that thinks evil of human beings and ocher things, such as, “ The man is a confirmed drunkard,” 44 That tree is a bad one.” As a rule, the term is used in cases where there is dislike or hate on the part'of the person speaking of the other one, hut it includes all classes of wrong thinking, as when a mother speaks of a child she loves and says, “ She is not very strong.” “Mental malpractice is a bland denial of Truth” (Mary Baker Eddy). It disappears when one knows that there is no mental malpractice, for man knows Truth and is absolutely loving towards all, Man never harms his fellow man but is always helping him. No harmful thoughts can come to man, for the only thoughts which can come to man are God’s thoughts, spiritual, perfect, divine and holy. There is only one thinker, God, infinite Mind. |
726 | 39 | 164 | 1 | Mental Suggestion | Show all | Mental suggestion may be what is called good or evil; in both cases it is followed by harm. When the mental suggestion is directly harmful, such as, “ He cannot possibly do the work,” it is called aggressive mental suggestion. When it is not of a directly harmful kind, such as, “ You will be able to do that work very well,” it is called mental sugges tion. One can work against this by realising that there is no mental suggestion, only God’s thoughts come to man ; God is the only speakei and the only hearer. |
727 | 40 | 164 | 1 | Mental Suggestion - Aggressive Mental Suggestion | See AGGRESSIVE MENTAL SUGGESTION |
728 | 41 | 164 | 1 | Merchant | See BUYING AND SELLING |
729 | 42 | 164 | 1 | Mesmerism | See HYPNOTISM |
730 | 43 | 164 | 1 | Method, Want of | Show all | There is no want of method, God is the Principle of all law and order ; God’s ideas unfold in perfect sequence and are passed on in perfect sequence. When man works, God works; God works by means of man. |
731 | 44 | 164 | 1 | Mice - Animals | See ANIMALS |
732 | 45 | 164 | 1 | Mice - Vermin | See VERMIN |
733 | 46 | 164 | 1 | Milk Leg | See WHITE LEG |
734 | 47 | 164 | 1 | Mind | Show all | The aspect of God which causes the mental activity in the world of reality. Used also as the metaphysical synonym for God. |
735 | 48 | 164 | 1 | Mind, Out of | See INSANITY |
736 | 49 | 165 | 1 | Mischief-Making | Show all | There is no mischief-making, there is only one Mind, God; no animal magnetism, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. Man never makes mischief, man is always helping and benefiting his fellow man. All men dwell in eternal harmony, for God is Love, and man reflects that Love and is absolutely loving towards all. There is no mental malpractice, God is the only thinker, and all thoughts are God’s thoughts, thoughts of Love, joy and peace. Man can never be misled, for man is led and governed by God ; God is Truth, and man knows Truth and rejoices in Truth. Man is God’s consciousness, knowing instantly everything he needs to know. |
737 | 50 | 165 | 1 | Misery | Show all | There is no misery, for man is absolutely joyous, rejoicing in ever present good. “The tons of God shouted for joy" (Job 38:7); "in thy presence is fulness of joy” (Ps. 16 : 11). Love’s blessing is continual, a perpetual source of infinite joy. Man is always interchanging ideas with his fellow man, giving his fellow man joy and happiness, and receiving joy and happiness from the perpetual unfoldment of God’s ideas which he receives in exchange for those he re-presents. |
738 | 51 | 165 | 1 | Misery - Joy | See JOY |
739 | 52 | 165 | 1 | Missionary Problems | Show all | There is no prejudice, there is but one Mind, and man, the conscious ness of that Mind, judges "not according to the appearance” he judges "righteous judgment” (John 7 : 24); he instantly recognises Truth, appreciates it and delights in it. Man cannot be anxious about the spread of Truth, God is Truth and Truth is its own carrier, its own organ iser. There is no mortal mind to influence man, man receives the truth from God alone. God sends out His light and His truth, and is always ministering to man. Man cannot suffer from disillusionment, there is only one Mind. Man rejoices to recognise the one Spirit, his one source of wisdom and love. Man can never fail to carry God’s message, he is always passing on God’s ideas. Man never fails to reflect Truth in such a way as to cause delight and joy, and in expressing Truth gives infinite joy to infinite beings. |
740 | 53 | 165 | 1 | Mistakes | Show all | There are no mistakes, man reflects wisdom, intelligence, knowledge and discernment, and always knows and does the right thing, Man is spiritual, always saying and doing the right thing at the right time, for only God’s ideas come to man ; they unfold in perfect sequence, and arc rc-presented in perfect sequence, for man is governed by God, and God is the Principle of all law and order. Man cannot make mistakes, for man does perfect work, being led and governed by God. There is only one Mind, divine Mind, only one wisdom, divine wisdom, spiritual and perfect. Man is the wisdom of God. “0 the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of Gnd\ " (Ronn 11 : 33). |
741 | 54 | 166 | 1 | Misunderstandings | Show all | There arc no misunderstandings, there is only one Mind governing all, and man is the knowledge or consciousness of that one Mind, radiant with the light of divine intelligence, and therefore understanding thoroughly every idea of God that comes to him. God is Truth and man knows Truth, for man is the knowledge of God, the knowledge of Truth, dwelling in Truth “from everlasting to everlasting” (Ps. 90 : 2). |
742 | 55 | 166 | 1 | Monotony | Show all | There is no monotony, for man is always traversing the boundless realms of infinite Mind, revelling in infinite beauty, eternal harmony, and delighting in inexhaustible riches of infinite variety. |
743 | 56 | 166 | 1 | Moral Courage | Show all | There is no lack of courage, man is always doing what is right. There is no fear, man has trust in God, trust in good, and is absolutely fearless. Man never can be afraid of offending anyone, man always says and does what is right, for when man speaks and acts God speaks and acts ; God is the only speaker and the only actor, because God is cause, the one and only cause. |
744 | 57 | 166 | 1 | Morphine Habit | See DRUG HABIT |
745 | 58 | 166 | 1 | Mortal or Carnal Mind, or No-Mind | Show all | Mortal mind is the name given to the imaginary cause of all evil, or mist of matter which appears to hide heaven. It is the supposititious opposite of God, and is a synonym for what is called in the Bible “the serpent*' “Satan” “the devil” “enmity against God” etc. Its ultimate basis from a natural science point of view is small electrical particles, negative at one end and positive at the other, which in belief aggregate together in what is known as matter and hide heaven from us. These particles of electricity keep on short circuiting themselves and disappearing. They therefore have no existence or reality. It is a synonym for what is known in natural science as die dhcr, the cause of all our 4r<»uble, as the matter it forms bides heaven and brings about a suppositional absence of good, called evil. "The carnal Mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be” (Rom. 8:7). In working against it you can realise that there is no mortal mind, there is only one Mind, God, infinite good. |
746 | 59 | 167 | 1 | Mortal Sense | Show all | There is no mortal sense, man’s senses arc spiritual, pure and perfect, clearly discerning Gtid’s immortal ideas and the real forms of divine creation. Man’s Mind is God, his mental attitude is spiritual. Conscious ness pervades the world of Truth and secs all circumstances and surround ings as spiritual and harmonious. All senses arc God’s senses, pure and painless, realising the joys of Mind, satisfied with the glories of Life and rejoicing in the fulness of Love. |
747 | 60 | 167 | 1 | Mucus - Discharge | See DISCHARGE |
748 | 61 | 167 | 1 | Mucus - Suppuration | See SUPPURATION |
749 | 62 | 167 | 1 | Mumps | Show all | There are no mumps, for man is spiritual and perfect. There arc no swellings of the salivary glands, man’s glands arc spiritual, channels in consciousness, through which God’s ideas pass with freedom and ease. There is no inflammation, ail is purity ; no matter, only Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. There is no infection, for only God’s ideas exist, and these arc always benefiting and helping man. |
750 | 63 | 167 | 1 | Mumps - Glandular Swellings | See GLANDULAR SWELLINGS |
751 | 64 | 167 | 1 | Mumps - Growths | See GROWTHS |
752 | 65 | 167 | 1 | Muscles | Show all | There are no weakened muscles, man’s muscles arc God’s thought forces, having absolute power and strength. Man’s muscles cannot be stretched, for all God’s ideas arc in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. Man’s muscles never fail to act properly, they arc ideas of God, divine ; no nerves can ever cause the muscles to work improperly, for man’s nerves are spiritual, ministering to man and benefiting man. There is no want of co-ordination, for all ideas arc governed by the one Mind, God. |
753 | 66 | 167 | 1 | Muscles - Accuracy | Show all | There is no inaccuracy, God’s ideas unfold with perfect sequence, every idea in its right place, ministering to man, and giving joy and happiness. There are no discordant notes, for the harmonies of God’s kingdom arc perfect, being the manifestation of Life, Truth and Love, and governed by God, the Principle of all law and order. There is no fear, man has absolute trust in God, trust in good, there is nothing but good, and man knows there is nothing but good. Man is absolutely fearless. There arc no material nerves, man’s nerves are spiritual channels in consciousness, through which God’s ideas come to man, never giving man trouble, but giving man joy and happiness. |
754 | 67 | 168 | 1 | Muscles - Composition | Show all | Man is made in the image and likeness of God ; he therefore reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. He knows everything he needs instantly, he does perfect work in re-presenting God’s ideas. There is no difficulty in receiving these ideas, they unfold to him with perfect sequence, and he groups them together into glorious combina tions which radiate out in infinite Mind giving infinite beings joy and happiness. These combinations are absolutely perfect; they are per fectly grouped together and give infinite joy to all those whose attention is drawn to them, and there are infinite beings who receive joy from every combination of ideas that God groups together by means of man. The glorious combinations which continually unfold to man are never broken, they unfold in perfect sequence, and each following sequence of combinations is absolutely complete and perfect. No additional grouping of ideas is ever required, for God is the Principle of all law and order, and every sequence of ideas is governed by law and by order, and is full, perfect and complete. To save loss of time in producing the composition, it may be realised that there is no loss of time, everything is done instantly; God rules and governs all, God is the only worker ; God’s ideas unfold to man with perfect sequence, idea after idea. Man knows instantly everything he needs, for man is God’s consciousness, divine and perfect. Some composers may be persuaded to try writing something of a lower quality than their best, writing down to the public, thinking that it will be better for them. This is a mistake : you cannot possibly compose anything that is too good. Every time you think a thought of this sort you have to reverse it and realise that there is no necessity for anything less than absolute perfection, for the combination of God’s ideas are always perfect in every detail, and always give infinite joy to all who become conscious of them. Man understands all these combinations perfectly because man is God’s consciousness and has perfect under standing. |
755 | 68 | 168 | 1 | Muscles - Composition - Composing | See COMPOSING |
756 | 69 | 168 | 1 | Muscles - Correct Rendering | Show all | Man never fails to catch the spirit of the music, because all music consists of a harmonious sequence of God’s perfect combinations of ideas, and all those ideas reflect God in all His glory, When man groups together a combination of ideas and re-presents them, his fellow man absolutely understands, appreciates and delights.in every detail of the combination. No mortal mind can stop the perfect action of God, for there is only one Mind, God, and God rules and governs all. |
757 | 70 | 169 | 1 | Muscles - Criticism | See CRITICISM |
758 | 71 | 169 | 1 | Muscles - Evenness of Tone | Show all | There is no unevenness of tone, every idea of God unfolds with perfect sequence .and is re-presented with perfect sequence, Evbry combination of ideas is full and complete and perfect, delighting man with its perfection and perfect relationship to all other combinations, |
759 | 72 | 169 | 1 | Muscles - Execution, Rapidity of | Show all | There is no want of rapidity of execution, everything is done instantly, for God rules and God governs all; there is perfect facility of move ment, the ideas of God continually unfold to man with perfect freedom, and are instantly re-presented for God is Mind, and man reflects that Mind, and is ever active and ever energetic. |
760 | 73 | 169 | 1 | Muscles - Faulty Instruments | Show all | No idea of God can ever be out of order, God’s ideas are spiritual and perfect; there are no mechanical defects' because all is spiritual, these ideas are ideas in Mind, governed By God, working perfectly with absolute harmony and regularity. There is no mortal mind to. affect these ideas and spoil their usefulness, for they ate the ideas of God which have always existed, divine and perfect, ministering to man and benefiting man. |
761 | 74 | 169 | 1 | Muscles - Fear | Show all | Fear is the false belief which often troubles musicians, and requires to be dealt with. |
762 | 75 | 169 | 1 | Muscles - Fear | See FEAR |
763 | 76 | 169 | 1 | Muscles - Individuality in Composition | Show all | There is no want of individuality, for when man groups together these ideas into combinations, every one of them is different, every one of them new and absolutely perfect. They reflect or manifest God, partaking of the nature of God, divine and perfect, giving absolute joy and happiness to man on account of their wondrous beauty. |
764 | 77 | 170 | 1 | Muscles - Interruptions | Show all | There is no interruption, for there is only one voice, the voice of God. When man speaks, God speaks ; God speaks by means of man. There is no thoughtlessness, for man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge; God is Truth and man knows Truth. Man never harms his fellow man, for God is Love and man is loving, always helping and benefiting his fellow man. Then to prevent people going out too soon, and interrupting in this way, you can realise that man never goes out too soon, for God is the Principle of all law and order ; man does everything at the right time. There is no disturbing noise, all is peace and rest and harmony, for man never disturbs his fellow man ; God is Love, and man reflects that Love and is always loving towards all, always helping his fellow man. |
765 | 78 | 170 | 1 | Muscles - Light and Shade | Show all | There is no difficulty in rendering any piece to perfection, for, when man works, God works; God works by means of man, and man is divine. Everything is done to absolute perfection ; the light and shade of expression is the harmony of God’s world. Every combination of ideas bears an exact proportion to all other combinations, for God is the only worker and His work is absolutely perfect, giving man infinite joy and happiness. |
766 | 79 | 170 | 1 | Muscles - Mechanical Touch | Show all | There is no mechanical touch, God’s ideas are spiritual, perfect and divine, pure and holy, revealing the glory of God, the melody of Mind. With infinite tenderness Love unfolds the harmonies of Life, filling consciousness with the fulness of joy. No matter can possibly prevent man from fully enjoying these perfect ideas, man has infinite capacity of revealing the divine beauty, delighting his fellow man with his perfect expression of divine harmony. Mortal mind cannot interfere with man’s recognition of God’s ideas which continually unfold and give joy and happiness. There is no mortal mind, only one Mind, God, and He rules and governs all. The mechanical playing in some players develops into “ thumping.” In such a case you can stop this at once by realising that there can be no discordant sounds in heaven, only the concord of Love divinely expressed. God’s ideas unfold with perfect sequence, with delightful sweetness, for all is peace and rest and harmony. |
767 | 80 | 170 | 1 | Muscles - Obtaining a Hearing | Show all | God’s ideas are never in the wrong place, they always unfold and are re-presented exactly where they are needed. There is a perfect law of supply and demand, for man is led and governed by God and re-presents God’s ideas absolutely in the right place, for God is the Principle of all good, and man is governed by good and good alone. Man never wants anything, God’s ideas are always received directly they are needed, for God gives man everything he needs instantly. (Treat for knowledge as to the selection of the right publisher or conductor). |
768 | 81 | 171 | 1 | Muscles - Orchestral Writing | Show all | In writing for the orchestra one is sometimes undecided as to what instrumentation would be the best, for instance, one is often undecided as to the key or harmony. Treatment will overcome this entirely by the realisation that man is never undecided, for God’s ideas unfold to him in perfect sequence. Life is the law of Soul and Life settles the order in which the ideas unfold to man. They come with absolutely unfailing regularity, idea after idea, all in perfect sequence and correct order; man groups together these ideas as they come, and re-presents them with perfect sequence. He knows instantly everything that he needs. There are no mistakes, for God rules and God governs all. |
769 | 82 | 171 | 1 | Muscles - Out of Tune | Show all | Here also nerves are greatly concerned. In some cases, however, one gets out of tune whenever there is tiredness. In other cases, it may be spoken of as a natural difficulty against which one has to treat. In any case, work against fear and nerves, and realise also that the harmony of God’s world is never disturbed, as every note is spiritual, a manifesta tion of God, and in perfect attunement with all others, ensuring perfect sequence. Love is the power which causes the ideas to circulate in Mind, and the work of Love is perfect. Every idea of God gives man intense joy and happiness, and every idea manifests God in all His divine aspects. (Work against tiredness). |
770 | 83 | 171 | 1 | Muscles - Out of Tune - Exhaustion | See EXHAUSTION |
771 | 84 | 171 | 1 | Muscles - Out of Tune - Strength | See STRENGTH |
772 | 85 | 171 | 1 | Muscles - Personality | Show all | Personality is a belief that there is a material person whom sometimes one dislikes, sometimes one likes in a wrong way. Personality is always a difficulty, not only with artists, but with everyone ; we are so affected by what people say, do and think. When you know that there are no people there at all, but at the utmost they are simply a series of cinema pictures, flashing by, half your trouble has gone. At the same time, if you suffer from it at all, you should always treat against it by realising, for instance, that there is no personality, the only person is God, no material person can have any effect upon man, for all men are spiritual. Man never harms his fellow man, he is always helping him and benefiting him. Man cannot think or say anything except to help his fellow man. Sometimes it is necessary as well to work against nerves. (Work against hypnotism). |
773 | 86 | 171 | 1 | Muscles - Personality | See PERSONALITY |
774 | 87 | 172 | 1 | Muscles - Playing by Heart - Learn, Ability to | See LEARN, ABILITY TO |
775 | 88 | 172 | 1 | Muscles - Playing by Heart - Memory | See MEMORY |
776 | 89 | 172 | 1 | Muscles - Reading at Sight | Show all | Man never has any difficulty in understanding and dealing with the ideas of God, which unfold regularly and with perfect sequence to man. They arc never delayed, they unfold directly, at the right time, and immediately are thoroughly understood and dealt with by being re-< presented, benefiting all those who need these ideas. |
777 | 90 | 172 | 1 | Muscles - Rhythm | Show all | It is not easy to explain exactly what rhythm is, although it is very easy to know whether a singer or a dancer is rhythmic. Rhythm suggests movement that is in balanced harmony with itself. The method of work ing for it is to realise that there is no want of rhythm, all ideas unfold with perfect sequence to man and arc reflected in accordance with the laws of God—namely,- in perfect harmony, sequence, and completeness, for God is the Principle of all law and all order. God’s ideas flow with perfect rhythm because they arc eyer in perfect relationship to all, and are rc-prcsented with perfect rhythm, giving absolute joy to all. |
778 | 91 | 172 | 1 | Muscles - Self-Consciousness | Show all | There is no self-consciousness, for man’s Self is God ; man can never think of himself, he thinks only of God and God’s ideas, for man is God’s consciousness, by means of which God is Self-conscious and thinks and works and speaks and hears and loves and docs all. |
779 | 92 | 172 | 1 | Muscles - Sweetness | Show all | In some cases a player will have all other requisites and yet be deficient in sweetness, for instance, with the ’cello or violin there will be a roughness in a rendering which otherwise is perfect. Here you can realise there is no want of sweetness, God’s ideas are absolutely perfect, delighting man, reflecting the purity and sweetness of Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. When one thinks of the entrancing beauty of perfect music in the material world one is able to form some dim idea of the absolute perfection of the real music in heaven. Try to get a sense of this marvellous perfection, the harmony of it all and the absolute, heavenly delight that man, the real man, experiences in listening to the perfect ideas of God. |
780 | 93 | 173 | 1 | Muscles - Transposing | Show all | There is no difficulty in transposing, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. There is no fear of mistakes, man has absolute trust in God, trust in good, and does everything perfectly, for when man works, God works, God works by means of man, |
781 | 94 | 173 | 1 | Muscles - Uniformity | Show all | There is no want of uniformity, God is the Principle of all law and order; God’s ideas unfold to man with perfect sequence, idea after ide? comes to man with absolute regularity and man reflects those ideas in perfect sequence and with perfect regularity. There arc no deficient ideas, every idea is expressed perfectly, maintaining the eternal melody of Truth in its purity and perfection, giving man absolute joy and happiness. There is no want of uniformity, God’s ideas unfold with perfect sequence, idea after idea, for God is the Principle of all law and order, and man reflects that law and order. |
782 | 95 | 173 | 1 | Muscles - Waiting to Come on | Show all | There is no fear, man has absolute trust in God, for there is nothing but God, and man knows there is nothing but God ; man is absolutely fearless. Man does perfect work, and he knows that he does perfect work, for God is Truth, and man is the knowledge of God and knows Truth. Man is absolutely joyous; row of God shouted for joy” (Job 38 : 7); “ in thy presence is fulness ofj oy” (Ps. 16 : 11). |
783 | 96 | 173 | 1 | Muscles - Waiting to Come on - Stage Fright | See STAGE FRIGHT |
784 | 97 | 173 | 1 | Muscles - Want of Tone | Show all | There is no want of tone, God’s ideas reflect substance and are full and complete and perfect; they are divine, reflecting power and having all power and strength; they are absolutely clear. Love is the power that causes man to re-present God’s ideas and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. God’s ideas are always ministering to man and benefiting man, giving man joy and happiness. All God’s ideas reflect or manifest God, and God is the Principle of all power. |
785 | 98 | 173 | 1 | Muscles - Weakness in Fingers or Muscles | Show all | There is no weakness, man reflects Life and has all power and strength ; God rules and governs, man reflects Mind, and is ever active and ener getic. Man’s fingers are spiritual and perfect, the power of grasping God’s ideas ; man’s muscles arc God’s thought forces, reflecting infinite power. Man is never tired, for man is spiritual, man is the expression of the unlaboured energy of God. There is no matter to make man weary, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. Man is “strong in tbe Lord, and in tbe power of Ids might” (Eph. 6 : io), man is “strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power” (Col. i : n). |
786 | 99 | 173 | 1 | Muscles - Weakness in Fingers or Muscles - Strength | See STRENGTH |
NTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
787 | 1 | 177 | 1 | Nail Biting | Show all | Man never bites his nails, man’s nails are the power of grasping small details, spiritual and perfect. The capacity to analyse and dissect God’s ideas (the teeth) can never harm the power of grasping small details (the nails). Man is consciousness, God’s consciousness, and every part of that consciousness works perfectly and divinely, benefiting man. There are no material nerves, man’s nerves are spiritual, ministering to man. Man is always doing what is right, as every man is led and governed by God and by God alone. |
788 | 2 | 177 | 1 | Nail Biting - Nerves | See NERVES |
789 | 3 | 177 | 1 | Near Sight | See EYES |
790 | 4 | 177 | 1 | Neck, Stiff | Show all | There is no stiff neck, man’s neck is the capacity to turn in thought to any idea, the Christ capacity, spiritual and perfect, always doing its work perfectly. Man has the capacity to receive perfectly any idea of God; that capacity is the Christ capacity and never gives pain, but gives joy and happiness. There is no pain in movement, man is the activity of Love, absolutely unfettered and joyous. There is no poison in the blood, man is the reflection of God as Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. There are no stiffened muscles, the muscles are God’s thought forces, expressing the perfect powers of Mind, governed by the Principle of law and order. (Work against symptoms and apparent cause, such as stiffened muscles, poison, cold, rheumatism, nerves, etc.) |
791 | 5 | 177 | 1 | Nerves, Nervousness | Show all | There are no material nerves, man’s nerves are spiritual and divine, channels in consciousness, by means of which God’s ideas come to man, giving him joy and happiness. There is no nervousness, all is peace, rest and harmony. There is no lack of self-control, for man is governed and controlled by God, and by God alone ; all is peace, for man reflects God, and God is “tire God ofp eace” (Rom. 15 : 35). Man is the consciousness of this infinite, eternal peace, “the peace of God, which passeib all understanding” (Phil. 4:7). |
792 | 6 | 177 | 1 | Nervous Breakdown | Show all | There is no nervous breakdown, for man is spiritual; it never happened, for man is governed by God, God’s consciousness by means of which God thinks. (Then work against nerves as above). |
793 | 7 | 177 | 1 | Nervous Breakdown - Insanity | See INSANITY |
794 | 8 | 177 | 1 | Nervous Breakdown - Nerves | See NERVES |
795 | 9 | 178 | 1 | Neuralgia | Show all | There is no neuralgia, for man is spiritual and perfect; there are no material nerves, man’s nerves are spiritual, channels in consciousness which never give pain, but always give joy and happiness. There is no inflammation of the nerves, man’s nerves arc spiritual and perfect, pure and holy ; man?s nerves can never swell and press upon the sheath, the sheath is God’s loving maintenance of man’s individuality, spiritual and perfect. (Then work against pain). |
796 | 10 | 178 | 1 | Neuralgia - Nerves | See NERVES |
797 | 11 | 178 | 1 | Neuritis | Show all | There is no neuritis, man is spiritual and perfect; there is no inflamma tion of the nerves, the nerves are channels in consciousness through which God’s ideas pass, never giving man pain, giving man joy and happiness. No nerve can ever swell and press upon the sheath, the sheath is the loving action of God which preserves and maintains the individuality of God’s ideas, spiritual, perfect, divine. (Work against inflammation and pain). Some cases of neuritis are due to pressure of displaced bone or growth in neighbouring parts. These should then be worked against. |
798 | 12 | 178 | 1 | Neuritis - Nerves | See NERVES |
799 | 13 | 178 | 1 | Neuritis - Neuralgia | See NEURALGIA |
800 | 14 | 178 | 1 | Nightmare | See DREAMS |
801 | 15 | 178 | 1 | Noises at Night | Show all | There arc no disturbing noises, all is spiritual and perfect; there is no mortal mind to affect man, for there is only one Mind, God ; man is governed solely by God, God is the only power and the only ruler; all is peace and rest and harmony, for man is governed by "the peace of God, which passeth all understanding” (Phil. 4 : 7). |
802 | 16 | 178 | 1 | Noises in the Head | Show all | There are no noises in the head, for man is spiritual and perfect; his head is his capacity to know God. To know God is to know absolute peace, absolute rest, absolute harmony. Man’s ears are the capacity to understand, a perfect capacity, acting perfectly. None of God’s ideas can obstruct other ideas, for "all things work together for good” (Rom. 8 : 28); nothing can interfere with the flow of ideas to consciousness, for every idea is controlled by God, and the law of Love is the law of harmony. |
803 | 17 | 178 | 1 | Noises in the Head - Deafness | See DEAFNESS |
804 | 18 | 178 | 1 | Noises, Objectionable - Discordant | See DISCORDANT |
805 | 19 | 178 | 1 | Noises, Objectionable - Sounds | See SOUNDS |
806 | 20 | 179 | 1 | Nose, Cold in | See CATARRH |
807 | 21 | 179 | 1 | Numbness | See COLD |
OTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
808 | 1 | 182 | 1 | Obesity | See STOUTNESS |
809 | 2 | 182 | 1 | Obnoxious Thoughts | Show all | There are no obnoxious thoughts in Mind, for Mind, God, absolute good, is the only thinker. Man can only be conscious of the pure, holy and joyous ideas of divine Mind. |
810 | 3 | 182 | 1 | Obsessions - Insanity | See INSANITY |
811 | 4 | 182 | 1 | Obsessions - Nervous Breakdown | See NERVOUS BREAKDOWN |
812 | 5 | 182 | 1 | Obstructions | See DELAY |
813 | 6 | 182 | 1 | Oil Wells - Against Breakages | Show all | There are no breakages, God’s ideas reflect substance and arc full and complete. There are no accidents, because all is governed by God, divine Love, the Principle of all law and all order. Everything works with unfailing regularity and ease, because God rules and God governs everything. |
814 | 7 | 182 | 1 | Oil Wells - For Drilling | Show all | There arc no delays, everything is done instantly, for God rules and God governs everything. There are no stoppages, for God is the Principle of all law and all order, and God’s ideas continually do their work perfectly. There is no hard material, for all is spiritual, reflecting Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. All God’s ideas pass with absolute freedom and absolute ease; they are always in the right place, doing their work perfectly, with unfailing regularity. |
815 | 8 | 182 | 1 | Oil Wells - Picking up Pipes, etc | Show all | There is no difficulty in picking up anything, for God’s ideas arc always in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. There are no mistakes, man reflects wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. All God’s ideas are governed by God, the Principle of good, doing 'their work perfectly, exactly as and when required. |
816 | 9 | 182 | 1 | Old Age | Show all | There is no old age, for man always has existed and always will exist, a perfect being in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God, having Lafe eternal. Man is God’s consciousness, as infinite as God ; he reflects Life and has all power and strength; he reflects Mind and is ever active and ever energetic. None of his organs can be worn out, as all are tpiritual and perfect, reflecting Life and substance, ministering to man md benefiting man, giving him infinite joy and happiness as he moves in thought joyously in the realm of Mind. |
817 | 10 | 182 | 1 | Old Age - Stiffness | See STIFFNESS |
818 | 11 | 183 | 1 | Open-Minded | See BROAD OUTLOOK |
819 | 12 | 183 | 1 | Opening of the Earth | Show all | One of the troubles which has been seen at the so-called end of the world, which is only the end of all matter, is the opening up of the earth and thousands being swallowed up and destroyed. No earth can open, all is spiritual and perfect. Man can never be swallowed up, he is always in the right place at the right time. The lesser ideas of God never harm the higher ideas, they minister to man nad benefit man. No fissbre can-ever be created, God’s ideas reflect substance and entity and are full and complete. |
820 | 13 | 183 | 1 | Operations, Medical | Show all | Working for operations divides itself into three headings :— i. To try and stop or postpone the operation so as to give time for the person to be healed with the treatment. One works also for the surgeon so that he advises what is best for the patient. 2. One then works so that the surgeon should do his work well and the operation be satisfactory in every way. 3. One then works for the patient against after effects and so that there is a quick and satisfactory recovery. |
821 | 14 | 183 | 1 | Operations, Medical - After the Operation | Show all | There are no bad effects, God is the only cause, He is the law to all things; “the law of the Lord is perfect” (Ps. 19 : 7). There is no sickness, man’s food is the ideas of God ; man hever has to remain in bed, man is ever active and ever energetic, moving with freedom and joy from idea to idea. No man can stop that circulation of God’s ideas for God’s ideas always circulate in Mind, and God is Truth and man therefore thoroughly understands and deals with these ideas. This action is regular and ever taking place, being the action of God, infinite Mind. Man’s skin is never cut, man’s skin is the loving action of God which preserves man’s individuality, reflecting substance and entity, always the same, ministering to man and benefiting man. Man’s muscles are never cut, man’s muscles are God’s thought forces, reflecting substance and entity, ministering to man and benefiting man. Man’s tissues were never cut, all God’s ideas are eternally perfect and complete. (Work against fear, heart weakness, germs, septic poisoning, pain, weakness, and loss of blood.) |
822 | 15 | 183 | 1 | Operations, Medical - To Avoid the Operation | Show all | Man never can be operated on for man is God’s consciousness, complete and perfect; the only operation is the operation of God which never mutilates, but maintains man’s entity and completeness, giving him infinite joy and happiness. Man is spiritual and governed by God, God is the only power and the only ruler. God’s ideas can never be injured, they are indestructible and perfect; man is never compelled to injure anything in order to do good ; for the only compulsion is the will of God, the compulsion of Love ; Love’s law is “a// things work together for good” (Rom. 8 : 38). Man’s body is not material, it is spiritual; there is no disease requiring operation, for man’s body is the body of Christ, the embodiment of Ttuth, perfect, beautiful, spiritual, eternally holy, “the same yesterday, and to day and for ever” (Hcb. 13:8). |
823 | 16 | 183 | 1 | Operations, Medical - To Help the Operation | Show all | There is no danger in an anaesthetic, for man is always conscious, unceasingly conscious of Clod. There arc no mistakes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge; man does perfect work, for when man works, God works, God works by means of man, who is a perfect being in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God, and always does perfect and divine work, for God is the Principle of all knowledge and man knows everything he needs instantly. |
824 | 17 | 184 | 1 | Orders | Show all | There is no want of orders, because God’s ideas are always unfolding to man with absolutely unfailing ease and regularity. Man receives these ideas and re-presents them to his fellow man, giving him joy and happiness, and receives ideas in exchange, which bring him joy and happiness. There are no means of stopping that action because there is only one Mind, God, Who governs all. There is a perfect law of supply and demand, when man needs an idea he knows where to get it; when man desires to pass on an idea he knows where to pass it, for God is the Principle of all knowledge and man knows instantly what he needs to know. There is a perfect interchange of ideas con tinually taking place, for God is the Principle of all law and order, and Love is the power which causes the ideas to circulate and Love is the power which causes man to pass on the ideas to his fellow men, md Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. God’s ideas unfold to man in perfect sequence and are re-presented in perfect sequence. These dcas come to him as perfect combinations and he groups together :hese ideas into new combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind md give man joy and happiness. |
825 | 18 | 185 | 1 | Organisation | Show all | AU men are perfectly organised, being governed by God, the Principle >f all law and order. Life governs the sequence of ideas in Mind, being he law of Soul. Every idea or combination of ideas is perfectly related :o and co-operative with all other ideas, governed by the Principle of livine law and order. Man has no feeling of responsibility, he rejoices n demonstrating and witnessing the continuous unfoldment of Truth’s deas in perfect sequence. The organisation of divine Principle gives ill men infinite joy and happiness. (Work against delay, mistakes, Misunderstanding, criticism, want of knowledge). |
826 | 19 | 185 | 1 | Organs, Internal | Show all | Man’s internal organs (or whatever organ is out of place) are never nit of place, they arc always in place, working perfectly, ministering o man and benefiting man ; the organs never cause trouble, they arc deas of God, spiritual and perfect, doing their work perfectly, giving nan joy and happiness. (Work against symptoms such as weakened nuscles, old age, inflammation and tumours, if likely.) |
827 | 20 | 185 | 1 | Originality | Show all | Man cannot lack originality, for man reflects God, the origin and xeator of all things. God does not conceive two ideas, or two com- >inations of ideas, alike, for God is infinite, the one infinite Mind, jiving to each individualised consciousness its individual power of eflecting God. Man is spiritual and perfect, and when man groups ogether God’s ideas into combinations, every one of them is different, very one of them new, every one of them absolutely perfect. When nan thinks, God thinks. God and man arc inseparable, and God, nd God alone, is the source and origin of all ideas. “ For of him, nd through him, and to him are all things: to whom be glory for ever ” Rom. n : 36). |
828 | 21 | 185 | 1 | Out of Joint | Show all | Man’s hip (or. whatever the limb is) is never out of joint, man’s hip s spiritual, God’s support which enables man to move from idea to idea. Nothing ran hr out of place, tor everything is in its place, working perfectly. Being governed By God, the Principle of all law ami order. (Work against weakened muscles and any other symptoms, such as inflammation and pain.) |
829 | 22 | 185 | 1 | Out of Joint - Displacement | See DISPLACEMENT |
830 | 23 | 186 | 1 | Out of Mind | See INSANITY |
831 | 24 | 186 | 1 | Out of Order; Mechanism, Locks, etc | Show all | Nothing can ever get out of order, all of God’s ideas arc in theit right place, working perfectly, working divinely, with unfailing regularity, for God is the Principle of all law and all order, and His ideas arc governed by absolute law and order, always fulfilling their mission in being ol use to man, |
832 | 25 | 186 | 1 | Out of Place | See UNTIDINESS |
833 | 26 | 186 | 1 | Over-Competition | Show all | There is no competition, there is only one Mind, God, and man it in that Mind and governed by that one Mind, God, which governs al men perfectly. There is only one will, the will of God, only one purpose one aim, the purpose, the aim of God, and man is always carrying ouf God’s will, for man is the means by which God acts. There are nc separate persons, only one Person, God, no separate selves, man if conscious only of God, the one Self. Each idea in Mind has its owr function to perform, and is infinitely supplied with means for perfeci anil joyous activity. Man never competes, he is the consciousness of infinite abundance, available instantly to all. God’s ideas unfold witl perfect sequence and arc re-presented with perfect sequence. Toi many or too few ideas can never come to man, for God is the Principle of all law and all order. Man is never working against his fellow-man he is always helping his fellow-man, benefiting him, calling his attentior co God’s ideas, for God is Love and man reflects that Love and if absolutely loving towards all. |
834 | 27 | 186 | 1 | Over-Estimation - Personality | See PERSONALITY |
835 | 28 | 186 | 1 | Over-Estimation - Pride | See PRIDE |
836 | 29 | 186 | 1 | Overeating | See EATING TOO MUCH |
837 | 30 | 186 | 1 | Overwork | Show all | There is no overwork, for God’s ideas unfold to man with perfec sequence, and arc passed on with perfect sequence. When man works God works ; God works by means of man. Too many ideas cannot come to man at a time, for God is the Principle of all law and all order, and man is governed by law and by order. There is no rush, God rules and governs all. Man Joves and rejoices in his work, which is to give his fellow-man joy and happiness, and God’s ideas unfold with unfailing regularity at the right time, just as and when required, and arc passed on at the right time* |
838 | 31 | 186 | 1 | Overwork - Hurry | See HURRY |
839 | 32 | 186 | 1 | Overwork - Rush | See RUSH |
PTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
840 | 1 | 190 | 1 | Pain | Show all | (Use the denial very frequently, as this means temporary relief, the dematerialisation of the thoughts causing the pain. Always, however, follow each denial with one or more affirmations.) There is no pain, all is bliss and joy and happiness. Man lives and moves and has his being in peace, the God of peace gives man peace by all means. “ Be glad hi the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy” (Ps. 32 : 11), “ The sons of God shouted for joy” (Job 38 : 7), “ In thy presence is fulness ofj oy ” (Ps. 16 : it). There arc no material nerves to carry pain, man’s nerves arc spiritual, channels in consciousness, through which God’s ideas come to man, giving him perpetual joy and happiness. “ Rejoice in the Lord ” (Phil. 4 : 4). “ The joy of the Lord is your strength ” (Neh. 8:10). “ Spirit's senses are without pain, and they are forever at peace. Nothing can hide from them the harmony of all things and the might and permanence of Truth" (S. & II. p. 214.) |
841 | 2 | 190 | 1 | Pancreas | Show all | Man’s pancreas is never out of order, it is spiritual and perfect; the glands are channels in consciousness, from which God’s ideas pass, ministering to man and benefiting man. God’s ideas always have everything that is necessary for their complete and perfect assimilation and understanding. (Then work against symptoms such as sugar in the urine, in which case work chiefly by working against matter and against inflammation, poison, and if required excess of sugar.) |
842 | 3 | 190 | 1 | Pancreas - Organs | See ORGANS |
843 | 4 | 190 | 1 | Panic | Show all | Work against fear, mesmerism, hypnotism, mortal mind, and against the apparent cause of the panic. |
844 | 5 | 190 | 1 | Paralysis | Show all | The commonest cause of paralysis is injury to the brain or spina cord, either by accident, or (more commonly) by haemorrhage of th< brain, or else by a clot forming in a blood-vessel of the brain. There is no paralysis, man reflects Life and has all power and strength his strength is the strength of God, spiritual and unchangeable, mar is “ strong in the Lord, and in the power of bis might ” (Eph. 6 : 10), “ strength ened with all might, according to his glorious power" (Col. 1 : 11); mat reflects Mind and is ever active and ever energetic. Man’s muscle: never fail to work, man’s muscles arc God’s thought forces, having absolute power and strength. There arc no material nerves to stop the vorking of God’s thought forces, man’s nerves are spiritual, channels n consciousness through which God’s ideas pass continually and per- cctly. There is no clot of blood, man’s blood is the joy which circulates ight throughout consciousness, and Love is the power that causes hat joy to circulate, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. There s no haemorrhage, all is controlled by God ; there is no rupture of the dood-vcssels, they are spiritual channels, having the enduring substance >f Spirit. Man’s blood is spiritual joy, and the Principle of joy is the ’rinciple of all law and of order; joy is spiritual, always perfect, and lod’s ideas cannot injure, but always benefit man. (Work against natter, and the loss of power ; also against belief in accident, if necessary.) |
845 | 6 | 191 | 1 | Passion - Anger | See ANGER |
846 | 7 | 191 | 1 | Passion - Temper | See TEMPER |
847 | 8 | 191 | 1 | Patience | Show all | Man is never impatient, he is always absolutely patient, knowing that c will receive every idea he needs exactly as and when it is needed, 'here is nothing to make man impatient, for only God’s ideas can come 3 man, these ideas arc perfect, always coining at the right time and in he right way. Man is never stupid, he reflects divine, wisdom, intelligence nd knowledge. Man knows that man is never stupid, for God is 'ruth and man knows Truth. AU is peace, rest- and harmony, for li arc governed by God, the Principle of good. |
848 | 9 | 191 | 1 | Patience - Impatience | See IMPATIENCE |
849 | 10 | 191 | 1 | Patient Requiring To Be Changed, There Is No | Show all | There is no material patient, there is only God’s man, and God’s tan is spiritual, perfect and changeless. There is no mind to be changed, >r man’s Mind is God, the only Mind that there is, perfect and divine. |
850 | 11 | 191 | 1 | Patients, For More | Show all | Man always does perfect work, rc-prcsenting God's ideas to his dlow-mcn and grouping them together into perfect combinations which idiatc out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness, here is a perfect law of supply and demand ; when man needs an lea he knows where to get it, and when man wants to pass on an idea c knows where to pass it, for God is the Principle of all knowledge id man knows everything he needs instantly. Man always knows 'here to get help, for God, Truth, is the only helper and man knows 'ruth, loves Truth, desires Truth, and knows where to get Truth, for rod is Truth, and man is the knowledge of God, the knowledge of Truth. (Work against fear and malice against Truth and for supply for the patients.) |
851 | 12 | 192 | 1 | Peace | Show all | All is peace and harmony, for God is “ tbe Lord of ptace ” (2 Thes. 3 : 16), and man is (rod’s consciousness, eternally conscious of absolute peace. There is only one Being, one existence, and that Being is God, eternal Mind, knowing all things, omnipresent Spirit, omnipotent God, “ upholding al! things by the word nf bis power ” (Heb. 1 : 3), and “ in him we live, and move, and have our being ” (Acts 17 : 28). Man’s Life is a Life of peace, his activity is the activity of peace, he rests in action and the peace of activity, his Being is the Being of peace. Man dwells in God, in the eternal home of peace. “ Your life is bid with Christ in God" (Col. 3 : 3), “ be is our peace ” (Eph. 2 : 14). God is Love, and to dwell in Love is to dwell at peace, “ tbe unspeakable peace which comes from an all-absorbing spiritual love ” (S. & H. p. 264). Spirit, the Principle of purity and holiness, is present everywhere, “ over all and through all and in all ” (Eph. 4:6, R.V.); all is holiness and peace. Man’s peace is the deep, unchanging peace of God, “ the peace of God which passeth all understanding ” (Phil. 4 : 7). “ Peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come" (Rev. 1 14). |
852 | 13 | 192 | 1 | Peace - Inharmony | See INHARMONY |
853 | 14 | 192 | 1 | Perishable Goods | Show all | None of God’s ideas can deteriorate, they arc spiritual and perfect, reflecting Life eternal. There are no material germs, God’s ideas arc spiritual; the lesser ideas of God never harm the higher ideas, they minister to man and benefit man. There is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. God’s ideas can never be too hot and deteriorate, they are always normal, surrounded by divine Love. There is no death, all is Life eternal ; all God’s ideas reflect Life, and arc spiritual and perfect, always benefiting man, always available, perfect and divine. |
854 | 15 | 192 | 1 | Persistence and Perseverance | Show all | There is no want of persistence, as man is always doing what is right, doing God’s perfect work, God being the only actor. There is no want of stability, for man is God’s consciousness, as infinite as God, by means of which God thinks and knows and acts. God’s ideas unfold in perfect sequence, and man re-presents them in perfect sequence. Man cannot be led away from Truth, for God is Truth and man is the knowledge or consciousness of Truth ; man can never desire anything but Truth, he loves Truth, rejoices in 'J'ruth and desires Truth, for God is Truth. |
855 | 16 | 193 | 1 | Personality | Show all | There is no human personality, for there can be only one Person whose personality is reflected ; this Person is Mind, God, working by means of infinite spiritual beings. All men work for the good of all those with whom they come in contact. Man is perfect and man knows that man is perfect. Man never dislikes, nor loves with a false love, for all men manifest Love and reflect Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness.There is no materia! man, man is divine, pure and holy. (Work against hypnotism.) |
856 | 17 | 193 | 1 | Personality - Music | See MUSIC |
857 | 18 | 193 | 1 | Pests - Insects | See INSECTS |
858 | 19 | 193 | 1 | Pests - Vermin | See VERMIN |
859 | 20 | 193 | 1 | Pets - Animals | See ANIMALS |
860 | 21 | 193 | 1 | Piles - Haemorrhoids | See HAEMORRHOIDS |
861 | 22 | 193 | 1 | Pilfering | Show all | Man can never take things from his fellow-man, for ail God’s ideas are always in the right place; God is the Principle of all justice, and man is absolutely just; God is Love, and man is absolutely loving. Man is never in need of anything, for there arc infinite ideas available and man never takes any idea from where it is needed, but is always passing on ideas to his fellow-man and benefiting him. |
862 | 23 | 193 | 1 | Pilfering - Dishonesty | See DISHONESTY |
863 | 24 | 193 | 1 | Pilfering - Theft | See THEFT |
864 | 25 | 193 | 1 | Pipes, Burst | See BURST PIPES |
865 | 26 | 193 | 1 | Pipes, Leaking | See GAS LEAKING |
866 | 27 | 193 | 1 | Pipes, Stoppage in | See STOPPAGE IN PIPES |
867 | 28 | 193 | 1 | Plans | Show all | Man never makes any plans, Love is the only designer; when man thinks, God thinks; God thinks by means of man; God is Mind, and man is God’s consciousness, by means of which God thinks, and reflects, and acts. All ideas are God’s ideas, and these ideas unfold to man with perfect sequence ; man is instantly conscious of any idea he needs ; the working of man’s Mind is perfect, for man’s Mind is God. Man cannot plan wrongly, for man thinks as God thinks, and God is the unchanging Principle of absolute good. Man is not respon sible for making plans, God thinks and plans, not man, for nothing takes place but the action of God. Man acknowledges Him and He directs his paths; “ The ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord* and be ponderetb all bis goings ” (Prov. 5 : 21). “ In all tby ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths ” (Prov. 3 : 6). |
868 | 29 | 194 | 1 | Plants, Cold and Delay in Growth | Show all | No idea of God is ever delayed in its perfect work, all God’s ideas are finished, perfect and complete, ministering to man, and benefiting man, eternally manifesting Mind, unfolding with unfailing regularity at the right time and in the right way, for all God’s ideas arc governed by God, absolute good. God is the Principle of all law and all order, and “growth is the eternal mandate of Mind” (S. & H. p. 520). There is no cold, all God’s ideas are surrounded by the warmth of divine Love. There is no death, all is Life eternal, for God is the Life of every idea ; all God’s ideas reflect Life and substance and have Life eternal, ever ministering to and benefiting man. |
869 | 30 | 194 | 1 | Pleurisy | Show all | There is no pleurisy, man is spiritual and perfect. There is no inflammation of the membrane covering the lungs and ribs, for man’s lungs are the knowledge of God as Life, and the ribs arc man’s knowledge of God as substance, spiritual and perfect. (Work against tubercular germs, pain, irritation of nerves, inflammation and fever.) |
870 | 31 | 194 | 1 | Pneumonia | Show all | There is no pneumonia, for man is spiritual. There is no inflammation of the lungs, man’s lungs are the knowledge of God as Life, working perfectly, working divinely. There is no inflammation of the mucous membrane, man’s mucous membrane is the tender, loving action of God which preserves and maintains man’s individuality. There is no interference with the circulation, for man’s blood is the joy which circulates right throughout the consciousness with absolute unfailing regularity and ease. There is no distress of the heart, man’s heart is the knowledge of God as Love, working perfectly and divinely. There is no distressing breathlessness, man’s breathing is the coming and going of God’s ideas, which come and go with unfailing regularity and ease. There is no crisis, for man is always perfect, governed by God, the Principle of all good. Man never changes, he is made in the image and likeness of God, reflecting every quality and attribute of God to an infinite extent. (Work for circulation of the blood, for the heart, and against germs, relapse and symptoms such as cough, high temperature and weakness.) |
871 | 32 | 195 | 1 | Poise | Show all | There is no lack of poise, man as (rod’s consciousness is always perfectly poised, stable in the consciousness of infinite power, infinite knowledge, infinite wisdom and perfect understanding. Man has absolute dominion over all the universe, over all the lesser ideas; these he groups into glorious combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. Man reflects the stability of God and is the conscious power of God. (Then work against nerves.) |
872 | 33 | 195 | 1 | Poison of the Blood | Show all | There is no poison of the blood, man’s blood is the joy which circulates right throughout the consciousness, pure, perfect, divine and holy. (Work against poison and matter and for circulation of the blood.) |
873 | 34 | 195 | 1 | Poison Swallowed, Injected, etc | Show all | There is no poison, all is purity and perfection, the manifestation of Cod. Nothing can injure man, for all ideas are the ideas of God, benefiting and ministering to man. Nothing corrodes, for Spirit, substance, is eternally perfect and complete. Nothing can impede the action of man’s organs, for all organs arc the knowledge of the aspects of God, forever working perfectly, working divinely. All is peace and joy. (Work against collapse, intense weakness, matter and terror.) |
874 | 35 | 195 | 1 | Position, Change of | Show all | Man never transfers his services, man is always in Mind, in God. There is no mortal mind to take man out of his place, man is always in his place, a perfect being, governed by a perfect God, in a perfect position, with perfect work. Man’s position can never be spoken of as bad, man is always in a perfect position, with perfect work, being a perfect being, in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God. |
875 | 36 | 195 | 1 | Pott’s Disease | Show all | There is no Pott’s disease, man’s spine is the moral rectitude and uprightness of character, perfect and divine, always in place, reflecting Life, having all power and strength. There is no decay of the spine, man’s spine reflects Spirit and is spiritual, pure and perfect; there is no wasting away of the bone; man’s bones are the reflection of God as substance, full and complete. There are no defective bones, all God’s ideas reflect entity and are always the same, reflecting substance, perfect. (Work against tuberculosis and against discharge, and any other symptoms.) |
876 | 37 | 196 | 1 | Poverty | See SUPPLY |
877 | 38 | 196 | 1 | Preaching | Show all | God’s ideas are continually coming to man, man does perfect work passing on God’s ideas to his fellow-man, grouping them together into perfect combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving man joy and happiness. These ideas unfold with perfect sequence and are passed on with perfect sequence, for God is the Principle of all law and order; man re-presents these ideas, giving his fellow-man joy and happiness. Only God’s ideas, ideas of Truth, can come to man, and therefore man can pass on only ideas of Truth to his fellow-man. There are no mistakes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge; man is absolutely accurate. The ideas of God unfold to man with perfect sequence, and man re-presents these ideas with perfect sequence, idea after idea. These arc God’s ideas, pure, spiritual, divine and holy. There is no malice against the truth, man loves Truth, knows Truth and rejoices in Truth, for God is Truth and there is nothing but God, nothing but Truth. (Work also against erroneous theology.) |
878 | 39 | 196 | 1 | Preaching - Criticism | See CRITICISM |
879 | 40 | 196 | 1 | Preaching - Speaking | See SPEAKING |
880 | 41 | 196 | 1 | Prejudice | Show all | There is no prejudice, for man is spiritual and perfect, and man knows that man is spiritual and perfect. Man can never think wrongly of any one or anything, for God is the only thinker, and God thinks by means of man. There is no want of knowledge, because God is the Principle of all knowledge and man knows Truth. There is no wrong thinking, for only God’s thoughts can come to man, pure, perfect, divine and holy ideas. |
881 | 42 | 196 | 1 | Pride | Show all | There is no pride, all is humility, meekness and knowledge of God. Man never thinks of himself, he thinks only of God and God’s ideas, for man is God’s consciousness, by means of which God thinks. Man is spiritual, perfect and divine. Only God’s ideas can come to man, for God is the only thinker, God is the only cause. (All forms of thinking of oneself, like sclf-consciousness and shyness, arc minor forms of pride and this should be worked against in the treatment.) |
882 | 43 | 196 | 1 | Principle | Show all | The Principle of peace, joy, harmony, energy, activity, and the Principle of all the many qualities which, with the main eight aspects, Life, Truth, Love* Mind, Soul, Spirit, intelligence and substance make pp absolute good} kndwri as GocL It includes the Principle of all law and order and even the Principle of love, life and truth. “ Principle and its idea it one, and tbit one it God omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Being, and His reflection is man and the universe (S. & H. p. 465). Principle is always individual in its intelligent self-expression. All the good that we ever received or ever shall receive, must come from the action of this cvcr- active Principle, the Principle of all good. |
883 | 44 | 197 | 1 | Procrastination | Show all | There is no procrastination, Mind acts instantly and perfectly ; God’s ideas unfold with unfailing regularity and are instantly re-presented. Man is governed by God, the Principle of all law and order, and is always doing the right thing at the right time. Mind is always decisive, always active, and man ever manifests that decision and activity. |
884 | 45 | 197 | 1 | Procrastination - Delay | See DELAY |
885 | 46 | 197 | 1 | Procrastination - Idleness | See IDLENESS |
886 | 47 | 197 | 1 | Procrastination - Laziness | See LAZINESS |
887 | 48 | 197 | 1 | Procrastination - Lethargy | See LETHARGY |
888 | 49 | 197 | 1 | Procrastination - Sluggishness | See SLUGGISHNESS |
889 | 50 | 197 | 1 | Prolapsus | Show all | There is no prolapsus (of whatever the organ is), all God’s ideas arc in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man, for man is God’s consciousness, and everything in that consciousness is in place working perfectly. No supports can ever be lost, for man is supported by God and all God’s ideas are poised in Mind. (Then work against weakened muscles, and as a rule against torn muscles and tissues and against mental depression.) |
890 | 51 | 197 | 1 | Prolapsus - Organs | See ORGANS |
891 | 52 | 197 | 1 | Promoting Companies | See COMPANY FORMATION |
892 | 53 | 197 | 1 | Proof Reading | See MANUSCRIPT READING |
893 | 54 | 197 | 1 | Protection | Show all | There is no want of protection, man is surrounded by divine Love. No matter can touch man, for all is spiritual, governed by God. No harm can come to man, for man is God’s consciousness; there is no evil, only absolute good, God and His manifestation. (As a rule work against fear and for love.) |
894 | 55 | 197 | 1 | Protection - Safety | See SAFETY |
895 | 56 | 197 | 1 | Public Performances | Show all | The movement of ideas in Mind is the expression of Mind. Man docs perfect work, grouping together God’s ideas perfectly. God is the Principle of all law and all order, therefore all is governed by law and order. God expresses himself by means of man and the manifes tation of God is absolute perfection. There is nothing inharmonious, all God’s ideas are grouped together perfectly. There are no mistakes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge ; man is always giving his fellow-man joy and happiness. |
896 | 57 | 198 | 1 | Punctuality | See UPUNCTUALITY |
897 | 58 | 198 | 1 | Purchase of Goods | See BUYING AND SELLING |
898 | 59 | 198 | 1 | Purity | See SEX |
899 | 60 | 198 | 1 | Pyorrhaea | See TEETH |
QTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
900 | 1 | 201 | 1 | Quarrel | See CONCORD |
901 | 2 | 201 | 1 | Quinsy | Show all | There is no quinsy, for man is spiritual and perfect, pus sacs, for all is spiritual. (Work then as in the case of tonsilitis. |
902 | 3 | 201 | 1 | Quinsy - Abscess | See ABSCESS |
RTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
903 | 1 | 204 | 1 | Rabies | Show all | There is no rabies, God’s ideas are spiritual and perfect. There is no poison in the system, all is purity ; no poison in the Blood, the blood is the joy circulating throughout consciousness, and that joy is pure, perfect, divine and holy ; there is no want of circulation of that joy. Love is the power which causes that joy to circulate and Love is omnipo tent, for Love is God. There is no matter, only Spirit and the mani festation of Spirit. None of God’s ideas lose control, the only control is that of divine Principle. There is no high temperature, all is normal. There arc no material germs, God’s ideas are spiritual. The lesser ideas can never harm the higher ideas of God, they minister to man and benefit him ; God’s ideas arc always doing the right thing at the right time. Not one of God’s ideas is out of Mind, for Mind is God and all God’s ideas arc in Mind, reflecting divine wisdom and divine intelligence. (Work against any other symptoms such as pain, throat irritation, difficulty in swallowing through spasm of the throat muscles, fear of death, terror, and inability to walk.) |
904 | 2 | 204 | 1 | Race Prejudice | Show all | There is no race prejudice, man knows that man is made in the image and likeness of God, spiritual, perfect and divine. There is no dislike of one’s fellow-man, for God is Love and all men love each other with an infinite love, for Love is God, giving infinite joy and happiness. There is no difference in men, for all reflect or manifest perfectly every quality and aspect of God to an infinite degree. (Then work for love.) |
905 | 3 | 204 | 1 | Race Prejudice - Intolerance | See INTOLERANCE |
906 | 4 | 204 | 1 | Rain, Excess of | Show all | There is no material rain, all rain is spiritual. There are no material clouds, the clouds are ideas in divine Mind, and, like all God’s ideas, arc fraught with blessings to man. Rain is a divine idea, perfect, infinite, never out of place, in Mind, always fulfilling its function perfectly and divinely. There is no excess of rain, God controls all, and man is consciousness, the joyous consciousness that God is the Principle of all law and order, governing all creation. All is harmony, and man is conscious that Life is perfect, radiant, joyous, glorious. Man is ever conscious of the warmth and beauty of Love. “ The Lord God is a sun ” (Ps. 84 : 11), giving “ grace and glory" “ in thy presence is fulness of joy ” (Ps. 16: n). (The author realises only the gloriousncss of heaven which is quite sufficient if you get it clear enough.) |
907 | 5 | 205 | 1 | Rain, Want of | See DROUGHT |
908 | 6 | 205 | 1 | Rapidity of Work | Show all | There are no delays, God’s,ideas unfold to man, and arc instantly rc-prcscntcd, for God is the only worker. When man works, God works ; God works by means of man, and everything is done instantly. “ He spake, and it was done ; be commanded, and it stood fast ” (Ps. 35:9). |
909 | 7 | 205 | 1 | Rats - Animals | See ANIMALS |
910 | 8 | 205 | 1 | Rats - Vermin | See VERMIN |
911 | 9 | 207 | 1 | Re-presenting Ideas | Show all | To re-present ideas is to call the attention of one’s fellow-man to a combination of ideas, so that he should receive the happiness you have received from being conscious of such combination. |
912 | 10 | 205 | 1 | Ready for Truth, To Keep Away Those Not | Show all | There is no mortal mind to bring those who arc not ready for Truth, all men arc ready for Truth ; man knows Truth, loves Truth and rejoices in Truth, and knows where to get Truth, for there is only Truth, only God and His manifestation, only one Mind, God, one law governing all intercourse, the law of infinite good. |
913 | 11 | 205 | 1 | Realisation | Show all | There is no difficulty in realising Truth, man knows Truth and under stands Truth, for man is the knowledge of God, and God is Truth. Man is always thinking rightly ; only God’s ideas can come to man, for when man thinks, God thinks ; God thinks by means of man, God’s ideas unfold with absolute, unfailing regularity and ease, giving man joy and happiness. Man is always conscious of his full, complete and continuous unity with God, for man is consciousness, God’s consciousness, the activity of God, ever demonstrating every quality to an infinite extent. Man always feels in the presence of God, absolute good. |
914 | 12 | 205 | 1 | Rebelliousness | See INSUBORDINATION |
915 | 13 | 205 | 1 | Rectal Troubles | Show all | There arc no rectal troubles, man’s rectum is a channel in consciousness, spiritual, perfect and divine, through which God’s ideas pass with freedom and case. (Then work against symptoms such as constipation, pain, contraction of muscles, inflammation, infection, abscess, fissure, weakness of the muscles and poison in the blood. Work also against matter and for circulation of the blood.) |
916 | 14 | 205 | 1 | Rectal Troubles - Abscess | See ABSCESS |
917 | 15 | 205 | 1 | Rectal Troubles - Haemorrhoids | See HAEMORRHOIDS |
918 | 16 | 205 | 1 | Rectal Troubles - Ulcer | See ULCER |
919 | 17 | 206 | 1 | Relapse | Show all | There is no relapse, for man is spiritual and perfect ; man can never get worse, he reflects entity and is always the same. Man is made in the image and likeness of God, reflecting every aspect and quality of God to an infinite degree, divine and perfect. (Then work against any special symptoms.) |
920 | 18 | 206 | 1 | Renal Disease | See BRIGHT'S DISEASE |
921 | 19 | 206 | 1 | Renting - Dilapidations | Show all | There are no dilapidations, God’s ideas arc spiritual and perfect. None of God’s ideas grow old, the ideas are always in Mind, perfect and permanent; they can never be worn out, they reflect substance; they never grow old, they reflect infinite Life. Nothing can fall to pieces, God’s ideas are in Mind, always in the right place, full, complete and perfect. “ Immortality, exempt from age or decay, bar a glory of its own,—tbe radiance of Soul” (S. & H. p. 247.) |
922 | 20 | 206 | 1 | Renting - Landlords | Show all | No landlord can behave improperly, God is Love and man reflects that Love and is absolutely loving towards all. Infinite Love surrounds man and man is the love of God by means of which God loves. Man loves to help his fellow-man and receives joy and happiness therefrom. Having one Father, even God, all men are brethren. (If necessary, work against injustice, inability to pay, want, etc.) |
923 | 21 | 206 | 1 | Renting - Letting | Show all | Man never desires to let a house (or room), as God’s ideas are always being utilised to the utmost. There are no unsatisfied desires. God governs and rules in everything. There are no idle ideas, God’s ideas are always ministering to man and benefiting man. There is only one Mind, God, one consciousness, man, as infinite as God, therefore there are no empty spaces, everywhere where man is, God is. There is no lack of knowledge, God is the Principle of all knowledge and man knows everything he needs. “ For God givetb to a man that is good in bis sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy ” (Eccl. 2 : 26). There is a perfect law of supply and demand; if man needs an idea he knows where to get it; if man wants to pass on an idea he knows where to pass it, for God is the Principle of all law and order. Love is the power that causes the ideas to circulate in Mind, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. “ In Science, all being is eternal, spiritual, perfect, harmonious in every action ” (S. & H. p. 407.) |
924 | 22 | 206 | 1 | Renting - Repairs | Show all | There is no difficulty in effecting repairs, God rules and governs everything. No delays, God’s ideas unfold to man instantly and are re-presented instantly. There is no imperfect work, man does perfect work; when man works, God works, God works by means of man. There are no defective materials, only God’s ideas exist, and these are spiritual and perfect, doing their work perfectly, ministering to man and benefiting him. There is no difficulty in obtaining labour, there are infinite beings available, always helping and benefiting their fellow man. Man knows where to get everything he needs. |
925 | 23 | 207 | 1 | Repression | Show all | There is no repression, God’s ideas continually come to man. These ideas are perfect, pure, holy and divine, ministering to man and benefiting man, giving him infinite joy and happiness. God is fully expressed, illuminating the universe, and man, as God’s consciousness, is fully expressing God, always manifesting intelligence, wisdom, knowledge and understanding and radiating Love, bliss, joy, beauty, peace, tranquillity, and holiness. |
926 | 24 | 207 | 1 | Respect for Those in Authority | Show all | There is no want of respect, for man knows that his fellow-man is divine. He knows that he is always doing what is right because he knows that his fellow-man is God’s consciousness, absolutely perfect. " Thou . . . bast crowned bim with glory and honour” (Ps. 8:5). In true humility he realises the government of divine Principle, he loves to obey the law of Love. Man knows that his fellow-man can make no mistakes, and he always loves to follow his wishes. |
927 | 25 | 207 | 1 | Responsiveness | Show all | There is no want of responsiveness, for man always appreciates what is done for him and loves to reciprocate. His unity with his fellow man gives him joy and happiness, and he is always showing Love, for man is the love of God. (Then work for understanding, tact and wisdom.) |
928 | 26 | 208 | 1 | Restrictions | Show all | There arc no restrictions, and man is always passing on God’s ideas to the right place ; mortal mind cannot replace these ideas with mortal ideas, there is only one Mind, God, and God’s perfect ideas. All men arc in that Mind and governed by that one Mind, helping and benefiting their fellow-men. |
929 | 27 | 247 | 1 | Retroactive Treatment or Treating Backwards | Show all | “ Treating backwards ” is the term applied to treatment when the person treated desires the apparent effect of the treatment to take place at a given time in the past.In treating backwards you can commence by realising that nothing is impossible to God ; then realise that there is no such thing as time. Then give an ordinary treatment such as you usually give, and the treatment will take place at the time at which you think it will take place. Past, present and future, all arc one, everything in the material world takes place at the same time. “ That which hath been is now ; and that which is to he hath already been “ (Eccl. 3:15). “ Before they calf I will answer ” (Is. 65 : 24). |
930 | 28 | 208 | 1 | Revenge | Show all | There is no revenge, all is charity. Man can have no thought of evil towards his fellow-man, for only God’s thoughts can come to him, thoughts of Love, happiness, peace and harmony, because God is Love and man reflects that Love and is absolutely loving towards all. Man can never be hypnotised into doing what is wrong, for he is led and governed by God, and God is the only power and the only ruler. |
931 | 29 | 208 | 1 | Reverence, Lack of | Show all | There is no lack of reverence, for man is spiritual and loves the holy, the good .and the true; he is never flighty in thought, for when man thinks, God thinks ; he never speaks carelessly, as every word is the word of God ; man is reverent, divine and holy. |
932 | 30 | 208 | 1 | Rheumatism and Rheumatoid Arthritis | Show all | There is no rheumatism, man is ever active and energetic; there is no stiffness, man is spiritual, unhampered and free; man is the activity of Love, absolutely unfettered and joyous. There is no poison, man is the reflection of God as Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness ; no want of assimilation of the food can form any poison, man is absolutely pure, wholly spiritual. Man’s food is the ideas of God which unfold with absolutely unfailing regularity and arc digested, assimilated, and understood perfectly and rc-prcscntcd, giving man infinite joy and happiness. The understanding and grouping together of these ideas never creates any poison, all is divine; never creates any powder in the system, all is spiritual and perfect; never creates any deposit on the joints, man’s joints move freely, being God’s power of movement, the movement of Mind, working harmoniously, perfectly, divinely at the impulse of Love. “ He shall enter into peace : . . . each one walking in his uprightness " (Is. 57 : 2). (Then take up and work for the different joints that arc affected, by realising, for instance, there is no deposit on the knees, man’s knees arc the power of moving instantly from idea to idea, never giving man pain, giving joy and happiness. There arc no stiffened muscles, man’s muscles arc God’s thought forces, expressing the perfect powers of Mind, governed by the Principle of law and of order. Work against symptoms such as pain.) |
933 | 31 | 209 | 1 | Right Place | Show all | Man is always in his right place, doing God’s perfect work, passing on God’s ideas perfectly, for man is in Mind, he is God’s consciousness, and God is the Principle of all law and order. |
934 | 32 | 209 | 1 | Right Place - Unsuitable Place | See UNSUITABLE PLACE |
935 | 33 | 209 | 1 | Right Place - Work | See WORK |
936 | 34 | 209 | 1 | Rival Interests | Show all | There are no rival interests, everything is governed by God, the Principle of good. Man’s interests are those of his fellow-man and man is always trying to help his fellow-man, for God is Love and man reflects that Love and is absolutely loving towards all. Everything is governed by the one Mind, and works harmoniously. There is only one Self, God, and God is always helping man by means of his fellow man. Man is always passing on God’s ideas and loves to pass these ideas to his fellow-man, giving him infinite joy and happiness. “ All things work together for good to them that love God'' (Rom. 8 : 28). |
937 | 35 | 209 | 1 | Rooms, Want of | Show all | Man is never in want of a room, man is always in Mind, in God, for he is God’s consciousness, a perfect being in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God. Man never lacks anything, for all he needs is the ideas of God which continually unfold to him ; man knows everything he needs and knows where to get anything he needs. God is the Principle of all knowledge and man is God’s consciousness by means of which God thinks and works. There are no needs unsupplied, God is the source of all supply, and man has'instantly all he needs. Man is never without a home, for he lives and moves and has his being in God ; man’s home is in Mind, God. There is no material home, man is spiritual arid his home is spiritual, for all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. Man is always conscious of security, comfort and rest, is always surrounded by beauty, peace and love. “ Lord, thou bast been onr dwelling place in all generations” (Ps. 90: 1). Man “ dwelletb in tbe secret place of tbe most High” (Ps. 91:1). |
938 | 36 | 209 | 1 | Rooms, Want of - Home | See HOME |
939 | 37 | 209 | 1 | Rough Sea | Show all | There is no rough sea, all is peace and rest and harmony; the sea is an idea of God continually ministering to and benefiting man. There is no windy weather, for all is spiritual, manifesting the peace of God which passeth all understanding; all is peace and rest and harmony, for God rules and governs all. There are no disturbing elements, in infinite Mind all is peace, holy peace, the peace of God which passeth all understanding. |
940 | 38 | 210 | 1 | Roughness | Show all | There is no roughness, ail is peace and rest and harmony. Man cannot harm his fellow-man, for he is always benefiting him. God is Love and man reflects that Love and is absolutely loving towards all, always helping his feliow-man, manifesting peace and harmony. There is no revolt against law and order, God is the Principle of all law and order and omnipotence itself. Man is always governed by law and order and is always doing what is right, helping and benefiting his fellow-man. “ Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee : because be trusteib in thee ” (Is. 26 : 3). (Work for love and against injustice.) |
941 | 39 | 210 | 1 | Round Shoulders | Show all | There arc no round shoulders, man’s shoulders arc God’s support which enables him to use his arm, the power of re-presenting God’s ideas to his fellow-man. Man’s back is never bent, man’s back is the strength of moral courage, spiritual and perfect. Man’s spine is the moral rectitude and uprightness of character, divine, and man is made in the image and likeness of God, a perfect being, in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God, upright, perfect and holy. |
942 | 40 | 210 | 1 | Rudeness | Show all | There is no rudeness, for God is Love and all men are kind and loving ; man is always helping his fellow-man and benefiting his fellow-man. Infinite Love surrounds man, and he is absolutely loving toward all. |
943 | 41 | 210 | 1 | Rudeness - Gentleness | See GENTLENESS |
944 | 42 | 210 | 1 | Rudeness - Impoliteness | See IMPOLITENESS |
945 | 43 | 210 | 1 | Running at the Nose - Catarrh | See CATARRH |
946 | 44 | 210 | 1 | Running at the Nose - Discharge | See DISCHARGE |
947 | 45 | 210 | 1 | Running at the Nose - Suppuration | See SUPPURATION |
948 | 46 | 210 | 1 | Rupture | Show all | There is no rupture, man is spiritual, complete and perfect. There are no weakened muscles, man’s muscles are God’s thought forces, spiritual and perfect, working perfectly, never giving trouble, giving joy and happiness, Man’s skin is never stretched, man’s skin is the loving action of God, which preserves and maintains man’s individuality. There is no defect in development, man is the complete, perfect, spiritual consciousness of God, the consciousness of perfection, co-etemal, co-existent with God. There is no weakness in the abdominal wall, man is complete and perfect. Man’s muscles were never separated, man’s muscles arc God’s thought forces, having absolute power and absolute strength. Man’s bowels are never out of place, man’s bowels are the knowledge of God as Soul, giving man all wisdom and knowledge, always in place, working perfectly and divinely. If the weakening of the muscles is due to an operation, realise that man was never operated on, he is spiritual, perfect and complete. No healing could ever be delayed, because every idea of God reflects entity and substance and is full, complete, and perfect, and always was perfect. There are no after-effects, as God governs all. |
949 | 47 | 210 | 1 | Rupture - Organs | See ORGANS |
950 | 48 | 211 | 1 | Rush | Show all | There is no rush, God rules and governs all, and God is the Principle of all law and all order. God’s ideas unfold with unfailing regularity at the right time, in perfect sequence, just as and when required and are re-presented peacefully in perfect sequence. All is peace and rest and harmony ; man is the manifestation of infinite Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. |
951 | 49 | 211 | 1 | Rush - Hurry | See HURRY |
952 | 50 | 211 | 1 | Rush - Overwork | See OVERWORK |
953 | 51 | 211 | 1 | Rush - Unrest | See UNREST |
954 | 52 | 211 | 1 | Rust | Show all | There is no rust, an God’s ideas are spiritual, pure, perfect and holy. No mortal mind can put matter in the wrong place, there is only one Mind, God, Who governs all ideas. God’s ideas are never stagnant, they move with unfailing ease and regularity. |
STtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
955 | 1 | 214 | 1 | Safety | Show all | There is no want of safety, naan is always in the right place, in Mind, in God, surrounded by divine Love. No matter can touch man, for man is spiritual, governed by God, the Principle of good. |
956 | 2 | 214 | 1 | Safety - Protection | See PROTECTION |
957 | 3 | 214 | 1 | Sales | See BUYING AND SELLING |
958 | 4 | 214 | 1 | Scarlatina or Scarlet Fever | Show all | There is no scarlatina (or scarlet fever), man is spiritual and perfect and divine. (Then work against germs, poison in the blood, fever, and against any symptoms such as sore throat, high temperature, pain, itching, spots on the skin, loss of appetite, irregularity of bowels. It is often necessary to work against ear and kidney complications.) |
959 | 5 | 214 | 1 | Sciatica | Show all | There is no sciatica, for man is spiritual and perfect. There arc no material nerves, man’s nerves arc spiritual, never giving man pain, but giving man joy and happiness. There is no inflammation of the sciatic nerve, man’s nerves arc spiritual, reflecting entity. The nerves can never be inflamed, they are channels in consciousness through which God’s ideas pass ; they can never press upon the sheath, for the sheath is God’s tender loving action, preserving man’s individuality. There is no neuralgia, for man’s nerves are spiritual, giving joy and happiness. Man’s hip is never affected, man’s hip is God’s support which enables man to move from idea to idea with absolute ease and absolute power. There is no lameness, man's leg is the power of moving from idea to idea, and all the powers of Mind are perfect and unfettered. There is no law of recurrent, periodic attacks, there is one law, the law of God, rhe law of good, nothing recurs but the “ loving kindness and tender mercies ” ,Ts. 103 : 4) of the Lord. (Work against nerves, inflammation, pain, sossibly against pressure due to displaced bone or a tumour in the idjacent parts ; and probably against want of sleep.) |
960 | 6 | 214 | 1 | Sciatica - Neuralgia | See NEURALGIA |
961 | 7 | 215 | 1 | Sea or Train Sickness | Show all | There is no sea-sickness, for man’s food is the ideas of God ; he never rejects these ideas, but rejoices to receive them, assimilates, digests, understands them, and groups them together and re-presents them to his fellow-man with unfailing regularity and ease. Man can never reject these ideas, he loves to receive them and then they become part of his body, his glorious, spiritual body. Man cannot be sick, for man is spiritual and divine, made in the image and likeness of God. No material nerves ever can make man sick, man’s nerves are spiritual, channels in consciousness, through which God’s ideas pass, giving man infinite joy and happiness. There is no pressure on the nerves, man’s nerves are spiritual, all God’s ideas are in their right place, ministering to and benefiting man. |
962 | 8 | 215 | 1 | Sea or Train Sickness - Peace | See PEACE |
963 | 9 | 215 | 1 | Sea or Train Sickness - Rough Sea | See ROUGH SEA |
964 | 10 | 215 | 1 | Sea Waves | Show all | One of the troubles foretold as coming about at the end of all matter, is the great “ sea bores ” or sea waves. There have already been many instances of these on a comparatively small scale. They can be foreseen and stopped by true prayer. There are no material sea waves, all is spiritual and perfect. None of God’s ideas can harm man, God’s ideas minister to man and benefit man ; they are always in the right place, spiritual and perfect. There is no destruction, for all God’s ideas are permanent, reflecting substance, having entity. None of God’s ideas can destroy anything, all the ideas of God minister to man and benefit man. There is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. |
965 | 11 | 215 | 1 | Sea, Rough | See ROUGH SEA |
966 | 12 | 215 | 1 | Self-Abuse | See MASTURBATION |
967 | 13 | 215 | 1 | Self-Confidence, Lack of | Show all | Man never lacks self-confidence, for he is the consciousness of God, his only Self. Man is never conscious of any self apart from God, he is conscious only of God and God’s ideas. Man knows God and His ideas. Man does perfect work ; man knows that he does perfect work ; man is divine and man knows that he is divine, spiritual and perfect. Man never thinks of himself, he thinks only of God and God’s ideas. (Work against fear and realise man’s eternal peace and joy.) |
968 | 14 | 215 | 1 | Self-Confidence, Lack of - Confidence | See CONFIDENCE |
969 | 15 | 216 | 1 | Self-Consciousness - Pride | See PRIDE |
970 | 16 | 216 | 1 | Self-Consciousness - Shyness | See SHYNESS |
971 | 17 | 216 | 1 | Self-Depreciation and Self-Disparagement | Show all | Self-depreciation and self-disparagement, like sclf-consciousness, arc minor forms of pride. There is no self-depreciation, for man is spiritual and knows that he is spiritual; man is divine and knows that he is divine ; man is perfect and knows that he is perfect; man does perfect work and knows that he does perfect work, for God is Truth and man knows Truth. Man never thinks of himself, he thinks only of God and God’s ideas ; no disparaging thoughts ever come to man, only God’s thoughts come, which give man joy and happiness continually; he is always re-presenting God’s perfect ideas to his fellow-man, giving him infinite joy, and this helping of his fellow-man gives him infinite joy and happiness. (Work against self-criticism.) |
972 | 18 | 216 | 1 | Self-Depreciation and Self-Disparagement - Criticism | See CRITICISM |
973 | 19 | 216 | 1 | Self-Depreciation and Self-Disparagement - Pride | See PRIDE |
974 | 20 | 216 | 1 | Self-Justification | Show all | There is no self-justification, man’s only Self is God ; there is nothing to justify, all is spiritual and perfect; man never thinks of any self requiring to be justified, for man is the consciousness of God ; man has no consciousness of self apart from God, he thinks of nothing but God and His manifestation. “ I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only" (Ps. 71 : 16). God is Truth and man being God’s consciousness requires nothing to be told him, as he knows Truth and always thinks well of his fellow-man. |
975 | 21 | 216 | 1 | Self-Reproach | Show all | There is no self-reproach, for man is spiritual and perfect. There is no evil to reproach oneself with, for only the action of God takes place, and all is perfect holiness. Realise with regard to the seeming evil that it never happened, for God is the only one who does anything. He docs all things by means of His consciousness, man. There is no self to incur reproach, man is God’s consciousness, the consciousness of the one Self. |
976 | 22 | 216 | 1 | Self-Reproach - Self-Depreciation | See SELF-DEPRECIATION |
977 | 23 | 217 | 1 | Self-Righteousness | Show all | There is no self-righteousness, for man is always thinking rightly. Vian never thinks of himself. God is man’s Self and God acts by means )f man. Man is the compound idea of God and knows his relationship o God; he knows that God is the only power and that God works >y means of man, for there is nothing but God and the manifestation of God. |
978 | 24 | 217 | 1 | Self-Will | Show all | There is no self-will, there is only one will, God’s will, and man ejoices in being governed by that will. Man has no consciousness of elf apart from God, for man is God’s consciousness, God’s conscious- kess of Himself. Man’s Self is God. There is no will but God’s will, nd all activity is the carrying out of that will. “ For it is God which vorketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure ” (Phil. 2 : 13). |
979 | 25 | 217 | 1 | Selfishness | Show all | There is no selfishness, for God is Love and man is the reflection >r thinking of Love, always helping, always benefiting his fellow-man >y passing on God’s ideas to him, and man reflects or manifests Love. 4an cannot be selfish, for he is spiritual and divine, with an infinite iesire to help his fellow-man; he has no consciousness of himself, mt is conscious of God and of His ideas only. Man is the radiation f boundless Love, of the all-embracing infinite Self in Whom all men re one. He never wants anything, because he instantly has everything ic needs, and receiving it, he desires to give his fellow-man the joy /hich those ideas of God have given him. He loves and rejoices to dp his fellow-man, and this passing on of God’s ideas gives him infinite >y and happiness. (Work for love.) |
980 | 26 | 217 | 1 | Selfishness - Help | See HELP |
981 | 27 | 217 | 1 | Selflessness | Show all | Man never thinks of himself, he thinks only of God and God’s ideas. Ian never troubles about what he does, he rests joyously in the know- :dge that God alone rules and governs. Man never has any special esires, he desires and always has absolute good. Man never thinks f the future, he rejoices in the present and in receiving, understanding nd re-presenting the wonderful combinations of ideas which continually nfold to him. He never has any will of his own, for God’s thoughts lone come to him, giving him joy and peace and harmony. |
982 | 28 | 217 | 1 | Selling - Buying and Selling | See BUYING AND SELLING |
983 | 29 | 218 | 1 | Senses. Sight, Hearing, Smell, Touch and Taste | Show all | There are no material senses, man’s senses are spiritual. Mind and Mind alone possesses all faculties, perception and comprehension. What man sees, God sees, for God sees by means of man, therefore man sees as the spiritual discernment of Truth and Love. He secs himself and his fellow-man as God made him, perfect as “ when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shoutedforJoy ” (Job 38:7). “ Spirit . . . saitb: 1 am Spirit. Man, whose senses are spiritual, is my likeness. He reflects the infinite understanding" (S. &. H. p. 252.) |
984 | 30 | 218 | 1 | Senses. Sight, Hearing, Smell, Touch and Taste - Material Senses | See MATERIAL SENSES |
985 | 31 | 218 | 1 | Sensitiveness | Show all | There is no sensitiveness, for man is spiritual and perfect. Man never thinks of himself, he thinks only of God and God’s ideas. Mai l's never upset by what man thinks or says, for man can only think God’s thoughts. There is no fear, man has absolute trust in God, in good, and is absolutely fearless, (Work against pride. Sensitiveness is a minor form of pride.) |
986 | 32 | 218 | 1 | Sensuality | Show all | There is no sensuality, all is purity and chastity ; there is no separate sex, for all is spiritual, male and female, complete, made in the image and likeness of God. There are no material senses, man’s senses are spiritual and perfect. There is no sensuality, man is male and female complete, having no desires, he has instantly everything he needs. “ St God created men in bis ownfmage, in the image of God created he him ; mak and female created be them ” (Gen. 1 : 27). No impure thoughts can come to man, only God’s pure, perfect, divine and holy ideas, which continual!) unfold to man, for man is spiritual, divine, holy and absolutely pure There is no incompleteness in man, he is the perfect and full reflectior of the Father, male and female qualities fully developed. There are nc false appetites, man is spiritual and reflects Spirit, the Principle of al purity and holiness. There is no hypnotism, God is the only powci and the only ruler. “ Man and tbe spiritual universe coexist with God ’ (S. & H. p. 267). “ In divine Science, man is tbe true image of God ” (S. & H p. 259), full, complete and perfect. (Then work for love.) |
987 | 33 | 218 | 1 | Sensuality - Sex | See SEX |
988 | 34 | 218 | 1 | Separation | Show all | There is no separation, for there is only one Mind, God, one con sciousness, man, and all men are part of that one consciousness, glorying in the unity of God ; therefore man is instantly in touch with any one he needs. Man, son, one with the Father, knows his individual unity with God. He rejoices in the consciousness of this oneness with God which ever maintains him in a sense of harmonious individual completeness. Tbe offspring of God start not front matter or ephemeral dust. They ire in and of tbe Spirit, divine Mind, and so forever continue, God is one, Tbe allness of Deity it His oneness, Generically man is one, and specifically •nan means all men ** (S. & H. p. 267). |
989 | 35 | 218 | 1 | Separation - Communication | See COMMUNICATION |
990 | 36 | 218 | 1 | Separation - Death | See DEATH |
991 | 37 | 218 | 1 | Separation - Grief at Death of Friend | See GRIEF AT DEATH OF FRIEND |
992 | 38 | 219 | 1 | Septic Poisoning | Show all | There are no septic germs, all germs are God’s ideas, pure and holy, ministering to man and benefiting man; everything is of God, from the infinite to the infinitesimal; all ideas are God’s angels, “ ministers of Ins, that do bis pleasure” (Ps. 103 :21). His will is the joy of all. Nothing injures, for all is spiritual; nothing takes place but the action of God. The blood cannot be poisoned, for the blood is the joy, divine joy, God’s joy, forever pure and heavenly. |
993 | 39 | 219 | 1 | Septic Poisoning - Fever | See FEVER |
994 | 40 | 219 | 1 | Septic Poisoning - High Temperature | See HIGH TEMPERATURE |
995 | 41 | 219 | 1 | Septic Poisoning - Poison of the Blood | See POISION OF THE BLOOD |
996 | 42 | 219 | 1 | Sermons - Preaching | See PREACHING |
997 | 43 | 219 | 1 | Sermons - Speaking | See SPEAKING |
998 | 44 | 219 | 1 | Servant Problem | Show all | The fundamental fallacy is the belief that there are servants who perform what are called menial offices, whereas every man is always helping his fellow-man to the best of his capacity, which capacity is infinite, as it is the Christ capacity, available because man is God’s infinite consciousness, by means of which God works. |
999 | 45 | 219 | 1 | Servants, Want of | Show all | There is no want of servants, for God gives man instantly everything that he needs. Man never gets material help, for man is governed by God and by God alone; God rules and governs all. There arc infinite beings in Mind available to man instantly, always in their right place, always helping their fellow-man, re-presenting God’s ideas and giving him joy and happiness. (Then work so that those who want the place should be able to hear of it and find it, as follows): Man is never out of work, he is always doing perfect work, re-presenting God’s ideas, and grouping them together into glorious combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind. There is no mortal mind to keep man out of his right place, for there is only one Mind, God, and man is in that Mind, for he is God’s consciousness, a perfect being, in a perfect world, governed by a perfect Godj doing perfect work. God is the Principle of all knowledge, therefore man knows every thing he needs. |
1000 | 46 | 220 | 1 | Sex | Show all | “ ‘There can be no male and female: for ye are all one [man) in Christ ” (Gal. 3 : 28, R. V.). It is important to think rightly about sex. There are the *’ male ” and the “ female ” activities, but they are not separated. God, the one Mind, is ever active in expressing or manifesting and in receiving or recognising; it is the same Mind that declares the truth recognised, and recognises the truth declared. There is only one Mind, and one spiritual body, the embodiment of Mind’s ideas. And man is always joyfully conscious of oneness, conscious of the unity of good. He has no desires, but is blissfully contented and satisfied. There is no sex expression, “ God created man in bis own image, . . . male and female created he them ” (Gen. 1 ; 27). There is no sensuality, man is spiritual and perfect, pure and holy; man has no desires, man has everything he needs; only God’s ideas can come to man, pure, perfect, divine and holy ideas. |
1001 | 47 | 220 | 1 | Sex - Sensuality | See SENSUALITY |
1002 | 48 | 221 | 1 | Short Sight | See EYES |
1003 | 49 | 220 | 1 | Shortage of Fuel | Show all | There is no want of fuel, there are infinite ideas in Mind, available to man instantly. Idea after idea unfolds to man in perfect sequence and the right idea always comes at the right time. Man never objects to delivering small quantities, God’s ideas unfold exactly as they are required and at the right rime. God is Love and man is absolute!}’ loving toward his fellow-man, always helping, always benefiting his fellow-man. Man never objects to mounting stairs, man moves from idea to idea with absolute case and regularity, and loves to benefit his fellow-man. Man is never tired, man reflects Life and has all power and all strength. “God is my strength and power ; and he maketb my way perfect ” (2 Sam. 22 : 33). |
1004 | 50 | 220 | 1 | Shortened Limbs | Show all | Man’s leg (or whatever the limb is) is never shortened, man’s leg is the power of movement from idea to idea, full, complete and perfect, reflecting entity, ministering to man and benefiting man. Nothing can be defective, for all God’s ideas reflect every aspect and quality of God to an infinite extent. |
1005 | 51 | 220 | 1 | Shorthand | Show all | There is no difficulty in hearing, man’s ears are the divine capacity to understand God’s ideas ; man is God’s consciousness, always listening to and hearing God. Man never speaks indistinctly, for, when man speaks, God speaks, God speaks by means of man. There is no slowness in understanding, man, God’s consciousness, instantly grasps each^idea as it is unfolded in Mind, and instantly re-presents that idea. .Man is perfectly at home with all God’s ideas, and receives and expresses them with delight and joy. There is no difficulty in remembering, for man is God’s consciousness, and knows instantly everything he needs, and reproduces what is necessary. There is no carelessnessy&ll man’s work is a labour of Love, he docs everything to the glory ofjGod, with infinite care, for man is governed by God, the Principleyof good. There is no difficulty in transcribing, everything works perfectly, for God rules and governs everything. God’s ideas unfold yith perfect sequence and are re-presented with perfect sequence. Man, God’s consciousness, discerns all ideas with perfect clearness. .There is only one Mindj and all ideas circulate with freedom in that/one Mind. Man’s fingers are never stiff, man’s fingers are the power 6f grasping details, God’s perfect power; man is controlled by God' and by God alone. There is no lack of collaboration between the brain and the fingers, all God’s ideas work under the one will. There is no material brain, man’s brain is the capacity to think, the Christ capacity; man’s fingers are the power of grasping details,*the power of the same» infinite Mind, working perfectly, working divinely. There is only one Mind, God, and “ all things work together for good ” (Rom. 8 : 28). ^Work against the sense of personal self and fear.) |
1006 | 52 | 220 | 1 | Shorthand - Accuracy | See ACCURACY |
1007 | 53 | 220 | 1 | Shorthand - Mistakes | See MISTAKES |
1008 | 54 | 220 | 1 | Shorthand - Patience | See PATIENCE |
1009 | 55 | 220 | 1 | Shorthand - Typewriting | See TYPEWRITING |
1010 | 56 | 221 | 1 | Shortness of Breath | Show all | There is no shortness of breath, man’s breathing is the coming and joing of God’s ideas which continually takes place with absolute ease md regularity, for man is governed by God and by God alone, and jod is the Principle of all law and<‘all order. Life brings the ideas, love causes them to be passed on and this action is the action of God, perfect and eternal. |
1011 | 57 | 221 | 1 | Shortness of Breath - Asthma | See ASTHMA |
1012 | 58 | 221 | 1 | Shortness of Breath - Bronchitis | See BRONCHITIS |
1013 | 59 | 221 | 1 | Shouider, Dislocated | See OUT OF JOINT |
1014 | 60 | 221 | 1 | Shyness | Show all | Man is never shy, for man is God’s consciousness, spiritual and perfect, ;lorying in the fact that he is “ the power of God and the wisdom of God." vlan loves to he with his fellow-man, he rejoices to receive the ideas of God and to re-present them to his fellow-man ; he loves to exchange ideas. Man never thinks of himself, he thinks only of God and God’s ideas. Man has no fear, man has trust in God, in good, and knows there is nothing but good, and is therefore absolutely fearlesp. Man never hides his God-given qualities, he is the manifestation of God, absolute good. Man is spiritual and he knows that he is spiritual; man is divine and he knows that he is divine ; man is perfect and knows that he is perfect; man docs perfect work and knows that he does perfect work, (Work against fear and pride. Shyness is a minor form of pride.) |
1015 | 61 | 222 | 1 | Sickness - Disease | See DISEASE |
1016 | 62 | 222 | 1 | Sickness - Sea-Sickness | See SEA-SICKNESS |
1017 | 63 | 222 | 1 | Sin | Show all | There is no sin, for all is holiness. God is all in AU, “ over all, and through all, and in all” (Eph. 4:6 R. V.), Man is not conscious of sin, man is conscious of God, and of absolute good alone ; he cannot sin, for he is the activity of divine Mind. When man acts, God acts, when man thinks, God thinks. AH ideas are God’s ideas, all ideas proclaim the holiness of God, “ Man it the idea of Spirit; he reflects tbe beatific presence, illuming tbe universe with light. Man is deathless, spiritual. He is above sin or frailty ” (S, & H. p. 266). “ Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin ” (1 John 3 : 9). |
1018 | 64 | 222 | 1 | Singing | Show all | In singing, realise that when man sings, God sings, God sings by means of man. Try to get right away altogether from what the material man is doing, and try to lose yourself in the glorious realisation of the kingdom of heaven, where everything is done by God, and therefore done perfectly, with absolute power and absolute ease, where everything is harmonious, governed by law and order, always making man joyous. After every treatment with regard to singing, as shown below, realist that God is Love and that man reflects that Love and is ever giving his fellow-man joy and happiness. (Work also for joy.) |
1019 | 65 | 222 | 1 | Singing - Closed Throat | Show all | Man’s throat is never closed up, man’s throat is spiritual, the channel in consciousness through which God’s ideas come and go, radiating out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. Al! channels are God’s channels, free and open, and God’s ideas pass with absolute freedom and absolute ease. |
1020 | 66 | 222 | 1 | Singing - Flexibility | Show all | There is no stagnation, all God’s ideas reflect Mind and are ever active ; idea after idea comes to man and is instantly re-presented with absolute sase and absolute facility, giving man joy and happiness. |
1021 | 67 | 222 | 1 | Singing - Overstraining Voice | Show all | Man’s voice can never be overstrained, for when man speaks, God peaks; God speaks by means of man, for man is divine, God’s con- ciousness. Man never forces his voice, for God is the Principle of JI law and all order; man reflects power and strength, and Love is he power that causes man to re-present God’s ideas; Love is omnipotent, or Love is God. |
1022 | 68 | 222 | 1 | Singing - Power and Depth of Tone | Show all | When man sings, God sings ; man is always passing on God’s ideas o his fellow-man perfectly, with absolute power, for man is the power >f God. Love is the power that enables one to re-present God’s ideas, ind Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. |
1023 | 69 | 222 | 1 | Singing - Pronouncing Words | Show all | There is no difficulty in pronouncing words, when man speaks, God peaks ; God speaks by means of man, and man rc-presents God’s deas with absolute clearness and absolute distinctness to his fellow-man, vho understands perfectly everything that comes to him. |
1024 | 70 | 222 | 1 | Singing - Resonance | Show all | There is no defective resonance, everything works perfectly and livinely; there is no failure to vibrate properly, for everything works vith unfailing regularity and ease ; God’s ideas are continually rc- iresented with absolute clearness and perfect tone, for man is spiritual nd divine, God’s infinite consciousness. |
1025 | 71 | 222 | 1 | Singing - Sweetness | Show all | Think of the absolute perfection of everything in heaven, and realise he harmony and sweetness that is being manifested. Try to get a ense in your mind of this absolute perfection. |
1026 | 72 | 222 | 1 | Singing - Time | Show all | There is no irregular time, God is the Principle of all law and order ; yod’s ideas unfold to man with perfect sequence, and are re-presented ;ith perfect sequence. When man sings, God sings, and everything : done perfectly. |
1027 | 73 | 222 | 1 | Singing - Tune | Show all | Man is never out of tune, when man sings, God sings; God sings by means of man, man reflects God’s ideas with absolute harmony. |
1028 | 74 | 222 | 1 | Singing - Voice Tired | Show all | There is no tiredness, man reflects Life and has all power and strength ; man reflects Mind and is ever active and energetic. Man’s nerves arc never tired, for man’s nerves are spiritual, channels in consciousness through which God’s ideas pass to man, giving joy and happiness. |
1029 | 75 | 224 | 1 | Sinus | Show all | There is no infected sinus, for all is spiritual and perfect. Every part of man reflects substance and is full, complete and perfect. (Then work against the apparent cause and against symptoms such as imperfect healing, germs, discharge, impurity and pain.) |
1030 | 76 | 224 | 1 | Skin | Show all | Man’s skin is never broken (torn, poisoned, chapped, discoloured, or whatever the trouble is), man’s skin is God’s loving action, preserving and maintaining man’s individuality; (the skin prevents the infinite combinations of ideas which arc his spiritual body from being mixed up with other combinations of ideas that form the bodies of other spiritual beings). “ The one Ego, the one Mind or Spirit called God, is infinite individuality, which supplies all form and comeliness and which reflects reality and divinity in individual spiritual man and things ” (S. & H. p. 281). (Work against poisoned blood and for circulation of the blood.) |
1031 | 77 | 224 | 1 | Slander | Show all | Man never slanders nor is slandered, for God is Truth and man knows Truth, and always speaks the truth, the truth about God and man. Only God’s ideas can come to man; only ideas of God can be re-presented, pure, perfect, divine and holy ideas; these ideas minister to man and help him. Alan can never believe a lie, for God is Truth and man is God’s consciousness and knows Truth. |
1032 | 78 | 224 | 1 | Slander - Criticism | See CRITICISM |
1033 | 79 | 224 | 1 | Slander - Gossip | See GOSSIP |
1034 | 80 | 224 | 1 | Sleep, Too Much | Show all | Man never sleeps, he reflects Mind and is ever active and energetic. Man is spiritual, always at work, alert and keen about his Father’s business, continuously and joyously re-presenting God’s ideas, helping and benefiting his fellow-man. He is always in the right place at the right time, going instantly from idea to idea. “ Behold, he that keepetb Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep ” (Ps. 121 : 4). |
1035 | 81 | 224 | 1 | Sleep, Too Much - Children - Sleepiness | See SLEEPINESS under CHILDREN |
1036 | 82 | 225 | 1 | Sleep, Want of | See INSOMNIA |
1037 | 83 | 225 | 1 | Slipping | Show all | Man never slips, he is poised in Mind, spiritual and perfect, always in the right place. He cannot fall, for he is governed by God, the Principle of all good. |
1038 | 84 | 225 | 1 | Slowness | Show all | Man never works too slowly, when man receives an idea he instantly passes it on, for, when man works, God works ; God works by means of man. Everything is done instantly and perfectly. |
1039 | 85 | 225 | 1 | Slowness - Sluggishness | See SLUGGISHNESS |
1040 | 86 | 225 | 1 | Sluggishness | Show all | There is no sluggishness, man reflects Life and has all power and strength ; man reflects Mind and is ever active and energetic; man goes instantly from idea to idea, for he is the activity of Mind. |
1041 | 87 | 225 | 1 | Sluggishness - Idleness | See IDLENESS |
1042 | 88 | 225 | 1 | Sluggishness - Laziness | See LAZINESS |
1043 | 89 | 225 | 1 | Sluggishness - Lethargy | See LETHARGY |
1044 | 90 | 225 | 1 | Sluggishness - Procrastination | See PROCRASTINATION |
1045 | 91 | 225 | 1 | Smoking | Show all | Man cannot possibly desire to smoke, for man is pure and holy ; man is not in bondage to any physical desire, man is spiritual and divine; man cannot be in bondage to any habit, for man is free as Spirit is free. Man does absolutely what he wills, for all his desires are the activity of God’s will, the only will there is. There arc no physical desires, for all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. Man is not material, man is spiritual, belonging wholly to God. There is no craving, man’s desires arc instantly fulfilled, he has instantly everything he needs, and is satisfied and peaceful. Matter has no power to satisfy man, God alone satisfies him, for there is no matter, all is Spirit and the mani festation of Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. Man is spiritual and divine, and seeks and finds his delight in God. “ Thy comforts delight my soul” (Ps. 94 : 19). |
1046 | 92 | 225 | 1 | Smoky Fires | See FIRES |
1047 | 93 | 225 | 1 | Smoky lamps | Show all | There can be no trouble from smoky lamps, God’s ideas are spiritual, perfect and divine. No idea of God can ever be in the wrong place, all ideas are in the right place, in Mind, ministering to man and benefiting man. Nothing can ever stick, for God’s ideas circulate in Mind con tinuously ; there is no dirt, for all is spiritual, pure and perfect; there is no matter, only Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. |
1048 | 94 | 226 | 1 | Sneaking | Show all | Man can never be a sneak, for he is always doing what is right, He •can never tell tales out of school, for he is governed by the Principle of harmony. No wrong thoughts can come to man, only God’s thoughts which he fc-presents to his fellow-man, giving his fellow-man joy and happiness. |
1049 | 95 | 226 | 1 | Sneaking - Talebearing | See TALEBEARING |
1050 | 96 | 226 | 1 | Sneezing | Show all | There is no excessive sneezing, man’s nose is the capacity for following along a train of ideas, spiritual and divine. There is no irritation, all is peace and rest and harmony. There is no inflammation of the mucous membrane, man’s mucous membrane is the tender loving action of God which preserves and maintains man’s individuality. There is no irritating dust or strong odour which can have any effect upon man, for man is surrounded by divine Love and governed by God alone. (Work against symptoms such as running of the nose and thickening of the mucous membrane.) |
1051 | 97 | 226 | 1 | Sneezing - Catarrh | See CATARRH |
1052 | 98 | 226 | 1 | Snoring | Show all | There is no snoring, for God’s ideas pass with absolute ^freedom and ease. There is no stoppage in the nasal channels, the channels are channels in consciousness through which God’s ideas pass with freedom and ease. There is no noise, all is peace and rest and harmony ; man can never be disturbed, for man is surrounded by divine Love. No matter can harm man, for man is spiritual and perfect; there is no matter to sound, all is spiritual; God’s ideas arc always in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. |
1053 | 99 | 226 | 1 | Snow | Show all | There is no material snow which can do any harm, for the snow is the vivifying action of God on man, enabling him to be conscious of the multifarious ideas, and to hold the ideas. AH God’s ideas arc spiritual, ministering to man and benefiting man. All God’s ideas arc in the right place, for they arc in Mind, in God, always of value to man. |
1054 | 100 | 227 | 1 | Solitariness | Show all | Man is never solitary, he continually is in touch with perfect fellow beings with whom he exchanges rich, glorious ideas. |
1055 | 101 | 227 | 1 | Solitariness - Congenial Surroundings | See CONGENIAL SURROUNDINGS |
1056 | 102 | 227 | 1 | Sores | Show all | There arc no sores, for all is spiritual and perfect. Man’s skin is the loving action of God which preserves and maintains man’s individu ality, pure and perfect, full and complete. There is no irritation, all is peace, rest and harmony. No heat, chemicals, pr attrition can have any effect on man, for man is spiritual and changeless, surrounded by divine Love. There is no matter to harm man, for all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. (Then work against germs and poison, and for the circulation of the blood, also against any symptoms such as pain.) |
1057 | 103 | 227 | 1 | Soul | Show all | Soul when spelt with a small s is the Biblical word for the human mind. It really has a dcific meaning and therefore with a capital S is rightly used as the aspect or quality of God which gives all wisdom and knowledge, unchangeable and eternal. “ Man coexists with and reflects Soul, God, for man is God's image ” (S. & H. p. i20.) |
1058 | 104 | 227 | 1 | Sounds, Discordant | Show all | There can be no discordant sounds, only the concord of Love divinely expressed. God’s ideas unfold with perfect sequence, with delightful sweetness, for all is peace and rest and harmony. Sound is “ communicated through the senses of Soul—through spiritual understanding ” (S. & H. p. 213.) |
1059 | 105 | 227 | 1 | Speaking | Show all | Man speaks perfectly, for, when man speaks, God speaks ; God speaks by means of man, and man groups together God’s ideas into perfect combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite joy and happiness. Man is the unresisting witness of God, ever declaring fully and completely the nature of the glory of God. Man never speaks too quickly or too slowly, God’s ideas unfold in perfect sequence, so that man understands perfectly every idea of God that comes to him. Only God’s ideas can come to man, and they unfold with unfailing regularity and ease, for God is the Principle of all law and all order. There can be no lack of power of expression, expression is the law of Love. God as Love is ever expressing Himself by means of man, and man responds joyously and with thanksgiving. God is Truth and man is the perfect articulation and expression of Truth. ** Immortal man war and is God's image or idea, even the infinite expression of infinite Mind, and immortal man is coexistent and coeternal with that Mind" (S. & H. p. 336.) |
1060 | 106 | 228 | 1 | Spendthrift | See WASTEFULNESS |
1061 | 107 | 228 | 1 | Spinal Curvature | Show all | There is no spinal curvature, man’s spine is the moral rectitude and uprightness of character, perfect and divine, always in place, reflecting Life, having all power and strength. Man’s bones arc the reflection of God as substance, always in place, working perfectly. There arc no weakened muscles, man’s muscles are God’s thought forces having absolute power and absolute strength. All God’s ideas are always in the right place, evidencing the action of God, the Principle of all law and order. |
1062 | 108 | 228 | 1 | Spinal Curvature - Humpback | See HUMPBACK |
1063 | 109 | 228 | 1 | Spinal Curvature - Tuberculosis | See TUBERCULOSIS |
1064 | 110 | 228 | 1 | Spinal Disease and Spinal Tuberculosis | See POTT"S DISEASE |
1065 | 111 | 228 | 1 | Spirit | Show all | The aspect or quality of God which gives all goodness, purity and holiness ; the opposite of animal magnetism. |
1066 | 112 | 228 | 1 | Spiritual Perception | Show all | There is no lack of spiritual perception, man has spiritual perception, spiritual discernment and spiritual understanding, understands Truth and is always thinking rightly. Man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. He understandseverything he needs instantly, for God is Truth and man knows Truth. |
1067 | 113 | 228 | 1 | Spite | Show all | There is no spite, man loves to help his fellow-man, for God is Love and all men are absolutely loving. Man never docs or even desires harm to his fellow-man ; he is always trying to help him, always passing on God’s ideas, giving him joy and happiness. The children of divine Love have only lovely thoughts towards one another, and God’s world is tilled with the radiant happiness of Love. Man is always benefiting his fellow-man and rejoices in benefiting him to the utmost, for God is Love and man is absolutely loving toward all. “ This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, sat th the Lord ” (Is. J4 : 17). (Work for love, and if necessary, against envy and jealousy.) |
1068 | 114 | 229 | 1 | Spleen | Show all | Man’s spleen is never out of order, for all is spiritual and perfect, working perfectly, ministering to and benefiting man, assisting to give man joy and happiness^ There is no want of white blood cells, for man has everything he needs ; all God’s ideas arc in the right place, ministering to and benefiting man. (Then work against germs and for the improvement and purification of the blood.) |
1069 | 115 | 229 | 1 | Spleen - Organs | See ORGANS |
1070 | 116 | 229 | 1 | Spots on the Skin | See SKIN |
1071 | 117 | 229 | 1 | Sprain | Show all | There is no sprain, for man is spiritual and perfect. Man’s ankle (or whatever is giving trouble) is never sprained, .man’s ankle is the power of moving clearly and easily from one idea to another (if the spiritual reality of the part is unknown, the words “ God’s idea ” can be used), working perfectly, working divinely. Man’s muscles are never torn or stretched, man’s muscles are God’s thought forces, having all power and strength, always in place, working perfectly. The channels through which the blood passes are never ruptured, they are channels in consciousness through which the joy passes with freedom and ease. The skin is never ruptured nor stretched, it is the loving action of God which preserves and maintains man’s individuality, reflecting substance, full and complete, reflecting entity, always the same. (Then work against symptoms such as pain, inflammation and stiffness.) |
1072 | 118 | 229 | 1 | Spreading the Knowledge of True Prayer | Show all | There is no lack of knowledge of Truth, man knows Truth, loves Truth, desires Truth, and knows where to get Truth, for God is Truth, and man is the knowledge of God, the knowledge of Truth. |
1073 | 119 | 229 | 1 | Spreading the Knowledge of True Prayer - Answering Questions | Show all | Man knows instantly everything he needs; man speaks Truth and knows Truth, for God speaks by means of man, and man is the under* standing of God, always representing God’s perfect ideas and grouping them together into perfect combinations which minister to and benefit man. |
1074 | 120 | 229 | 1 | Spreading the Knowledge of True Prayer - Correct Teaching | Show all | There is no mind to make man say what is incorrect, for there is only one Mind, God, and all men are governed by that one Mind. Only ideas of Truth can come to man, only ideas of Truth can be re-presented, and man receives these ideas and understands them, for they arc ideas of Truth; God’s ideas unfold with absolutely unfailing regularity to man, and man re-presents them with equal regularity. Love is the power which causes these ideas to circulate in Mind, and Love is omnipotent for Love is God, transmitting only ideas of Truth to man. “ To Truth there is ho error,—all is Truth ” (S; & Hi p. 475). |
1075 | 121 | 229 | 1 | Spreading the Knowledge of True Prayer - Despondent Beginners | Show all | There are no failures, man is the knowledge of God, and always understands God. God’s ideas continually unfold to man, and man docs perfect work re-presenting those ideas to his fellow-man, and receiving ideas in exchange, which give him joy and happiness. |
1076 | 122 | 229 | 1 | Spreading the Knowledge of True Prayer - None Unready for Truth | Show all | There is no mortal mind to bring those who are not ready for Truth, for all arc ready for Truth, love Truth, and desire Truth, for God is Truth and all are governed by the one Mind, God, |
1077 | 123 | 214 | 1 | St Vitus’ Dance | Show all | There is no St. Vitus’ dance, for man is spiritual and perfect; no jerky movements, for man is governed by God, the Principle of all law and all order. There are no unforeseen movements, for all is peace and rest and harmony ; all man’s movements are peaceful and harmonious, as the only movement is the combination and circulation of the ideas in Mind, which give man joy and happiness; God’s ideas unfold with perfect sequence and are re-presented with perfect sequence. No material nerves ever can affect man’s muscles, man’s muscles are God’s thought forces, working perfectly and harmoniously, at the right time and in the right way. No material nerves ever can harm man, man’s nerves ate spiritual, ministering to man and benefiting man. (Work for nerves and against heredity and shock.) |
1078 | 124 | 230 | 1 | Stage Fright | Show all | There is no stage fright, man is spiritual, perfect and divine; man is God’s consciousness, doing God’s perfect work, and he knows that he does perfect work. There is no fear, man has absolute trust in God, trust in good ; there is nothing but good and man knows there is nothing but good ; man is absolutely fearless. There is no nervousness, man is divine; there are no material nerves, man’s nerves are spiritual, channels in consciousness, through which God’s ideas come to man, never giving man trouble, but giving him joy and happiness. Man can never think that he can break down, God is Truth and man knows Truth. Man does perfect work, and man knows that man does perfect work, for man is God’s consciousness by means of which God works. No wrong thoughts can come to man, only God’s thoughts, thoughts of joy and happiness. |
1079 | 125 | 230 | 1 | Stage Fright - Music | See MUSIC |
1080 | 126 | 230 | 1 | Stage Fright - Waiting to Come on | See WAITING TO COME ON |
1081 | 127 | 230 | 1 | Stagnation | Show all | God’s ideas are never stagnant, they are finished, perfect, complete, ministering to man and benefiting man. Man has perfect capacity for eternal progress, his Christ capacity is infinite, his capacity for eternal growth. Eternal progress is the inevitable law of God. Growth is a characteristic of Mind and Mind is ever active, manifesting itself by its ideas ; God’s ideas arc always unfolded to man, and being grouped together into perfect, new combinations. “ Man, governed by immortal Mind, is always beautiful and grand. Each succeeding year unfolds wisdom, beauty, and holiness ” (S. & H. p. 246.) |
1082 | 128 | 231 | 1 | Stain | Show all | There are no stains, for all is spiritual and perfect, pure and Holy. No idea of God can harm any other idea of God, for all God’s ideas arc pure and perfect. No idea of God is ever out of place, all God’s ideas arc in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. |
1083 | 129 | 231 | 1 | Stale Goods | See PERISHABLE GOODS |
1084 | 130 | 231 | 1 | Stammering | Show all | There is no stammering, for man is spiritual and perfect. There is no uncertain speech, God’s ideas unfold to man with perfect sequence and arc rc-prcsentcd with perfect sequence. Man never has a difficulty in speaking, for when man speaks, God speaks by means of man. No material nerves can cause any difficulty in speaking, for man’s nerves are spiritual, channels in consciousness through which God’s ideas pass with unfailing case arid regularity. Man is never afraid of being unable to speak, for God, being the only cause, is the only speaker and speaks by means of man ; man knows that God speaks by means of man and speaks perfectly. God’s ideas always unfold with unfailing regularity and case, for God is the Principle of all law and all order. |
1085 | 131 | 231 | 1 | Stealing | See THEFT |
1086 | 132 | 231 | 1 | Sterility and Lack of Virility | Show all | There is no sterility, for man is spiritual and perfect, he reflects God, the creator of all things. There is one Mind, who creates and conceives all things, who manifests Himself as Life in all ideas, and man is made in the image and likeness of God, and reflects infinite Life. There is no matter, all life is spiritual, and God, Life, is present everywhere. No idea ever fails to function, for God “ is over all, and through all, and in air* (Eph. 4:6. R. V.). Nothing hinders the activity of any idea, for God has made each perfect, “for that he is strong in power ; not one faileth ” (Is. 40 : 26).. There is nothing but God and God’s infinite manifestation, divinely perfect, |
1087 | 133 | 231 | 1 | Stiff Neck - Neck, Stiff | See NECK, STIFF |
1088 | 134 | 231 | 1 | Stiff Neck - Stiffness | See STIFFNESS |
1089 | 135 | 231 | 1 | Stiffness | Show all | There is no stiffness, man moves from idea to idea with absolute ease and power ; nothing can stop the movement of man’s limbs, man’s limbs arc his power of moving from idea to idea, God’s power, spiritual and perfect, working perfectly with unfailing regularity and case. No muscles can ever be stiffened, man’s muscles arc Clod’s thought forces, delighting man in their suppleness of movement. There are no hardened tissues, man’s tissues are spiritual, ever active, reflecting Life and Mind, and every quality of God. (Work against poison and matter and for circulation of the blood, and nerves.) |
1090 | 136 | 231 | 1 | Stiffness - Neck | See NECK |
1091 | 137 | 232 | 1 | Stock (Animals’ Troubles) | Show all | There are no stock troubles, all God’s ideas are perfect, ministering to man and benefiting man. (Then work against the apparent cause of the trouble, such as want of food, cold, disease and broken limbs.) |
1092 | 138 | 232 | 1 | Stock Selling | Show all | There is no difficulty in selling stock, for man has everything he needs instantly. There is a perfect law of supply and demand ; when a man needs an idea he knows where to get it, when man desires to pass on an idea he knows where to pass it, for God is the Principle of all law and all order. There is no misunderstanding, for God is Truth and man knows Truth, being God’s consciousness by means of which God knows everything necessary. Man is never doubtful what to do or where to go, for man is led and governed by God, knowing everything he needs instantly. Man never has a difficulty in finding the proper man, he is instantly in touch with any one he needs. Man never has any difficulty in expressing himself, God’s ideas unfold with perfect sequence and are re-presented with perfect sequence *, man understands every idea of God perfectly and instantly. There is no fear, all God’s ideas arc perfect, and man knows all God’s ideas are perfect, as he understands instantly every combination of ideas of God which is presented to him. Man can never pass on any ideas to his fellow-man that are not perfect and for his advantage, for all God’s ideas arc perfect, ministering to man and benefiting man, adding to his wealth the combination of ideas of which he has been conscious. Man is always helping and benefiting his fellow-man, passing on perfect ideas and receiving ideas in exchange. There is nothing to stop this action, for it is the action of God. Love is the power that causes the ideas to circulate, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. (Work against fear and for supply and for love.) |
1093 | 139 | 232 | 1 | Stomach Ache - Indigestion | See INDIGESTION |
1094 | 140 | 233 | 1 | Stomach, Inflammation of | Show all | There is no inflammation of the stomach, man's stomach is the reflection or knowledge of God as intelligence. (Then work against inflammation and any symptoms such as pain, fever or vomiting.) |
1095 | 141 | 233 | 1 | Stoppage in Pipes | Show all | There is no stoppage in the pipes, God’s ideas circulate in Mind with absolute freedom and ease ; all the channels are channels in con sciousness through which the ideas pass, free and open ; Love is the power that causes these ideas to pass, and Love is omnipotent for Love is God. |
1096 | 142 | 233 | 1 | Stoppage of the Bowels | Show all | There is no stoppage of the bowels, the bowels arc the knowledge of God as Soul, giving man all wisdom and knowledge. Nothing can impede the action of Soul, for its action is free and perfect. There are no constricting bands, all is spiritual and free, there is no matter, only Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. No ideas of God ever work in opposition to other ideas, all ideas work together for good.. There is no congestion, Mind is ever active, all God’s ideas continuously flow in perfect order. (Work against any apparent cause, realising that it never happened, all is spiritual, nothing takes place but the action of God, and this action is perfect and complete. Also against pain, sickness and any other symptom. Work also against fear.) |
1097 | 143 | 233 | 1 | Stoppage of the Bowels - Organs | See ORGANS |
1098 | 144 | 233 | 1 | Storms - Cyclones | See CYCLONES |
1099 | 145 | 233 | 1 | Storms - Rough Sea | See ROUGH SEA |
1100 | 146 | 233 | 1 | Stoutness | Show all | Man is never too stout, he is entirely spiritual, holy, pure and perfect. There is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. There is neither large nor small in Spirit, man lives and moves and has his being in Spirit, and is made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit. Man is the compound idea of God, and reflects or manifests God, being “ the express image of bis person ” (Hcb. I : 3). There is no material cause and effect, the only cause is God. Man’s food never makes him stout, for man’s food is the ideas of God, which man understands and assimilates perfectly, and radiates forth again to the joy of infinite beings. Man is perfect, eternal, infinite, the perfect expression of a glorious God. “ Spirit blesses the multiplication of its own pure and perfect ideas. From the infinite elements of the one Mind emanate all form, colour, quality, and quantity, and these are mental, both primarily and secondarily" (S. & H. p. 512). |
1101 | 147 | 234 | 1 | Strain | See SPRAIN |
1102 | 148 | 234 | 1 | Strangulated Hernia - Stoppage of the Bowels | See STOPPAGE OF THE BOWELS |
1103 | 149 | 234 | 1 | Strangulated Hernia - Strangulation of the Bowels | See STRANGULATION OF THE BOWELS |
1104 | 150 | 234 | 1 | Strangulation of the Bowels | Show all | This is a term used for the condition in which the bowel is constricted by tight tissues surrounding and pinching it; if unrelieved, it results in mortification of the bowel. It may occur either internally or in a rupture. There is no strangulation of the bowels, the bowels are the knowledge of God as Soul, giving man all wisdom and knowledge. There is no mortification of the bowel, all is Life eternal, nothing ever dies, for all ideas are spiritual, and live and move and have their being in God. |
1105 | 151 | 234 | 1 | Strangulation of the Bowels - Stoppage of the Bowels | See STOPPAGE OF THE BOWELS |
1106 | 152 | 234 | 1 | Strength | Show all | There is no weakness, man reflects Life, and has all power and strength. “ The joy of tbe Lord is your strength ” (Neh. 8 : io). Man reflects Mind, and is ever active, and ever energetic, for man is the reflection of God and reflects God, individualising the infinite power of infinite Love. Man’s muscles are God’s thought forces, reflecting infinite power. Man is never tired, for man is spiritual; man is the expression of the un laboured energy that is God. There is no matter to make man weary, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. “ Thine, O Lord, is tbe greatness and the power and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty ” (r Chron. 29 : 11). Man is “ strong in tbe Lord, and in tbe power of bis might ” (Eph. 6 : 10). Man is “strengthened with all might, according to bis glorious power” (Col. 1 : ti). “ Hast thou not known ? bast thou not heard, that tbe everlasting God, tbe Lord, tbe Creator of the ends of tbe earth, fainteth not, neither is weary ? ” (Is. 40 : 28), Nothing takes place but the action of God, the Principle of good. |
1107 | 153 | 234 | 1 | Strength - Exhaustion | See EXHAUSTION |
1108 | 154 | 234 | 1 | Strength - Weakness | See WEAKNESS |
1109 | 155 | 234 | 1 | Strikes | Show all | Man cannot possibly ask for or take what he is not entitled to, for man has instantly everything he needs; God’s ideas unfold with perfect sequence and regularity, idea after idea. Man cannot force his will on his fellow-man, for there is only one will, God’s will. There is no injustice, for God is the Principle of all justice, and man is absolutely just. Man never stops work, he is always in the right place, at the right time, doing perfect work, God’s work. Man can never be discontented, he loves to do his work, passing on God’s ideas to his fellow-man, giving infinite joy, and receiving divine ideas in exchange. When man works God works ; man is ever active and energetic ; God’s ideas always circulate in Mind, unfolding regularly. God is the Principle of all law and order, and Love is the power which causes these ideas to circulate; Love causes man to pass on God’s ideas, benefiting and helping his fellow-man, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God, giving man all he needs. There arc no grievances, man is always happy, knowing Truth ; there are no mistakes, man reflects wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. There is no lack of co-operation between employer and employee, all men are in the one Mind, part of God’s consciousness, working perfectly together for the benefit of all. (Then work against hypnotic effect of leaders and for love and justice.) |
1110 | 156 | 234 | 1 | Strikes - Lockouts | See LOCKOUTS |
1111 | 157 | 235 | 1 | Stroke - Paralysis | See PARALYSIS |
1112 | 158 | 235 | 1 | Stupidity | Show all | There is no stupidity, for man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. Divine Mind gives man infinite capacities, and makes him perfect in knowledge and understanding. Man is always doing and saying the right thing at the right time, for man is governed by God, and by God alone; man is God’s consciousness by means of which God works and thinks and acts. |
1113 | 159 | 235 | 1 | Stupidity - Carelessness | See CARELESSNESS |
1114 | 160 | 235 | 1 | Stupidity - Dullness | See DULLNESS |
1115 | 161 | 235 | 1 | Substance | Show all | The aspect or quality of God which gives permanence to everything in the world of reality. God is the only substance, “ the substance of things hoped for, tbe evidence of things not seen"* (Heb. 11 : x). |
1116 | 162 | 235 | 1 | Success | Show all | Man is unceasingly successful, for man is the activity of God. Man has of himself no power to achieve anything; God is the only actor, and everything is done perfectly ; “ I can of mine own self do nothing ” (John 5 : 30), when man works, God works, God works by means of man. “ Tbe law of tbe Lord is perfect ” (Ps. 19 : 7), and all things work under absolutely perfect law, and that law ensures a perfect outcome to all activity. God is the Principle of all achievement, so man’s work is always successful, it is God’s work, perfect and divine. (Work against feeling of responsibility, anxiety and fear.) |
1117 | 163 | 235 | 1 | Success - Knowledge | See KNOWLEDGE |
1118 | 164 | 235 | 1 | Success - Understanding | See UNDERSTANDING |
1119 | 165 | 235 | 1 | Success - Wisdom | See WISDOM |
1120 | 166 | 235 | 1 | Suffering | See MISERY |
1121 | 167 | 236 | 1 | Sunstroke | Show all | There is no sunstroke, for man is spiritual and perfect; it never happened, man is governed by God, surrounded by divine Love. Man’s brain can never be harmed, man’s brain is the capacity of thinking, the Christ capacity, spiritual and perfect, working perfectly. No sun can harm man, for the sun is spiritual, a combination of ideas of God, ministering to man and benefiting man. The ideas of God (skull, etc.) arc never too hot, all is normal, working perfectly and divinely, min istering to man and benefiting man. (Work against symptoms such as headache, sickness, confusion of ideas, refusal of food, weakness.) |
1122 | 168 | 236 | 1 | Supply | Show all | It is essential, if a person is in financial difficulties, to stop the thought getting into the mind. You can do this by, so to speak, nipping the sentence in the bud before it is completed. Supposing, for instance, that you are going to say : “ I shall not be able to pay that bill,” before you get further than “ I shall,” stop the sentence with the denial: “ It is a lie, there is no want,” or some such denial. Then dwell upon the affirmation. If you will only do this every time a thought of limited supply comes into your mind, you will soon be out of your difficulty. Every time you reverse the thought in this way, you arc permanently better off and permanently nearer to the time when you are out of your trouble. It is of vital importance to stop thoughts getting into the • mind in every ease where, as in the case of supply, the wrong thoughts keep coming into the mind time after time. There is no want, God is the source of all supply, and man has instantly everything he needs, for man is spiritual, governed and supplied by God. Man has no material desires, for man is spiritual, and all his desires are spiritual and are instantly fulfilled. Man has abundance; there are infinite ideas available to man instantly ; a constant succession of perfect ideas comes to man, idea- after idea, and man re-presents these ideas; the ideas unfold with unfailing regularity, for God is the Principle of all law and order, and man is governed by law and by order. There is no mortal mind to stop this perfect action, for there is only one Mind, God ; God is the only power and the only ruler; God is infinite, and all His ideas arc infinite and omnipresent, and man is the consciousness of God, and cannot be separated from any idea of God, but is instantly in touch with any necessary idea, as man ’has the Christ capacity to know any idea he needs. “ Tbe blessing of the Lord, it makseth rich, and he addeib no sorrow with it" (Prov. 10:22). There arc no difficulties, for all is spiritual, there is only God and God’s man, governed only by God, “ God, who give tb ns richly all things to enjoy ” (i Tim. 6 : 17). AU God’s ideas arc in the right place, available to man, and ministering to man, meeting his needs and benefiting him. There is no ignorance, man knows instantly how to obtain everything he needs. “ My God shall supply all your weed according to his riches in glory ’* (Phil. 4:19). “0/ his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace ” (John 1 : 16). There is no anxiety, all is peace, rest and harmony ; no worry, only absolute peace, absolute rdst, absolute harmony, for man is divine, governed by God, and absolutely joyous. There is no depression, all is joy ; “ The sons of God shouted for joy ” (Job 38 : 7). “ In thy presence is fulness of joy" (Ps. 16: 1 x). Man is absolutely joyous; “in whom . . . ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory ” (1 Peter 1:8). |
1123 | 169 | 237 | 1 | Suppuration | Show all | There is no suppuration, all is spiritual and perfect; there is no matter, only Spirit and the infinite manifestation of Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. (Work for purity, and circulation of the blood, also against septic poisoning, germs, and high temperature.) |
1124 | 170 | 237 | 1 | Suppuration - Abscess | See ABSCESS |
1125 | 171 | 237 | 1 | Syphilis | Show all | There is no syphilis, for all is spiritual and perfect; there is no poison in the system, all is purity. *It never happened, all is spiritual and perfect; only God’s ideas can come to man, pure, perfect, divine and holy ideas. Man’s lymph can never be poisoned, man’s lymph is the knowledge of God as Principle, pure, perfect, divine and holy. The lesser ideas of God never harm the higher ideas, they minister to man and benefit him. (Work against the symptoms and also against matter, germs, poison in the blood and for the circulation of the blood.) |
TTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
1126 | 1 | 240 | 1 | Tact | Show all | There is no want of tact, man is always saying the right thing at the right time, for he reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. There arc no mortal mind thoughts to affect man, because only God’s ideas come to him ; these ideas unfold with perfect sequence at the right time, and arc perfectly re-prescnted, helping man and ministering to him, imparting knowledge and giving joy and happiness. (Treat for details, such as knowing the right thing to say.) |
1127 | 2 | 240 | 1 | Tact - Wisdom | See WISDOM |
1128 | 3 | 240 | 1 | Talebearing | Show all | Man never runs down others, for he loves to help his fellow-man. Man is perfect and man knows that his fellow-man is perfect, for God is Truth and man knows Truth. Man never sees anything wrong in his fellow-man because he is always perfect and he always sees perfection in everything. He is always desirous of helping his fellow-man, for God is Love and man reflects that Love and is loving towards all. (Work against criticism, and for love and truth.) |
1129 | 4 | 240 | 1 | Talebearing - Sneaking | See SNEAKING |
1130 | 5 | 240 | 1 | Talking | Show all | Whenever you have said anything you should say to yourself: “ Whom did I help ? ” and if you did not help anyone you should not have said the thing. Time is too precious to one who knows how to pray to waste it upon idle words. Man never talks too much, for man is always saying the right thing at the right time. There is no want of tact in talking, for man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. There arc no mortal thoughts to come to man, only God’s ideas can come, and these ideas unfold with perfect sequence and are perfectly re-presented, benefiting man and ministering to him, giving joy and happiness. No idea is ever rc-prcsented to man without giving man infinite joy and happiness. |
1131 | 6 | 240 | 1 | Tattoo Marks, Removal of | Show all | Man never was tattooed, for man is spiritual and perfect. There is no matter under man’s skin, man’s skin is the loving action of God which maintains and preserves man’s individuality, spiritual and perfect. There is no disfigurement, for man is divine, made in the image and likeness of God. There is no foreign matter in the system, for all is spiritual, perfect and holy ; all is purity, man is spiritual, divine and perfect. (Work against matter.) |
1132 | 7 | 241 | 1 | Teaching Truth | Show all | When presenting Truth to anyone, one should always treat, so that a better concept is formed of God’s ideas. Man is always helping his fellow-man, passing on his ideas of Truth, for God is Truth and nothing exists except Truth and the ideas of Truth. Man loves to receive these ideas and understands and rejoices in every idea of Truth. There is no malice against Truth, man loves Truth and rejoices in Truth, for God is Truth and there is nothing but Truth, nothing but God. |
1133 | 8 | 241 | 1 | Teaching Truth - Erroneous Theology | See ERRONEOUS THEOLOGY |
1134 | 9 | 241 | 1 | Teeth | Show all | If after treating regularly for teeth and having as much help from a practitioner as can be afforded, the demonstration is not made, then it is advisable to go to a good dentist, and treat, so that he docs his work well and thoroughly. |
1135 | 10 | 241 | 1 | Teeth - Abscess | Show all | There is no abscess, for all is spiritual and perfect; there is no inflammation, all is purity ; man’s blood is the joy that flows with absolute regularity right through the consciousness; there is no discharge, man is divine; there can be no abscess to give man pain, for all is spiritual and perfect; man is absolutely joyous. (Treat against poison in the blood and other symptoms such as pain and discharge.) |
1136 | 11 | 241 | 1 | Teeth - Bad or Brittle Enamel | Show all | There is no bad enamel on the teeth, man’s teeth arc perfect and divine, the Christ capacity to analyse and dissect the ideas of God. There is no want of lime in the system, man has everything he needs. The enamel can never be broken, for the capacity to analyse and dissect God’s ideas reflects substance and is full, complete and perfect. |
1137 | 12 | 241 | 1 | Teeth - Decayed Teeth | Show all | There are no decayed teeth, man’s teeth are spiritual, reflecting sub stance, full, complete and perfect; there is no matter, all is purity ; there is no death, all God’s ideas reflect Life eternal. There arc no material germs, God’s ideas arc spiritual, ministering to and benefiting man. Man’s teeth can never disintegrate, man’s teeth arc the capacity to analyse and dissect the ideas of God ; this capacity is the Christ capacity, spiritual, perfect and complete, reflecting substance and entity. (Work against poison in the blood.) |
1138 | 13 | 241 | 1 | Teeth - Decayed Teeth - Carious Bones | See CARIOUS BONES |
1139 | 14 | 241 | 1 | Teeth - Fear of Pain at Dentist’s | Show all | There is no fear of pain for all is perfect and divine, and God is the Principle of all good, no pain can come to man, only good can come; man is absolutely fearless; man cannot give his fellow-man pain but always gives him joy and happiness. Man cannot think that he can receive pain, for man is spiritual, receiving only God’s ideas which always give joy and happiness. (Work for joy.) |
1140 | 15 | 241 | 1 | Teeth - Fear of Pain at Dentist’s - Pain | See PAIN |
1141 | 16 | 241 | 1 | Teeth - Gouty Teeth | Show all | There is no want of assimilation of food, man’s food is the ideas of God which continually unfold to man, these ideas arc assimilated and digested with absolute ease. The understanding and grouping together of God’s ideas can never create poison, for all is purity. There is no matter, only Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. There is no deposit on the teeth, man’s teeth are the capacity to analyse and dissect God’s ideas, the Christ capacity, spiritual, pure and holy. |
1142 | 17 | 241 | 1 | Teeth - Loose Teeth | Show all | Man’s teeth are never loose, man’s teeth are the capacity of analysing and dissecting God’s ideas, always in the right place, working perfectly and divinely, full and complete, reflecting substance. Man is conscious ness, God’s consciousness, all the parts of that consciousness are in their right place, combining together perfectly. |
1143 | 18 | 241 | 1 | Teeth - Nerve Exposed | Show all | No nerve is ever exposed, man’s nerves are spiritual, channels in consciousness, surrounded by divine Love, through which God’s ideas come to man ; they never give man pain, but give him infinite joy and happiness. |
1144 | 19 | 241 | 1 | Teeth - Pain | See PAIN |
1145 | 20 | 241 | 1 | Teeth - Pressure on Nerves | Show all | There is no pressure on the nerves, man’s nerves arc spiritual ; no nerves can ever give man pain, for they arc channels in consciousness, through which God’s ideas come to man, giving him joy and happiness. There is no pressure in Spirit for Spirit is infinite, the Principle of all purity and holiness. |
1146 | 21 | 241 | 1 | Teeth - Pyorrhoea | Show all | There is no pyorrhoea, for all is spiritual; no poison, all is Spirit, the Principle of purity and holiness. Man can never swallow poison, for his food is spiritual and perfect, the ideas of God. Man’s internal organs can never be poisoned, for they are the knowledge of the different aspects of God, spiritual, pure and holy. There is no discharge, for all is purity and holiness. (Then work against germs, poison, poison of the blood and matter and for loosened teeth as shown above.) |
1147 | 22 | 241 | 1 | Teeth - Receding Gums | Show all | There arc no receding gums, man’s gums are God’s support of the capacity of analysing and dissecting God’s ideas ; that support is spiritual, perfect and divine, always in its right place, full and complete, reflecting substance and having entity. (Work against poison of the blood.) Finally, if you work regularly for your teeth when you clean them, you should have little, if any trouble. In doing this you can realise that there are no defective teeth, man’s teeth are spiritual and perfect, the capacity to analyse and dissect the ideas of God, the Christ capacity. Man’s teeth are never decayed, they reflect Life and have Life eternal. There is no acidity to harm man’s teeth, for all is infinite purity. |
1148 | 23 | 243 | 1 | Telephone Difficulties | Show all | There is carelessness and malpractice both on the part of the operator8 and public which have to be worked against. There are no telephone difficulties, because everything works with absolute, unfailing regularity, all being governed by God, the Principle of ail law and all order. There is no mental malpractice, the only thoughts are God’s thoughts. No human being can bring about harm to another, man is spiritual and perfect, surrounded by divine Love. There is no material man, man is God’s consciousness, always thinking rightly. God alone acts and is infinite good. There is no want of concentration, God’s ideas unfold to man in perfect sequence and are passed on in perfect sequence and man is always working properly, always doing what is right. |
1149 | 24 | 243 | 1 | Telling Tales Out of School | See TALEBEARING |
1150 | 25 | 243 | 1 | Temper | Show all | There is no hasty temper, all is peace, rest and harmony, for man is the manifestation of the perfect control of God, the only ruler and governor. There is no discord of any nature, man is the reflection or thinking of God, the consciousness of “ tbe Lord of peace himself” (z Thes. 3 : 16), loving towards all. (Then work for love.) |
1151 | 26 | 243 | 1 | Temper - Anger | See ANGER |
1152 | 27 | 243 | 1 | Temperature | See FEVER |
1153 | 28 | 243 | 1 | Temptation | Show all | Man cannot be led into temptation, for man is spiritual, perfect and divine, governed by God and by God alone. Only God’s thoughts can come to man, perfect, holy and divine thoughts. There is nothing in man to respond to anything but good, for man is the reflection or thinking of Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. There is no evil for man to respond to, for God is omnipresent good, “ over all, and through all, and in all” (Eph. 4: 6 R.V.). “ God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man ” (James 1 : 13), for there is nothing but absolute good. There is no hypnotism, God is the only power and the only ruler. No man can have any power over another man, the only power is that of God, and this power is only for good. Man is a spiritual being, in a spiritual world governed by Spirit, the Principle of purity and holiness. |
1154 | 29 | 244 | 1 | Tenants | Show all | There is nothing imperfect in God’s kingdom, all His ideas ate spiritual and perfect, working harmoniously together. There is no conflict, for there is only one Mind, God, and all have the same purpose and aim. Man is never unreasonable, for he reflects God, perfect and just Mind. All men arc equally governed by that one Mind, harmonious and loving one towards the other. Man is never grasping, he is always contented, man knows that he has all things in God ; he is always honest and loving. |
1155 | 30 | 244 | 1 | Tenants - Harmony | See HARMONY |
1156 | 31 | 244 | 1 | Tenants - Justice | See JUSTICE |
1157 | 32 | 244 | 1 | Tenants - Love | See LOVE |
1158 | 33 | 244 | 1 | Tenants - Renting | See RENTING |
1159 | 34 | 244 | 1 | Tenseness | Show all | Man is never tense, for man is spiritual and perfect. There is no mental pressure, for God is Mind, working perfectly and divinely. No thoughts giving trouble can come to man, the only thoughts are God’s thoughts. (Then work for nerves.) |
1160 | 35 | 244 | 1 | Tenure | See UNCERTAINTY OF TENURE |
1161 | 36 | 244 | 1 | Theft | Show all | God’s ideas can never be stolen, they are always in the right place in Mind, in God. Man is never in need of anything, for there arc infinite ideas available, and man never takes any idea from where it is needed, but is always passing on ideas to his fellow man and benefiting him. There is no mortal mind to make man steal things, there is only one Mind, God, and God is the Principle of all justice, and man is absolutely just; man can never harm his fellow-man, for God is Love, and man reflects that LoVe and is always loving; man never takes anything that is not his, for man possesses all now; he is always re-presenting God’s ideas, calling the attention of his fellow-man to them, and giving him joy and happiness. |
1162 | 37 | 244 | 1 | Theft - Dishonesty | See DISHONESTY |
1163 | 38 | 245 | 1 | Theology | See ERRONEOUS THEOLOGY |
1164 | 39 | 245 | 1 | Thinness | Show all | Man is never too thin, but reflects substance, he is full, complete and perfect* Man’s food is the ideas of God which continually unfold to matt ; these ideas feed man and nourish man and give him his increase. Man can never lose weight, because man reflects entity and is always the same, reflecting infinite substance. |
1165 | 40 | 245 | 1 | Thinness - Weight, Loss of | See WEIGHT, LOSS OF |
1166 | 41 | 245 | 1 | Thoughtfulness for Others | Show all | There is no want of thoughtfulness for others, as man is always helping his fellow-man, re-presenting God’s ideas and grouping them into glorious combinations with the object of benefiting him. He always knows what is necessary to help his fellow-man, and helps him to the utmost. (Work for love.) Man is never thoughtless, he reflects Mind and is always thinking rightly, reflecting intelligence, divine wisdom and knowledge. God’s ideas unfold to man with perfect sequence and are re-presented with perfect sequence. Man never fails to be thoughtful towards his fellow man, he is always helping him, for God is Love and man reflects that Love and is absolutely loving toward all. (Work for love.) |
1167 | 42 | 245 | 1 | Thoughtfulness for Others - Accuracy | See ACCURACY |
1168 | 43 | 245 | 1 | Thoughtfulness for Others - Attention | See ATTENTION |
1169 | 44 | 245 | 1 | Thoughtfulness for Others - Carelessness | See CARELESSNESS |
1170 | 45 | 245 | 1 | Thyroid Gland, Diseases of | Show all | Man’s thyroid gland is never out of order, man’s glands arc channels in consciousness through which God’s ideas pass. There is no wasting of the thyroid gland, for man reflects substance and is full, complete and perfect. Nothing ever wastes, for each idea of God reflects Life, for Life is God, and like Him is “ tbe same yesterday and to-day and for ever ” (Hub. 13:8). No idea of God ever fails to contribute its special service, for each idea is under God’s control, and “ all things work to gether for good ” (Rom. 8 : 28). None of God’s ideas can ever affect another of His ideas, for He is the only power and the only ruler. Mart is the compound idea of God and reflects God ; he is perfect and holy, spiritual and divine, |
1171 | 46 | 245 | 1 | Thyroid Gland, Diseases of - Ductless Glands | See DUCTLESS GLANDS |
1172 | 47 | 246 | 1 | Tidiness | See UNTIDINESS |
1173 | 48 | 246 | 1 | Time, Want of | Show all | There is no want of time, man lives and works in eternity, knowing no limitation ; “for in hint we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17 : 28). The only time is the unfolding of God’s ideas; everything is done instantly, all God’s ideas arc finished and complete, and unfold to man with unfailing regularity, idea after idea, and man re-presents these ideas instantly. All is done in the right way, and at the right time, for God is the only worker, and is the Principle of all law and all order, and man is governed by law and order. |
1174 | 49 | 246 | 1 | Tiredness | Show all | Man is never tired, man reflects Life and has all power and strength ; man reflects Mind, and is ever active and ever energetic. Man rejoices in his work, which never tires him, but gives him joy and happiness. He loves to re-present the ideas of God, and re-presents them with infinite power, the infinite power of infinite Love, individualising the infinite Christ. |
1175 | 50 | 246 | 1 | Tiredness - Exhaustion | See EXHAUSTION |
1176 | 51 | 246 | 1 | Tiredness - Strength | See STRENGTH |
1177 | 52 | 246 | 1 | Tonsils | Show all | Man’s tonsils arc never out of order, for all of God’s ideas arc spiritual and perfect, working perfectly, working divinely, reflecting Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness. (Then work for circulation of the blood, against germs, swelling, poison, high temperature, inflammation and other symptoms.) |
1178 | 53 | 246 | 1 | Tools Spoiling Through Use | Show all | God’s ideas are never spoiled, they are spiritual and perfect, always doing their work perfectly ; they never get worn out, they reflect sub stance, and arc full and complete, perfect and divine. All is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. “ the same yesterday, to day, and for ever ” (Heb. 13:8). |
1179 | 54 | 246 | 1 | Touch, Loss of | See FEELING |
1180 | 55 | 246 | 1 | Train Sickness | See SEA-SICKNESS |
1181 | 56 | 247 | 1 | Travelling | Show all | There are no difficulties in travelling, man moves from idea to idea with absolute case. There is no missing of trains, man is always in the right place at the right time. There is no disappearance of luggage, God’s ideas arc always in the right place at the right time; man can never lose anything, for all God’s ideas arc in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man ; man knows everything he needs instantly and has everything he needs instantly. There is no theft, man is spiritual, governed by God, absolutely just and loving. There is never any difficulty in getting vehicles, because man is always in the right place at the right time, and man knows instantly everything he needs. There is no incivility or rudeness, for God is Love and all men are loving. There is no boredom, for man is continually interested in the perfect combination of God’s ideas, which continually unfold to man, giving man joy and happiness, (Then work- for love and against tiredness, unpunctuality, undesirable companions, excessive heat or cold, if necessary, and any other troubles that arc likely to come about through travelling.) |
1182 | 57 | 247 | 1 | Treatment | See HEAVEN, ALSO PART ONE |
1183 | 58 | 247 | 1 | Treatment, Author’s Daily Morning and Evening | Show all | The author has often been asked to write out in full, or allow people to write out, the daily treatment that he gives himself. This would be a mistake. The object of the author is to turn people to God, from Whom alone can a knowledge of Truth be gained. In treatment, the object is not to form a wonderful idea of the world of reality, nor is it to string together a number of words which sound harmonious and appeal to the intellect. The object is to get away altogether from thinking of the material world, and to lose oneself in a glorious and wonderful concept, as uplifted as possible, of God and God’s perfect world. To do this, one must use words that appeal to oneself. As a a matter of fact no human being can harm another. Those who believe that there is such a thing as a belief in hypnotism have to work against hypnotism; those who think that there is a belief in malice against the truth, must work against this. And so the work done by each individual varies more or less according to the condition of his so-called mind. The author’s wife speaks of the author’s method of treatment as scaffold poles upon which to build one’s treatment. This is because of his class of mind which prefers few words and that they should be directly to the point, relying upon clearness of realisation for the result, the result being the getting away from all thought of the material. With a different class of mind, this result is better arrived at by a series of groupings of words dealing with the wonders of heaven. The great thing is to let God do His work and to rely upon being led, through the action of God, to treat in the way that is of most value to humanity. |
1184 | 59 | 248 | 1 | Troubles - Anxiety | See ANXIETY |
1185 | 60 | 248 | 1 | Troubles - Cares | See CARES |
1186 | 61 | 248 | 1 | Troubles - Difficulties | See DIFFICULTIES |
1187 | 62 | 248 | 1 | Troubles - Worry | See WORRY |
1188 | 63 | 248 | 1 | Truth | Show all | The aspect or quality of God which enables one to understand the ideas that come to man. Truth is that which is. It is all there is, and is therefore indivisible. It is eternal, having no beginning, no duration or ending, and is therefore changeless, an actuality in which there is no evil. |
1189 | 64 | 248 | 1 | Truth - Teaching Truth | See TEACHING TRUTH |
1190 | 65 | 248 | 1 | Truthfulness - Deceit | See DECEIT |
1191 | 66 | 248 | 1 | Truthfulness - Lying | See LYING |
1192 | 67 | 248 | 1 | Tuberculosis | Show all | For this, one works as shown in the following paragraph, working for the portions of the body affected instead of, or in addition to, the lungs. |
1193 | 68 | 248 | 1 | Tuberculosis of the Lungs | Show all | There is no tuberculosis, man is spiritual and perfect; man’s lungs are the reflection of God as Life, they reflect purity and substance and arc full and complete. All is purity, holiness and harmony, for all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. Man’s breathing is the spon taneous activity of Life and Love, perfect and joyous, for man is the consciousness of God, and is always receiving the ideas of God, and radiating them forth to the glory of God and the joy of his fellow-man. There are no material germs, God’s ideas arc spiritual and perfect; the lesser ideas never harm man, they minister to him and benefit him, and are always in the right place, for they are governed by God, the Principle of all purity and holiness. There is no haemorrhage, man’s blood is the joy that circulates throughout consciousness; that joy is never wasted, but is always in the right place, full, complete, and perfect, carrying out the divine purpose. There is no high temperature, all is normal and harmonious ; man’s blood is never too hot, man’s blood is the joy that circulates in consciousness, spiritual, pure, holy and divine. Nothing passes from man, he re-presents God’s ideas. There is no weakness, man reflects Life and has infinite power and strength, man is “ strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might ” (Eph. 6 : io), “ strengthened with all might, according to bis glorious power ” (Col. i : n). There is no cough, all is peace, rest and harmony; man is conscious of “ tbe peace of God, which passeth all understanding ” (Phil. 4 : 7). There is no irritation, all is rest and harmony; no weakened muscles, man’s muscles are God’s thought forces, having all power and strength.. There is no wasting of the body, man’s body is spiritual and perfect; it is the body of ideas, God’s ideas, enduring and eternal; man reflects God as Spirit, substance, pure and holy substance, “ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever" (Heb. 13 : 8). “Man was not created from a material basis, nor bidden to obey material laws which Spirit never made ; bis province is in spiritual statutes, in the higher law of Mind" (S. & H. p. 307), |
1194 | 69 | 249 | 1 | Tumour | See GROWTHS |
1195 | 70 | 249 | 1 | Typewriting - For the Typewriter | See OUT OF ORDER |
1196 | 71 | 249 | 1 | Typewriting - For the Typist | Show all | Man cannot make mistakes, for man does perfect work, being led and governed by God. There is no want of rapidity of execution, everything is done instantly, for God rules and governs all. There is perfect facility of movement, when man receives an idea, he instantly re-presents it, for when man works, God works ; God works by means of man. Everything is done instantly and perfectly, for God is Mind, and man reflects that Mind, and is ever active and ever energetic. Man’s fingers never exhibit lack of control, man’s fingers are the power of grasping details, God’s power. There is no heavy touch, man’s move ments are exquisitely adjusted, controlled and directed by God, the Principle of perfect adjustment and order. |
1197 | 72 | 249 | 1 | Typewriting - For the Typist - Accuracy | See ACCURACY |
1198 | 73 | 249 | 1 | Typewriting - For the Typist - Mistakes | See MISTAKES |
1199 | 74 | 249 | 1 | Typewriting - For the Typist - Shorthand | See SHORTHAND |
1200 | 75 | 250 | 1 | Typhoid Fever | Show all | There is no typhoid fever, man is spiritual and perfect. Man’s bowels arc channels in consciousness through which God’s ideas, being grouped together, pass ; these channels arc spiritual, perfect and pure. As a relapse is so often feared, realise that man cannot relapse, he reflects Life and has all power and strength; he reflects Mind and is ever active and ever energetic ; he ever obeys the law of his nature, the law ye holy, f°r I boly ” ; always manifesting infinite well-being, infinite holiness, health and strength. (Work against germs, high temperature, poison in the system, weakness. Work also against contagion and against any symptoms, such as ulceration of the bowels and haemor rhage.) |
1201 | 76 | 250 | 1 | Tyrannical Thoughts | Show all | This includes the following classes of thought: pride, tyranny, Pharisaism, cruelty and criticism. It used to be called the Roman Catholic thought, but it was so liable to be connected with the Roman Catholics that it is better to use the words “ tyrannical thoughts ” as meaning all thoughts of this nature. They not only attack every class of religious body, but attack each one of us more or less and have to Be systematically worked against. |
UTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
1202 | 1 | 253 | 1 | Ugliness | Show all | There is no ugliness, for man is made M in the beauty of holiness ” (Ps. 29 : 2). God is Mind and God is Love, maintaining all ideas perfect and beautiful; they arc all His own ideas, each exquisitely fitted for the work Mind assigns to it, clothed in the beauty of holiness. Nothing is ugly, for God, infinite Mind, is the Principle of all beauty and all God’s ideas reflect that Principle in all its aspects and qualities. There is no matter, all beauty is spiritual, for God, Spirit, the Principle of purity and holiness, creates and maintains all things perfect. “ The beauty of the Lord our God” is “ upon us” (Ps. 90 : 17). |
1203 | 2 | 253 | 1 | Ulcers | Show all | There is no ulcer, all is purity ; man’s skin is never ulcerated, it is God’s loving action maintaining man’s individuality. Every individual dea of God is perfect and complete, and can never be impaired, but remains in its eternal integrity. (Work against matter and symptoms tuch as inflammation of the mucous membrane, pain and discharge.) |
1204 | 3 | 253 | 1 | Ulcers - Abscess | See ABSCESS |
1205 | 4 | 253 | 1 | Uncertainty | Show all | Man is never uncertain what to do, God’s ideas unfold to man with perfect sequence and man re-presents these ideas with perfect sequence, or Life is the law of Soul and settles the order in which the ideas come o man. Love is the power which causes man to re-present these ideas, md Love is omnipotent for Love is God. |
1206 | 5 | 253 | 1 | Uncertainty of Tenure | Show all | There is no uncertainty of tenure, for man is in Mind ; all God’s deas reflect substance and are permanently in place. Man never loses nything, for man is God’s consciousness, having everything he needs nstantly. |
1207 | 6 | 254 | 1 | Under-Estimation - Criticism | See CRITICISM |
1208 | 7 | 254 | 1 | Under-Estimation - Self-Depreciation | See SELF-DEPRECIATION |
1209 | 8 | 254 | 1 | Under-Estimation - Self-Disparagement | See SELF-DISPARAGEMENT |
1210 | 9 | 253 | 1 | Understanding | Show all | There is no want of understanding, man is God’s consciousness, 7 means of which God knows. Man is the knowledge of God, and hereforc knows Truth and understands Truth. All understanding is piritual, and man is infinitely receptive to spiritual ideas. Love unfolds he facts of Truth and so brings all wisdom and knowledge whereby nan receives and enjoys the good which is continually unfolded. When nan speaks, God speaks, for God speaks by means of man. Man thoroughly understands every idea of God which comes to him; he reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge, knowing everything that he needs instantly. “ For God giveth to man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy ” (Eccl. 2 : 26). |
1211 | 10 | 254 | 1 | Undesirable Companions or People | Show all | There arc no undesirable people, all men are perfect, reflecting God. Man is never in the wrong place, he is always in the right place, as he is always in Mind, being God’s consciousness. Man is never harmed by his fellow-man, man is always helping his fellow-man. Man is never doing what he should not do, he is led and governed by God. “ God is tbe creator of man, and, the divine Principle of man remaining perfect, the divine idea or reflection, man, remains perfect ” (S. & H. p. 470). |
1212 | 11 | 254 | 1 | Undesirable Companions or People - Unwelcome Visitors | See UNWELCOME VISITORS |
1213 | 12 | 254 | 1 | Uneconomical | See WASTEFULNESS |
1214 | 13 | 254 | 1 | Unemployment | Show all | Man is never out of work, man does perfect work, always re-presenting God’s ideas ; man is continually receiving a succession of absolutely perfect ideas ; these he groups together into perfect combinations, which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. Man is the consciousness of God, Mind, and Mind is ever at work, therefore man and his work cannot be separated, for man is the activity of God. There is a perfect law of supply and demand; when man needs anything he is instantly in touch with the required thing; when man desires to pass on an idea he knows where to pass it; when man needs an idea he knows where to get it, for God is the Principle of all knowledge and man knows everything he needs instantly. Not one of God’s ideas is ever idle, each has its own special purpose, and is ever fulfilling that purpose. Man is the activity of God, Love, and man rejoices in his work, always reflecting Love, to the glory of God and the joy of all. |
1215 | 14 | 254 | 1 | Unemployment - Work | See WORK |
1216 | 15 | 254 | 1 | Unfairness | Show all | Man never behaves unfairly to his fellow-man, for man is governed by God, the Principle of all justice. Man forever reflects that Principle and is absolutely just towards all. Alan never harms his fellow-man but is always benefiting him, always passing on God’s ideas, for God is Love and man reflects Love and is absolutely loving towards all. |
1217 | 16 | 254 | 1 | Unfairness - Injustice | See INJUSTICE |
1218 | 17 | 255 | 1 | Unfaithfulness | Show all | Man is never unfaithful, man is spiritual, always faithful to God, loving good. Man never desires change, for man is always in the right place, in Mind, in God, being God’s consciousness ; man loves to be at home, for his home is spiritual and perfect, giving him joy and happiness. Man never thinks he is improperly treated, for man knows Truth, and always loves to be where he is receiving and giving joy and happiness. Man cannot leave his right place, for he is God’s consciousness, satisfied and contented, absolutely joyous, reflecting infinite joy. (Then work for love and probably against hypnotism and sensuality. The principal thing is to recollect that the one who thinks the other is unfaithful, is forming a false concept of God’s man, blaspheming God by thinking He made an imperfect man, and consequently being punished for this blasphemy. At the same time the one who is behaving wrongly is being punished for doing a thing that he cannot help doing. If the ,one who understands Truth will only think rightly, the other one will do what is right, as he is only a false concept of God’s man formed by an imaginary mortal mind, or devil, which thinks lies about God’s world and God’s man by means of imaginary men and women who suffer in a hideous nightmare. Change the false concept, ind the so-called man will be changed and God’s man, the only man, will be seen more as he is.) |
1219 | 18 | 255 | 1 | Unhappiness - Joy | See JOY |
1220 | 19 | 255 | 1 | Unhappiness - Misery | See MISERY |
1221 | 20 | 255 | 1 | Unnatural Desires - Desires | See DESIRES |
1222 | 21 | 255 | 1 | Unpunctuality | Show all | There is no unpunctuality, God is the Principle of all law and all >rder, and man passes instantly from idea to idea and is always in the ight place at the right time, being governed by law and by order. There ire no delays, God’s ideas, unfold to man in perfect sequence, and arc nstantly rc-prcscnted, for God rules and governs all. Man reflects livine omnipresence, being God’s limitless, compound idea. |
1223 | 22 | 255 | 1 | Unrequited Affection | Show all | There is no unrequited affection, for all is Love and all men arc in- initely loving ; man never says anything to hurt the feelings of his fellow-man, when man speaks, God speaks ; there is no w^nt of tact, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. (Then work for love.) |
1224 | 23 | 256 | 1 | Unrest | Show all | There is no unrest, all is peace and rest and harmony. God’s ideas unfold with perfect sequence and are re-presented in perfect sequence, for God is the Principle of all law and order. Man cannot desire change, for there is only absolute good and man knows there is nothing but absolute good. There is no inharmony, all is governed by absolute harmony, man is governed by “ the peace of God, which passetb all understanding ” (Phil. 4: 7). No disturbing thoughts can come to man, as only God’s thoughts of peace and harmony exist. “ Spirits senses are without pain, and they are forever at peace. Nothing can bide from them the harmony of all things and the might and permanence of Truth ” (S. & H. p.214.) |
1225 | 24 | 256 | 1 | Unrest - Hurry | See HURRY |
1226 | 25 | 256 | 1 | Unrest - Rush | See RUSH |
1227 | 26 | 256 | 1 | Unsteadiness | See FLIGHTINESS |
1228 | 27 | 256 | 1 | Unsuitable Place | Show all | Man is never in a place unsuited to him, man is always in the right place, in Mind, in God, for man is God’s consciousness. Man’s place can never be restricted, man has absolute freedom. There is no monotony, there arc infinite ideas available, and new ideas unfold to man continually, giving him infinite happiness, infinite joy. |
1229 | 28 | 256 | 1 | Unsuitable Place - Right Place | See RIGHT PLACE |
1230 | 29 | 256 | 1 | Untidiness | Show all | Man is never untidy, all God’s ideas arc perfect, in the right place, at the right time, governed by God, the Principle of all law and order. Man never leaves work incompletely performed, all is finished, perfect and complete; when man works, God works, and each train of ideas unfolds in perfect sequence, and man perfectly rc-presents them in perfect sequence. |
1231 | 30 | 256 | 1 | Untruthfulness | See LYING |
1232 | 31 | 256 | 1 | Unwelcome Visitors | Show all | There are no unwelcome visitors, all God’s ideas are perfect and mar loves to receive his fellow-man. No one can come to man who is not divine, perfect and absolutely welcome, for all arc governed by God the Principle of good. Man can never think his fellow-man unwelcome for God is Love and man reflects that Love and is absolutely loving towards all. Man is always benefiting his fellow-man, passing on God’s ideas in exchange, which give him joy and happiness. |
1233 | 32 | 256 | 1 | Unwelcome Visitors - Undesirable People | See UNDESIRABLE PEOPLE |
1234 | 33 | 257 | 1 | Uselessness | Show all | Man is never useless, he is always expressing God, re-presenting God’s ideas to his fellow-man and grouping together the ideas into perfect combinations, re-presenting these combinations and giving his fellow-man joy -and happiness. Not one of God’s ideas is useless, they are always ministering to man and benefiting man, giving man joy and happiness, circulating in infinite Mind, expressing that Mind to infinite beings. |
1235 | 34 | 257 | 1 | Uterus Dropped | Show all | Man’s uterus is never out of order, it is spiritual and perfect, the all-encircling and sustaining power of divine Love. Then work against symptoms, for instance, there is no dropped uterus, everything is in its right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. There are no weakened muscles, man’s muscles are God’s thought forces, spiritual and perfect, working properly. There is no excess of matter for all is spiritual and perfect, pure and holy, governed by God and by God alone. |
1236 | 35 | 257 | 1 | Uterus Dropped - Organs | See ORGANS |
VTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
1237 | 1 | 260 | 1 | Varicose Veins | Show all | There arc no varicose veins, man’s veins are channels in consciousness, spiritual, perfect and divine, channels for the circulation of the joy of God ; they never bring trouble, they bring delight and perfect happiness, The veins can never lose support by stretching of the skin, for man is spiritual, and every idea works harmoniously with every other idea, Man’s skin never stretches, the skin is God’s power of preserving the integrity of man. The skin is a perfect idea and fulfils its function perfectly and divinely. Man’s occupation can never cause varicose veins, for there is no material cause; man’s work ever brings joy to man and glory to God. (Work for circulation of the blood and against ulceration,* pain and weariness, if required.) |
1238 | 2 | 260 | 1 | Ventilated Places, Badly | Show all | There arc no badly ventilated places, for all God’s ideas pass freely in Mind, where all is governed by Spirit, the Principle of al) purity and holiness. If there is a difference of opinion as to open windows •—there arc no discordant conditions, all are governed by the one Mind, all men love the same things; man is always helping his fellow-man, benefiting his fellow-man ; Gdd is Love, and man reflects that Love and is absolutely loving towards all. Man cannot possibly object to anything (this for one’s own false idea of impure air), for all is spiritual and perfect, governed by God, the Principle of good. Man is surrounded by God’s perfect ideas and can never object to anything, for all God’s ideas are divine and perfect. |
1239 | 3 | 260 | 1 | Vermin: Rats, Insects, etc - Animals | See ANIMALS |
1240 | 4 | 260 | 1 | Vermin: Rats, Insects, etc - Insects | See INSECTS |
1241 | 5 | 260 | 1 | Vermin: Rats, Insects, etc. | Show all | None of God’s ideas can ever injure any other idea, all God’s ideas are spiritual and perfect; the lesser ideas of God never harm the higher ideas, they minister to man and benefit man ; they are always in the right place, in Mind, in God, working perfectly, working divinely. There is no mortal mind to cause any ideas of God to do harm, there is only one Mind, God, infinite good ; all God’s ideas are spiritual, governed by God the Principle of good. |
1242 | 6 | 260 | 1 | Virility, Lack of | See STERILITY |
1243 | 7 | 261 | 1 | Voice Overstrained | Show all | Man can never overstrain his voice, the only voice is the voice of God. When man speaks, God speaks ; God speaks by means of man ; mart is divine, God’s consciousness. Man never forces his voice, for God is the Principle of all law and ail order. Man reflects infinite power and strength } Love is the power which causes man to re-present God*s ideas, and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God* |
1244 | 8 | 261 | 1 | Voice Overstrained - Singing | See SINGING |
1245 | 9 | 260 | 1 | Voice, Loss of | Show all | There is no loss of voice, when man speaks God speaks, God speaks by means of man and is always speaking perfectly, |
1246 | 10 | 261 | 1 | Volcanic Disturbances | Show all | There are no volcanic disturbances, God’s ideas are always in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. There is no lava, or any other material, thrown up, for God’s ideas are always in the right place. No matter can touch man, for man is spiritual, perfect, governed by God and God alone. |
1247 | 11 | 261 | 1 | Vomiting | See SEA-SICKNESS |
1248 | 12 | 261 | 1 | Voting | See ELECTIONS |
WTtl# | Row# | Pg# | Group# | Topic# | Topic | Error | Counter-fact | Show all | Text Content |
1249 | 1 | 264 | 1 | Wandering Thoughts | See CONCENTRATION |
1250 | 2 | 264 | 1 | Want | See SUPPLY |
1251 | 3 | 264 | 1 | Want of Air | See VENTILATED PLACES, BADLY |
1252 | 4 | 264 | 1 | Want of Sleep | See INSOMNIA |
1253 | 5 | 264 | 1 | Warts | See GROWTHS |
1254 | 6 | 264 | 1 | Wastefulness | Show all | Man never wastes anything, for every idea is re-presented at the right time to the right man, and ministers fully to all who receive it, giving them joy and happiness. No idea of God is ever lost, God’s ideas are always in the right place, continually circulating in Mind, benefiting man. Life causes man to receive them, Truth enables him to under stand them, and Love causes him to pass them on. This action is perfect, foj it is the action of God. |
1255 | 7 | 264 | 1 | Wastefulness - Extravagance | See EXTRAVAGANCE |
1256 | 8 | 264 | 1 | Wasting Time | Show all | Man never wastes time, for man is spiritual; man cannot think tha t his fellow-man wastes time, he knows that he is always doing what is right, benefiting his fellow-man, re-presenting God’s ideas. Man is always doing what is right and man knows that man is doing what is right, for God is Truth and man is the knowledge of God and knows Truth. Man knows that man is governed only by God and is always doing right. |
1257 | 9 | 264 | 1 | Water Coming Through Roof or Leakage | Show all | No water can come through the roof, for all God’s ideas arc perfect and complete, reflecting substance ; all God’s ideas minister to man and benefit man, no water can ever be in the wrong place, God’s ideas are always in the right place, for they arc ideas in Mind, governed by God. No idea of God can harm another idea, all ideas are governed by God, the Principle of good. |
1258 | 10 | 265 | 1 | Water on the Knee | Show all | There is no water on the knee, man’s knees arc spiritual, the power of moving instantly from idea to idea. There is no irritation of a germ, all is spiritual and perfect. None of God’s ideas are ever in the wrong place, they are always in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. (Work against germs, inflammation, fluid, matter, poison in the blood and for circulation of the blood, also against mechanical injury.) |
1259 | 11 | 264 | 1 | Water, Hard | Show all | There is no hard water, for God’s ideas are spiritual and perfect. Every idea of God reflects every quality and aspect of God to an infinite extent, including purity and holiness. God’s ideas can never harm other ideas, they minister to man perfectly and benefit man and the lesser ideas of God. (Then work against any apparent effects, such as constipation.) |
1260 | 12 | 265 | 1 | Water, Hot | See HOT WATER, WANT OF |
1261 | 13 | 265 | 1 | Weakened Muscles | See MUSCLES |
1262 | 14 | 265 | 1 | Weakness | Show all | There is no weakness, man reflects Life and has all power and strength, “for God is infinite, all power, all Life, Truth, Love, over all, and AH" (S. & H. p. 17). Man reflects Mind and is ever energetic, for man is the reflection of God and reflects God, individualising the infinite power of infinite Love. “ Hast tbou not known I bast tbou not heard, that tbe everlasting God, tbe Lord, tbe Creator of the ends of tbe earth, fainteth not, neither is weary I ” (Is. 40 : 28). |
1263 | 15 | 265 | 1 | Weakness - Exhaustion | See EXHAUSTION |
1264 | 16 | 265 | 1 | Weakness - Strength | See STRENGTH |
1265 | 17 | 265 | 1 | Wear and Tear | Show all | 'There is no wear and tear, God’s ideas arc spiritual and perfect, none of God’s ideas can ever be worn out, they reflect substance and arc full and complete, always doing perfect work ; none of God’s ideas ever grow old, they reflect infinite Life, and remain for ever perfect and permanent in Mind; nothing can fall to pieces, God’s ideas are poised in Mind ; always in the right place, full, complete, perfect and eternal. “ Spirit is the life, substance, and continuity of all things ” (S. & H. p. 124). |
1266 | 18 | 265 | 1 | Wear and Tear - Deterioration | See DETERIORATION |
1267 | 19 | 265 | 1 | Weariness - Exhaustion | See EXHAUSTION |
1268 | 20 | 265 | 1 | Weariness - Strength | See STRENGTH |
1269 | 21 | 265 | 1 | Weather | Show all | Work against the details which appear to be harmful, realising as the affirmation the absolute gloriousness of heaven. If it is required to be fine on account of holiday making, work for joy. You can realise that the snow, slush or rain never cause discomfort because all is spiritual and all God’s ideas minister to and benefit man. |
1270 | 22 | 265 | 1 | Weather - Rain | See RAIN |
1271 | 23 | 266 | 1 | Weeds | Show all | There arc no material weeds, God’s world is perfect, all God’s ideas are in the right place, in Mind, in God, ministering to man and benefiting him. “ Ideas of Truth alone are reflected in tbe myriad manifestations of Life ” (S. & H. p. 543). (Work against matter.) |
1272 | 24 | 266 | 1 | Weight, Loss of | Show all | Man is never too light, he reflects substance and is full, complete and perfect. Man’s food is the ideas of God which continually unfold to him; he loves to receive these ideas which he assimilates, digests, understands and groups together in perfect combinations. These ideas feed man, nourish him and give him his increase. |
1273 | 25 | 266 | 1 | Wetting Bed | Show all | Man has no bad habits, man reflects God and all God’s aspects and qualities. Nothing passes prematurely, God’s ideas always unfold at the right time and in the right way, for God is the Principle of all law and all order. There arc no weakened muscles, the muscles are God’s thought forces, having absolute power and absolute strength. There are no material nerves, man’s nerves are spiritual, channels in conscious ness, never giving trouble, giving joy and happiness. (Wetting the bed is often due to bad habits, such as eating and drinking at bedtime, masturbating, and neglect of emptying the bladder during the day, causing a weakened condition of the parts.) (Work against irritating matter.) |
1274 | 26 | 266 | 1 | Wetting Bed - Nerves | See NERVES |
1275 | 27 | 266 | 1 | White Leg | Show all | There is no white leg, man’s veins are channels in consciousness, spiritual, perfect and divine, channels for the circulation of joy; they never bring trouble, they bring delight and perfect happiness. There is no stagnation of the blood, man’s blood is the joy which circulates with infinite freedom throughout consciousness, for God is the Principle of all law and order. There is no stagnation of the lymph, God’s ideas circulate with unfailing regularity and ease. There is no childbirth to cause any trouble, for man is spiritual. Man is never born and never dies, for man is God’s consciousness, eternally. Man never had a material father and mother, man’s father and mother is God, the cause of all that is. Love is the power which causes the circulation and Love is omnipotent, for Love is God. |
1276 | 28 | 267 | 1 | Whooping Cough | Show all | There is no whooping cough, for man is divine. No material nerves can ever cause trouble, man’s nerves arc spiritual and perfect, giving man peace and happiness. There is no coughing, all is peace and rest and harmony. Man’s muscles never give trouble, man’s muscles arc God’s thought forces, working perfectly and divinely, ministering to man and benefiting man, giving man joy and happiness. (Work against nerves, chill and contagion.) |
1277 | 29 | 267 | 1 | Whooping Cough - Infection | See INFECTION |
1278 | 30 | 267 | 1 | Will, Self | Show all | There is no self-will, the only will is God’s will and that is eternally done. Man is always doing what his fellow-man wants, for he is governed by God and by God alone. God is the only power and the only ruler. |
1279 | 31 | 267 | 1 | Windy Weather - Cyclones | See CYCLONES |
1280 | 32 | 267 | 1 | Windy Weather - Rough Sea | See ROUGH SEA |
1281 | 33 | 267 | 1 | Windy Weather - Storms | See STORMS |
1282 | 34 | 267 | 1 | Wisdom, Lack of | Show all | There is no lack of wisdom, man is made in the image and likeness of God and reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. “ O I be depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God I ” (Rom. II : 33). Man is always saying and doing the right thing at the right time, for when man works, God works, God works by means of man. Man can never offend his fellow-man, for man displays infinite tact and passes on only the ideas of God which give his fellow-man joy and happiness. When man speaks, God speaks, man is always saying what is right, for only ideas of Truth can come to man, and these ideas unfold with perfect sequence and are re-presented with perfect sequence. “ God is not separate from the wisdom He bestows ” (S. & H. p. 6). “ For God givetb to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy ” (Eccl. 2 : 26). |
1283 | 35 | 267 | 1 | Wisdom, Lack of - Tact | See TACT |
1284 | 36 | 267 | 1 | Womb | See UTERUS |
1285 | 37 | 267 | 1 | Work - Better Kind of | Show all | Man never has inferior work, man’s work is perfect, for man is divine, governed by God, being God’s consciousness. When man works, God works; God thinks and works by means of man, who does perfect work, grouping together God’s ideas into perfect combinations, which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. There is no mortal mind to keep a man out of his position, there is only One Mind, God, and man is in that Mind, a perfect being in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God, doing perfect work, benefiting and helping his fellow-man, “ there is but one Mind, and this ever~present omnipotent Mind is reflected by man and governs the entire universe ” (S. & FL p. 496); |
1286 | 38 | 267 | 1 | Work - Continuity Oi- | Show all | There is no cessation of man’s work, God’s ideas arc continually unfolding to man in perfect sequence and in perfect order. Man is always doing his work perfectly, passing on God’s ideas to his fellow man and grouping these ideas together into glorious combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happi ness. There is no mortal mind to stop this perfect action, as there is only one Mind, God, and all action is the action of that one Mind, the Principle of all law and order, divine Principle. |
1287 | 39 | 267 | 1 | Work - Distasteful | See DRUDGERY |
1288 | 40 | 267 | 1 | Work - Doing Good | Show all | Man does perfect work, he reflects wisdom, intelligence and knowledge, man knows everything he needs instantly ; man does perfect work, re-presenting God’s ideas. Man works in the presence of God and all around arc God’s ideas ; these ideas unfold with unfailing regularity and ease and are re-presented with unfailing regularity and ease. When man works, God works, God works by means of man. Mind yields only perfection, for Mind is God. Man receives various groups of God’s ideas, and upon receiving them rc-groups them into perfect combinations, and re-presents them so that they radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. There is no lack of definite train or sequence of thought, God is the Principle of all law and order; God is also the Principle of knowledge, therefore man knows instantly everything he needs. God’s ideas unfold to man with perfect sequence ; every idea is bound to come at its right time. God as Life ceaselessly gives man glorious ideas which stimulate him to harmonious and joyous activity. Each new grouping of ideas is instantly finished and complete in Mind as soon as thought of, expressing the perspective of the Master-Mind, reflecting Life, Love, Truth, wisdom, knowledge, beauty, law and order and every quality of the infinite Creator. |
1289 | 41 | 267 | 1 | Work - Imperfect | Show all | There is no imperfect work, man’s work is divine ; when man works, God works, God works by means of man. Man passes on only God’s ideas, which arc spiritual, divine and holy, grouped together into perfect combinations, complete and perfect, ministering to man. |
1290 | 42 | 267 | 1 | Work - Imperfect - Work, Doing Good | See WORK, DOING GOOD |
1291 | 43 | 267 | 1 | Work - Neglect of | Show all | Man never neglects his work, God’s ideas continually unfold to man in perfect sequence and arc continually re-presented with perfect sequence. Man loves his work ; he rejoices in it and loves to group the ideas together and re-present the perfect combinations, giving his fellow-man joy and happiness. |
1292 | 44 | 267 | 1 | Work - Neglect of - Carelessness | See CARELESSNESS |
1293 | 45 | 267 | 1 | Work - Out of | See UNEMPLOYMENT |
1294 | 46 | 267 | 1 | Work - Stoppage of | Show all | There is no cessation of work, God’s ideas arc continually being unfolded to man in perfect sequence and perfect order. Man is always doing his work perfectly, passing on God’s ideas to his fellow-man and grouping these ideas together in glorious combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. There is no mortal mind to stop this perfect action, as there is only one Mind, God, and all action is the action of God Who is the only cause. |
1295 | 47 | 267 | 1 | Work - To Be Done in a Limited Time | Show all | There is no want of time, all God’s ideas unfold immediately they arc needed, and are rc-prcsentcd instantly. Nothing is ever unfinished, the ideas which unfold arc finished, perfect and complete. Man Jives and works in eternity, knowing no limitation ; in Mind wc live and move and have our being. “ He that believeth shall not make baste ” (Isa. 28 : 16). Everything is done in the right way and at the right moment for God is the only worker; He is the Principle of all law and order, and works by means of man. |
1296 | 48 | 267 | 1 | Work - To Obtain More Remunerative | Show all | Man never has unremunerativc work, man’s work is perfect, for man is in Mind, being God’s consciousness, always passing on God’s ideas and grouping them together into glorious combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness and re ceiving equivalent ideas in exchange. Man has perfectly just return for every idea he re-presents ; these ideas always minister to man and benefit man, for God is the source of all supply and rules and governs all. Man is never idle, he is always receiving and re-presenting God’s Ideas. Man does perfect work, as he reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge ; man knows that man does perfect work, and is always helping his fellow-man, for God is Love, and man reflects that Love and is ever loving towards all. |
1297 | 49 | 267 | 1 | Work - To Obtain More Remunerative - Right Place | See RIGHT PLACE |
1298 | 50 | 267 | 1 | Work - To Obtain More Remunerative - Wrong Place | See WRONG PLACE |
1299 | 51 | 267 | 1 | Work - Unsuitable | Show all | Man is never occupied with unsuitable work, he is a perfect being in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God, ever rejoicing with joyous abandon in God’s glorious work. Man is never out of place, for he is in Mind, in God. Man does glorious work, re-presenting God’s ideas to his fellow-man, giving him absolute joy and happiness; he receives perfect ideas in exchange, and groups these ideas together into glorious combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite joy and happiness, whilst he receives ideas in exchange which give him joy and happiness. These ideas are ideas of Truth which elevate, uplift, and sustain man in the knowledge of Truth. “ God’s ideas reflect the immortal, unerring, and infinite" (S. & H. p. 505). |
1300 | 52 | 267 | 1 | Work - Unsuitable - Right Place | See RIGHT PLACE |
1301 | 53 | 267 | 1 | Work - Unsuitable - Wrong Place | See WRONG PLACE |
1302 | 54 | 270 | 1 | Worms | Show all | There are no material worms, all God’s ideas are spiritual, always in the right place, ministering to man and benefiting man. The lesser ideas of God can never harm the higher ideas, they are always helpful and of service to man. (As worms usually come from badly washed vegetables or defective meat, you can realise that there is no defective food, man’s food is the ideas of God, spiritual, perfect, pure and holy ; these ideas can never harm man, they minister to man and benefit man, giving him joy and happiness.) (Then work against matter and anv symptoms such as itching.) |
1303 | 55 | 270 | 1 | Worry | Show all | There is no worry, all is peace and rest and harmony. Man is governed by “ the peace of God, which passeth all understanding ” (Phil. 4 : 7), governed by absolute peace, absolute rest, absolute harmony, for man is divine, governed by God and absolutely joyous. No thoughts of worry can touch man, only God’s thoughts come to man, perfect and divine ideas of God. Man is spiritual, harmonious and eternal. (Work against fear.) |
1304 | 56 | 270 | 1 | Worry - Anxiety | See ANXIETY |
1305 | 57 | 270 | 1 | Worry - Cares | See CARES |
1306 | 58 | 270 | 1 | Wounds | Show all | Man is never wounded, man is perfect and divine. Man’s bone was never splintered, man’s bone is spiritual, reflecting God as substance. Man’s muscles can never be tom, man’s muscles are God’s thought forces that work perfectly and divinely, having absolute power. Man’s veins and arteries were never tom, they are spiritual, channels in conscious ness through which the joy passes, perfect and complete. Man’s skin can never be torn, man’s skin is the loving action of God which preserves and maintains man’s individuality. Man’s blood can never be lost, man’s blood is the joy that is right throughout consciousness, always in its right place. There is no high temperature, all is normal; man’s blood is never too hot, the blood is the joy that flows through conscious ness, pure, perfect, and divine. (Work against septic poisoning, haemorrhage and pain.) |
1307 | 59 | 271 | 1 | Writer’s Cramp | Show all | There is no writer’s cramp, for man is spiritual. Man is never over worked, God’s ideas come with unfailing regularity and case, being governed by God, the Principle of all law and order. There is no stiffened hand, man’s hand is the power of grasping God’s ideas, working perfectly; there are no stiffened fingers, man’s fingers arc the power of grasping details, always working perfectly, divinely; there arc no stiffened muscles, man’s muscles are God’s thought forces having all power and strength, ever active. No material nerves ever can affect the muscles, man’s nerves are spiritual, channels in consciousness through which God’s ideas pass, benefiting and ministering to man. (Work against mental tenseness and for circulation of the blood.) |
1308 | 60 | 271 | 1 | Writer’s Cramp - Cramp | See CRAMP |
1309 | 61 | 271 | 1 | Writer’s Cramp - Nerves | See NERVES |
1310 | 62 | 271 | 1 | Writer’s Cramp - Stiffness | See STIFFNESS |
1311 | 63 | 271 | 1 | Writing | See CORRESPONDENCE |
1312 | 64 | 271 | 1 | Wrong Doing | Show all | There is no mortal mind to make man do anything that is wrong there is only one Mind, God, and man is God’s consciousness and is governed by God alone, a perfect being, in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God, and having perfect work. No man can do any wrong, as all men reflect God and are perfect, working perfectly; man works only as God works, for God works by means of His infinite consciousness, man. Man is always actively doing right, helping his fellow-man by re-presenting God’s perfect ideas, which radiate out in infinite Mind giving infinite beings joy and happiness. Only God’s perfect ideas can come to man, and man can re-present nothing but God’s perfect ideas, for God is the only power and the only ruler, the only cause, and there is nothing but God and His infinite manifestation. “ God made man in His awn image, to reflect the divine Spirit” (S. & H. p. 516). |
1313 | 65 | 271 | 1 | Wrong Doing - Leaving it to God | See LEAVING IT TO GOD |
1314 | 66 | 272 | 1 | Wrong Place | Show all | Man is never in the wrong place, man is always in the right place, dwelling in the bosom of the Father, for man is always in Mind, God; a perfect being in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God, with perfect work, re-presenting God’s ideas and grouping them together into glorious combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness; for man is God’s consciousness, by means of which God thinks, and works, and acts; God is the only power and only ruler. There is no mortal mind to take man out of his right place, there is only one Mind, God; man is in that Mind, doing perfect work, re-presenting God’s ideas, for man is consciousness, God’s consciousness, a perfect being in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God. Man cannot be forced out of his place, man is poised in Mind. Man can never pass on God’s ideas to the wrong man, man is governed by God and by God alone. There is a perfect law of supply, when man needs an idea he knows where to get it; when man wants to pass on an idea, he knows where to pass it. Man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge, and knows everything he needs instantly. God’s ideas never go wrong, they are spiritual. The lesser idea's .never harm the higher ideas, they minister to man and benefit him. |
1315 | 67 | 272 | 1 | Wrong Place - Untidiness | See UNTIDINESS |