Topic Daily Thoughts Description Index

Daily Thoughts ~ Description Index                                          241009

Daily Thoughts Complete Index
 America ~ Acts of the citizens of America
Pray for America ~ Neither animosity nor mere personal attachment impels the motives or acts of the citizens of the United States of America.
In Science, divine Love alone governs man; and the citizens of the United States of America reflect the sweet amenities of Love, in rebuking sin, in true brotherliness, charitableness, and forgiveness. 
The citizens of the United States of America daily watch and pray to be delivered from all evil, from prophesying, judging, condemning, counseling, influencing or being SHOW ALL
 America ~ Pray for America
Pray for America – not a person but for the qualities that America is supposed to represent. Freedom, Goodness, Beauty, Law, Order, Protection from injustice. Claim the fact is true that God gave America to those that cherish these qualities & no amount of evil & enslave God’s children which is each & every one of us. Evil can never win again Good, God.
 America ~ Prayer, Prevention, Protection
Pray for the following:
All prayer must be Impersonal 
2. If you don't stand up, ALL will be lost.
3. If you are a sheep, ALL will be lost.
4. Protection of Freedoms
5. Prevention of Evil & protection of good
6. America is a state of consciousness
7.  Prayer is dynamic, not passive or static 
8. God helps those who help themselves
9. Living God's qualities = Power
10. Not living God's qualities = Weak & Fail
11. Peter, James & John fell slept
12. All SHOW ALL
 America ~ Restore ~ Honest & Freedom Country Process
1. Recognize & Analyze
2. Dig for Root
3. Expose
4. Shine Light
5. Evil self-destruction
6. Manual cleanup = Tribunals
7. Tribunals, Penalty
8. Implementation
9. Restoration incentives
10. Compound incentives

Swamp Draining  ~ Done & In Process ~ Military Tribunals ~ Arrested &/or Penalty Completed
1. Presidents
2. Vice Presidents
3. Cabinets
4. Governors
5. Attorney Generals
6. Judges 
7. Juries
8. Domestic Military & Agency heads
9. Foreign Military & Agency heads
10. Law Firm heads
11. Doctors
12. Nurses

America ~ Transformation from Evil elements listed below back to Original Honest & Freedom Country ~ In Process

 Day ~ Joy Cometh in the Morning
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. ~ [Bible Psalm 30:5]
 Day ~ Mary Baker Eddy
DAY. The irradiance of Life; light, the spiritual idea of Truth and Love. [SH 584 Glossary]
 Day ~ Pray Without Ceasing
Pray Without Ceasing ~ See Science & Health Chpt 1 Prayer [Bible 1 Thess 5:17]
 Day ~ Start day with God-Like Thoughts
1. Choose a thought at the beginning of the day that comes to you. 
2. Use idle moments for contemplation. 
[NOTE: Contemplating God-like thoughts = Getting closer to God.]
 Day ~ Time ~ Year ~ Mary Baker Eddy
YEAR. A solar measurement of time; mortality; space for repentance. [SH 598 Glossary]
 Evil Impersonalization
God ~ Life ~ Spiritual Progress                                        
1. GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587]
2. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]
 Evil is obsolete
Evil is obsolete = Cannot be active or Influential
 Evil psych-op ~ Must always Un-Mask Evil
Evil psych-op ~ Must always Un-Mask Evil in order to expose Evil so it can be recognized to be destroyed ~ See Science & Health Chpt 5  View
 Evil vs Truth ~ How Evil & Truth Operate?
Cleanse consciousness of Evil to Let Truth enter
All Thought, Speech & Action ~ Devote to Truth
1. Ignores Truth 
2. Laughs at Truth
3. Use every deceit possible
4. Always FALSE
5. Tries to obstruct Truth
6. Strategies & Tactics always fail
7. Always Loses the battle & the war 
1. Exposes Evil
2. Attacks Evil at root.
3. Always straight-forward
4. Always TRUE
5. Cannot be obstructed
6. Never defeated 
7. Always the Victor of everything
 Love Protects
Border Wall = “Bar our doors against the approach of Thieves & Murderers” 
Hospitality to health and good 
We should become more familiar with good than with evil, and guard against false beliefs as watchfully as we bar our doors against the approach of thieves and murderers. 
We should love our enemies and help them on the basis of the Golden Rule; but avoid casting pearls before those who trample them under foot, thereby robbing both themselves and other.  SHOW ALL
 Love ~ Divine Love
[NOTE: Apply to each good action] 
1. Protect it by affirming that it is protected by divine Love. 
2. Affirm it is for the benefit of all mankind. 
3. Nothing can interfere with its effectiveness. 
4. Nothing can dilute, deflect, stop, reverse the good that is inherent therein.
 Love ~ Giving
Making other people happy is our reason for existence ~ Frederick L Rawson
Giving ~ # of resources from each reference 
Giving as a theme is one of the most important terms used in all the resources
1. 70 ~ Bible
2. 44 ~ Science & Health
3. 79 ~ Mary Baker Eddy Other writings
4. 7 ~ Christian Science Hymnal		Treat MP3
 Love ~ Love God with all your heart
Everything ALWAYS goes better when one 
1. Loves God with everything one has. 
2. Loves one’s neighbor as oneself. 
3. Observes where the need is and meets it 
4. Intelligently gives at least 10% of everything one has 
5. Does everything possible anonymously
 Mind ~ A little Progress each day ~ Infinite Progression is Concrete Being
Infinite Progression requires structure & system = Divine Principle
 Mind ~ Conductor of Orchestra
1. God the only power
2. God is the conductor of all progress
3. Topic does not matter
4. Chaos appearance = visual illusion
5. Opportunity always available to defeat chaos
6. What will control one’s individual thought
7. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free ~ Christ Jesus [John 8:32]
8. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so — Shakespeare 
9. OH! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high SHOW ALL
 Mind ~ Improve your Time
A. Success in life depends upon
1. Persistent effort
2. Improvement of moments more than upon any other one thing
B. A great amount of time is consumed in
1. Talking nothing, 
2. Doing nothing, and 
3. Indecision as to what one should do
C. If one would be successful in the future, let him
1. Make the most of the present 
D. Ways of wasting time, one of which is contemptible, are
1. Gossiping mischief
2. Making lingering calls
3. Mere motion when at work
4. Thinking SHOW ALL
 Mind ~ Thinking determines Results
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
 Principle ~ Conflict resolved ~ Level & Relativity ~ Understood ~ Resolves Perceived Conflicts
 Level & Relativity ~ Understood ~ Resolves Perceived Conflicts
A. Definitions
1. Evil = Anything less than 100% God-like
2. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]
3. Conflict = Lack of understanding
 B. Definition Levels
1. Understanding ~ Different dimensions
2. Understanding ~ Resolution ~ Elevated dimension with deeper & wider view.
3. Progress ~ Exchanging lower level or dimension within a level or to higher one
4. Lower = More material & less spiritual
5. Higher = More spiritual & less material
 C. Progress SHOW ALL
 Principle ~ Divine Principle
Divine Principle ~ The structure & system of divine principle as applied to a particular goal include the following strategy & tactics: 
1. Define the objective ~ What end result is desired 
2. Create a plan ~ Visualize with diagrams, spreadsheets & database 
3. Take action ~ Constantly keep #1 in thought. 
4. Monitor ~ Continuously check the status & progress 
5. Time Schedule ~ Compare progress with planned time schedule 
6. Mathematics & Statistics ~ Use to maintain objective SHOW ALL
 Science & Health Intro Quotation ~ Mary Baker Eddy
OH ! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest I This is Thy high behest:- Thou here, and everywhere. ~ Mary Baker Eddy
 Science & Health Intro Quotation ~ Truth make You Free
Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ~ JOHN viii. 32
 Success ~ Depends on letting God's laws Guide
Success depends on IF God is permitted to participate AND What one does: 
1. Before one starts the project. 
2.  After one starts the project. 
3. After one gets knocked down. 
4.  If one gets back up 
5.  After one gets back up, if they do.
 Time & Space ~ No Limit in Mind
Time and Space ~ No Limit in Mind
a. A girl from Japan won championship on speed calculating being able to tap accurately at 400 kmph overcoming time & space. 
b. Instantaneous healings prove time & space can be overcome. 
c. Infinite progression is concrete being. 
d. We remove limitations by relying on Truth. 
e. Every activity has a principle ~ practice exactness, no matter if it is spiritual healing ~ calculator race, piano playing race, SHOW ALL
 Vision ~ Focus Must always be on Spiritual Qualities
 A. Definitions  
1. What is there?
2. What do I see?
3. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587]
4. Above states clearly that God is all-seeing.
5. We do not need to do any human seeing.
6. Reflect the spiritual seeing of  God.
7. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587]
8. Power = The good we do & embody
9. Omniscience = Intelligence, Wisdom SHOW ALL
 War ~ Bravery is relative
Bravery is relative 
HUMANLY it is ego & fear ~ SPIRITUALLY it is Mind & Spirit ~ pure & completely flawless
 War ~ Intelligent Mind of God
There is and there can be NO WAR. There is only one Mind and that is the intelligent Mind of God. 
[NOTE: Devote specific time to focus on this & affirm this during the idle moments.]