System of Divine Metaphysics ~ Index

Mary Baker Eddy

Mary B. Eddy

System of Divine Metaphysics ~ Index

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Divine Metaphysics is now reduced to a System ~ Mary Baker Eddy
Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease.

Science & Health ~ Pg 146:31-5

When the 32 planks of the platform is understood and the letter and the spirit bear witness, the infallibility of divine metaphysics will be demonstrated.

Science & Health ~ Pg 330:9

In-depth Analysis ~ Multiple Authors ~ Articles & Books ~ MP3 & PDF ~ MBEI Treatments 

Christian Science Author ~ Rolf Witzsche ~ Most Advanced

Rolf Witzsche

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE became a part of my life in the postwar 1940s, in Leipzig Germany, when the banning of Christian Science had been lifted all across Germany. It began with the healing of my mother, of a leg wound that neither the medical system, such as it was at the time, nor alternate healing methods could heal, but Christian Science did heal. In the background to the healing process, us kids were enrolled in Sunday School. An amazing world unfolded there.
SOME YEARS AFTER Christian Science was banned again in the eastern part of Germany, under communist rule, I ventured to escape to the West. It didn’t take long thereafter to become a part of the church...
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Christian Science Author ~ Helen Wright
Helen M. Wright devoted much of her Christian Science study to the study of 'the system'. In the system each one of the seven synonymous terms for God are studied in the context of the Christian Science Textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Gaining a better understanding of their meaning by looking at how the synonyms were used in the Textbook rather than relying on a preconceived worldly understanding of the words. To do this study, Helen had seven copies of the Science and Health — each in which she underlined one of the seven synonyms. They can be of great help for anyone interested in learning more about the synonyms...
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Helen Wright

7 Terms for God ~ Science & Health Words Underlined

Here are examples of what are contained in the 7 books.
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7 Terms for God ~ Words and Opposites
A simple list of 7 primary terms used by Mary Baker Eddy to define God. CLICK for Complete Details INDEX

Christian Science Extemporaneous & Unedited Prayer Treatments
Importance of Prayer
Daniel prayed three times a day in spite of knowing he would likely be thrown into the Lion's Den for doing so. Daniel 6:10

CLICK to view 200+ Prayer Treatments with mp3 and complete  
Presentations INDEX

Other Authors
Gordon Brown 
A Study of the Synonymous Terms for God in Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures
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Marya Brunson
Mary Baker Eddy refers to 'system' 48 times in Science and Health and 64 times in Prose Works.
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