Spirit vs Matter ~ Real Birth vs Fake 250115
Shepherd, show me how to ~ Lyrics
Shepherd, show me how to go O’er the hillside steep, How to gather, how to sow,— How to feed Thy sheep; I will listen for Thy voice, Lest my footsteps stray; I will follow and rejoice
Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View all details of above list Index 6. OTHER
Some Key Points 1. Spirit vs matter 2. Divine Mind vs so called mortal Mind 3. BIRTH = Anything new to consciousness in the form of creation, revelation, or understanding 4. What is new to one, may not be new to another.
5. The following is a brief exposition of the important points or religious tenets of Christian Science. [See Science & Health Pg 497] a. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life. b. As adherents of Truth = A Christian Scientist must adhere to Truth. c. The first introductory quote to the textbook is about Truth. d. Inspired Word of the Bible may be only a spiritualized sense of the literal sense of the Bible or may be something quite different. e. The Word provides eternal light. 6. Mary Baker Eddy looked to the Bible as her only source other than what was dictated to her directly by God.
7. The important thing is to focus on Spirit, not matter. 8. Everyone knows that matter comes & goes. Spirit is the only thing that is forever. It is infinitely eternal. 9. GENERIC MAN ~ Includes all of the qualities normally thought to be, for example, a combination of: a. Male ~ strength & courage b. Female ~ tenderness, kindness & the nurturing qualities of a mother c. Children ~ innocence & trusting 10. GENERIC MAN: Both men & women prefer the complete generic man as described above. Circumstances dictate which qualities are the correct ones to be reflected at specific times.