Second Coming of the Christ Bible Lesson 10 of 10 by Dr Robert C Putnam Topic Index

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Second Coming of the Christ – Bible Lesson by Robert C Putnam ~ Topic Index

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Robert C Putnam


10 of 10 ~ Second Coming of the Christ ~ Bible Lesson

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1 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Second Coming of the Christ Putnam, Dr. Robert C 122 PDF Show all 1963 ~ 10 pgs ~ In John 17:4 Jesus said, “I have glorified thee on the earth. I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” This is
2 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Bible References Putnam, Dr. Robert C 122 PDF Bible references to key topics in page number order of this publication. Please CLICK Media to view complete publication for more details
3 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 God ~ Gold is a symbol of God Putnam, Dr. Robert C 124 PDF Show all Gold is a symbol of God and the golden oil is the truth which comes from God. The lamps illuminate the truth and the pipes give it forth. There being
4 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Jesus ~ Received power from God Putnam, Dr. Robert C 124 PDF Show all Jesus was the first witness or olive tree and that he received power from God. In like manner, there is to be a second witness or olive tree clothed with
5 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Micah ~ Lived long before Jesus Putnam, Dr. Robert C 124 PDF Show all In Micah 5:2,3 we learn more of the two witnesses. Recall that Micah lived long before Jesus. We read, “But thou Bethlehem Ephratah, (i.e., Bethlehem-judah) (Gen. 35:16-19; 48:7) though thou
6 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Babylonia ~ Hebrews were taken to Babylon Putnam, Dr. Robert C 124 PDF Babylonia ~ Following the capture of Judah by Babylonia in 586 B.C. the Hebrews were taken to Babylon. In 536 B.C. the Persians captured Babylonia.
7 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Jesus ~ Demonstrated God to be Father Putnam, Dr. Robert C 125 PDF Show all Jesus ~ Let us recall that God was revealed to Abraham as El Shaddai, or Almighty, and that El means the strong one and shad means breast, hence the thought
8 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Heaven ~ Place for women to take things Putnam, Dr. Robert C 125 PDF Show all Heaven ~ In Matt. 13:33-35 Jesus tells us that the woman will take things of the kingdom of heaven and hide them in three measures of meal until the whole
9 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Truth ~ Angel come down from heaven Putnam, Dr. Robert C 125 PDF Show all Truth ~ How was this truth to be presented? In Rev. 10 after the sixth angel has sounded, there appears another mighty angel come down from heaven. This is the
10 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Woman ~ A great wonder or sign in heaven Putnam, Dr. Robert C 125 PDF Show all Woman ~ In Rev. 12 Jesus tells us there appeared a great wonder or sign in heaven and this wonder was the woman who was to bring forth a man
11 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Jeremiah ~ A man and a woman are two witnesses Putnam, Dr. Robert C 125 PDF Show all Jeremiah also foresaw the two witnesses and that one was to be a man and the other a woman. In Jer. 23:6 we read, “In his days Judah shall be
12 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Bible ~ Second coming of Christ Putnam, Dr. Robert C 126 PDF Show all Bible ~ What does the Bible tell of the time for the second coming of Christ? Jesus said (Matt. 24:37), “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also
13 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Zechariah ~ Vision of two olive trees Putnam, Dr. Robert C 126 PDF Show all Vision ~ After Zechariah saw the vision of the two olive trees, or the two witnesses, he saw a flying roll (scroll) (Zech. 5:1,2). Ezekiel saw a roll of
14 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Revelation ~ Book of life Putnam, Dr. Robert C 126 PDF Show all Revelation 20:12 we read, “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of
15 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Peter ~ Mortal Existence Putnam, Dr. Robert C 127 PDF Show all Mortal existence ~ Peter tells us that “one day is with the Lord as a thousand years” (II Peter 3:8). As there were seven days of creation, mortal existence is
16 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Daniel ~ Fall of Rome after the Messiah Putnam, Dr. Robert C 127 PDF Show all Daniel explains (Dan. 9:26) that it will be sixty-two year weeks after the Messiah when the city is destroyed. This is 434 years plus 33 years for the age of
17 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Bible ~ 16 points Summary Putnam, Dr. Robert C 127 PDF Let us summarize what we have learned from the Bible about the second coming of Christ.
1. The second coming is another Comforter—Jesus’ coming being the first.
18 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Jerusalem, New ~ Temple of my God Putnam, Dr. Robert C 128 PDF Show all Jerusalem, New ~ In Rev. 3:12 we read, “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and
19 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Bible ~ Revealed new name for God Putnam, Dr. Robert C 128 PDF Show all Bible ~ From the foregoing we learn that in the latter days a new name will be revealed for God. Since the Book of Life will complete the revelation of
20 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Bible ~ Revealed new name for Followers Putnam, Dr. Robert C 128 PDF Show all Bible ~ Not only will a new name for God be revealed, but a new name will be given to his followers. This is ap­propriate, for the transformation affected by
21 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Jesus ~ Revelation of God Putnam, Dr. Robert C 129 PDF Show all Jesus ~ The Jewish Church was based on the revelation of God as far as it went at the time of the Church’s formation. To Moses were revealed five of
22 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Jesus ~ Revealed name for God Putnam, Dr. Robert C 129 PDF Show all Jesus revealed the sixth name for God. He founded a church, but not a church organization, as that was not his function. He knew that the founding of a permanent
23 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Book of Life ~ Completeness of God Putnam, Dr. Robert C 129 PDF Show all God ~ After the Book of Life appears, the completeness of God will have been revealed and then and only then will the complete foundation for the church have been
24 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 John ~ Revelation of new Heaven and Earth Putnam, Dr. Robert C 130 PDF Show all John ~ We learn in Revelation that John saw a new heaven and a new earth and that the former had passed away (26) (Rev. 21:1). We are thus led
25 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Jerusalem, New ~ God is everywhere Putnam, Dr. Robert C 130 PDF Show all God is everywhere ~ The new heavenly city is called New Jerusalem and is symbolized by a bride adorned for her husband (Rev. 21:2). We are told that the tabernacle
26 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Jerusalem, New ~ No suffering, no death Putnam, Dr. Robert C 130 PDF Jerusalem, New ~ There will be neither suffering, nor pain, nor sorrow, nor death (Rev. 21:5). Everything will be made anew. The New Jerusalem is the bride, the Lamb’s wife.
27 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Jerusalem, New ~ City of pure Gold Putnam, Dr. Robert C 130 PDF Show all Jerusalem, New ~ The city has twelve gates representing the twelve tribes of Israel and twelve foundations representing the twelve apostles of the Lamb (Rev. 21:12-14). Everything is square, upright
28 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Jerusalem, New ~ Eternal light Putnam, Dr. Robert C 130 PDF Show all Jerusalem, New ~ The city has no sun or moon because God and the Lamb light it. Those who are saved walk in this light. Because of this eternal
29 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Book of Life ~ Way to enter the Kingdom Putnam, Dr. Robert C 131 PDF Show all Book of Life ~ Following the statement that none can enter the heavenly kingdom except those written in the Book of Life (Rev. 21:27) we read (Rev. 22:17), “And the
30 Bible Lessons - Putnam Bible Lesson ~ 10 of 10 Healing ~ Coming from God and the Lamb Putnam, Dr. Robert C 131 PDF Show all Healing ~ In the city there is a pure river of water of life coming from the throne of God and the Lamb. On either side is the tree of