0.0 – Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy Chapter 5 – Animal Magnetism Unmasked – Subtitles

Mary Baker Eddy

Chapter 5 ~ Animal Magnetism Unmasked ~ Subtitles

Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy ~ 1910 Final Ed.

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Animal magnetism is the term used in Christian Science to denote all error, but essentially the error of personal sense, personal will. It is this that keeps all humanity in bondage. Christian Science unmasks this attempted personal despotic control of man and shows that animal magnetism has no power of its own and no authority. Unmasking this error at the same time reveals the truth in our hearts and lives that "man is properly self-governed only when he is guided SHOW ALL
# Sub# Pg# Topic Tag Description Subtitle Please click below for complete Subtitle text

# Sub# Pg# Topic Tag Description Subtitle Please click below for complete Subtitle text
1 1 100 Into Quote 1 ~ Jesus Into Quote 1 ~ Jesus For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: these are the things which defile a man. — JESUS.
2 1 100 investigations into the phenomenon of hypnotism
mesmerism, animal magnetism, magnetism, living organism, 
first names used to describe what is today called hypnotism Earliest investigations
100:1 - 101:7 ~ Mesmerism or animal magnetism was first brought into notice by Mesmer in Germany in 1775. According to the American Cyclopedias, he regarded this so-called force, which he said could be exerted by one living organism over SHOW ALL
3 2 101
investigations into the therapeutic value of 
clairvoyance, magnetizer, physiological, therapeutical early medical investigations not favorable to the practice of animal magnetism Clairvoyance, magnetism
101:8-20 ~  In 1837, a committee of nine persons was appointed, among whom were Roux, Bouillaud, and Cloquet, which tested during several sessions the phenomena exhibited by a reputed clairvoyant. Their report stated the results as follows:
"The facts which SHOW ALL
4 3 101 the author’s observations illusion, esoteric magic conclusions regarding the use of hypnotism or animal magnetism not favorable Personal conclusions
101:21-32 ~ The author's own observations of the workings of animal magnetism convince her that it is not a remedial agent, and that its effects upon those who practise it, and upon their subjects who do not resist it, lead SHOW ALL
5 4 102
Science reveals the power of animal 
scientific foundation, govern, negation, intelligence, real 
Spirit declared to genuine power and animal magnetism a mere negation Mere negation
102: 1-15  ~  Animal magnetism has no scientific foundation, for God governs all that is real, harmonious, and eternal, and His power is neither animal nor human. Its basis being a belief and this belief animal, in Science SHOW ALL
6 5 102 animal magnetisms secret methods of operating
mild and aggressive features of animal 
animal magnetism difficult to explain due to its tendency to produce apathy Hidden agents
102:16-29  ~  The mild forms of animal magnetism are disappearing, and its aggressive features are coming to the front. The looms of crime, hidden in the dark recesses of mortal thought, are every hour weaving webs more complicated SHOW ALL
7 6 102
Christian Science the antidote to animal 
despotism, nothingness, despoil, antidotes, personification how evil, animal magnetism, appears to operate through persons Mental despotism
102:30 - 103:5  ~  Mankind must learn that evil is not power. Its so called despotism is but a phase of nothingness. Christian Science despoils the kingdom of evil, and pre-eminently promotes affection and virtue in families and SHOW ALL
8 7 103
the tree of the knowledge of 
liberation, "good and evil", maximum of 
the divine Mind, and not the human mind, the healer Liberation of mental powers
 6	    The destruction of the claims of mortal mind through
  	Science, by which man can escape from sin	                 Liberation
9 8 103
the genus, or grouping of all 
genus, specific term for error, both 
the foundational error is the belief that so-called mind in matter, the 
The genus of error
18	    As named in Christian Science, animal magnetism or
  	hypnotism is the specific term for error, or mortal mind. 
  	It is the false belief that mind is in matter, and	     SHOW ALL
10 9 103 persecution for exposing evil
transference of thought and will-power, in 
why the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science unjustly persecuted and misrepresented Thought-transference
  	    In reality there is no mortal mind, and conse-
30	quently no transference of mortal thought	            Thought-
  	and will-power. Life and being are of	 SHOW ALL
11 10 104 Scientific theodicy
theodicy, occultism, necromancy, mesmerism, animal magnetism, 
how Christian Science answer the question: If God is All-in-all, why does 
Perfection of divine government
  	    Christian Science goes to the bottom of mental action,
  	and reveals the theodicy which indicates the rightness of
15	all divine action, as the emanation of divine	         SHOW ALL
12 11 104 divine Mind the only medicine medicine, animal propensities the effect of belief on a case Adulteration of Truth
  	    The medicine of Science is divine Mind; and dishonesty,
  	sensuality, falsehood, revenge, malice, are animal pro-
21	pensities and by no means the mental quali-	           SHOW ALL
13 12 104
all forms of error originate in 
mortal mind always the murderer
the need to determine the motive as was well as the commission 
Motives considered
  	    Our courts recognize evidence to prove the motive as
30	well as the commission of a crime. Is it not	                 SHOW ALL
14 13 105
mortal mind, evil is always the 
why crimes are sentenced, justice demands 
how justice should be administered Mental crimes
 3	    Courts and juries judge and sentence mortals in order
  	to restrain crime, to prevent deeds of violence or to punish
  	them. To say that these tribunals have no	      SHOW ALL
15 14 105
the value of metaphysics to restrain 
cognizance of mental crime metaphysics as important to medicine as to mechanics or mathematics Important decision
  	    When our laws eventually take cognizance of mental
  	crime and no longer apply legal rulings wholly to physical
18	offences, these words of Judge Parmenter of	          SHOW ALL
16 15 105
all crimes will answer to divine 
divine justice, Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:42, 
why the criminal will never escape punishment Evil let loose
  	    Whoever uses his developed mental powers like an es-
  	caped felon to commit fresh atrocities as opportunity oc-
24	curs is never safe. God will arrest him. Di-	        SHOW ALL
17 16 105
the criminal misuse of human will-power 
the criminal misuse of human will-power no form of evil can stop the march heavenward The misuse of mental power
30	    The distance from ordinary medical prac-	               The misuse of
  	tice to Christian Science is full many a league	    SHOW ALL
18 17 106
human will-power interferes with being rightly 
the Christian Science Declaration of independence, 
true freedom proceeds from submitting to the divine will Proper self-government
 6	    Like our nation, Christian Science has its Declaration
  	of Independence. God has endowed man with inalien-
  	able rights, among which are self-government,	            SHOW ALL
19 18 106 fair judgment of Christian Science
fruit, the works of the flesh, 
the works of the flesh overruled through the qualities of Spirit made 
Right methods
15	    Let this age, which sits in judgment on Christian
  	Science, sanction only such methods as are demonstrable
  	in Truth and known by their fruit, and classify	         SHOW ALL