0.0 – Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy Chapter 3 – Marriage Subtitle

Mary Baker Eddy

Chapter 3 ~ Marriage ~ Subtitles

Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy ~ 1910 Final Ed.

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Our prayer for the at-one-ment of humanity with divinity leads us to the third chapter, MARRIAGE. What "God hath joined together" is the true human and the divine — the manhood and womanhood of God. Our humanity is found to be in wedlock with our divinity. All there is to you and me engaged in our rightful activities is the divine operating as you and me. So there is a beautiful state of marriage, when the divine is operating not SHOW ALL
# Sub# Pg# Topic Tag Description Subtitle Please click below for complete Subtitle text

# Sub# Pg# Topic Tag Description Subtitle Please click below for complete Subtitle text
1 1 1 Intro Quote 1 1. Mark 10 verse 9 Mark 10 verse 9 - Intro Quote 1 9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
2 2 1 Intro Quote 2 1. Matthew 22 verse 30 Matthew 22 verse 30 - Intro Quote 2 30 In the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. — Jesus.
3 3 56
Compromise - Temporal compromises for eternal 
baptism, suffer (Biblical usage), righteousness, concession The purpose for John’s baptism of Jesus. See John 1:31 Baptize - Jesus’ request to be baptized - Intro Paragraph 1
56: 1-6 ~  When our great Teacher came to him for baptism, John was astounded. Reading his thoughts, Jesus added: "Suffer it to be so now:  for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness." Jesus' concessions (in SHOW ALL
4 4 56
Marriage - The value of the 
marriage, legal, moral, corporeal sense vs. 
A moral step from sense to Soul Marriage temporal
     Marriage is the legal and moral provision for generation among human kind. Until the spiritual creation is discerned intact, is apprehended and understood, and His kingdom is come as in the vision of the Apocalypse, SHOW ALL
5 5 56
Promise - the importance of the 
infidelity, social scourge, imperatives, chastity chastity indispensable to spiritual progress Fidelity required
     Infidelity to the marriage covenant is the social scourge of all races, "the pestilence that walketh in darkness, . . . the destruction that wasteth at noonday." The commandment, "Thou shalt not commit adultery," is SHOW ALL
6 6 57
Spiritual marriage - the spiritual significance 
union, masculine and feminine qualities, conjoin both masculine and feminine are spiritual, inherent in individual completeness Mental elements
     Union of the masculine and feminine qualities constitutes completeness. The masculine mind reaches a higher tone through certain elements of the feminine, while the feminine mind gains courage and strength through masculine qualities. These different SHOW ALL
7 7 57 Give - unselfishness paramount demands of the affections, happiness, unselfishness selfless virtues must supersede vanity Affection - Affection’s demands
     Beauty, wealth, or fame is incompetent to meet the demands of the affections, and should never weigh against the better claims of intellect, goodness, and virtue. Happiness is spiritual, born of Truth and Love. It SHOW ALL
8 8 57 Spiritual unity
human affection, enrich, happify existence, intercourse 
the need for a spiritual sense of love Love - Help and discipline
     Human affection is not poured forth vainly, even though it meet no return. Love enriches the nature, enlarging, purifying, and elevating it. The wintry blasts of earth may uproot the flowers of affection, and scatter SHOW ALL
9 9 58
Successful marriage - foundational qualities of 
concord, unselfish ambition, noble life-motives, purity spiritual qualities necessary to establishing a lasting and harmonious marriage Harmony - Chord and discord
     Ill-arranged notes produce discord. Tones of the human mind may be different, but they should be concordant in order to blend properly. Unselfish	 ambition, noble life-motives, and purity, these constituents of thought, mingling, constitute individually SHOW ALL
10 10 58 Moral freedom
moral freedom, contract, i.e. to narrow 
the need for mutual trust, confidence and fidelity Freedom - Mutual freedom
     There is moral freedom in Soul. Never contract the horizon of a worthy outlook by the selfish exaction of all another's time and thoughts. With additional joys, benevolence should grow more diffusive. The narrowness and SHOW ALL
11 11 58 Gratitude - practical gratitude vulgar extravagance, stupid ease the cares of marriage include selflessness and gratitude Suggestion - A useful suggestion
     Said the peasant bride to her lover: "Two eat no more together than they eat separately." This is a hint that a wife ought not to court vulgar extravagance or stupid ease, because another supplies SHOW ALL
12 12 58 Obligation - lifelong obligations in marriage enduring obligations, solicitude avenues to express affection and selfless love Duty - Differing duties
     "She that is married careth . . . how she may please her husband," says the Bible; and this is the pleasantest thing to do. Matrimony should never be entered into without a full recognition SHOW ALL
13 13 59
Honesty - forthrightness foundational to a 
unselfish care versus stolid indifference or 
Tenderness - Trysting renewed
     Tender words and unselfish care in what promotes the welfare and happiness of your wife will prove more salutary in prolonging her health and smiles than stolid indifference or jealousy. Husbands, hear this and remember SHOW ALL
14 14 59 Divorce - preventing divorces moral obligations
The role Christian Science should play in establishing and maintaining a satisfying 
Obligation - Permanent obligation
     The nuptial vow should never be annulled, so long as its moral obligations are kept intact; but the frequency of divorce shows that the sacredness of this relationship is losing its influence, and that fatal SHOW ALL
15 15 60 Qualities - foundational qualities
kindred tastes, motives, and aspirations, the 
qualities that unite contrasted to those that separate Affection - Permanent affection
     Kindred tastes, motives, and aspirations are necessary to the formation of a happy and permanent companionship. The beautiful in character is also the good, welding indissolubly the links of affection. A mother's affection cannot be SHOW ALL
16 16 60 Marriage purpose - purposes for marriage higher nature how selfish considerations nullify spiritual development Affection - Centre for affections
     Marriage should improve the human species, becoming a barrier against vice, a protection to woman, strength to man, and a centre for the affections. This, however, in a majority of cases, is not its present SHOW ALL
17 17 60
Develop Soul - The need to 
discord, physical sense, Soul, resource, personal 
the need for Soul sense to overcome the errors of physical sense Harmony - Spiritual concord
     An ill-attuned ear calls discord harmony, not appreciating concord. So physical sense, not discerning the true happiness of being, places it on a false basis. Science will correct the discord, and teach us life's sweeter SHOW ALL
18 18 61
Generous - the individual requirement to 
ascendency, spiritual versus the animal, celestial 
the effect of the parent’s thought in raising children Goodness - Ascendency of good
     The good in human affections must have ascendency over the evil and the spiritual over the animal, or happiness will never be won. The attainment of this celestial condition would improve our progeny, diminish crime, SHOW ALL
19 19 61 Parent - the primary of parenting fortuitous circumstance, perpetuity the highest objective of child education Heritage - Propensities inherited
     If some fortuitous circumstance places promising children in the arms of gross parents, often these beautiful children early droop and die, like tropical flowers born amid Alpine snows. If perchance they live to become parents SHOW ALL
20 20 62
Discipline - preventing unpleasant characteristics in 
incessant amusement, fretfulness, frivolity, turning the 
the nature of truly helpful education Natural growth - Inheritance heeded
     If parents create in their babes a desire for incessant amusement, to be always fed, rocked, tossed, or talked to, those parents should not, in after years, complain of their children's fretfulness or frivolity, which SHOW ALL
21 21 62 Creator - Spirit, Mind the creator genetics versus Mind Mind, God not matter creates and maintains Create - The Mind creative
     We must not attribute more and more intelligence to matter, but less and less, if we would be wise and healthy. The divine Mind, which forms the bud and blossom, will care for the human SHOW ALL
22 22 62 Man not a physical animal
higher nature of man, false views 
how accepting material theories about man and health would appear to overrule 
Law - Superior law of Soul
     The higher nature of man is not governed by the lower; if it were, the order of wisdom would be reversed. Our false views of life hide eternal harmony, and produce the ills of which SHOW ALL
23 23 63
Man - man’s true being is 
offspring, ancestry, primitive and ultimate source 
laws of Spirit overrule mortal beliefs Origin - Spiritual origin
     In Science man is the offspring of Spirit. The beautiful, good, and pure constitute his ancestry. His origin is not, like that of mortals, in brute instinct, nor does he pass through material conditions prior SHOW ALL
24 26 64 Jealousy an evil
pride, jealousy, envy, primitive Christianity, covetous, 
traits that prevent the practice of practical Christianity that should be overruled Help Others - Benevolence hindered
     Pride, envy, or jealousy seems on most occasions to be the master of ceremonies, ruling out primitive Christianity. When a man lends a helping hand to some noble woman, struggling alone with adversity, his wife SHOW ALL
25 27 64
Spiritual marriage - the spiritual significance 
union of hearts, Matthew. 22:30, Mark 
mortality doomed Progress - Progressive development
     Marriage should signify a union of hearts. Furthermore, the time cometh of which Jesus spake, when he declared that in the resurrection there should be no more marrying nor giving in marriage, but man would SHOW ALL
26 24 65
Freedom - individual rights apply regardless 
unfair differences between the rights of 
uniform justice demands equal rights of the sexes Freedom - The rights of woman
     Civil law establishes very unfair differences between the rights of the two sexes. Christian Science furnishes no precedent for such injustice, and civilization mitigates it in some measure. Still, it is a marvel why usage SHOW ALL
27 25 65
Justice - the lack of uniform 
impartial, discrimination recommendations to cure inequality between the sexes Fairness - Unfair discrimination
     Our laws are not impartial, to say the least, in their discrimination as to the person, property, and parental claims of the two sexes. If the elective franchise for women will remedy the evil without SHOW ALL
28 28 65
Affection - the spiritual nature must 
experience, virtue, man’s highest nature, water 
marriage to become an aid to spiritual transformation Spiritual nature - Blessing of Christ
     Experience should be the school of virtue, and human happiness should proceed from man's highest nature. May Christ, Truth, be present at every bridal altar to turn the water into wine and to give to SHOW ALL
29 29 65 Prayer - the need for metaphysics harmony, Christian Science, metaphysics the attainment of a harmonious human experience through metaphysics Goodness - Righteous foundations
     If the foundations of human affection are consistent with progress, they will be strong and enduring. Divorces should warn the age of some fundamental error in the marriage state. The union of the sexes suffers SHOW ALL
30 30 65
Material sense - materialism and sensualism 
powers of evil, conspicuous steps in the human mind abandoning materialsim Promises - Powerless promises
     The broadcast powers of evil so conspicuous to-day how themselves in the materialism and sensualism of the age, struggling against the advancing spiritual era. Beholding the world's lack of Christianity and the powerlessness of vows SHOW ALL
31 31 65
Purify - the purification of the 
fermentation, lees, transitional stage, spiritual adherence, 
the purifying process outlined Reform - Transition and reform
     There will ensue a fermentation over this as over many other reforms, until we get at last the clear straining of truth, and impurity and error are left the lees. The fermentation even of fluids SHOW ALL
32 32 66
Eternal - the temporal yielding to 
trials, material staff, broken reed, heart, 
being weaned from matter to Spirit Sadness - Salutary sorrow
     Trials teach mortals not to lean on a material staff, — a broken reed, which pierces the heart. We do not half remember this in the sunshine of joy	 and prosperity. Sorrow is salutary. Through SHOW ALL
33 33 66 Divorce precipitately, Xantippe the justification for divorce Patience is wisdom
     Husbands and wives should never separate if there is no Christian demand for it. It is better to await the logic of events than for a wife precipitately to leave her husband or for a SHOW ALL
34 34 66 Meekness required sorrows lessons, purification, receptivity willingness to be purified Purify - The gold and dross
     Sorrow has its reward. It never leaves us where it found us. The furnace separates the gold from the dross that the precious metal may be graven with the image of God. The cup our SHOW ALL
35 35 67 Tenacity in the face of adversity the Science of Mind the need to persevere Storm - Weathering the storm
     When the ocean is stirred by a storm, then the clouds lower, the wind shrieks through the tightened shrouds, and the waves lift themselves into mountains. We ask the helmsman: "Do you know your course? SHOW ALL
36 36 67 Grace and Truth our viable recourse
animal nature, spiritual ascendency, grace, Truth, 
spiritual consciousness our real need Power - Spiritual power
     The notion that animal natures can possibly give force to character is too absurd for consideration, when we remember that through spiritual ascendency our Lord and Master healed the sick, raised the dead, and commanded SHOW ALL
37 37 67 Obstacle - impediments to spiritual advancement
systems of religion and medicine, epoch, 
crucial considerations prior entering the marriage covenant True religion - Basis of true religion
     Systems of religion and medicine treat of physical pains and pleasures, but Jesus rebuked the suffering from any such cause or effect. The epoch approaches when the understanding of the truth of being will be SHOW ALL
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Birth - agamogenesis inapplicable to the 
agamogenesis, incipient insanity, innuendoes evil perversions of salutary causes Insanity and agamogenesis
      I never knew more than one individual who believed in agamogenesis; she was unmarried, a lovely character, was suffering from incipient insanity, and a Christian Scientist cured her. I have named her case to SHOW ALL
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Creator - Spirit’s being the only 
unfoldment verses accretion, Luke 20:35, cognize, 
how finding the truth of being will end the cycle of mortality Creation - God’s creation intact
     Christian Science presents unfoldment, not accretion; it manifests no material growth from molecule to mind, but an impartation of the divine Mind to man and the universe. Proportionately as human generation ceases, the unbroken links SHOW ALL