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Mary Baker Eddy

Chapter 13 ~ Teaching Christian Science ~ Subtitles

Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy ~ 1910 Final Ed.

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Textbook of Christian Science by Mary Baker Eddy

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TEACHING CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, tells us where to turn for our teaching, how to be taught of God and not depend on man for instruction. It is about the ethics of how we handle each other; we do not stand as a person telling other people what to know, believe, or do. Rather we encourage them to be taught of God, by turning to the books. It is a lovely delicate chapter. Teaching relates to education, and the word education comes SHOW ALL
# Sub# Pg# Topic Tag Description Subtitle Please click below for complete Subtitle text

# Sub# Pg# Topic Tag Description Subtitle Please click below for complete Subtitle text
1 1 443
wisdom, teaching, just man, increase in 
Intro Quotes 1. Proverbs 9:9 Intro Quote 9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
2 2 443 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Study of medicine
 1	    When the discoverer of Christian Science is con-
  	sulted by her followers as to the propriety, advan-
 3	tage, and consistency of systematic medical	            SHOW ALL
3 3 443 Failure’s lessons Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Failures lessons
  	    If patients fail to experience the healing power of
15	Christian Science, and think they can be benefited by
  	certain ordinary physical methods of medical	           SHOW ALL
4 4 444 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Refuge and strength
  	    If Christian Scientists ever fail to receive aid from
  	other Scientists, — their brethren upon whom they may
 9	call, — God will still guide them into the right	      SHOW ALL
5 5 444 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Charity to those opposed
  	    Students are advised by the author to be charitable
  	and kind, not only towards differing forms of religion
15	and medicine, but to those who hold these dif-	        SHOW ALL
6 6 444 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Conforming to explicit rules
The teacher must make clear to students the Science
  	of healing, especially its ethics, — that all is Mind, and
 1	that the Scientist must conform to God's requirements. 
  	Also the teacher must thoroughly fit his students to SHOW ALL
7 7 445 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Divine energy
 	    Christian Science silences human will, quiets fear with
  	Truth and Love, and illustrates the unlabored motion
21	of the divine energy in healing the sick. Self-	           SHOW ALL
8 8 445 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Blight of avarice
27	    There is great danger in teaching Mind-healing indis-
  	criminately, thus disregarding the morals of the student
  	and caring only for the fees. Recalling Jeffer-	           SHOW ALL
9 9 446 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Exclusion of malpractice
  	    Whoever practises the Science the author teaches,
12	through which Mind pours light and healing upon this
  	generation, can practise on no one from sin-	           SHOW ALL
10 10 446 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Iniquity overcome
24	    Resisting evil, you overcome it and prove its nothing-
  	ness. Not human platitudes, but divine beatitudes, re-
  	flect the spiritual light and might which heal	          SHOW ALL
11 11 447 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. No trespass on human rights
 1	    The heavenly law is broken by trespassing upon
  	man's individual right of self-government. We have no
 3	authority in Christian Science and no moral	            SHOW ALL
12 12 447 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Expose sin without believing in it
12	    Ignorance, subtlety, or false charity does not for-
  	ever conceal error; evil will in time disclose and pun-
  	ish itself. The recuperative action of the	          SHOW ALL
13 13 447 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Wicked evasions
30	    A sinner is afraid to cast the first stone. He may
  	say, as a subterfuge, that evil is unreal, but to know it,
  	he must demonstrate his statement. To assume that
 1	there are no SHOW ALL
14 14 448 Truth’s grand results Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Truths grand results
12	    Christian Science rises above the evidence of the cor-
  	poreal senses; but if you have not risen above sin your-
  	self, do not congratulate yourself upon your	        SHOW ALL
15 15 448 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Adherence to righteousness
  	    If the student adheres strictly to the teachings of Chris-
27	tian Science and ventures not to break its rules, he can-
  	not fail of success in healing. It is Christian	     SHOW ALL
16 16 449 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Right adjusts the balance
  	    The wrong done another reacts most heavily against
  	one's self. Right adjusts the balance sooner or later. 
 9	Think it "easier for a camel to go through	       SHOW ALL
17 17 449 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Inoculation of thought
	    The baneful effect of evil associates is less seen than
  	felt. The inoculation of evil human thoughts ought to
21	be understood and guarded against. The	            SHOW ALL
18 18 450 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Three classes of neophytes
 1	    There is a large class of thinkers whose bigotry and
  	conceit twist every fact to suit themselves. Their creed
 3	teaches belief in a mysterious, supernatural	          SHOW ALL
19 19 450 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Touchstone of Science
15	    Some people yield slowly to the touch of Truth. Few
  	yield without a struggle, and many are reluctant to ac-
  	knowledge that they have yielded; but un-	        SHOW ALL
20 20 450 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. False claims annihilated
27	    Who, that has felt the perilous beliefs in life, substance,
  	and intelligence separated from God, can say that there
  	is no error of belief? Knowing the claim of	       SHOW ALL
21 21 451 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Treasure in heaven
  	    Students of Christian Science, who start with its letter
 9	and think to succeed without the spirit, will either make
  	shipwreck of their faith or be turned sadly	       SHOW ALL
22 22 451 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Obligations of teachers
 	    Every Christian Scientist, every conscientious teacher
  	of the Science of Mind-healing, knows that human will
21	is not Christian Science, and he must recog-	             SHOW ALL
23 23 451 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Indispensable defence
  	    Show your student that mental malpractice tends to
  	blast moral sense, health, and the human life. Instruct
 1	him how to bar the door of his thought against this
  	seeming power, — a SHOW ALL
24 24 452 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Egotistic darkness
	    Walking in the light, we are accustomed to the light
  	and require it; we cannot see in darkness. But eyes ac-
 9	customed to darkness are pained by the light. 	      SHOW ALL
25 25 452 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Unwarranted expectations
18	    Right is radical. The teacher must know the truth
  	himself. He must live it and love it, or he cannot impart
  	it to others. We soil our garments with con-	     SHOW ALL
26 26 452 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Reliable authority
  	    Acting from sinful motives destroys your power of
  	healing from the right motive. On the other hand, if
30	you had the inclination or power to practise	         SHOW ALL
27 27 453
Winning the field, battle until truth 
Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Winning the field
 6	    Right and wrong, truth and error, will be at strife in
  	the minds of students, until victory rests on the side of
  	invincible truth. Mental chemicalization fol-	       SHOW ALL
28 28 453 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Knowledge and honesty
  	    Teach your student that he must know himself be-
15	fore he can know others and minister to human needs. 
  	Honesty is spiritual power. Dishonesty is	         SHOW ALL
29 29 453 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Metaphysical treatment
24	    You should treat sickness mentally just as you would
  	sin, except that you must not tell the patient that he is
  	sick nor give names to diseases, for such a	     SHOW ALL
30 30 454 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Impotence of hate
  	    Teach your students the omnipotence of Truth, which
  	illustrates the impotence of error. The understanding,
 6	even in a degree, of the divine All-power de-	          SHOW ALL
31 31 454 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Love the incentive
  	    He, who understands in a sufficient degree the Princi-
15	ple of Mind-healing, points out to his student error as
  	well as truth, the wrong as well as the right	      SHOW ALL
32 32 454 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Continuity of interest
	    Do not dismiss students at the close of a class term,
  	feeling that you have no more to do for them. Let your
27	loving care and counsel support all their feeble	      SHOW ALL
33 33 455 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Weakness and guilt
 3	    A mental state of self-condemnation and guilt or a
  	faltering and doubting trust in Truth are unsuitable
  	conditions for healing the sick. Such mental	          SHOW ALL
34 34 455 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. The trust of the All-wise
  	    The student, who receives his knowledge of Christian
18	Science, or metaphysical healing, from a human teacher,
  	may be mistaken in judgment and demonstra-	            SHOW ALL
35 35 455 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Integrity assured
  	    This strong point in Christian Science is not to be
  	overlooked, — that the same fountain cannot send forth
30	both sweet waters and bitter. The higher	         SHOW ALL
36 36 456 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Chicanery impossible
 3	    Teaching or practising in the name of Truth, but con-
  	trary to its spirit or rules, is most dangerous quackery. 
  	Strict adherence to the divine Principle and	      SHOW ALL
37 37 456 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. No dishonest concessions
  	    Any dishonesty in your theory and practice betrays a
  	gross ignorance of the method of the Christ-cure. Science
18	makes no concessions to persons or opinions. 	         SHOW ALL
38 38 456 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. This volume indispensable
 	    A Christian Scientist requires my work SCIENCE AND
  	HEALTH for his textbook, and so do all his students and
27	patients. Why? First: Because it is the voice	         SHOW ALL
39 39 457 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Purity of Science
	    Since the divine light of Christian Science first dawned
  	upon the author, she has never used this newly discovered
 9	power in any direction which she fears to have	        SHOW ALL
40 40 457 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Backsliders and mistakes
  	    Christian Science is not an exception to the general
  	rule, that there is no excellence without labor in a direct
21	line. One cannot scatter his fire, and at the	      SHOW ALL
41 41 458 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Mental charlatanism
 1	    Mental quackery rests on the same platform as all
  	other quackery. The chief plank in this platform is the
 3	doctrine that Science has two principles in	         SHOW ALL
42 42 458 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Divinity ever ready
  	    It is anything but scientifically Christian to think of
12	aiding the divine Principle of healing or of trying to sus-
  	tain the human body until the divine Mind	       SHOW ALL
43 43 458 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. The panoply of wisdom
  	    Sin makes deadly thrusts at the Christian Scientist as
21	ritualism and creed are summoned to give place to higher
  	law, but Science will ameliorate mortal malice. 	        SHOW ALL
44 44 458 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Advancement by sacrifice
  	    Christianity causes men to turn naturally from matter
 1	to Spirit, as the flower turns from darkness to light. 
  	Man then appropriates those things which "eye hath
 3	not seen nor ear heard." Paul SHOW ALL
45 45 459 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Dangerous knowledge
12	    Any attempt to heal mortals with erring mortal mind,
  	instead of resting on the omnipotence of the divine
  	Mind, must prove abortive. Committing the	           SHOW ALL
46 46 459 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Certainty of results
24	    To mortal sense Christian Science seems abstract, but
  	the process is simple and the results are sure if the Science
  	is understood. The tree must be good, which	       SHOW ALL
47 47 460 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Ontology defined
 3	    Ontology is defined as "the science of the necessary
  	constituents and relations of all beings," and it under-
  	lies all metaphysical practice. Our system of	         SHOW ALL
48 48 460 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Mischievous imagination
  	    Sickness is neither imaginary nor unreal, — that is,
15	to the frightened, false sense of the patient. Sickness
  	is more than fancy; it is solid conviction. It	        SHOW ALL
49 49 460 Author’s early instructions Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Authors early instructions
24	    When the Science of Mind was a fresh revelation to
  	the author, she had to impart, while teaching its grand
  	facts, the hue of spiritual ideas from her own	      SHOW ALL
50 50 461 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Proof by induction
 1	    I do not maintain that anyone can exist in the flesh
  	without food and raiment; but I do believe that the
 3	real man is immortal and that he lives in	     SHOW ALL
51 51 461 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Rapidity of assimilation
  	    Systematic teaching and the student's spiritual growth
  	and experience in practice are requisite for a thorough
 1	comprehension of Christian Science. Some individu-
  	als assimilate truth more readily than others, but any
 3	student, SHOW ALL
52 52 462 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Divided loyalty
 9	    If the student goes away to practise Truth's teach-
  	ings only in part, dividing his interests between God and
  	mammon and substituting his own views for	        SHOW ALL
53 53 462 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Anatomy defined
  	    Anatomy, when conceived of spiritually, is mental self-
21	knowledge, and consists in the dissection of thoughts to
  	discover their quality, quantity, and origin. 	           SHOW ALL
54 54 463 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Scientific obstetrics
  	    Teacher and student should also be familiar with the
 6	obstetrics taught by this Science. To attend properly
  	the birth of the new child, or divine idea,	        SHOW ALL
55 55 463 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Unhesitating decision
21	    To decide quickly as to the proper treatment of error — 
  	whether error is manifested in forms of sickness, sin,
  	or death — is the first step towards destroy-	     SHOW ALL
56 56 463 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Seclusion of the author
	    It has been said to the author, "The world is bene-
 1	fited by you, but it feels your influence without seeing
  	you. Why do you not make yourself more widely
 3	known?" Could her friends know SHOW ALL
57 57 464 Treating oneself when in violent pain
Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. Title for the TEXT CONTENT 
Handling an extreme emergency
  	    If from an injury or from any cause, a Christian Scien-
  	tist were seized with pain so violent that he could not
15	treat himself mentally, — and the Scientists had failed
  	to relieve SHOW ALL
58 58 464 Final Edition authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. The right motive and its reward
21	    In founding a pathological system of Christianity, the
  	author has labored to expound divine Principle, and not
  	to exalt personality. The weapons of bigotry,	           SHOW ALL