0.0 – Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy Chapter 10b – Science of Being Subtitles

Mary Baker Eddy

Chapter 10b ~ Platform ~ Subtitles

Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy ~ 1910 Final Ed.

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Textbook of Christian Science by Mary Baker Eddy

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The phrase, Science of being, is always spelt with a capital S for Science because it is God's Science, and with a little b for being, because, you might say, it is our being. (The textbook always reserves the capitalized letter for God and the uncapitalized for man as the activity of God.) If Science is the truth of our being and all comes from God, this is the Science of our being God's Being. God's Being is our very SHOW ALL
# Sub# Pg# Topic Tag Description Subtitle Please click below for complete Subtitle text

# Sub# Pg# Topic Tag Description Subtitle Please click below for complete Subtitle text
1 155 330
The requirement to successfully demonstrate divine 
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Introduction to the Platform - MBESI When the following platform is understood and the 9 letter and the spirit bear witness, the infallibility of divine metaphysics will be demonstrated.
2 156 330 Platform Plank 1: The deific supremacy
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
The deific supremacy
  	    I.  God is infinite, the only Life, substance, Spirit, or
12	Soul, the only intelligence of the universe, including man. 
  	Eye hath neither seen God nor His image and	     SHOW ALL
3 157 330 Platform Plank 2: The deific definitions
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
The deific definitions
  	    II.  God is what the Scriptures declare Him to be, — 
  	Life, Truth, Love. Spirit is divine Principle, and divine
21	Principle is Love, and Love is Mind, and	     SHOW ALL
4 158 330 Platform Plank 3: Evil obsolete
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Evil obsolete
  	    III.  The notion that both evil and good are real is a
  	delusion of material sense, which Science annihilates. 
27	Evil is nothing, no thing, mind, nor power. 	     SHOW ALL
5 159 331 Platform Plank 4: Life the creator
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Life the creator
 1	    IV.  God is divine Life, and Life is no more confined
  	to the forms which reflect it than substance is in its
 3	shadow. If life were in mortal man or mate-	   SHOW ALL
6 160 331 Platform Plank 5: Allness of Spirit
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Allness of Spirit
  	    V.  The Scriptures imply that God is All-in-all. From
12	this it follows that nothing possesses reality nor existence
  	except the divine Mind and His ideas. The	        SHOW ALL
7 161 331 Platform Plank 6: The universal cause
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
The universal cause
18	    VI.  God is individual, incorporeal. He is divine Prin-
  	ciple, Love, the universal cause, the only creator, and
  	there is no other self-existence. He is all-	        SHOW ALL
8 162 331 Platform Plank 7: Divine trinity
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Divine trinity
  	    VII.  Life, Truth, and Love constitute the triune Person
27	called God, — that is, the triply divine Principle, Love. 
  	They represent a trinity in unity, three in	      SHOW ALL
9 163 332 Platform Plank 8: Father-Mother
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
  	    VIII.  Father-Mother is the name for Deity, which in-
  	dicates His tender relationship to His spiritual creation. 
 6	As the apostle expressed it in words which he	      SHOW ALL
10 164 332 Platform Plank 9: The Son of God
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
The Son of God
9	    IX.  Jesus was born of Mary. Christ is the true idea
  	voicing good, the divine message from God to men speak-
  	ing to the human consciousness. The Christ	      SHOW ALL
11 165 332 Platform Plank 10: Holy Ghost or Comforter
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Holy Ghost or Comforter X. Jesus demonstrated Christ; he proved that Christ is the divine idea of God — the Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost 21 or Comforter, revealing the divine Principle, or Comforter Love, and leading into all truth.
12 166 332 Platform Plank 11: Christ Jesus
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Christ Jesus
  	    XI.  Jesus was the son of a virgin. He was appointed
24	to speak God's word and to appear to mortals in such
  	a form of humanity as they could understand	    SHOW ALL
13 167 333 Platform Plank 12: Messiah or Christ
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Messiah or Christ
 3	    XII.  The word Christ is not properly a synonym for
  	Jesus, though it is commonly so used. Jesus was a human
  	name, which belonged to him in common with	    SHOW ALL
14 168 333
Platform Plank 13: The divine Principle 
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
The divine Principle and idea
  	    XIII.  The advent of Jesus of Nazareth marked the
  	first century of the Christian era, but the Christ is
18	without beginning of years or end of days. 	      SHOW ALL
15 169 333 Platform Plank 14: Spiritual oneness
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Spiritual oneness
  	    XIV.  By these sayings Jesus meant, not that the hu-
 1	man Jesus was or is eternal, but that the divine idea or
  	Christ was and is so and therefore antedated Abraham;
 3	not SHOW ALL
16 170 334 Platform Plank 15: The Son’s duality
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
The Sons duality
  	    XV.  The invisible Christ was imperceptible to the
  	so-called personal senses, whereas Jesus appeared as a
12	bodily existence. This dual personality of the	           SHOW ALL
17 171 334 Platform Plank 16: Eternity of the Christ
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Eternity of the Christ
21	    XVI.  This was "the Lamb slain from the foundation
  	of the world," — slain, that is, according to the testi-
  	mony of the corporeal senses, but undying in	      SHOW ALL
18 172 334 Platform Plank 17: Infinite Spirit
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Infinite Spirit
  	    XVII.  Spirit being God, there is but one Spirit, for
  	there can be but one infinite and therefore one God. 
 1	There are neither spirits many nor gods many. There
  	is SHOW ALL
19 173 335 Platform Plank 18: The only substance
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
The only substance
  	    XVIII.  Spirit, God, has created all in and of Him-
  	self. Spirit never created matter. There is nothing in
 9	Spirit out of which matter could be made,	      SHOW ALL
20 174 335 Platform Plank 19: Soul and Spirit one
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Soul and Spirit one
  	    XIX.  Soul and Spirit being one, God and Soul are
  	one, and this one never included in a limited mind or a
18	limited body. Spirit is eternal, divine. Noth-	     SHOW ALL
21 175 335 Platform Plank 20: The one divine Mind
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
The one divine Mind
  	    XX.  Mind is the divine Principle, Love, and can pro-
  	duce nothing unlike the eternal Father-Mother, God. 
27	Reality is spiritual, harmonious, immutable,	           SHOW ALL
22 176 335 Platform Plank 21: The divine Ego
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
The divine Ego
  	    XXI.  The Ego is deathless and limitless, for limits
 1	would imply and impose ignorance. Mind is the I AM,
  	or infinity. Mind never enters the finite. Intelligence
 3	never passes into non-intelligence, or SHOW ALL
23 177 336 Platform Plank 22: The real manhood
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
The real manhood
 9	    XXII.  Immortal man was and is God's image or idea,
  	even the infinite expression of infinite Mind, and immor-
  	tal man is coexistent and coeternal with that	      SHOW ALL
24 178 336 Platform Plank 23: Indivisibility of the infinite
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Indivisibility of the infinite
  	    XXIII.  God is indivisible. A portion of God could
  	not enter man; neither could God's fulness be reflected
21	by a single man, else God would be manifestly	       SHOW ALL
25 179 336 Platform Plank 24: God the parent Mind
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
God the parent Mind
  	    XXIV.  God, the divine Principle of man, and man in
  	God's likeness are inseparable, harmonious, and eternal. 
27	The Science of being furnishes the rule of per-	       SHOW ALL
26 180 336
Platform Plank 25: Man reflects the 
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Man reflects the perfect God
  	    XXV.  God is individual and personal in a scientific
 1	sense, but not in any anthropomorphic sense. Therefore
  	man, reflecting God, cannot lose his individuality; but as
 3	material sensation, or a soul in SHOW ALL
27 181 337
Platform Plank 26: Purity the path 
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Purity the path to perfection
  	    XXVI.  Christian Science demonstrates that none but
15	the pure in heart can see God, as the gospel	                  SHOW ALL
28 182 337 Platform Plank 27: True idea of man
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
True idea of man
  	    XXVII.  The true idea of man, as the reflection of the
21	invisible God, is as incomprehensible to the limited senses
  	as is man's infinite Principle. The visible uni-	      SHOW ALL
29 183 337 Platform Plank 28: Truth demonstrated
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Truth demonstrated
  	    XXVIII.  Subject sickness, sin, and death to the rule
30	of health and holiness in Christian Science,	                   SHOW ALL
30 184 338 Platform Plank 29: Adam not ideal man
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Adam not ideal man
12	    XXIX.  The word Adam is from the Hebrew adamah,
  	signifying the red color of the ground, dust, nothingness. 
  	Divide the name Adam into two syllables,	        SHOW ALL
31 185 339 Platform Plank 30: Divine pardon
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Divine pardon
 1	    XXX.  The destruction of sin is the divine method of
  	pardon. Divine Life destroys death, Truth destroys
 3	error, and Love destroys hate. Being de-	          SHOW ALL
32 186 339
Platform Plank 31: Evil not produced 
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Evil not produced by God
    	    XXXI.  Since God is All, there is no room for His
  	unlikeness. God, Spirit, alone created all, and called it
 9	good. Therefore evil, being contrary to good,    SHOW ALL
33 187 339
Platform Plank 32: Basis of health 
Section 2 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
Basis of health and immortality
  	    XXXII.  As the mythology of pagan Rome has yielded
21	to a more spiritual idea of Deity, so will our material
  	theories yield to spiritual ideas, until the finite	      SHOW ALL
34 188 340 Love and keep His Commandments
Section 3 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
The conclusion of the whole matter - MBESI
  	    This text in the book of Ecclesiastes conveys the
  	Christian Science thought, especially when the word
 6	duty, which is not in the original, is omitted: "Let
  	us hear the conclusion of the SHOW ALL
35 189 340
One God, one Mind fulfills “on 
Section 3 of 3, Chapter 10, Science of Being, Science and Health 
The foundation and superstructure of Christian Science - MBESI
15	    "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."  (Exodus
  	xx. 3.) The First Commandment is my favorite text. 
  	It demonstrates Christian Science. It inculcates the tri-
18	unity of God, Spirit, Mind; it signifies SHOW ALL