Prayer Discipline

  Pray for All Humanity ~ Mary Baker Eddy Institute Treatments   Index   Complete details with Illustration

1. 39 Paragraphs selected by Mary Baker Eddy for her entire Household

Daily Study
Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer, Founder and Leader of Christian Science,  hand-picked a staff to assist her when she was residing at Pleasant View, Concord, NH. Any student that lived in the home and worked for her in whatever capacity they were assigned had he opportunity to earn the coveted CSD degree and certification.
Mary Baker Eddy selected 39 paragraphs from the Bible and her writings which were required for each student to study at the beginning of each day. 

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2. Mary Baker Eddy Prayed specifically 15x/day
Pray 3x/day for all Humanity

Zion's Herald ~ March 18,1885 Three times a day, I retire to seek the divine blessing on the sick and sorrowing, with my face toward the Jerusalem of Love and Truth, in silent prayer to the Father which "seeth in secret," and with childlike confidence that He will reward "openly." In the midst of depressing care and labor I turn constantly to divine Love for guidance, and find rest. It affords me great joy to be able to attest to the truth of Jesus' words. Love makes all burdens light, it giveth a peace that passeth understanding, and with "signs following." As to the peace, it is unutterable; as to "signs," behold the sick who are healed, the sorrowful who are made hopeful, and the sinful and ignorant who have become "wise unto salvation"!

Mary B. Eddy

3. The Secret ~ Mary Baker Eddy
Pray 12 x/day for one’s own Consciousness

I have learned a great secret. I have learned how to demonstrate, I have learned how to make Science a thing of life, not of words. I am going to tell you what the secret is, and it is wonderful. It is this: Not to see or hear or repeat any kind of imperfection. It is seeing and hearing and repeating good only, at all times and under all circumstances, and in spite of everything that appears to the contrary. I make this resolve every morning, when I first open my eyes, I renew it every hour of the day. I see perfection in myself in my friends, in my so-called enemy, in my affairs and in world affairs. I take my radical stand for the perfection of God and everything and for everything and everybody He has created. I look upon the world with God's eyes and see it just as He sees it, and I refuse to see it in any other way. Pray 12 x/day to renew the resolve I stop a dozen times a day, and renew the resolve, and make sure that I am not repeating error or giving way to criticism. I watch my thoughts about people, the lame, the old, the unloved to sense that I pass in the street, stray animals, I except nothing. I have taken my radical stand for perfection and I will not, absolutely will not, relax this perfect standard. The result has been simply marvelous. Try it and you will find that you forget your glasses; they will become unnecessary. You will be seeing with God's eyes, His perfect sight, and you will behold a perfect universe, the outward condition of your inward thinking. To change the picture you must change the sight that produced the picture. MBE Article ~ The Secret View/Dnld

4. Daniel (Bible) Prayed 3x a day

In Daniel 6, the entire nation of Judah was in captivity. These people probably often felt defeated, yet they clung to the hope and the promise of a coming Messiah to save them. In the midst of this, Daniel, a Judean, is working for King Darius and gains favor with him. The king positions Daniel for advancement, but this leads to jealousy from the king’s other administrators (Daniel 6:1–5). They knew Daniel served the God of Israel, which was in direct opposition to what the king had commanded. So they convinced the king to put an ordinance in place that anyone who chose to worship another god would be thrown into the lions’ den (vv.6–9). But instead of worshipping in secret or putting his faith on the back burner, Daniel continued praying to God publicly, despite the decree. Three times a day he got down on his knees, prayed, and gave thanks to his God, just as he had done before (Daniel 6:10). Daniel prayed even at the risk of being thrown into the den of lions, which of course, Bible history shows that he was. But he was saved by his recognition that God is the only power, the only action, that he was spiritual, not material, and that no lion or anything else could interfere with him reflecting the life of God. Both Mary Baker Eddy and Daniel were awake and alert.

5. 500 Watching Points ~ G. C. Carpenter, C.S.B.   

G. C. Carpenter
Sr. & Jr.

500 Watching Points for ADVANCING STUDENTS of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Written in Providence, R.I. During the period, 1929-1942 OUR TEXTBOOK, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, covers every human need, and sets forth the means whereby every problem may be solved. Each student, however, _ is left to make his own application of its teachings, especially in relation to that phase of error which would claim to prevent the student, either from understanding the true import of the teachings that are in the Bible, and in his textbook, or from making that broader application of his understanding, which alone brings final salvation. CLICK for Index & Scroll to the section "Other Publications" & see row #1 for complete text details.

6. Watches ~ Given by Mary Baker Eddy to Students   1964 Richard Oakes      

WATCH - Learn what watching means. I have watched all these years for you and the world. Now you watch; be always on duty-on guard. WATCH-Don't see things. WATCH-Stick to the truth of being. WATCH-Take it in your watch: No pain No nerves. No neuralgia. No fear. WATCH-Better for Mrs. Eddy's teaching. Truth heals. It cannot hurt. It cannot be reversed in its effect.... CLICK for Index & Scroll to see row #2 for complete text details.