Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla ~ Biography and Publication Index
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(a) Interview about his work & inventions
Divine Mind was the light that guided Nikola Tesla to each one of his discoveries
Principle is always in balance & in harmony with the whole
Nikola Tesla discovered that all the electricity needed to light up all of planet Earth is easily available for FREE. His many discoveries prove once again that everything in the universe is one harmonious action. Divine Mind is Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence and Omni-action. All truly great discoveries reinforce Truth, the one and only Truth which is God and discovered by Mary Baker Eddy in 1866. She said Divine Metaphysics has been reduced to a system. All the great inventors are working within the Science of Christianity whether they realize it or not.
There is only one true Science. [MBEI]

What did Nikola Tesla try to make the world understand?
First, we must understand that we didn’t create math, we discovered it. It’s The Universal language and law. No matter where you are in The Universe 1 + 2 will always equal to 3! Everything in The Universe obeys this law!
There are patterns that naturally occur in The Universe ~ patterns we’ve discovered in life, galaxies, star formations, evolution, and almost all natural systems. Some of these patterns are The Golden Ratio and Sacred Geometry.
One really important system that nature seems to obey is “The Powers of 2 Binary System” in which the pattern starts from one and continues by doubling the numbers. Cells and embryos develop following this sacred pattern: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256..
Article regarding above to be posted soon.
# | Group | Category | Topic | Author | Title ~ CLICK Media to view Details | Media |
# | Group | Category | Topic | Author | Title | Media |
1 | Author Other | Inventor | Electricity, Light, Inventions | Tesla, Nikola | Interview about his Work & Inventions | Full Page |
2 | Author Other | Inventor | Science, Universe, Secrets | Tesla, Nikola | Secret behind the numbers 3, 6, 9 ~ Nikola Tesla | Full Page MP4 |