1- Mind ~ Principle ~ True Foundation 250121
Definition of God: God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. [Science & Health 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy]
Some Key Points referred in this Treatment 1. If one desires any topic in which they desire to have a permanent foundation, then Principle is the operative word, which is the 4th term for God in the order of spiritual development. See definition of God above. 2. How do we obtain a true spiritual foundation? Mary Baker Eddy, in her usage of the term ~ creative ability ~ which gives us the function needed to start building the foundation ~ she assigns it to the synonymous term for God, which is Mind. 3. The term ~ creates ~ is assigned to both the term Mind & Spirit, because Spirit is substance. So, you must have a foundation based on the substance of Spirit if you expect it to be of permanent value. 4. Mind being the ~ creative ability ~ is where we must look in order to build a true foundation.
5. Principle is the core ~ the center of all structure & system. Therefore, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Life, Truth & Love ~ all 6 ~ branch out from Principle, & everything connects to it. Principle is always in balance & therefore always harmonious. But that is only the case if each of the other 6 synonymous terms for God are involved in the structure, the foundation, or the principle. Otherwise it is not in balance & it will not be harmonious. 6. Mary Baker Eddy assigns the words ~ idea & ideal ~ to both Mind & Principle. 7. We could think of Mind as generating ~ the idea ~ Principle as holding ~ the idea ~ as a part of the foundation to Truth. So the ~ ideal idea ~ is a result of the interaction between Mind, Principle & Truth.
8. In many of the prayer treatments that the Mary Baker Eddy Institute (MBEI) provides, there is discussion about the interaction of the 7 synonyms & how they are all connected as one grand complete operation & functionality of God, along with the 4 operators & 4 levels. 9. Mary Baker Eddy used another term for Mind which is ~ all faculty ~ & that really includes ~ capacity, capability, functionality, action, & facility. Those together bring about performance & that is measured as power. 10. Mind is incorporeal, divine, supreme, & infinite. Those 4 terms also apply to the other 6 synonymous terms to define God. These terms are adjectives to explain the characteristics of the other 6 terms for God which are Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love. See definition of God above this section.