Mind ~ Power Principle Govt – Christian Science Treatment

1- Mind ~ Power ~ Principle ~ Government                                              250127

     Hymn 51 ~ Eternal Mind ~  Lyrics    

Eternal Mind the Potter is, And thought th’ eternal clay: The hand that fashions is divine, His works pass not away. Man is the noblest work of God, His beauty, power and grace, Immortal; perfect as his Mind

Reflected face to face. God could not make imperfect man His model infinite; Unhallowed thought He could not plan, Love’s work and Love must fit. Life, Truth and Love the pattern make, Christ is the perfect heir;

         Power ~ Principle ~ Government      

 Hymn 51 ~ Eternal Mind     Complete lyrics   PDF           Susan Mack, Vocalist MP3 Index     Newsong, Vocalist MP4 Index

Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View all details of above list Index 6. OTHER

Some Key Points 1. CORRUPT FORCE BELIEF: The so-called corrupt forces within the government have been controlling the whole world since the beginning of the history of humanity. 2. FALSE RECORD OF CREATION: This false belief has stemmed from the biblical account of the false record of creation, which begins in Genesis 2:4. Throughout the Bible, the various chapters & verses have been peppered with, if not inundated with, this second record of creation or the results therefrom. 3. ADAM & EVE: Supposedly Adam & Eve were in the Garden of Eden & there was an apple tree, that contained apples of both good & evil. And the wrong choice was made.

Therefore, the entire history of humanity is filled with the false belief that man is a sinner. 4. GENERIC MAN: Defined as being the qualities of a male, female, & child. 5. MALE: Courage, strength, perseverance, fatherhood, protector & responsibility. The president of the United States indicates that his primary function is to protect the United States. 6. FEMALE: Tenderness, kindness, nurturing, loving, forgiving, & compassion. 7. CHILD: Innocence, trust, forgiveness, & curiosity. 8. GENERIC MAN: A very complete character, one that includes all of the qualities. 9. SITUATION DICTATES NEED: What one individual prefers when dealing with another is for those qualities to be represented at any given moment based on what the need is. So if a woman is with a man & there is a danger involved, they're looking for the man to be courageous, brave & bold. 10. MOTHER & BABY: If there is a mother that has a new baby, the father is looking for the mother to be caring, nurturing, kind.

Both of them look to a baby as being curious, in other words, one that wants to learn new things as well as being innocent & trustful. 11. QUALITIES NEEDED: So, it depends on the circumstance which dictates which qualities are expected to be coming forth the strongest. 12. EVIL IS IMPERSONAL: Corruption has been governing the entire human so-called world since day one. To clean out corruption is not fighting an individual or even a single government, but the entire false belief that corruption is inherent in everyone all the time. The leaders are leading the way of corruption & will do anything possible for themselves to maintain power & control of the innocence of the population that they are supposed to be leading & protecting. Do not look to a person as being evil. Separate the evil from personality in order to heal it. 13. CONCLUSION: The purpose of this prayer treatment is to encourage the denial of evil because it has no spiritual source. We then must affirm the truth that there is only one Mind. This Mind is omnipotent & is directly connected to divine Principle, which is the government of all real being.