Mary Baker Eddy Institute Treatments 2309 September-2023

Mary Baker Eddy Institute Treatments ~ September 2023

 Mary Baker Eddy Prayed 3x a day for all humanity
New Treatments ~ Sep 27, 26, 24, 21, 17, 15, 13, 10 

Satisfied  MP3
Newsong ~ Vocalist Index

Freedom and Free

What is Freedom? ~ What is Free?  

230927 ~ Treatment ~ 70 min   MP3
1. ~ Definition View
2. Definition from the 1828 Dictionary ~ Noah Webster View
3. Constitution ~ 1789 vs 1871 View
4.Mary Baker Eddy:
a. America was the only place where Christian Science could have been discovered, founded and had leadership. 
b. America, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. 
c. America founded by those escaping the oppression of the dictatorships of Europe ~ First priority was freedom in the New World. 
d. America has been totally under the control of Show all

Hymn of Life  MP3
Newsong ~ Vocalist Index

Communication ~ One Way Simplex

230926 ~ Treatment ~ 61 min   MP3
Intro Quotes and DefinitionsView

1.Do we know our business? 
2. Our business is to align ourselves with the principle of every activity in which we are involved. 
3. Aligning ourselves with principle is how we communicate with God, how we talk to God. 
4. Genesis 1 stresses the point that we must let our consciousness be open so that we can accept the qualities of God as outlined in Genesis chapter 1.
5. We need to learn Show all

Lead Me To The Rock
The Solo Committee MP3

Vision ~ Master Key

230924 ~ Treatment ~ 71 min   MP3
1.Introduction quotes to Science and Health  
1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John viii. 32 
2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare 
3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy

2.  Science and Health ~ Chpt 17 Glossary ~ Pg 587  
GOD.  The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; Show all
Our The King of Love Newsong Vocalist MP3

Intelligence ~ God the Source

230921 ~ Treatment ~ 43 min   MP3
1. Science & Health ~ Chpt 1 Prayer ~ Pg 2 & 3
God's Standard 
God is Love. Can we ask Him to be more? God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of anything He does not already comprehend? Do we expect to change perfection? Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which is pouring forth more than we accept? The unspoken desire does bring us nearer the source of all existence and Show all

Eternal Mind the Potter Is
Susan Mack Vocalist MP3 PDF

Perseverance, Truth, Unity

230917 ~ Treatment ~ 34 min   MP3

1. MISC Chpt 08 Pg 259 ~ Truth Healing 
The spiritual elevator of the human race, physically, morally, and Christianly, is the truism that Truth demonstrates good, and is natural; while error, or evil, is really non-existent, and must have produced its own illusion, — for it belongs not to nature nor to God. Truth is the power of God which heals the sick and the sinner, and is applicable to all the needs of man. It is Show all

You are always you
The Solo Committee MP3

Vision ~ Pray for all Humanity

230915 ~ Treatment ~ 48 min   MP3
1.Humanity ~ Mary Baker Eddy provides 113 total references for the word humanity.
2.Mary Baker Eddy prayed three times a day for humanity.
3.Anything at all that is God-like could be included as a topic for praying for all humanity.
4.Prayer = clearing our own consciousness.
5.State clearly the denial = anything unlike God is a lie, not Show all

Dear Lord and Father of Us All
Newsong Vocalist MP3

Individuality ~ Infinite ~ Pray for all humanity

230913 ~ Treatment ~ 60 min   MP3
1.Individuality and infinite in the same paragraph ~ 18 times.
2.God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy 
3.Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was Show all

Our God is All in All
Susan Mack Vocalist MP3

Perfection ~ Omnipresence of Perfection

230910 ~ Treatment ~ 38 min   MP3

1.MISC 133:22 ~ Mary Baker Eddy prays for all humanity.
Three times a day, I retire to seek the divine blessing on the sick and sorrowing, with my face toward the Jerusalem of Love and Truth, in silent prayer to the Father which 'seeth in secret,' and with childlike confidence that He will reward 'openly.' In the midst of depressing care and labor I turn constantly to divine Love for guidance, and find rest. It affords me great joy to be able to attest to the truth of Jesus' words. Love makes all burdens light, it giveth a peace that passeth understanding, and with 'signs following.' As to the peace, it is unutterable; as Show all