Mary Baker Eddy Institute Treatments ~ August 2023
Reverse Date Order
SUMMARY 1. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease. ~ Science and Health 146:31 ------------------------------------------- 2.System Defined (a) Synonyms 1. Mind ~ Source of everything needed because it is mental. 2. Spirit ~ The only substance which is flawless. 3. Soul ~ Spiritual viewpoint of all existence. 4. Principle ~ System and structure which is always in balance. 5. Life ~ Living the qualities of God and multiplying by reflection. 6. Truth ~ Staying on track without deviation. 7. Love ~ Nurturing all the qualities to bring understanding to recognize wholeness. (b) Operators 1. Word ~ the facts about God 2. Christ ~ translating what comes our way to its spiritual nature. 3. Christianity ~ using the understanding to demonstrate two items above were accurately understood 4. Science ~ approve understanding of reality as a result of the three items above is complete. ------------------------------------------- 3. Study (Your Divinity Revealed) by Helen Wright to understand the above eleven components. ------------------------------------------- 4.Beautiful cooperation between two countries that are draining the swamp. 1. Exposing the Evil (a) Nazism (b) Child abuse (c) Child trafficking (d) Child kidnapping (e) Child slavery Market (f) Pedophilia (g) Biological laboratories for genocide (h) Violating country's borders. (i) Violating international agreements. (j) Violating security of other countries. (k) Murdering civilians of neighboring countries 2. Eradicating the evils noted above 3. Returning the children to their parents. ------------------------------------------- 5. Nothing can be out of place or lacking space or be out of sequence because Mind is always in control. ------------------------------------------- 6. Giving and gratitude are the cure for lack. ------------------------------------------- 7. Lack Below is a list of some of the solutions that are effective to heal the believe of lack: 1. Forget about ‘ME’ attitude. TRASH it --- !!! a. Focus on everyone & everything EXCLUDING yourself. b. Homeless ~ (1)children, (2)adults, (3)animals. c. If you are homeless, forget it and focus on others. 2. Give generously & ANONYMOUSLY. 3. Express gratitude in ACTIONS about everything good. LOOK for good. Mary Baker Eddy did this 3 times a day. 4. SMILE ALL THE TIME from within so it is NOT fake. Smile with JOY in your heart. 5. If you cannot figure out why you should be joyful --- forget Christian Science --- you are lost and do not want to be found. 6. You should be able to make a gratitude list of 100 spiritual qualities anytime 24/7/365 --- !!! ------------------------------------------- 8. Wisdom of a Pastor: a. The parents were members of his church and had 6 children. b. They lived in a 1 room apartment. c. Sunday ~ they complained to the Pastor that they needed more rooms. d. Monday ~ a knock on the door. The Pastor brought 6 goats, and left them in their room. e. The Pastor said have FUN, I'll come back in a month and see how you are doing. f. One month later, the Pastor checked on them. g. They were all happy, having fun playing with the goats. h. The Pastor returned the goats to their owner. i. The parents said WOW, we have so much room. j. Gratitude for what one has always bring joy to the heart. ------------------------------------------- 9. Authors mentioned 1. Christ Jesus ~ Perfect Man 2. Mary Baker Eddy ~ (a) System of Divine metaphysics (b) A little here, a little there 3. Frederick L Rawson ~ Make other people happy 4. President Trump ~ The art of the deal 5. Helen Wright ~ (a) Your Divinity Revealed (b) Eleven components defined 6. Wentworth Winslow ~ 4 books about God 7. Bicknell Young ~ First one to realize that the Mind of God is the one & only Mind that exists
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SUMMARY This treatment addresses the common failure to treat something that is small. If we cut our finger, we just clean it off and put a Band Aid on it and forget it. That is the wrong thing to do. 1. The correct thing to do is to address the mishaps being something that is in conflict with God. God is Mind, Mind is intelligence. So there could not be an unintelligent activity that takes place because God is also the only action. 2. Mary Baker Eddy has stated that she has reduced Christian Science to a system, one that is comprehensible by this age. See Science and Health p146:31 3. We need to study to understand the system to which Mary Baker Eddy refers. 4. Every big business is under some kind of a structure where they are all working toward a common goal, all of the participants in the company. 5. There is a structure that is involved in every worldwide activity. 6. There is a hierarchy, one or more at the top that make decisions. The board of directors, a chairman of the board usually in the top order. 7. The officers that work for the board, each officer has other ones working under them and so forth. 8. The system of Christian Science is the same. At the head of the table is God. 9. There are seven departments working under God. They are Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth and Love. And there are operators. The operators are the word Christ, Christianity and Science. 10. We need to understand this structure. The seven terms for God and the four operators, just like mathematics, has the ten digits zero to nine and has the operators of add, subtract, multiply and divide. 11. Everything Mary Baker Eddy did was highly structured with a system, a plan and a design. 12. Anyone that says system is not followed by metaphysical studies are totally bananas. 13. If you study the mathematics, or music without utilizing the system, structure, plan and design will fail. 14. This is true in every major aspects in life. 15. A guaranteed way to fail is that no structure, no plan, no system and no design . 16. If we do not tend to little things that are discord then we will not be prepared to handle difficult things. 17. If we let mortal mind alone or anything that is discordant, then it will grow. 18. The idea is we need to analyze, expose and to annihilate and demonstrate, explain it away with the truth. 19. We cannot let anything go unattended. 20. The smaller is the more important because it grows when it's ignored and then it becomes a bigger problem. 21. The most important thing to remember is that there is nothing but God. 22. Authors that were mentioned: 1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Robert C Putnam 4. Frederick L Rawson 5. Richard Strain 6. Wentworth Winslow 7. Helen Wright
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Eyes, Vision, Astigmatism ~ How to heal it? 230822 ~ Treatment ~ 54 min MP3
All That Counts
Solo Committee
Musician MP3
SUMMARY 1. Every one must work out their own salvation, Frederick L Rawson, in his book entitled 'Treatment or Healing by True Prayer', provides this treatment on astigmatism. One medical belief is that astigmatism is due to slight irregularity in the configuration of the eyeball, resulting in indistinct sight. There is no astigmatism, man's eyes are spiritual and perfect; man's eyeball is never out of shape, man's eyeball is spiritual and perfect, for God is the Principle of all law and order, and all God's ideas are governed by law and order. Man's muscles are never out of order, everything in consciousness is perfect and works perfectly. 2. EXPAND THE TREATMENT We do not want to just repeat something out of a textbook and think that that is going to do wonders for us. We have to internalize the spiritual nature of the message, and one way to do that is to expand it by relating it to each of the synonyms for God. This treatment includes doing so for the first synonym, which is mind, and the various key attributes of mind are included as a reminder. 3. HEALING PROCESS STRUCTURE a. Analyzed and defined the error b. Expose the error c. Eradicate the error by explaining it away with the truth d. Sealing it to protect it against reversal. 4. AUTHORS ~ REFERENCED a. Christ Jesus ~ Seeing the perfect man b. Mary Baker Eddy ~ System of Christian science c. Frederick L Rawson ~ Make others happy d. Wentworth Winslow ~ 4 books about God and article on anachronism e. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed
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He that Hath God his Guardian Made
Susan Mack
Vocalist MP3
SUMMARY As a noun, organ is like a musical instrument, and it's known for its large variety of sounds. It, and of course, an expert organist, is going to make sure those sounds are concordant. As a verb, it is a compound series of functions which are all concordant. And we could think of any organ of one's so called material body as having certain functions, and there's usually an input, a process, and an output. If we think of each of those as being of a spiritual nature, then we can heal anything that appears to be defective in the so called organ. Mr. Rawson, in his book 'Treatment or Healing' by True Prayer, gives us 1,315 examples of different ailments, as well as in the appendix defining the functions of the major parts of what are commonly called a material body. The real body is a product of our thoughts.Authors mentioned in this treatment includes:
1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Albert Einstein 4. Frederick L. Rawson, 5. Wentworth, Winslow It's an individual decision how one handles the process of healing, but all the tools are available from the Mary Baker Eddy website. Mary Baker Eddy herself stated that her most successful instantaneous healings were when she devoted time each day, several times throughout the day, to think just about the perfection of everything in existence. In other words, she got her thought off of busy daily activities and focused just on the spiritual nature of perfection and how it permeates all existence. The only reality of any substance is spirit, and it is flawless. Keeping that in mind enables one to better address any kind of a problem that one faces by translating and interpreting what appears as a situation based on matter and converting it to the reality of spirit. As Mr. Rawson says, there is nothing but God.
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SUMMARY In considering the topic of vision, what is the object? What instrument should we be using? What is the viewpoint that we are seeking? Mary Baker Eddy states that we have an opportunity on how we're going to use our moment, and our decision could make the difference between success and failure. How are we going to use our moment? Regarding these three questions, the result of our decision could very well be the difference between an imperfect or even being blind versus perfect vision. Blind to the truth is being blind. A full view of evil, is being blind. Insisting on only seeing reality is perfect vision. Authors mentioned in this treatment includes: 1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Albert Einstein 4. Frederick L Rawson 5. Wentworth Winslow
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Truth is Revealed 230819 ~ Treatment ~ 53 min MP3
SUMMARY FIELD OF DREAMS is a movie that inspires thinking outside the box and to pursue inspiration and do not let anything interfere with your pursuit of carrying forward the ideas that come from the inspiration. Truth is revealed is the title of this recording. And it refers to the Mary Baker Eddy Institute website, which is (mbeinstitute.org) in which there is a 100% effort to bring forth the truth about thescience of Christian Science to promote the system that Mary Baker Eddy delivered to us as stated on page 146,
when she says that science has now been reduced to a system. Successful people have indicated that the more important the project is that they're working on, the more temptations there are to yield to resistance and to let things interfere with the forward movement of the project.Mary Baker Eddy had tremendous resistance on everything she was doing.
Her own church, her own board of directors. Everyone basically was interfering or trying to interfere, just like Jesus. Jesus faced only a handful of people that even came to his crucifixion, even though he had taught tens of thousands of people. Out of his twelve disciples,only John, in the end, was faithful.
He's the only one that showed up at the crucifixion, and he suffered being put in a pot of boiling oil. But he survived because of his loyalty to truth, he was exiled to the island of Patmos. He ended up receiving from Jesus, who dictated the Book of Revelation to him and delivered to Christianity the Book of Revelation, which gave us many wonderful prophecies and statements of truth.His body was never found, so it is presumed that he, as did Jesus, ascended
completely overcame the belief of life, truth and intelligence in matter, including what was deemed a material body. Everyone has an obligation to support the activities of any activity that is devoted to serving the betterment of mankind. That certainly is the motive of the Mary Baker Eddy website (mbeinstitute.org).If one wants to get the most out of what they study and gain from a resource, then they will give something back.
Because there is never anything that is truly free.There is never something for giving nothing.
There is no obligation. But when someone makes an investment, it's more unlikely they will receive more back than if they try to get something for nothing. Everyone needs to work out their own salvation, and it is entirely up to the individual to decide if they've received something of value that they want to give back.The most important thing to remember is that God is all there is.
Authors Included: 1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Albert Einstein 4. Mary Baker Eddy Institute 5. Fredrick L Rawson 6. Wentworth Winslow References ~ Publications: 1. 41 Parables of Jesus 2. 1,315 treatments by Fredrick L Rawson 3. More than 100 treatments by Mary Baker Eddy Institute 4. Four Books on God - by Wentworth Winslow References ~ Events 1. Crucifixion 2. Jesus preaching & teaching tens of thousands
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Progress Continuous
Learning Disability – A-Z ~ How to heal it from beginning to end
SUMMARY 1. The past means nothing. This moment means everything. 2. Where is our conviction? Do we want to experience progress? Then all we have to do is to update our thoughts to a higher and higher level of progress. We need to go up in the airplane, up in the rocket ship. We need to get above the current level where we are presently and look at everything from a higher view. 3. Ones who have been very successful in business, utilized big ideas. Big ideas are the seed of big progress. You cannot think with a limited thought and receive big benefits. 4. Einstein stated that you cannot solve a problem if you are trying to deal with it on the level where the problem occurred. You have to go to a higher dimension. 5. Mary Baker Eddy says, what are we going to do with our moments? The difference between what is done with the moments is often the difference between success and failure. 6. A moment is defined as the smallest measurement of time. 7. Can we look in the mirror and honestly say, I have utilized the moments productively all day long. 8. This moment will be utilized right now. 9. The next moment will be utilized productively. 10. Thinking will be directed to applying the facts of God to what is being done right now ~ no matter what it is: i. Vocation ii. Avocation iii. Hobby iv. Profession 11. Apply the facts of God to all: i. Thought ii. Speech iii. Action References from the following: 1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Maria Brunson 4. Albert Einstein 5. John (St. John the divine ~ Disciple) 6. Mary Magdalene 7. John Morgan 8. Robert Putnam (PhD) 9. Fredrick L Rawson 10. Simon (The Pharisee) 11. Stamp and Moss 12. Wentworth Winslow Events include: 1. The parables of Jesus 2. The Crucifixion
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All That Counts
Solo Committee
Musician MP3
SUMMARY 1. Conviction (1000%) determined the problem can be solved. All TSA must witness this conviction. 2. Isolate atmosphere so no one that knows anything about the to anyone -- PERIOD --- disappear for all intensive purposes from civilization that knows anything about the perceived false flag. 4. Tools to embark on an advanced learning program: Included all items that would be pursued by a normal life by someone that was considered at least average in learning capability. 5. Anyone that was a tutor or teacher of any type must be monitored to assure that there was absolutely no clue there was a so-called learning disability. No thought speech or action could be identified as yielding to the so-called belief. Piano teacher was an excellent eg of unlimited thinking. 6. Teach how to read 7. Taught all normal activities: swim, ice skate, biking, acrobatics, piano, cooking. 8. Bone structure changed 9. Dedicated to Christian Science daily study
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SUMMARY It does not matter what the topic is because Mind is in total control of all existence. There is no other source of control. Mind is defined by Mary Baker Eddy, She says that: 1. Mind is incorporeal divine, supreme and infinite. She also says that God is the great I am, all knowing, all seeing, all acting, all wise, all loving and eternal. 2. Spirit is flawless. 3. Soul is spiritual sense. 4. Principle is system and structure. 5. Life is strength and courage. 6. Truth is consciousness and motive. 7. Love is wholeness, completeness. It is nurturing all of the other qualities of God, bringing it to fulfillment, no matter what the topic. If we apply these basic elements of what control is and its source, which is Mind, then we will bring about success. What is success? 1. It is clearing our thought of anything that is unlike God. 2. It is focusing on reality, no matter what comes our way. 3. Focusing on Truth 4. Focusing on who really is in control. List of the authors that were mentioned: 1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Maria Brunson 4. Joel Goldsmith 5. Frederick L Rawson 6. Wentworth Winslow
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Choose Good
Susan Mack
Vocalist MP3
SUMMARY It is common to talk down and considered ridiculous that there is a formula for success. I would like for you to find anyone who has been successful in which there could not be a formula imposed or laid over what the individual actually did to become successful. I think its impossible. Mary Baker Eddy was very systematic and very structured in everything she did. Once she was finished with getting to the end of the final edition of Science and Health in about 1906 or 1907 she made a statement that she now reduced the system of divine metaphysics to a system, she rearranged the chapters and they fit into a system. There is a formula. Chapter 1 of Genesis follows a very specific formula. The key is to learn the formula. Mary Baker Eddy Institute (mbeinstitute.org) provides the formula. You only need to apply it uniquely and individually for your own salvation. Some of the characters mentioned in this recording 1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Robert C Putnam 4. Frederick L Rawson 5. Wentworth Winslow
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Susan Mack
Vocalist MP3
SUMMARY How do we demonstrate dominion in the midst of chaos. Anything at all that is unlike God is a false flag. A temptation to believe that: 1. God is not omnipresent 2. God is not omnipotent 3. God is not omniscient 4. God is not omni-active A temptation to believe that God lacks: 1. Intelligence 2. Wisdom 3. Knowing 4. Capacity 5. Capability 6. Creative ability 7. Functionality A temptation to believe that 1. God is made up of matter that is flawed. 2. That the personal senses are the real senses: seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling and smelling are all made up of a matter and operated by moral mind. 3. That life can be terminate to become death. 4. That life it is not eternal, not spiritual. 5. That the principle is out the window. 6. There is no structure, no system, no balance and no harmony. 7. Chaos will upset everything. 8. That Truth there is no standard, no foundation that we can depend on. 9. There is no love, everything is hate, fear and discord. 10. Evil will control you because it prevent you from being united. 11. You are not going to be united with God or with others like-minded thinking individuals. 12.You may pursue a better understanding of God but out there you are all alone. 13. Evil will turn your life upside down. 14. You are going to think that there is nothing to control all these false flags. 15. Evil will make you believe that they are all real and outside of anyone's control. THE SOLUTION: 1. Deny that reality or anything unlike God is false. 2. Affirm the qualities of God are true. 3. Know there is nothing but God.
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Dear Lord and Father of Us All
Newsong Vocalist MP3
SUMMARY Uniqueness of this treatment is that it includes two events. The one recording this treatment experienced both events on Aug 12, 2023. 1. Groceries loaded into taxi and taxi disappears 2. Money given to worker for shopping and worker disappears with the money. Authors mentioned in the treatment 1. Christ Jesus 2. Mary Baker Eddy 3. Frederick L Rawson 4. Wentworth Winslow Procedure for Healing 1. Analyze the error 2. Expose the error 3. Eradicate the error 4. Explain it away with Truth
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Dear Lord and Father of Us All
Newsong Vocalist MP3
There are two parties involved in the communication. One is the qualities of God which are announcing themselves without the interruption and the other is the individual who should be comparing what they are trying to communicate and comparison with what the facts are about the loss of God. There should be an alignment, if they are aligned then the communication is automatically complete.
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Jairus’ Daughter
Susan Mack
Vocalist MP3
The only reason that the individual's time is different than the God's time is that the individual is not ready. In other words there are some pieces missing somewhere to make the project complete and therefore it is not come to conclusion. We need to compare what God is saying and his principle which is controlling the situation where we are end of development of the particular topic in hand.
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This is not from Mary Baker Eddy but it is utilizing the inspiration from the Diapason of Heaven by Mary Baker Eddy Class Notes 1881 to 1898. But it is from extemporaneous inspiration in an expanded form. One of the terms which is really a two word terms for Mind is creative ability. This appears to be the beginning when one desires to think about any topic. Science and Health indicates that all creative ability is from MIND and of course God is Mind. Infact, everything that is real is God. For there is nothing but God. God is all in all.
Send Out Thy Light
The Solo Committee Musician MP3
Blessings need to be repaid.
There are many ways to give.
Many types of gratitude.
We receive benefits based on what we willingly give..
Lead Me To The Rock
The Solo Committee Musician MP3
Belief of abnormal growth on the body.
How to heal it?
What is the real meaning of body?