Man vs Humanity is Giving vs Taking 241224
Hymn 51 ~ Eternal Mind ~ Lyrics
Eternal Mind the Potter is, And thought th’ eternal clay: The hand that fashions is divine, His works pass not away. Man is the noblest work of God, His beauty, power and grace, Immortal; perfect as his Mind
Reflected face to face. God could not make imperfect man His model infinite; Unhallowed thought He could not plan, Love’s work and Love must fit. Life, Truth and Love the pattern make, Christ is the perfect heir;
Quotes & Definitions 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View All above Index 6. System of divine metaphysics ~ Page View Some Key Points 1. The system of divine metaphysics is all about Christian Science. 2. The problem in realizing this is that not only have we accepted on the most part that we are born a sinner & therefore have a constant task ahead of us of working out the problem of being.
3. Media constantly feeds us lie upon lie about everything. 4. Mary Baker Eddy tells us very plainly to follow your leader only so far as she follows Christ. 5. If you contemplate the quote from Shakespeare, you will realize that what we experience is what we feed into our thought. 6. If we don't feed it into our thought, then our thought is going to respond to universal belief. 7. So it's very important for us to deny any error that is in universal belief so that we can shift gears from going backwards by believing a universal belief of materialism & shift into neutral & then forward by understanding & following the truth.
8. The only way we can really understand anything is to live it & prove it to ourselves. 9. Life eternal ~ A life of giving which multiplies spiritual goodness & adds it to universal thought & delivers life eternal. 10. Life lost ~ A life of taking which subtracts from spiritual goodness & divides unity & produces chaos. This is a focus on materiality & is all evil. The evil delivers hell & death to universal thought. 11. If we pay even the slightest attention to what is going on in our govt & the govts around the world, it is easy to see that evil always attempts to divide goodness & then destroy it.
Having fun with family, giving and receiving joyfully to everyone, brightens up the atmosphere.
The Toys’ Waltz

Home for Christmas ~ 65 Min

O Come All Ye Faithful