Joel Goldsmith
Joel Goldsmith ~ Christian Science Author ~ Biography & Publication Index
Father healed of pneumonia:
In 1915, Joel’s father became critically ill with pneumonia while in England and word was sent to the Goldsmith family to come for the body. However, according to Joel, his father was healed by a Christian Science practitioner in London. When his father unexpectedly recovered, Joel began to ask questions about the existence and nature of God and to began to educate himself about Christian Science. (Continued below)
After serving in the United States Marines during World War I, Joel returned to the family business, which soon failed owing to competition from the post-war ready-made garment industry. He then became a salesman. HEALING OF TUBERCULOSIS: At this time Joel became ill with tuberculosis. When given a medical prognosis of three months to live, he consulted a Christian Science practitioner. He recovered within three months. HEALED OF PNEUMONIA: While on a return sales business trip from Europe, he developed pneumonia and again was healed by a Christian Science Practitioner. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PRACTITIONER BY POPULAR DEMAND: After the last healing noted above, he continued his study of Christian Science. By his own account, business clients and strangers began to seek him out unsolicited, asking him to pray for their recovery. Gradually, he abandoned his livelihood as a salesman and became a full-time Christian Science Practitioner. JOEL PRACTICES CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALING FOR INMATES: He joined a Christian Science church in New York, served as a spiritual adviser and Practitioner at Rikers Island Prison, and established himself as a general practitioner of Christian Science healing. RELIES ON GOD, OFFERS HEALING FOR FREE: He soon adopted a policy of never charging for his healing services and depending solely upon God to provide for his needs through unsolicited sources of income. MOVES TO BOSTON AND STARTS NEW HEALING PRACTICE: He then moved to Boston and established himself again as a Christian Science Practitioner for a period of 10 years. INSTANTANEOUS HEALINGS: Joel became known in Boston for the instantaneous healing work which occurred time and again with a large number of one-time visitors to his office every day. He was resented by those who did not have that level of success. Time to move out from under an “organization” Show all
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1 | Pub Article | Article | Lesson for Rest of Life | Lesson to Sam, A | Show all | 2 pgs ~ Now, Sam, THIS LESSON is important because it is not just a lesson for one day. If you are faithful in putting this into practice, it will be sufficient for the rest of your life, even if you never receive another lesson from me. -- CLICK PDF to view Complete details | |
2 | Pub Article | Article | Contemplative Life, Unity & Healing, Learning to Meditate, Consciousness | Starting the Contemplative Life | Show all | 232 pgs ~ The question is not one of attaining at first that degree of illumination which would set one up as a spiritual teacher, but how to attain sufficient illumination or enlightenment to be able to free oneself from the discords and inharmonies of human living -- Click PDF to view Complete details. |
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