Christian Science Author ~ Yvonne Reus ~ Biography and Publication Index
1. Biography ~ Not Available
2. Christian Science Book - The Comforter ~ Intro ~ Please see below
3. Publications ~ The Comforter, Physics to Metaphysics 1, 2 & 3 --- Please SCROLL or CLICK to GO NOW
Christian Science Book ~ The Comforter – Physics To Metaphysics ~ Introduction
When I was in high school my mother experienced a wonderful healing as the result of prayer given by a Christian Science practitioner. It ushered our family into a new way of life. This healing experience along with many others is detailed in my book. Thereafter I attended regularly Christian Science services and in my adult years I taught in the Sunday School. Within the last few years I began an in-depth study of Christian Science leading me to question if the scientific world, particularly the physicists, had yet awakened to the ramifications of the universe as constructed by Mind itself, and the nothingness of matter. Reading some of the current books on the subject of physics, I found they most definitely had! They were even saying that a new religion was needed to accommodate their amazing findings. Now I knew that the religion for which they were searching was already established and well-proven. It even had a textbook to explain it, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” written by a New England woman, Mary Baker Eddy. As I studied this treatise in conjunction with the Bible, it dawned on me, “Nobody knows this! The Science of the Bible and the science the physicists investigate are identical. I could see that the physicists' findings ratify the Science hidden in the deep meaning of the Scriptures, and which has been proven indisputably for more than one hundred years by Christian Science. So welcome to my book and the story of why “The spiritual status is urging its highest demands on mortals, and material history is drawing to a close.” (Science and Health, p. 45: 25-27)
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PRINTED BOOK: The Comforter Physics to Metaphysics Complete Edition, which includes all 3 volumes, can be purchased from Amazon.
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1 | 1 | The Comforter, Physics to Metaphysics, 1 | SHOW ALL | FOREWORD: Matter now has been entirely excluded as an objective substance over which we have little or no control. This means that all of mankind and its universe must be dematerialized and now understood to be scientifically spiritual. This great truth will transform science, theology, and medicine in ways we can barely begin to imagine. Since it is the science that has always existed, it must be a principle consisting of laws which govern everything with absolute perfection. It must, in fact, be an unchanging, invariable science which mankind can understand and depend upon for every conceivable need. Taking incorrect beliefs and trust out of matter which seems to exist outside of ourselves, “out there,” we will find that we have complete control of our lives. Our health, welfare, happiness, and our fears, hatreds, “bad luck,” will come not from “out there” but will be seen as under our own mental control, as our protection from evil and our source of all good. -- Please see publication to view complete Foreword. |
2 | 2 | The Comforter, Physics to Metaphysics, 2 | SHOW ALL | FOREWORD: This volume will take the reader into the Old Testament of the Bible, a book which is little or imperfectly understood today. The physicists’ great discovery, however, now ratifies its symbolism as intended by its authors. You will discover that prescient men and women of those long-ago times did indeed have a remarkable sense of the allness of God and nothingness of matter. Their unprecedented proofs of their sense of God as a dependable principle is on full display throughout the Scriptures. Beginning with the creation stories, both versions, in Genesis, ending with the Book of Malachi, the Bible can now be interpreted with the understanding of the “new science” discovered by the physicists. The Bible will be seen with new eyes and deeper appreciation for its timeless message depicted in mankind’s journey from illusive material beliefs to our true identity as the forever expression of God, the divine Mind behind the universe. -- Please see publication to view complete Foreword. |
3 | 3 | The Comforter, Physics to Metaphysics, 3 | SHOW ALL | FOREWORD: This volume begins with an exploration of the New Testament illustrating once again how the “new science” was liberally used by Jesus, his disciples, and the apostles. They demonstrated their understanding in ways not even seen today – raising the dead, walking on water, multiplying food, healing every imaginable disease, and transporting their bodies from place to place. The universe, which could not exist unless perfectly formed, expresses the whole “body” of God in all its perfection. Jesus shows his disciples, and through their writings, us, that no belief of material substance can withstand the Truth. -- Please see publication to view complete Foreword. |
Review: SHOW ALL
A review of this book by Ann Beals is as follows: As many of us know, physicists in the scientific community have announced that there is no matter in the universe; all is mind or consciousness. In this book, which includes all three volumes in one by by Yvonne Reus we have a summary of where we are in this journey. We find that the “new physics” is bringing to light a dimension of the universe that is the source of the energy, life, and creativity of all things. It is a source which holds everything in perfect equilibrium. This suggests a universal intelligence, a “God” as we would say. Eventually it will lead necessarily to the merging of religion and science into one complete explanation of reality. Many physicists are trying to explain this unseen dimension in the universe as a spiritual “Cause.” Mrs. Reus has written a book that brings out this “new-to- most-of-mankind” discovery. She brings to our attention the wonderful fact that this knowledge of God was known and used in Bible times, though it was thought by most to be miraculous in that age. Prescient men and women, who were highly spiritual, however, healed physical and other difficult situations using their consciousness of this forever-operative science or “God” as a sure solution… That mankind is not forever up against sin, sickness, disease, and death is this revelation, discussed at length in our Holy Bible. Its message, brought out fully in her book, explains this wonderful “science” as it developed in mankind’s thought from “the beginning” with Adam and Eve, symbolizing mankind’s usurpation of the universal science for their own sinful selfish wants. It takes us through the thousands of years needed before we were ready to return to our spiritual reality as spiritual manifestations of the eternal truth of creation’s perfect harmony, and as finally illustrated by Jesus and his disciples and apostles. Mrs. Reus, having been a Christian Scientist for many years, read about the physicists’ discovery with great joy, for it attributed to what would have to be called “God” the universal, perfect workings of the universe, including mankind. It obliterates “matter” as an entity and cause. It affirms “Mind” as the only creator. Christian Science, discovered and then founded by a woman, Mary Baker Eddy, in the mid-1800s-1910, used that knowledge to do magnificent healing work, just as Jesus and his disciples and apostles did. She taught her students to do it, wrote a book, Science and Health with Key To The Scriptures and established a church to carry on the education and healing for all of mankind in the early years. In another book she wrote, “As we struggle through the cold night, matter will become vague and melt into nothing under the microscope of Mind.” (The People’s Idea of God, 10:5-7) Evan Walker, PhD, a physicist, writes: “We have fathomed the relationship between mind phenomena and quantum mechanics- between miracle and physics. In all of this, we can see the miracles of our faiths, which seemed to defy all reason, now lie within the grasp of understanding that these things do not violate the laws of the universe but rather form a part of a reality that bonds man, mind, and God together in a lawful and knowing universe. We can now understand that these miracles are the inevitable consequence of our own being.” In other words, they are not miraculous, but normal outcomes of applying the ever-operative Principle (God) of the universe, its law of perfection, which governs all. When we know this is the truth, a healing or satisfactory outcome appears. He continues: “All of us have known the materialists’ vision of reality. All of us have spent our lives boxed up in it. Maybe now, some of us can see beyond this. Maybe now some of us can see the justification of faith. Maybe some of us can see deep in all of this the God of Abraham, see the Trinity, see miracles as more than myth in shaping who we are. . . We have seen that the discoveries of the 20th century have altered the view of reality as something that can be understood apart from the observer who is a part of that reality: we have been forced to abandon the concept of objective reality. After so many hints, we see that we must restructure our concepts of nature and put ourselves back in the picture. Finally, we see that we must understand consciousness, so obviously a part of reality, in order to understand fully any part of the design.” (Evan Harris Walker, The physics of consciousness (capitalization per book cover), Basic Books Perseus Book Group, NY 2000) There is a new merging of science and religion coming about. Many physicists are writing books similar to the one by Mr. Walker. Mrs. Reus shows that the present need for one scientific viewpoint, one that combines science and religion, has already been supplied with the coming of Christian Science or the “new Science.” In the first chapter of her book, Mrs. Reus immediately introduces Mrs. Eddy and Christian Science Throughout her book, she includes this “new Science” as the way to understand the Bible, which is steeped in it. She also includes a detailed history of Mrs. Eddy’s life, including her healing work. She sees the Bible as a scientific book that is the earliest evidence of this “new Science”, -proof that everyone can understand and use the scientific laws and healing elements in this newly discovered dimension to meet every need, as Christ Jesus did. The world has yet to discover the healing power of prayer hidden in this spiritual realm. Slowly the world will learn that Christian Science is a scientific discovery of the first magnitude, for it explains the scientific relationship between science and religion. What proof is there of this? Proof is found in the thousands of recorded healings all due to prayer in Christian Science. The world will discover that understanding and obeying the spiritual laws in this largely unknown realm will give to them the power of “prayer,” using the known facts of the universe and its perfection enables us to heal every situation. Then everyone will want what this “new Science” teaches and how to practice the power that prayer gives them. In this way, the merging of science and religion will become a form of scientific enlightenment that will grow into a world-wide study of the “new Science.” Mrs. Reus has written of the role Christian Science will have as the world moves ever deeper into the realm of Mind, which is the Principle, Life, and Truth of all creation. In Christian Science we will learn that the divine Science of the universe is also Spirit, Soul, and Love. This higher understanding of our Creator and ourselves as the expression of it will serve to propel us into the very promise given us by Christ Jesus, “He that believeth in me shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” Jesus tells us that his “me” is “the way, the truth, and the life.” “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me.” The true view we will gain of that will propel us into eternal life—no more sin, sickness, or death.” The Creator and creation is perfect and remain forever so. I highly recommend this book, for it gives us a good indication of where we are headed as time ticks away. Scientific progress will gradually draw together science and religion into one magnificent concept. This scientific explanation of God and man leads to an understanding of the healing works recorded in the Bible and how we can accomplish them today. Many examples of healing are recorded and explained. Ann Beals, founder of The Bookmark.
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