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Dr. Francis J. Fluno

Christian Science Author ~ Dr. Francis J. Fluno C.S.D
Biography and Publication Index

1. Biography of Dr. Francis J. Fluno C.S.D ~ Please see below
2. Criticism ~ Both Pdf and Mp3 ~ Please see below
3. Mary Baker Eddy Classes 1881 1898 ~ Class Notes ~ Please see below
4. Christian Science ~ 8 Lectures ~ Please see below

Dr. Fluno was a homeopathic doctor before he found Christian Science in 1884, at which time he abandoned his profession to become a Christian Science practitioner. After taking class with Mrs. Eddy in 1885, he and Mrs. Fluno located permanently in Oakland, California, where he was a practitioner, teacher, and pastor of the local Christian Science church. He was appointed by Mrs. Eddy to lecture on Christian Science throughout the United States. He served in this capacity from 1898 until 1919.  Both the life and the papers of this extraordinary man are an inspiring example of Christian Science lived Show all


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3. MP3 is also available for Criticism. Please CLICK TITLE OR DESCRIPTION to Listen Complete MP3.
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# Title Topic Topic Desc Description
# Title Topic Topic Desc Description
1 Christian Science ~ Pure metaphysics True Qualities are Permanent Show all
Additional Topics are as follows:
Spirit the Only Basis, Life is Self-Existent, Eternity is Now, Gaining Freedom, Mrs Eddy's Discovery, Science and the Bible, Pathology and Medicine, True Life and Health, 
2a Criticism ~ PDF See Description Show all
2 Page - Criticism is fault-finding. It shuts you out of heaven. It will darken all your skies. It will keep you from demonstrating for yourself and others. It will 
2b Criticism ~ Mp3 See Description Show all
2 Page - Criticism is fault-finding. It shuts you out of heaven. It will darken all your skies. It will keep you from demonstrating for yourself and others. It will 
3 Mary Baker Eddy Classes 1881 1898 ~ Class Notes Seeking Reality Show all
Additional Topics are as follows:
The Kingdom, Stars — Spheres of Intelligent Thought, Salvation, Recapitulation, The Absolute and the Relative, Citations on “Absolute” and “Relative”, “In Science” and “Out of Science”
THE BOOKMARK ~ Our sincere gratitude to The Bookmark for providing content for this author. Some of the items are rare & not available elsewhere. They offer a comprehensive selection of print, downloads, & audio recordings. They have been in business since 1980. Please browse their website for further information.  Website

Christian Science Lectures
1. TITLE ~ Please CLICK to view or download Lecture.
2. SHOW ALL ~ Please CLICK to view expanded DESCRIPTION.
3. Lectures ~ Compliments of cslectures.org ~ To Go To site CLICK
T# # Group Category Topic Title Author Expand Description
T# # Group Category Topic Title Author Expand Description
1 1 MBE CSD Students Lecture Christian Science and Christian Scientists Christian Science and Christian Scientists Fluno, Francis J Show all "Christian Science is the law of Truth" (Science and Health p. 482) known, understood, and found demonstrable. It is the
2 2 MBE CSD Students Lecture Christian Science vs. Finite Sense (1) Christian Science vs. Finite Sense (1) Fluno, Francis J Show all Finite sense has all things material and nothing spiritual. Christian Science has all things spiritual and nothing material. Christian Science is
3 3 MBE CSD Students Lecture Christian Science vs. Finite Sense (2) Christian Science vs. Finite Sense (2) Fluno, Francis J Show all Christian Science is the Science of being, and necessarily includes all there is of being. It is an education in
4 4 MBE CSD Students Lecture Pure Metaphysics Christian Science ~ Pure Metaphysics Fluno, Francis J Show all The term metaphysics, derived from two Greek words, meta, meaning over, above, or beyond, and physics, meaning physical, signifies over, beyond, or above the
5 5 MBE CSD Students Lecture Christian Science, and the World's Great Need of It Christian Science, and the World's Great Need of It Fluno, Francis J Show all The subject of my lecture is "Christian Science, and the World's Great Need of It." But Christian Science is the
6 6 MBE CSD Students Lecture Reasonable & Rational View of all things Christian Science: A Reasonable and Rational View of all Things Fluno, Francis J Show all "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as
7 7 MBE CSD Students Lecture Claims of CS on the Modern World The Claims of Christian Science on the Modern World Fluno, Francis J Show all The average man, until awakened by Truth in divine Science, is mainly in his mental swaddling clothes, whose horizon is
8 8 MBE CSD Students Lecture The Mission of Christian Science The Mission of Christian Science Fluno, Francis J Show all By way of introduction let me say it is not our province, desire or purpose to teach Christian Science in