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Mary Baker Eddy

Rudimental Divine Science
Eddy, Mary Baker
Non-Existence of Matter
available later

Christian Science ~ 16 books by Mary Baker Eddy

4 ~ Rudimental Divine Science ~ Chpt 7 ~ Non-Existence of Matter

  	    Is there no matter? 

  	    All is Mind. According to the Scriptures and Christian
21	Science, all is God, and there is naught beside Him. "God
  	is Spirit;" and we can only learn and love Him through
  	His spirit, which brings out the fruits of Spirit and ex-
24	tinguishes forever the works of darkness by His marvel-
  	lous light. 
  	    The five material senses testify to the existence of
Rudimental Divine Science by Mary Baker Eddy                          5

 1	matter. The spiritual senses afford no such evidence,
  	but deny the testimony of the material senses. Which
 3	testimony is correct? The Bible says: "Let God be
  	true, and every man a liar." If, as the Scriptures imply,
  	God is All-in-all, then all must be Mind, since God is
 6	Mind. Therefore in divine Science there is no material
  	mortal man, for man is spiritual and eternal, he being
  	made in the image of Spirit, or SHOW ALL