0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later
Malice Against Truth


This class of thought embraces a much wider range of evil thinking :han is usually recognised. The ordinary form is when a man says, for nstance, of literature on a spiritual basis, “lam not going to have this ?ubbish in my house,” but it also includes the class of thought which disparages spiritual workers and makes people criticise those who are working in the truth, or criticise arrangements made to help people, >r criticise the literature on Truth.
There is no malice against Truth, man loves Truth, knows Truth, md rejoices in Truth, for God is Truth and man is the knowledge of 3od, the knowledge of Truth, reflecting Spirit, the Principle of all goodness and holiness.
Malice against Truth is often expressed by malice against an individual, jften through the latent idea that he knows or expresses more of Truth han the one showing malice. To work against this one realises that 10 mortal ever passes on ideas of Truth or expresses Truth, Truth is ilways expressing Itself, ever active, ever present. Man and his fellow nan equally know Truth, love Truth, and manifest Truth.
There is no malice against the terminology or nomenclature of Truth, for God is the only speaker and the only healer. All words are ideas of God, Truth, and man has perfect understanding of every idea of Truth.