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Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later


Man never suffers from want of sleep, for man is spiritual; man never sleeps, for man is God’s consciousness: "Behold, be that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep" (Ps. 121:4). God, Mind, is ever active, and man, the consciousness of Mind, reflects God and is ever active. There is no weariness, for man is the consciousness of God, he is the infinite, unlaboured energy of God. Man is never restless, for man is the consciousness of infinite rest, infinite peace. There is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit; man is not material, he is spiritual. Man never fears the want of sleep, for he is ever active, and all activity is joyous. There is no fear, man has absolute trust in Gpd, trust in good. (Not sleeping does no harm. It is the belief in what follows if a man does not sleep which does the harm. If therefore the fear of these results is got rid of, the patient, as a rule, sleeps).