0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later


For examinations, take up and work against all the difficulties \\' hich arc likely to cause trouble. For instance, there is no fear, man has absolute trust in God, trust in good; there is nothing but good and man knuws there is nothing but good. There ~re no delays, God's ideas unfold to man with unfailing regularity ~nd instantly arc grouped· together into perfect combinations. "Mind .•. pOSSUJeJ of ilself all beal/V' and poelry, fllld Ibe p01per of expreuillg thent" (S. & H. p. 89). All is finished, perfect, and complete. There arc no mist~kes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge and is always absolutely accurate. There is no untidiness, all God's ideas arc always in the right place at the right time. There is no ignorance, God is the Principle of all knowledge, and man being God's consciousness, knows everything he needs instantly. Nothing can come to man that he docs not know, he knows instantly and perfectly everything that he needs. "For God givelh 10 a ",an Ihal i.r good ill his sighl lJ'isdofll, alld kl1ow/edge, and joy" (Ecc!. z : z6). 
During the examination pay your tithes to God, i.e., at the commence- ment of each subject, treat for, say, ten per cent of the total time. If the period is long, say two hours, then treat three or four times whilst you ~re doing the work, say twelve minutes in ~1I.