0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later
Wrong Place


Man is never in the wrong place, man is always in the right place, dwelling in the bosom of the Father, for man is always in Mind, God; a perfect being in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God, with perfect work, re-presenting God’s ideas and grouping them together into glorious combinations which radiate out in infinite Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness; for man is God’s consciousness, by means of which God thinks, and works, and acts; God is the only power and only ruler. There is no mortal mind to take man out of his right place, there is only one Mind, God; man is in that Mind, doing perfect work, re-presenting God’s ideas, for man is consciousness, God’s consciousness, a perfect being in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God. Man cannot be forced out of his place, man is poised in Mind. Man can never pass on God’s ideas to the wrong man, man is governed by God and by God alone. There is a perfect law of supply, when man needs an idea he knows where to get it; when man wants to pass on an idea, he knows where to pass it. Man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge, and knows everything he needs instantly. God’s ideas never go wrong, they are spiritual. The lesser idea's .never harm the higher ideas, they minister to man and benefit him.